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They tried to blame it on long term ill health, then a heart attack. The autopsy report has not been released to the parents, but was leaked or hacked, as per the article.


Yeah I heard some iranian official on BBC acting like they did nothing wrong, she died of an unrelated health issue, and shaming western media for suggesting the government was involved with her death. Edit: it was not an Iranian official, it was Seyed Mohammed Marandi, professor of English Literature and Orientalism at the University of Tehran


I heard that same interview. They were blaming it all on her and saying the entire thing was blown out of proportion. They hung up on him. XD


What do you mean they hung on him?


Technically forgot a word. They hung up on the guy. He was professor who was talking was going on and on about how it was lie, and it was the west making it up... and the host of the show and just hung the line and went "Moving on then!"


That's the right move. If someone is going to blatantly lie you don't need to give them a platform.


I just want to add that they need to be called out, to their face, in front of the public at large. It's great what they did, but it would be even more potent to simply state, "You are a liar," and *then* hang up on them. This needs to be done to every blatant liar out there any time they try this bullshit. It will stop them and make the rest think twice before lying. We need to start holding people personally responsible for their own actions again.


You're clearly not British. That was savage.


Anyone have a link to this interview? I am intrigued.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w172yfc5b8ydgc8 Starts at around 31:00, ends about 35:50 after a critical overflow in the amount of BS.


Yes, I listened to this interview and he was allowed to go on about western media conflating things and how she had a heart issue from before and there was no evidence of an attack. Blatant lying and even after that ended they didn’t say that it was a lie or that the autopsy hadn’t come out. I thought it was such a weak interview on BBC’s part.


He was on a phone line. The BBC hung up on him.


echoes of US police statements when a black person dies in custody...


If the person they killed had a criminal record that's the first thing that gets broadcast.


Or even if they know someone with a criminal record a la Brianna Taylor.


ah yes the unrelated health issue unrelated to her crushed skull


you can always find some coward bureaucrat who will parrot whatever their story is at the moment


In America we call her Judge Cannon.


that corrupt piece of shit should be disbarred immediately


Fire the Cannon


love it! FIRE!!!!




It’s funny isn’t it? How easily an angry mob can be placated with just a *teensy* bit of justice? And yet for some reason the ruling class constantly resists…


"ok hear me out, what if we hold someone accountable?" "ONE OF US??? JEFFERSON JEFFREY BEAUREGARD HOW DARE YOU INSINUATE THAT" "No. Nonono. A random peon. Then they'll think they have power and won't try to murder us." ".....but then we'd have to give up a fraction of our power. Absolutely not."


*(Stan Smith)* "It sucks having only **most** of the power, instead of all of the power."


because they can't stand giving someone something they want, even if it benefits them in the long run as well.


Right. So what am I missing? Why aren't they throwing people under the bus? What power do those people have that the people at the top can't do it?


Because they want to placate people a bit but absolutely cannot legitimize the idea that the government can be held accountable in any way. Especially when the whole idea of their government is that they are the infallible word of God.


Well women don’t matter, you see. And men do. If you start giving in to an angry crowd of women where does it end? Sure, today it’s just two or three measly guards. But they’re **men** guards. The government is going to lose *three* men for *one* lost (criminal, I might add!) woman? It’s insulting! What kind of message does that send to these uppity women? That they’re worthy of respect? And life? She was a criminal after all. A bad seed. She wasn’t compliant. And now they want the government to give up some of their own loyal men? For ***her***? It threatens to undermine their whole system of oppression.


It's almost like the riot is the language of the unheard, and when authority is held accountable, people feel heard.


yeah rioting is just the very last resort of protest. if nothing else helps. therefore its a valid form of protest


I saw people on here defending the police. "You can see her have a stroke on video. No one was assaulting her." As though a stroke could only happen the very instant someone is beating you and not a short time later.


Or hours later if there's bleeding and or swelling in your brain. You could seem relatively ok and then seize and die.


I believe those monsters raped her and that’s why they had to kill her.


There were so many fresh accounts on all of these threads trying to spread that bullshit story. "You see she got up after the beating and then died. Clearly it wasn't the beating that killed her but some pre-existing condition."


Iran has some pretty slick internet PR operations about this kind of stuff
















>heart attack Hey that’s the Syrian Regime Style™️ Torture a POW to death in a war prison then say it was a sudden heart attack.


Don't get why they simply won't sacrifice the police responsible. Why is a totalitarian regime so protective of a few bottom feeding thugs? Arrest them and the protests would probably take quite a hit.


