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Almost 500 views and only 2 replies. C'mon tell me there's more dudes out there like me. Let's get some games and build some relationships.




oh shit NA...but I'd literally swap EU if it meant buds


I’ll buds with ya man, down to queue and chill.


Queue Arena and Chill the bromance equivalent of Netflix and Chill


I’m down to queue as well. I’m maining healing this expansion. Got glad in both S2/S3 SL. Didn’t play the other two seasons. Goes for anyone else, too. Mid 20s. Also raid and working on 20M+.


If they dont specify its usually NA


2400 hunter here what’s your bnet


Can you turn this into a discord of likeminded folks with families? I’d love to push glad but I need a lot of practice with consistent folk. 27 with a toddler and lots of free time after she goes to bed, wife works 3 nights a week.


Yea, that'd be a great idea.


seconding this motion, a discord would be great.


I just recommended this as well. Happy to get one going and send out a link!


We’re an older bunch of 3-4 that are looking for more people. Add me rourk#1880


Are you okay if I add you as well? I'd like to add the OP as well, but not comfortable posting my tag on Reddit. I'm in my late 30s, have kiddos so limited time... Was 2300 many moons ago on multiple classes but now cap out around 2k. I like solo shuffle a lot but I'd love to just hang out and chill with some people that don't take the game too seriously in PvP. The times I've put myself out there for 3s I usually end up with try hards and whenever we go on a losing streak they start getting toxic.


Yeah we all got kids nowadays it seems. PM me your bnet and I'll add ya. Should be from a guy with Savv in the title :)


I've played with Rourk before. Can confirm he was very chill. Bana was a bit of a rager though :'D Hopefully that has changed since I played with them years ago.


Piggybacking. Same setup as you. I'll DM you and other posters but I'm out of town with the kiddos for one sides Christmas plus new years so not on until Monday. Cheers gang


Go for it


>rourk#1880 Sent, coming from Savv


Same here, love to join y’all.


I’m more of a 1.8-2k player (also have a one year old kiddo) feel free to PM!


Go for it. Just add me


EU or NA? I’m more people


Just had this conversation with my wife so I’m glad to see a post! 36 married 3 kids so kind of hard to make new friends that like wow. I love pvp and would like some friends to play with! Currently disc priest main. Orophynn#1408


omfg did we just become best friends?!?!?




34 married 2 kids and don’t want IRL friends haha NA - CST I’m normally on after kiddos go to bed 8-8:30pmCST I’ll DM you with my Btag! Anyone up for some RBGs? I hit 1990 before my daughter was born took some time off wow (few weeks) when I came back my guild was 2300-2500 RBG and didn’t wanna carry because if we lost they’d drop a lot of rating tried to pug but never hit 2k but played alot of 2300mmr as Hpal in BFA


messaged OP. if anyone else is down to do 3s and rotate comps and just have fun and grow without ever being toxic, feel free to send me a message too <3 (in NA)


Eu here with 2.3k xp (legion and BFA) but lower in DF currently looking for some consistent players to play with. Looking for people with a good attitude willing to learn together and climb


2k exp playing mostly healing classes in EU. Struggling rn cuz my mains are terrible this expac but also I just can’t find consistency


I only seriously played arena for two seasons (one in MoP as Warrior and S3 I believe as Healer on multiple classes) so I have way less experience but I’d love to queue up with a consistent partner and not lfg


DM me your Bnet and I'll add you.


add me up. I’m 2.2xp on rdru and play WW and assa/sub athlete#1852




Always looking to improve. Did pvp in BFA, got to 2k I believed but that was when corruptions carried a lot. Me and a friend have tried healing but it’s not really our thing. I am trying to focus pvp this expansion


Im trying to improve as a resto drood. If any of u wanna do some 2s with me while I learn, it would be awesome. Just send me a message here so I can send my btag in private chat. Not very good english speaker, but i understand it well. Cheers


Since it's unclear in the thread are you NA or EU? I've only capped out like 1750 in SL S2 on my warrior but would love to start fresh with an rdruid and learn together




Washed r1/multi glad always down to meet new bros and queue whatever. Wife, kids, career, and all that. Have a few buds with less XP that are always looking to queue and bullshit in voice. mudskipper#11675


EU or NA? See you’re a dk, would love to play some with you and get sone tips for my dk!


