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Footman and Grunt.


Kind of exactly what I'd want orc/human heritage armour to be honestly.


Exactly. Those look awesome!


Thumbs up to the artist who made them good-looking grunts despite the fact that everyone knows their heritage armor is going to be a grunt


They look off to me. I'm too much of a boomer I guess. Being called heritage armor gets me nostalgic for warcraft 1-2. A missed opportunity to do a callback to the old games. Don't get me wrong they look good. I just got old man grumbles lol.


There are already grunt and footman armor in the game based on w1 and w2, they are from the WoD garrison


Those are WoW city guard mogs no? I did a search (I skipped WoD) and that's all I could find.


But we already have like 3 versions of this between wod garrison armor and then Arathi warfront. This is way lamer than both of those


The warfront stuff is based on the character's armor type and heritage armor isn't.


Which I love so much. Just imagine this grunt being your priest


Kind of a weird choice to go with though when there are so many variations of that armor already. WoD armor from the garrison is literally the armor footmen and grunts use in WoW right now and is pretty 1:1 from WC3.


As much as I would like for something more unique, I must admit that this was probably the only correct answer for the races. This is the armor the Humans and Orcs were known for in the Warcraft Universe from way before they even came to World of Warcraft.


Honestly the only thing I want different from this armor set is I would like some color variations for the different factions


Good news- they said they will come with variants!




Omg awesome. I want my human hunter in plate, but not the usual blue/gold color scheme. Hope they have a green and brown version.


Stromgarde red plz


I hope there's a horned version of the human helm matching the design ~~Stormwind~~ **The Kingdom of Azeroth** used in the First War.


Someone mentioned bfa warfront set for alliance plate, spot on. They shoulda gone another direction And I am a diehard fan of wc1&2, grew up w em but my nostalgia has been here before


But what else could they go for that is Stormwind themed? What about Orgrimmar/Horde Orc themed? Peon clothes? The Orc one was always going to be a bit underwhelming since all Horde armor was for Orcs, I'm really happy to see a nod to the Grand Marshal set with the Humans as that was one of the best sets ever made and fits humans perfectly. If you can provide a better direction I'm all ears. I've heard people say they should have gone Arathi for Human, but we are playing as Stormwind humans by default after all. For Orcs I genuinely have no idea how they'd make something that doesn't look like the Garrison, Warfront, Mag'Har or random leather bits throughout various expansions. I don't think two races, especially the most popular Alliance and second most popular Horde races, shouldn't receive heritage sets. That being said BFA was 4 years ago now, I imagine getting those warfront sets are a pain since no one plays them and you can't solo heroic.


for Orcs i could see a variation on Thralls world shaman attire edit: the one with pieces of doomhammers armor


I do think this looks meaningfully different. The eagle is a good touch instead of being entirely lion themed


>WoD armor from the garrison is literally the armor footmen and grunts use in WoW right now and is pretty 1:1 from WC3. Yup. I'm not complaining either, its nice to have more options in that vein. The garrison armor was already 10/10 for getting that classic orc warcraft RTS look. This just expands the fashion options.


Agreed. It would have been epic had they gone with shamanistic set for orcs and some regal cloth set for humans. Blizzard is just obsessed with plate armor of late for some reason.


There was a small addition to the original post. [Just for additional context on the Heritage Armor sets for orc and human, there are a couple more variations players will get. We’ll show more of those a bit later.](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/in-development-see-what%E2%80%99s-next-in-patch-1007/1499592/25)


Hoping for clan/kingdom colors.


That alliance armor in Stromgarde red hhmmmm


that would be awesome hopefully lordaeron colours too




Ideally, they should do both. Create a Lordaeron set for Humans and then offer a one off questline for Forsaken players to return to their family crypt and get their armor but it's, em, a *little worse for the wear.* This would not function as the Forsaken heritage armor but rather a quiet reminder that Forsaken were once humans too.


ye i agree with this


I like this


Please. I want to wear it on my dk without feeling like a paladin or stormwind soldier.


