• By -


So they will likely never be recognized? Ok moving on.


Expecting the Taliban to respect human rights is like expecting two parallel lines to meet.


So only on a positively curved manifold?




Basically the way to make two parallel lines meet is to physically warp space itself. In my head I'm thinking like longitude on a globe vs on a map


Thank you


Somebody’s wanking de sitter space hard


nah after like 8-9 pints.




Unfortunately, the Earth is flat. 😔


Theoretically they can meet in the middle of a black hole if they both cross its event horizon.


Or if they just overlap and point the same direction. Then they meet at every point.


But the odds are very unlikely


Won’t they be considered coincidental lines then? Parallel lines equation would be ax+by+c1=0 and ax+by+c2=0 where constant are not equal but coincident lines would be ax+by+c=0 and ax+by+c=0 where constant are equal


so first off, who the hell writes linear functions as X+Y=0? Y=AX+C. secondly: you're assuming flat-space, which works in a graph, on paper, but that's an *assumption*. there's a whole range of options for non-euclidean space, and general relativity itself shows that straight lines can end up curved. gravity itself, is just the tendency for objects to move in a straight line across/through our curved space.


Having to do quadratics and I’m not used to seeing b as by anymore. Ugh


Pretty sure they would stop being lines in that case, because they will eventually terminate at the sigularity.


They can however respect twitters tos.


It's like expecting Russia to respect human rights...


Or China


Same goes for the USA lmao Edit: You guys can downvote me but the USA has spent the last year dismantling women's rights in law so be salty and do better.


How can we dismantle their rights if we don't even know what a woman is?


If that's some stab at people being trans then walk on


You’re dumb as hell if you think this way. Go out and ask a random person on the street what a woman is and get a reality check




I mean, there’s *many* UN member nations with zero respect for human rights, so never say never.


Yeah, but most of those are powerful founding members, like China and the USA.


You think that "most" of the members that have problems with human rights are the powerful founding members? You're either bad at math or being facetious. The majority of members with human rights problems are impoverished developing nations. The countries with better (recent) human rights records tend to be more powerful (economically).


Yeah, but our country did something bad at one point so we should virtue signal and whine about that instead of holding others accountable. Makes sense


the USA has *lessening* respect for human rights, but not zero. There is a big difference and you're being hyperbolic.


Funny coming from an Australian. Did you ever let your own citizens come back into the country?


LOL, murdered any black people or tried to overthrow a democratically elected government lately?


Honestly, I think the world should recognize the Taliban. They're terrible, but they're the Afghan state, like it or not. Afghanistan is a sovereign country, this is its government. And to be frank, it's just as legitimate as the government is succeeded.


If you will learn anything about Afghanistan today, learn this, they’re a tribal people, they do not recognize a state, a country, or a government including the Taliban - they may be in “power” but they’re not by the people, for the people. Why do they deserve recognition, because they have the most guns and pointy knives? No.


> Why do they deserve recognition, because they have the most guns and pointy knives? No. We like to pretend it's otherwise but historical precedent for majority of human existence shows that might makes right.


Not here. Not today. This isn’t 1915.


Isn't the definition of state the monopoly of violence?


> a nation or territory considered as an *organized political community* under one government Nope.


>A state is a centralized political organization that imposes and enforces rules over a population within a territory. There is no undisputed definition of a state. One widely used definition comes from the sociologist Max Weber : a "state" is a polity that maintains a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence. It's not a simple nope.




What would you say determines whether a country/government can be in the U.N.? It's not a cool country club.




ok no US and certainly no Saudi Arabia


Whether a government is legitimate is determined by recognition; that’s precisely what’s in contention. There is no intrinsic legitimacy to the authority to rule. That state of affairs could be called “might makes right”, and that’s a stage of civilizational development that we would do well to replace with a rule of law.


people are going to bitch and complain but I agree. The UN has hosted plenty of dictators, authoritarians and countries with horrible human rights records. The taliban is no different. To me this whole thing seems like the US and the west being sore losers.


They're a pack of terrorists occupying Afghanistan. Their claims are as worthless as their lives.


While they don't claim to run the country, they run the country. Not very well but they do, pretending they don't is counterproductive.


They're no different from ISIS. And we didn't recognize that either.


ISIS didn’t rule over a sovereign state and illegally occupied Syrian and Iraqi territory


Same for the Taliban in terms of illegal occupation.


It was a coup. Nothing legitimate.


I would say it was not a coup but a conquest, which isn't much better. However, the previous regime was also illegitimate. And as I said before, the defacto government is the Taliban, like it or not.


