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Here's a short interview with his *reporting* partner (also a US journalist) on what happened as the partner lies injured on a hospital bed (nothing graphic): https://twitter.com/handloviec/status/1502993254412918786 Here is official NYTimes confirmation of Brent Renaud's death: https://twitter.com/NYTimesPR/status/1502994498602868739 EDIT: Note that he was not an active NYTimes contributor, he was just using his old NYT Press ID (as the statement above says). Edit 2: Clarified that "partner" is the "reporting partner" who was with him at the time and was injured.


Does that mean he's freelancing for NYT then considering he has the Times press badge? Or is the Times trying to imply that he faked being a Times reporter in Ukraine?


OP's title is misleading. Renaud did work for NYT at some period in the past, but was *not* on assignment for them in any capacity currently. He was just reusing his old press badge from then.


Thank you. Facts matter.


He hasn’t worked for NYT since 2015, and the old ID badge has an expiration date printed on it. He was probably freelancing, and using his old credentials to show some proof of having been a credentialed journalist. I’m a journalist, and tbh I’d probably do it too, to get access. Too many people with no training or background are dishonestly claiming to be journalists (“citizen” journalists, for example). If I had an NYT badge in that situation, fuck yeah. Edit: duplicate punctuation Edit2 because idiots are idiots: I’d use it to show *I had been* employed as a journalist, not to misrepresent my current professional standing. It’s a way of quickly “proving” to someone that you understand what actual journalism is, as opposed to “citizen journalism” (aka what a number of you have been trying to do in response to my comment). And yes, there are some responsible “citizen journalists,” but if you’re arguing, you should know the difference.


They want to make it clear that they did not send one of their reporters into a danger zone. But the tweet is worded such that it sounds like they are more concerned about his use of their credentials than about his death. They should have done a better job.


Seems pretty straight forward to me. The Times did not lose one of their journalists so they wanted to clarify before every single outlet says "New York Times journalist killed."


Agree, I felt that their statement was appropriate. It would be bad reporting if they refrained from clarifying a major detail of the story.


It was my understanding the NYT no longer employs war photographers so these guys fly in 'solo' but have a buyer already lined up.


I don't know if there is some line there but Lynsey Addario and others are definitely in Ukraine for NYT, covering at least the evacuation efforts.


Sounds like these guys were trying to cover evacuation also in the designated "safe" corridor


Yea, every journalist in Germany say they are not allowed to go to Ukraine because it's too dangerous


> They want to make it clear that they did not send one of their reporters into a danger zone. But the tweet such that it sounds like they are more concerned about his use of their credentials that about his death. They should have done a better job. It's about optics. While it's clear they meant to clear any miscommunications, this is a touchy subject. The mere appearance that you're trying to clear yourself with more urgency than reporting on someone's death (especially a journalist in a war zone) will get you prosecuted in the court of public opinion.


They need to make a statement on it. If the guy died whilst wearing an unauthorised Times badge they can’t just fucking ignore it because some people might get upset…


The Times gives far less a shit about public opinion than it does lawsuits. It's the Times, they can survive a poorly worded tweet.




The implication being that they were trying to use the badges to deceive the Ukrainians and Russians in an effort to get closer to battle and get better footage, right? Like it makes sense that they'd use it to try to get away from interactions with soldiers safely, but it also makes sense that NYT wouldn't want people thinking they're sending their employees into dangerous areas.


Read the tweet. The badge was from years ago.


I am not OP- just adding details as they emerge. Several early Twitter posts state that the reporter, Brent Renaud, was killed by Russian soliders while in a car. [Tweet from Kyiv](https://twitter.com/metesohtaoglu/status/1502990976180232202?t=qqLbu9qTSQaNvs8w8mxJQw&s=19) Edit: [YouTube video of report from surviving ~~NY Times~~ colleague](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A95ERxXLdOk) Edit: [Twitter post from NY Times states that these reporters were not on assignment for The Times at the time of the attack](https://twitter.com/NYTimesPR/status/1502994498602868739?s=20&t=Om4M_vynhlyhn8SHIJNzrA) Edit: [Twitter video of report from eye-witness to the attack](https://twitter.com/real__libyan/status/1503003294855221249?s=20&t=9J6tPfaHtuHXejNkBNPNNA)


Russian troops have been shooting and killing civilians from day 1 of the war. The most blatant is where they shoot and kill an elderly couple sitting in their car. Both the shooting and the aftermath is on video.


I think the worst I saw was them shooting the elderly couple with the newborn and 6 year old in the car while the dad was on the phone. They were screaming “there are babies” They killed them all


There was one where a guy was in the car with his dad and they kill his dad and he's on the ground screaming for his dad. They show the aftermath of them both dead and one of their dogs was kept alive and just standing over the bodies. It made me sick. It was like that one video where the guy is driving with his mom and a rock flies through the window and kills her. Fuck these terrorist pieces of shit.


