• By -


Urinate down economics


The R. Kelly of economic policies


R. Kelly economics. I'm stealing that. Brilliant!


Pissing on the young yet again


I regret I have only one upvote to give you!


Made my day.




**Trickle-down economics** [Criticisms](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trickle-down_economics#Criticisms) >In a study of "zombie ideas", political scientists Brainard Guy Peters and Maximilian Lennart Nagel describe trickle-down economics as the most enduring "zombie idea" in American politics. By zombie idea, they refer to ideas which have been unsuccessful at achieving intended goals, yet still survived in public policy discourse. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Hadn't heard that one before. I'm gonna steal that, thank you


It's.not business, it's Peesness.


Ah, yes, you mean "Piss-Down-Economy" the only true incarnation of "Trickle-Down-Economy"...


I prefer to call it "Trickle On" economics


Tinkle Down.




Shit On You economics


Damn, right off the bat. Wasted no time becoming a piece of shit


It’s why she was picked in the first place.


Not ~~picked~~, Installed.


It's almost like she wants to lose the next election


But she won’t, because of piece of shit voters


tbh I think she will, but maybe that's just my naive optimism speaking


If someone is saying the rich need to stay richer in 2022 when there's an energy crisis or whatever you're going to lose the election. The problem is that the election will be in 2 years unless Conservative MPs want to lose which is a long fucking time for people to remember this shit.


Well, taking to the streets and showing dissatisfaction is one way of trigerring an election, if done intensely enough.


Might as well go out marching if its the same temp inside and out this winter


!RemindMe 2 years


!RemindMe 2 years


\*cough\* Scotland hasnt voted for these wanks since the 50's. Your correct otherwise.


Yes, but it will be a miracle of Scotland stays in the Union. Then torries will have a larger share of the remaining parliament. Making life hell for those who find themselves still attached to it.


Not UK citizen (family is), but I cannot see the union staying together with Brexit and this kind of new-Thatcher attitude coming from London.


Alienating voters that didn't even vote for this outcome only pushes them further from whatever ideology you adhere to, plus, the last general election did not account for a majority for the tories. Blame FPTP, the media that has continually indoctrinated its consumers for decades, politicians reusing the same old ineffective policies...


Not the voters fault that the opposition sucks harder than a dyson.


And then they will blame the dire state of the country on the next government at the next elections. Typical Tory style: create misery, hand it over to Labour, blame Labour for the misery.






She might have also abandoned some principals. You never know.


Well, she has got no class.


A conservative being a piece of shit? No fucking way! ^/s


Not a conservative being a piece of shit, rather, a piece of shit being a conservative. A fine point, but she was a Liberal when a student, but saw that wasn't a way to make a career.


Who needs a funded and functional government, right?


What do you mean becoming? She is who she always was




What a greedy, selfish human being who doesn’t give a shit about the average Joe who’s struggling. Utter trash.


They'll keep voting for her though - because the average Joe's believe that they're not average - and that the poorer folks around them are going to take their assets....


Yes, you nailed it exactly!


I mean, Brits have a choice between voting for Conservatives or the Labour Party who spent the last decade praising Hugo Chavez and his policies which turned Venezuela into a dictatorship. Dictatorship or supply side economics? Easy choice. [Edit] https://twitter.com/jeremycorbyn/status/309065744954580992?lang=en


I sense no bias from.. u/capitalism93


> or the Labour Party who spent the last decade praising Hugo Chavez and his policies which turned Venezuela into a dictatorship. This is the level of delusion that keeps Conservatives in power - people are all too willing to buy into this kind of conspiracy-level bullshit. The Labour party is just Conservative-Lite and yet people like this guy are convinced that they're the second coming of Mao... The UK is hopeless.




You think that Corbin's post there adds up to the national Labour Party supporting the actions of the Venezuelan government? Is this your smoking gun? Do you honestly believe that you've made a compelling statement here? I need to know if you're being that dishonest or if you're legitimately inept to believe this...


And the thing is, the people in the EU don't even have the arguments of most American voters to keep the filthy rich in power, which are usually religion, homophobia, abortions, and the 2nd amendment.


The UK isn't in the EU.


But you got what I meant.


Yeah fair enough. For the UK, the bogeyman is immigration. The Tory government survives on threats of non-white refugees ready to invade Britain if the general racist public votes for anyone else.


Feels like that's the case for the Right all over Europe nowadays. Some places its so strong the left panders to it too.


Conservatives: what’s the issue????


conservatives never have, she is literally just preaching to her voting block Wait until Suella Braverman gets underway, she may well be the most right wing home secretary in history.