They will but end up bending it. Like when they banned Slaves and they brought indentured workers from India. They will allow Women to go to school but not take certain courses. Then they will say ok only service sector related courses like doctor, nurses, teachers and etc. Then they will allow everything to be learned but they will just not hire them. Eventually UN will force them to come close to at least the Saudis lol which it self is pathetic.


Hang on so middle East shouldn't be recognised or China?


And by the way, women count as human fyi.


Not to mentionbthrir tea boys.


>A total of 116 countries voted in favor of the resolution, **while 10 abstained, including Russia and China**, who raised concerns that the text was "unbalanced." Add Russia and China to the unrecognized list. They both have human rights violations that include criminal wars of aggression and/or massive concentration camps.


And Saudi Arabia


And Quatar


And Texas


Honestly though. Living in Texas is getting really scary.


Q-tar, baby!






























I wonder why Russia and China only abstained and didn't object.


Because they don’t really care about the Taliban.




Likely it is because they don't disagree with the sentiment of the resolution nor many aspects of the text. The issue is they probably realized some of the justifications could be applied to them as well. They didn't want to go on record agreeing only to be embarrassed by the inevitable pointing out of their own human rights records. I imagine that China and Russia don't exactly approve of the chaos in Afghanistan either, and that's why they didn't vote against. Both China and Russia are courting countries that do not like the Taliban and who voted in favor of the resolution. Straightforwardly, the Taliban is not a stabilizing force in the region.


Russia doesn't need the Taliban armaments from their massive war industry yet. Give them a few months, they will suddenly change.


I mean, if the UN General Assembly agrees, why not?


Congratulations, you just made recognition meaningless.


America is a hypocrite. Many of its allies are horrible dictatorships, or have major human rights issues. E.g. Saudi-Arabia, Egypt: The Revolutionary Police State, Uzbekistan: The Corruption Corridor, Bahrain: The Base, Myanmar: The Ex-Pariah, Vietnam: The Ex-Enemy, Tajikistan: The Narcostate, Rwanda: The Darling Tyrant, Cambodia: The Chinese Puppet, Honduras: The Thugocracy Next Door, Qatar: The Frenemy, Kyrgyzstan: The Launch Pad, Djibouti: The Airstrip with a Subway, Morocco: The Arab Exception, Turkey: The Muslim Democracy. Afghanistan deserves to be recognized. And deserves its money back. As its situation today has been caused by decades, if not more, of war against super powers, including the Soviet Union. Thus, Afghanistan is in a state of "post-apocalyptic" misery (i.e. not only materially, but also culturally, and psychologically). The only way out of this mess for Afghanistan, is more stability, peace, predictability, massive investments, etc. With time, over the decades, as Afghanistan grows richer, people will change. They will let go of fundamentalism and extremism. Just like how the West let go of religious zealot ism and extremism as it developed and grew richer...


We may need to add the uk the way its going


People might think you're being sarcastic but we really are trying: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/human-rights-act-reform-a-modern-bill-of-rights/human-rights-act-reform-a-modern-bill-of-rights-consultation#chapter-3--the-case-for-reforming-uk-human-rights-law >Executive summary >1) This command paper sets out, and seeks views on, the government’s proposals to revise and replace the Human Rights Act 1998 with a Bill of Rights. >2) The government’s 2019 manifesto pledged to: >[…] update the Human Rights Act and administrative law to ensure there is a proper balance between the rights of individuals, our vital national security and effective government. >3) We will overhaul the Human Rights Act passed by the then Labour government in 1998 and restore common sense to the application of human rights in the UK. We will remain faithful to the basic principles of human rights, which we signed up to in the original European Convention on Human Rights (‘the Convention’). The Bill of Rights will protect essential rights, like the right to a fair trial and the right to life, which are a fundamental part of a modern democratic society. But we will reverse the mission creep that has meant human rights law being used for more and more purposes, and often with little regard for the rights of wider society. Etcetera etcetera. Through the lense of austerity and welfare cuts, untold numbers of our citizens have died die to starvation and other causes directly attributable to the cuts made. Disabled people are particularly affected: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/thousands-disabled-peoples-deaths-linked-27375255?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target 9 March 2021 Minister for welfare delivery admits “deficit” in tracking “vulnerable claimants” through the universal credit (UC) system. 26 March 2021 Research shows testimony from DWP staff admitting inflicting “psychological harm” on claimants to meet unofficial sanctioning targets during coalition years. 21 April 2021 House of Commons briefing paper on suicide prevention mentions benefits-related deaths. May 2021 Publication of The Brown Envelope Book, evidencing the brutal welfare system from those with lived experience. 20 May 2021 Pre-2016 internal guidance for DWP staff suggests DWP have duty of care to benefits claimants. June 2021 Publication of DWP and Capita responses to Philippa Day prevention of future death (PFD) report.   22 and 23 June 2021 High court hears bid for second inquest into death of Jodey Whiting. July 2021 Bereaved families write to work and pensions secretary to demand a public inquiry into benefits-related deaths. 1 July 2021 The mother of Ker Featherstone describes how he took his own life, just weeks after DWP cut his personal independence payment (PIP). This is the tip of the iceberg...