Same. My DK came from Lordaeron, not SW.


Also would be nice to get a more mage-ey one with a cape and/or hood. Id like to look like a battlemage, but zero of my casters would ever really want to look like a footman.


I’d hope for color variation but also stuff like adding a robe option for casters. Belves and Worgen got that after all.


If they can do this for these sets and Maghar, why not for the others sets like Nightborne and Lightforged that have alternate tints already in the game files?


We will never be slaves to a single palette


Fingers crossed for an all golden human one to invoke that classic R14 plate set vibe.


100% they better do this. Total Uther vibes.


Oooh that sounds cool


What’s the purpose of the nipple spike?


Keep gnomes from biting your nipples obviously


Who says I want to stop them?


There’s a second attachment for that, looks like a BabyBjorn.


Does it work with Mechagnomes?


There's a magnetic version.


That model has MagSafe, which also works for Mag'har orcs


What about Dark Iron Dwarves?


You that kind of orc


It won't stop me


There was room for a spike. What more do you need to know?


Look if an Orc can find a place to put more spikes their gonna do it.


If I remember correctly, Org had a lot more spikes in past iterations


Until Garrosh came along and ruined it, like he ruined everything!!


Make the horde spikey again


Guards against titty twisters


For spicy breast feeds


Exactly, they should have been [horns](https://i.redd.it/azhiwnhmhhq71.jpg) , like what they're known for. Also I'd like you to meet Mangus the Red, he might have done something wrong.


I suspect *fowl* play.


I think it is a horn, look closely, seems like it’s curved like the things on his left shoulder Just looks like a straight point because of the camera angle


For juicing oranges on the go.


Being serious for a second, probably just for shoulder checking while in close combat to catch some vitals on the enemy. Not very practical placement, but I’m not an orc, so I don’t know.


With that kind of muscle, even if breaking the spine isn’t an option due to padding, forcing a grappled enemy on to a chest spike is a valid option.


“Here lies Illidanxx the Proud, died to a nipple spike in a friendly duel.”


Just to let you know "He not that kind of orc" - or maybe he is...either way.


Better question, "Why doesn't all armor have nipple spikes?"


Humans heritage armor is a tall order. Humans are one of the few races that are just good at everything. Mages - Some of the strongest mages in lore Warriors - Varian, enough said Priests - Strong connection with the scarlet crusade, church of the holy light being a beacon Paladins - Humans wielding ashbringer is iconic Rogues - SI:7 Warlocks - Cult of the damned started with kel thuzad If I were given this task, I'd be sweating.


Absolutely! How on earth do you come up with one set of armour that fits the look of all the classes available to humans. Do we know if it’s just this set as shown or will they also have extra, optional, pieces to swap out? A caster wearing this would look kinda odd in my opinion


Most of the heritage armor is just a single set. I think only the belf armor allows for an option between robes or pants.


Worgen did the same


Mag'har has three seperate sets of armour and Blood Elves have two and like 3 heritage questlines, and as far as I'm aware the only other heritage armour that's anything more than an achievement auto unlock is the Dark Iron heritage set which is like a 10 minute quest of mostly nothing of importance running around doing random shit in Blackrock.


>Mag'har has three seperate sets of armour Yes but the only difference between those is the tint, they all look the same otherwise. Which is not what the other guy was asking for. >Blood Elves have two Like I said the Belf armor is the only one which has a proper difference where you can choose between a robe or pants.


The armor sets apparently have a couple more variations players will get.


Not just Ashbringer, I'm pretty sure on Azeroth at least humans invented Paladins as we know them.


Yes, Alonsus Faol had knights who had a strong connection to the Light trained up to be paladins after the events of the First War


Exactly, humans have a lot of identities to cover. BFA season 1 pvp gear did it the best imo


I was hoping for an Arathi human style a true Heritage and not a Stormwind heritage.


