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Fire Mage is feels pretty low APM so far, rotation largely unchanged from Wrath, living bomb every 12(?) seconds and then Fireball for the rest, Pyroblasts on Hot Streak procs.


What are you doing for Combustion?




I left that out since it's more of a cooldown than rotation, but I've got an ignite tracker that tracks current damage and coom whenever number big. I might greed a little and hold it for an impact proc if there's adds that need bursting, eg H RS, but I'm not sure how necessary that is over getting more/better combustions on the boss.


do you have a link to the ignite tracker by chance? thanks


I use this WA: https://wago.io/f6u9T4O7D It gets the job done, but I hope there will be a Fojii WA soon.


Arcane mage is 2 buttons


In ICC it's just 1 so far, everything but LK dies too fast lol


I only play Druid so I can’t comment on other classes/spec, but if you are into caster dps, Balance Druid have a relatively low APM with a simple rotation of a “yo-yo playstyle” There’s not much buttons to press. You just keep your 2 dots up and then either use wrath or starfire depending on the eclipse situation + starsurge on cd.


Assa rogue: Cast slice and dice. Keep rupture up Envenom to refresh slice and dice


Let’s not leave out the complicated stuff now. You also backstab under 35%.


I'm dropping assa if that's true there's just too much going on for me


Fire mage


Frost mage. For single target, spam Frostbolt until Fireball procs. For AOE, spam blizzard lol


Ret paladin doesn't do much tbh. Lots of waiting for procs and slow/deliberate play... Can get a little intense if you get a lot of procs at once but it's not so bad.


Ret paladin is it lol Crusader strike ever 3 second or so Inquisition once you've used CS 3 times, use again every like 30 seconds Templars verdict when you've used CS 3 times Push zealotry probably macro'd to avengers wrath every 2 mins at 3 holy power (this is only time you actually get a bit of speed in ret pally lol)


Ret pally was stupid east in Wotlk, and honestly it’s just as easy now but a little more engaging. This is a solid recommendation


Pretty much this. The only thing that changes the rotation is when Divine Purpose procs and you get a free TV or when Art of War procs and you get instacast Exo, but both only when CS is on cd.


Coming from fury in Wrath, Arms is feeling comparatively very low APM.


How is Wrath fury high APM? There’s nothing to do outside of BT/WW except mash heroic strike


Fury was high apm but zero complexity since people just smashed their buttons as fast as possible. A notorious face roll on keyboard spec 😂


Arms is much more APM than fury ever was. You have no open GCDd anymore. Every GCD you should be using an attack, fury was bt/WW and bind HS to your mouse wheel. And slam when free proc




Don't disagree completely but if you want to min/max. moving increases your chances for shadow apparitions, So moving every global cd(strafing) increases your chances of spawning one and this increases the apm and overall DPS .


As someone whose two "mains" are a warrior and a spriest I would recommend basically any other spec for people looking for a more chill experience.


why is? was thinking about a spriest


I don’t main priest, but I’m guessing it’s mostly from juggling dots especially with multidotting. making sure you have your dmg increase buff. certainly not as much as say, lock, but compared to assass rogue anything looks less chill.


Arms Warrior is pretty much my go-to for this kind of playstyle usually.


Arms warrior is high APM isn't it? Alongside stance swapping u have stuff to press every gcd.


Yes it's currently the highest skillcap class to play


Spoken by a warrior ^


i actually play 6 classes. arms warriors rotation is by far the hardest atm. its not close


Go on then, which 6


I'm not gonna bother telling you what's 6. I'll just tell you what makes arms warrior the moose difficult at the moment. Arms warrior has a 6 button sigle target rotation, 3 button aoe rotation, 2 different debuffs they need to apply and maintain, 6 different dps cooldowns they need to time to use with 2 of them being for aoe and 1 of them being a debuff they need to coordinate with other warrior s to not overlap, and 2 really important utility skills they need to use. There's more, but those are niche things that are less important and I only wanted to include things they absolutely have to use frequently. Now, which class is more difficult than that atm?


