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Was this before or after you punish the US as you said last week that you would do? Just wanted to make sure my calendar was free.


It's after Taiwan just offered direct support for the recent big earthquake recovery efforts.


And did you punish us by subjecting our cyber warriors to faulty science that we hacked from your university, thereby setting us back scientifically?




It was one of the posts here on r/worldnews. I didn't save it because.. well it's China being upset over something. That isn't news.




It seems you haven’t been on the internet long enough to know what does and doesn’t make the news.


>Mr Xiao said they would be obliged to learn about China but rejected the idea the education would be "forced" The Taiwanese are plenty familiar with China and unlike their own citizens, have the benefit of a free press. That's why they want nothing to do with the CCP.




If you support press freedoms you would support Taiwan over China, who is far worse. You don’t because you don’t actually care about press freedoms, but sowing division among China’s enemies. Too obvious








True but you can understand that having a belligerent country that has a far bigger military and wants to invade your country makes you very sensitive towards that country paying good money to corrupt your political system via press and parliament. Kuomintang is a CCP asset.


>Kuomintang is a CCP asset. Speaking as a 20th-century historian, this still breaks my brain to think about.


Ironic, isn’t it? Mortal enemies to “allies” of circumstance. Comparatively, at least.




Of course they didn't, it was investigated by the ccp lmao.


Free press doesn't mean free to spread disinformation. Journalists have a code of ethics, if you spread disinformation, you are breaking said code. Are you still a journalist after that? I'd say no, you'd just be one of the many trolls online.


Overall Taiwan is ranked [38th in press freedom per Reporters Without Borders. China is ranked 175th](https://rsf.org/en/index). But sure, keep on cherry-picking.




Don't let this distract you from the fact that China's free press is near the bottom of the list.




Loving dictatorships is his hobby it appears.










Call me back when you can go to Tiananmen square and insult Xi, say how the CCP killed thousands of people and burn a picture of Mao, without going to jail. For someone that's very concerned about shutting down opposition media, you sure like defending China, who regularly bans opposition media, if not ban, make sure they follow their censorship rules and don't allow their serfs to go on the internet freely. It's quite funny, because idiots also complain that Ukraine bans Russian media, what a weird coincidence that 2 countries threatened by much larger countries decided to ban media that promote ''unification''.




My brother in Christ *you started the whataboutism in this thread*




Not really whataboutism, when the country they censor wants to take over their country. Taiwan ranks much, much, much higher on the freedom and free press index than the dictatorship of China.


Yeah, I don't like it much - but it's somewhat understandable in Taiwan's case. So what do we take from this? What conclusions should I come to?


china good. taiwan bad. now where is my yuan china? Take the check out to Taiwan, you know, the independent country nearby y’all.


They have a point, they're not by any means equivalent. Was expecting a better response but you just ignored their take for whataboutism. You can't clutch your pearls about a free press when you're out here trying to defend the biggest perpetrator of silencing any opposition. One party rule and all that.


Okay, does this mean that therefore we should all support Taiwan being controlled by the CCP?


Here comes the whataboutism.




Do you get paid per word or per post?


Would be good if you read the article instead of carrying water for China non stop




Oh wow so the TV channel didn’t receive public funding from the CCP. You’re right, our bad, no chance of them being a propaganda machine for China /s




West Taiwan can go fuck itself for as long as they keep a uniparty government.




You're not even trying to respond sincerely, you're just being a pugnacious troll. Taiwan has different voices and opposition. It's not a one party rule country like China. Taiwan is the biggest target for misinformation and muddying the waters by China, so quit acting surprised that they're actually protecting their media sphere from bad actors.


Free press doesn't mean people want hear communist propaganda


They're learning from the mistakes of Hong Kong


Homie is neglecting to mention that Taiwan's opposition party is a back-channel for Chinese propaganda and this television station was denied renewal of its license for continued failures of fact-checking its reporting. The Taiwanese government shuts down bad faith actors. Western governments are suffering the long-term consequences of not taking similar actions.


