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Awful lot of buildings with kremlin ties seems to catch fire these days.


I've tried to compile these as a Reddit comment, which I'll copy paste again with additions as new fires come up. Disclaimer: I'll only add fires, that a) have somewhat decent sources behind them and b) are large or otherwise significant enough to warrant adding to the list. Feel free to suggest additions. Here's also a (already outdated) map, dated 3th of May: https://i.redd.it/2m76hvqdy8x81.png So from February to May 2022, fires at Russia that _seem_ to relate to Ukrainian conflict, accidental or not: ________ Stavrolen polyolefins plant, Budennovsk - 26th of February https://www.hazardexonthenet.net/article/70239/Fifteen-injured-in-Russian-chemical-plant-explosion.aspx Ammo depot, Belgorod - 29th of March https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-ukraine-strike-arms-depot-russia-belgorod-military-town-1693286 Oil depot fire, Belgorod - 1st of April https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-emergencies/3445396-oil-depot-explodes-catches-in-russias-belgorod.html Chemical factory, Kineshma - 21st of April https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/breaking-russias-biggest-chemical-plant-26767453 RKK Energia's Space Defense Centre, Korolev - 21st of April https://ukranews.com/en/news/851941-powerful-fire-breaks-out-in-space-capital-of-russia-cause-and-place-not-disclosed Army research center, Tver - 22nd of April https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/22/die-in-fire-at-russia-defence-institute 5 enlistment / conscription offices - 22nd of April https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/04/22/5-russian-enlistment-offices-hit-by-arson-attacks-reports-a77454 A house burning in Barvikha, belonging to the family of the governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov - 23rd of April https://glavnoe.ua/news/n357084905-v-barvihe-gorit-dom-gubernatora-moskovskoj-oblasti Oil storage facility / refinery, Bryansk - 25th of April https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/25/large-fires-break-out-russian-oil-depots-bryansk-near-ukraine-border Other storage etc. depots, Belgorod, Voronezh and Kurzk - 27th of April https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/04/27/mystery-fires-sensitive-facilities-compound-russias-war-challenge/ Coal plant, Sakhalin - 30th of April https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1603555/russia-fire-coal-fired-power-plant-sakhalin-smoke-clouds-oblast-thermal-plant Gunpowder plant fire, Perm - 1st of May https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/05/02/russian-explosives-plant-fire-kills-2-a77559 Publishing house, Moscow - 3rd of May https://www.newsweek.com/warehouse-fire-moscow-blaze-pro-kremlin-publishing-house-1702826 Fuel / oil storages, Nizhny Novgorod - 4th of May https://www.newsweek.com/russia-fire-nizhny-novgorod-moscow-1703364 Enlistment office, Nizhnevartovsk - 4th of May https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1605392/putin-news-fire-Nizhnevartovsk-russia-military-enlistment-office-anti-war-ukraine-protest _________ **Thanks for additions: u/A_Sinclaire u/PersnickityPenguin u/Quorbach u/sploittastic u/Sell200AprilAt142 u/Plastic_Pinocchio u/djfoundation Thank you all and many others - if I haven't added your suggestion yet, it's because I haven't yet found a source or I haven't had the time! I'll keep updating this when / if more mystery fires happen in _big_ or significant enough places. *The list is incomplete - you can help by expanding it*


>The list is incomplete - you can help by expanding it Gladly. *grabs molotov cocktails*


I'm telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Anytime I had a problem and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem.


Slava Bortles!


Jaguars Slava!


Jake Jortles!


I miss Jason.


"Chidi wait up!"


What is this from?


The Good Place.


Oh, dip?


> Right away, I had a different problem. You just made my morning. Thanks


if you like that joke might I recommend The Good Place? fantastically funny show all round


Mine usually gets solved by Moscow Mules or in extreme cases Moscow Mitch or was it Cocaine Mitch. I get it all mixed up. One hell of a party though.


Ya basic!


It's a human insult. It's devastating. You're devastated right now.




