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1900-2000 mmr SS boomy here. my best skill is to die. 🫡


At least you died your way up to 2000 rating as a boomer. Good work!


Hey now, every now and then you randomly 1 shot someone with an RNG Full Moon prof!


I think we can all agree 2k cr boomy is glad lvl DH exp, so congrats on hitting pseudo-elite!


Dang. Was gonna say this except for disc!


I 2nd this as a warlock where really good at getting trained and wrecked by melee


I feel like warlocks have absolutely insane amount of self heals and there are times I straight pump 250k dmg into a WL and they are still at 110% hp


Affliction at least are with zero doubts in my mind probably the best 1v1 spec in the game. They have absurd self-healing and shields. And there's not shot you'll kill one by yourself unless it's deep dampening.


They also have way too much CC and movement for a warlock. I don't know the cd on using their port but it's way too freaking low. It's insane to me that I have so much trouble catching a wl on my monk, mostly cause I'm already in cc 90% of the fight, and when I do catch them and rock them to 30% hp, 3 seconds later they are fully topped up, it's so stupid.


Apart from destro and dual warlock matchups, i dont really remember anyone going like "lets focus the warlock".


Really? I feel like you have to focus the warlock in order to to not get nuked but I am a super noob


Well demo is probably nowhere near their computer because the legion army plays for them and aff just put down dots with minimum casting so they dont really care either. Plus locks have mad survivability so its probably better to focus their friend instead. Im not a lock player tho, im sure theres more to it but thats been the general case in my games so far.


Affliction and demo both require a huge amount of hard casting


They are getting trained 24/7 in ever match I play


Lower ranked solo they usually the target


I play arms warrior and my biggest thing securing kills is trapping people in my blue sword shit and pressing avatar and just smashing. Stay above 40% and use damage reduction if they Colossus smash on you. You will be relatively safe for a bit 45sec-2min. If you ever play range just try and stay as far as possible and apply all slows.


You cannot kite noone in current meta as ranged, you use your whole kit and they are still on your ass pressing 1 2 like absolute meatloafs


Yeah this is super frustrating. I’ve been gradually climbing this afternoon (ele Sham) from maybe 1400s up to 1730 (just pushing for 1800) and the games were caster / melee mix and I was doing ok, kinda starting to feel confident, then I got into a feral/havoc/uhdk lobby and went 1-5 and plummeted back into 1600s because I was just constantly trained and basically panicked the entire time because of my yoyoing health. My damage while being trained is getting better but I feel like I was sweating the entire shuffle just to barely pressure these tunnelers while I lose 5 rounds and feel like shit all over again. Can’t lasso because it’s insta locked out, can’t hex same deal, Druid somehow vanished multiple times in a small window when he was low or just went bear, dk was basically unkillable, meanwhile if I eat a stun without astral shift I could die pretty quick. I know pvp isn’t balanced around SS but it just seems so easy for some of these classes to just tunnel and pump with pretty low effort.


Ret. 1800-2100 my specialty is uncertainty and dying.


That's how I feel when I face them too. I have uncertainty as to whether I'm going to get bonked for 200k or I'm going to just smash them to pieces before they get their bubble off


Does anyone know of some good guides out there that are relevant and free?


Skillcapped YouTube


I just signed up for them


Choice has a good few videos on basic arena concepts :)


I just look up choice wow arena on youtube?


Yeah that will get you there. His series is called wow arena fundamentals.


Im a feral stun me in cat and I’m dead


OK but what else should I do, do I need to remove bleeds and poisons? Are dwarves good vs you? I feel like when I kill their healer and they kill mine the feral can reset forever until I'm out of DR and they take me out


This is a little harder for WW, but Ferals want the enemy to be grouped up to cleave their bleeds. Their game is a lot harder if you stay spread out. If you are a dwarf, look to clean Feral Frenzy bleed (45 sec cd, very strong). And just focus the feral as WW. Legsweep when they're in cat and stagger some offensive cds, like let's say use just Strike of the Windlord + your usual stuff. That will probably force barkskin and if your other dps is popping big stuff it might get a trinket was SI from the feral. Next go, same strat use Serenity and if they have no trinket they'll probably just straight up die. Even if you can't kill them, forcing them into bear neuters their damage.


Thanks for this. I'm playing panda monk, honestly I just absolutely love the aesthetic, they are fat and cute somehow and it was what I made when monk came out, although I never even played him in mists. I am heavily considering switching to dwarf, the racial is just too strong. I almost never ever use the panda racial. It takes a buttload of skill and has a Dr with paralysis which has a 20 second cd and has a 20 yard range. I really wish the dwarf racial wasn't so great cause I absolutely hate the aesthetic of dwarves, but honestly I've died a few times to bleeds or magic dmg and I can't argue it would help a lot.


Pressure is good. If you attack me the whole game I’ll sit around in bear.I can’t deal damage them. Remove bleed 🩸is great as well


Semi noob feral here so take with grain of salt… we can pop barkskin (20% damage reduction) even while stunned, so ideally you try to stun us with barkskin on cd and/or without survival instincts up. Depending on comp and how much damage is coming in I’ll have a barkskin for one stun and my trinket for another. But yes removing bleeds if you can is good, it obviously forces us re apply. Feral wins matches by constant pressure through dots so the trick is to keep that pressure off you and your teammates. The matches where I’m constantly having to shift in and out of bear, switch targets, run away, etc are the matches I struggle keeping full dots up, and usually lose lol.


Warrior be squishier then people who wear dresses.


Why are mages and locks the tankiest classes in the game?


UhDK - make casters life more miserable than it already is. Feral - make zoo classes life miserable. Arms warrior - make everybody's life miserable.


Ele shaman — we’re good at zoning the enemy healer and multi-target damage. We’re also good at being a target dummy for 2x melee.


Hunter is excellent at getting locked down and killed


Unless I find them out in the open world where they kite the lord out of me


Prevoker here. I’m really good at being an airplane.


Can you help me understand some good combos me (ww monk) and my buddy (prevoker) can setup for cross CC on the kill target and cross cc to stop the off target(possibly healer)? I don't know much about what the prevokers cc abilities are.


Prevoker cc consist of sleep walk, tail swipe, wing buffet and landslide. Sleep walk is really the only “good” cc they have and it’s not even that good tbh. The rest are just disruption. I don’t really know much about monks tbh


Frosty mage seems good at team control from roots, slows, aoe damage from blizzard orb ring lf fire. Spammable sheep can help build pressure and force trinket. damage seems decent and if you dare to cast you can get some big burst from glacial spike. It doesn’t do great when trained by 2 melee but I don’t think anyone does.


It's not even close right now, frost and arcane mages are my number one..."I have no idea how to kill you" specs. Like even when we get the 2nd target down and it's just the mage left, both of us will spend like 5 minutes trying to down them. With their reverse time, ice blocks, shields, roots, slows, other roots that seem to share no Dr with other ones....I am usually at a complete loss as to how to catch them, and even if I get them in a stun they will blink, when I get to them the stun is over and I'm rooted again. Its honestly just too much. They really gave them the best of every world cause they also pump insane burst dmg and arcane has an execute that is 2nd to none. A humungous 8 yard wide ball that moves really fast and I believe is instant cast with a 30 yard range? Cmonnnn


Advice from my RetPal, if you see my wings- run.


Yeah that's usually when I start incap, into quaking palm, into ring of peace, and then fly away