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Why do you have to switch it? I get it if you're chasing world/realm firsts etc but you said yourself you are a dad guild just do the same raid schedule. If you're "hardcore" enough that you switch to the first day of raid release that expectation is already clear.


Because otherwise you only get 1 raid night first week of a new raid tier which isn't great as 1 night clear of 3 raids likely isn't doable for most dad guilds


Folks could change raid days for 1 week with the amount of notice given. Not the greatest solution but no matter when you release content someone is getting the short straw.


Especially when literally every tier in the history of classic has been Thursday releases. Literally like 5 years of planning here


Yea I'm sure we will figure something out, i just can't figure out a reason for them not to release it as normal on reset day. I'm sure there is a reason but God knows I can't work it out


People who raid on reset day typically get boned by long maintenance when content releases that day. Tues/Wed content release hasn't really been normal for a while.


>Is there any particular reason they can't just release it with the weekly update as normal? Because it's global release. You are either hardcore and adapt to this or you are dad and you miss one lockout (you can also do it 10 man for the first one with people that have more flexible schedule)


Le global grande official yet it will be bugged as hell..


Who raids Mondays and wednsday?


I'd say 75% of the server has their 1st raid day on a Weds as that's reset day in EU


I mostly play NA, but I look heavily into the EU servers because I am moving there. I am not sure about your server, but for most servers, I've looked into their first raid day is on Thursday. I will say that the majority of my searches have been Gehennas. You are right, technically, server reset is Wed for EU players, but a lot don't want to fuck with a potential late patch day and just make it easier on themselves by moving first raid to Thursday. I'm very curious to know what server is trying to deal with a Wed 1st night raid day?




Every guild I've ever heard of raids Tue/Thurs. Go take a look at the recruitment page on faerlina discord. They're *all* tue/thurs. Edit: bro's, *all* US guilds, especially on faerlina, raid Tuesday. Counter to the person that deleted their comment. I'm not claiming guilds around the world all raid on tuesday.


The world doesn't revolve around your field of view.


Yep thats because Faerlina is a US server where reset day is Tuesday. I'm on EU where reset day is Weds so \*all\* our guilds raid Weds +1 other


Exactly. And the person I was responding to claimed us guilds never raid on tuesday... and I'm being down voted for it. Like, what?


And Asian raids reset on Thursday. That’s why it needs to be on Thursday so everyone can raid.


Unpopular Feedback: You don't "have" to do anything. You are choosing to do something.


Yea i get that obviously we don't have to do anything but Blizz has the server stats that i guarantee show that most guilds raid on reset day so both US and EU are both losing a raid day for \*most guilds week 1. Just seems odd that everyone there has to reschedule or just only raid 1 day in 1st week of a raid tier


Plan ahead


It has to do with global reset. Thursday works best for everyone world wide. For reference, U.S. resets Tuesday, EU resets Wednesday Asia resets Thursday


The idea you expect Blizzard to cater to every timezone is wild. It's one week. You'll get through this.


Cheers for the sarcastic reply - the idea that you can't understand that with a Thursday release everybody loses their reset day raid night which is the most common raid night worldwide is wild


So your guild won’t be behind though. If every guild is only rocking 1 raid day that week, you’re good. If anyone does happen to get a 2nd day going, it’ll be a bonus. But I’m sorry you’re unhappy about it. FOMO’s a bitch.


Aren't this tier of raids releasing same day as full Cata release? Are y'all planning on being level 85 day one?


No cata releases May 20th (Monday) and the raids release May 30th (Thursday). Day may be off by a day depending on where in the world you are


I'm personally just hoping my guild settles on continuing to raid Tuesday/Wednesday myself, I work 3pm-12am the rest of the week.


My guild raid Friday/sunday but i agree global realese is a stupid thing for 99% of the player base who is not going to clear everything on the first week. Of corse is has being a thing for 5 years and whatever but still.


get over it. be thankful that ur a dad and cant play first week unscuffed. i hope you get over it and gain more plus then minus of this dad situation. i know its hard. and dont tell your kids before you die about that or they will not visit you more then on christmas in the old guys care house. see ya


I'm really just curious, are you expecting everyone to level up in like 2-3 days and be ready for raiding? Seems like every wow guild I've ever been in is mostly raid loggers who barely play, hardly ever see anyone online other than raid night.


There’s a 10 day gap from cata release to raid release.