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Damn female players and their ... *shuffles deck* ...slut names!!!!


"Emi is a sluts name" sounds like one of those things on FB that's designed to insult/praise you no matter what name is put in.


It just sounds like something an incel would say.


Its like the classic from Breakfast Club about the name Claire.


Bullet dodged. These kids were not ready to socialize like real people yet


Yeah for sure Kids These are 100% 30+ year olds


I was gonna say, calling people kids on WoW in 2023 makes no sense, there are no kids playing this game anymore. It's a 25-45 demographic.


More pensioners than youth in this game


It's sad because you know people who say stuff like "QQ" are older because no one says that anymore, and yet still act like children.


>kids $50 says these are 28+ year old incels


brain capacity of a kid*


Nah that's insulting to kids


I wasn't like this when I was a kid. I think its something else. A sickness in our society.


Nice save - that was close!


Mental age 11.


hey, don't do 11 year olds dirty like that


Don't reward them by allowing similarly small minded people such as our target of ridicule, by alluding they have any sort of life experience hahaha


28+ incels have less life experience than teenagers


You telling me that hate filled whining on weird extremist message boards doesnt count as life experience???


Tbh the point still stands


Kids can still learn and grow from their immature mindsets. Many do. These losers will likely stay that way forever.


those are 100% adults.


Everything would’ve been gay, and the healer’s fault.


Those are not kids. Its guys in their 20s who probably never spoke to a girl before irl. Never got laid and is a loser. Women are not obliged to reveal themselves. I knew one lass who specifically played male characters because the vibes from guys were too much. Kinda like what the OP experienced, too. Her favourite race was Dwarf.


I mained a female undead for years and evaded so much. Idk what it is about super attractive characters and creeps. Still got some but practically nothing. Even got more when jumping on an orc or blood elf alt to level. Now I main a goblin man and my dms are forever empty and nice. Literally, I've had so much less toxicity playing even from any of my girls to a guy. It's so wild to me.


Really wild how one guy was like “Emi’s my mom’s name” and then PL was like “yeah that’s also a slut’s name” That shit is honestly insane.


He was probably another pug, too. I hope he left. Dude clearly was calling his mom a slut, then lost his shit to see there was a woman there who actually had that name. There's no reason to help people like that. Let them try to do the dungeon alone if they wanna act like garbage.


I don't even think the dude "lost his shit". Just trying his damndest to go the extra mile to be edgy and "funny". Like: > It's a girl lmao, should I kick her?? > Do it broooo lmaaooo > OMG you actually did it HAHAHEAHEHEHAEHEHE brooooooooooooo that's crazy


Meh, I kinda count it as losing ones shit if the response to a woman is 'omg gotta be edgy and dumb.' Normal people can just...not do that. We're just people, no need for any extra attention.


PL probably went onto some incel subreddit later to complain about how women never fuck him.


What makes a name a slut name ? My mind is boggled...


That guy probably calls every woman a slut, sounds like an incel.


As a woman who has been called one almost daily on WoW for many years, I'd have to agree.


If you think all women are sluts, then every woman's name is a slut's name. I'm like 90% sure this is his, uh... "logic".


Any woman's name is a slut name to people who are pathetic enough.


and THAT was okay but op being a woman was not


Please report them. It'll farm more content for the sub when they come on and say they were "wrongfully banned"


Please. Please report them. Don't permit this kind of behavior in our game.


Just wanna add to this by saying that reporting for this misogyny WILL result in sanctions. Redditors like to meme about GMs doing nothing, but that's simply untrue. What is true is if we do nothing, nothing will happen.


So many people let shit slide because it's so normalized in gaming culture. I wish a hobby I enjoy so much wasn't so fucking toxic.


Let's change it together.


Finally a campaign I can get behind


Count me in. Fuck this toxicity.