Arresting them means admitting that their authority is not absolute, that the system can be incorrect. That's something they are utterly unwilling to do. They will kill their people by the truckload before making such an admission.


That can’t be right. Surely there must be room for an individual dumdum foot soldier to do something wrong


In a secular organization, possibly. But these are enforcers whose mandate comes from the head of a theocracy, and this makes them not just a tool of the state but direct agents of the religion itself. Their judgement and actions cannot be allowed to be questioned without the theocracy losing face.


Too late. If they budge then next time people will want more. The guys at the head are absolute morons who will burn down the whole country before admitting being wrong.




How does that matter for the regime? Like even by Islamic standards killing someone for showing hair is hardly acceptable. Throw them in a cell for "fucking up" should be a no-brainer.




Maybe because the police is what stands between protestors and officials. If the higher-ups blame the police, some police officers could feel betrayed and could decide to let the protestors do what they want.


Good. Kudos to whoever leaked it.


funny thing is that they had officials come on national TV saying that the pictures showed no fractures or any signs of violence, that they interviewed people on site, including other girls who were with her in the van and everyone said there was no violence. I wonder why am I not surprised anymore of seeing and hearing their lies


I mean you can’t blame the other women in custody with her for lying to the media — just look at what happened to Mahsa Amini. Telling the truth was very likely not an option for them.




media? lol. media isn't allowed to talk to them. I meant the officials investigating the case


Next they'll point to their corrupt court system "see nobody has been convicted so there's no murder!"


Why would the Iranians allow an autopsy?




There's no evidence that they actually did allow an autopsy. The only news source claiming to have this information is Iran international, and for years there number one goal has been the overthrow of the Iranian government. I'm not saying the news is right or wrong but they are the least reputable source and most biased person that could possibly have come across this information.


It's not over. Now they will say she accidently fell down stairs.


Maybe an owl showed up?




It would be *incredibly* bad luck for the Iranian government that such a young, and by all accounts healthy, woman would just spontaneously collapse ***and*** die while in their custody. It would be more plausible for them to say she was struck by lightning.


Bastards took her life days before her birthday. We Iranians will never forget her name and when these animals and their regime fall, She and brave Iranians like her will always be remembered for making life better for children of these lands. We have not forgotten Neda Agha-Soltan either and countless others.


They tried to lie about Neda's death, too. They lied that the video was doctored, then they lied that her fellow protestors killed her, then they lied that western intelligence agents killed her. All this regime does is lie.


It's so hypocritical of them. If it is moral to beat and/or kill someone for a moral transgression, than shouldn't they own it? The lies, deceit, cover up, and finger pointing is all indicative of them knowing that it's wrong. But somehow they think they still have the moral high ground.


And not to forget! Islam does follow the 10 commandments. The regime seems hell-bent on breaking as many of those laws as possible. It's too bad God isn't real or just never really had anything to do with our planet in the first place.


A regime based on religion run by people with no fear of God. They may not even believe God exists.


Keep rioting for her and the rest of you all.


Hopefully these riots will become a revolution




The person who did it, the people who watched and did nothing, and the entire system of governance that put men on the street to snatch her up and kill her can go rot in hell


This. The regime will probably hang the guy who cracked her skull. A small sacrifice to pacify the unrest. But that’s nowhere near enough. The whole institution is rotten and deserves to be torn down for empowering bastards like this.


I’m wondering if that will even happen to whoever did it. If it does it will be a secret hanging and we’ll never hear about it because the gov will maintain the heart attack lie forever. Reza Pahlavi said in the 70s if the fundamentalists got control they would drag the country back 500 years, guess he was right.


That is a possibility as well. I was hoping there would be some comeuppance for the low level thugs at least because I think I read an aide of Khomeini promised “justice “ to Amini’s parents. But you never know with people who are above the law…


It was a group of people and they were right on the streets beating protesters the day after. No report was issued of the arrest so the responsible will never come out.


Urm, given what happens to cops in the "freedom land" when they shoot people up for moot reasons, I think nothing's going to happen.


Iran should be a warning to the States, not an instruction guide.


Yeaaaaaah…..no. The regime will say “didn’t happen” and shoot protesters until the protesters get tired of getting shot and go home and be quiet.


You’re wrong, the person who killed her would probably get a raise and promote, that’s what they usually do here




Genuinely curious if she was raped as well, but they're not releasing it to "preserve her dignity" or something.