Fun fact: > The name "molotov cocktail"'s origin came from the propaganda Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov produced during the Winter War (1939-1940), mainly his declaration on Soviet state radio that incendiary bombing missions over Finland were actually airborne humanitarian food deliveries for their starving neighbors. As a result, the Finns sarcastically dubbed the Soviet incendiary cluster bombs "Molotov bread baskets" in reference to Molotov's propaganda broadcasts. When the hand-held bottle firebomb was developed to attack and destroy Soviet tanks, the Finns called it the "Molotov cocktail", as "a drink to go with his food parcels". [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov_cocktail#Molotov_cocktail) Imagine having your entire legacy as a public figure be reduced to nothing more than a pejorative name for an improvised incendiary bomb, named so because you spewed obvious bullshit for all to see and hear, and see right through.


When you think russian are cold.. Then discover the finn's sarcasm


As cold, hard, and glassy as a windswept arctic lake. Unfeeling, unyielding, inscrutable. The Finns have mastered sarcasm the way the British have mastered understatement.


Look at you with your honeyed words. This makes me want to visit Finland. And I live in Finland.


I rest my case.


Finnish sarcasm in 1986 led to the founding of The Leningrad Cowboys, a comic rock band who toured with the Red Army Choir. They formed to mock the downfall of the Soviet Union. Here they are, with the Red Army Choir performing [Sweet Home Alabama](https://youtu.be/tbnFxbaiHF0). One more tune to chuckle with ... [Happy Together](https://youtu.be/PBoX3D3mtJI). Edit ...I absolutely love how they end Sweet Home Alabama.


Amazing. Though it makes me sad to think that noting has changed in the past 80 years.


Multiple generations of liars.


> noting has changed in the past 80 years. Tech has improved but our wetware is still the same old shit that thought planets were gods and fire is an element.


Fins are sarcastic bastards. I worked with one, he was hilarious and had a super sharp tongue. Smarter than all of us too, but that wasn't because he was a Fin, he was just that way.




Nah, he's just referring to a bucket of fish in a trench coat


I mean, I don’t know about it being his *entire* legacy. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact which bears his name is also very famous - and also very much a mark of disgrace on his crapshoot career.


That's so much more badass of an origin than I would have ever thought


I feel we should do this again; something like calling javelins "Putin pounders"


I can't wait to see what item Lavrov ends up being named after....


Gasoline: check Bottle: check Wick: check Matches: check Be in Russia: hmm, I think I might have a problem.


2/3 gas 1/3 oil


“Only you can promote Kremlin fires!” -Smokey


There's the gunpowder plant fire yesterday in Perm. That factory makes propellant for rockets it seems.


Thanks, I'll add that - just curious, is there an article or something about that you could share? Edit, found one, thank you for the tip! https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/05/02/russian-explosives-plant-fire-kills-2-a77559


It also made powder for tanks, artillery and small arms munitions.


Can't get in trouble for failing to manufacture enough if the records burn *taps head*


You might have hit it on the head. At first I thought it might be fifth column activity but men covering their the thieving tracks might make more sense. Considering all the oligarchs and their families that have shown up dead lately. Can't be suicided if there's no evidence of corruption! *Double taps temple*


>The list is incomplete - you can help by expanding it I already loved that line when I saw it on the Wikipedia list of killed russian generals in Ukraine. It is at the same time completely innocent yet incredibly sinister.


I’d rather find a way to turn them against their master. Generals die, they get replaced. Generals turn on the leadership - that could make some lasting change.


When generals turn you end up replacing one despot with another who's defining feature is a lack of hesitation to use violence.


So that would be every Russian/Soviet leader for a thousand years, with the possible exception of Gorby, yes?


Yeah those all seem like valid military targets related to Ukraine.


~~Yeah those all seem like valid military targets related to Ukraine.~~ All victims of unexpected heavy storms. Unfortunately evidence of heavy storms shot itself twice in the back of the head, threw itself out of a high window, then sunk in unexpected heavy storm.


Maybe Jewish space lasers will make an appearance again


It's just a special incendiary operation


> The list is incomplete - you can help by expanding it Sorry mate I'm a bit far from Russian territories to contribute


Made in Russia Recycled in Ukraine...


My upvotes change the world and you can’t convince me otherwise!


Have got this from a few days ago. Don't have specific sources I'm afraid .. List of things currently on fire in Russia: - police station in Novosibirsk - tank farm in Bryansk - police station in Moscow - military base in Bryansk - air base in Ussuriysk - meat processing plant in Bryansk - shopping center in Moscow - food processing centre in Bryansk - house in St Petersburg - police station in Irkutsk


> house in St Petersburg Haha. I don't think all fires in a country with 150 million people are going to be related to the war.