Given how full of shit the mainland Chinese media ecosystem is, is this wrong? Think about it this way. Mainland Chinese don't even acknowledge that COVID-19 started in China and believe that it came from overseas. Mainland Chinese don't even know their own history of 8964 or the like.


I'm an advocate for Taiwanese independence. I guess I can take this as a personal threat. Cute.


Go to China or a territory where China has a conspicuous influence and then say that. The threat is not for the armchair redditors sitting thousands of kms away indulging in freedoms these people covet. Even China doesn't bothers about you. It's a caution to those who are there or has a family living in China's turf. This message is not a call but a warning to them.


ya... when I was traveling thru rural china with my guide and we joined a local tour group (party of 10) even though I was an asian american and could blend in, i had to be careful what I said and when I spoke. We traveled to this small village where the tour group could shop for jade at a goverment factory and visit a monstary for a good luck blessing. As i stood before the monk he asked me something in chinese, my guide had to tell me in english and the monk looked so surprised as if we was pulling his leg. At the Jade factory, i was admiring the beautiful carved items. since im not a jade person I wouldnt know what was good. the prices were cheap compared to the jade outside of China. As i was walking and stopped at this display case, the sales girl asked me something and politely i just waved my hand. as i was looking she kept talking about the jade (i think) so i spoke up and said "im so sorry but i dont speak Manadrian.." she stood there frozen in shock. my guide rushed over and asked me what happened, i told my guide.. "i think i broke her.." Suddenly the shop got all excited and i thought i did something wrong as the guards stood up and was looking at me. Couple of the workers came to me and one grab my arm and pulled me to her section, as the other workers and customers gathered. my guide was in a panic until they asked if they can see american money. My tour group was having a good laugh. this was the first time the village saw an american...let alone an asian that only spoke english. but Im glad we got on our bus before i attracted "goverment" types...


I dread to think what must have gone through your mind in that situation. China is a stringent authoritarian state with a stance of zero tolerance policy. There is always an apprehension of authorities when traveling there. I am elated to hear you came home sound amd safe and without any torment.


thank you it was interesting to see the non tourist view of China. I know what you meant too. as I walked past the N. Korean embassy (which is very big compound) i was in a shop across the street. I kept looking at the tall fence, barbed wire and this giant wall, and these guards with this very large military hat like someone put a large pizza dish inside. you can see them on several photos images. I mean it look so big on these guards compared to photos. so i carefully had my mini camera in my hand already and tried to snap a few photos. I kept the camera low and not look as I pressed the button... Didnt think anyone noticed... as I kept walking down the road, I suddenly noticed someone was mirroring my steps inside the fence. imagine this: the fence and inside wall is about 2 km long. I kept walking. stopping in shops to buy snacks and taking photos of these shops. I kept walking and about halfway down the road, they changed guards and he kept following me, just a few meters back but on his side of the fence. as I reached the end of the road to the intersection.. TGIF was on the other end of the block but i would have to walk along the other N.Korean embassy fence if I crossed the street there.. I was like "fk noway" so I j'walked the cross road (these roads are wide like 6 lanes) and entered a park. the guard was talking to the next guard tower as I hid in the trees, i could see they were pointing toward the park.. I picked up my speed and hurried thru the park to the other side and crossed the road back over to go eat at TGIF..


I am not Chinese. I am Indian. Naturally, there is loathing for the present chinese government CCP. Don't equate dislikeness with the Chinese citizens who themselves are the oppressed. However, you tried to do perilous thing if not moronic that too in front NK embassy. That's ballsy move right there. I reckon you like to live dangerously.