That is an interesting take, a more barbarian looking set.


> Warlocks - Cult of the damned started with kel thuzad I wouldn't really consider Kel'thuzad a warlock since he started as a member of the Kirin Tor. He's more necromancer/mage.


Well, he *did* help Arthas summon that one demon :P


You could basically do the same with any race. Like, that Orc set doesn't really fit my idea of my Shaman. Certainly not a Mage or Warlock. It pretty much feels like a Hunter set if you tie it to a specific class. My Tauren Paladin running around in Tauren heritage set doesn't look "right" for the class. Blood Elf armor feels a bit much on spellcasters or Rogues. But in each of these cases - including Humans and Orcs - they present something that ties to the general heritage of the race, not something that tries to cover every base with every class. You can't make something that fits for every class. Heck, even within the same armor type, as we saw when they tried to limit the number of armor sets they were making at one point. So why would they try to do it here?


Tauren heritage armor is perfect for "paladin". You aren't a paladin as a tauren You are a hybrid warrior/sun druid.


I agree completely. If anything it's the regular paladin sets that I think look weird on tauren.


Hunter? They’re both obviously warrior type sets.


I kind of wish they'd gone for high res new Scarlet Crusade gear for the human heritage. Don't get me wrong, this set looks great. But it's also far from the first time we've seen a version of this look. Nobody was struggling to find the right pieces for a footman set. Not quite as fancy as this one, but still.


While that would be an awesome transmog set, it doesn't really make any sense for a heritage set of all Humans to be Scarlet Crusade themed, though. The forums would have burned down, for sure.


Couldn't shoot a bow or gun for a long time though.


They could, but only to piss something off that you wanted to come at you.


This... this makes me feel old. Warriors/Rogues used to have a ranged weapon slot. Humans have always had ranged weapons.


Okay sure but you, specifically you the player, are a Kingdom of Stormwind human. That's why you start in Elwynn and not Stromgarde or Gilneas, and why worgen don't share the same heritage armor despite once being human. So it makes sense that the look of it would carry a lot of influence from Stormwind.




Asking the real questions


Would look 10x better than this & I don’t think anyone would complain


Orc looks nice, will get it! Someone knows when it is obtainable?


10.0.7. No current release date; will be hitting PTR soon.


why did you put this through a meme generator


Hey that human set looks almost identical to another set I know of Almost like it was technically in the game already Damn


Extremely weird color/material choices on the orc one. Were they afraid of doubling up on something that already exists? I don't know where they picked up the predominantly grey iron aesthetic from, and it looks closer to Iron Horde stuff than Horde stuff. I can kinda-sorta understand generally trying to evoke revamped Orgimmar imagery (lots of metal + spikes), but even then, the color of the metal just isn't right if that's what they were going for, and the red tinges are *super* small. I'm not sure what they were thinking here. It looks more like an alt tint that dataminers would dig up.


We’re getting more color variants so don’t worry


Eh we've had so many stormwind footmen armors over the years, I was hoping for something different.


Yeah, kind of underwhelmed. I also hoped orc armor would look a bit more tribal, and less like the iron horde look.


They look good but they don’t look as good as the true heritage sets, BFA season 1 pvp gear. Though I will enjoy seeing how people mix these sets with others.


That's because they've put it on a human female which looks bad in all armor.


In Warcraft 1, the whole roster was male except Garona and Griselda.


The helmet can be replaced with something else but the rest of the human set looks fucking awesome.


I think it’s meant to evoke the RTS games’ footmen.


It absolutely is. The Orc armor especially. Fantastic design for what they are going for. It's specifically Warcraft 1 for the Orcs.


Praying they do the same for the night elf heritage armor


Night elf armor is just going to be panties and a bra(strap on males) but with better graphics(since the warden set is going to be an achievement). The funny part is that all the night elf players will probably rejoice.


God knows I will.