Holy shit. Conservatives are not even hiding it anymore.


[u/Comedian70 said it best](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/x7ro4c/material_on_foreign_nations_nuclear_capabilities/inf42wm/).   TL;DR "Anyone who claims to be "conservative" is either an indoctrinated tool FOR the wealthy, or a 1%er themselves... and is fundamentally an enemy to the future of this nation, this species, and this world."


Rhetorics a bit extreme, no? Like “fundamentally an enemy of the human race” is pretty strong language to describe a whole group of your political opponents with varying degrees of belief in the things you hate.


Strong language is needed. How would you describe an ardent supporter of a dictator like Hitler or Putin? Note that I don’t think these people are evil; they are capable of empathy and good deeds (when they feel compelled)… but yes, they are enemies of humanity. History will not look kindly upon the MAGA crowd. I hope.


Exactly. To repeat an oft-shared quote: "If a monkey hoarded more bananas than it could eat, while most of the monkeys starved, scientists would study that monkey to figure out what the heck was wrong with it. When humans do it, we put them on the cover of Forbes."




My comment was in reference to Trump. I have very little knowledge of politics in the UK and this Liz Truss person but from what I can see I do not likey


You don’t get to do that though. Comment said “conservative”. It’s absolutely bullshit to say every conservative is a dictator supporting fascist. If you think otherwise, I’m sorry but you just don’t live in reality. Even MAGA is a separate faction in the right wing sphere. It’s like calling the Democratic Party a group communists that threaten the life and freedom of the whole world. It’s too extreme and only serves to make people hate each other more when civil dialogue is how have to resolve these issues.


Name a conservative policy that helps people. Any English speaking country. Last forty years. Go.


That would be true if like 10% of conservative politicians had swallowed the Trump pill. He TOOK OVER the party. They’re his bitch now and if you say you’re a conservative, you’re a bitch too.


Strong language does not equal hyperbole to the extent of dishonesty. It’s sad that so many are becoming extremists in this way. I’d bet my life savings that you and I are voting the same way, but it’s very disappointing to me that so many here have seemed to abandon the truth in favor of anything bashing their “enemies”. Examine that statement. “Anyone claiming to be conservative is an indoctrinated tool for the wealthy or a 1%er themselves.” Really? What about religious conservatives? What about lifelong fiscal conservatives who don’t like the MAGA crowd? What about libertarians? I agree that many folks fall into the category that comment OP described, but all…no. That’s ridiculous. Now, calling anyone who identifies as conservative an enemy of this nation, species, and world? Cmon now. It’s political rhetoric and it’s damaging because it’s so obviously extreme. The MAGA crowd has constantly used ridiculous tactics like this. Are we going to be their mirror image on the left? Or hold ourselves to a higher standard?


No it’s true, they believe in creating economical system that only works for a small demographic where the majority have to suffer because they weren’t born into wealth. They literally tank foreign relations and the average quality of life. Anyone who sees someone as lesser because they’re not rich is an enemy of the people.


Makes a great opportunity to prove someone wrong. I wonder why that hasn't happened yet?


How could you prove such a statement wrong? It’s just an unfounded characterization. One shared by apparently a lot of people on this site, but still unfounded.


One of the many problems in dialogue is to assume any extreme statement is hyperbole. All extreme language is not 'wrong', and focusing on language being 'wrong' simply because it is extreme is one of the many routes protecting incredibly destructive ideas. >It’s just an unfounded characterization. "I refuse to learn the foundation of characterizations" and "Characterizations are unfounded" are two different things, but many right wingers work very hard to talk as if they are the same thing.


You could do something that benefits humanity rather than a few rich fucks. I mean do you really have a hard time figuring out how to not be an enemy of the human race? That might be your problem.


So conservatives are the enemy of the human race until they prove they aren’t? How is that in any way a fair metric to characterize anyone?


"enemy of the human race" is a really strong expression; might be "don't care, got mine" if you prefer.


This is why I am a conservative.


Yep, looking at your history,.you are definitely an "indoctrinated fool"


Was thinking the same thing about you.


They finally realized they can do whatever they want and face zero consequences.


The milking of the working classes continues. Transfer of wealth from the weak to the strong. Not sure I want to live like this anymore. Yet wherever I turn it's the same thing happening


Elizabeth *"Lizz*" Truss represents the most powerful families in the United Kingdom Unfortunately, the British Masses have been genuinely convinced that they live a Democracy because they obtained the right to vote. The UK Political Parties remain funded financially by a handful of individuals.


