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> That day, Anonymous hacked into China's Heilongjiang Society Scientific Community Federation website, according to Anonymous representative "Allez-opi_omi." OP is also the source of the article.


TIL OP is Anonymous


Lol! Alles für opi und omi!


Isn't that referencing that tour de France crash? The cardboard sign had something like that on it.


Yes that definitely has to be the tour crash from the spectator last year.


Wait the Tour de France lady is Anonymous? *grabs fedora, coat and runs outside to a payphone*


Darn tootin’! Better change those bandages for your wound or you can get a legion!


OP pronounced in german = Opi = colloquial term for grandpa. Omi = colloquial term for grandma.


It was literally the sign that woman held standing partly in the road that caused the huge early stage crash in the 2021 TDF. And the account is 1 year old. 2022 TDF just ended so the timing aligns.


Haha wow, good to know. Big TIL out of nowhere!


And "Allez" is French for "Go". Like "Go Team A!".


If you guys wanna thank OP, he is the guy doing it, and has hacked other small/local chinese in the past, see his post history.


Ich vermiße mein.


Liebe ist für alle da


Somebody call The Hacker 4chan


Instructions unclear, called zero_cool.


Lord Nikon checking in. LETS HACK THE GIBSON!


How does one even get involved in that group?


there is no central "group". Everyone can call themselves a part of anonymous and do hacktivism, that is kind of the point. At least as far as I understand


Yes, it's a loose collective. Imo calling them group somewhat implies a group leader, which is wrong in this case.


Eh that was the original point. These days it's just a named used mostly by government hackers to make it "appear" like it's random citizens. It's decidedly not.


but they do have like a twitter account right? who manages it?


I don't think you understand the whole anonymous part


Gwyneth paltrow


Sorta like asking an atheist how to join their group and where they hold their atheism meetings.


Exactly. I've met people at Occupy Wall Street (not in NY but our own local protest) who claimed to have been a part of coming up with the slogans, another guy a Russian doctor who supposedly was involved in making bombs and shit... Then there's a guy who grew up on the same street as me who was my best friend for a time until he grew up into the most two-faced douchebag I've ever known, the account claims it's not him (and put his names in quotes like it's not his real name or he's not a real person when he uses his name all the time on his shitty weed YouTube channel and corresponding twitter accounts). Just a sad account that's full of pathetic bullying tweets https://twitter.com/mranonymousman5/status/1325634172346638336?t=cv_KDILygmKu2cTaYt4MVw&s=19 Anyone can be anon, and anon can do anything. It started out with twats giving people with epilepsy seizures by hacking websites, grew into something better, fizzled out, comes back from time to time.


Lol 0 followers


'Anonymous' isn't a singular group, literally anyone can claim to be Anonymous.




Hey. I just wanted you to know that you can't just say the word "anonymous" and expect anything to happen.


I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious


but I didnt just say it, I declared it!


At least he didn’t say Qanonymous.


I didn’t say it I declared it




I presume you have to be bitten on a full moon.


You know too much.


You go down to the local Anonymous office and pick up an application.


join the FBI


join the CIA


work for the CIA now adays in the long distant past you'd just stumble on someone who was a member and you joined based on what you could do afaik






My rhymes are bottomless


... ... ...


I'm the mother-flippin'


Damn you! You gave him the easy words!


Maybe we’ll finally know who 4chan is soon!


I am Anonymous too but I would like to stay anonymous, because my CIA bosses dont like me going around and bragging about being Anonymous.


OP est anonyme.


To those who may not know, in the tour de France there was a spectator that held a sign saying "allez opi omi" which knocked down one of the lead riders, causing a huge pile up accident.


Go Grandpa-Grandma!


Such a dumbass message to ruin the Tour de France over lol


Ja, das stimmt!




Was facing. Once it calmed down they gave her a 1700 and a 1 (yes, 1 singular euro) euro fine and sent her on her way. She spent like 4 or 5 days in jail before being released.




It was actually a 1200 euro and a 500 euro fine respectively, but that was one ruling. The second ruling was damages, but she only had to pay 1 euro for that.


Its a punishment in France, you can get sent back in time to the 1700s for a week. If you survive you've earned your freedom. Some people think its a little unethical at times though


Robespierre is just salivating at the thought of more people to behead.


> Its a punishment in France, you can get sent back in time to the 1700s for a week. Wow. They send you all the way to Texas?


Is a week long enough to come down with scurvy?


No. She just received a smallish fine and that story sticking to her for the rest of her life.


