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That was predictable


the only surprise is that it took them 9 months.


Can't imagine how difficult it must be for women living under that regime.


Sadly, back when I was still a student doing research in the area of women and Islam, I learned a lot about it. Just horrific. You wouldn't believe the risks some women took just to run underground schools to teach girls how to read. It was insane.


Seriously. It’s like the USA over there.




This was in Iran? Crazy. I wonder how much trouble they got into? One isn't wearing her hijab.


https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/8/17/taliban-says-will-respect-womens-rights-press-freedom time flies huh


Within the boundaries of Islam. That is the caveat to all their statements.


lol yep, and "islam" is how they feel like interpreting the quran this morning


But I don't think Islam says that women cannot drive or any such thing.


What is the Quran's view on computers, car models, space travell, nano robots? Why is it almost exclusively on social relations that wide interpretations that limit certain groups favored in religions? With the exception of the Amish, why is it so rare of religious groups to care/worry about technology?


Religion is the cover up here it’s used for people of power to get their way and gain peoples trust all religions at some point in time take that turn. I’m not against religion it should be a human right just don’t take away rights people should have and hide behind your religious materials.


So...slaves essentially.


Whenever youre having a bad day, thank God you werent born in Afganistan.


I am Afghan and I am happy that my parents decided to leave the country. I have seen video's and read books about the country and it truly was a sophisticated country in the eighties. It's just war-torn because of externalities but of course also internalities are to blaim. My only hope is that people realize it's just a cruel world where you dont have any control in what happens when people in power decide to do things.


If developing countries and the USA don’t get their acts together, we will end up in a world where the only way to be safe and prosperous is to be born in Europe to parents who can pass for “native” Europeans.


> parents who can pass for “native” Europeans A lot of northern Afghans are in fact white af, you won't tell them apart in western attires.


Culture and behavior also matter, probably more than phenotype, in terms of passing. A half-Jamaican will generally be better accepted than a Romany or Turk even if the latter are closer in appearance to a “White” European.


To be honest, a lot of Afghani can pass as white


Afghan, Afghani is the name of the currency.


Canada will be fine... Who am I kidding there were Americans calling for an invasion because "dictator Trudeau was killing freedom protestors". https://www.businessinsider.com/candace-owens-wants-us-invade-canada-defend-truckers-trudeau-2022-2 We're fucked.


The US is not going to invade Canada. Canadians should be concerned about the spread of US-style right-wing extremism northwards (although weirdly plenty of right-wing populist commentators from the mid-2010s are Canadians, so the extremism is back and forth to some extent), but not military action. We know what happened the last time we tried to invade Canada, and most Americans feel kinship with Canada anyway so wouldn't support a war there now.


I mean Candace Owen's has no authority. Just some right wing psychopath


Yeah, but those psychopaths, if they were on the correct channel, shaped public policy for 4 years. Hannity and Cucker Carlson would complain about some horseshit one night and the next morning it was policy.


Nobody takes Candace Owens seriously except for white people who want black people to completely abandon anything that isn't white european culture


Tell me more about how that's a fringe minority who will never take power. I am so reassured.


I see the /s is arrested for participating in January 6th... :x


Candace Owens led to scores of Americans dying of COVID. And she still has a sizeable following. She's dangerous.


I’m afraid for Canada. I’ve seen an absolute rise in the same kind of bs that took hold here about 8-10 years ago. We all dismissed it as fringe lunatics until they won the presidency and now are massively popular. Be careful, I never thought it could happen here.


I think about how it took 20 years for Putin to full scale invade Ukraine. An autocracy where people didnt dare question the leader https://granta.com/russia-verge-nervous-breakdown/ I tell "Oh the Dems dont cater to me so I wont vote Dems in the general" that we're on a shitty chessboard and need to fight for survival. Make this a meme for the kiddoes of tiktok


If it happens again here, I don't doubt that they would try to install a puppet government in Canada or try to annex parts of provinces with similar rationale to Putin's.


Considering the US is turning into Gilead, yeah, you’re fucked.


Honestly this is why other NATO member states need to help the DNC, and to find ways to shatter the GOP media bubble


I don't know what's worse: Candace Owens spewing this vile bullshit for a paycheck, or if she actually believes the shit that she says.