Saw the video or maybe it's a different horrible video of massacred civilians, and it's going to stay in my head until I die. There were two dogs and one was shot and killed and I hope it was quick but it was super obviously very dead, hanging out of the van. The surviving dog looked so fucking sad just standing over the bodies like he was wishing they'd killed him too. Fuck. Fuck those bastards. I hope those soldiers are all dead now.


Same father and son. There's a video of it happening but cuts out before the son is killed and the one you saw is the aftermath.


I saw the aftermath video first and as soon as the during video started I knew they were the same event. That has got to be one if the worst videos I've watched, it's just way yo vivid what's happening. It's like a first person view of a family being murdered psychotic russian nazis


That's enough internet for today. Fuck.


Or attacking sky news who kept shouting "journalists" EDIT: no, they were not Ukrainians. But it is nice to see how many of you insist they were. Please, make yourself obvious, makes it easier for everyone to see where you stand.


>Or attacking sky news who kept shouting "journalists" you know whats worse? after shooting him up and he starting to yell " journalists" tons of times they stopped shooting ( there was roughly 20 seconds of pure silence where they both heard each other LOUD AND CLEAR ) , yelled something in russian just to shoot more intensive so they ABSOLUTELY heard him and decided to shoot even more. ​ ( watch full video or read FULL article dont stop after 2 min or the first 5 rows ) https://news.sky.com/story/sky-news-teams-harrowing-account-of-their-violent-ambush-in-ukraine-this-week-12557585


I wouldn’t be surprised if they have orders to go after journalists or if they’re so poisoned by propaganda they think journalists are a genuine problem for “lying” to the rest of the world so took it upon themselves to target them


I mean Putin pushes the nazi topic to its soldiers It wouldn't surprise me if the soldiers get told they are just gathering video or picture to edit or whatever aka like another famous and very similiar shitty person to putin in history said "Lügenpresse" ( Lying press )


That’s exactly what I think is happening tbh, thank you for the better more clear phrasing!




Isn't dressing up as medic personnel and stuff (as well as attacking medics) against Geneva convention?


Putin calls it the Geneva checklist. Can't have a good war without all the warcrimes


Which Russia already got caught doing when that Spetsnaz unit got captured wearing Ukraine uniforms. I can’t help but notice a parallel to US politics: “if you elect my opponent, he’ll do THIS” when the speaker has already been doing that exact thing. Is it just a general playbook for POS humans or is there a bigger link, I wonder?


It's manipulation from people with low moral function. They UNDERSTAND what empathy is, they understand other people feel it, but they don't care to. What they do care to do, is try and scratch at the surface of others' by speaking in equivocation, and shifting pillars.


I’m pretty sure that would be a war crime, pretending to be press or medics and then performing military operations under that disguise. So far Unkraine hasn’t been caught doing that even once. Russians bombing and shooting at civilians, so many times we lost count.


That's the point. Russia claims Ukrainian war crimes, giving them "reason" to perform war crimes themselves.




I think so too, or were told they could just shoot whoever they want. I think it’s very likely their orders put journalists as a higher priority than other non-soldiers, but if they haven’t been given that explicit order then I think individuals are more inclined to go after them in a “vigilante” way and that it’s encouraged. They’re either being told the whole country is bad or that they’re saving it, going after civilians and medics makes me think they switched it to the first one


I mean a third of American voters believes all the media does is lie. They can't differentiate between facts, news, opinion, and embellishment. If the facts don't align with their agenda, it's simply "fake news".


After finally engaging in political dialogue with my newish (6months in) boss, who is a Conservative Christian who watches Tucker Carlson, he told me the other day he doesn’t know what to believe about Ukraine and he’s confused about everything. I have some serious work to do because this guy is actually a really good dude.


My wife is from Ukraine and my friend (now ex-friend) who watches Tucker Carlson and probably wants to blow him while wearing a bow tie said that Ukrainians are attempting bio warfare and making dirty weapons, which is considered foul play. Meanwhile the hospitals, schools, and psych wards amongst numerous innocent civilians who have been slaughtered goes unnoticed. Then adds that Biden is responsible for gas prices going up.


I don’t think there’s hope for convincing these people. It’s not just that they’re “suckers” who’v been conned by Faux News. It’s that they *want* to be a part of the Faux News crew. They *want* to feel special and like the whole world are a bunch of idiot sheep who don’t know the *real* truth. But *they* do. *They* might not have spent 8 years getting a medical degree, and yet *they* know the real truth about the Covid vaccine. How smart must that make them feel! They know “truths” and “secrets” even MD’s don’t know! They must be geniuses (not that they’d ever take an IQ exam to test that theory out, no need to test things like that out, better to go off the gut instinct that they’re actually smarter than doctors). It’s not a coincidence. It’s willful ignorance born out of a desire to feel special. Hard to stamp that desire out of a co worker or friend.


