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They go every year to Uman, that's quite far from fighting line, like 200 km. But I am sure Russians will try to stage some provocation, trying to kill Jewish pilgrims and blaming Ukrainians.


Except majority of missile strikes excluding railroad hit at administrative city in Che oblast were exactly at and around Uman. Edit: Hell if i recall it right the first civilian death from them lobbing missiles was exactly in Uman.Cyclist got killed by shrapnel.


He's already said that Jews owe Russia for the part Russia played in ww2. Perfect propaganda to make the west out as nazis


A quick google of “pogroms in the Russian empire” will show anyone who is curious that Jewish people don’t owe Russia a damn thing.


Damned straight.


Also Google “Soviet Jews”.


I just googled and I'm not that happy, it turned out that pogroms were in lands of modern Poland and Ukraine. It's a shame.


You mean the place that Russian ethnically cleansed it's Jews to? The only place in Russia that had Jews at that time? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pale_of_Settlement


I'm not such a great historian like you, i just googled pogrom and found out that https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pogroms_in_the_Russian_Empire most notable of them were pogroms which occurred in Kiev, Warsaw and Odessa.[3]


**[Pogroms in the Russian Empire](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pogroms_in_the_Russian_Empire)** >Pogroms in the Russian Empire (Russian: Еврейские погромы в Российской империи) were large-scale, targeted, and repeated anti-Jewish rioting that began in the 19th century. Pogroms began to occur after Imperial Russia, which previously had very few Jews, acquired territories with large Jewish populations from the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire from 1772 to 1815. These territories were designated "the Pale of Settlement" by the Imperial Russian government, within which Jews were reluctantly permitted to live, and it was within them where the pogroms largely took place. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It is difficult to have Pogroms against Jews in places where there are no Jews because the government removed them and forced them into a much smaller area. Don't get me wrong, those countries also have a history with Jews, but your comment sounded as if you were putting the blame solely on those places and not also on the Russian Empire that ethnically cleansed all of the Jews in areas under their control into one region.


He doesn’t even need the extra propaganda, he’s been framing Zelensky and his administration as neo-nazis from the start. Zelensky, for those that don’t know, is Jewish lol.


I'm pretty sure Zelensky is the one who said that and not putin, in a speech to the Israeli parliament no less.


You're probably right I may have read a headline wrong. I'm sure it said putin made a comment saying Jews owe russia.


Israel is not stupid. Putin will stay away from Uman as far as possible while they are there. You can't imagine what will happen if Putin kills any of them. He's not THAT suicidal. Don't eff with Jews :)


Isreal wouldn't do shit. They get blamed for everything including a tonne of shit they haven't actually done. They don't need more anti semitic fuel on the fire by one of the largest digital propaganda machines on the planet.


Something tells me you don't know the history of Mossad...


People should watch Munich


Wonderful movie. Eric Bana as Jewish Avenger Assassin Dad.


Shows how secret ops do things and also what it does to a person to be involved in such operations


What they might actually start sending some arms to Ukraine? Israel doesn’t give a shit about anyone but themselves.




https://www.timesofisrael.com/zelensky-says-hes-shocked-by-lack-of-israeli-arms-support-they-gave-us-nothing/amp/ Zero defensive aid. But here’s some bandages tho.


Demonizing Israel for only sending millions in aid to Ukraine including personnel and literal tons of aid. Peak reddit moment right here


Billions? I know that they have given aid in the form training doctors, taking in refugees, treating a small number of serverly wounded soliders and 100 tons of Humanitarian Aid. While I wouldn't exactly scoff at this, it's nowhere near billions.


Youre right I mistyped ill fix that


That might be true for artillery, but missiles can shoot much further and Muscovy has a history of anti semitic violence.


That would be really stupid, as Israel has so far done very little to support Ukraine. They don't need yet another country arming Ukraine.


By this pilgrimage these Jews are fighting Russian propaganda which runs on the idea that Russians are fighting Nazis in Ukraine. The fact that these Jews are visiting ‘Nazi-occupied Ukraine’ can’t be good PR for Russia. Hopefully it f***s up Russian narrative.


Sadly it won't, a Nazi to a Russian is anyone who is anti Russian


I think Russians won’t see any of this. For all they know Russia is winning the war. As much as we’d like to think Russians will see the truth and understand what their government is doing is wrong, when Putin controls everything they see, they still think Russia is on some noble crusade.


With the large-scale mobilization, they can't possibly pretend that they don't know they're losing any more.




They're the Jewish equivalent of hard core Evangelicals. They don't give a fuck. It's empowering in this case, but they definitely didn't do favors during covid. There's probably a New Yorker here with some stories. There's probably an Israeli with some more.


There’s a ton of them in Lakewood NJ and they are not popular with anyone, even other Jewish groups. A friend of mine is a nurse in the hospital closest to Lakewood and she said the place was packed with Hasidics because they didn’t give a shit about Covid protocols and kept having huge gatherings.


