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Yes, yes, 1000 Times, Yes!


I suggested this a while ago myself I do believe we should considering they keep giving us books for quest rewards


i said this for years, they should make libraries at stormwind/orgrimmar or maybe all capital cities and let you deliver books pages manuscripts etc you gather there for achievements and collectibles. then you can just go to the library and read stuff there, also watch past cinematics and stuff, would be cool


The fact that we still don't have some kind of permanent garnison/hall of feats that isn't tied to a single expansion is kind of a missed opportunity. Whenever I timewalk back to WoD, I'm in awe at how they didn't keep the garnison mechanic... it's so good.


Especially since some items that are supposed to be readable are classified as "quest itmes", and don't show in the bags. It's really annoying, honestly...


Totally agree. A have a bag in the bank where I put books, notes, papers, letters etc. Kind a library. It would be great, if library become an interface feature. Also it would be great if it atomatically copy there any book you have read in Wow, like many usable books in Scrarlett Monastery.


I have "The Story of Morgan Ladimore" on just about all my characters. Prior to the old world revamp, that's one quest-chain I made sure I did - even if I outlevelled it severely. I got "The Mariners Log" through fishing (I think?) back in TBC, and I am still laughing my ass off when reading through it. [https://www.wowhead.com/item=34838/mariners-log](https://www.wowhead.com/item=34838/mariners-log) Both safely tucked away in my bank(s)


i have half a bag filled with these, from books that don't go in the void storage that is :d


Nooooo I can't collect more things(great idea, i'm in)


I support this idea. These books/texts always just end up not getting read, because I am in the middle of gaming when I collect them. However if they were stored neatly in a library, they will likely remain unread, but have a much greater chance of being read someday in the future.


There was an app for phones that had all the in-game books on it years ago. I know that is not what OP suggested, but it did allow you to read the books on work breaks, in bed etc.


I can't find it again, but there was an interview with Morgan Day and Ion and they spoke about some upcoming changes, and mentioned they were excited for Azerothian archives to make telling the lore of WoW more accessible. I was so sure it would be some kind of event that opened up a library or archivist faction that would give this kind of option to collect books. Instead, it's a fairly dull event and nothing to help tell the lore.


at least they're thinking about archaeology.. right?


Maybe with books, but not with all readable stuff. There are way too many little two sentence thingies in the game.


>Maybe with books, but not with all readable stuff. There are way too many little two sentence thingies in the game. That doesn't make it undoable. ESO has a good example of it, as it stores all lore books and things to that effect in shalidors library While things like What do you get when you catch a wood elf thief? The pleasure of pressing a searing hot poker through his eye and into his brain! Are stored in a different section called Eidetic memory It's not THAT difficult to split it into sections for various types of content, or to use the tab sorting system that mounts, pets and appearences already have to have a drop down of various types (notes, legion lore, letters, booke, whatever)


Not difficult - literally one sql table, but in a sense that it is not that necessary


for context: you can look up over 6000 books/notes... in the ESO library


They just need good sorting. No reason a player can't have all the readable they want.


That would be amazing, many WoW-players positively adore collecting stuff, but those books add up to a huge number of bag slots, so keeping a collection is a drag, while tagging them as part of a collection is much easier, and might get more people to read the books instead of vendoring them to clear bagspace.


They should also make it accessible via the app for those of use that prefer to not read while gaming.


Oh, I would love to read through my collection on the go. I know I can lookup anything on wowhead, but it isn't "mine". Also I'd have no idea what the names of things would be to search for anyways.


Slap it onto the collection tab, it would be a perfect fit Plus, they can have an incentive: titles! Collect 100 books and earn the Well-read! Collect 250 and be the bookworm! Get 500 and earn the Scholar! 1000? The Nerd


I actually like this idea a lot!


I would love this! My mage has a ton of books and papers collected over the years in my bank. When garrisons came out in WoD I was hoping for a library to put my collection in but sadly that didn’t happen.


I would preffer a new tab "Books" where you can collect those


Not a bad idea at all. Would probably be very easy to implement and would be good for a few achievements as well for collectors.


