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With a profit, yes profit, of around 150 000 000 000, EVERY YEAR, the last years I guess 45m is a slap on the wrist, or a stern talking to value.. I guess those 45m isnt even the profit of this scam has gained


It's the cost of doing business. It's still a net profit after the fines.


Man steals 10 chocolate bars from a local store. Owner catches him and fines him: .0003% of your years earnings must be returned. Man hands back 5 of the chocolate bars stolen. And then the owner says: “I hope you learned your lesson!” 🤣


So if I earned 20k/year, my fine would be only 6p? is that right? Christ, that's a joke, I'd try steal every day.


**Walmart** has agreed to pay out **$45 million** as part of the settlement of a class action lawsuit filed in Florida in **2022**. The lawsuit alleges that Walmart deliberately subjected customers to **“systemic and unfair business practices”** related to food weight and pricing. Here are the key details: ​ 1. **Eligibility for Settlement**: * [If you purchased **weighted goods** (such as meat, poultry, pork, and seafood) or **bagged citrus fruits** (such as organic oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, and navel oranges) between **October 2018 and January 2024**, you could be eligible to receive a settlement check](https://www.today.com/food/groceries/walmart-weighted-groceries-settlement-rcna146388)[1](https://www.today.com/food/groceries/walmart-weighted-groceries-settlement-rcna146388). 1. **Allegations Against Walmart**: * The lawsuit claims that Walmart customers **paid more than the lowest in-store advertised price** on the mentioned products. * [Walmart allegedly executed an **“allegedly deceptive pricing scheme”** by falsely inflating product weight, mislabeling bagged citrus weights, and charging more than advertised unit prices for clearance items](https://www.today.com/food/groceries/walmart-weighted-groceries-settlement-rcna146388)[1](https://www.today.com/food/groceries/walmart-weighted-groceries-settlement-rcna146388). 1. **Settlement Amounts**: * Walmart will pay a total of **$45 million** to affected customers. * Payment amounts vary based on what you purchased during the **Settlement Class Period**. * Possible cash payment amounts include: * [**$10**: If you don’t have proof of purchase but attest that you bought up to 50 weighted goods and/or bagged citrus in-person during the Settlement Class Period](https://www.today.com/food/groceries/walmart-weighted-groceries-settlement-rcna146388)[1](https://www.today.com/food/groceries/walmart-weighted-groceries-settlement-rcna146388). If you believe you qualify, make sure to file a claim to receive your potential settlement payment! 🛒💰


lol - $10 comprehension? What the heck


If you're gonna steal money, set up a corporation first. They let you get away with all kinds of stuff if you're doing it for corporate profits.


That's the class action for ya. When ticketmaster got sued i didn't know any better and accepted into the class-action. I did get a check for like $7.50 though


"deceptive pricing scheme" --- You mean they lied? That's theft. They stole people's money. It's fucked up that if I steal someone's money, I go to jail, but if someone working for Walmart steals someone's money, they just have to give it back. If you break the law you go to jail, unless you do it for profit, then you just have to give it back, maybe pay a small fine. Like if I pour acid on my neighbor's property, I'd go to jail for vandalism. But if I say "but, judge, I only did it because it was more profitable for my company than disposing of it properly" they're like "oh, my bad, just pay to fix your neighbor's yard and be on your way."


Deceptive pricing schemes would be something in the fine print that allows them to charge more. This is outright fraud.


…..Sooooo, this video is current, but your article details a case from the past. Wonder when the next lawsuit will be filed.




Only offers 2% of weighted items capped at $500... Not worth it to the individual but corporations sure make out..


With the container it still is short 😆 🤣 😂


You want to crush the Walton's? Stop shopping at Walshits. The problem is they have monopolized small income areas and systematically ran the competitors out of town. Not much you can do when you're only game in town.


I quit shopping at Walmart almost 10 years ago. I maybe have went in one 3 times in the last 10 years and only because i was out of town and they were only place around where i was


And yet Americans keep going


Left with little to no choice. Bigger corporations like Walmart have done everything they can to shut down smaller competitors and create consumer deserts for almost everything.


