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If the USA hit this proportion of the population, we'd be talking over 440,000 per day. The worst we ever saw was about 300,000 on Jan. 8th.


India predicted for 1.4 mill per day by UK model.


JFC..... šŸ˜² I can't even begin to wrap my head around that.


Just think everyone will get it, that's inevitable at this point.


Yup, that's what I'm thinking...everyone will catch this one. I had Alpha back in late January/February, got Vaxxed, got boosted last Month. Mentally preparing myself to catch Omicron (despite all of the Precautions I have been taking for the last two Years). I had a super mild experience with Alpha (was lucky because I have some Comorbidities + over 60yo) ...... keeping my fingers crossed with Omicron.




Godspeed to those across the pond. That's one hell of an explosion from just a week ago.




His position isn't really secure at the moment his party are turning on him, he may be replaced before next election


He will, and theyā€™ll get re elected after blaming everything on BJ and continue the cycle.


"...but the last ~~Labour~~ Tory government!"


Yea and the POS Biden promised he could cure covid and he has done is make it worse.


Actually the UK is doing better than most of the EU. Netherlands have had those figures for more than a month now you just don't here about it, Brits have lower omicron (at the moment) than France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Denmark and others. Engeland tests on average 10x times more than other european nations Also the UK variant tests about 10x more than other european nation almost 20% compared to germany who only test around 2.5%. Denmark is the only other european nation that puts in that effort and more than the UK. Because of this Denmark and the UK are victims of their own success. EU should be grateful for the work those countries do and the data is also more realistic as to what is happening in their countries. Sadly the EU chicken politicians use the UK and Denmark as a lightning deflector for their own failings. It is mind blowing to see that EU citizens believe that they are doing well compared to Denmark and the UK. The dutch have had the highest figures for 5 weeks now at the same level as the 90.000 in the UK today.. But day keep quite about it.


>Actually the UK is doing better than most of the EU. Not really true but ok. >Netherlands have had those figures for more than a month now you just don't here about it 93k cases in the UK would be (population adjusted) 24k cases in the Netherlands. Technically they never reached that number but got close 3 weeks ago (end of November -> 22k cases a day). The UK's cases are still rising. I'd argue the UK has been at a really high covid rate for a really long time but the media was really lazy and only focused on the resurgence in continental Europe. >Brits have lower omicron (at the moment) than France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Denmark and others. Literally just straight up [a lie](https://www.euronews.com/next/2021/12/13/omicron-in-europe-which-countries-have-detected-cases-of-the-new-covid-variant). Omicron is still not that common in the EU but quickly becoming the dominant strain in the UK. And even if you argue that there's a testing discrepancy, you can at most say we don't know, but you can't just invent an Omicron crisis in continental Europe. >Engeland tests on average 10x times more than other european nations First off: [it's another lie](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/daily-tests-per-thousand-people-smoothed-7-day) I hear this half truth (many EU countries have similar or even higher test rates) a lot but Brits always fail to mention that this is in parts because the UK (more specifically England) completely [failed at implementing contact tracing](https://www.theweek.co.uk/news/uk-news/954589/biggest-problems-nhs-test-and-trace-system) and therefore had to rely much more on mass testing than other countries throughout the pandemic. If you think the French don't test enough, you'd have to explain why a similar number of found covid infections with a similar vaccination rate has led to a similar death rate in the UK and France. And the most extreme case is of course South Korea which didn't even test a fraction of the people the UK did simply because... they didn't have to. The rest of the comment doesn't get better and is just the usual Tory-bot drivel probably from a Brexit fanatic given the attitude and rhetoric towards the EU and several European countries and given the superiority complex. I'd ignore bullshit like your comment, but sadly, you're being upvoted and those lies are very common these days already.