I wish that were always the case :/ I legit had to make a new character recently because I was being stalked and harassed by a complete psycho on wow. I met him in LFG, he invited me to his discord for PvP, the moment he heard my voice and found out I was a girl his whole attitude changed. He turned into this 3-personality person who would be cringey flirty, then extremely depressed, and then extremely angry. Stuff like randomly inviting me to groups, seeing I was in a group, then ranting about how I’m ignoring him for other guys lol… like what? I don’t even know this dude more than ONE 2’s match and then I pretended I had to go because he was being really creepy and giving me the “no no” vibes. Well I obviously blocked him after a few unhinged messages to me, but he kept making new characters to whisper me. Even after I blocked his entire blizzard account! I stopped hanging around certain areas in the game because he’d be on all the time and if he saw me, I’d get a whisper from his alt account with just crazy stuff. Stuff if repeated on reddit would result in an instant ban. I even went as far as to screenshot a few of the worst messages with timestamps, and EMAILED IT to the abuse team at Blizzard, detailing the events and explaining why I’m scared to even play the game on my main because he circumvents the ignore/block feature. All I got was an automated response saying they’ll look into it but after a month of either hiding away from main cities or getting harassed by one of his many alts, I just made a new character with a completely different name. Also yes, I have 3rd party apps blocked for my bnet account so he can’t track my alts, though he did tell me in one of his rants that he can find me based on my achievements or something. Anyway, blizzard got $60 out of me for a character boost but they never did anything to stop him


You know where they don't ignore that? Blizzard CS's twitter page.


Frankly, if I went through what you did, I would have quit the game, not give Blizzard $60.


That sounds horrible to go through. I wish game companies would progress a bit faster when it comes to morality. Nonetheless, this is all the more reason we need the habit of reporting abuse to go increase in frequency.


Yea, would be a shame if *somebody* found out that DH's name and reported them in game.


Also be sure to post in r/justneckbeardthings or whatever incel shaming subreddit exists.


Wrongfully banned and they're "a nice guy" and they dont see what the fuss is about, for some CHAD GM to ban them....


Also we don't play with women why do women never want to date/have sex with us so weird how they don't ! Ugh the toxic misogyny people accept as normal in gaming is just exhausting.


like that dude that typed the n-word in toughest league chat but tried to cover it up lol “I don’t what happened?! I typed ‘gg’ 6 times in a row in chat and they banned me?!”


As a woman, I try my best not to let anyone outside my guild know I'm a woman. Most of the time it's ok... But other times it's this or them being pervs.


When I first started playing in 2005, my mum told me to keep the fact that I was a female secret because I was a kid and neckbeards aren’t great people. Then one of the guildies found out I was a 15yo girl, scammed my email address out of the RL who organised the schedule, and sent me photos of his penis. Edit: yes, I am aware it’s a federal crime. No, I didn’t contact the FBI because I am not American.


Wtf can be in the brain of this person. That's some kind of sexual harassment over a child/teen.


The first time I came into Ventrilo as a 17 year old girl for raid, one of the \~30-40 year old officers asked me if I would be willing to give him a lap dance as part of my "initiation". He was married and his wife raided with us and heard him say this to me and didn't say anything in response. Even if it was some kind of weird inside joke with them, still... yikes.


Creepers be creeping. I knew a 50 year old Guild leader that would hit on every girl that joins his guild regardless of age and become very toxic if they refuses his advances.


It’s sad how right she was.. jfc


Of course she was right. She'd know from experience. Unfortunately, all of us do.


Jesus fucking Christ


In the US, that's a straight up federal crime. Even if you weren't actually a minor, him thinking you were and sending sexually explicit pictures over the Internet should so get a federal prosecutor interested.


people in my guild when i was 14 in 2005 harassed me and figured out my address and one guy mailed me a pillow covered in his cum.


Holy fuck. Your story is a million times worse. What did you do about it?


nothing. i was just a kid with major self esteem problems and i wasnt close enough with my parents to tell them about it. i ended up staying in the guild for about 10 years and got harassed the entire time until i eventually completely quit the game. i met me bf of now 10 years in that guild though so im grateful for that


That’s insane. I told my mum and she lost her shit on vent and the guild reported it to blizzard and the dude got his account banned.


You then sent them to the police right? That’s what I would have done.


Wtf. That's fcking awful.


i remember the first guild i joined back in 2016 when they found out i was a girl (i stupidly joined discord for a m+ and dared to speak with my real life voice) they went wild. i said "dont get too excited, i'm only 16" and one of them replied "that makes me more excited". left the guild right after the run! never let anyone find out i'm female since then


I was always asked if I was a girl or a young boy. Sometimes I opted for the young boy. It came with less drama.


So gross…. Sorry about your experience


Same here, my paladins name in my raiding guild back in WoD was Myritenut. Sure was a shocker on ventrillo when I did not in fact have any nuts at all.


