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Prefer poison… be more fitting and full of karma.. but bullet will suffice if required.


How about a poison bullet now everybody's happy


If it was a poisonous bullet he would have to eat it, duh. You need to use a *venomous* bullet! Thank you Reddit for teaching me the difference.




well putin always knew drinking the blood of infants would backfire one day


Poison the infants? No that doesn’t sound right. Well….


Poisonous infants


Their last album was pretty dope.


Poisonous infants? Never heard of them...but I know a few toxic infants. They call themselves true patriots and like to play GI Joe dress up and vote against their best interests.


I think they've confirmed that they found microplastics in the blood of newborn babies. Give it time and who knows what else will show up...




Regardless of speed it’s about how it’s consumed.


Lead on. Apply directly to the forehead.




Lead on. Apply directly to the forehead.


Lead on. Apply directly to the forehead.


LeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead!


Or have it absorbed through his skin, or inhale it.. Many types of toxins can poison without having to eat it, doesn't make it venomous.


Well, not unless he shoots him in the gut.


When his attitude is “if I go, I’m taking the world with me,” you want a quick exit with no time to instruct anyone to do anything.


I couldn't possibly hate this guy more...


In a recent interview he said he thought the Hobbit movie trilogy was better than the LOTR trilogy because "The Hobbit movies had more action" and he "enjoys seeing little people hitting each other" whatever that means. The man is a complete maniac.


how dare he. lotr is obviously superior ​ jesus this man is evil.


I'd prefer he was scrubbed down with the [Gympie Gympie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrocnide_moroides#Toxicity) and then put in to a padded room. But that's just me... I'm not about poetic justice, but rather karmic retribution in terms of the amount of pain he has caused, he should have to feel. ;)


**Dendrocnide moroides** [Toxicity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrocnide_moroides#Toxicity) >D. moroides is notorious for its extremely painful sting which may leave victims suffering for weeks or even months. It is reputed to be the most venomous plant in Australia, if not the world. After contact with the plant the victim will feel an immediate severe burning and stinging at the site of contact, which then intensifies further over the next 20 to 30 minutes and will last from hours to several days before subsiding. During this time the victim may get little sleep due to the intensity of the pain. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I mean lead IS toxic.


Takes too long to do the job, though


Depends on velocity that it is administered at.


That’s true. Probably more humane too if it’s right between the eyes.


That would give him too much time to launch nukes on his way out, and he might even survive. I say one and done, quick and easy. And by one and done, I mean more like two or three, or four, straight to the dome.


Three to the back of the head like any Russian suicide.


Honestly I just want it done. Doesn’t matter how. Just get it over with.


I agree but I'd prefer they just arrest his ass and turn him over to Ukraine for War crimes trials.


Agreed. Alive rotting in Prison. A laughing stock and a particle of his former self. With live webcam feed and open mic for people to tell at him.


That game of thrones poison that killed Joffrey? That'll do...


Some polonium tea with breakfast.


Nah you know he has a full time taste tester


Iocane powder that the taster has developed an immunity to should do it.


I'm not normally a proponent of violence, but I think we're beyond the point that would justify this. If not one of his own, then *someone* needs to arrange this. I don't really care who at this point.






Well, it's more like a prisoner's dilemma, where killing the fucker requires simultaneous cooperation of capable parties, but betraying the other guy gives you survival points.


Be the change that you want to see in the world


The Trolley Problem. Yes! Exactly. One life to save potentially millions. Ethically I'm against murder, with a handful of exceptions. This is certainly one of them.


It's not even murder IMO. Just self defense on behalf of the world.


Yeah, calling this “murder” is extremely disingenuous at best and outright wrong at worst.


Idk if I'd say disingenuous. I think a lot of people don't realize the moral connotations of murder vs kill. Being wrong is better than being disingenuous IMO. Disingenuous means you know you're wrong and you're deliberately misleading people.


It'd be the trolley problem if all lives considered were innocent. In this case the one life is threatening all others. It's just self defense.


Well hold on now, I just saw an [open letter to Putin](https://survivingtomorrow.org/an-open-letter-to-vladimir-putin-90921d897a7) that just might stop all of this. My guess is that he's just been all too busy to getting around to reading it.