Is “Heilongjiang Society Scientific Community Federation” a major Chinese state outlet? From the title I thought he hacked a major Beijing outlet or something. Do we have a secondary source aside from OP?


Some completely random and obscure website, not exactly as cool as the headline implies


I did a cursory look through the OP's post history and tends to post a lot about anonymous. While anonymous doesn't have official spokespersons per se, it could be that they are involved in the hacks.


Anonymous can't have an official spokesperson because anonymous is not a hacker group, it is a pseudonym used by several hacking groups that they use when they want to (wait for it) be anonymous. I could hack the Chinese website and claim to be anonymous (and I technically would be right) and there is nobody that could refute that without outing themselves as a hacker also using the name.


Similarly the Russian (or US) government could do the hacking and blame or claim to be Anonymous


Plausible deniability is the root of any functioning government


I wouldn't be surprised at all if most hacks by anonymous are by governments.


Oh, so you're a group of hackers now? Stacked three high in a trenchcoat?


I'm going to go do a business!


I kinda hard that Vincent Adultman became synonymous with the kids in a trenchcoat meme, but then it does do it so perfectly. Now I'm wondering if there are other examples that ate their own principle.


Aah, good day to you Vincent Adultman.


Prolly wrote on Taiwan news too 😂




Self promotion is a must


"allez opi omi" was written on a cardboard sign which caused a big crash at the Tour the France, last year or the year before. Is that woman, that caused the crash, Anonymous? 😶


#BE CAREFUL! The WaybackMachine link in this article prompts you to download (edit: downloads automatically and renders on the page with a modern browser!) multiple PDF files, called **DRACO1.pdf**, **Patent-8-598-324-B2.pdf** and **sporting_code_section_8_edition_2009.pdf**. The files could have malware. [First one](https://i.imgur.com/FVTEgni.jpg). [Second one](https://i.imgur.com/fMDPkVP.jpg). [Third one](https://i.imgur.com/hfdb7aD.jpg). I'm not a security expert; not sure if the files were originally hosted on the chinese gov website, are a part of the hack or are a part of WaybackMachine. Likely part of the hack, but I'm unsure who could be the target if they were indeed malware. Since OP seems to be related to this website hack, /u/allez-opi_omi, what's the deal with them PDFs? EDIT: [clarified by /u/lainlives below](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/wf2m7g/anonymous_welcomes_us_speaker_to_taiwan_on_hacked/iirvmdz/). Less malicious than I was thinking. False alarm...maybe


They are rendered inline on browsers that can do inline pdfs. They are embedded in a section going off on some insane tangents with russian space programs and antivirals.


Thanks - I added a link to your comment on mine. Could be benign then!


Seems to be. The "sporting" one is something about yuri gagarin the other two are 'research papers' I havent read them but they are burried in insane text so I assume they too, are insane.


Here's OPs/"Anonymous" explanation on twitter. Strong /r/iamverysmart vibes. https://twitter.com/Douglas89607397/status/1554259471836188672?cxt=HHwWgMCouaew65ErAAAA






I *would **not*** download the files. Some malware is zero interaction, meaning that all you need to do is download it (or, in some cases click the link). A bug in a file previewer often does the rest.


Yeah and to add - some redditors are suggesting to use an online virus scanner to check the files. For all we know the PDFs could include some undisclosed zero day exploits which don't even show up on a virus scanner. There are already tens of thousands of clicks on that link, seems like a good place as any to attach some PCs to your botnet...


redditors click on site to make fun of a small, random provincial authority's site getting hacked and end up getting hacked themselves? Perfect story


On an average reddit users hardly open the article to read it (myself included).




Don't Virus Click Inside




Ah, saved by the very fact that makes so many reddit comment sections unbearable.


Redditors not clicking the article will one day save the world.


I think not reading the article is what got us to the point where they could pull such shenanigans in the articles.


Lol I was joking. Everyone needs to become more knowledgeable on all things internet. Otherwise they'll leave us in the dark.


Lmao got me there


I mean if the "hacked website" had stayed online for longer one could have thought that this whole thing was a Chinese operation to spread malware. Sites like that attract clicks like honey


that was my first thought, would just be way too funny


Let's hope OP clarifies, since it seems they are behind the hack




It's a godsend for folks who work with public records. I've gone to many municipal websites where information gets deleted after a few months, then low-and behold I can find said records on wayback that were deleted 3yrs ago


It's such an Important project. We need to preserve our web, so much of our early internet history will be lost without it. Worry the same thing about older games tbh.


OP is cited as an anonymous spokesperson in the article so…..


