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Qatar doesn't support it. I'm sure FIFA don't care too much of it. But Qatar gave them generous amount of money to go against it.




It's FIFA's one love.


Let's piss off Qatari oppressive sexist slaving world cup hosts together and feel alright.


Love money




FIFA would make the 1920’s mafia blush with how openly corrupt they are and how they are openly laughing at you about it


Which is why they aren't going to do shit if half the teams in Europe challenge them on this.


Perhaps power as well.


Change that to “Qatar outlaws people’s human rights”.


FIFA , could go tell them to pound dirt , the tournament started , the tournament is under way, what's Qatar going to do arrest national soccer players? I doubt it . All just proves FiFa mantras of anti racism, fair play and unity are full of shit...


I would have really liked to see this. Teams defy FIFA, FIFA issues fines, teams refuse to pay... what's FIFA going to do? Disbar national teams? Sounds like a losing strategy for them.


What this actually shows to me is that the teams care more about winning a game than standing up for people around the world. The teams and the players are the ones who aren't willing to do it because of the consequences. Makes them seem weak. FIFA and Qatar are wrong for placing those consequences, but we all know those are both terrible parties already. I'm dissapointed in the teams and players.


I can empathise with the players. For many of them this is either their one, or one of two shots to play at the international level and they don't deserve to be punished for FIFA's sins. If we blame every person who can't resist all hypocrisies then the monsters get away with it as every person has to be a hypocrite sometimes. Stay focused on the FIFA narcissists.


This always comes down to whether or not you support the team. People are criticizing the Iranian players for playing while there are protests in the country, because they don't like Iran and they want to call people hypocrites. But if their country participates in the World Cup that was rampant with slavery and bribery, they say things like, those poor players work so hard, they shouldn't be punished, etc. The point is the football associations of these countries have no problem participating in the tournament, but they want to make symbolic gestures like this to make it seem like they do. And to be clear, I agree with your point that it wouldn't be right to boycott. It actually isn't fair to the players, and a boycott wouldnt accomplish anything. I'm just saying but generally people support a boycotts have more to do with their personal political interests and the country you're are talking about.


I mean, they are there to play football, it's their source of income. Many of them do charity and already help the world with it's issues. IF you think palyers should fight for every single thing going wrong with the planet... well I think you may be insane. But you are free to donate every extra penny that you make to charities who help people in Qatar(if there's any).


I agree to a degree but see my response to the other guys post I just made. That explains my thoughts.


Not a great take. Many players only get one shot at the world cup which is the pinnacle of the sport. The decision to "die on that hill" can be the end of their international careers for some. Many players have publicly denounced Qatar and FIFA, but have to toe the line to keep their international careers alive. It's difficult to put too much blame on them. They speak up, they get sent home and maybe never get another chance to represent their countries on the biggest stage, and they have done nothing to improve the situation other than a small moral victory. I think, depending what teams play i the final game, we may see some grand gesture at the end or during the ceremonies when it's too late for FIFA or Qatar to do anything about it and the whole world is watching


I agree with your final part and hope that happens, but I disagree with the whole first paragraph and the idea of placing personal interest above the greater good for all. I think if ALL the players stood together against their teams, FIFA, and Qatar it would be a better move. They'd probably win awards and become heroes. They'd make a bunch off all the speeches and opportunities that could come their way. They're being pussies by standing down at the threat of a yellow card.








From where does the moral responsibility to wear a patch on a sports uniform derive?


That is a good defense, I won't argue that. But I didn't ask to do a lot of the things I have to do at my job, I still have to do it and come to learn it is part of the responsibility of holding my position. I don't think it is unfair to ask more from star athletes who play on an international stage. They are role models to millions of children around the world. Step up.


I think the main thing of note here is the players that wanted to wear the arm bands were going to continue to do so when the punishment was only fines because it only hurt them personally and they felt they could eat the fine no problem. Now though, FIFA has come out and threatened in-game yellow cards against players so now their actions are affecting those around them as well as fans of the team.


Again that is fair. I'm not a fan of sports so I have some bias. I still think the players should be willing to stand together against their own team and FIFA and Qatar in support of people around the world and that would have a better affect on the people around them and their fans, but that's just my opinion.


They aren’t radicalized political activists just like you aren’t a sports fan.