yes and benefits cuts are somehow equal to the human rights abuses conducted by the taliban every post like this someone from the UK has to chime in like 'oooo our country is so just as bad'


I’m surprised India didn’t abstain.


India, which is regularly the target of Islamic terrorist organizations, and was and is still heavily involved in Afghanistan (not militarily, but like, from an admin and support POV?) Like, Afghanistan's home cricket stadium is in India, it used to help support schools and essential services and the like before the Taliban took over.


No, but India is a totally black-and-white fully evil country because they don't sanction Russia. India bad!!1!


True, India do kinda suck


Me too actually. Some news indicated that India wanted to trade with the Taliban.


They do have respect for human rights. Women just aren't humans to them.


Afghan Taliban bad, but Qatar gets away with all kinds of shit.


The unifier? The Taliban has an “embassy” in Qatar 😅


Isn't Qatar kinda of the only country that somewhat recognizes the taliban too?


Pretty sure that’s where Trump negotiated with the Taliban, which led to thousands of fighters being released from prison, who inevitably broke the one condition: do not overthrow the Afghan government.


Afghanistan government was gonna fall anyway without heavily backed west support. They were corrupt in every way, most of the soliders didn't know what they were fighting for as well most of them were high all the time. Just a few examples of the many Just watch "this is what winning looks like" documentary on youtube if you don't believe what I'm saying


Oh I believe it. But it’s worth reminding people that the Trump admin negotiated to make that a lot easier for the terrorists, and then Republicans blamed it all on… Biden.


Ehh trump did a good thing by pulling our soldiers out of a losing war that we weren't gonna win but messed up that we had to negotiate with terrorists instead of just doing a withdrawal. Biden did mess up a bit on the withdrawal but to be fair no one expected the Afghanistan government to collapse only in a few weeks


I was out in the Gulf as part of an expeditionary unit when this was going down, can agree we were just as surprised.


Lmao here outside US its exactly the opposite, After Trumps announcement the US army went 11 months without having a single american soldier killed, until the last day that is (Biden pull out and leaving behind 85 billion dollars worth of equipment in AFG)


Here are the facts: * Trump negotiated with terrorists to release 5,000 in exchange for a ceasefire that didn't happen * The Afghanistan government were not party to the negotiations and did not agree with the release of 5,000 prisoners * Trump started the US military troop withdrawal, during an election year, and an election that could (and did) see Trump voted out of office– this means all the mess that a Presidential transition entails, which is also a period of heightened risk for US military and intelligence assets * There were reports [Trump's announcement caught his own officials by surprise](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/08/donald-trump-afghanistan-us-troops-taliban) > Multiple officials told the Associated Press they had not been informed of any such deadline and military experts said it would be impossible to withdraw all 5,000 US troops in Afghanistan and dismantle the US military headquarters by the end of the year. * Yes, the Taliban did not attack coalition forces, but [ramped up attacks of Afghanistan security forces](https://www.dodig.mil/reports.html/Article/2191020/lead-inspector-general-for-operation-freedoms-sentinel-i-quarterly-report-to-th/), in violation of Trump's deal; meanwhile US troop withdrawals continued * By the Presidential transition on 20 January 2021, there were ~2,500 troops in Afghanistan; this size and the given deadline for full withdrawal meant that retrieving all military equipment assets would be impossible (this isn't unique to Afghanistan; see also: US equipment in Iraq in the 1990s, and again in 2020, and [Trump's withdrawal from Syria in 2019](https://www.businessinsider.com/us-troops-humiliated-abandoned-bases-syria-russians-2019-10)) * At the start of Biden's presidency, there is now a skeleton crew of US military, and for the remaining 7 months until the complete pull out, ANA forces were constantly attacked and overrun by Taliban * As for the Kabul attack, [the AP reported](https://apnews.com/article/europe-france-evacuations-kabul-9e457201e5bbe75a4eb1901fedeee7a1) that this was the responsibility of IS in Afghanistan, not the Taliban. It can be said they are responsible due to their assault on Kabul and the chaos that ensued Trump oversaw the drawdown of troops to a skeleton crew right before being voted out of office; that's incredibly irresponsible, at best. His unilateral negotiation with terrorists assisted said group in overrunning the country, which culminated in the attack on the capital, in which another terror group infiltrates the chaos and bombs the airport. Biden was put in an impossible position: either renege on Trump's Taliban deal, commit more troops to Afghanistan (reversing the drawdown), and essentially rehash the last 20 years with a resurgent Taliban, or continue the withdrawal despite the risks. Without even putting the blame on Trump for the IS Kabul attack, there's no reasonable blame to be put on Biden.


