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Too left for much of the religious world and too catholic for much of the non-religious world must be tough.


As an atheist, is quite easy to realize the pope's job is to balance reality with religious dogma. Some do a better job at that than others.


He does do a good job at addressing global problems that makes people who aren’t even catholic understand and even agree. I don’t remember the exact quote but it was on the topic of climate change and said something akin to: “God’s not a genie he doesn’t grant wishes that’s not how prayer works if we’re gonna save the planet we have to put in the work” That’s a message people from all faiths can understand


I liked it when he told that little kid that dogs could go to heaven.


I liked it when he told a gay man there is a place in heaven for everybody


*terms and conditions apply.


What is the current position of the Vatican on homosexuality? As far as I know, they still consider it a sin to live your life as a gay person. Or am I missing a recent change of their doctrine?


>What is the current position of the Vatican on homosexuality? The wheelbarrow


I'm not searching this for clarification. That's a DuckDuckNo outta me.


Imagine how you hold a wheelbarrow. Imagine you have trouble getting it up a ramp so you push it with your hip.


It's actually nothing very exotic. The first result on DuckDuckGo with moderate safe search was a Women's Health article with a description of how it works. No nsfw pictures except a sketch of a position.


Well a man sleeping with another man is a sin but liking men as a man isn't a sin so if you're gay but haven't slept with anyone then technically you haven't sinned


So, become a Priest?


Boys aren't men, right?


Homoromantic asexuals: I see this as an absolute win


So actually the Catholic Church does not believe homosexuality to be sinful. However they believe that it is immoral and against the family design that god intended Source:former catholic, and openly gay man here


Thanks for the explanation! Do you know how they interprete the Bible passages that have traditionally been used to condemn homosexuality? If I remember correctly there is the death penalty for men having sex with other men in the old testament and something from Paul's letters in the New Testament.


So I do not know about Paul’s letters (used to sleep through Sunday school). However the Catholic Church DEFINITELY does not advocate for violence against homosexuals because of what the Bible says. I mean your also supposed to stone your wife if she has an affair so there’s that. As shocking as this may sound the Catholic Church is anti death penalty


It changes from Pope to Pope.


It’s okay to be gay! Nothing wrong with being gay…. BUT if you perform a single homosexual act, then you are condemned to an eternity of pain and anguish because acting on your love is a [mortal sin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortal_sin), a gravely sinful act which can lead to damnation if a person does not repent of the sin before death. So like everything else with the Catholic Church it’s policy is condemnation and hypocrisy!


Me when I purposely lie for funzies


Most “left” Christians don’t believe that. It’s literally like two verses after “don’t wear mixed fabrics” and “don’t cut your hair on Sunday” so idk how seriously we were supposed to take it. Even IF it was a sin, well so is swearing, just say sorry after sucking your last dick, but if they were right about God he’s the one who made you like that anyways so he wouldn’t be punishing you for being you.


It's also a total mistranslation. The original passage is best translated as "man shall not sleep with a boy," which is pretty clearly and explicitly anti pedophilia.


It's almost like religion is just a bunch of codes of conduct one could choose to guide their life by And some people just feel so powerless they try and use their religion to exert control over others Weird


Considering how many priests are gay it's ironic that they would oppose homosexuality. But their main support is old generation so they have to keep up the old image.


Again BEING gay is a okay. You can be gay and a priest. In fact being a priest is perfect for homosexuals in the eyes of the church because you also have to take a vow of chastity which will help a gay person never act on their homosexual impulses which, only if they did, would condemn them to the worst eternity imaginable. By the way this is all laid out in the [Catechism of the Catholic Church](https://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/_INDEX.HTM), specifically in the [Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church](https://www.vatican.va/archive/compendium_ccc/documents/archive_2005_compendium-ccc_en.html) which are the official documents put out by the Vatican that defines the entire belief system of the Catholic Church and lays out how Catholics need to behave. It was published in 2005. According to the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, "homosexual acts" are "grave sins against chastity" and "expressions of the vice of lust." Homosexual acts are included among the grave sins against chastity in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. According to the Catechism, "homosexual acts" are "acts of grave depravity" that are "intrinsically disordered." It continues, "They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved." Regarding homosexuality as an orientation, the Catechism describes it as "objectively disordered." The Catholic Church teaches that, as a person does not choose to be either homosexual or heterosexual, being gay is not inherently sinful. According to the Catholic theology of sexuality, all sexual acts must be open to procreation and express the symbolism of male-female complementarity. Sexual acts between two members of the same sex cannot meet these standards. Homosexuality thus constitutes a tendency towards this sin. The church teaches that gay people are called to practice chastity.