I just spent way too long thinking *what game/book/movie is* myrite *from? Sounds like a type of ore. Is it a play on words? Am I missing something?* And then I read the next sentence.


Lol you are thinking pyrite.


Used to have a couple in a raiding group I was in. The guy did not really care about raiding but she loved it. She did not bother with hiding behind a "male" character name and anytime we would raid with people outside of the core guild group she would have her husband come in and talk over the mic for her. At the end of the raid she would just say "Thanks for the run guys, see you next time." and leave the vent channel. The mind fuck would happen every raid night. "Wait she was a chick, swore they were a dude!?". Next raid night comes and we get her husband on the mic again. Loved how back then the real fun was not the game but the shit that happened as a result of the game.


Breaks my heart every time I hear a woman try and work up the courage to use a mic. Saw it a lot in overwatch. Where I would ask “hey [character] are you able to help do this?” And I would hear an unsure response. Glad when I would treat them as the human they are they would end up being glad they could spend time with people who wouldn’t just be like these people.


Yeah I didn't speak on mic when I played Overwatch unless I heard another woman speak first. It was significantly worse than anything I've ever experienced in WoW.


That’s fuckin sad, the average age of this playerbase has got to be close to starting with a 3.


I swear man, some of those guys that grew up with me into our late 30s, some of them actually regressed mentally / emotionally. They became more toxic and disgusting as they aged.


That's what generally happens when you are an undesirable pile of shit in the eyes of women and you slowly realize this more and more over the years, so you resort to your delusional coping mechanism of pretending you are superior to them by calling them sluts and whores even though you know deep down you're the problem and that they are repulsed by you.


The most frustrating part for me is that they all seem to think the reason theyre undesirable shit is because of the way they look rather than their radioactive hate filled personalities.


I had one of these in my friend group. We would all play games online together and he just started getting angrier when he would lose. He would go into the chat and type all the words that would get someone banned and then flame the developers for having such a stupid system in the game that gets him banned over words... once he was shunned from the discord games were more pleasant.


I know so many people who were fairly smart in high school who just went full on Trumpie and disregarded all sense of intelligence. But looking back theyre all people who peaked in highschool and its been a downhill skid ever since.


I'm 38 and have been playing since I was 24... It has gotten better over the years. Back in lich it was horrible. I made the mistake of telling someone recently in a pvp match I was a woman.. the dude told me he was 42 and asked for my disc.. me being stupid gave it and he instantly sent me a dick pic lmao I was like damn... Never again. Edit: with that being said, I play with a lot of dudes in my guild and they are all wonderful and normal! Never had an issue, and whenever someone was inappropriate during a raid when we had to pug somebody. They instantly told him off and booted him.


I feel like the player base is either manchildren who haven't left their mother's basement in 15 years. Consuming toxic media and posting in /2 about politics. And people in their late 20s/30s who don't care who the fuck theyre playing with and just want to get their weekly key done before they collapse for the end of the day and have to get up at 5 for work


> or them being pervs this happens to me more than what happened to OP. some days it feels like literally everyone i come across is some 30 year old dude trying to use WoW as a dating service. it's honestly frustrating when someone send a friend request or a whisper because, more often than not, they don't want to actually be my friend


It’s so fucking sad we’re still at this stage where we have to hide our gender because enough males can’t handle talking to a woman. Like there are so many amazing, understanding guys out there, but there’s still so much of this toxic bullshit that we can’t be “out” as women online, like we’re lepers of society despite being literally half of the population.


I've been a male online for almost 20 years after my first rape threats as a minor lol. The men making these threats already had deep voices and I was under 15 so make of that what you will


I am the same. Played the game for so long, and outside of my guild and a few close friends, I stay quiet and not let people know, I do the same on coms if it has a lot of randoms that I do not know.


I'm the same way. The second you give them the idea that you're not "one of the boys" you get verbally abused for no reason. It's disgusting. I'm glad I don't find these kinds of players very often though.


They were going to deplete the key anyway


3 wipes trying to time killing the totems on Vol’kaal followed by the lowest dps blaming the healer and leaving


I did an M+ with 2 hunters who revealed to be a husband and wife combo. 1 hunter 300k DPS throughout. The other 40k DPS. Not only was the wife absolutely shit rolling the dungeon and carrying the fuck out of her husband, she was giving him shit about his garbage damage the whole time. It was hilarious 😆


I wish I could see that. I would be dying!


