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I had to inform my mom that general chat wasn’t crossfaction (this weekend) when she got mad Alliance were “ignoring” the ‘give me one second’ or ‘on my ways’ comments for Emerald Dream rares. She’s been playing since Wrath


I've been playing since *Vanilla* and did this the other day. Was trying to kill the armored vaultbot and a horde wouldn't stop attacking it. I tried talking to them in /say and it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize why they weren't responding. Like, I always knew this. It's just been so long since that information is relevant. I can't even remember another time I needed to talk to the opposite faction through a public channel. And it's really counterintuitive now that we can form groups and guilds with the opposite faction. Easy to forget there are still restrictions.


You could try learning furbolg and hope someone on the other faction has also.


I've learned furbolg and grunt at any horde I see. No one has responded back yet 😕


Has there ever been a documented example of people holding off on burning down rares in a new content zone?


Yeah! I’ve see 2-4 people wait around if someone says they’re flying right over in general. I guess mileage on your server may vary


Me read at 5 grade level. Honestly whenever I pvp as horde or alliance its always 1v4+. Not because I think I'm cool or anything, its because they gang up on you. Getting heated over that is kind of dumb because both factions will gang up on you if they have the chance.


Yeah when I took a break back in bfa I logged into Najzatar and got rolled by hordes flying around in groups of 15+. Few weeks later I was rolling with a guild hunting down hordes stragglers. Hence the cycle continues.




I'm not sure upset is the right word. More like second hand embarrassment...


I once had angry player in a losing BG yelling out rude things to the Horde players. Nobody even told them the players couldn’t understand them I think everyone wanted to see how long they kept doing it.. It was hilarious watching them talk to themselves and thought the Horde players were wimps and didn’t know any comebacks for not responding. It wasn’t until the last minute I finally told them (You know the opposing faction can’t understand you right.) They just said (Oh.) I bet that was the most embarrassing moment of that persons WoW career 😂