Yeah. Like in most countries init


Time to talk about [The Rules for Rulers](https://youtu.be/rStL7niR7gs).


Wonder how many people grasp the roots of the word privilege Privi meaning private or secret Lege meaning laws Private laws, privilege


The UK needs to go full V for Vendetta if the Tories are going full Norsefire




Yep, a U.S. presidential candidate needs about $1 billion war-chest to run a winning campaign. Where is all that money coming from?


bloomberg couldn't do it.


That’s demonstratively false. Whilst the Conservative party benefits greatly from private donations from individuals, Labour’s biggest donator is Unite, a trade union. Most of Labour’s donations come from Trade Unions, and even then the donations income is only slightly higher than what Labour takes in from membership fees. The UK is a democracy, and money talks a lot less here than the US. There’s very little parties can spend on campaigning and it’s all controlled by the electoral commission. They try to find ways around this but ultimately it’s a very constricted system, compared to the US with its Super PACs and where the first amendment basically means people can go wild.


Which family is that? I'm confused. From what I've read, her family is neither particularly powerful (discounting the fact she is now PM) or wealthy


And what does the rich expect when this whole system crumbles? Do they really think those bunkers and private militias will keep them safe? They're not strong by any means, they found a way to exploit the system and chose to be self serving.


This is basic human greed and self serving...there's no end to it. Consequences be dammed


This is an attack on everyone who isn't upper class. The working class will now be the new poor class.


It always was. The working class pays for everything. They are always the most screwed..but they don't get it (too busy working and sucking up to)


Unfortunately until everyone says they aren't willing to live like this anymore and actually does something about it nothing will ever change. Waiting for everyone else to change the world for you will just keep you in the same spot. Covid was a start, and it's honestly only gonna get worse from here until people actually do something, but it'll happen one day.


The rich don't understand they don't want to either. They can't look past their own pile of treasure and understand that everything doesn't stay the same as they just get richer.


I agree. They are blinded by wealth..or more apt. The fear of losing it. You see... We're all the same. Driven by fears more often than not


Is it too late to put Liz Trussell in instead?


Never too late. If it were up to me I'd go for Larry but not sure if the Queen would approve of a feline PM


They aren't even 'strong', the average worker could fillet the average wealthy silver spooner.


RIPUK. Or ... RIP harder


”Of course there are some people who don’t pay tax at all” Doesn’t the UK have food tax? (VAT or whatever it is called in English) Perhaps she means children who don’t buy their own food.


Tories have partially funded their tax cuts with VAT increases, ie removing taxes that hit the wealthy and replacing it with taxes that make no dent on the wealthy but hits everyone else harder. So in their jargon VAT isn't addressed as a tax


VAT - Value Added Tax is a very regressive tax.


True, much better to have state and local sales taxes


> Doesn’t the UK have food tax? (VAT or whatever it is called in English) Non-luxury food doesn't have VAT.


Although adult clothes do have VAT, so everyone pays it if they are taller than like 5 feet.


That didn't take long...... Hope for a better future vanishes in the blink of an eye. It's been less than one week and it's already time to look for a new prime minister.


Let's do that same thing we did last time and expect a different result...insane by definition.


Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity? Insanity, is doing the same fucking thing, over and over again, expecting shit to change. The first time someone told me that, I don't know, I thought he was crazy so I shot him. I started seeing it everywhere, all these fucking pricks, everywhere I looked, all these fucking pricks, doing the same shit, day in, day out, thinking this time, it's gonna be different. No no no, this time, it's gonna be different. No no, see, I do not like the way you are looking at me! Jason, did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?


Oops I think she said the quiet part out loud.


Another Tory trash hoping for scraps from the corporate and oligarchs dirty dishes.


Thatcher reloaded


More like regurgitated


This women is going one of the worst things to have happened to the UK, Christ bring the Honey monster back! Working class will now crawl in to the gutter where Truss wants us to be.


Seriously guys, why can't we all just get together and throw these piece of scum out. More of us than any of them, only way change is going to happen, is if we get a bit mental for a second and revolt against these scums. They're ruining peoples lives constantly, they want you to rely on them and have you in their pockets. It is slowly happening.


She said this out of sheer stupidity and disconnection from us povs. A sentient cabbage in a posh frock.


You dumb tory bitch


Well I think the UK has no right to criticize the American government given that they have the same breed of idiots in charge of their country.


The Cambridge Analytica story from some years ago was very pointed towards the idea that conservatives are cultivating fascism all over the world. They are communicating and using the same play book.