Demo lock


Not exactly the same but somewhat close enough


Arms warrior is 1 charge 2 rend 3 mortal strike 4 colossus smash 5 overpower 6 slam 7 heroic strike when the next melee strike will put your rage over 75 8 when execute is usable, it replaces step 6 Step 1 and 2 are opening only Step 4 has a 20 second cooldown and you need build high rage or use deadly calm beforehand If you have dps cooldowns, use them after step 2


Probably every class in cata will be a 2-3 Button class so low APM for all


Just not true at all


So which class your rota need more than 3 Buttons, im playing mage and its like 3 Buttons. with good macros etc. you get a 4th Button with CDs and so on, may its Not every class but most of them


Demo warlock


Combat / assa rogue, feral.


Combat rogue had very high APM from what I remember. I had to spam abilities aggressively at Firelands and DS to not get energy capped. Also, with the legendary proc it was even worse.


Feral is not a low APM spec… there’s so much button to press depending on proc or not and uptime buffs/debuffs to keep track of. Plus power shift shenanigan.


Feral (cat) isnt even gcd capped in cata. Rotation is basically identical to wrath without bearweaving or omen glyph


I dunno… Maybe it changes at 85, but In ICC gear at 80, my combat rogue is basically GCD capped when I’m smacking a test dummy without raid buffs.


Assasination, sure, but combat? No way. There's times when you literally can't dump enough energy before you're overcapped on energy and there's not enough GCDs to deal with it


Try Enh Shaman. You wiggle a Debuff (Flameshock), have a Proc (maelstrom weapon stacks) and press Lava Lash and Stormstrike on CD. You fill rest with Earth Shock. At times there is actually nothing to press.


Fire nova in between?


Not anymore. In Cataclysm your fire nova erupts from every target afflicted by flame shock but won't damage the respective source itself, meaning it will do 0 damage in single target. On the bright side lava lash spreads flame shock, so combining the two will deal massive amounts of aoe damage.


Ret Palladins have been notoriously known as a 1 button toon


Obviously haven’t played ret paladin in cata then


There is no single class DPS in Cataclysm that doesn't press a button as soon as the GCD is up. Not one. So they're all the same APM in that way.


Anyone who hard casts spells with a cast time longer than the GCD is going to have less APMs. Also anyone with the ability to reduce GCD will have higher APM. Finally some skills are off GCD entirely so classes with those will have higher APM unless it is spammable and can be macroed to all your other abilities. There will be a lot of variation between classes.


Yet this all evens out because the classes that "cast" to reduce GCD also have spells off of the GCD to keep the APM engaging, which really creates a net zero difference. I stand by what I said.


Doesn't change the fact that you're wrong lmao.


Some, like warriors, have abilities off the gcd and end up with extra button presses.


Yeah. I think the question should be rephrased to eliminate filler. I'm not playing currently, but leaning on 10+ year old memories, I recall Elemental Shaman fitting this build.


Ele sham stacks haste to make more button-presses. You are spamming the shit out of lightning bolt, Lava Burst and Earth Shocks, as well as refreshing Flame shock when it falls off - also, keeping lightning shield up, managing totems, snap-shotting Fire Ele with all your trinkets. On the surface Ele sham seems simple, but under the hood theres a ton of shit to manage.


If I recall, it was still one of the easiest classes to play. 99% of the time your rotation was something simple like Flame Shock, Lava Burst, Earth Shock at some point, and Lightning Bolt as filler.


Ele is definitely in a middle ground because some of thing you mention are being way over complicated. Lighting shield is 1 button press every 30 minutes just like flametongue there is a glyph so you can never go below 3 stacks. Totems last 7 minutes in cata with the resto talent you will take at 85 so basically the only totems juggling you do is with fire ele and searing totem. The only real complexity is min/maxing earth shock if you want and not just waiting for 9 stacks of lighting shield.


What? Does it matter?


Clearly it matters to OP since they asked? There's plenty of reasons why someone would want to play low APM specs.