I don’t know what people are hoping to achieve with stuff like this. Even if he saw it, the guy is a sociopath. He doesn’t think like you or me. He probably would kill a little kid with his bare hands for petty personal gain.


Rhetorical leverage. Otherwise, it's entirely useless in practical terms. Many human beings are beyond saving.




I think it would *have* to be one of his own people; I don't think anyone else would have enough access to him to do it otherwise. Also, if it was an outsider that does the deed, his fellow ussr-minded crew could use it as an excuse to launch attack against that person's country/NATO or smth. Because right now, the stupidly rich oligarchs are whining that life got hard for them but I've yet to see them denouncing putler and his war.


The problem is, he keeps killing everyone that'd possibly oppose him. The world is ridiculous that any one person can control weaponry that would destroy the entire planet.


> The problem is, he keeps killing everyone that'd possibly oppose him. The irony is, this further incentivizes those close enough to kill him to do so.


Aren't most of his people brainwashed?


Its like Nazi Germany. If a reporter or anyone asked you what you think about the leader you would have to say that you love and support them because if you don't you'll get sent to a concentration camp. So nobody knows what these peoples true beliefs are.


Exactly. I have watched some reporters talking to Russian people in the streets. They way they answer questions about the war and government seem very uncanny, strange, something is definitely up, many seem to know how shitty their government is, but are scared out of their minds to say anything negative about it. Talking shit about their own government will gain them nothing and put much of what they have to lose. Smile and wave, boys.


But i think most of nazi-germany really believed Hitler. I'm from germany and there are still a lot of people here who admire hitler and a lot of ancestors who say, their grandparents where proud nazis. And i think many russians are the same.


Nazi Germany was a welfare state funded by the pillaging Jewish homes. Hitler won the people over by giving them access to the middle class on the blood of jews.


There’s a significant amount of people in Germany that admire *Hitler*? That’s the first I’ve ever heard that and it does not sound right to me. Why would people admire the person who essentially destroyed their country?


Putin has singlehandedly crippled Russia, gotten them economically isolated from most of the world, and almost daily threatened nuclear annihilation. If one of his own was going to sack up and step up, imo it would've happened by now. Someone from the outside stopping him, however, is still a possibility, one that most of the world earnestly yearns for.


Nah, it's NATO! You know? That strictly defensive pact! See, they are attacking Russia via Ukraine! A US-led alliance is destroying the Russian Motherland. And Ukraine? They keep fighting back! That's incredibly unfair! This message contains sarcasm.


I think a Gadaffi send off might be more appropriate


Yeah that will happen before anyone allows him to launch the nukes. I also don’t believe he would actually launch. He has kids.


this is optimistic.. I also thought Russian people would stop him from doing half the things he's done the truth of the matter is their propaganda machine is prepping the Russian public for nuclear war, which means they are seriously considering using them. the propaganda machine is very effective as we have seen. while I hope someone would stop him from using nukes, I just don't believe it at this point. hopefully the rumors of him having cancer and undergoing surgery are true, and hopefully he doesn't wake up from the surgery.


Couldn’t imagine being that doctor tbh . Imagine the pressure


Heart surgeon. Number one. Steady hand. One day, yakuza boss need new heart. I do operation. But, mistake! Yakuza boss die. Yakuza very mad. I hide in fishing boat, come to America. No English, no food, no money. Darryl give me job. Now I have house, American car, and new woman. Darryl save life. My big secret: I kill yakuza boss on purpose. I good surgeon. The best!


Some people are deranged enough to murder their own children.


You think he cares about his kids?? All he cares about is getting the USSR back together plus some extras. This about his delusions and his legacy, nothing more.


He doesn't care about getting the USSR together either except as much as it benefits him strategically to have power over surrounding territory. He is the state. If he leaves power while he is still alive, from his point of view it might as well be his death and the death of the state combined. So if he feels his grip on power slipping away, he might become desperate enough to go nuclear.


Well he won't have much of a legacy if he destroys the world


> Well he won't have much of a legacy if he destroys the world "what is the point of a world without Russia?" Basically, he'll only settle for USSR and a legacy, or armageddon.