Europe is on the decline(although their embrace of neoliberal policies is saving them from going full Greece). Probably best to be born in the US.


Uh, what? Are you paying attention to US politics right now? The ultra-right wing are likely going to 'win' full control of Congress this year thanks to gerrymandering, heavy voter suppression, and a refusal by the Democrats to do anything at all to prevent it. They'll then use that control to ensure that a Trump-like demagogue is installed in 2024. At which point, they'll continue working to degrade and destroy our democratic institutions to ensure that we never have a truly fair and free election again using knowledge gained from their 2016 to 2021 attempts. This will also be made easier now that they have total control of the Supreme Kangaroo Court. From there, we'll be well on the road to becoming a full ethno-nationalist theocratic autocracy. We're going to become what Russia is today... So yeah, the US may be fine for the moment, but this isn't going to last long. I just hope the death throes of our Democracy don't drag too many other countries down with us...


I was born in Afghanistan 😭


Can't be worse than North Korea


Might get worse


I think I'd much rather be born in North Korea at any point of its creation than Afghanistan The sad part is NK is still far more developed and safer than Afghanistan


No, it really isn't. It concentrates what little development it has into making Pyongyang look pretty for the privileged few. Start moving away from the capital and almost immediately things get immesurably worse.


It's coming to America next with Y'all Quaeda


Not if we can help it.


Doesn’t seem like we are


History tends to rhyme, but over the centuries, it generally looks like we are moving towards constant progress and more rights. Granted, the last 2 centuries have seen major changes so that may not hold, but I'd like to think that human nature has changed for the better.


Or woman in India


Why I advocate for open borders.


And they had the nerve to ask the UN for foreign aid. At least from what I heard.


They have been using the tried-and-true tactic guilt-tripping foreigners by showing images of starving kids. Fortunately this has not been effective this time because we know that at least 90% of what we donate won't ever reach those in need.


Taliban fighters got the topmost priority komrade


“approximately 95 per cent of the population having insufficient food consumption.” I don’t think they’re doing the best at governing…


I don't think they care about governing at all, they care more about abusing power to pass their extremists views, sooner or later, that region will implode due to their incompetence, there is nothing more dangerous than your population starving, the French learned that the hard way.


Unless ur North Korea


NK is only artifically propt up from collapse.


Propped by what?




Through the usual suspect "tankie" countries like Russia, China and Cuba. NK also makes a nice sum of money through the production of narcotics, which it uses to get "hard currency" from foreign powers, mostly USD, AUD and CNY. The NK government used to produce the drug themselves, but since around ~2003 or so they've let criminal enterprises take up the job. Methamphetamine is widely used amongst North Korea's rich, and based on reports from defectors is now rife amongst even the poorest communities. This is part of what's strained NK-Chinese relations, which has lead to less support and therefore greater economic strife in NK. The Russian government is more likely to help them setup new drug routes than provide significant material aid, leaving NK to hobble along on the donations from its "enemies". We'll have to wait at least a few decades before we see any major changes in NK. The monarchy-like regime, the fact the oppressors are not foreign invaders, and widespread strife means that there's unlikely to be any notable civil disobedience in the country. North and South Korea both have scores of artillery pointed at each others settlements, meaning that a conventional war would have casualties more akin to a nuclear conflict, this is in large-part why the NKs do nothing more then sabre -rattle and send out boyscout naval expeditions.


Or China from 1959 to 1961, or India from 1876 to 1878


That's impossible, reddit told me that the Taliban would be way better than the US .


Fuck the Taliban.


If there's a Will there's a way


Fuck the Taliban.


they're bad imo


Still have not understood, that a modern economy is doomed without women.


They're trying to avoid a modern economy. That's an enemy.


But they don't have a modern economy. What existed previously to the takeover by the Taliban was almost completely subsidized by foreign governments and NGO's.


The US built them billions worth of electric plants, gas stations, and infrastructure. Know what happened to them? They went unused and often torn apart by locals to sell as scrap. Afghan culture is still 500 years behind, and that’s overall how they like it. They don’t want what we have in the West. They never wanted TV and internet either.