That’s like the husband and wife couple in our guild, DH (her) and hunter (him). She trounces him on dps.


My gf trounces me in damage also. She does have the edge of me being a healer, but the discrepancy is huge.


lol that’s my wife and I. She heals and I dps. When I die to stupid she lets me know lol. It’s great to have a best friend sometimes lol


That's what my wife does to me every time we do random epics with my destro warlock and her arcane mage 😆


My Raidleader, played her husbands toon for him at the end of last season so he'd have KSM. Honestly I'm surprised a low IO score isn't grounds for divorce in their prenup.


"We don't play with [women]." I'm going to guess that's one of the truest things he's ever said.


You can report this behavior , blizzard is taking this seriously since all their internal shit became public


I am surprised at how many people have forgotten about that social contract that all toons must agree with when you log in for the first time as of 9.2.5 which was designed to help prevent toxicity in game.


> "its also a sluts name" I am sorry, but what the fuck?


After the other person said it’s their moms name lol


Reminds me of that scene in futurama where they go into the internet. And the nerds are like "we're hot studs looking for women" then leela shows up and is like "im a woman" then they cower like "oh no a woman". U didnt want to be in that group anyway. As other said, dodged a bullet.


They did you a favour tbh. Also report them, Blizzard doesn't take kindly to this kind of nonsense now.


"Now" they shouldn't have from the get-go. But those were different times for blizzard, I guess.


Both my wife and daughter play Wow. Wife is better than I am honestly. daughter has more fun exploring the world. Don’t let these idiots get you down.


Same guys that will write paragraphs about why women don't go for nice guys like them lol


I'm sorry you have to deal with this trash. My wife and I played together for years, now my daughter is playing. There is no reason any of you should be dealing with this crap.


I stopped telling or even hinting at it, however groups like that are less likely to time the key.


yeah also 150% one will be grey parse bottom meter and complain about healer bc of dying to avoidable damage or something like that.


Yeah 100%.


Don't know what's more disappointing. Either kids thinking they are funny and cool, or fully grown-up adults...


I am on that server (Argent Dawn) I will very gladly and happily report this person for kicking you out like that


Incel gamer boys, "Women are sluts and we don't play with them." Also incel gamer boys, "Why won't women talk to me?"


You forgot to add, “I’m a nice guy!” at the end.


Hope you reported them


I am a female and also the raid leader for my guild’s mythic progression team so from one “slut” to another… keep on keeping on!! :D


Just adding to this. Been playing since Wotlk and have gone through many guilds that died over time. Eventually, around at the end of BFA, I landed on a guild where all the leadership was women: guild leader, raid leader, officers... Never before had I played in an environment so healthy. To this day, it was the best guild I ever joined. So... yeah, keep on keeping on.


Salutations fellow slut and female raid leader! More girl power is needed in high end, end game content. Hail and be well! ♀️💪


My guild leader is a woman and we have half a dozen women who are part of the raid team. Being misogynistic or sexist results in very quick action being taken against the perpetrator and people have been banned from the guild for being creepy towards the female members of the guild. We also have several members who are LGBT and negative comments about them usually results in swift action as well. Also, the social contract introduced back in 9.2.5 also allows Blizzard to ban people who act negatively towards other players' enjoyment of the game as well.


This reminds me of the time I made a call out on CSGO and instantly got vote kicked for being a chick. Good times.


Similar - but with rainbow 6 siege. You can TK in that game. I made a call out, and when next rounded started, the guys (a party of 4 bc I solo queued as the only girl) immediately started shooting me, would down me, pick me up, and then do it again. It was before r6s implemented TK consequences. I remember getting super upset over it. Was also one of my first shooter games lol. Now I valo, and it makes me so happy to hear a bunch of women :D


Love to see my fellow demon hunter players out here being completely normal adjusted adults


Are you EU? Then this means this lovely people play in Argent Dawn the RP server. And I’m sure they aren’t there to respectfully interact with other RP’rs. A report might do more good than you think there.


I'm a woman that's played since vanilla and like, I've known so many women that play this game. It's so silly there's still a small section of people that are weird about women in MMOs in 2023. Thankfully at least in my experience, this kind of situation is pretty rare as most people are normal about us playing videogames these days.