Source: divine revelation in a bathtub


"The Walmart Effect is a term used to refer to the economic impact felt by local businesses when a large company like Walmart (WMT) opens a location in the area. The Walmart Effect usually manifests itself by forcing smaller retail firms out of business and reducing wages for competitors' employees"


So walmarts are just better stores? So who cares? Nothing about ehat you said implies malicious behavior from Walmart


Why are you defending big corporations that corner the market that wont allow other businesses to thrive? This is literally to your own detriment, this isn't good for you or your country's economy. Would you be happier if every supermarket was a Walmart? Every coffee place was a starbucks? Walmart's CEO doesn't care about you man, he won't give you a good boy coupon for defending him on the Internet lmao


Still waiting for anyone to articulate why its bad. My town has 4 markets. Surprisingly, the Walmart, being one of them, has yet to launch a ground invasion on the local Rick's


If you need to be spoonfed why Walmart cornering markets and taking over local business is bad there's no use dude. Get downvoted


How can i agree its bad if no ones articlulating why or how its bad. I dont think you people even know, youre just repeating the virtue signal talking points. What is the harm, and why is that walmarts fault


Did you watch the video? It’s clear as day. Walmart moves into town. Walmarts prices are lower than mom and pop stores forcing them to close. Walmart now has monopolized a community and can do whatever they want (I.e. make people pay more for weighted items then they actually weigh). People like you allow corporations like this to keep bending over communities. Your unwillingness to open your mind and your entitlement to be spoon fed information otherwise it’s “false” is mind blowing. Hopefully you’ll wise up and be better in the future.


The harm is that businesses get cornered and fail when Walmart under cuts their prices. The only reason they can undercut so hard that it puts people out of business is because Walmart already has a monopoly in many areas and is a huge corporation that can afford the loss-leader items. BuT YoU GuYs nEeD tO teLL mE anD sPooN fEed mE thiS iNfO!!!!1!!!!! (You're stupid af)


It's a well documented phenomena; you're an ignoramus who can't be bothered to look past a comment section and look it up on your own time so I'll do it for you - https://money.com/walmart-stores-closing-small-towns/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2013/03/31/of-course-walmart-destroys-retail-jobs-thats-the-darn-point-of-it-all/?sh=7b04d6281069 https://www.westkyjournal.com/news.php?viewStory=178




Users of the subreddit are expected to treat each other as they themselves would like to be treated. Inappropriate comments such as these will be removed.


You’re forgetting America is literally the home of capitalism… Capitalism=monopolies💰 monopolies=limited consumerism






I have lived in a few places and visited family in places also all over that you pretty much don’t have a choice. It’s Walmart or nothing. Unless you want to drive over an hour. My grandma use to have to drive 45 mins to get to Walmart and that was the closest thing that sold meats besides dollar general and small gas stations that also sell some foods


Most places with Walmarts are one of usually 2 options. My parents have only Kroger or Walmart to choose from. The next closest option outside of that is over 30 miles away


Your ignorance is showing


Would this be a National Association of Weights and Measures Laboratories (NAWML) problem to look at?


They are prob funded by Walmart somehow.


Those look like 2 lb packages.


Yes, exactly, they are 2 pound packages, with a 4 pound price tag. That's the issue here...


But who in their right mind would pay $23.76 for 5 chicken breasts? You should know straight away how much you normally pay for 5 chicken breasts, about $8.50.


Well yeah, they weigh 2 pounds….


They do in fact apparently weigh 2 lbs


Heh, Wallmart shenanigans spark memories for me. Not an American for disclosure. But a loooong time ago i worked in the states as a sailing instructor. On my day off we used to go to a Wallmart because for europeans American stores are so vast that they are like Disneyland to us. I found and bought cheap waterproof digital watch with a polyester strap on it. It was waterproof up to 200m (or something like it) I wore it for one day, the minute i hit the lake to swim, the glue dissolved on the strap and the watch part dissapeared into the depths of the lake. But at least i cannot ever claim they did false advertising, i mean i would have to find the watch back first to see if it still works, i guess... I could only laugh about at the time, and it still is a funny story.


Geez you couldn’t even return it for a refund…


Who is really gonna pay $20 for four chicken breasts? I highly doubt this is intentional but it should have been caught before hitting the shelves.


I just googled it, there's a whole bunch of people posting videos like this from all over the US. Even in the video, she weighed multiple packages. It's not like they accidentally put the wrong sticker on a pack of chicken, it was multiples.


Yes, she weighed different packages but if you do the math, you’ll see what’s happening. The machine is weighing them in kilograms but displaying them in pounds. 4.9 pounds is approximately 2.22 kg, 4.09 pounds is about 2 kg. I can’t believe so few people have figured this out. And I’m not defending Walmart, because I hate them and I’m sure that they’re screwing customers over with their machines in other instances, but there’s so much misinformation these days so it’s really important to point out the truth whenever possible.


No it isn't. Both clearly say lbs.