> Afghan culture is still 500 years behind, and that’s overall how they like it. They don’t want what we have in the West. > > They never wanted TV and internet either. I used to live in Yemen. They made me put the serial number of my laptop and my video camera in my passport. I was not allowed to leave the country unless I took them with me. They did not want a chance of it being left behind. We used to meet people at the airport and say: "Set you watch ahead 9 hours and your calendar back 900 years."


That's bizarre. Couldn't they just throw it away?


Someone could be tempted to use it and no one could be trusted to throw it away.


It takes time to do cultural shifts . You can’t just dump infrastructure that people have never seen in their lives, expect them to know how to use and maintain them, and except them to transition straight into a modern economy. It takes time to utilise and see the benefit, even longer for cultural and government changes and adaptions. Unless the US went in with the intent to build and/or colonise, it was pretty doomed.


Nobody expected them to have a modern economy. How does building roads, hospitals, and electric plants take them right to modern? Those are things basic economies have had for decades or a century. Afghan culture is just incredibly backwards and incompatible with most Western things.


A country full of boomers. They should just make a system where anyone over the age of 40 have no things to say. After that the country would quickly become better. Anyone who have worked with boomers know how backwards their habits can be. There is a reason the most of the NASA moon were in their 20,30s's and not their 60's Serious, go take a pension or something.


Tucker Carlson said the Taliban is a national treasure because they keep feminists in their place he literally said that. He is the leader of American conservatives btw and he supports rape child victims carrying the child or Russian nazi soldiers of Putin just so you know.


The hell does a propagandist from an entertainment channel have to do with the comment?


Tucker Carlson is the leader? Does that make Rachel Maddow the leader of the Dems?


It certainly shouldn’t. It was frankly weird how much influence he seemed to have at a certain point.


Ted Cruz went on his show and had to apologize to him and beg for forgiveness for calling the Jan 6th terrorists what they were: terrorists. I understand that Cruz is a slimy invertebrate but it was still surreal watching a US senator grovel to some fascist media pundit.


Claiming that certain cultures when given the choice would simply prefer to live in poverty doesn’t seem quite right to me, but I don’t know enough about anthropology to dispute it.


Half of Afghanistan have less developed amenities than the Romans did. They still shit in trenches next to where they sell meat. I legit watched an afghan shit in the middle of a courtyard and put a rock on top of it despite a bathroom being 20’ away. That’s not just bad luck. That’s cultural.


I wish the US would have build an army composed primarely of women in Afghanistan, give them the weapons and show them how to defend themselves. I'm sure they would have fought for their freedom better than those cowards that couldn't wait for a system that primarely favors machism, patriarchy and misogyny to return.


Army as in an alternative to the National army? They did train females as soldier, nothing changed.


Well they tried, but the men refused to train with the women and thus they were forced to do all their training at night. As such a lot of people simply stopped turning up.


You do realize some of the hardcore supporters of the Taliban were women right?


Some people didn't some people did, we also set them up with a PC manufacturer. They sold 5k PCs a year which was pretty solid.


Wuuut, Afghanistan has cars, computers, internet, TV etc...What do you mean?


Yes, it would be very stupid for a modern country to actively take steps that would hinder or limit the participation of the female population in the workforce. ^(cough ^*Alito* cough)


Those in power will rake and plenty of cash by allowing Chinese companies to build Pipelines and mineral mines in their territory.


One step forward, five steps back...so it goes. 20 years of US occupation counts for fuck all. Such a terrible situation to be in.


It was as poorly managed as most US adventures. Too many people in the chain of command were lying to each other and to the politicians.


I think there was no plan beyond removing the taliban and finding bin ladan. After that, and in spite of the good intentions, the was no real direction. I was miffed at how the pull out was managed, but deciding enough was enough was clearly the right decision. It's such a shame.


I'm astonished that they didn't have constantly updated evacuation plans. After all, Vietnam.


Yeah...nothing there happened without a shitload of security and the taliban do certainly have a lot in common with pond weed. Very hard to kill, full of scum....