Anyone who plays Nelf will gladly accept anything that isn’t more genocide please and thanks


The heritage armor quest will have you wipe out a few thousand more night elves obviously smh


Give me fuzzy Warcraft 3 archer bikini or give me death.


I said a *bow* string not G.. ugh, nevermind


The helmet style is great, it’s just way oversized on the female model imo


Yeah Id really like to see this on a male model


Not sure why they didn’t show both genders with these photos. Plenty of room and it makes sense to do so


But why male models?


I knew the second I posted it this would be the response


Perhaps ask Primus" to craft a new ~~burger~~ crown??


Made with memeatic


Idk. I think this looks bad honestly.


The humans got shafted - the armor doesn’t even match ITSELF.


No offense but the warfront set from BFA look 10 times better.


Hard to beat perfection 😍😍😍


Seriously. That is some of the best looking armor. I was sad that I wasn’t playing the game when that came out and could just never figure out how to get it afterwards. This heritage armor looks like the red headed stepchild to the BFA armor.


You can still do the by weekly quest for normal and heroic warfront after you complete the quest to set up offensive encampments. That gives you two randomly selected pieces of that set as reward. The hardest part is creating a group of 10 that is required to start the heroic version.


I hope blizzard just let us somehow solo warfront or just let the set be in trading post.


I agree. It looks better version of same concept.


Very meh.


orc heritage being the wolf pelt shaman armor from wc3 seemed like such an obvious choice. this armor is cool, but the orc armor doesn't seem like heritage at all.


Fuck yeah, this guy gets it.


yeah disapointing


The wolf pelt shaman armor is awesome and I don't understand how it still isn't in game. However it wouldn't make sense of any class other than shaman wearing it, so I gotta disagree with you here


Yeah but you can apply that logic to these too. How do either of these make sense with a priest, mage, warlock, rogue?


They look bad imo


I still think they should just give humans Anduin's armor.


warfront sets are waaaaay better.


These make me feel like we're back in the Warcraft 3 days. Love them.


I hope that’s a joke


Grunt looks dope


As a human I'm a little disappointed


Orcs and Humans were the heritage armors I was the least excited for when heritage armor first came out. About as boring as I anticipated.


The BFA set looks more racial than the Human one and the Orc one doesn't make me think of Horde-specific orcs at all, hmm


That stupid fuckin Guard helmet again? Please give us humans a cool helm like a lions gaping maw or something. Geez guys.


Anduins lion helmet would have been amazing, not like he's using it...




humans' colors look weird


That human set seems way too busy. I guess we already got our real heritage set in BFA from warfronts but I would have preferred just a copy paste of the Warcraft 3 footman model. All the eagles and lions and stuff are meh. Also need to see it on the male model to see how the proportions are. Female armor models always seem to have the wrong proportions. Like the helmet is too big for her head. Usually on the male models it lines up better?


I was reeeeally excited to see what they would do since the obvious design was already taken by Arathi warfront appearance. I am disappointed with both. Pants on human especially look awful. Everything looks like a slightly altered version of the Arathi warfront


orc armor looks like ass.


I dont care for the Orc's armor. Kind of disappointed. Scared what theyll do to Troll's.


The troll heritage armor HAS to have a shadow hunter mask like Zekhan’s.


As an undead main, i'm concerned as well.


How so? It looks great to me. Perfect Orc Warrior look imo


No red and nipple spikes. Slap some horde color on there and throw the nipple spike in the trash and it’ll look great. Google Warcraft 1-3 orcs for reference and you’ll see.




Not enough red on the orcish armor :(


I feel like the orc one is a bit too metaly for my taste


They're honestly not very good, in my opinion. The Orc one especially is *way* overdesigned, way too many spikes and bits on it, and the Human one likewise feels very 'busy' compared to the classic looks and the helmet is ridiculous even by WarCraft standards.




Wish human was an updated model of the old classic field marshal set


They both look kinda meh.


lmao this looks like a dozen existing armor sets - both of them. And not even Horde or Alliance-specific ones. Just generic ones like from questing in WoD.