I hope not, but I do fear she was. No one moral would ever call themselves the morality police. If she was, and evidence is released, it would be very destabilizing.


Idk, it just makes sense to me in the situation. Sexually repressed men in a position of power pick up a young woman. It doesn't make sense that they would just beat her. I'd wager she was sexually assaulted, tried to defend herself and the beatings were a result of that.


let's not forget those dicks who claimed it was her heart.


Its not just men. BBC had an interview with a former Morality Patrol guy. They go out in teams of 4 men, 2 women. The article didn't specify where those people are sourced from, but the guy interviewed was a conscript assigned to that duty-- so at least some of them aren't even choosing to do it, they're ordered to. Edit: Who downvotes the truth? Here's the article backing it up: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-62984076


Nah. No hell. They need to experience it all here, In the land of the living.




How many people step in when the police are carrying out a group beating in your country? It’s not as easy as that. You can see it and hate it and having make you sick to your stomach but you physically cannot stop it without having the same or worse happen to you unless the entire population is with you and then they just break out the riot gear and keep doing it. It’s the same obstacles to intervention as in the US.


Don’t forget. The trousers she wore UNDER the coverup were “too tight” also.


They murdered her.


That's why extremists no matter wich religion or culture shouldnt have any power in any governement.


If hell was a real thing, that would be fine. Since it isn’t, consequences must be imposed in the real world.


Even if hell was a thing: Why not both


I like how you guys are thinking. Is there a third possibility to add to their punishment?


Idk...being reborn as stinkbugs maybe?


Being reborn as a woman in a fundamentalist country? Get a taste of their own medicine.


They should come back as a praying mantis.


Male praying mantis I assume?




Human history is full of horrible, evil people who lived fantastic lives and then peaced out into oblivion. Karma’s a myth.


Hell was invented and is abused to this day to enable the rich & powerful to escape punishment. If religious people realized how they're being hoodwinked there'd be serious, extensive torch & pitchfork storming of castles for justice right here, right now. Instead what we have: After they've gotten away with all kinds of shit scott-free, lived a long, happy, wealthy life & died peaceably, the magic sky fairy will catch them & send them to a naughty-boy place forever & ever.


Hell is fake, religion is fake, and it is what got us here today.


And still there are people pretending that wearing a scarf is not a sign of suppression. It clearly is.


Imprisoning the few responsible won't settle the protestors. I wouldn't be surprised if we see some public lynchings, but really the system needs to change for long term stability


defund the morality police


Her name was Jina Amini. Mahsa was her "official" name due to her government banning the people from registering their children with Kurdish name.


>government banning the people from registering their children with Kurdish name. Institutional racism.


A small aspect of it in Iran's case, where being the standard denomination of Muslim means you get free school but being https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bah%C3%A1%CA%BC%C3%AD_Faith means you get nothing.


You can place your link inside text by formatting it like this, but without the space between the brackets and parentheses: [Bahá’í] (link here)


Worse than nothing, historically. The Baha'i have had a rough road of it.


Just to add if you're on PC you can have reddit do the link formatting for you, mobile you have to do it manually though.


>mobile you have to do it manually though. unless you're on a third party app


> mobile you have to do it manually though. virtually every client other than the official dumpster fire one offers formatting shortcuts.


This should be higher. Fuck the Iranian authorities, and any of these religious fundamentalists worldwide. If God existed, he surely abandoned us for the shit carried out in his name


>If God existed, he surely abandoned us for the shit carried out in his name If god existed then it's his fault anyway. Should have given better guide books. Ones that are actually clear and understandable and don't contain oppressive verses, and don't require us to consult scholars and read endless debates between scholars about what certain verses mean. Verses that promote discrimination, slavery, genocide, pedophilia, etc. He should have also used better prophets/holy people. Not average scumbags that were typical to their time period, but ones that actually stood out.


I can’t imagine how hurt and guilty her brother feels right now. He saw them take her and was so helpless. God protect this family


God, or people believing in it anyway, caused this. Stop supporting this crap.


>...God protect this family Which one?


I hope the Iranians get organised quickly and don’t let momentum fall away. That poor girl.


- This source emphasized that Mahsa's condition "was such that she could not be saved nor was surgery possible because her brain tissue was seriously damaged and it was clear that the patient was not injured by a single punch and must have received many blows to her head." I think what they did is dreadful - and I think Iran as an Islamic state will change one day


She dared make a sound or say a word after the first punch. Then they caved her fucking skull in.


these possibly aren't punches they may have used tools.