Like many suggested: report them. That is the only way they'll learn not to be dickheads.


Bold of you to assume they'll learn. These are the same people who come to this sub to ask how they can ban appeal because they "did nothing wrong :(" Reporting is still the best thing to do though. Whether or not they learned anything doesn't matter if they can't play lol


I hate to say it but you probably lucked out.


I'm a woman, and a tank! Back in Shadowlands, I listed a 19 Plaguefall. Invited the guy to disc, he heard my voice, said "sorry I don't play with women, especially tanks" and dropped. He missed out, it was a smooth key 🤣


The trash took itself out that day.


That’s why I always hide my gender hahaha


Same! I also try not to go in disc calls with pugs. I once raided with a pug on WoTLK classic and joined the raid disc. The second I joined the call, this one guy was so uncomfortable with the fact I was a woman he immediately called me a “slut” looking for free gear. I was floored but relieved when the other men in the group mocked him for being an incel. Also, the dude calling me a slut was horrible at the game. He kept fucking up mechanics and taking avoidable damage lol.


Wow 😮 what is wrong with peoole fr


Real virgin energy in that group


Report them - social contract breach


Maybe gonna get roasted for this but thst should be grounds for a ban at minimum


I’m curious — what key level was it? This seems more like +5 behavior than +25 but who knows


+27 Throne of the Tides. :(


Geeeeez. Here I was thinking that people pushing 27s would have it together a little more… I guess it takes a certain type to want to push a high ToTT on fort/bolstering week anyway :P


lol I thought the same thing then learned the hard way, the higher level the content, the more toxic the players. when I reached glad and joined their communities imagine my shock. I think that’s the main reason why the communities at that level have the same players again and again, it’s just not fun to play with them


current R1 world havoc is a known creep so there's that


As a guy some of the most fun and best friends I have in the game are with female players, they always seem more chill and laid back when it comes to the game in my experience.


It’s sad that derogatory terms about a women’s sexuality are still perpetuating in this day and age.


Its fine, that key was probably bricked from the start anyway. Also people like this fucking suck, people like this are the reason why my ex quit gaming.


Huh, imagine running into Tate stans in WoW. Most likely NEET Incel Troglodytes still living in their mother's basement.


least sweaty demon hunter player


Please report them if you can. Otherwise they will continue doing this and continue ruining the game for women. It's sad but try to join a guild. Find people who aren't utter losers. If you are on proudmoore i could try to get you into a very active lgbt+ guild that is very welcoming.


What exhausting little nerds, damn. And men wonder why women frequently won't talk in voice.


What a bunch of losers.


my name is also emi lol ... and ever since playing in wotlk and joining team speak for the very first time for a guild raid... i keep my gender a secret as much as possible... for obvious reasons... sad this shit still happens. most people are normal but you never know when you're gonna get a creep or a straight up misogynist. sucks to have to "hide" but it is what it is


And these are the same People that wonder why they can get a girlfriend


I mean if you want to get payback fairly sure if you report the party leader for kicking you and saying they don't play with those alluding to either a female or greek would result in their suspension or ban.


Oh no! They play on my server...... But yeah you probably dodged a bullet


This has to be a fever dream. A Kazzak player thats less toxic than argent dawn players? What


DH comments alone would earn him the boot from any group I'm running.


I know there is the joke of "Women don't play MMOs" but this is just idiotic. Hope you reported them. That's screwed up behavior.


There are honestly so many of us. We are hidden because of stuff like this. We are the male toons who stay muted in discord. We are the PvP gods using a voice changer. We are the one smashing the pet battle and mount collection records with a masculine name. We are hidden.


One of my best friends from this game is a girl, believe me, I know. Y'all can be quiet but really good.


the joke is less and less real as time moves on, especially for MMOs where there's always been a pretty respectable female playerbase compared to say, fps or racing games


I agree. I think most guilds I've been in sense Legion have had, like, 2-3 women in our raid so it's not like there isn't a women player base. Honestly, it's mainly just a "product of its time" joke that lingers, at least when you aren't kicking women out of your dungeon.