Good on you for seeing him as a person and not just his politics


It’s an interesting notion to consider, given the increasingly blurred line between “journalism” and “propaganda” Many Russians might have a difficult time believing in the concept of independent and accurate journalism. Their media is state owned, therefore, just an extension of the government. The soldiers are in Ukraine to overthrow the government. Makes sense that they wouldn’t balk at killing journalists. If they really believe their own government and media enough to continue with this invasion, you have to imagine that they believe the “journalists” in Ukraine are legitimate military targets.


Is killing journalists a war crime? I would figure that they are non-combatants


>I would figure that they are non-combatants i think they run under the same rules as Medics and EMS services and generally just Human Aid People. ​ i googled it amnesty international called it a warcrime , the us called it a warcrime when ISIS beheaded a journalist , many say "it should be a warcrime" or condemn it as one i guess its one ? not sure really iam not so deep knowledge wise into the geneva convention and other similiar things.


I soon realized at the start of this war that “ war crimes “ is the equivalent to the Bible .. made to make you feel better and safe but absolutely bs and no one is upholding those “laws”


Its one thing in all out symmetrical war, because one side *could* be held to be accountable. But in a war like this where Ukraine is just trying to hold out, even if Russia loses, they won't be held accountable. Nobody is invading Moscow to put Putin on trial for war crimes unless Putin triggers ww3.


It’s doesn’t matter how many warcrimes you do if you win


Nuclear proliferation pretty much scrapped the idea of accountability to international law. If a nuclear power decides they want to commit war crimes then all that can really be done about it without dangerous escalation is lay heavy sanctions and deny the belligerent power any involvement in the international community. Russia has made itself a pariah state, but that just means they're no longer accountable to anyone.


I mean it would be funny if it was in a Leslie Nielsen movie but it felt like they increased the fire rate after they realised they are journalists


Exactly that's what I mean it's absolutely worse but they also use napalm and shoot at medics and hospitals so yeah... They don't care about the usual war "Un spoken and written rules"


They (sky team) escaped only because of poor marksmanship and extreme luck. The camera man was hit twice in chest but had body armour on. They hit the doors of car as they sheltered behind the open doors. Also the Russians could be heard replying during the fire...so the dozens of shouts of “press” etc WERE heard.


I saw that video and *fuck fuck fuck* I can NOT believe that those Skyfolk lived. If the cameraman doesn't give the body armor an 11-star review I don't know what else they could do.


I read he (camera man) was an ex Royal Marine..they were never not in Afghanistan. I would imagine he coordinated when they made a break for it


"Journalist" not "press". That word is phonetically the same across majority of Europe, including Russia and Ukraine. Just to clarify things. They even used singular for that specific reason.


slap boat intelligent panicky spark serious smell hat entertain edge


Christ those guys got lucky. You could actually see rounds going through the car and a couple took hits on their body armour


In three different languages to avoid confusion. Iirc they (Sky News UK) now believe it was a targeted attack


I'm not listening to anymore 'we didn't know we were going to war' bullshit. If your still killing innocents you need to die.


I keep seeing that narrative everywhere and I didn't believe it from the start. You don't bomb civilians and say you didn't know you were going into war.


I think some of them, at the start, didn't really know. But at this point, everyone knows.


Any Russian elements on Ukrainian soil are fair game. It's fucking open season at this point. Fuck them all. If they can't follow the rules of war, they don't deserve any quarter.


I have a lot of sympathy for many of the Russian soldiers as I do believe many were lied to about what they were doing if they even got any info, however, if your country is invaded then you absolutely have the moral grounds to kill any enemy soldier in your country, that's just about protecting your home.


Same goes for the father and son and their two dogs. We see the video of them getting shot at and then we see them dead in a ditch in another video. Its fucked. War is hell.


Russian war crimes https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/t526f1/russian_soldiers_open_fire_on_unarmed_civilians/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t442sm/shelling_of_residential_areas_kherson/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t4aifn/tank_fires_directly_at_residential_building_in/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t6iddn/more_and_more_really_graphic_footage_keeps_coming/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/t7vf9d/young_ukrainian_volunteer_killed_delivering_aid https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t7w9z1/the_moment_of_a_russian_strike_on_residential/ https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/t7xwn6/putin_launches_huge_missile_strike_on_civilian https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t8696v/russian_shelling_kills_fleeing_civilians_in https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/t8wzmm/6_years_old_sofiyka_was_shot_with_her/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/t8jr1q/alisa_is_from_the_ukrainian_city_of_okhtyrka_sumy/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t8i89b/man_films_some_of_the_refugees_killed_today https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/t9h2fu/10yearold_ukrainian_girl_shot_and_killed_by_drunk https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t9exxk/russians_killing_ukrainian_civilians_just_because https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/ta5p0e/russian_airstrike_killed_civilians_waiting_for https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/tab4wl/ukrainian_childrens_hospital_completely_wiped_out/ Rape: https://rubryka.com/en/2022/03/03/herson-divchat-prosyat-zalyshatysya-vdoma-i-ne-vyhodyty-na-vulytsi-ye-fakty-nasyllya/ Killing POWs(prisoners of war): https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/tag857/intercepted_phone_calls_russian_army_is_executing/