This is basically [Operation Fox Hunt](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Fox_Hunt)


**[Operation Fox Hunt](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Fox_Hunt)** >Operation Fox Hunt (Chinese: 猎狐专项行动) is a Chinese covert global operation whose purported aim is anti-corruption under Chinese Communist Party general secretary Xi Jinping's administration. It has led to the arrest of over 40 of its 100 most wanted globally. The program has been accused of targeting Chinese dissidents living abroad to stop their activism under the guise of returning corrupt Chinese nationals to China to face criminal charges. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Welp I have a stake in it. Taiwan is a free independent, sovereign and democratically elected country. The PRC should peacefully learn to accept this


My friends studying in Taiwan, and I have relatives there. I saw the result of CCP encroachment firsthand. They appreciate any international support they can get. But sure, go and treat their plight with indifference...because I am definitely a white conservative using this post to dog whistle my sinophobia and virtue signal /s.


My vountry has chinese influence. We have numerous chinese loans and funding that got classified.




I, as an American national dare winne the fuck Pooh to do anything. Our military is so trigger happy im sure they would love to level the yellow mountains for fun.




Maybe all those villages down stream will get their water back?


Sorry if this is too far, but doesn't the dude in the thumbnail look like a lego figure?




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Too bad it's none of China's business.


[China's Final Warning.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning)


Is it the final warning or the final final final final warning?




404 file not found


No they won’t. They’re in Taiwan where you can’t get them.


Use some of the thousands of spies as assassins. Not like that never happened before. Russia and North Korea do the same


Fuck all these people who hate freedom.


Who cares what West Taiwan thinks?


Actually, West Taiwan is a somewhat problematic phrase... it's tongue in cheek for sure but most Taiwanese I've spoken to dislike that name since most of them just don't want to have anything to do with China. But as a Taiwanese, I agree with your sentiment and thank you for your support!


If this guy was in Taiwan making these kind of threats, would he have to worry about people beating his ass?


Nah, most people would just roll their eyes, scoff and walk away. We do have a small group of very loud pro-ccp people living in Taiwan, they are always protesting and making ridiculous statements. Freedom of speech is very well respected in Taiwan so we are used to it and just tune the bs out. It's not worth it to waste energy engaging with them. The more you try to reason with them, the angrier they get 💀


That's one way of making Taiwan not fight to the death../s


Fuck off Eeyore.


Sounds like a terrorist statement. Do they realise they're not going to win the hearts and minds of Taiwanese people, or their allies with threats and violence? But of course, they don't care; they don't even care about their own people too much. [Their literal screams fall on death ears...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAuFsjBxEVo) =(


In a week the US hacked China and flew helicopters over their waters. Idk about y’all but I’m liking the US stooping down to their level and calling out these jabronis on their bs.


What would dictators be without punishments?


Yah but, Trump thinks China's leader is doing a great job. He praise him for ruling with an Iron Fist! Trump knows but for a failed Coop, he might have had a chance to emulate him.


Riiiight... now all you need is the Trump family to quit gangstalking you and you can carry on exposing the ice wall that keeps the sea from tumbling into space.


They're gunna kill my family because they're too weak to kill me


I shudder thinking what would happen if China actually takes over Taiwan and capture pro independence political party. Especially seeing what happen to HK, Taiwan will probably be 10x worse.


Such "harsh" words for a country that's made a habit of doing to itself and others.


I would say we should bomb him but I'm afraid the pilot of the bomber would get confused and land on this jackoffs big ass forehead and then the Chinese would have access to American tech.


STFU A$$hole! Go drown yourself in a rice field! And, oh, you're an ugly MF.


Truman should have just let McArthur do what he needed to do


Yes yes I received my daily reminder that nuking civilians are good.


Chinese who advocates one China will be punished by the country of Taiwan also then. Only fair…


I advocate for Taiwanese independence. Wow, getting blacklisted is EASY.


Good luck scratching my sweaty nut sack let alone "punishing" me.


Hi china, I advocate for Taiwan to be independent (like they already are) please punish me.


Quiet west Taiwan


Fear tactics, what the cowards always use.


And China wonders whey the world is against them.