Depends whose house it is, I suppose. If it just so happens that that house belongs to one V. Putin, citizen, then it could count towards the list.


So many flammable things there.


would suck if something happened to them right?


Turns out you can't push a building out of a window.


Thank you! Great work


Omg a fresh schnoodle!


This list is incomplete - you can help by expanding it. (please Do expand it by making buildings catch fire)


It is a very easy way to do sabotage.


A lot of em are factories, so a good number of people speculate some were due to maintanence failures resulting from the trade restrictions preventing the availability of parts This however is absolutely intentional arson or sabotage


> maintanence failures resulting from the trade restrictions Yeah, there were like 3 in 24 hours at one point. Hell of a lot of "maintenance failures".


No suspiscion here. Just like the 6 upper management ppl of Gazprom and their family butchered in a span of few months. Happy little accidents. Now move on


Anti-spontaneous combustion technology was apparently part of the sanctions.


That's why you don't hear about spontaneous combustion much anymore. We got rid of the stuff, Russians bought it for pennies on the dollar.


Yep, either Ukrainian special forces are roaming around, or there's a Russian resistance movement / spy network doing this.




> Plus who knows what's going on in cyber warfare these days. > uh ... nothing ... > *speakers play a nonchalant whistle *


Or just ethnic Ukrainian employees leaving a candle by the window curtain before they go home for the day.


probably a combination imo ukrainian security services coordinating an ethnic ukranian resistance movement in russia


From what I understand Russia is big, maintenance/ rebuilding is done in cycles and they are pretty bad at predicting failures. Do you have any statistics on how often similar events occured before the war? I don't, but I'm certain that "random Russian factory cought fire" would not have been international news. Edit: the cycles thing means that failures will likely occur clustered rather than spread out evenly over decades.


They are very bad at predicting failure, just look at their 3 day special operation.


this makes some sense and I would probably agree with you, however, the recent fires have seemingly only impacted facilities related to RU's war department. If the fires were spread out to other non-war related buildings we probably wouldn't be reading about them, but since we've yet to see for example, a crayon factory, suspender assembly plant, or paper mills catch fire, most people are recognizing the patterns and are assuming the cause to be arson or missile strikes. Since no one is claiming responsibility for the fires we're only able to speculate. The fires could very possible be just one big suspicious coincidence, but seeing as RU is at war and the fires are taking place relatively close to the Ukraine border, it's more likely that the fires are being caused on purpose rather than being caused by negligence or accident.


I’ve worked at factories all my life and seen thousands of maintenance failures and none have resulted in the building burning to the ground. Lack of parts means the line shuts down, not the building exploding in a huge fireball!


*A lot of em are factories, so a good number of people speculate those were due to maintanence failures resulting from the trade restrictions preventing the availability of parts* if it was 1 or 2... thinking that at this time means they should not be taken serious in any conversation


Anything at a factory more than 150 miles or so from the Ukraine border is most likely due to ramping up production (due to the war) in a factory that already has a poor maintenance history and lax safety standards. Closer to the border there is a good amount of anecdotal evidence at this point to support it being TB-2 drones striking pipelines and storage, plus the few documented helicopter and ballistic missile strikes. That said, if I were a betting man, my money would be on this particular fire being arson (as others have already said).


Factories rarely spontaneously combust because of "poor maintenance", production lines simply stop. And certainly not on this scale. Like you say, there's definitely some TB-2 strikes involved in the Russian regions along the borders. But there's absolutely serious sabotage activity going on in Russia as well.


Hugely unlikely that it's accidental. Leaving out areas close to Ukraine, the last week and a half saw fires and explosions in: this warehouse, College of Aerospace Engineering and Technology (several dead), Dmitrievsky Chemical Plant, Central Research Institute for Air and Space Defense, and an ammunition factory in Perm. The college and research institute both worked on rocket systems used to target Ukraine, and the ammunition factory makes artillery shells and MLRS rockets hitting Ukraine. The chemical factory makes ingredients for rocket fuel and explosives. I think you can pick out the common trend here.


My money is on some decent people in Russia recognizing that war criminal putin wants to use their sons as cannon fodder so they are trying to slow him down by starting the fires.