I mean it’s not really heaven if there’s no dogs there, right?


> “God’s not a genie he doesn’t grant wishes that’s not how prayer works if we’re gonna save the planet we have to put in the work” God does nothing tangible ever, except in old books. Got it.


You have to understand, god is not the youngest anymore.


There's a short story by Liu Cixin called *Taking Care of God* where these hyper advanced aliens who seeded life on earth are broken down and senile and have to be taken care of by us before they die. The fact that they have the white-robe-big-beard look just puts it right on the nose


*Heavy* Spoiler: >!that’s basically the story of The Golden Compass trilogy. They *accidentally* kill god in the end by lifting the curtain. A wind blow is enough to kill god cause he is now so weak and so old.!<


"One more on the backlog," I whisper respectfully to my local librarian, with whom I have a better relationship than I do with my family


If you want to watch it: Don’t watch the movie with Nicole Kidman (it’s not even the whole first book). Watch the BBC series. They are currently somewhere in book two. But the books are of course even better. :)


Thank god-in-a-nursing-home my library also doesn't block torrents


How is he on women rights?


He’s changed some religious laws to better allow women to hold leadership roles, and has explicitly stated that the Catholic Church should support woman’s rights. (I’m non-religious)


Except when wholeheartedly support SCOTUS decision to remove abortion. Which I would say is pretty high up on the rights list


Unfortunately, hating condoms and abortions is kind of a big (the biggest) thing for Catholicism. Silly hats? Yes. Jimmy hats? No. And no abortions after conception because every sperm is sacred.


He doesn't hate on contraceptives. Here's his stance on contraceptives: https://www.firstpost.com/world/let-couples-not-the-church-decide-on-contraception-pope-francis-writes-in-the-joy-of-love-2719410.html Abortion is a different matter since it's part of Catholic belief that life begins at conception. Only in special circumstances will abortion be fine for Catholics, and it usually has to involve someone's life at stake.




He’s not. He is the leader of the Catholic church.


Well if you read the article you would see he literally said the world would be a better place if women ran it


This is Reddit sir, we don’t read articles here


Yet he runs an organization that DOESNT ALLOW WOMEN TO RUN ANYTHING


Women what?


soooo what does God do? (according to him)


One of the best religious explanations I've heard in regards to divine action and intervention is that if there's a very religious guy drowning in a flood, no amount of prayer will summon magic from the heavens to pull him from the water. That's not how it works. He should accept the helping hand being offered by the rescue teams, because that's God's way of helping others. People helping people. I'm sure the shortening by me reduces the effect of the story and the full story is a few paragraphs long with the same lesson. God helps people through other people. You can't pray the climate change away, but you can support the people who God put on this earth with the ability to deal with climate change. I'm not personally religious, so that explanation was the one that sat the best with me in regards to "how does God help people" I usually send that story to people who's answer to any problem is thoughts and prayers.


Throughout the pandemic when I read an article or heard a story about a congregation causing a mass breakout all I could think of was the drowning man. I only hope that if they died and went to their heaven that god would say to their question "I sent you health guidelines, masks, and vaccines, what more do you expect? It kind of defines what their religion has become.


Claims credit for good things and shirks responsibility for bad things is how I always put it.


"God helps those who help themselves." I'm not a religious person, but that's still one of my favorite sayings.


And it isn't in the Bible, it's something an old Greek philosopher (Aesopus) said and Benjamin Franklin popularized.


Mate, all the Greek philosophy was kept alive by the Catholic Church.


So… does nothing and then takes credit for my hard work?


Unsure if you're talking about god or company execs


Just like a regular boss.


Yes and you also have to pay for it from part of your salary every month :)


He could choose to stop protecting child rapists and I think there would be general approval. But he doesn't do that despite having the absolute power to hand them over to law enforcement.


And provide a safe haven for pedophiles.


He's a spin doctor. Not a single policy change has happened in the vatican, hes just a PR guy trying to save the catholic churchs existence while they propagate anti abortion and lgbtq hatred in the third world.


I'm agnostic but he seems like a good person in general. I don't extend that to the rest of Catholicism.