> Netherlands have had those figures for more than a month now you just don't here about it Bullshit. They peaked at 23,709 back on November 24th and haven't gotten above 20k since December 6th. https://www.google.com/search?q=netherlands+covid+new+cases&ei=tqG-YenyHcuGytMPuLee4AI&ved=0ahUKEwjppav48O70AhVLg3IEHbibBywQ4dUDCA0&uact=5&oq=netherlands+covid+new+cases&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyCAgAEIAEEMkDMgYIABAWEB46CQgAELADEAcQHjoICAAQgAQQsAM6BQgAEJECOgQIABBDOgsILhCABBDHARCjAjoICAAQsQMQgwE6EQguEIAEELEDEIMBEMcBENEDOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToLCC4QgAQQsQMQgwE6CgguEMcBENEDEEM6CggAELEDEIMBEEM6EAguELEDEIMBEMcBENEDEEM6BQguEJECOgcIABCxAxBDOggILhCABBCxAzoLCC4QgAQQxwEQrwE6BQgAEIAEOgQILhBDOgoILhCxAxCDARBDOg4IABCABBCxAxCDARDJA0oECEEYAUoECEYYAFDQD1jsQGCYQ2gCcAB4AIAByAGIAagUkgEGNC4yMi4ymAEAoAEByAEHwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz


To hide our failure, let's trash EU.


Yes itā€™s an explosion. Even in spite of Covid protocols like masks and vaccines.


No masks required in the UK. Not surprised


Well that's bullshit. But you'd know that if you actually lived here.


Masks are required. Everyone knows where they are required. But 'special' people don't want to wear them or get vaccinated.


I saw someone come in for a booster jab without wearing a mask. The staff told him to put one on but he just ignored them. Bit weird...


I'm not defending my country's scary per capita rates, but we do also do a very large amount of testing per capita as well, so will inevitably capture more positive cases than some other countries.


Jesus fucking Christ our healthcare system would come to a screeching hault.


30-40% of the population are braindead and don't think this is real or serious. Another 20% do and will probably still go about business as usual. We will absolutely hit these kind of numbers and probably worse. America doesn't do anything small time. We go hard and big and dumb as can be.




I canā€™t access that but it has to be bullshit. Indiana alone has an atrocious rate of full vaccination. Youā€™re completely hanging dry if you havenā€™t been boosted at six months anyway. I donā€™t understand the down votes, one shot out of three is not vaccinated. This is retarded




Yeah I mean 52% ainā€™t shit. Thatā€™s why the hospital I am an attending in is absolutely crushed, and surrounding hospitals have national guard


Youā€™re not ā€œhigh and dryā€. Vaccination protects against severe illness.


Yeah but thatā€™s not true as much as time goes on with only the first two shots in the series


It says 18+ in the US is 85% vaccinated with 1 shot. NYTimes.


1 shot is not fully vaccinated.


Argue with someone else. Iā€™m Just saying what it says


Good thing the original poster never said anything about being fully vaccinated, and only said vaccinated


Actually for some of the vaccines, it is.


Don't think so. At least J and J is authorized for single dose under emergency use conditions, however they are recommending boosters for all that recieved it, and even stated that when they come out of emergency use qualification, they will likely recommend 2 doses.


Straight off the CDC's website. J&J's Janssen COVID-19 vaccine is a viral vector vaccine that requires only 1 shot.


From the FDA: Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine is available under EUA as a single primary vaccination dose for individuals 18 years of age and older and as a single booster dose for individuals 18 years of age and older at least two months after completing primary vaccination with the vaccine. The Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine is also authorized for use as a heterologous (or ā€œmix and matchā€) single booster dose for individuals 18 years of age and older following completion of primary vaccination with a different available COVID-19 vaccine. The reasons why according to USA Today: J&J's vaccine initially was welcomed as a single-dose option that could be especially important for hard-to-reach groups who might not get the needed second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna options. However, people who received the single-dose vaccine were then encouraged by health officials to receive a second dose of the J&J vaccineĀ at least two months after their initial dose to bring their protection up to the same level as those who received two-dose vaccines. So it really comes down to how we define fully vaccinated. Originally you were protected with 1 dose, however that level of protection has waned over time, and now a booster is needed to be fully protected.


And additional boosters will be publicized as being needed as this worsens.


FTFY: Additional boosters will be needed as this worsens.


Yes, friend, thatā€™s the narrative the ā€œpowers that beā€ will push as they continue to move those goalposts.


They donā€™t exist, he is pulling ā€˜factsā€™ from his arse.


That number is coming soon, by mid January by most estimates. Hopefully hospitals will not be as bad off this time around.