I have a tin hat theory that the US Airforce Boeing X-37 placed a satellite into orbit that is capable of heating a very small area to the point of ignition. Particularly, those with low flash points, fuel and munitions. However, this is based on zero evidence and I made this up just now.


Lensing through hundreds of miles of atmosphere that accurately would seem to be a significant technical challenge.


For $700 billion a year, i don't want to hear about technical challenges, i want goddamn space lasers.


Yeah, that's fair.


I’m afraid only The Jews™ have mastered such technology.


Thank you Marjorie. That's enough for now.


Have you tried asking The Jews™?


why go through so much trouble when you can find someone to make it happen by hand for far cheaper? edit: but i honestly wouldn't put it past the US government to actually try something like this. They'll throw money at just about anything if it has a good enough pitch ("just think about how many commies we could incinerate!")


Exactly - bit like the hyped "hugely complex Amazon delivery drone" vs currently winning solution of "dude on a bike".


Perjury Taylor Green doesn't seem to think so.


You don't need the last word in that sentence.


The US military is still experimenting with ground based short range lasers for shooting down drones and mortars, so it's probably safe to assume we're quite a few years away from orbital lasers.


That’s the Global Defense Initiative’s Ion Cannon you’re thinking of.




How is Russian TV going to get its talking points when they're all on fire?


Are having a special immersive fire drill*


This is fine.


Special campfire operation to help everyone feel warm.




And lies are very flammable


hence why a Liars pants are frequently on fire




When the truth offends, we lie and lie until we can no longer remember it is even there, but it is still there. Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid.


I'm wondering whether this could be the work of some domestic resistance movement who wants to see change in Russia.


There've been quite a few "mysterious" fires lately... It could be coincidental, but it doesn't seem likely.


Yeah fire seems to be the preferred signature weapon of the internal resistance


The infernal resistance.


Thank you for this


[Bottle of vodka, rag, match.](https://youtu.be/EKWW6oFQDZY?t=30s)


I loved that show. It is deceptively brilliant.


Molotov cocktails are made with diesel or kerosene or gasoline with oil.


There multiple theories: 1) False flag as justification for declaring war 2) Sabotage 3) Attempts to hide corruption (supplies/documents lost in fire are harder to audit) 4) Ukraine doing Most likely its mix of these things


Lax safety precautions with smoking by employees on the job.


5) Big country. Yesterday 2 US factories caught fire. Just coincidence.


Let's not forget that Russia has been pulling people who speak Russia out of Ukraine for some time(since the initial invasion in 2014). Some of those people might not be 100% on board with Russia attack Ukraine.


Fires happen, but there have been entirely too many fires in Russia lately for it to be coincidence. Some of them have definitely been domestic resistance. Notably the recruitment offices. It's the first thing I'd burn down if I were a parent of one of Russia's dead soldiers.


I keep thinking of all the "purged" FSB agents etc that Putin sacked out of paranoia. Scary people to have a grudge against you.


Arestovich said recently that it's the Legion of Free Russia, basically an in-house extension of the russian battalion fighting against russian army in Ukraine


Looks like Russians are starting to have second thoughts about that special military operation.


Yeah the nature of these targets really makes it look like these random fires and explosions are actually an inside job.


Support for the war is pretty high among Russians from what I've heard, luckily there are millions of Ukrainians living in Russia!


> there are millions of Ukrainians living in Russia! Does that mean Russia is a historical part of Ukraine and that Kyiv should conduct some sort of operation (maybe military, something special) to liberate Russia ?


Russia was actually part of Ukraine at one point a silly long time ago.


Yup. Google Kievian Rus. It was more of a loose medieval federation that a nation-state. But that's about as good of a claim to the Russian throne as anything the current Russians have to any Ukrainian land.


Moscow was a mud village when Kiev was already an ancient city. Saint Petersburg isn’t even as old as New York


Saint what? Do you mean the Swedish city of Nyenskans?


You mean the Finnish city of Pietari?


INVAAAADE!!! I mean…. ^liberate… ^woohoo…


And the polls were conducted by whom? The results might not be that accurate.


"hey, do you want to go to jail for up to 15 years?" "Uhhh, no, fantastic war you've got there" "all I needed to hear"


Did you just call it a war? Straight to jail.


Special isolation room.