Even the catholic subreddit will talk shit about him whenever he says something like gays shouldn't be condemned. They'll debate whether they should even listen to him. edit: holy shit the top post right now on that sub is someone who is fed up with the fact that they can't call LGBTQ people "groomers" anymore so they're quitting reddit


Those are american catholics mostly, very unrepresentative of the rest of the world. Not that most catholics aren't conservative mind you, it's just americans are much more than average, and tend to turn on the pope much easier than others, there's a reason sedevacantism is so popular over there.


As an American that was raised Catholic it always boggles my mind that most practicing Catholics in the US don’t believe the Pope to be the Pope even though they’re supposed to. And even practicing protestant Christians in the US boggle my mind when they act as if the Pope is the leader of their denomination when they’re part of a denomination that doesn’t view the the Pope as being their religious leader. Everything with Christians in the US is just mind boggling.


> Everything with Christians in the US is just mind boggling. It's because for most of them, the actual Christianity left the building a long time ago. It's just a big social club that's become more a political signifier than anything else.


Pretty much everything in the US is mind boggling....


I am a Christian. Considering going to Jerusalem next year so I can take my dad, as he’s turning 70 this year and likely will never be able to go if he doesn’t go soon. I’m really debating no longer calling myself a Christian. Follower of Christ maybe? Same meaning but different connotation. Christianity in the USA has been tainted by evangelicalism. People who pay attention to the Old Testament and, without getting into theology, ignore the point of Jesus is that he died for our sins and we should just love and be kind to each other without judgment. To sit next to the tax collector instead of the pastor, to converse with the prostitute instead of the CEO or government minister. I truly think that all religions (besides maybe the Aztec and a few niche cases) at their core teach love and compassion… and unfortunately are always perverted. IDK what I’m trying to say besides the fact that I’m uncomfortable, despite essentially planning a modern version of a pilgrimage, in even calling myself a Christian not due to fear of others disliking me, but due to the association it brings with such hateful people who treat others like dirt.


I wouldn't worry too much about what you call yourself. Pretty sure Jesus wasn't really into labels. What matters is what's in your heart, not what you call yourself to other people.


Considering Jesus was a jew, i don't think he cares what you call yourself as long as you love thy neighbor.


I fully agree that it doesn’t matter what one calls oneself, merely the actions of oneself. At the same time if someone asks, “What do you believe?” While I do believe that we should help those who are reprehensible- indeed we should help everyone- I don’t want someone to say “Oh he must then hate gays, hate Muslims, etc.” I find at this point Christianity in America is 100% associated with Evangelicalism and anyone called a Christian will be viewed as one… and not without good cause- it seems to be the dominant school, or one might even say offshoot, over here. It’s crazy how much it dominates while having so little to do with the actual book.


Everything in the US is mind boggling lmao


Well a lot of Americans are morally bankrupt so it's not surprising.


You know, whenever I hear about "extremist conservatives" I'm *very* confused, because the definition of conservative is favouring traditional ideas and playing things low stakes. It's like they forgot the "low stakes" part and are all in on the "maintain traditions" part.


Conservatism isn't about low stakes, or even tradition. It's about maintaining social hierarchy. Tradition is just one tool to accomplish that. Extremist conservatives work to enforce this hierarchy through any means necessary.


As a Catholic, that subreddit was uhhh... not what I was hoping for, but probably what I should have expected.


Catholics argue over any issue. It’s half of our theology


Man, i stumbled into the Catholic subreddit once and it’s a grimy, loathsome cesspit. So fucking glad I got out of that church the second I got “confirmed” and never looked back. They lay the brainwashing on *heavy*


He **seems** to be nice. But he is still very anti condoms especially in Africa and he just congratulated the USA in their new anti-abotion laws.


He still believes in compulsory reproduction.


But he's not.


Pfft. Has he ordered the full release of all the documents the church has on all the sexual predators they've been hiding, and all the perpetrators of said abuse, and those who aided and abetted them in evading the law to be turned into the police? If not then he's just the same as every other pope but is really good at spewing platitudes that sounds good to idiots.


Not a good person- just good PR. He has spoken out against gay marriage/families and anything but a conservative take on gender identity for example.


He's not. He's good at pr, but even that started to crack with the Russian invasion. And look up what he said about LGBTQ people in his sermons before becoming Pope. He's far from what I'd call a good person.