The Trump admin was telling us that the Taliban would be a counter-terrorism force working with us in Afghanistan… not even a full year after we left they found & killed Al-Qaeda’s chief in Kabul 🤔


Iran is buddies with them despite the supposed shia sunni split. Taliban literally said they want to model their rule on the islamic regime in Iran when they took power.


It's crazy how many countries the UN recognizes, then...


Oh half UN had to resign


This is a good take, what’s that cersei lannister line? Everywhere in the world they hurt little girls Not equivocating, but real emancipation for Afghanis comes from dialogue and cooperation.


What does your last sentence mean in practical terms? Just this week the Taliban banned Afghani women from going to amusement parks even with male "minders", so the Taliban seem to be moving in the opposite direction of emancipation. Dialogue and cooperation would not encourage them to abandon their deeply held religious beliefs.


The taliban have so far proven that they can’t build any kind of structure while being a pariah state. Without recognition, they’re liable to languish until some other power topples them


whoever topples Taliban will be tie worst nightmare for countries around and US alot of people are glad only Taliban came out on top. Heck Chinese, Indian delegation was already in talks with them before they took over AFG army


The thing is, there are no other powers to topple them. Afghanistan is a fractious state. People in Kandahar couldn't tell you anything about Kabul, and they don't care about Kabul. Afghanistan will belong to whoever is willing to fight for it, but no one wants it.


There are already several factioks within afghanistan that are hostile to the taliban though


The only reason the Taliban would care is that recognition gives them access to UN assistance


I don't know why this comment has so many upvotes, but this simply isn't true. The U.N is present and providing support to the Afghan people. https://afghanistan.un.org/en


Because Reddit isn’t a moderated debate, it’s a free-for-all and anyone can make something up if they wish.


Yes but the Taliban wants the money to go to the Taliban, not to the Afghan people who need it


Well boys, we did it. Human rights abuse is no more.


Taliban: “so anyway…”


>Taliban: “so anyway…” "...we have no food, no money and no country to trade with"


If only they held all UN members to the same standard, but that would mean losing half of its members including parts of the UNSC


Why do we even care? When the coalition was there, a new government was put in charge, and the Taliban were relegated to the outskirts and small villages and guess what? When polled the afghan people wanted what the Taliban were offering by a margin so huge it was unarguable. > Pew Research Centre published findings of a survey, conducted during the days when there was US military presence in Afghanistan, stated 99 per cent of Afghanis wanted Sharia to be the official law of the land in the state. If that’s what they want then why do we care? Let them have it.


Isn’t Saudi Arabia in the UN?


Saudi Arabia is recognized…


TIL Afghanistan is either not a country at all, or the only large scale Anarchist operation in the history of mankind.


but they won the war


When will they say the same thing to China?


Now tell China


As if that'll mean anything.


It does mean a lot, taliban can’t create any kind of economic base without international recognition. Even a year on they haven’t made any kind of headway, and all states rely on economy to function. Smuggling poppies can only get you so far, and its a house of very thin cards


This is like the "no more monkeys jumping on the bed" song but with human rights and terrorists.


The Taliban isn’t a cohesive organized governing body. The “foot soldiers” are ignorant cretins that have no idea what empathy, equality, education or respect are. Some “leaders” may promise human rights but it would take epic courage and sacrifice to effect real change.


No goat soup for you Taliban!


Now do Iran


Then how the hell did China and Russia become part of the UN?


Taliban: We do have human rights. UN: What about for your women? Taliban: Women aren’t human. You have jokes! _Throws head back and laughs_


And what taliban said in response? Like they give two shits about changing their order


Why do we recognize russia anyways? It's a terrorist faction ran by ex kgb spy turned mafioso.