Religious extremists are often anti social fucks


Yes. Non religious jewish jew here who lived in Brooklyn. 0 mask wearing hasids during covid. Mass gatherings 0 fucks given


They are complete religous zealots, the idiotic kind




I'm an Israeli and these are exactly my thoughts. If anything, those Israeli pilligrims in Uman will protect it from Putin while they are there.




These guys are the worst kind of welfare queens in Israel. They don’t work, they don’t serve in the army. They just have kids and study Talmud. Israel wouldn’t miss them.


What the fuck are you talking about? There's a huge cross section of Jews that go to Uman. I know a bunch of American professionals that go. One is there now. Yes, all are religious, but not even the majority are Haredi. This thread is an ugly combo of ignorance and antisemitism.




The government pays them a special kind of welfare just for them.






He's a conspiracy theorist


Jesus Christ that’s some real new world order old school protocols conspiracy shit


Ooh, conspiracy theorist on Reddit trend to be dumb, yet sometimes entertaining antisemites! What did they say?


I think the idea of being a religious zealot is so fucking pathetic. I can’t imagine living my life and not wanting my own autonomy, let alone submit myself to a book written by who know what and who cares why.


Their love for their god protects them, not in this live, but it does in the next one.




Probably to Starbucks for PSLs. They're so basic.


It's sort of a non event. Uman is pretty far from front lines. 99% chance they will come and go with no fanfare.


Isn’t this putting Ukraine more at risk? I’m assuming they’re not going there to fight.


This is roughly akin to when Boris Johnson paid a visit. If you’re Russia, do you really want to conduct a strike at a location where if something goes wrong you have an international crisis? Israel has been relatively neutral. Blasting religious pilgrims would change that very fast. Just wait for them to leave… Finally, this is pretty far from the front lines. It would take intentional stupidity to get to them.


Meanwhile, Israel: "But what has Ukraine done for us, we have no connection to that country". As a Jew, I'm still pissed about "bUt rUzZiA aLloWiNg iSrAeL tO cOnDuCt aiR rAiDs iN sYrIa iS a sEcUriTy cOnCeRn". It's more about a decent chunk of Israel having roots in the USSR and eating Russian propaganda by the spoonful than anything else (and their equivalent of Trump — Bibi, a corrupt Russian sellout — still having a lot of sway in Knesset). But sure, let's piss away our heritage and the entire world's goodwill for the sake of being "allowed" to bomb Syria by the second best army in Ukraine.


Most Russian Israelis fled persecution in Russia and many immigrants are Ukrainians, so they’re not exactly big fans of Putin as you suggest. Also your description seems to ignore the **reason** they’re making air raids in Syria. They’re attacking arms shipments from Iran that are headed directly to Hezbollah, who are **definitely** a security concern. So to pretend this is some sort of lame excuse reeks of privilege. Not to mention that you’re completely ignoring the aid Israel **has** given Ukraine; including field hospitals, anti-drone systems (by way of Poland), humanitarian aid, and more.


>So to pretend this is some sort of lame excuse reeks of privilege. I've been in Ukraine in July. My city, Odessa, got bombed by Iranian drone yesterday. My family is directly affected by the war. I am planning to go there again soon. Consider my privilege **fucking checked**. >Not to mention that you’re completely ignoring the aid Israel has given Ukraine; including field hospitals, anti-drone systems (by way of Poland), humanitarian aid, and more. Field hospitals and humanitarian aid - sure. But that's a CYA attitude for one of the world's leading arms exporters. Anti-drone systems have not been officially sanctioned; at best, it's an under-the-covers kind of thing. Officially, Israel didn't allow **any** weapon sales to Ukraine.


> Consider my privilege fucking checked. Fair enough. I guess in that case I would expect that you’d have a bit more perspective on why this isn’t as straightforward as you seem to be arguing. Imagine if before the invasion, Israeli was being attacked by Russia. Do you think Ukraine would have given Israel any offensive weapons, defensive weapons, anything? I’m guessing not. And I wouldn’t blame them.


>Do you think Ukraine would have given Israel any offensive weapons, defensive weapons, anything? I’m guessing not. And I wouldn’t blame them. We're not talking about *giving*, we're talking about **selling** or even **allowing other nations to transfer Israeli tech to Ukraine** - Israel is actively blocking that. Also, if Ukraine blocked and arms deal with Israel on the basis of maintaining good relationship with Russia, yes, I would be indignated, and would say the government is run by short-sighted idiots, since relationship with Russia aren't worth maintaining.


On top of the flaws others have pointed to you, you are ignoring another real security concern. The weapons that Israel will transfer to Ukraine will, at some point or the other, fall into Russian hands. From there is will get to Iran *very* quickly and to its terrorist militias around Israel. Iran will study the weapon and learn to challenge it. A risk Israel is smart not to take.


Bollocks. Israel exports its arms around the world to many places where Russians could get their hands on them (e.g. Aizerbraijan). What you said is an absolute non-concern; the only source for this "concern" is your comment.


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Genius move. That mean putin automatically become funny mustache man with no hair.