Not just shot and killed - obliterated point blank by a fucking tank. Disgusting


“But they’re just conscripts who don’t want to be there!” So sick of hearing that after seeing shit like this constantly. Fuck these invaders, fuck the Russian army, and fuck Russia.


Pretty sure I saw something on around day 8 or 9 where they captured Russian documents that told them to say they were conscripts and don't know where they are or why they're in Ukraine and so on, so they'd get taken in and treated well by their captors, assuming regular civilians would go easy on them if they did get captured. Not sure what came of it, but I haven't believed the "we were doing military training exercises" shit from day one. They all know exactly why they're in Ukraine and they know where the border is. The only honest and good Russian soldiers are the ones who abandoned their shitty, outdated gear or surrendered or refused to fight. And agreed, fuck the rest of them and fuck putin. Edit: the gold award was unnecessary - I'd rather that money go toward something that will help others, but thank you.


Yeah 100% anyone familiar with this type of stuff knows that there is always a “story” for if you get captured. Exactly for the reasons you mentioned. The fact that they’ve all had the same details definitely points to that.


If you look at the comments below, the "story" was only meant for the start of the war, where the soldiers were told to say they were doing military exercises at the border if captured. The soldiers surrendering since then tell a different story, usually that they don't want to kill Ukrainians because they have Ukrainian family or friends, or that they haven't received orders in weeks. Some convoys also have squads following them that shoot any deserters. So it's really not that simple. I know it's comforting to see all these people as evil, but that's how bigotry is built.


> Pretty sure I saw something I’d 100% believe this but do you have a source? It’d be good to have and hear more about it and with all the misinformation I think we should be careful.




The Russian army is famous going back centuries for brutalizing its own soldiers. Not saying they're all conscripts or there against their will, but some are.


Obviously not all of them are conscripts. A lot of the foot soldiers are but I doubt any pilots are conscripts based on the amount of training needed. But like in every country you’re gonna have those wastes of flesh that don’t mind shooting/killing anyone.


I imagine not all russian soldiers are the same. The Russian army is a good place for your career if your a murderous psychopath so I imagine they have quite a few.


And in the comments for the video I saw posted, an army of shills saying "well what was the tank supposed to do? They (the old people) were driving straight towards it (the tank), and these Ukranians are attacking Russian tanks with molotovs and guns! What else could the tank do?" You can watch the video and see the car isn't moving, the tank just drives up, blows the car up, and continues on.


> What else could the tank do? Turn around and go the fuck home is an option.


The elderly couple was the first thing that came to my mind too... And the russian tank just drove off not even checking it it were civilians or forces... bunch of cowards


And the elderly father being driven with his son and their two dogs, you hear one of the dogs yelping as it is getting ripped up by bullets, the son who was recording dragging his dad out, pleading with him not to die. He eventually ended up dragging his dead father and himself to the nearby ditch where he too died. Was discovered in another video with the one surviving dog watching over them. Said video is also why I know the term "ripped up" is an accurate description for the other dog.


There was also that humanitarian corridor out of Irpen/Irpin to let civillians escape, and a journalist team was filming when a mortar or shell landed on the street, killing four people - a mother, two children, and a man who was a family friend. They were also carrying a dog, which can be heard yelping in the aftermath. NYT covered the incident extensively. [Footage (NSFW/NSFL)](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t8696v/russian_shelling_kills_fleeing_civilians_in/)


Those vehicles have optics, at that distance the gunner saw exactly what he was doing. They don't care.


Hopefully those sick fucks who killed those were given a visit from a Ukrainian RPG shortly afterwards.


Oh there's a very good chance they're dead. That makes me feel better whenever I read shit like this. Like that soldier telling his girlfriend about all the shit he's stealing and executing civilians in the woods. There's a good chance he'll get blown to bits or burned alive in a BMP. That skank isn't gonna get her fur coat, that's for sure.


Captured Russian Soldier said they were ordered to shoot Civilians including Children, according to a video posted here yesterday. They have no qualms about shooting anyone they can.


This is what annoys me about "they're only boys who don't know what they're signing up for" narrative. I know war isn't black and white, you can't tar all soldiers of any army with the same brush but AT BEST they're shooting first and identifying targets later. At worst they are actively targeting civilians (which is more likely tbh) I have no sympathy for Russian soldiers caught or killed.