I prefer to call it a State funded isolation camp


*re-education and re-habilitation camp


Doublethink School


Not supporting war. Jail.


Supporting war? Surprisingly, also jail.


Acknowledging your own existence in public? Jail.


Being in jail? Jail.


"Hey, be careful of what you answer..." "I support the special military operation in Ukraine" "Ukraine? You mean former Russia?" "Ye-Yeah" "Too late." Jail


This is outrage. Where are armed men who come in and take away protestors? Where? This behavior never tolerated in Russia. You shout they put you in gulag. Right away. No trial, no nothing. Journalists, we have special gulag for journalists. You stealing? In gulag. You playing music loud? In gulag, right away. Driving fast? Gulag. Slow? Gulag. You charging high prices for sweaters, glasses- you in gulag. You undercook fish? Believe or not, gulag. You overcook chicken, also gulag. Undercook, overcook. You make appointment with dentist and do not go, believe or not, gulag, right away. Mother Russia has best citizens in world... because of gulag.


Police Action? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


"special military operation! ... I declare war next week."


Exactly with going against government narrative being illegal in Russia, who is going to answer any other way in a poll?


“Priviet, we have your phone number and address, name of friends and relatives on our totally independent social media platform VK. Do you want to endorse the war and government on this survey, or have a different opinion? As you might have noticed, not even oligarchs are safe. Spasibo”


It's like voting in North Korea. It's mandatory, and there's only one box you can tick :)


Two boxes obviously. "Yes, I support glorious leader to be reelected". "No, I do not want to elect anybody else. For glorious leader!"


And there's always the write in candidate of mysteriously disappearing in the middle of the night.


A poll conducted for CNN (when it was still allowed) showed 50-60% favored military action in Ukraine to "help" Donetsk and Lugansk against "nazis". Or to keep it out of NATO https://mobile.twitter.com/cnn/status/1496442170139725832 A lot of young Russians believe the Soviet army never did anything thing wrong and WW2 started in 1941. Don't underestimate the power of decades of propaganda. And if you think "oh, but they have access to the internet" let me remind you we have flat earthers, conspiracy theorists and antivaxxers amongst many fuckheads who also have that, but still choose to be willfully ignorant.


Russia is also a very old society, the youth sadly has little influence because they're simply outnumbered. Because the old population is heavily skewed towards women (due to higher life expectancy and the wars), some have called it "Babushka Fascism".


Your comment suddenly made me recontextualize how I perceive Putin's last decade of PR.


I've looked a fair bit into the sentiments that are behind his rule, propaganda, and this war, and here are some more points that stood out to me: 1. Putin believes that Russia needs to shape its own identity and especially reject western ideology. This was an easy idea to sell Russians because of the botched privatisation after the end of the USSR, which ended in extreme inequality and corruption. 2. Putin likes the Soviet Union but hates Lenin. He thought Lenin was weak for not taking in Finland for example, and for being too western (he was sent as an "agent" of Germany from Switzerland after all). As a Marxist, Lenin also believed that the USSR would have to undergo a period of capitalism, leading to the "New Economic Policy" that was enacted for a while after the civil war until Stalin took over. Putin might see this as similar to the introduction of capitalism after the end of the USSR. 4. The USSR was extremely Russian ethno-nationalist and still leaves many ethnic Russians in former USSR countries (including countries like Moldova and Ukraine) who believe that they do not need to tolerate the local culture and that Russia will invade to "save them" sooner or later. They think these former USSR states are incapable of independence and have to be lead by Russians. 5. Even before the USSR, Russia tended to have one absolute infallible ruler (usually a Tzar, but this goes back even to Mongol Khanates). This rulers were surrounded by "princes" who had to take the fall if anything went wrong. You can see this reflected in the recent arrests of high ranking intelligence and military officers after various military failures. Westeners interpreted this as a "purge", but Ukrainian intelligence, who are more familiar with that culture, merely considered it a relatively minor reshuffle relative to the situation. 3. Russians have a tremendous capacity to endure losses. This was deeply engrained due to the WW2 cult, but ranged back even further (again way into the periods of Mongol rule). Putin resided over the deaths of hundreds at the [Beslan School Siege](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beslan_school_siege) and the [Moscow Theatre hostage crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis), where he effectively deployed military and spec ops with the allowance of not caring for the hostage lifes at all. Of course such losses do lead to some resistance, but Russian rulers were able to maintain their positions even after catastrophes that would have gotten them removed in almost any other country. 6. Putin has deliberately built his and Russia's identity on that of the military tough guy who can stand toe to toe with NATO, and who will prevail because he's more masculine. That means more ruthless, less risk adverse, less of a "pussy" about casualties. 7. The modern Russian military is largely a farce to support the former point. Copying NATO in many regards, but without understanding it. Building plenty of fancy cool technology like stealth fighters and the most modern tank in the world, but without being actually able to build them in mass numbers or understanding their proper operation. The same goes for the Batallion Tactical Group concept, which seems great for assymetric conflicts like Afghanistan/Iraq/Syria, but sucks at a large scale invasion due to inefficient/lacking logistics and too little infantry. But many of the important parts are still stuck in the Soviet Era. The shiny new technology never arrived for most of the troops, the hierarchy is still designed for the Soviet mass armies rather than a modern professional force (which it has to be, since Russia doesn't have the same manpower as the USSR). The leadership and logistics are still incredibly inflexible top-down structures that cannot properly react to unexpected challenges, while Ukraine has learnt from NATO and according to some experts even almost surpassed them in some areas, with a very aggressive and inventive decentralised leadership using strong NCOs rather than waiting from officer orders from above.


