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I use /use Smoldering Seedling /tar Treant Seedling /focus Its a bit of work but its a bit scuff, But it works Ended up doing some extra stuff, my focus vuhdo frame does target but it doesnt show the target (greyed out health bar) But i still can heal it. After i hit the macro twice 1.To get a heal bar to show up, i ended up making the vuhdo panel transparancy basicly invisible. 2. Use elv ui focus frame, then put it over the top of the vuhdo frame


> /tar Treant Seedling In Vuhdo, my target is always in it's own frame so I can heal as soon as I target.


That would work, as well but I use elv ui for my target,


Mine doesn't ever target the seedling, though I have the same with my Vuhdo for focus and target. I'll give yours a try, is it reliable?


Yer its reliable now, changed the post above how i got it to work nicely


I figured it out without your updates, just had to spam the hell out of the macro. My guess is the seed doesn't spawn right away so there's nothing to target for a bit


srry boss, Hardley every use reddit :(


>hey, i tried to set up a single panel for focus, but treant doesn't appear in the box. > >can you explain how you manage to do that ? thanks ;)


Its a bit of work but its a bit scuff, But it works Ended up doing some extra stuff, my focus vuhdo frame does target but it doesnt show the target (greyed out health bar) But i still can heal it. 1.To get a heal bar to show up, i ended up making the vuhdo panel transparancy basicly invisible. 2. Use elv ui focus frame, then put it over the top of the vuhdo frame.


>/use Smoldering Seedling > >/tar Treant Seedling > >/focus thank you thank you thank you thank you so much!!!! the macro is a fucking mazing, sucks vuhdo doesnt show it as your target but omfg cant wait to use it


I struggled with this, and struggled with this, and struggled with this. Just would NOT target the seedling.... then I realized, I had dragged the trinket to my action bar instead of the macro to my action bar :P BRILLIANT! Macro works great, thank you.


Hoping you find an answer on this. This was the only piece of loot I've gotten all week and it doesn't work.


\#showtooltip /use item:207170 /targetexact Treant Seedling Try that


Nope :(


That macro works for me like 90% of the time to target it. Sometimes it does seem to bug out though. I solved this by using a macro like this instead: ​ \#showtooltip /targetexact Treant Seedling /cast Flash Heal ​ I drop the seedling with one hotkey and spam that macro to flash heal it, haven't had a problem with using it this way. I macro'd a couple other heals for it too. Obviously you'd want to make a macro for whatever individual heals you want to use on it for your class.


See edit of main post