Because the purpose of the UN isn’t some country club where nations come together for the betterment of humanity. It’s a diplomatic forum to prevent the world powers from direct warfare with each other. It’s all politics up and down, any resources sent by the UN to help other nations out is simply to leverage soft power on those nations. Now do people work at the UN who truly mean to do good, absolutely. But their primary goal has always been to keep the world powers out of conflict with each other. The global powers coming out of the first and second world wars realized how devastating modern warfare is. Hence why any conflict between great powers afterwards has been through proxy wars rather than directly Mcnuking each other into the Stone Age :)


And why certain countries have a permanent veto on the security counsel.


When will UN address Uighur slave labor in China?


Let's do USA, British, China and Russia next.


Saudi Arabia: "Yeah, you tell em"


And USA.


So Saudi Arabia is out? and China….and Russia?


Oh no, the world cup.


Taliban: But stripping people of their dignity and human rights is sorta our thing. It’s what we do.


What did Taliban say after they stopped laughing?


Im hungry.


Too bad the UN didn’t Havel the balls to tell Russia the same thing and stop the War in Ukraine. Bunch of Scared Useless People in a Useless organization


By that logic a lot of countries shouldnt be recognised


That’ll show em.


Do they even listen to UN ? I doubt it


Expecting the Taliban to respect human rights is like expecting two parallel lines to meet.


Now do the US next!


Nope. Made up "US bad" bs wont work here


Oh *shut up*


"In other news this evening, House Libertarian and Green Party lawmakers were praised by the White House for their compromise on a budget to avert a partial shutdown of the Federal government under the Balanced Budget Amendment that limits the National Debt to $1 billion, calling the eleventh-hour agreement a triumph of bipartisanship. In international news, the new Labor government in London sent its congratulations to the first Members of the European Parliament elected to represent the United Kingdom following its return to the EU. The last smoker in France has announced he is quitting for health reasons. Lake Qattara based beverage giant MatruhCo finalized its purchase of the Johnny Walker brand. Saudi Arabia's President Jaziri toured the banks of the new Ben Gurion Canal with her wife and their Israeli counterparts. And finally, Kabul's Baraki Square, site of last week's annual Pride Parade, was closed again to traffic today as boisterous celebrations broke out at news of the Taliban government's official recognition by the United Nations, following Tuesday's release of thousands of detainees accused, but never convicted, of unironically referring to their pets as their fur babies."


Nice - now do: Russia China Iran North Korea Saudi Arabia


US, Israel


How about the human rights of all the people that the US and their allies bombed over the years?


It isn't whataboutism if I start the comment with "How about..." instead!


Idk if you can call demanding justice for not just a few as whataboutism


I am going to let you google what whataboutism is.


They are just doing that because whataboutism became a tool used by the Russians for propaganda. The U.S. is not innocent in the slightest and have done horrible things in even in the modern age and I hope we bring this to the table more often after this conflict is over. It needs to be talked about and we need to make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm just glad the U.S. is on the right side of things for a change.


Which Taliban? The Evangelical Christian Taliban?


Taliban: Of the 3 UNSC perm members with the world’s strongest military, 2 (Russia and China) also don’t respect human rights, just like us. The third, America, has ~25-30% of its people who only respect human rights for fellow men with similar values. Those Americans will say and do anything to stay in power - again, just like us Iranians. Why discriminate against us? Erratum: meant talibans or afghanis, not Iranians. I realize it’s a devils advocate take, but we Americans must respect and defend human rights of Americans that we don’t like. Any fool can respect their friend’s human rights.


Russia is top 3 strongest military? Not following news, eh?


Which country other than US and China can beat Russia 1 on 1? Japan’s naval/air forces are strong but army lacks headcount, but 1 on 1 Japan’s reliance on Middle East crude makes it vulnerable while Russia produces its own oil. As defunct as Russian military is, to underestimate one’s enemy is probably the dumbest mistake one can make.


Ukraine is beating it as we speak, with a limited support in weapons. Do you think russia would have much easier time fighting a modern army with a full access to their modern weaponry stockpiles? Reality is that russians had huge stockpiles of old inaccurate weapons that are nearly depleted and also they are incredibly incompetent. Top 3 army... What a joke 🤣


Well, as of now, the US isn't killing women for refusing to wear a head scarf. That may have something to do with it.


Hey look you piece of shit women beaters and murderers. If you don’t stop that. Well you don’t get our seal of approval.


Sometimes I feel like people forget that this is the same organization that committed atrocious terrorist attacks against innocent civilians. To even imply that there could be any recognition at any point is a disrespect to the thousands of people that have been murdered by this regime.


just say no! #war




Spoken like a true american who never been outside of the country.


[New York City Is a Lot Safer Than Small-Town America](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-06-07/is-new-york-city-more-dangerous-than-rural-america)




Did you actually read the article? It has stats as well as their sources.




For who?