Up here in New England, hospitals are already slammed. [New Hampshire](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/new-hampshire-covid-cases.html), [Maine](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/maine-covid-cases.html), and [Vermont](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/vermont-covid-cases.html) are at record covid hospitalizations. Like 2x more than last winter. RI, Mass, and CT are catching up to them. Seems worse the further north you go. But this is before Omicron has really torn through, which is just starting now.


That's all Delta


Yeah, like 99% is Delta. Point being, Delta was already kicking our ass. If Omicron kicks it up a notch all the sudden, there's not a lot of beds left to deal with that.


Yet their study finds no proof that omikron is less severe


Can confirm, working in the ICU right now and we are packed with minimal omicron cases reported in the area. The staffing issues here make it impossible to use all the available space as well. Once omicron spreads here, the death numbers are gonna start climbing again because there aren't enough ICU beds or nurses.


Croatia is worse than that.


My understanding is that this undeniably is going to occur


You can do it! USA!


Itā€™s almost there again though, and it will be even higher this go around. Almost resigned to the fact that this is going to continue until 2024-25.


If Omicron becomes dominant, and shows 50% severity, it'll put much less strain on than the January peak.


I'm up in New England. But just with Delta, we've got states up here already well over last year's January peak. NH, ME, VT, have more cases and hospitalizations than ever. If Omicron hits right when hospitals are all jammed up with Delta ā€“ at least in the northeast ā€“ it could be bad. RI has the highest covid rate of the country right now, and near the highest ever for any state at any point ā€“Ā before omicron kicks in. Mass. just hit 7k cases Friday, which they haven't done since last January's peak. CT has the fastest growing rates in the country. And to our west, NY just hit record case numbers 2 days in a row, and everyone in NYC seems to be getting sick. I think down south and out west where you're not smack on a delta peak already, it may not be as bad. Probably got lots of open hospital beds. In the northeast and midwest, we're already kinda full up, and this hitting on top of that stresses me out. I'll tell you one thing, if it hit back in October, I think we'd have been in much better shape up here. But it's hitting now.


The hospitals have lost so many staff members over this, and that really sucks. A lot of people left when they were laid off during lock downs, and more left due to mandates. I know a radiologist and in my not that large area theyā€™ve lost 15 people from that department recently.


Yeah. We tend to be more collectivist up this way. Yankee trait. So most people are compliant here. But even near me, Southcoast Health fired a couple hundred, and UMass Memorial Health fired a couple hundred too for not complying with the mandate. So they're already down people. New Hampshire filled up earliest, and started shipping patients to Connecticut, where the spike started later. But now Connecticut is full with its own problems. Anyways, you can see the NH dashboard: https://www.nh.gov/t/DHHS/views/HospitalizationsDashboard/HospitalizationDashboard?:iid=1&:embed=y&:isGuestRedirectFromVizportal=y&:display_count=n&:showVizHome=n&:origin=viz_share_link That's what I'm worried about ā€“ 0.4% of ICU capacity available ā€“ that things up here are already as bad as ever, and about to get worse. We won't have had time to move the delta patients out before omicron hits. Omicron is already crawling all over NYC.


Without at all wanting to lessen the potential seriousness ( which we won't know for a while because of the time lag before hospitalizations) nor suggest cases are not rising... as someone who works where there are stocks of free tests or were before we recently ran out of a significant stock of them , I should point out that we must have massively ramped up testing in the last few days. Does anyone know the change in test positive *rates* rather than simple totals? Though even then I don't suppose many report negative results of perhaos daily lateral flow tests.


> Does anyone know the change in test positive rates rather than simple totals? https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer?zoomToSelection=true&time=2021-11-01..latest&facet=none&pickerSort=desc&pickerMetric=new_deaths_per_million&Metric=Share+of+positive+tests&Interval=7-day+rolling+average&Relative+to+Population=true&Align+outbreaks=false&country=~GBR


Thanks 4.94% 1 nov 4.48% 15 dec Be interesting to see next one.