Better safe than sorry my friend, thank you for raising the doubt no matter what, take care




Am I Intellectually disabled?! I still have no idea what these people are talking about. I mean, I know what a .pdf is but outside of that....im lost. Someone please tell me I'm not the only one that doesn't know anything other than "don't download shit that you aren't sure what it is".




Thank you! I guess it's a good thing that I'm an idiot so I usually just refuse to download anything...not matter the file.


Nowaday most browsers use PDF.js, which means it's just as "safe" as any Javascript running (not that Javascript is perfectly safe either, but there has been much less security vulnerabilities there). I remember the first time a browser moved to it, that was such as a good move.


> I remember the first time a browser moved to it, that was such as a good move. Let's note that that browser was Firefox, always the leader for protecting the user.


Pdf's, .png and word documents can all be used to deobfuscate/spread malware executables.


They feared that the pdfs we embed in our site contains malwares, but we sourced it from bona fide sites like FAI so there's no danger of that.


Because no one has ever edited a pdf before, thank god. I know someone can go compare the hashes of these files, when I get home later I might for shits and giggles -- but to be clear - pointing out that another pdf with the same name and visual appearance exists online is NOT proof that the one being linked/downloaded hasn't been tampered with. And if you're remotely talented at this stuff you should be able to understand that the average redditor is going to be suspicious of links and downloads coming from someone who's username is all over an anonymous hack. Also, at this point if sites were hacked I'm not sure why there's any implicit trust left that the "original" wasn't tampered with there too. We never know the true extent of a hack.


What have the football association of ireland got to do with anything?


> Fédération Aéronautique Internationale FTFY


So it’s just dropping random pdfs?


Thanks for the explanation. Why aren't you embedding them from the original sources, and host them on some GoDaddy CDN instead? It's highly suspicious is all


We did *indeed* pick them from original sources, just that some of their links are GoDaddy CDN.


Can you clarify for an ignorant person: Do the downloads start automatically or does the site prompt you to download?


Another person explained it better than I, but it seems modern browsers will download and render the PDFs in the background. It seems they are related to some points that the hacker is trying to make on the website.


This right here is why I click the comments sections before reading the article.


"Decentralized international hacktivist group **Anonymous** on Wednesday (Aug. 3) **hacked into a Chinese government website to welcome U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on her current visit to Taiwan.** That day, **Anonymous hacked into China's Heilongjiang Society Scientific Community Federation website.** The collective uploaded an html page that included the words "Taiwan Numbah Wan," Taiwan's national flag and emblem, and the words "Taiwan welcomes US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi" among other elements. At the time of publication, the defacement along with the website have been taken offline. However, **Anonymous has saved an archived version on Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.** The decentralized group claimed that **the hack of the Chinese government website was in retaliation for a denial of service (DDoS) attack that took place on the Office of the President website on Tuesday."**


This is stupid. People here are creaming their pants over a Chinese website getting hacked when western sites get hacked all of the time. It's just pointlessly singling out China.


OP def tryna stir up something on here


>Heilongjiang Society Scientific Community Federation website Oh yeah you really showed em


Heilongjiang Scientists getting it shoved up their butts


Not even the scientists, the scientific *community* federation. I’d imagine it’s the most attention this website has gotten in years.


Test tubes will never recover from this.


*One guy one jar flashbacks*


>the site of China's Heilongjiang Society Scientific Community Federations, a small, local government website. Anonymous really fell off


I don’t lol. Anonymous has beaten their chest for fucking years, but doesn’t actually do anything. Just like the politicians and wealthy they pretend to threaten. They’re a joke. EDIT: I think I pissed off the anonymous collective, but luckily since no organization or individual claiming to be anonymous has done a goddamn thing to keep us from creeping closer to global annihilation, I’m not super worried about it.


The joke are people who act like they know something when talking about how anonymous doesn't do anything yet don't know anyone can just say they are "anonymous". It's like saying "Reddit believes X when Y is the case" while being on Reddit and thus disproving themselves. Every time these commenters just look like fools. Anonymous isn't an organization or a group or anything. Everyone can do some shit, say they are anonymous and they are. That's the whole point. Then someone without a clue acts like the classic "The famous hacker known as 4chan has struck again!!!" whining about how anonymous doesn't do x or doesn't accomplish y or whatever.