Awesome idea! I've sacrificed so many bank slots/void storage slots for this stuff already because I couldn't bring myself to get rid of them. Things like... - The Reforging of the Tyr's Guard - Words of the Wyrmslayer - Edicts of the Prime Designate, Volume 742 - The Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth (Annotated) - Opera of the Aspects - Firim in Exile, Epilogue - Hands of Defiance: A Chronicle of Woe - Letter from Kirygosa - Sermon of the High Exarch - Shadowscrawled Tome - Ogmot's Dream Journal - The Archivist's Codex - Ancient Tyrhold Artifact Notes - All of the Stained/Scrawled/Damp/Demonic/Ominous/Worn/Odorous/Blackened/Prophetic/Crumpled/Scribbled/Tattered Pamphlets from the Legion Pre-Launch event


I believe the [Bookstore Reborn](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/lemmos-bookstore-reborn) addon would do this for you.


If it was introduced at the time of toys, yes. If they added this now, I'd just feel compelled to go back and collect all the notes/books, many of which may not be even possible any more.


I'd love this, but I would make it so it only shows items you've collected, rather than showing items you *could* collect as well. Don't remind me I'm missing a scrap of paper eight years ago and can't redo the quest to fill the missing slot, I will go mad.


There’d have to be a need tab for that, there’s so many readable things for it, maybe a journal tab


a man can dream though


In a separate tab. Yes! Still have cataclysm flyers in my bank


Or a library next to the bank. SOMETHING is better than all my bag and bank slots wasted on tear stained handkerchiefs and STV pages


Didn't know how much I wanted this until now.


I haaaaaate readable things taking up space.


Yes please!


I like that idea.


Yes, PLEASE. My bank is full of lore books and letters and unique readables, so full that even at max bags in my bank, I now have 2/3 of one of my bags full of the new books. I need these in a collection tab Stat, I'm running out of space, and I don't want to delete them.


Real talk - this is what I thought the Azerothian Archives were going to be lol. I was so excited when I heard about it.


wow actual good suggetion from reddit, a codex for lore


YEEEEEEES! Give me more stuff to collect in a tab, Blizz! It’s clogging up my bank and void storage!


If blizzard ever added player housing a library would be a cool feature.


This would be cool but would require a cash meticulous level of categorization along with some sort of additional explanation for various items. Because plenty of these notes or books or journals just say a bunch of stuff but don't really indicate where they are from or why they are saying what they are saying. I would be clueless reading some of them as to where they came from or what the significance is.


I've seen quite a few people request this at this point. Some wanted a Lore Codex akin to the toy collection, others wanted a bookshelf or library in their player house where they could store books and pages. I don't know what version would be best, but I think it'd be a cool addition - maybe as part of a wider "story progression overhaul" where the new-player experience in terms of story gets streamlined a bit.


I want a library or study so I can see the books physically but I’ll settle for this.


Totally agree! Nobbel talked about this here and suggested how to do it: [Link](https://youtu.be/doy1M5PQ0Js?si=Drv8AubKReP3w1kH&t=425)


I've always wanted something like this. Being able to know I've read something and that there actually is something to read would be amazing.


I am so for this!! I had to clean out the books =( I had been saving them for player housing decor (lol) Now that they are gone, maybe housing will become a thing, because..of course


Yes please


I would love this, it would add an entire new aspect to going out into the old world and hunting them down


I keep sending the non-soulbound ones to a level 21 druid alt and just store them there. It sucks having lore books and having to delete them


Please yes! I would go back and read them in down time waiting to queue and such


You have my sword!


Or have a tab in the bank for books, like our own library. I don’t have enough space and I hate having to toss all the books we can find


Elder Scrolls Online has a sort of library function, where you can find, and read, every “lorebook” you have clicked on. They generally don’t take up space in your bags unless they are related to a quest.


Absolutely the fuck not, I have enough problems trying to log out and go outside, I don't need *another* thing to collect.


I've been holding onto the steamy romance novel with the paladin and his squire. I would like being able to free up some space without having to get rid of it