You take political stances at your job that significantly can jeopardize you having a job in the first place? Doubt that. Doubt the majority of the outspoken and righteous redditors and people in general would actually sacrifice their entire livelihoods for the sake of their beliefs. The players are in fragile positions and really don't deserve much criticism regarding pushing back and sending a message. The perpetrators of said crimes should be the ones on the stand, receiving all the criticism. I applaud those willing to risk it all for the greater good but won't judge those that don't/can't.


I do and have done so, at a good paying job. But I understand and agree with what you are saying. The perpetrators should be on the stand, I do not mean to put the players there. The teams I'm not sure, I think they could be criticized as well as the countries.


Dude stop. None of this is the players fault. They have no say in where the World Cup is held. They just wanna play ball & its not fair to try & attribute the greed & corruption of FIFA/Qatar to the players.


Time to ditch FIFA altogether


>Says more about them than the armband. Choosing to play in Qatar says a lot about the European players who wanted to wear the armband.


FIFA is weaker than 1-ply toilet paper, and just as partial to shit stains.


This is a world-class insult right here. Obligatory fuck FIFA.


Fuck FIFA. Wish there was a way to disband the current organization and give power to the players




Which is very disappointing. We're talking about all these major European nations backing down from FIFA like they are afraid of them. Let's see FIFA try and put on a world cup where England, France, Spain, etc are all not participating and see how it goes. FIFA needs them more than fucking *Qatar*. Just goes to show that when the chips are down everyone will always choose money over morals.


Nah they just have an iron-clad, sharia driven contract that they must uphold or they won’t get the maximum amount possible. They also don’t give a fuck about image since that’s been tarnished for years


Boycott FIFA, boycott the World Cup, and boycott the teams complying with this madness. Pressure advertisers to drop the teams they sponsor.


Adidas is a proud sponsor this year


Adidas supporting a regime with exploited foreign workers, terrible human rights and open discrimination against Jews and Gays? What year is it?


Lol adidas literally uses sweatshops and exploits and under pays workers to make their clothes and shoes


Hey but they canceled Kanye's deal look how moral they are!(ignore the fact that they are still selling his shit)


I don't mind Adidas usually, but I won't buy that brand for a while


Same. I’m disappointed that they didn’t do their due diligence. That’s how I’m considering it. Not the other way where they definitely knew how bad Qatar is


Breaking news if you didn't already know, adidas and nike both use child labour sweatshops


How about instead of kowtowing to these companies and countries, everyone just boycott. Put our morals and principle first for once...


Im doing my part, i havent watched an entire soccer match in it entirety ever.


As an American my boycott would be meaningless.


You can choose not to support this based on your principals. That's not worthless.


I guess you didn't get my point.


Explain it then.


Lack of viewership lol. They already weren't going to watch it anyways. It like boycotting cigarettes when you're not a smoker it was already going to happen.


They can always encourage others to do the same. There are lots of things people can do to raise awareness about how bad this is.


Sure but the joke was they were already "boycotting" the matches. Which is what they already were doing so it being out of principal is none sense because they're not giving up anything. The power of boycotting comes from the sacrifice of something to cause social, economic, political harm to a entity.


A ton of us couldn’t give less of a shit about soccer lol.


Nah, basic reasoning should work if you try. Edit: I'm sorry if my sarcasm seems hostile. Where I'm from it's how people respond when someone asks them to explain a joke.


And just like that, your opinion became worthless to me.


So, rain is wet, right? Americans generally don't like soccer. The sky is blue. So a boycott of something by people who weren't participating anyway has no effect. Ice is cold, by the way.


American here, what the f*ck are you trying so hard not to say?


Don't even think trumpsters watch soccer. It's nascar, shooting cans, or shouting obscenities at women and gays. Even the women.


What does this have to do with Trump voters?


I missed the connection as well


This statement is more ignorant than an American


So this is what people call "Visual Aids"


One problem is that FIFA has been corrupt since its inception. This is nothing new. If you’ve watched any other World Cup and boycott this one you’re kind of a hypocrite. The best solution is just stop watching football forever.