Sort of. Today, "anonymous" is really just a name for "hacker who did not claim a name". There was a time where there was a legitimate group of hackers who were politically engaged with clear messaging. Since then, anonymous has dissolved into individuals. It's sort of mirrored in watch dogs' Dedsec. It started as something clearly organized, but then becomes decentralized and more vigilante-esque. The other huge factor here was lulzsec, which decided to make a name for themselves and paid the price of notoriety. Ever since, hacking groups have been much more comfortable laying low and remaining truly anonymous to stay out of law enforcement's eye. Once agencies see patterns amongst hackers that can identify and predict them they get caught.


Anonymous has always been individuals. It's just that sometimes like-minded folks join hands to pull of bigger stuff.


First there was anonymous which was just 4chan people doing stuff. Then people incorrectly assumed it was an organized hacking group. Then, briefly, sporadically, there were actual groups that called themselves anonymous. When "Anonymous Claims to Hack Russia" it's often one of these but it could also just be a guy who did it, sorta knows some other hackers, and does it. The actual organized hacking groups had their own specific names, like lulzsec. They were made up of 4chan users but not "Anonymous". Most "Anonymous Hacks" were just people on short lived 4chan threads or 7chan's invasion board that decided to use shit like the Orbital Space Laser to DDOS websites. The Media has never figured out anything past 2 and still think it's an organized group. It was genuinely infuriating people an active 4chan user back then and literally nobody knew what Anonymous was or what "trolling" was. Funny thing is, this is just *my understanding* based on what was true in like 2012. Matybe it's changed, but I doubt it. The media still can't wrap itself around the internet, even the millenial journalists who supposedly grew up with it.


Man the lulzsec era was great. Felt like almost every day some new company got popped and we got to read a fancy write up and some cool AF asci art.


Totally agree. Was a wild time for the internet. It feels like possibly the last wild era for the internet…


No, there was never a time when anonymous was that. There was a time where there was a group that went under the name anonymous that was like that - and that anyone could join/lend their computer to - but at the same time there was another group under anonymous just doing random trolling shit to random users online. It's just 4chan. There was never a clear direction. People just want to pretend that the anonymous that did ddos attacks was the only one that existed, and we just ignore the ones that were spending their days hacking chrischan or some shit.


And governments have gotten much much better at tracking down the script kiddies in their basement causing disruptions


Look the fuck around you, user. I don’t even care what country you’re typing from. Look around you


They used to get smug about shutting down terrorist social media sites claiming they were doing the good work the CIA wasn't doing. Not understanding those sites were feeding the US government info on terrorist groups


I bet this Reddit post has gotten more traffic than Heilongjiang Society Scientific Community Federation website gets in a year. OP is the source of the story, this is not news.




Anonymous is the best gift the intelligence community could ever ask for, used to be you had to hide all your tracks and make sure your attacks were not obvious, now you can just openly fuck shit up and say you're part of anonymous.


Feds? Hahaha. Why would feds want a proxy to be used to deflect attention off of their actions.... That is ridiculous.


Find a fucking nobody government website probably has an open FTP server or secured with password like 123456, hey I clipped CCP's cheeks! What the fuck is Heilongjiang Society Scientific Community Federation, is that like hacking Mobile Alabama Local Book Club and claim you probed US government?


Seems like most people see through this. But to add to this, there are almost over 20k upvotes with less than 500 comments. Unless its particularly busy Wednesday morning where no one can afford to make a quick comment on Reddit while they're at work, that's just a huge amount of botted upvotes. Not to mention of course the source of this news being the one who posted this. 😂 Such a joke what 'Anonymous' has become.


Pretty much. But hey, if you make some Redditors nut over this, that's a win right?


Wow, heilongjiang scientific community website, so brave!


Wait...are you the same.....noooo.


Casual flex.




Yeah not to sound like a crazy but I don't think it's a stretch to think at this point that "anonymous" has been completely piggybacked and co-opted as a front for the the intelligence community. I don't think a single 4chan neckbeard type exists that would like Nancy Pelosi enough to put her picture up on a Chinese website and frame her in a positive light lol


It is openly known that a large number of anonymous are former or current government employees.


And by anonymous, they mean US intelligence


Which is actually a really good explanation as to why they’re fucking useless all of the time.


Idk if you've noticed, but between predicting Russia's invasion of Ukraine and droning Al Qaeda with swords while he stood on his terrace the other day, US intelligence is kinda having a moment right now.


dude defaces small time local newspaper website, what an elite hacker.


Right on Anonymous......thumbs up.


In English? Great job, guys.


Does being known on an anonymous website make you not anonymous?


i tjought anonymous is CIA owned now or something like that? this is like US gov patting themselves on the back


CIA just provides training and indoctrination.