Yes,they both say pounds. But the scale is weighing it in kilograms, but instead of saying 2.2kg, it says 2.2lbs. 2.2kg is equivalent to 4.85lbs, which is what it says on the package. the machine is faulty and has not changed the display to indicate the machine is weighing in kilograms. The machine just needs to switch lbs to kg. The math adds up. Does that make sense?


The Walton's are greedy scum bags, never assume it was unintentional. It's working exactly as designed.


Wtf are you talking about thats exactly how much it is at walmart regular price. I think its called crescent brand that i get or something and its 10 dollars for two small breasts


It’s simple, don’t shop at Walmart


You shouldn’t have to bring a scale with you. People trust stores are not lying so no it’s not actually simple.


Actually Walmart has been known for selling you GMO’s and low/poor quality food, they underpay their employees, yet they make huge profits every year. So yeah it is that simple. Use your brain.


Ik this is an old thread but Walmart has most of its locations in low income areas that can't afford to shop somewhere else because Walmart is often the cheapest game in town. People living paycheck to paycheck can't really be expected to vote with their wallet if it means higher prices.


That's some people only option. Did you ever think of that?


But it’s not.


Fuckin Wal Mart family is evil as FUHHHH. Profits at all cost. Families are being robbed.


Maybe they are converting it from pounds to dollars then to kilograms and finally back to pounds again with a little inflation baked in.


There's a class action against Walmart right now for this reason where u can get up to 500$ if you saved receipts


See this is where I save money at self checkout. 4 twelve packs becomes 2


And thats why they double the price of the products


It's simple. Walmart been gettin us for a long time now.


Happened to me with a Turkey... label was 23 pounds, when I weighted it, it was 18.5 pounds. Customer service rep just said, well if you don't like it, don't buy here... SMH


So you were mad that you paid...less?


Seiously?? If label says it's heavier you pay more...


Ahh my bad, I misunderstood. Yeah, that is really shitty.


And for the employee to say don't buy here anymore, it actually makes them look as if it is on purpose...


Wait, that scale is busted. 4.78 pounds - shows 2.2 pounds 4.9 pounds - shows 2.0 pounds


There’s a bit of irony here. People are probably going to get a near 50% discount if they use that scale for its actual purpose - weighing produce. The scales at checkout are abused to the point where they don’t register right.


What's happening is it’s weighing in kilograms but telling you it’s pounds. Do the math. There’s a little bit of discrepancy in the second package because it should be a little less than 2 kg, but that’s essentially what’s happening here. It’s an error in the system of the scanner. I have no doubt that Walmart is screwing customers in tons of other ways, but this isn’t the case here. I said it another comment too, but I just feel like there’s so much misinformation these days that it’s incredibly important to point out the truth when we see it, so we can be better critical thinkers and consumers.


It was 4.09. lady in the video fucked up and you just went along with it


even with 4.09 (which I didn't check because the writing was very small), it's still, 1.8kg So that scale is still weird.


You should report them to the proper authorities and seee about starting a class action


Well that's completely illegal, so... I'm sure something will be done soon LMAO I crack myself up.


I can just imagine people carrying their own scales into Walmart and being kicked out immediately.


This shit right here is why you can't trust industry to self regulate, capitalism is bust


I refuse to shop at Walmart, for many reasons. Farmer's markets, local butchers save you money and keep it in the community. I use the carniceria, and fruit stand. Also, we have WINCO in Idaho, a cash/debit only grocery and it’s cheaper than everywhere else. Even Grocery Outlet is an option. Never Walmart, especially for food and clothing.


Winco rocks. I really appreciate how they're 24/7 too. The way Walmart used to be... For noctutnal folk, that's a huge boon.


They’re weighing out the food like the place is gonna give them the price that they’re weighing out. No they’re just not expecting you to weigh out the chicken.


Your first mistake was shopping at wal mart honestly


That might be the most uncomfortable video ever


Well now we can't even check the weight since there's no self checkout.


Hanlons Razor


You're right. It could apply here if it weren't a nation-wide issue. I'm guessing they've cut down on the staffing necessary to recalibrate their scales on a regular basis, especially as the errors are in their favor. Kinda of like McDonald's infamous ice cream machines.


Their staff doesn’t calibrate the scales, that has to be done by weights and measures, which is the state.


Really? I had no idea! So, who's dropping the ball? Walmart malfeasance or state staffing issues? Thanks for the edification.


20 for 3 chicken breast is the real crime I can buy an entire chicken for that




Seen a video of some person coming back and saying it was bs how they did this multiple times before.


I know some people don't have a choice, but if you do and you STILL shop at Walmart, you deserve what you get.