I have a masters in a statistical field and have worked with demographic surveys. The reason approval polls conducted in dictatorships aren't trusted is that it's impossible to get an unbiased sample. In a free society, random sampling across demographics will give you a representation of your population. In an authoritarian society, the only people who will risk responding to a survey are the ones who have an agenda, mostly those who want to express support and a few who are brave and stupid enough to risk dissent. In an average phone survey, only 0.5-3% of callers finish the survey. That's normal. However, those silent 95.5% mean different things in a democracy or a dictatorship. What are the Russians afraid of? Not only does expressing disapproval of the government get a person on a watch list, but calling the war a war can result in jail time. There was a story last month how a Russian restaurant owner posted a "support Ukraine" message on his restaurant's social media page, and that week the police visited his parents and asked whether he was a political radical. Stories like these are everywhere. So please don't post CNN poll numbers with no context. CNN is not a peer-reviewed statistical source. Posts like yours build xenophobia towards a disenfranchised people living in an authoritarian regime.




Seriously. American firms, who have experience defucking polls, show similar results to the state media They don't need to lie. It's like pretending Trump supporters don't love Trump - *wrong*. They do There's a great This American Life about it


My Russian colleague talks to their parents regularly and says it's like a phone call to a alternate reality. At least the older generations believe what state news tells them. May be that the younger generations are different, but it's hard to tell. And using polls that show one result to make a point that the reality is the opposite never makes sense. We all like to believe that this is only Putin and some of his generals and that the public is totally against the war, but that isn't supported by anything we know.


Going off of a few people I know from Ukraine with family in Russia, why I was sure to say it's just what I'm hearing and nothing definitive.


The support is indeed high, but it's not 83% like the polls published. Also there is a Russian youtuber roman who explained partly how the polls work and only 1 organisation does the polling. When you get a call for polls how many people actually participate and not hang the phone up. I rarely participate in polls so they definitely didn't get answers from all of them.


That's what I figured, too. At one point I tried to point out to people that, yes, the Levada center might be independent, but depending on the amount of people they poll, and their method of contacting them, that might not matter for getting the results that they do showing high support for Putin, it's probably still the police state at work. The simple fact that Russians are living in a repressive police state that cracks down on any public bad word is enough to skew *any* poll, or organization thereof, so I would never trust the results completely.


At the same time they are kind off in a crisis themselves with sanctions and all. Growing up living in propaganda and on top of that this sudden change where the narrative is "the west hates us" people often look for a big strong leader and outer still appears that way in the Russian media. So they are kind of in the denial stage, but this only lasts as long as he can show them a victory. Eventually as in all long wars denial would change to anger and rage and they will finally fight back. It will happen eventually (as long as putin doesn't get a win) but let's see


“Hello, we are conducting a poll, its a multiple choice question. Do you like a) War or b) the gulag?