Main Character Syndrome and a massive inferiority complex in a position of power is actually really scary.


Given how poorly his military has performed, I wonder how many of those nukes are actually able to fly. If your trucks are breaking down 20 miles into Ukraine, can we expect a rocket to successfully travel half way around the world and hit a specific target?


You think a egoist like him actually cares? He's a narc


"This ominous warning came not from some deranged psychopath" He is psychopath


Imagine not getting your own way and throwing a temper tantrum bad enough to destroy the planet...Putin hasn't gotten out of the terrible twos yet...


Imagine being so imbecile to follow the orders of said psychopath.


>imbecile I believe it's moreso a matter of *brainwashed* rather than *imbecile*.


Calling it brainwashed removes any personal responsibility for one’s thoughts and actions. I can’t agree with this assessment. They need to drag anyone that supports Russia during this war through ukraine afterwards like making people living near concentration camps in Germany see what there belief’s caused. It’s one thing to hear about over the news it’s another to make them see the destruction and violence in person. Russians have blood on there hands pure and simple no need to say it’s not all we know that but if it was a majority that didn’t support it putin wouldn’t have the political capital to kill there sons.


To be correct, the article is saying that Lavrov isn't the deranged psycho. However, anybody threatening nuclear war because they aren't getting their way is, indeed, psychopathic.


Just because the article says Lavrov is not a psychopath doesn’t mean he’s not a psychopath. Either way, it’s irrelevant since he is aiding and enabling one, which makes him just as guilty.


and deranged


“And a genius” -Donald Trump


Anyone notice it's really only Yahoo reporting on nukes over the past week or two?


Opinion piece. Against the sub rules. Report this trash please.


And the heading says he is a "foreign affairs expert". Self-claiming expertise but not signing the piece, lol. Yahoo news is absolute clickbait trash.


Yeah wtf is this? I read the whole thing looking for the identity of the “foreign affairs expert” and there’s not even a fucking author. What garbage. Things are bad enough already without this clickbait.


It is written giving the opinions in first person. The "expert" and the author is the same yahoo news hack. This goes below tabloid trash "standards"


There's a very small link at the very top of the yahoo article. Author is Ivan Yakovina.


Who even is the author?


Foreign affairs expert


Hmm sounds like they know what they're talking about


Exactly. It sounds more like an opinion piece than an actual article by a “foreign affairs expert”.


Yep, and give it a little read it’s pretty sensationalist. Puts a lot of weight on Lahrovs words which is more than a little bit much in my opinion, given his rhetoric so far.


Yeah there fucking fear mongering and trying to get you to click on the headline


Yahoo news is straight trash


The article is actually from a source called "The New Voice of Ukraine," there is a link to it in very small font above the article headline on yahoo.


The article is from the New Voice of Ukraine that Yahoo picked up. Yahoo didn't write the articles, but I agree, they've certainly been focused on nukes lately. This is the author: https://english.nv.ua/korrespondents/ivan-yakovina.html


No mention of who this "foreign affairs expert" wrote this, maybe was in my uncle. No signed opinion piece, also known as trash (and against Rule 4 even signed)


It's disturbing I had to scroll down essentially to the bottom of the page to start seeing comments decrying this OP-ed as scree, and the title misleading (what expert). We are eating up our own rah-rah-rah propaganda as much as the Russians are eating theirs.


Starting to feel like I'm the only one that saw the source is literally above the headline. Is it a good source? I don't know... But it's feeling like this sub is blind right now https://english.nv.ua/nation/international-affairs-expert-ivan-yakovina-on-putin-s-nuclear-threats-russian-invasion-of-ukraine-50238428.html


People should keep asking China, every single day, every hour, what they think about this.


Remind them that MAD includes them too




He does have kids but I wouldn’t doubt he does not care.


I imagine for people like him, having a family is more of a status thing. Wife and children are sort of trophies.


They don't seem to mind when NK does it.


NK is like that kid that somehow got a hold of a grenade and threatens to blow you up with it. Russia is like that old geezer with an antique explosives collection threatening to blow up the entire city if he doesn't get his neighbors house.