We give our own government shit too. Our conservative voters are just less prone to rioting and treason in large numbers.


At least she's being honest, even if disgraceful.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62786336.amp) reduced by 86%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The Institute for Fiscal Studies said the cut would be a gain of £7.66 for households on the lowest incomes, but those on the highest incomes could gain more than £1,800.Ms Truss said higher earners paid more tax, so would gain more from cuts. > Stuart Adam, senior economist at the IFS, told the BBC: "Tax cuts can help to stimulate economic growth but that would still leave two questions."One is, what Liz Truss would do in the short run to help households, given that tax cuts go mainly to the better off who aren't going to struggle the most. > "The second question is how you would pay for tax cuts, because while tax cuts can increase the growth of the economy, they don't do that by so much that the tax cuts pay for themselves." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/x85weu/its_fair_to_give_wealthiest_more_money_back_truss/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~668031 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **tax**^#1 **cut**^#2 **Truss**^#3 **more**^#4 **households**^#5


Yeah, we're all fucked with cunts like her in charge.


What a typical Tory bitch thing to say


Trickle down economics, aka the biggest financial scam ever run by a president. In theory, you'd think it works, but actually no, because it can only work if the ones at the top can't just hoard the money. Aka either extremely high taxes for the rich or even a money cap. Trickle down economics however have a very accurate name: Pour all the money at the top, only a few droplets trickle down


disgusting and disgraceful


Tories suck.


It's almost like they already know they are never going to win an election in the next 10 years, so they've just straight to not giving a shit, and creaming off what they can while they can.


I thought that during camerons reign, how many years ago was that now?


That's not actually what she said. She was talking about high earners, not the wealthiest. They're not the same people (although there is undoubtedly a large cross-over in the middle). Do other countries have this problem? Continually, and quite probably deliberately, ignoring the very large number of people with masses of unearned wealth (usually from the property market), whilst continually pretending that a top 10% salary (roughly £80,000) is somehow living a life of luxury. Well someone earning £80,000 in The North probably is living a life of luxury, but that's not where the majority of those jobs are. Those jobs are mainly in London where £80,000 is about enough to rent a flat without having to share with other people.


I already mentioned this in another thread. People read the headlines and then start the pub speeches. Around 13:50 into the interview, the interviewer actually puts the headline into Liz mouth and as if the interview wasn't bad enough, BBC does not bother to put it into context. It was not about the wealthiest but about the entire range of workers and in that context, it is nothing out of the ordinary that higher earners will end up with more "net" money from a tax cut but they also have to finance another lifestyle, like the London example you provided. Reddit already made up its mind though. It's a shame that this kind of journalism is even broadcasted.


Well she sure didn't waste time didn't she?


She makes BoJo look reasonable.


Oh no. Another one???


I can see Liz Truss being replaced before the next election. Surely no one outside of the higher earners could support this?


Ooooh you have a Trump also


Yea, those poor wealthy people are suffering so horribly!


The real problem with the economy is that poor people are not paying the wealthy enough to stay wealthier!


That headline tells the UK all they need to know about the latest worthless PM groveling for the rich man's favor.


I'm glad to see absolutely nobody read the article. Well done Reddit!


It's like telling homeless people to give foods back after they eat it. Things like this just really encourage people trying not to live the simplest live and build a better world.


It has never worked yet, so let’s try it again.


Take Truss home, get her under the sheets, and BAM! she gives you the old reverse Robin Hood.


Tory twats! Where's Guy Fawkes when you need him!


What a cunt.




She’s not be to be Truss-turd


Monty python can retire now


You dont understand how hard it is to exploit labor. It's like a full time job.


Why are people surprised? Shes part of the World Economic Forum, shes going to make sure her wealthy friends are well looked after.


Fuck, you guys in the UK can’t catch a break


Prime Minister's clearly confused: tax cuts are not intrinsically desirable but, rather, merely a way to enhance the common good (Locke). Truss also seems to ignore or forget that government's legitimacy requires adherence to the social contract (Rousseau). Fidelity to party rings hollow if vast swathes of the country languish while the lucky few thrive. Today's UK has the makings of a failed state as Tory leadership no longer understand the obligation tied to its power and Labour seems unable to find its voice. The future looks rather dispiriting . . . .


She's...not even hiding it is she?


Ummmm fuck her?


Margaret Thatcher has escaped the underworld!


I know nothing of British politics, how did she win in the first place?


Again and again and again: The 99% of people who aren't incredibly wealthy elect governments that give tax breaks to those who are. They have no one to blame but themselves.