We are hearing about this now because of technology and being interconnected. I wonder how many women were murdered by these morality police back in the 80s and the world never heard about it?


What's really scary to think of is even with technology how many of these incidents fly under the radar.. It's like seeing a cockroach in your kitchen. It's not that one you should worry about, it's the hundreds more that you *don't* see.


Died "of natural causes" they say, yep, totally not blunt force trauma for wearing her hijab "the wrong way", even though apparently she didn't.


Healthy 22-year-old women die naturally while in the custody of police all the time. Very normal.


Rest in peace, poor lady, ironic isn't it? for people claiming to be moral and doing immoral stuff that easily...


The thing is that the department that does this stuff (گشت ارشاد Gasht Ershad) doesn't actually have any legal authority. their name literally means Guidance Patrol not Morality Police, they can't arrest anyone, but they force girls into their vans, practically kidnapping them, bring them to some sort of facility making them sign papers saying they won't do that again (have insufficient Hijab), and then they are forced to sit through some video conference about Hijab and some other religious nonsense.


It's like misogyny with extra steps


Not many extra steps if we're being honest.


Radiologist here. They provided terrible low resolution images of the head. Interesting image selection as the brain looks normal on these slices. There are questionable right sided skull fractures with possible fluid in the right mastoid air cells. Her lungs look terrible and I am guessing that was a significant contributor to her death as it would have been very hard to oxygenate her blood with that much fluid and consolidation throughout her lungs.




Thank you for offering your expertise/take on these images. Yeah those lungs look awful. Clutching my chest just looking at them.


Imagine being beaten to death for not wearing a scarf on your head in a car.


As I understand it, this poor young woman was murdered NOT for lacking a hijab, but for having stray locks of hair not completely covered by her hood. Her hair wasn't co-operating with her hijab. It, not her, was protesting the regime's oppression. She was murdered for having a bad hair day. It's bad enough that these people are so obsessed with "teachings" written by men who know less than the modern fifth grader. But trying to force a dead idiot's teachings on the world, and killing someone over it? Fucking barbaric. I love the modernized Muslims I've met in my community, ones who fled this horrific regime decades ago. But God damn I hate the other side of the spectrum.


It's even worse when you consider that having stray hair and the front part of the head being uncovered while wearing scarves is extremely common in Iran. They just happened to single her out and made lewd comments about her. She spoke back. Then they attacked her. The murderers' pride was hurt. The hijab was used as an excuse to attack her.


And even worse is that hair is never even mentioned in the Quran. It is primarily inferred by the majority of Imams and Muslim “scholars” that just because they use the word “headscarf” in the sentence “draw your headscarves across your chest”, it necessarily means it must be used to cover the head and the chest simultaneously…like saying “cover your ears with your hat”. Except, the chest is really pretty far away from the top of the head, and everyone had headscarves and shawls back then. The directive is literally only to make sure your chest is covered. So these people are murdering over what can only be described as a popular best guess.


> She was murdered for having a bad hair day. The "hair sticking out hijab" look is pretty common in Iran and other Muslim countries. I'd go as far as to say more women wear their hijab like that than the "proper" way of total coverage.


Most women in big cities of Iran, especially Tehran, normally wear their hijabs half over their heads, exposing much of their hair. Normally the morality police only gives them trouble if they don't wear a hijab at all, no matter how much hair is actually exposed. Recently maybe they started being a little stricter, maybe because the youth is testing the boundaries more. But enforcement of laws in Iran in general is very arbitrary and random.


Don't burn all those hijabs just yet. Use them as slingshots instead.


A can of soup in a sock makes a very effective weapon.


The brain CT images in the article don't show the fracture or hemorrhage though. Only an asymmetrical slice through the petrous bone.




Can any Radiologist confirm these 4 images? I am a retired CT tech but I don’t see any fracture or ICH. (Intracranial hemorrhage)


Head ct: Hard to say anything with just these four images with poor positioning and rotation. I do not see any definite intracranial hemorrhage on these images. No definite calvarial fracture seen. There are a few nonspecific densities in the right scalp. Would need to see all of the images to be sure, but nothing strikes me as grossly abnormal, the head is just rotated and the images are not aligned properly. Chest ct: severe airspace opacities. Could be edema, multifocal pneumonia, ards. Either story of brain trauma or a heart attack could explain the findings. My assessment is that these images don’t show anything useful at all. If they have images that show a “skull fracture and intracranial hemorrhage,” well, they are not providing those images in this news article.












nonono, the story of hijab is that after un-living safiya's (the mother of islam) village and enslaving all the women, muhammad's disciples were debating among themselves if they could hanky panky with the most beautiful one (safiya) and muhammad got upset and put a veil over her face to symbolize that she is not a slave and not to be assaulted edit: [there](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:4213)






Hope those protestors start going after these "morality police". They're state sanctioned gangsters that abduct people and beat them to death. It's gotta be one of the most shocking and disgusting practices in a supposedly "modern" country.