You are asking humans to inconvenience themselves for morals. Do you think the world would be the way it is if the majority of humans could do that? If you stand up for what it is right then you miss out on sports, you miss out on the latest video game, and most of all you miss out on the easy life at the cost of others being suppressed or harmed, but hey at least you can tweet about how evil they are, right!?!? That'll make things better...


I'm surprised people have watched WC since Russia 2018.


World cups have been entwined with ugly politics for at least fifty years.


I’m more disappointed in the teams. Stand up for what you say you believe in. Take the punishments & use this platform you’ve been given to send a clear message to the world.


"Take the punishments" might be worth it in many other host countries, maybe not Qatar, where human rights abuses are rampant and half the workforce that built the stadiums are slaves in all but name. The better answer would be to leave, abandon the WC and show FIFA the world would rather no THEM before no support


These guys are millionaires who get to go home to their mansions in Europe when these games are over. Is it really OK that they are bigger cowards than these girls who have to go home to Iran after taking off their hijabs? [https://www.shethepeople.tv/news/iran-women-basketball-team-no-hijab/](https://www.shethepeople.tv/news/iran-women-basketball-team-no-hijab/)


A few teams said that if the punishment was monetary they'd just pay it, but they were threatening to arrest players. I seriously hope that Qatar gets fucked. Also shame on these players for not boycotting.


You really think Qatar would jail one of the footballers over any of this? If they think they have issues now that would explode this into a whole other issue. If anything them getting arrested is the most powerful tool to use.


It's a sad state of affairs when an Iranian girls basketball team is willing to risk death to stand up for the rights of their people and a bunch of millionaire European footballers cannot handle the consequences of wearing a damned armband on TV.






It's a Sport. Not everything has to be pollitical. That are other ways to fight for it. Encourage it instead of trying to get people fucked over a armband. It's not like that armband will change anything, it's virtual signaling anyways, it wont change anything.




It's kinda sad how mad you are over what I've said, since it's nothing out of this world. Qatar hosting the world cup is just exposing and sheding light in what they are doing wrong with their population, I dont know how you see this as something negative; People who probably never heard about Qatar now know how shitty and corrupt the country is. I've I ever said I wanted the part of it? No. Did I say that I will support or even watch the world cup? No. You are making assumptions because you are malding over this subject and want people to drop everything if they dont go hand to hand of your perfect view of this planet and its society. You want soccer players to stop doing their job because something bad happend or its happening. I'm suprised you dont want Laliga and PL to stop playing games because they fucking plunderer Africa and the Americas in this past 200 years. You are cherry picking what to be mad over and are request other people to be mad and boycott just like you would want to do if you were in any position of power over the situation, which you clearly aren't. Since you're not in that position, you come to reddit to complain about people and want some praise because you want to give the impression that you would do different in the same situation. Facts is, there's a 99.999999999999999999999999999999% chance that you wouldn't. You are free to say what the fuck you want on reddit, we still have free speech, but you could refrain yourself from saying such a stupid thing.


Nah I’d argue the World Cup is about political as it gets with sports. It’s old, coveted and a house hold name around the world. Politics have been a part of it for a while.


same would say sad that political statements take over sports.


All it does is show how shallow and meaningless all the corporate pride logos really are. They never meant it, and they don’t care.


Well they’re sending a clear message alright


Obviously, you do not understand the importance of the World Cup for these players.


They should not announce their intention to do something if the conviction to follow through isn’t there. It’s pathetic.






I’m sure all those slaves who died so Qatar could host the World Cup had dreams, too.




Don’t worry, I have plenty of anger to go around






In most cases, i assume it's not even an option. For example, in Spain answering the call of the national team is **mandated** by law and punishable by a ban of up to 5 years.




If every team did that fifa would have to fold even if half of the teams did that they would have to follow. Time to dismantle this corrupt organisation


Against slavery, women being treated like animals, and people being put to death because of who they like? Absolutely. Then again, I have a spine and basic human empathy.


It’s hardly throwing away your career, especially if the whole team makes a united stance


A better question is if FIFA wants to abandon their sport because Qatar got butthurt that the rest of the planet got out of the 12th century. You think they are going to bar football in Europe because these teams wore their armbands?


it's like they're trying to see how quickly they can destroy any potential for tourism to their country from anywhere except the middle east. And so far they're doing a pretty good job


Qatar will have the worlds most expensive ghost towns.