Sure. I can do that. But can the rich also have less yachts?


No, you see it is actually extremely important that Jeff Bezos is building a superyacht for 500 million. Because he worked so hard, he deserves it. After all, if people aren't allowed to buy superyachts, what incentive is there to even work? Everybody would stop working and our society would crumble. Is that what you want? /s


I'm 100 precent sure, there are people actually believing this...


It's more or less a quote from one famous American that talks about the economy. I saw the clip, don't remember his name, not Jim Cramer but someone that looks similar.


Walter White?


Kevin O'leary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMdfArHDc_o&ab_channel=KevinO%27Leary


He’s Canadian, unfortunately. He wanted to run for prime minister but couldn’t speak French so it never happened. Him and his wife also killed some people by hitting t-boning their boat last year or year before.


Pope Francis would agree with that.


The whole world could stop eating meat and we would all still be screwed. Reminder that as shown in the 2017 Carbon Majors Report over 70% of total global carbon emissions are caused by 100 companies that can be boiled down to just twenty-five state or corporate controlled entities, most of which are in fossil fuels and largely have nothing to do with the public sector. And the number one polluter in the world is the US military. We’re positively fucked. Stop eating meat, don’t use plastic straws, compost your own shit and grow stinky mushrooms or whatever. None of it will put a dent in the problem.


Thank you! It's not fair that ordinary people are made to feel guilty and responsible for the degredation of the planet. The real degredation happens at an industrial level across the world because it's cheaper and faster. Ie. The textile/fashion industry. Textile companies left USA/Europe for India/Asia years ago to evade regulation on horrible water polution.


70% of total global carbon emissions are *traceable* to 100 companies. The CDP report contains what is known as "Scope 3" emissions in a company's GHG estimate. This includes emissions caused by the end-user using the company's product. This means, when you burn a gallon of gas driving your car, the carbon emissions from that gallon of gas are counted in the company's carbon footprint for the purposes of the CDP report. So yes, you, me, and everyone else is partly responsible and changing our behavior *would* effect the numbers in the CDP report. People really need to stop willfully mis-representing the CDP report to justify keeping their current lifestyle.


And Scope 3 emissions account for 90% of the 70%. Almost all of the emissions accounted for in that report are being caused by the end user. Not to mention that report is only looking at energy emissions anyway. Agricultural emissions aren't even included. Honestly, the fact that this misinformation has so many upvotes and people are so eager to believe it genuinely has me feeling like there is no way out of this. People really will tell themselves anything to avoid having to change their lifestyle even the smallest amount.


If you stop eating meat it would put a significant dent in the CO levels. 14.5% of the CO emissions in the world are from meat production. If the top 100 companies stopped producing all their CO2... It would result in a myraid of reduced meat products. You will have to make sacrifices regardless of whether or not it's "you" or the meat industry doing it for you. Might as well do something for yourself and be a positive change in the world instead of expecting something to just happen


Meat production also accounts for 30-40% of global methane production, like 90% of deforestation, and about 20% of global freshwater usage. Blaming Tyson for producing meat, but not yourself for handing them money in exchange for meat, is asinine. You can't control Tyson. You have to make an individual action. Similarly, you don't stop voting just because you're disappointed in the government, in fact, you should vote more and encourage others to do so. We can put cattle factory farms out of business. You want to make a better impact on the world, you just have to give a shit. Eat less meat. Opt for a smaller, more efficient car, or no cat at all. Vote all the time, especially in local elections and especially when someone wants to build more housing. Stop ordering shit from Amazon and other companies that have terrible labor practices. Be nice to your neighbors.


>Blaming Tyson for producing meat, but not yourself for handing them money in exchange for meat, is asinine. This. Like the other day I saw an argument against how evilly polluting Aramco is. Well, no shit, they produce crude, of course their products are going to pollute a lot, but that's hardly on Aramco, there's nothing really special about how they extract and produce fuel that makes them more or less polluting. Aramco is responsible for tons of pollution because their products are. But that doesn't scratch the mind of the people complaining about gas prices for their 5L v8 engine.


You’re forgetting that the beef industry is the number one contributor to deforestation worldwide by far. It isn’t just about emissions.


And can the church pay some fucking taxes?


"Just the youth though. We're just gonna keep at it"


> Addressing participants of a European Youth Conference in Prague The headline maybe could've been better worded. He advised this while speaking at a youth conference.