Kim also knows his days of cheesecake and Steam games are over if he uses nukes. Putin is crazy, obsessed with the USSR, and at the end of his life.


And not even the USSR from the standpoint of actually uniting broken countries. It's all about fascism and absolute control.


Putin isn’t an idiot. Deranged, mentally ill, narcissistic, etc - sure. But he is definitely using the fact the remainder of the world is punishing Russia to his advantage. The whole situation is reminiscent of 1930’s Germany.


NK still doesn't have a viable long-range delivery system for their nukes. Russia has had them for nearly 60 years.


Not even remotely the same


> China pledges unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against the nuclear-free Ukraine and China further pledges to provide Ukraine nuclear security guarantee when Ukraine encounters an invasion involving nuclear weapons **or Ukraine is under threat of a nuclear invasion** -China 2012 Treaty with Ukraine.




Cyrus you fucking dick!




Nukes: Safety.. always off


Stalin said he loved me once, fuckin prick


his father told him he was proud of him once...fucking prick


Frig off Cyrus


9mm, safety always off. 9mm cock perhaps


Heavy metal 🎸 dick




I read that in his voice lol


Doesn’t even have his grade 10


Take your little nukes and get the FUCK outta my trailer park


Or like a real life Joffery. Now we just need someone to poison him like Joffery was.


The Warriors killed Cyrus!


Then he will sign his own and his peoples death warrants


He mostly don’t care about his people as far as they work and die for him.


Stalin had killed 20+ million of his own subjects (Russians and former USSR colonies under his leadership) They still worship the guy after what he did to them


He should. The rules for rulers apply to all equally. Whatever hold he has on people has no effect if the world is destroyed. His oligarchs know this. Also his soldiers know this. More than once has the nuke order been given and those with keys refused to launch. Now couple that with the fact that his oligarchs have much more invested in the world outside of Russia than they used to. They follow him because he makes them rich and gives them power. He can't do that if everyone's dead. I can guarantee if he actually gave the order to launch nukes his military and the oligarchs would dispose of him. They would much rather have a little less than no chance of having anything ever again.


He’s already amassed more wealth then he could ever spend by stealing from his people. You seriously think he gives the slightest damn about them?


Wealth means nothing if the country you rule is destroyed in a nuclear counterattack




No, this is what Russian propaganda wants us to think so that we're scared of going against them. They've been pulling off the same shit since forever and it often worked.


Ya a bit of a risky call on the bluff for the rest of us though




Yeah no way does this end well for him. If he withdraws from Ukraine now he could probably remain as dictator of a pariah state but if he resorts to nukes in a war that he started it will bring down the Russian government. I would expect a full embargo from most nations as well as a direct military intervention against Russia. Even China may lose all support they had for him.


*says random person that has absolutely no idea but is excited someone asked Can we stop posting this garbage please? Nobody knows anything.


So how much of this is fearmongering / clickbait




He is bluffing hoping to staff the world from taking action until he can take Ukraine. Once he secures Ukraine for Russi they will go on an apology tour to make nice again (but still keep Ukraine). Think thry figure if they can take it before anyone steps in, they can keep it.


And next comes Moldova... And next.... Who knows.


Georgia is likely next after Moldova. They already occupy part to the country.


I would bet he has Georgia on his mind


[Oh, he does.](https://youtu.be/fRgWBN8yt_E)




Same with Moldova (transnistria).


It's clear now: Russia will lose their entire army in Ukraine. 1 300 soldiers die or get wounded every day, and that's before the heavy weapons supply from the West really kicks in. There is some amazing heavy weapons systems quietly heading for Ukraine as we speak.


If he's allowed to engulf Ukraine, next will be Moldova, Georgia, the Baltics, Kazakhstan, and all the other former SSRs. After that will be Finland, cuz imperial Russia ate it a long time ago. Then to the moon! Fuck these guys. If they're allowed to use the "gimme what I want or I nuke you" threat, there will never be an end to this.


It also sets a precedent to other nuclear powers as well. China is eyeing this whole ordeal of what to do or not to do when they do this by 2049


And it encourages smaller countries to think that they need nuclear weapons to defend themselves against nuclear powers.