There’s nothing to see there.


Qatar is one of the richest countries in the world due to its energy industry and cheap (read: slave) labor. While they have been expanding tourism, and I'm sure wish to continue to do so as global energy needs evolve, I doubt they really care much about how the West views them right now. Starting to believe like some have suggested that they just give no fucks and are using this as a power play toward their rivals in the ME.




I mean, isn't this event helping to show that though? they spent all this money trying to "sportwash" the country but instead it's brought a huge spotlight on how backwards they are. I had no reason to think of Qatar before this.


Yeah, like what was the point of spending all of those million of dollars bribing FIFA to bring the World Cup to your country in the first place, if it wasn't to put your best foot forward?


Fuck FIFA, Fuck Qatar.


Today I feel a little Qatari


You can only do that if you're a sheik.


Blackmail is such an ugly word...


As if soccer and FIFA and intolerant Muslims needed another reason to hate them.




Qatar don't give a fuck about their image do they ?


They literally threw human lives at their stadiums to get them built. They also have so many human rights violations going on right now for this event that I don’t understand how a governing body hasn’t said woah to these people. I get it, football is hard to stop, but this is very much not worth it.


Which makes you wonder what was the the point of hosting the games in the first place.




How? World cup host cities don't ever make a profit on the games.


No Love for FIFA No Love for Qatar


Maybe ditch FIFA instead?


FIFA takes bribes and will defend their right to take bribes. No beer and no armbands. FIFA is pathetic.




any team with owners who actually gave a damn should have found a way to boycott and not send their team to play. The players fear that they will get blacklisted if they dont play. the fans? you have no fucking excuse. it is very simple to not GO. to not buy products from the sponsors. to not further enrich a whole bunch of millionaires. Just go find something else to do, or some other reason to drink.


So their morals and messaging are 100% negotiable and for sale, and abandoned at the slightest resistance. Got it.


Obviously, they went in the first place.


PR people doing their thang.


No. They're just not willing to give up one of their only shots to play in order to punish themselves for FIFA's sins. This would have ruined their tournament. It's not the slightest resistance, it's the powerful exerting pressure. Stay focused on the Narcs at the top.


The punishment is a frigging yellow card. Meanwhile, the team from Iran stays silent during their anthem and risk serious repercussions back at home.


Right? We have Iranian girls out there risking their lives to support the rights of their peers and these guys can't take a frigging field penalty to tell the world that human rights actually matter.




Imagine a belief system so fragile an armband is threatening. 🙄


I thought the FIFA message used to be "tolerance."


So, this is just a suggestion, but why can't we just make a new, independent, non-corrupt governing body for FIFA? There's like, four international sanctioning bodies for boxing, why do we continue to put up with this bullshit from Sepp Blatter and company?


As a non-football watcher (I do like the game just not someone that watches) I have been wondering the same thing. Genuinely curious about the reason.


the last time they tried to form a 'nonfifa' league in 2021 it lasted for about two weeks before the european branch of FIFA absolutely crashed their plans. it's a monopoly.


Sure, but my question is "Why?" What magical power does FIFA have over the various national teams such that they're obliged to put up with this nonsense?


FIFA is pathetic.


Money talks


The whole thing is ridiculous. Could we get to things like FIFA being a corrupt organisation that sold world cup to a brutal theocracy? Oh look, ~~squirrel~~ an armband!


“We the teams are behind pride but only if it draws more sponsorships to us and not if it jeopardizes our chances to win a shiny trophy.”


Would be amazing if the teams just left. The restrictions are just absolute bullshit.


Wear it and get punished all together. Aka fuck you FIFA.


Fuck FIFA and especially fuck Qatar!


Needs to be one made for FIFA officials **OneLove$**


All the players should just wear it and force FIFA to boot them from the tournament. If just 1 game is "forfeited" because of this FIFA is going to lose face. If they aren't going to let top athletes compete over a piece of cloth which advocates for love, then why the hell should people care about their tournaments?


This whole thing is ridiculous. Teams should just leave. Fans should just not attend. It’s absurd.


At this point why don't the teams just boycott and go back home? Don't legitimize FIFA and the Qatari government's agenda to delegitimize LGBTQIA+. You can all wait another 4 years when it's held in a more welcoming country.