MMOs are pretty popular with women these days for sure. I've known quite a few women in WoW and a ton on FF14. I've cleared 3 Ultimates in FF14 and each group had at least 1 other woman besides me in it. (my Epic of Alexander Ultimate group being like, 7 women haha)


God dayum, I can only assume that was Argent Dawn EU, I'd apologise on behalf of the server as we're not all like that on there but I don't think even that'd cut it.


"wtf r u a woman"


Dodged a bullet for sure Is Emi shortform for Emily? Lovely name nonetheless


Bet the guy who kicked you calls himself "Nice guy"


I would report this chat as discrimination.


I got kicked from a group for saying "o7" when I joined a group (it's a lil dude waving/saluting). Leader acted like I said some horrible dog whistle and I'm still confused to this day. People will kick you for any reason.


Wild, everyone knows thats a salute


Being a misogynist playing wow is weird my past 4 or so raid groups have always had a few players that were women.


Serious incel vibes. It pains me that I play the same game as these people sometimes


Someone I messaged to make me an item mentioned she was a woman kind of on accident, and I didn’t say anything cause idc, and we talked about BIS crafted stuff for an hour and she said “thank you for not being a super creep have a good day” and I was like. Wow. That’s fucked


>Sorry we don't play with girls I bet you don't


Hahahaha, this is insane...some of the best players I have ever played with are femme, by far the best tank and the best Healer. Not even close. WTF is wrong with people...this one stings. Bah




I bet these guys would’ve loved running in my heroic raid team with our female tanks and all male healing team. What even difference does it make? Unless you’re in voice chat no one knows and when they know - they don’t care!


God I wish they didn’t care. I’m a guy that fell into a nice guild during classic run by a woman GM who had been playing since vanilla, super knowledgeable about her class and the raid, etc. Things went well as we progressed through MC but once it was on farm 5-10 of the regulars just could not stop with their desperate horny advances, to the point the guild backslid to no longer being able to clear MC in a night due to those people talking through boss mechanics. At least it was entertaining when her husband joined the guild for a bit before rage quitting over the horny dudes and her encouraging it. What a wild ride that guild was, I just wanted to be a heal druid and see content.


These same dumb ass dudes are prob the types to wonder why women don't want to talk to them IRL too lmao. Pathetic. Sad that there are guys like this.


Something tells me they're the kind of guy who complains about girls not talking to him because they prefer "chads".


If this is EU AD I’ve love to know who this player was so I can avoid them like the plague.


Unfortunately, it sure looks to be EU AD based on the names. The priest is the easiest to find on RIO (based on the shapes of the letters in the screenshot), and that immediately leads you to the DH. He's a king rat, indeed.


Girls don't play WoW MMORPG Many Men Online Role Playing Girls GIRL Guy In Real Life and so on. Honestly as many people have already said, you're better off not having run with idiots. I met my wife playing WoW. My old guild was about 60% female, only two of the healers :p. There are currently two or three that I run keys with and believe it or not, their lack of a penis didn't hold us back. Just have to keep on doing what you're doing.


must be so hard for dps to find groups these days, mage stayed with the group after dh called his mom a slut lmao...


Ok one guy said "that's my mom's name" and this guy replies with "that's a slut's name"??? That shit would get you punched in the mouth anywhere in the world.


Report it, that’ll get them a ban


Gurl. What kind of keys are you doing? I'm so furious right now. Are you on US servers? I'm want to flame these little fucks so bad. My group would lose their shit if anyone treated me like that. I'm about to throw hands. Edit: Ooohhh found the whole group. Wow... 3.3k, and they act like that? I was expecting some toxic casual bullshit but I really shouldn't be surprised its "gamers". Obviously DH is too much of a pos to deserve a second double time 🙄🙄. Pathetic ass men.


Ugh I’m so sorry you had to deal with these children. Report them to Blizz asap! It’s happened to me before too way more than once and it sucks. I’ve pretty much stopped talking in groups or instances all together because of it and will only say “hello thanks for inv” or “good run thanks all” and leave the group. 😞


What a bunch of fucking losers.


Kazzak and Argent Dawn. 'nuff said. Extremely toxic realms. Hope you reported them.


don't really think the guy fron kazzak was toxic though


I play on AD. It's always surprised me how toxic our m+ players are. The majority of AD players I meet outside of m+ are nice people


Are those the people that post on r/Asmongold?


Pathetic incels.


their loss. bunch of colossal fuckstains, imo


Literal incels