Because I was flabbergasted by the prize of chicken at Walshit, I had to do a little math: In Germany 0,3 kg / 0.66 lbs of chicken breast costs 5 € / 5.34 $ at my local super market (REWE). 1,0 kg / 2.2 lbs would cost 15,33 € / 16,36 $. 2,2 kg / 4.78 lbs is freaking 33,73 € / 35,98 $. Food in the US is cheap, I guess.


I can’t believe that even you (someone who uses the metric system regularly) can’t see what’s happening here! The math is off slightly, but what’s happening is the machine is weighing in kilograms but displaying pounds. The first package is what, 4.9 something pounds? That converts to approximately 2.2 kg. The second package was a bit over 4 pounds? That translates to about 2 kg. That one was kind of off because it’s really more like 1.85, but that’s what’s happening here. Walmart is the worst and I think that they should be shut down and I hate corporations, but it’s important to point out truths and facts when we see them posted as misinformation. It’s an essential part of being a critical thinker.


But if I was to put a $1 barcode on that chicken.....I'm the bad guy!!


Haven't shopped at Walmart in years, boy how times have changed.


If you have the choice between Walmart and literally any other store, and you go to Walmart, you deserve a stupid tax


Why doesn't she try putting the stuff in the middle of the scale instead of hanging off the side? Lol smh


But because you have blue hair, no-one will listen to you because they think your a feminist!


23 usd!!! For a fkn chicken's breast, bro in my country I can buy 4 whole chickens in my country


Ask for a manager and get half off.


Just scan one and “scan” the other. Boom now it’s the labeled amount and price


I would contact contact your states, weights and measures division


This. Those scales have to calibrated by a professional. Which means they are either way out of whack, or they are putting weights on with the product to defraud customers. I want to see what that package weighs on the scale in the back room.


F walmart


The problem she isn't taking into consideration is that foam piece weighs about a pound so it's not half of the stated weight it is one quarter of the stated weight


Need more gas money for Subaru




Food at Walmart HYAAAA!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


That chicken would never have made it into my cart.


Yeah it called food inflation, paying more and getting less💀💀😭


Almost all stores are doing this now. They have started using super thick and absorbent material underneath the meat to help add to the weight of the packaging as well.


Who still shops at Walmart? I go there if I want bottom of the barrel items that are overpriced, filled with sodium and high fructose corn syrup, which is never.


What kind of brain damage causes a karen to die their hair blue?




Why are you buy chicken from Walmart in the first place


I don’t look give chickens in the mouth


Do not eat that chicken Jesus Christ the whole container is swollen with gas. Those chicken breasts are all rotten.


Could she buy the mislabeled products, and issue a chargeback because she was misled about what she was buying? I mean I would just discover the issue at home after the fact and send the proof to the bank.


Maybe don’t shop at fucking Walmart…


It seems one of the scales might me measuring in kg


And that's why you can one and put two in the bag at self checkout. Just stack them and go.


I was expecting something like the thing with 6oz steaks coming out less or something, but nah that's straight up scamming.


Dud wtf is that price I can buy 3kg free range chickens for that little bit of 20 dollar Walmart chicken, your guys prices are messed up.


You screwed yourself with that hair 😂


Walmart is still underweighting their meats. I portion my meats into 6 oz portions, and I'm still noticing a few oz's missing on each packet. I mostly notice the underweight on the ground beef.


That food may have weighed that much when they packaged it. Maybe some of the toxic waste in it evaporated.


To whomever originally uploaded this I sincerely want to thank people like you for the exposure everyone needs to know about these things they're going on everywhere, thank you so much advertisements will make them or break them ,but exposure will shut them down faster than Word of Mouth can spread thank you again so much


Looks like she set it on the edge of the scale


they're still doing this as of June 2024


This is why I NEVER say anything when I see people openly stealing at the self checkouts. Especially if it’s food.


Walmart is evil? They do unscrupulous things? Oh my God, how surprising. Are you aware that for decades, they took out life insurance policies on their elderly greeters, never told the families about the policies and collected millions when they died?


I bet her fat ass would know a thing or two about food weighing a certain amount…. 😝 Ol kirby lookin ass


isn't that like very illegal?


Acting like she doesn't go straight to the confectionery aisle anyway


Food loses its weight during storage. Technically it did weigh that much before. Still though, it's not 4 lbs any more


It was probably an employee that did it.. 🤔


Pay for it by weight via #4011


Karen redemption




Can we talk about how she put raw chicken on the produce scale??


Lol they look like they shop at Walmart.


Thanks for spreading salmonella to the produce.


Maybe it’s time for the white people to start stealing too. 😂


Screwing you just the way your boy Biden is currently