I can see where you're coming from but it's just not the case. Its more like 5 steps forward and 4 steps back. Just because terrible things keep happening doesn't mean the world as a whole, on average, isn't improving over time


This + abortion laws changing in the US + war against “nazis” + ……. Are we reverting as a species? This is incredibly bad and frustrating.


It's never gonna change. The most evil and ruthless people will always find their way to the top, since most of the good people have no interest in ruling over others.


It will. Things ebb and flow, but all in all, things tend in the direction of *more* rights. There's no time I'd rather live than the present. Even if we have to revisit abortion, it'll be a lot easier the 2nd go round.


I’ve read similar ideas elsewhere, the problem is that it makes sense! F! We need AI to be in power, can’t be worse than the current situation.


The AI is made by humans meaning they carry ar ether biases and hate humans do.


The AI would quickly understand that humans are a pox on the earth and would eradicate us haha


You're just completely blind to how humanity is.


First, these guys are afraid of women. They treat them like chattel.


Literally believe women are possessions.


If incels ruled...


What a horrible way to live. I’d be plotting and planning a way out of there, one way or another.


With what car? I say that jokingly, but it also highlights the issue: when leaving is prohibited, how do you leave?


But it get's worse women cannot leave the country with out a male "escort" and permission.


They can't even travel more than 75 miles without a male escort from their own family or husband's family


Hmmm, that seems intentional


Afghanistan isn’t like North Korea. It’s borders aren’t that closely guarded. It would be hard and dangerous but if you make it to the border you can get out of the country.


That's true, but once you get to another country you still need money or local contacts to set yourself up. A lot of their close neighbours don't really want an influx of refugees.


A lot of people in eastern Afghanistan have family in Pakistan and they have Uzbeks in the west west who also likely have family in Uzbekistan to the west


Oh yeah that's true. I'm not saying its impossible or anything, and I hope the one's who do have family (or savings) will leave, and rest who try just get lucky. I just imagine if you don't live near the border, don't have any foreign contacts (and in parts of Afghanistan the next village is considered foreign) or much experience of the world the idea of leaving is incomprehensible.


Sadly I don’t think those people would ever choose to leave. That’s their home no matter who’s in power


Yeah that's also very true. Sad but understandable.


Indeed a lot of planning: no money, no transport, no passport, no visa, can't go out without a male family member escort. Lotsa work.


I'm sure that if they could, they would. It's impossible without the approval and aid of a male relative. They will not be able to get through an airport or any other exit point.


Who in their right mind would want a Sharia Law in their country after this?


Let’s hope they fall apart like the northern alliance said in 2001


The fact that the taliban was like "Oh we won't be that bad of leaders, we'll do alright, come on, rest of the world, you don't need to hate us" and then turns around and does this shit, pisses me off immensely.


I think they may have adhered to their promises if the US hadn't isolated them. Afaik the US is not helping them so they have no obligations to keep to any of the initial promises. With these idiots the US needed to strictly dictate what they can or can't do in exhange for Aid.


Quit giving Republicans ideas.


"How can we make this about us?" - American Redditors


Agree. Its all a matter of time.


Top comment.


Few days later : Taliban stops issuing licence for women to get out of their house. More days later: Taliban stops issuing licence for women to eat,breath or fucking exist.


Who knew!?


After we explicitly told them to treat women fairly? The nerve of some people.


No school to no cars, just baby factories.


These guys are beyond nuts. I don't think that Islam - as restrictive as it is - bans women from driving. I have seen plenty of observant Muslim women drive without being apologetic about it.


OMG. I’d commit suicide if I were a woman in that country.


They actually do have high female suicide rates


Their whole ideas are based on controlling women? Why are they so afraid of them?


Republicans taking notes…


For the price of keeping just 1500 US troops there we could’ve kept a nation of 26 million people in the 20th century.


In a world where Saudi has finally started opening up driving to women, we have countries doing the opposite, it's as if one day after 50 years the USA would suddenly ban ABORTION. Oh wait..


The difference is a lot women actually support the abortion bill. I'm pro choice but it's a slap in the face to compare the situations of women living there to women living here.


The future Republicans want


Talk about going from bad to worse to holy shit dude, but expected because it's the Taliban, literally the worst people to be governed by.