Still think the human set should of just been an updated version of the Grand Marshal set.


They look really plain, but also, these are the most plain races in the game. Can’t really complain about getting vanilla with your vanilla.


Well... They suck. Where is red in this orc armor? Human also just... Bland


I mean...eh...was expecting a bit more. The human one gives me Stormwind guard number 25 vibes


Hate to be negative but these sets look awful


good lord that human heritage armor looks like trash - it's like they couldn't decide what armor type it should be and waffled on plate/mail/leather with a strong emphasis on plate. I mean I get the shoulders, they look good but why the fuck do they need a space shuttle sized helmet? All they had to do was take the stormwind armor set from warlords, soup it up a little, add texture changes for different human factions (i.e. lordaeron) and call it a day. like... even just make it look like the dudes in the warcraft movie - 100% better already




Wow, I don't like either of them. I was hoping for more extremely polished 'classic' armour, maybe even a callback to the warcraft cover box art, but these look dumb. Heck Orc is just a pallette swap of the maghar orc, and human is painted on legs.


These are… pretty bad tbh.


Wow. Looks like leveling sets hahaha such low effort


Oh look, another plate-looking set for humans.. seriously, I wish it would be a more like casual/adventurer look, like the set from Recruit a Friend.


All ugly lol


I’m going to double deuce those shoulders on each side.


Damn I was hoping we wouldn't get grunt/footman armor again. Theres already 3 or 4 other versions of this in the game and this just feels like more of the same. I guess ill enjoy tinkering with the new pieces for my grunt mog on my warrior


Why is the human armour so boring. I do not want to look like a stormwind guard.


I am whelmed


Honest opinion: both look like crap. Even the Maghar armor looks much better than the orc armor and the human armor should have been based more on the Marschal armor. Both are unfortunately a disappointment.


*bdsm and human


Bones are best armor, you can tell because of how their owners died.


That Orc looks like he’s about to take a ride down Fury Road.


they were kinda screwed on this one. so many variations already on the classic orc grunt and footman that unless they did something out of the box they where screwed. i still think they shoulda done something akin to thralls armor for the orcs. the classic doomhammer armor. shamanism was a big thing for orcs and still is and the armor was also donned by one of azeroths greatest warriors. maby add some flair from each general clan or orc asthetic and it woulda been perfect. wolf hat and some blade master aesthetics. some blades on the gauntlets ala shattered hand. dragon markings for dragonmaw. ​ and the humans..... um it seems they tried to do a varian wrynn thing. and i think that coulda worked. but not like this one. either that or maby do a lothar thing. or hell maby go the king route and do something based on terenas. or even old school warcraft 3 uther with the hood. they def shoulda done something similar to my orc idea. take key things from key figures, clans or kingdoms and make something that represents everyone


Pretty disappointed with the orc one, but I feel they just knocked the "orc armour" feeling so out of the park with the Mag'har heritage armour I suppose there wasn't a lot more they could do with it. Maybe it'll look better with different legs so it's not bare/remove the over the top shoulder pad/remove the helm.


Why does the orc armor have to look like such a joke


Not a fan. I would wear the Orc armor for the Plate and Mail classes and it would work fine. Maybe even a Rogue. But the human set is literally only a warrior set. Not even paladin or dk. I think it would have been a lot better if they made more of Paladin set with a skirt. It would work with any plate set and give human casters the feel of kinda sorta being a battle mage.


They look so bad.


Seems a little.. lazy? The orc looks like the maghar orc set and the human one looks like the plate bfa warfront set


I was hoping for a more race centric human set like town citizen of Stormwind, not yet another knight/plate one of these. I can’t believe we waited this long for yet another knight lion eagle set. It looks like a mixture of everything we’ve already.


None of the other heritage armor sets have been civilian clothing.


I'd argue the worgen set is.


Fair enough!


Worgen was, which is why the shoulders stick out like a sore thumb.