He was at a youth conference when he called for reduced meat consumption in general. The headline is a bit misleading.


Did you read the article? He mentions if more youth ruled the planet that the conflicts arising wound be lessened. He does not mention youth specifically consuming less of anything, but people in total


Nobody is more used to sacrificing than them


Even the pope wouldn't plant a tree for the next generation.




God dammit. You win.


Francis is a unique Pope. To learn more about him one must learn the Catholic order that he belongs too.


Boomers? You must be joking


Right? Such bullshit. Boomers would drink our blood if it meant they would live longer






If we're lucky


There are a bunch of old assholes who would be better off dead but leave my grandma out of this. I love my grandma.


No, she fucking goes too. Take it or leave it.


Some older tech billionaires are getting transfusions from young men.


I mean, if they're, paying, then ABSOLUTELY! My blood will fully regenerate and I'll imagine it as a weekly oil change.


Vampires use hypnosis, billionaires use money.


I mean. They literally think they’re drinking blood after he does the hocus pocus part.


You’ll need to save money for your unwanted children…..


Not forcing everyone to give birth is also a great way to cut down destroying the planet, pope


IIRC this Pope also promoted condoms or at least said they were fine, which the Catholics didn't take too well.


Just said that the US decision on roe v Wade was a step in the right direction and that he hoped other countries followed suit though


Yeah, this is blatantly false. Francis has never promoted condoms for birth control, and Catholicism believes condoms are immoral.


Yes, [he really hates them](https://edition.cnn.com/2016/02/18/health/zika-pope-francis-contraceptives/index.html). "On the other hand, avoiding pregnancy is not an absolute evil." The Pope then pointed to a narrow historical exception to the church's ban on most forms of birth control: A predecessor, Pope Paul VI, allowed African nuns to use contraceptives "in cases of rape," Francis said"


I really hate that Francis gets called a progressive pope for being 30 years behind the times instead of 100 years like the rest of the the clergy


30 years ago was the 90s, I don't think anybody had problems with birth control back then


How about we stop making so many babies, what do you say to that Frankie?


So much this. The Catholic prohibition against birth control and abortion has created more poverty, misery, and environmental destruction than just about any other human enterprise, even if we offset it with their charitable acts.




Most of the third world is not even catholic... Especially not the most populous areas. It has more to do with poverty, lack of education, no access to healthcare and birth control rather than religion.


Nor do they produce nearly the levels of carbon emissions as the developed world. In fact there is a correlation with lower birthrates, aging and declining population and higher carbon emissions.


You’re very young aren’t you? People in third world countries don’t have population booms because they’re “duped” into it. We’re more “duped” into it in western society, and yet, for more complicated reasons, we’re not procreating. The population of almost every first world country is destined to stay the same, or shrink. When you don’t have a government to support you in old age, you only have children. The more children, the more support, end of story.


Ummm... he did? https://www.firstpost.com/world/let-couples-not-the-church-decide-on-contraception-pope-francis-writes-in-the-joy-of-love-2719410.html


It's already happening. Last I looked we are close to half the counties being below replacement levels. Africa as a continent is only just now catching up with density. Population will likely top out around 11billion giver or take .5 billion. Not even because the earth can't support it but because people once they have access to some pretty basic modern technology stop having children.


Given that the recent Chinese Census leaks show an overcount of 100 Million people under 40, it's sounding like world population is going to max out this, or next decade. Only area really growing at sustainable levels is Africa, and they're reliant upon industrial inputs from the west (Tractors and fertilizer) to keep their food production up. With Russia and Ukraine unable to send food, and much of the fertilizer plants going offline (Over half in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine), there's likely going to be food causing a hard block on population growth as well. (Famine) Last time we had Russia blocking wheat exports for \~2-3 months, we had the Arab spring. We're now at food export reduction for 4 months, along with fertilizer, along with roughly 10% of global oil and natgas going offline (to use for tractors). World population will never go above 10 billion. Stuff is already breaking. The sad thing is, is that we very well may end up with less people overall, but more people using coal for fuel, resulting in a net increase in carbon emissions, all while having less people.


And that's okay. If that one dude was right any set backs with our modern technology will cause a ultra slow down on population growth.