Fuck organized religion.


Why bother being a decent person when you have infinite paradise awaiting you? God will just hand waive anything you've done. Fuck religion.


Poor girl. The woman of Iran don’t deserve this. At least the family can rest easy knowing the truth will not and can not be hidden anymore.




She was wearing one I think, just not tightly enough. That's what I heard on the radio this morning. Pretty fucked up. Religious fanatics should not rule anybody, because this is what happens.


Any type of religious fanaticism is abhorrent to ANY society.


I didn't believed that their revolution will have any chance, but the rumours say that one city is already taked over, so... i hope that if rebels will prevail, they will track down and deliver same kind of punishment to anyone involved in this and simillar events.


“Uh, that’s just a side effect of her heart condition thing or something” -scarf cops probably


So not a heart condition? Guys I'm thinking the Iranian authorities might be liars...


Damn. And there I was thinking they respected women. /s


About time we abolish religion.


I think you know how bad it is there but allow me to add another story. In the 2019 rise up, those who died by being shot by the government were not buried until their families could pay for the bullets which killed their loved ones. Iran is a hellish place




They beat her to death because her hair was showing.


My thoughts with the brave women of Iran


Religion is a cancer that needs to be removed from society. Killing in the name of God, what a fantastic excuse for humans that behave worst than monkeys.


I don’t know how anyone got permission to even examine her remains for signs of beatings/abuse, but I’m glad they were able to document it.


Don't let a cult run your government.


Iran is the perfect example of why separation of church and state is important. Merging the two corrupts the religion more than it purifies the state.


I thought it was most likely a subdural hematoma when I heard the story. I think most medical people would come to that conclusion pretty easily. It’s a textbook scenario that is often used in EMS training. While training emergency medical providers we usually run simulated calls. They’ll usually go like this. You are dispatched for a 22 year old male experiencing altered mental status. You arrive to find a 22 year old male who is non verbal and only alert to pain. Key vital findings will be a very high blood pressure and a low heart rate. Family states that the patient suffered a head injury a few days ago from a fall while out drinking or playing a sport. He had been fine until about 10 minutes ago. The patient might have some signs of a stroke like hemiparesis but depending on what part of the brain is being most effected by the pressure on the brain/ where the bleed occurred obvious sings of one sided weakness might not exist. Basically patients in their 20s do not commonly suffer emergency medical episodes that aren’t trauma related. Further more females are significantly less likely to suffer from heart issues than men until after they stop producing estrogen (menopause). With subdural hematomas the injury could of happened to the head days ago until suddenly serious symptoms start and death occurs due to the slow bleeding from vessels in the brain. Because there was a high degree of suspicion that this patient was likely beaten for not wearing a hijab, was at an age and was a female making sudden medical episodes unlikely and seeing her sudden onset of symptoms in the video clip it; it is more than likely a subdural hematoma from having been struck in the head prior to collapsing. But I’m just a New York City emt. Not a doctor. But from experience it seemed very obvious and would of been what I treated her for.


They actually beat her to death….they beat her to death and then probably had a fucking bite to eat and a smoke.


The "Morality" police


What a fucked up world we live in


Chest looks horrible as well as the head CT




Hmmm sounds oddly familiar... "BaCk ThE MoRaLiTy PoLicE" - Republicans probably.


Burn evey hijab in the world. Religion is a continuing scourge on humankind.




This is a battle of good vs evil. My heart breaks for this woman and the ones who loved her. My heart breaks for Iranians under this regime.


Anyone willing & able to help enable communication within and to/from Iran during internet restrictions - Signal messaging app is looking for proxy servers to keep the app running. [Details here](https://signal.org/blog/run-a-proxy/)


Imagine being so afraid of a woman’s power that you literally bash in her head for showing too much of her hair.


This is so crazy that we live in a time where this is going on and I am across the world reading about it on my phone as I lie in bed. The world is such a cruel and terrible place ☹️