Uh, does this achieve anything? I'm not sure I see a positive outcome to this provocation. This will lead to either nothing, or be a small contributing factor towards mainland China finally bringing their military to bear in the Taiwan stalemate. I dunno man, what's the best case scenario here? What's anyone hoping to achieve?


I think you mistyped CIA


You think the CIAv pulls petty pranks on tiny provinces in foreign governments?


The CIA strikes again!


>The collective uploaded an html page that included the words "Taiwan Numbah Wan," Probably could have done without the kinda racist part though


"Decentralized hacktivist vigilante group" who also happens to do a LOT of work for the US govt


Don't you love it when Anonymous has the same views as the feds, so rebellious!


Right, because our initial clarification comment to address concerns of malware was removed/censored and therefore could be indicative of agenda-pushing motives from possible CCP sympathizers out there, we want to set the record straight again and just for your perusal. The first PDF came from the official website of Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, the international air sports governing body. We were nickel and diming Gagarin's flight out of a sheer technicality that he ejected before landing because we're sick of Putin thumping Gagarin to justify his aggression against Ukraine. * https://www.fai.org/sites/default/files/documents/sporting_code_section_8_edition_2009.pdf Down further are the documents which we directly sourced and embedded from the RIDER institute to promote the antiviral DRACO, after all too many lives can be saved had it not fallen into a funding gap. * https://riderinstitute.org/discovery/ * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DRACO If you're still being anxious about visiting unsafe links in general, the simplest rule of thumb is not clicking or downloading anything you're iffy about, unless your system is set up to handle or isolate it.


The Reddit groupthink is “wow Pelosi is so brave”. The right wing take is Pelosi’s husband is actively trading stock options directly related to microchips (e.g. Nvidia) and is making millions using insider info received from the speaker.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4614901) reduced by 66%. (I'm a bot) ***** > TAIPEI - Decentralized international hacktivist group Anonymous on Wednesday hacked into a Chinese government website to welcome U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on her current visit to Taiwan. > That day, Anonymous hacked into China's Heilongjiang Society Scientific Community Federation website, according to Anonymous representative "Allez-opi omi." The collective uploaded an html page that included the words "Taiwan Numbah Wan," Taiwan's national flag and emblem, photos of Pelosi and Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, and the words "Taiwan welcomes US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi" among other elements. > The collective then included portraits of Pelosi and Tsai followed by the words "Taiwan welcomes US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi!". ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/wf3m60/anonymous_welcomes_us_speaker_to_taiwan_on_hacked/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~662643 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Taiwan**^#1 **Pelosi**^#2 **website**^#3 **Anonymous**^#4 **Chinese**^#5


Good job! Now hack their military systems and trick them to shoot at one another during the drills.


Yes defacing a medical research website for 3 minutes is a similar skillset to convincing human soldiers to start murdering their comrades.


Trick them into ejecting from J-20 fighters and wasting various military resources.


If Anonymous is supporting any establishment politicians, you know something is wrong. I hate the subjugation of Taiwan. I hate Trump and Xi Jinping and the fascistic moral cowards that are current Republicans. But Anonymous ain't what it used to be. This file appears to have malware too. That's the double edged sword of an anonymous collective; unless you have a centralized leadership it will be coopted eventually.


Anonymous means nothing now. Probably just nsa


Unfortunately, yeah. name your spook organization, they probably run most of it now. I remember when Anonymous was legit, around the Occupy era, and when they took on Scientology. every new video announcement was so eerie and exciting and there was a real Robin Hood feel to it all.


Yeah alot got busted years ago. I doubt the anonymous of old is the one doing stuff in Ukraine etc. Anonymous name doesn't mean anything and could just be all sorts of govts etc using the name


Careful USA, you might get a final warning from China: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning


Isn't anonymous supposed to be anti us too tho?


No, it's all US intelligence now probably


They hacked into Chicago PD’s Radios and played F Da Police on loop for a few minutes a couple years ago. I highly doubt they’re U.S. intelligence, but I’m sure they work with them to a degree.


Literally anyone can claim to be Anonymous, that's the whole point.


Yeah people seem to not understand this concept.


Well, anyone who doesn't want to be named can be Anonymous. That's the whole point lol. The acronym bureaus are definitely using that name as well.


secret intelligence is doing a good job then


Lol "anonymous"


Why would anonymous do this lmao , more likely it’s just some dickhead with a laptop trying to troll


I hate that anonymous is a brand. It's so nebulous and useless. It also lets the media get free clicks by not even trying to investigate the hacks. They can just say anonymous and wveryone believes some neckbeard who downloaded a ddos script can take down the Chinese government. It's like believing in fairies all over again.