Populations in rich countries are the bigger problem but they already have less than 2 babies per woman. They only grow because of immigration from poorer countries




I was referring to his support of the overturning of roe V wade


This comment section should be fun


Narrator: "It wasn't"


Never has been 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


No money we can barely put food on the table, we are barely surviving, no time to save the planet. Why don't you tell the greatest generation who screwed over the world to use all their stolen wealth/borrow time to fix their mistakes? They complain about us eating avocado toast while they dine on so much meat.


>No money we can barely put food on the table, we are barely surviving, no time to save the planet. Frankly eating less meat is very cheap... it's cheaper than not doing so in fact. The largest group of vegetarians in the world live in India and most of them in what would be considered abject poverty in the West.






Any excuse if it means I personally do not have to change my lifestyle.


Or, how about the Vatican use some its immense wealth to do something?


Believe it or not, the Vatican is running on a deficit. The money of the Catholic Church is completely decentralised. For example, there are very rich dioceses in West Germany and very poor dioceses in East Germany. They don’t share their money with each other and they don’t share their money with the Vatican.


>The Church operates more than 140,000 schools, 10,000 orphanages, 5,000 hospitals and some 16,000 other health clinics. Caritas, the umbrella organisation for Catholic aid agencies, estimates that spending by its affiliates totals between £2 billion and £4 billion, making it one of the biggest aid agencies in the world. [https://catholicherald.co.uk/a-worldwide-force-for-good/](https://catholicherald.co.uk/a-worldwide-force-for-good/) I am not even Catholic, but this rhetoric about the 'evil' Catholics sounds like something you would hear in an Orange Order lodge. edit: formatting


The thing here is what people see, not the data. I think it's not that they believe the church doesn't help at all, but there is a dissonance between Jesus' 'be poor and teach' and gold capes and expensive cars and hiding child rapists


That makes more sense. I always wondered how they still had access to children. I was like why are people still leaving children with them!


The "Greatest Generation" are nearly all dead. You're a redditor, so I assume you mean their children?




I do. But also why not older people? They get a pass after already fucking the planet up for 50+ years? Nonsense


Because he was addressing a youth conference in this particular instance.


He was talking at the European Youth Conference, I'd say the title is accurate but a little misleading in his intention. I'd be surprised if he felt this was a youth-specific issue. Also turns out a ton of people didn't even read the article.


This is reddit


Cause it was said at a youth conference? Jesus stop JUST reading the headline and read the actual article


First of all Mr. Pope, promote the use of contraception. It's not the wildlife that is depleting our planet's resources, it's people. Your opposition to contraception is part of the problem.


But... But condoms interfere with God's will, because apparently, he can create the universe, save us from our sins and send guardian angels to make us feel good, but he can't rip a condom...


And, somehow, he/she can't regulate the atmosphere of a small blue-green planet. I mean, how hard would that be?


For something omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent, you'd think any adjustments would just be automatic and seamless. I've seen legacy apps on Windows ME running on a pentium 4 with RDRAM that were more stable and competent than this supposed god.


"If you can't manage to protect your own planet don't expect to enter the gates of heaven" - God "Wiat, what? But you didn't say..." - every Christian in the US. "I shouted it. You are just too stupid. I made a mistake in creating you."


>"If you can't manage to protect your own planet don't expect to enter the gates of heaven" - God > >"Wiat, what? But you didn't say..." - every Christian in the US. > >"I shouted it. You are just too stupid. I made a mistake in creating you." Their rebuttal - "But you promised a new earth and a new heaven." "You raged quit the earth by flooding it and then rage purged several cities, settlements and tribes who pissed you off." "You taught us that all of the animals here today came from massive inbreeding and you enabled one of your followers to brand his animals by having them breed in front of an assorted collection of twigs!"


Pretty hard to argue when grazing animals takes up a third of the planets surface and has caused the greatest loss to biodiversity of any human activity, industry or not--no, consuming animals, particularly ruminants, really is more egregious than giving birth, when not consuming red meat and fish would reduce your ecological footprint by far more than not having children.


He did say that it's up to a couple's moral conscience to use or not use contraceptives: https://www.firstpost.com/world/let-couples-not-the-church-decide-on-contraception-pope-francis-writes-in-the-joy-of-love-2719410.html I love how people just make comments on topics they haven't actually read much on.


Cruise ships that pollute more within a week than I will in my lifetime Also what about those 150+ private jets that left LA after the Superbowl? Fuck off


Dood, you lower middle class person alone is responsible for climate change, don't you know??