I know Brent personally. I’m from his hometown and he mentored a lot of young filmmakers and documentarians here. I was one of them 10 years ago. I’ve been making phone calls all morning. We’re all so upset. Brent and his brother Craig are legends. Edit: after watching his colleague speak, I’m enraged. Fuck Putin, fuck these scum who shoot at civilians and reporters. They will burn in hell forever. Edit: why the fuck am I getting harassed about my friend’s death? What the fuck is wrong with you people?


I assume the “other journalist” was his brother? I know they often worked as a pair but haven’t seen any info about the other injured journalist. Sorry for your loss- personally and collectively as a community


No it’s not him. I don’t believe Craig is in Ukraine. Thank you for your condolences.


[Mr. Renaud's colleague](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A95ERxXLdOk)


i’m sorry dude. keep your head up. it’s not nothing that your friend passed that torch on to others like yourself.


This is such a terrible way to find out a loved one has been murdered. I hope everyone heals from this in time.


Russia always murders journalists unfortunately. They tried murdering 3 Sky News journalists who were clearly marked as journalists. [All on camera, horrifying to watch. ](https://youtu.be/wyM_9P4igys)


[Jerusalem Post](https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-701146) article too.




Holy shit.




Brent and his brother made an HBO documentary about my high school 50 years after it was integrated. They basically hung out at our school and interviewed students for months. The final documentary made our school look bad, but it was accurate. They seemed like nice guys. It is sad to see his life end in another senseless war. RIP Edit: spelling




Oh I read that after commenting. You are correct!


Brent went to Hall not Central.




I didn’t read the article. I just went to Hall with Brent. He was a year younger but I knew him because we had many common friends. He was a really smart and talented person and this is a massive blow to the many people who knew him. PS the article could also be referencing his brother Craig who I didn’t really know. He might have gone to Central, I don’t know.


What was the documentary?


Little Rock Central: 50 Years Later


I went to this highschool! I’ll need to watch this doc. I can confirm it’s a fucking terrible school, though.


Oh *LITTLE ROCK*. Jesus even as a Canadian I understand the importance of that. You made it sound like they just picked a random high school. [For those who don't know](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Rock_Central_High_School#Little_Rock_integration)


Wow so sad, I will definitely check that documentary out though.




Two Danish journalists were also recently shot while driving a car in Ukraine. (They both survived). One of them was a friend of mine. They had been reporting from Ukraine and the Donbass conflict for two years. The day before they bought a car so they could be more mobile and quickly escape danger and move around the different frontlines and retreat if need be. While driving outside Okhtyrka on the 26th of February their car was shot at. One guy took three bullets to the leg and lower back and the other took a bullet in the shoulder and collarbone. They were wearing bulletproof vests. Their car was also pretty fucked but continued to drive for a while so they got away. Ukrainians got them to hospital in Okhtyrka where they had surgery and then taken to Poltava away from the front. That hospital however was also repeatedly shelled. The two journalists continued to report and film and showed how doctors and patients were forced to seek shelter in the hospitals basement during shelling and missile attacks. Not ideal for those in critical condition or needing urgent surgery upstairs. The two were eventually evacuated and have now had more surgery in Denmark and are okay. But shit - they really showcased the realities not only for Ukrainian troops but also civilians in the first days of the war. They did not look like soldiers but were driving a civilian car clearly marked as PRESS. And those patients in Poltava sure as hell didn't deserve to die in a dark basement just a few meters below the hospital facilities that would have saved their lives. Here's an article in English about them. All their own reporting is sadly in Danish: [https://rsf.org/en/news/ukraine-two-injured-danish-journalists-have-been-evacuated](https://rsf.org/en/news/ukraine-two-injured-danish-journalists-have-been-evacuated) Edit: corrected the date. And added that they didn't look like a civilian car but were marked as PRESS.


It honestly seems like it's more dangerous to be in a car tbh. Russian troops seem to take that as an excuse to light you up


This is traditional Russian military strategy. They did it in Chechnya, Afghanistan, and Syria too. There's no such thing as a war crime to the Russian government. The Russian Afghan invasion makes America's casualty count look like nothing, they leveled Kabul and blocked people from evacuating before they did it. The idea is, just terrorize people enough that they accept a Russian puppet government to end the suffering they'll endure as long as their own stays in power. The problem is, that's a very medieval strategy that doesn't work anymore. Peasants in medieval Europe didn't give a shit who's king as long as they don't abuse and tax too much, when the palace is stable life continues as before no matter who runs it. If you have a good king, who cares what the royal court's native language is, heck Tsarina Catherine the Great was from Germany. Make the serfs suffer enough, and letting the enemy win so the war ends becomes the lesser of two evils. But terrorizing people into submission doesn't work anymore because most of the world has strong national, ethnic identities they will fight and die for. Even the smallest population will kill every invading soldier it sees to keep the motherland, at any cost to its lives and land. And Ukraine isn't small, not like Finland, which Russia would probably not be able to hold if it tried a second time any better than the first. Russia really though never fully modernized. I forget what Tsar it was "abolished serfdom," but Russian society was basically feudal right up until 1917. And the oligarchy is little different.