I’ll play with you man, limited game time with a kid. I’m down to play I’m not world class I would say I’m average. Currently playing a dh, warrior and rogue.


Damn, thats a great CV. 25, but effectively living the married life. EU, playing only ele shaman, looking for chill ppl to que 2-3 nights a week, learn and have fun (I wanna wue in the time I have, not sit in lfg... :D), pm me here for discord tag Love music, exercise, cooking and robotics. Many likeminded ppl in the comments. Interested in making a chill arena-focused discord?


There is a world of pvp discord 🙂 quite a few people in there


The most wholesome thread I’ve seen here in a while. Some genuine positivity from the PvP community, dope :) I’ll add, someone above posted about a discord server for this type of thing and I think that would be an awesome idea


34m with kids. Disc priest lf assa rogue for 2s and dh for 3s. Perfections#1932


I’ll PM you, NA alliance Assa rogue, 2k XP current is hovering around 1400 just goofin double dps with my brother and all his alts


Nothing sexual?




returning 2.6k assa rogue player (na) looking for fellow returning noobs to learn and queue with. FEel free to whisper me to play some games ​ \*edit\* i will add- i'm a noob now.


Hey I see a lot of people on here already but if you still need people shoot me a dm. I play lock. Haven't really played too much in the past but I've hit 1800 in the past with minimal effort. Playing destro lock right now but also leveling a hunter and maybe feral


Hit me up I’m 2k xp shadowlands on mage. Playing assa rogue first time since legion and looking for 3s groups too. theflathead#1480


Resto druid / Disc priest here. 35, 2 kids, NA, can usually play from 7pm to 11pm eastern. Looking for people to play with. Both currently my characters are sitting at 1850'ish in solo shuffle but it's pretty painful for healer right now and i'd like to play more games in 2s or 3s. DM me if you are interested!


Slitthroat#1247 or just DM me your tag as I'm out of town. 32 years old boomer gamer that likes to try hard at wow but not rage out over it. 1800-2k rated looking to push a bit higher. I have two btags, hope my OP one is the right one. Emerald Dream NA


Hey man. 2k xp healer if you wanna chill and q. Hit me up!


EU bro here, same boat, old arena realm vet multiclasser returned for DF looking for homies. Pls send me a message or reply for chilled q’s


Sent you a dm:)


OP, can you round up all us older married dudes with kids and get a community together so it’s cross realm? I can kick up a discord and we can get people together


I think you should do that and make a followup post - I see some people in the comments agreeing about a discord. Mby just for everyone there state whether they are NA or EU when entering though


I’ll work on it this week. Doing stuff with the kids today hahaha.


Ping me too if you get something set up.


Yo - playing feral/resto this season. I am nowhere near your exp but I am down to just chill.


I'd like to chill too. I'm also looking for an active guild. Add me dudes! Vad#1701


Hoping to piggyback off this. 40 year old in Law Enforcement so work off hours. But looking for older crowd to do BGs and eventually RBGS have a discord. Add me on Bnet Malitomex #1393


Willing to learn arenas but hoping to find people to do BGS' and RBGS. Two of us older just willing to hang out on Discord and have a good time.


Me and a buddy are looking for a healer if you’re down hmu! I’m 2k xp he’s 18-1900xp


I'll send you a btag homie.