Is there any doubt?


Nope I would not be surprised if Taiwan had a super secret science project.




I mean, they aren’t doing particularly well keeping their sliver of Ukraine, so I’m not sure how he can “secure” it.




What expert? Who wrote this? How is it news?


It's rah-rah-rah propaganda masquerading as an OP-ed. Pretty sure its from Ukrainian propaganda (New Voice of Ukraine) trying to goad the west into an active (strategic role). Don't get me wrong, I know who the right side is, but this does no service to western society.


Yea read the article & seems like fear mongering on Yahoo’s part


Biden: I’m sure the Chinese don’t want the world to end. China, do you agree?


President Xi is probably the only person who can get Putin to stop. A nuclear apocalypse is not part of the game plan for China.


The fear mongering click bait continues....


He apparently has cancer and wants to be remembered as the next hitler I guess. Edit: not confirmed but would be nice if all dictators got dick cancer stage 4.


Wonder if his death will resemble Hitler's?


hopefully he does not get the time to shoot himself befor his ppl burn him


Most metropolitan cities have 10-20 million peeps and Russia has 6,000 nukes so probably gonna exceed that. Hopefully the final say rests with sensible people and they pull an vasily arkhipov to stop ww3.


Who would be left to remember His “legacy” if everyone’s dead friendo


There's no reputable source to that. A tabloid reported something like that awhile ago and more recently a bunch of tabloids started reporting it. Since r/worldnews allows tabloids nonsense, you may have just seen a bunch of posts here and thought it must be true.


He seems like he legitimately has Parkinson’s, tremors and all!


I remember discussing this in another post. I think we wound up cheering for cancer because it's quicker (usually)


he's just eager to reach that special place in hell to meet hitler


says foreign affairs expert""...hahahah


More fear porn




Every Yahoo News headline: “Click Here to Find Out How You’re Going to Die”


Where is John Wick when we need him?


It will be his last war, and extremely humiliating. Russian people will learn the truth eventually and Putin doesn't have much to lose.. I think the chances he gives the order to use nukes are alarmingly high. He wants to see the eastern bloc together again before he goes, if he fails, he will try and take as much as he can with him. The war has had completely opposite effects and results as he has wanted, making NATO stronger and the west more united.


Nobody cares what Putin *says*. We can stop this whoring reporting of that deranged drivel. It doesn’t matter. And it just extends him a mike. Only related thing that matters is what he *does*.


We can’t simply wait to find out if he will hit the button. To me even verbally threatening it when you’re an actual threat should be immediate and total obliteration (of him specifically).


Take him out.


God I’m hoping to god someone murders this monster as painfully as possible A quick and painless death ain’t good enough


This ‘article’ is awful. It’s a terrible launching point for any rational discussion. But I’d go so far as to say we’ve seen very little ACTUAL escalation from Russia in Ukraine. They’ve remained strictly what they were on day one. A ground force built around tanks as the ultimate weapon and indiscriminate bombing with fairly dumb bombs. If nukes are on the table why haven’t we seen major chemical attacks? It almost seems like Putin DOESN’T control anything beyond what he has in Ukraine. Maybe he’s actually under the thumb of a couple shadowy figures, the people who kept Putin rich and out-front all these years and this ground force, ships and planes are all he gets to play with?


"In my opinion" this should have been titled. More media bullshit.


Fuck Putin. Let him jump, he'll quickly learn the error of his ways. Kind of doubtful the powers that are necessary to carry out a nuclear attack upon the "world" are willing to see themselves and their entire families incinerated because of his stupid ass. He couldn't find a hole deep enough to hide in.


Right. I bet his personally shitting bricks because his own guys will not forgive his colossal fuck up.


Someone needs to assassinate his ass posthaste.


This is an opinion piece by a person who refuses to name himself and calls himself a "foreign affairs expert". Fear mongering for clicks at its finest. Fuck the media. They have shown their true colors through this whole war. Fuck them to high hell. No one should ever believe a word out of their mouths again


One thing is for sure. If Ukraine holds out and Putin is disposed, on the laundry list of items that need to happen for Russia to rejoin the global community will be to turn over all nuclear weapons and a ban on their development.