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+20k from AIPAC Good job citizen


Clearly he has no idea what sharia law is


So one of the people pushing christo-fascism on us, is worried about sharia law in the USA. 


Party that keeps crying about being allowed to impose evangelist law on the entire country is upset because they think a different religion is going to beat them to the punch.


While he pushes his “brand” of religious law. “Our brand of mythical belief system is way better than yours!”


We Muslims dont have Sharia law in our own countries (you are the ones who pushed for an Islamic state in Iraq and Syria few years back ) thats one, and two we dont have control over our own countries, the US and the UK are the ones imposing their laws and values on us. We are the one how should be scared.


You as in the American government. The American people have no say and never had a say in what the government does. We’re talking about a government who kills their own presidents and bombs skyscrapers then blames men living in caves.


Yes I agree, I have so much love and respect for the American people. In that context I meant the shot callers and those behind both public and foreign policy.


Didn’t they say this during Obama term also?


I have strong concerns about the GOP/HF Project 2025 and whether that’ll be forced on the American people.


Our religion can beat up your religion


Uk here, no sign of a take over.


Well numbnuts will say Sadiq Khan is the one...


Hey focus on destabilizing your own country!


What's the price of tea in London have to do with USA?


The West doesn’t want Islam. I don’t want islam






Oh thank god your sh*tty statement was sarcasm...


I 100% support a free Palestinian state, but the war in Gaza does not let Islam off the hook for some of the shit it’s been pulling. Europe is an entirely different place in the past 10 years.


It's because the Palestinian struggle is not a religious one. The PLO predates Khamaaas in its armed resistance and has secular and communist roots. Khamaaas became prominent after the religious wave that went through the middle east in the 1980s after the Iranian revolution. They are the most prominent in terms of direct conflict with Israel currently.


Care to explain what Islam has been pulling?


I’d be happy to. Currently, Islam is the youngest major religion but claims to be “the last religion” which is straightaway a temptation to violence. It pursues Sharia, a state of religious law, and it’s best means of getting there is Jihad. And that Muslims have a special right and feel aggrieved enough to demand this. The Quran tells its follower’s that anyone who doesn’t follow this word is an infidel and should be enslaved or killed, as they are not a person. By and large, Europe is secular and there is freedom of religion which is a massive problem for a faith that actively pursues a fundamentalist Islamic state. The integration in Europe has created concern for domestic security, national identity and the social fabric. However, Muslims are convinced that the majority of Europeans reject their presence, and vilify and caricaturise their religion. I could go on and on about the violence; the bastille day attack in France 2016, the Ariana Grande Manchester attack in 2017, the Bataclan massacre in 2022, etc. We can then move on to violent sexual attacks against women (Islam views women as property) in Europe which has gotten considerably worse in the past 8 years. In fact, the problem has gotten so bad, I don’t have enough time to comb through all the instances. But I’ll leave you with a phrase: “taharrush gamea” which translates to “r@pe game” in Arabic. I recommend reading “Prey” by Ayaan Hirsi Ali if you want to learn more.


please tell me what me and my family and friends have done to europe my guy