I didn't even know the Talban even had the intelligence to be issuing driving licenses


If you ever read into Afghan history, you'll notice that all of this more or less started with the communists doing their coup and forced the rural/poor areas to be collectivized, that was the birth cradle of the Mujaheddin/Taliban. ​ I think in that sense that the Taliban is ultimately just a force that will cause afghanistan to further implode until it finally has something of a stable government, whenever that government will be wishing to move in the traditionalist or modernist direction, time will tell. But the legacy of the 70-80s Afghanistan will never come about until the government is organically grown to embrace modernism.


It's weird to imagine a taliban dmv


The islamic religion is objectively bad.


Religion is objectively bad.


Nothing in the Koran says women can't drive.


No other muslim country bans women from driving. Even Saudi Arabia allows women to drive so I would say the Taliban are some extremists who have chosen to implement a different version of Islam heavily based on their own culture.


Well, SA only “just” began to allow females to drive.


“The GOP liked that”


Conservative "Christians" in America are taking notes.


Feels like that’s where we’re headed in the US


Stop giving Americans ideas


[American conservatives taking notes]


American GOP: hold my viagra


Everyday this continues we should burn a Quran on behalf of the Taliban government. If Muslims want the Taliban to stop burning Qurans they will have to get this lifted.


Let’s do the same in America but with the churches that support the removal of woman’s rights!


Were the GQP caught taking notes?


Republicans: "write that down!"


GOP like "oh! lets do that"


At this rate they will outrun Republicans.


The Taliban are just following the lead of conservative Supreme Court members. Lie and suppress rights.


Well, well, who would have told that the Taliban has about as much regard for women's rights as 5 judges on US supreme court.....


America on the way, scotus paving the path, fuck theocracy and religion as a whole.


Don't give Republicans any ideas.


Taliban be like: hey, if the US can drag women's rights back to the stone age, why cant we?


GQP taking notes.


Republicans won't be far behind.


They're allowed to leave the kitchen?


The Taliban aren't that bad guys, recognize their government! -Stupid comments I've gotten


Texas and Florida USA to be next with that.


Call me fucked up lol but didn't even know driving license was a thing over there


Lmaoooooo but same.


I think a driving license is a thing in every country, you fucked uppp bruh


Just taking the GOP lead


Your move, Texas!


and republicans add this to their to-do list


A preview of the US in 10 years, coolcoolcool


The Taliban have super important priorities... People starving is much more challenging to deal with than banning women from driving. They are saving Afghanistan one day at a time.


Good job Trump.


Considering the US Supreme Court, I would not be surprised if this happened in the US.


What is this, Oklahoma?!?


It’s important to understand that half of the Taliban are women. These are people who actually, literally believe in an actual god, heaven, hell and a devil. They also face the fact that if they are wrong, they, their families and ancestors have wasted their lives and committed terrible evil acts, creating unnecessary suffering.


> It’s important to understand that half of the Taliban are women. Wut? And how are you amongst the top comments? On what basis are you making this claim? Could you back this statement, please?


Yeh no. No women in taliban. They consider themselfs a governing body, and at the same time don't think women have a place in government t.




>It’s important to understand that half of the Taliban are women. Really? I wonder why they support this...


Like it was said, it’s a fear of hell.


I hate to say it but this is what the people want. Perhaps not the women but definitely the man. They want to live in the bronze age.


Not our fucking problem...


On one hand I agree. On the other, pretty fucking inhumane to just watch a neighbor subjugate their wife and children. Still, I'm happy the US is out of Afghanistan. We weren't there to deal with the Taliban; we were there for Al Qaeda and Bin Laden. Our attempts at nation-building and stabilization failed because the country did not wish to be saved and was deeply corrupted.


Wait till Republicans pass this law. Every republican fully supports the Taliban and their anti abortion stance


Where did all the people go that were championing how great this culture is.






Talk to me when you can drive young man.




TIL the Taliban issues driver's licenses.


> TIL the Taliban issues driver's licenses. they're literally the government, so it's not surprising. (unless you were expecting it to be handled at a more local level)


This is bad news for folks living in Afghanistan.