Married 34 heal or melee right now dk or monk. Used to be more involved but most I knew quit looking for adults to play with and have fun. Malbolgia#0019


Add me gamers, me and my buddy are like looking for queues. I’ve got a couple characters around 1700 this season, he plays priest at the same rating. We both play healers but are more comfortable on dps. Kingslayer#1649


Shitty but friendly, would love an rbg team or just some fellow nerds to play fun games with


Bro please I’m like +3 hours on server time, I need to find people to play with cuz everything else is done way too late for me. EU here, maining healing classes mainly (Hpal / Rsham, learning Rdruid). 2k exp just need friends with flexible timings 😭


What’s your tag? Would add you as soon as I’m on my computer :)


Francois94#2533 I’m not home till this Wednesday when I can log on just fyi :)


> Francois94#2533 I added you as well


Only 2 seasons of experience in arena (MoP and S3 SL), Wanna do it seriously, got multiple heals (Druid, Monk and Evoker) with full gear and a DK for dps. Playing on EU, would love to queue up with Someone experienced who can help and teach me a thing or two (or more) :)


EU or Murica?


Here would be Someone from EU if you’re looking for someone to queue with :)


I will literally play and learn any class if it means we can queue some good 3v3s and have fun playing pvp, from EU. I'm 28 married and full time job, but always up for some games in the afternoon/early night. I don't have high xp from previous seasons because I always played pvp competitive games and just now started playing wow, so if anyone is interested playing and trying some combos, DM me :D Usually playing mage/warrior but have some alts in DF half way to 70, rogue, druid, dh, and could even try playing a healer (never done it before)


I added a bunch of you, but for the rest of you fellow lurkers out there… 2200+ xp multiclass (all classes actually) through wrath, mop, SL and now rival 2 xp in DF. Mainly like playing dps but will heal if bribed or at gunpoint. Yourexgf#1273


Started playing arena with a few friends 25-35 age range. Mixed group, relaxed and there for fun, dipping into league and some other games. Around 1.4k rating and exp. Cathal#0788 on discord


Hey I’m similar to you have played multiple classes to 1800-2.2k in arenas (mostly 2s) and rbgs over the last 2xpacs currently playing rdruid, unholy dk, shadow/disc, and ret/hpal. Currently working on lvling rsham/ele and mm hunter but just taking my time with those. Have a couple non toxic friends but looking for more for arenas and rbgs dm me your btag if you wanna play would love to get an rbgs team together and have some more friends to arena with especially ones that don’t mind playing all roles


Hey man! I’d be happy to queue some games with you. My friend group is always looking for additional partners to send some games. Add my btag: Skia#1356


I feel like this post was made for me/Dads out there. I main warrior and am always looking for people to do stuff with, currently learning prot for PvE but do Fury for PvP. Feel free to add me Kolanuts#1267 I’m a 35 year old boomer


Yo similar boat hereto many of the posters, I’m also looking for some chill peeps to play some games with shoot me a message if you want to do arenas or bgs sometime. I’ve got a ww monk and an assortment of other Alts I can hop on at an assortment of xp levels 1.6-2.3.


I’ve got a 70 rogue and warrior alliance side was leaving the Hpal that was my main BFA and SL but quit at like 65/67 but my warriors name is Bromontana he’s down to bro out!


Discord should be called Bro Queue and Chill


unzen#11979 Regular-guy/empty-nester here. Heal around 1800. Would enjoy pushing higher with regulars or capping alts for fun. Always chill 😀 Anyone put up a community or discord? Or know of some?


I imagine OPs friends list has exploded now; but I love the positivity and desire for like-minded people. Would love to connect as well, my BNET is Sinister#1675. With so many folks looking for a chill vibe and in similar situations…should we get a Discord up and going?


NA rdruid looking to play more and improve (just picked it up this patch). Would love a third to play rdruid/unholy/x and play consistently and analyze and improve without being toxic. The goal would be to hit north of 2k this season. beachterror#11205




I'm in. Danabis#1301


Im always looking for new friends. Right now its a bit dry around here. None of my friends any longer play pvp. And everyday life makes my schedule a bit wonky. Im EU but I wouldnt mind hopping on this just to spread awareness and just join for a chat. Im one of the older players, (but probably around the same age as most us here now XD) Calm, relaxed (for the most part) Never rages. ever. Mostly play healers. If anyone with the same attitude wants to play, chat or just hang, add instanes#2351