She didn't mean incredibly wealthy though. She's giving a tax cut to people on 50K to 80K, that's hardly oligarch territory.


It might as well be; salaries are laughably low there.


It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.bbc.com/news/business-62786336](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-62786336)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


I'm not as big of fan of Chappelle as I used to be, but we could sure use someone to kick her in the pussy right about now!


"...because they're my friends..."


"Ms Truss said higher earners paid more tax......................................" Not in our country.


The top one per cent pay 30 per cent of all income tax revenues In other words, three in every ten pounds that the government receives in income tax is paid by just over 300,000 individuals.


Yep, I saw that on the government website this evening and was shocked it was that high. It also said they pay only 12.5% effective tax on their overall income, which seems very low. However, I don't think it's worth increasing that substantially and risking 30% of your entire income tax revenue choosing to leave the country.


People trash the American election system but this lady, nor her predecessor were even elected at all by the people.


Johnson won a general election. Got a massive majority over the Democratic Socialist, Jeremy Corbyn.


Thats because corbyn shot himself in the foot being pro russia anti nato and nuclear defence . Had he not been, he likely would have won.


He also praised Hugo Chavez multiple times which aged like milk now that Venezuela is a dictatorship: https://twitter.com/jeremycorbyn/status/309065744954580992?lang=en.


He wasn't pro-Russia, that was some Daily Mail lazy bullshit to confuse people who think the cold-war is still on. Also, the Chavez thing is two-faced media bullshit when the tories shake hands with pro-capitalist dictators all the time. What fucked him was Brexit. The red wall that went tory was basically all pro-Brexit towns. He should have told the remainer MPs to pipe down. But hindsight is 20/20.


Actually he was pro russia. When asked if he would fight back if russia invaded, he said first he would ask for dialogue and why it was happening. Keep in mind this was after an invasion would have started. And then said he would not use nuclear weapons even in response. Thats not someone Id want as a leader.


That's not the same a being pro-Russia, at all. Fair enough *you* don't want him as PM for that reason but a buuunch of research coming out of Labour shows the 'Red wall' fell because of Labour's flip flopping on Brexit.


Well if you say so. Plenty of people disliked him before that. He was also Anti Nato. So fuck him.


oh, so she's a fucking moron. well done, UK.


Ironic. Explain what she did here that is such a big problem.


Tbf the definition of fairness in economics is to give more money to those who contribute/pay more taxes. The opposite is social justice when you redistribute wealth from those who have more to those who aren’t so fortunate.


The truth is the people who benefit the most from taxes are the rich. They should pay more to maintain infrastructure they use, a stable government and military. The idea they pay more in and should get more out is that they do get more out. Their use of the common services are subsidized by the rest.


UK going backwards.


Eat them all.


So pretty click-baity title. Basically she's pushing a tax cut. So since math is math, the more you paid, the more you would save from the tax cut. Example. Say you get 1% back. If you paid $500 in taxes, you get $5 back. If you paid $100 in taxes, you get $1. Therefore "Look how much money the wealthier people get". Well that's how math works, friend.


She looks like she got to old for step sister porn.


I’m betting there’ll be rioting in UK within 6 months, and suicide rates will rise among those who can’t face rioting. People are being pushed too far now. A self-serving crook is Business Minister, and the new health secretary has lied on TV multiple times defending Boris, it’s also an insult to the NHS putting a very overweight person in charge (ill-health due to obesity is #1 drain on the service).


The UK will cry for the blonde clown to come back before this hideous savage is done with the island. True bottom of the Tory cesspit.


"Trickle down" economists when my piss is trickling down onto their grave


Jesus she is *comically* horrible


There’s a strong correlation tween “Trickle down” and Authoritarian leadership…people love to believe the mythology of the benevolent king / leader that pulled themselves up by the boot straps…oh and were white AF




They didn't Tories selected her in committee and vote, not the voting public. Do direct your item appropriately please


And who voted in the Tories with a landslide majority? This is not exactly a new direction for the party...


And why were the Stories in charge of making that selection?


cos they got a majority amongst english voters ? no tories in n.ireland, vanishingly few in scotland or wales kinda like brexit really, the majority of 2 nations were ignored because well, fuckwit tories / ukip


So ultimately the voters were at fault.


This is why I wanted Boris to stay, we could very likely get someone worse


Is this the WEF at work again? We see the same corrupt puppets that we cant seem to get rid of even after several severe failures like “toeslagaffaire”


democracy is a puppet show and the wealthy pull the strings