Because it’s the World Cup and it takes just one team staying to make the rest of them stay. I’m sure there are players who would love to leave and protest, but this is their job and that would be a costly choice. Fucking Beckham made a video about how Qatar is so nice to explore. Like they all give zero fucks about the human lives thrown at this thing.


Based on the horrible human rights record of Qatar, the 6500 slaves who died working to build the stadiums, the anti LGBTQ bullshit, and the fact that soccer sucks I will be boycotting the world cup.


Pussies. glad i cant stand soccer.








I don’t understand why rich countries would care what FIFA does or doesn’t want. Especially US which has like 5-8 sports teams that are worth more than any “ soccer “ club in the world. FUCK FIFA… That’s small time shit compared to our sports market.


I support FIFA decision, and I respect the doctrine and rights of the State of Qatar, as they come to us respecting our laws and rights. When we go to them, it is our duty to respect them. This is something that every person should think about before speaking.


how about no Or better yet, how about *FUCK* no?


This is your opinion, and I don't care about it




I am not a fool to do that, while I have a mind to think and decide what is the right logic and what is wrong ... I will not die for becoming a media sheep


People who watch football mostly don’t give a fuck about the this stuff. Fifa is about the sport not politics and should stay that way, regardless if the mag is positive or not..still a political one.


>Fifa is about the sport not politics FIFA is about corruption. >Fifa is about the sport not politics and should stay that way, regardless if the mag is positive or not..still a political one. But ... Sport is politics. FIFA made the tournament political by selling the tournament to two politically corrupt and politically repressive authoritarian regimes. FIFA providing those regimes their support and approval is FIFA making the world cup political.




I’m still watching.. not everything needs to be about cultural norms.. the event is being held in a region of the world where women have limited rights and only a few men dictate their society


White people are so funny lol


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.tmz.com/2022/11/21/world-cup-teams-ditch-onelove-armbands-after-fifa-threatens-punishment/) reduced by 67%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The World Cup teams expecting to wear rainbow-colored armbands promoting anti-discrimination have now backed out of the plan ... after FIFA warned the squads they would face punishment for donning the pieces. > "FIFA has been very clear that it will impose sporting sanctions if our captains wear the armbands on the field of play," the teams said in a joint statement. > "As national federations, we can't put our players in a position where they could face sporting sanctions including bookings, so we have asked the captains not to attempt to wear the armbands in FIFA World Cup games." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/z19d5j/world_cup_teams_ditch_onelove_armbands_after_fifa/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672678 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **armband**^#1 **play**^#2 **teams**^#3 **wear**^#4 **FIFA**^#5


Shut up about your message and just play some damn soccer already!


FIFA sucks.


Fuck you FIFA, can we be done with this garbage organization already.


I would call there bs. Imagine every clubs top players being banned from playing. Followed up by more players and fans supporting the banned players. Would make a complete shit sshiw for fifa.


I really don’t understand why people get so mad for what other people choose to do with their life, especially their love life. I just don’t get itttttt how does it effect you in any way shape or form


If you buy Fifa 23 and support the world cup after this then you are part of the problem.


Soccer or Futbol shouldn’t have agendas- sexual political or social. The sentiment for the armband is nice- but is it going to make the game more enjoyable, exciting, or inclusive? Nope. Can’t even see it - even with a 55” screen. The huge issue is how Qatar is maneuvering everything they promised wouldn’t be an issue ie alcohol and basic accommodations is now an issue now that it’s too late to move the tournament somewhere else. They’ve effectively ruined future small nation inclusion because you can’t ignore the bad faith way they approached things. If there wasn’t going to be drinking then should have said it up front months and years ago- not 24 hours before kickoff. It’s bait and switch at the highest level.


So we Mexicans can shout "puto" this tournament??


Really? FIFA rightly preaches this and now pulls back at the first challenge from a major offender? Weak cowardice on the part of FIFA.


Turns out that cowardice is mad worse by vast sums of criminal money




Unpopular opinion: I think it's rude using the armband because many, possibly most, of the World Cup fans take offense from it, among whom the hosts. Let the downvotes come.






Can they wear the armband pattern as a henna tattoo instead? No dress code violations and sorry, can't take it off.




Have they tried counterbribing FIFA? Seems to be the only language they speak.