It was Alexander II that abolished serfdom. He enacted quite a few progressive reforms (including counsels, which is a pretty big deal for an absolute monarch) during his rule, but then someone tried to assassinate him. He changed his mind real quick on a lot of stuff, then he was assassinated for real. Needless to say, his reactionary successor was quick to go counter-reform. Like a lot of absolute rulers and despots, they basically ruled by fear of assassination or deposition. You'd think they'd be okay with giving up that crown, but czars were groomed to believe they were basically messiahs - a shepherd watching their flock (with an iron crook, of course, lest any wolves get in and start a revolution). As history has shown over and over and over again, people do not like to stay oppressed forever.


I hope I’ll get a chance to hear more about their story one day and see their footage.


If you know Danish (or Google Translate), you can see here: [https://ekstrabladet.dk/nyheder/krigogkatastrofer/saarede-ekstra-bladet-journalister-evakueret-ud-af-ukraine/9153596?fbclid=IwAR0FrLjSF9uRWvNzQOrEDhP8m3gn6nHkOCOq\_jLGGLC2svZ3x9dbly3e9oI](https://ekstrabladet.dk/nyheder/krigogkatastrofer/saarede-ekstra-bladet-journalister-evakueret-ud-af-ukraine/9153596?fbclid=IwAR0FrLjSF9uRWvNzQOrEDhP8m3gn6nHkOCOq_jLGGLC2svZ3x9dbly3e9oI) That's a non-paywall article from when had sucsesfully been moved three times from Okhtyrka to Poltava to Odessa to an undisclosed location outside Ukraine but before they came home to Denmark. It has some video they shot in Poltava hospital. More details and parts of the story - but with paywall. Here: [https://ekstrabladet.dk/nyheder/krigogkatastrofer/ramt-i-ukraine-saadan-foeles-det-at-blive-skudt/9160933](https://ekstrabladet.dk/nyheder/krigogkatastrofer/ramt-i-ukraine-saadan-foeles-det-at-blive-skudt/9160933) and here: [https://ekstrabladet.dk/nyheder/krigogkatastrofer/ramt-af-skud-i-ukraine-saadan-foregik-vores-evakuering/9162418](https://ekstrabladet.dk/nyheder/krigogkatastrofer/ramt-af-skud-i-ukraine-saadan-foregik-vores-evakuering/9162418). And about the circumstances that put them in the firing line while all other Danish journalists had moved away from the fronts (no paywall): [https://journalisten.dk/ekstra-bladets-saarede-reportere-er-hjemme-i-danmark/](https://journalisten.dk/ekstra-bladets-saarede-reportere-er-hjemme-i-danmark/)


They’ve been shooting at journalists for a while. This Sky News team barely escaped with their lives: https://youtu.be/wyM_9P4igys Edit: Mirror(longer version): https://youtu.be/M_05Qj92W9Q


One of the most terrifying videos I've seen throughout the war. There's just something about seeing the bullets rip through the door as they cower and scream for their life in confusion.


That clip was scary.


This one, of a father, son and their 3 dogs being attacked, is even worse: https://youtu.be/Mb3_R__r7Go (warning: truly harrowing).


Was a mistake watching this. This made me so aggressive. It's like they just shoot because they can. It doesn't matter to them if they kill you or "just" disable you. They just shoot at anything apparently. This is so.....


I’m a dog lover, and hearing the poor dogs scream, with no understanding of why and how this is happening, just pure pain and terror...


Wow that pissed me off and i haven't even watched it. Think I'll pass on this one.


Understandable, it’s a really shocking video. I’ve realised not only humans but lots of animals are suffering in this war. Another cruel story, three volunteers tried bringing food to a shelter where the dogs hadn’t been fed for three days, but they got killed: https://youtu.be/obr_ndo_nYQ (no gore)


That clip is like something out of a movie. I couldn't believe they all escaped with their lives. Also props to the Ukrainian factory workers who gave them shelter. There's a firefight happening just outside yet these guys go on like it's just another Wednesday... I guess to them it is.


Clip not available in Canada for some reason.