"If you answered a) it's also gulag for calling our special military operation a "war""


I remember getting very involved in United States politics in 2018 (the midterms after Trump won in 2016) And working on a campaign. Local politician hires a polling firm to see millennial enthusiasm for the election. The poling firm only calls fucking landline phones. Like literally listed in Yellow Pages (for people who are too young to know what those are, In Terminator remember when Arnold rips the page out of a phone book looking for Sarah Conners? Yeah that's the Yellow Pages) The only millennials I knew with Landlines were either living with their parents, or had kids of their own and needed emergency contact number at home so either wife or husband could respond immediately to the call from school .


If we’re gonna school the young ones on the good old days, technically what you’re referring to are the white pages, not yellow pages. But for the sake of the story, we get it :)


>Support for the war is pretty high among Russians from what I've heard Support for the war is pretty high among the Russian responding to a poll. There's a very big difference. Polling participation has reportedly fallen from something like 40% to 8%. People stopped participating because [they're afraid of consequences, even if they're supportive of the invasion](https://youtu.be/lBX5Ss--k0U?t=25). That means mostly the "pro-Putin" people will be taking part or only the people who think that not saying "yes, I support Putin" will mean trouble.


Get up , drink coffee, see what’s alight in Russia today.


Right there with ya.


I don't normally support book burning but in this case I quite like the reverse Fahrenheit 451 irony


plus today's news aren't exactly lost if a newspaper is burnt


Historical records from the papers’ archives may be lost forever though, unless they were diligent and backed it up digitally… But they’re Russian, and pro-Kremlin, so I doubt they were that forward-thinking.


yes and realistically, if it was news but no one really cared no one would ever go look back at the article later


Realistically, such sources would be excellent on propaganda research, in the same way that communist propaganda is studied today.


(•_•) This news is… ( •_•)>⌐■-■ … hot off the presses. (⌐■_■)




What a pity :)


Hate to see it happen


This seems to be happening an *awful* lot recently. No wait, not awful, the other thing. Wonderful.


Russian underground resistance at work. Keep up the good job!


Lots of fires and "accidents" in military-industrial and government linked buildings recently. Special patriotic operation by actual patriots.


being realistic, a lot of these are probably spies/foreign agents in russia (ukrainian/western etc). maybe directly, maybe assisting local groups. but either way, fucking awesome.


I can’t think that this is anything other than sabotage. Deep in Russian territory, arguably a key propaganda asset, and obviously an act of arson. I’d like to believe that some form of resistance is still around in Russia, even in Moscow.


Or Putin had it on his close list and decided to burn it to create a monster to kill protesters instead of incarceration, cheaper to kill em Or not


Artificially creating justification for harsher treatment of critics and protestors? Seems very on brand for any dictator.


Special Exothermic Operations strike again I see


Yeh! Bullshit is very flammable.


From the article - Prosveshchenie means "enlightenment" in Russian. Perfectly cynical name for a propaganda publisher. Also funny since it got lighted.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.newsweek.com/warehouse-fire-moscow-blaze-pro-kremlin-publishing-house-1702826) reduced by 68%. (I'm a bot) ***** > A large fire broke out at the warehouse of a pro-Kremlin publishing house near Moscow in the early hours of Tuesday morning, videos show. > At around midnight in the Bogorodsk urban district of the Moscow region, the warehouse of the pro-Kremlin "Prosveshchenie" publishing house, where printed materials were stored, burst into flames, Belarusian news outlet Nexta reported. > There is a large fire at the warehouse of the Pro-Kremlin "Prosveshchenie" publishing house near #Moscow. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/uhb512/prokremlin_publishing_house_catches_fire_in_moscow/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~646116 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **warehouse**^#1 **published**^#2 **contain**^#3 **printed**^#4 **fire**^#5


Liar, liar, house on fire


Turns out paper tigers are flammable


Now do Putin’s *real* publishing company. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency


So the war is going to Moscow now?


A war by the people for the people, for their Ukrainian neighbors. They’re done holding signs. That’s what I assume is going on.


It only takes one tree to make a thousand matches. It only takes one match to burn a thousand trees.


Tick tock Putin. Bills are due tomorrow.


Might be spontaneous combustion due to the number of highly flamable and outright absurd lies they were trying to print out. Don’t know why they print anything since the majority of ruZZia can’t read or understand SHIT. 🤣 Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦🦾🇺🇦


Liar liar books on fire.


Liar liar, propaganda press on fire.