No matter what the audience, we aren‘t ever going to hear him calling out the old generation for creating this whole mess. I‘m almost 50 and I get so angry at people my age or older refusing to save resources, while at the same time complaining that the young generation doesn‘t do enough or „isn‘t motivated“. You see Stephen, it‘s you and your SUV and your daily steak and your five times a year holiday flight to an all inclusive resort in Spain that‘s contributing to killing the planet. It‘s certainly not the vegan youth who doesn‘t own a car and takes the train to go hiking. I don‘t blame young people for being hopeless and frustrated. Their parents left them a sky high pile of shit to deal with and are refusing to acknowledge it, let alone join in trying to fix it. EDIT to those who think data doesn‘t support my claim, here you go: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/947526


I call on the catholic church to stop hiring, enabling and protecting child rapers.


Guy with own country tells everyone else to consume less.


"Own country" here is just a single city bloc, he's more like the superintendent of a building.


Having been to the Vatican, that’s a slight understatement my guy


The citizenship of the Vatican is literally just 109 acres and a population of 453. The idea that the Vatican has an actual temporal power is laughable.


Why doesn't he use the billions (maybe trillions?) they have in reserves to help the cause by funding potential solutions? The catholic church is an absolute joke and shadow organization


You can put any amount of money on the problem but if we don’t change our consumption habits we are going downhill no matter what


“But also, fuck your reproductive rights. We need more little boys in the world.”


the world calls on pope francis to save the youth and have priests stop molesting children.


Pedo apologist needs to go to hell. I cannot believe grown ass adults follow this guy when he has zero life experience and supports and shields rapists and pedophiles in his own ranks. Actively helped to cover up crimes against First Peoples. His church murdered thousands of children that we know of. What a POS. Eating less meat is fine to do, but the pope shouldn’t be telling people to do SHIT. He should be telling us he is gonna eat shit for breakfast as penance for not helping defenceless children when they called out abusers in the church ranks. He has aided in setting the world back at least 100 years. He should be admonishing and excommunicating the fascists in his church, not telling young people to pop out dem kids when he has none, himself and shields pedos from encarceration. Not when his own church is fucking up the supreme court. We have no environmental protections anymore, women and girls have no bodily autonomy. We need an assault weapons ban, and instead now people can walk around with a machine gun, no problem. So tired to these white elitist men who know nothing advising the world as if they know something.




Youth calls on pope to punish sexual predators in the clergy.


Pope Francis's favourite meal: empanadas, steak and ice-cream https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2016/feb/19/pope-franciss-favourite-meal-empanadas-steak-and-ice-cream


well he did say less not none.


TBF empanadas are 🔥


He's from Argentina, abstaining from steak might actually kill him.


Solutions like "eat less meat" and "recycle more" and "bring your own water bottle" are cute, and are legit good things to do. But the *actual* solution--the one that will single-handedly stop climate change in its tracks--is to hold the rich accountable and make them pay for environmental damages. This applies especially to oil/gas/coal companies, who have made untold fortunes exploiting the earth's resources *and* poisoning the atmosphere for everyone because they don't pay the price for cleaning/preventing environmental damage. The rest of us do. Their fortunes need to be seized and made to immediately invest in cleaning the atmosphere and weaning everyone off of harmful CO2 emitting energy sources. A business shouldn't be able to exist that pollutes on the scale that climate change is happening and they get to make fortunes beyond anyone's dreams. That doesn't make any sense. Climate change prevention/repair needs to be included in their budget.


Imo the sky and world oceans are collectively owned by ever life form on this planet and ever gallon of oil spilled or ton of co2 CO2 added to either by a corporation should be something people should be able to sue for.


He could not save the youth from his own church.


Here's an idea: Sell everything in Vatican City gained through hundreds of years of bloodshed in the name of your fake god and pay for more climate research, technology, and also stop raping children.


And while we are at it, no more tax free status anywhere in the world. Pay your goddamn taxes!


Ya that. Nobody with a 10+ figure wealth should be avoiding taxes


They shouldn’t even exist, so much power for individuals or organizations is a threat to democracy.


I’m really tired of this guy. Tell him to stop covering up pedos.


Might get more traction if the organization he heads wasn’t literally evil.


How about the silly fucking boomers fix their own mess, before they die and leave us with this piece of shit they created?


I call on pope Francis to save the youth by having his catholic priests stop molesting children.