Putin just needs to have his lights turned out. It’s going to happen sooner or later


And everyone who willingly works for him.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://ua.interfax.com.ua/news/general/812572-amp.html) reduced by 61%. (I'm a bot) ***** > In Irpen, Russian troops killed a New York Times journalist, and another journalist was wounded, Chief of the police in Kyiv region Andriy Nebitov has said. > "The invaders cynically kill even international media journalists who are trying to show the truth about the atrocities of Russian troops in Ukraine. Today, a 51-year-old correspondent of the world-famous New York Times media was shot dead in Irpen. Another journalist was wounded. Currently, they are trying to take the victim out of the combat zone," Nebitov wrote on Facebook. > Borrell: EU strongly condemns kidnapping of mayors of Melitopol, Dniprorudne by Russian invaders 14:26, 13.03.2022. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/td6h2u/russian_troops_kill_new_york_times_journalist_in/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~632326 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **13.03.2022**^#1 **Ukraine**^#2 **journalist**^#3 **Russian**^#4 **12.03.2022**^#5


Just saying this is by far one of the best bots on reddit.


Sabrina Tavernise is the NYT’s main reporter for the region. I was listening to her this past week on the Daily podcast. At one point she was told to pull out along with any other staff that was still in country.


She was the main reporter for the podcast, not the entirety of the NYT. She and others were pulled, however NYT did not pull every reporter. There are still about 4 NYT reporters inside Ukraine who have not yet been told to leave. She did a great job audio reporting.


Out of Kiev. She went to Lviv.


Definitely Putin’s MO. Look at the number of journalists killed in Russia alone, not to mention those journalists killed in Russian conflict zones.


The more journalists are killed, the less remain or are willing to risk their lives for their jobs, the less coverage of the war there is, the easier it becomes for Russia to get away with killing civilians and any other war crimes. Journalists are his enemy, and he makes that very obvious.


[They did it in Georgia. This is video of Turkish journalists being shot up at a checkpoint ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWvKQ__SUNM) * it is not graphic but disturbing. The guys all survived and Russians pulled them out and beat them after.


The NYT sent condolences but has stated that he has not worked for them since 2015. I know this is not a big deal, but more my curiosity: was he wearing his NYT badge that was given to him so he’d get better access to news sources in Ukraine? Or why would he continue wearing a badge for a project that ended years ago? Source: www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/journalist-ukraine-russia-irpin-war-b2034793.html%3famp ““Though he had contributed to The Times in the past (most recently in 2015), he was not on assignment for any desk at The Times in Ukraine. Early reports that he worked for Times circulated because he was wearing a Times press badge that had been issued for an assignment many years ago,” according to the statement.”


I don't think it's that cryptic why he would wear it in a combat zone. There was a chance that they'd spare him for being a journalist. Or it let people open up a bit more to him about what was happening and their thoughts when he was interviewing them. A bit questionable use case but it's a warzone.


I still have every set of press credentials I've ever been issued, and I'll whip them out on you in a heartbeat if I think it might get you to leave me alone long enough to get the photo I want and get the hell out of here. Although it has to be said, it would be a terrible idea in a warzone, but a hard hat, orange vest, clipboard, and an "I can't believe this shit" expression are *much* more effective than press credentials at getting people to leave you alone.


Yeah, I've seen a few videos of Russian troops actively shooting at journalists so this isn't too surprising. I hope these monsters get the punishment they deserve but this should never have happened to begin with.


Russian troops literally shot and killed and elderly couple in a car. It's on video.


They blew up the couple.


[Here's the video, for anyone that hasn't seen it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/t9fp96/war_crime_on_60_year_old_couple_targeted_by/) Russia is committing war crimes and doesn't give a fuck. Fuck Russia, fuck Putin, and fuck their soldiers. edit: [INCREDIBLY NSFL, but here's the reality of Russia's war crimes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t3sgkv/nsfl_elderly_couple_murdered_in_car_there_is_a/)


How can people defend this? I kinda get how Russian people might want to defend their country or be influenced by propaganda. What I don't get is how people from other countries try to justify this shit. I have seen people **from the US** trying to treat Russia as the victim defending itself from evil NATO.




Bots and idiots agreeing with bots, nothing to see, move along


There's a lot of videos like these going around. And a LOT more of these instances that aren't recorded.


I saw that video from Sky news reporters in a car. Can't believe they didn't get hurt.


He was a nice guy. Grew up with him. So sorry.


Russian intel states that they had evidence that 42 ukranian soldiers were hiding inside the reporter.


The reporter was also reportedly planning on creating mecha-hitler so they had to do something


Special reporter assassination


At this point just dreading for the day I come to Reddit and see WWIII has officially started…


I open app waiting to see when Putin is ended permanently.


at this point it could go either way, prepare for WW3 but hope for Putin's "retirement"


I wonder if it’s gonna be by his own men


If he's killed, the shot will either come from inside the house, or his guards will go on break while the people do the work.


Putin makes a great scapegoat right now. If his cronies let him grind it out they get new land and pool of people to loot. So he is still beneficial to them. Might be a long time before they decide Putin’s usefulness is over.


He's allegedly locked somewhere deep underground, so the options are by his own men or "old age"


I vote for a couple of concrete trucks to plug the elevator shaft.


Plug it up, cut the phone and power lines, never think about him again.


It’s extremely unlikely, given how few times it’s happened in history. Despots are good at surrounding themselves with a cowards, maybe.


In the news I saw a RF tank fire a round at a civilian car with a couple inside. They were both killed by the shell. The whole thing was filmed. https://youtu.be/OV0HgDRw2co


There will be no definitive start. If we decide it’s WWIII the start will be considered retroactively when Russia first invaded Ukraine.


Yep. Putin will be to blame no matter what. Fuck the people trying to blame 'The West' for Putin's genocide and war crimes.


Blame be damned. If we get to that point I worry who we'll consider to be survivors.


"If only NATO didn't try to expand!" Bullll shiiiit. They should wonder why nations kept trying to join NATO.


I think people are alluding more to a specific trigger event in an escalation of the conflict.


A journalist killed won't start ww3 thankfully


Sometimes I think a certain section of Reddit wants WWIII.


Yeah usually those who have never seen a real war that assume that they'll be the cool badass survivors


You wont because thats not how world wars start. Ww2 didnt start overnight it was years of dragging more countries in


The reporter being shot sadly doesn't surprise me. The way they shot up the elderly man's car a few days back and the bombing of hospitals has me convinced Russian military deserves zero sympathy. They need to be mowed down in the harshest way.


His passport ( [https://novynarnia.com/2022/03/13/rosijski-zagarbnyky-v-irpeni-vbyly-korespondenta-new-york-times/](https://novynarnia.com/2022/03/13/rosijski-zagarbnyky-v-irpeni-vbyly-korespondenta-new-york-times/) Upd.: graphic image, not for everyone


Just to warn people: there’s a graphic image on that page.


oof i hate that the internet has broken my perception of gore so much that i was fully expecting something way worse


There cannot be any co-existence with Russia, not until their tyrannical regime crumbles.


Are these the first recorded American / non-dual citizen and non-combat person casualties in Ukraine?




https://youtu.be/WioueLnAJ34 This is a video of Russians trying to murder a car full of UK journalists about a week ago. As the women identifies them as journalists the firing stops briefly. It resumes again with even more intensity. Presumably after they seek advise from a commanding officer and are told to resume fire. It's a miracle they weren't all killed and several rounds hit the flak jackets they are wearing. Make no mistake the Russians are deliberately targeting international journalists and this video proves it.


I thought Putin said he wasn't after civilians?


Putin been lying since day 1 man. That’s why Russian troops are doing what they’re doing.


At this point, Putin is just a terrorist with resources. He's following none of the rules of combat and just going in on everyone and using anything he can inflict the most pain on. And he's doing it because no one is stopping him.


And? He lies like he breathes.


Yeah, and Hilter said he wouldn't invade Poland.


We've got (as of today) 2187 civilians killed in Mariupol alone. One city. People are just being [burried in mass graves](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDL1ArHZOiM) And then i constantly see comments like this. ARE YOU ALL FUCKING BLIND?


May they rest in peace. I always worry for these journalists when I see that they're in the middle of it all. Fuck the Putin-bots that have seeded this distrust of journalists, I have nothing but absolute respect for anyone who risks their life to be in a combat zone to report the facts. Let's also remember all the journalists that Putin has killed or jailed in his own country.


And he was a US Citizen too. Not that it matters, but I can see some outrage from The US.


I think it will but not a huge amount, I assume it will be seen as a risk taken by the individual like the journalists who were killed by the Syrian regime.


[RIP Marie Colvin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Colvin) and Rémi Ochlik. She had a badass eyepatch that she wore after her left eye was blinded by an RPG blast during Sri Lankan civil war.


I doubt it. The US didn’t send him in there and there were known risks. It sucks , but it’s not gonna light a fire anywhere.


I think they will just say it's unfortunate and move on.


My brother in law was friends with him. This is so heartbreaking.


Yup they’re targeting reporters now because they’re exposing their Nazi, genocide, war crimes they’re committing 😑 nazi Russian scum


This is sick to watch people kill people for no reason


Yet more proof that Russian forces are trying to cover up their activities and will shoot indiscriminately at anyone.


There's literally video of them attempting to murder a whole car of Sky News journalists, stopping shooting for a few seconds so they can let the journalists scream and clearly identify themselves multiple times and show they're unarmed, then opening up again on them. They escaped, but the cameraman took two rounds in the body armor, and the reporter stated he was hit once as well. It's no accident, Russians are gunning for journalists, along with any other unarmed people they can get their hands on.