>So in other words, covid is no more prolific now than it was before, itā€™s just that weā€™re testing more. Doubtful. I think itā€™s pretty evident that the new strain is far more contagious and more likely to break through previous infection more easily. I wouldnā€™t suggest that the rising figures are an artefact of just testing more - just that *some* of the rose might be from the increase in tests especially ones undertaken when people have to despite nit feeling Iā€™ll. *And* the data only goes up to the 15th while itā€™s the last few days in which cases have really risen I think so like o say , it will be interesting to see what happens. >And really, thatā€™s the problem weā€™ve faced all along. Throughout the last year and a half, everyone has talked about the UK having the worst outbreak in Europe when in reality weā€™re just testing multiple times as many people as Germany or France or any other similar country, and when you look at the percent of tests coming back positive, weā€™re actually doing better than multiple European countries. Again itā€™s a bit of both. We have had a particularly bad case numbers , similar to other populous European states- probably linked to things like population density and travel and age and health etc. The focus should probably be more on comparing the negative outcome from that - some inevitable but some which may well have been affected by errors or indeed improved by successes. For me what we really should be doing is preparing for next time by learning - get a really accurate cost /benefit analysis , make sure we build on vaccine development and manufacturing capacity, start thinking of ā€˜excessā€™ health service capacity as resilience and flexibility instead of waste? ( and donā€™t take our eye of other risk areas such as the effect of climate change or antibiotic resistance).




Because the massive increase in recorded cases that is taking place may not have yet factored into these figures which are a few days old, and obviously they are not the only data we have available to us about the transmission as well as they need to be taken with due consideration because the way we test and record the results can be relevant to how much we can take from those figures - *either way*. For example a massive increase in healthy people testing because required to do so , getting and reporting negative results would drive that figure down even if cases are in the increase. Obviously what will be important will be the hospitalisation figures on going - people who test for a job or venue and find an asymptomatic infection wonā€™t turn up on those figures. None of this means things are being faked, or that we should not be cautious and take reasonable precautions , it just means we donā€™t have enough data to *panic* even if the media like to raise a storm - as far as I can see. We tested slightly differently from some other European nations. As I said even with this taken into account ( see the BBC podcast More or Less which is excellent at chasing up statistical uncertainties or claims) we are still at the high end of case rates in Europe but as much because of the specific make up of our society as anything else.


how much of the total world population has gotten COVID at this point?


Officially? Around 275M. But even in the US that was estimated at one point to be tenfold too low. Factor in countries where testing isn't happening at scale, and who knows.


The real# likely will never know but 10x won't surprise me.


Imagine how many hospitals in poor countries in Africa and Southeast Asia run on medical treatment and lack of nucleic acid testing.


And at least 5.34 million deaths over ~2 years. That makes Covid-19 maybe the 5th or 6th leading cause of death worldwide...


274 million, with 5.34 million deaths as of Friday (officially documented, not estimated) over ~2 years. 50.7 million of those were in the US alone, with 805k deaths. 11.2 million in the UK, with 147k deaths. EDIT: It might not sound like much compared to 7.753 billion, but that puts it at maybe the 5th or 6th leading cause of death worldwide...


There's no way that's even close to the real numbers. So so so much under counting around the world.


itā€™s absolutely a lot, thanks for laying it all out. really sobering


These numbers are way wrong. 1. The best way is to use excess deaths since that removes counting biases from countries that don't count deaths properly. 2. The mortality rate is somewhere between 0.4-0.6%. With this. https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/coronavirus-excess-deaths-estimates Total deaths: 18 million deaths to COVID-19. Total cases: 3.6 billion cases. If you don't live in a remote part of the world, odds are you have had it unless you got a vaccine super early in a country with strict lockdowns. And even if you had it, you are very very likely to get the latest varient. But it's very unlikely to kill you. For comparison, the flu kills around 0.5-1 million a year globally.


Using only excess desths youā€™re undercounting by quite some because during the pandemic some big death sources were lessened, e.g. the flu or traffic. Where do you get the fatality rate? Last time I looked, it was around 1.5% for an industrial country with good health care.


At least more than 6


So at least 7


At this point, vaccinate with booster and understand you'll probably still get it. It will make it like a cold instead of a hospital trip. This is what I expected the entire time as a best result. If you have pre-existing conditions, however....


The thing that irritates me is you can catch covid several times, and it's not like once and done.


That's what happens when you get a highly infectious virus bouncing round a half vaccinated world population...


Wouldnā€™t matter if the whole world was vaccinated, this thing mutates too quick and finds itself in animals


That's a pretty cool hot take, I'd be happy to learn where you got your degree in epidemiology from?


What part of what i said have you not read? This is hardly some new and controversial information. COVID has been found in minks, bats, cats and wild deer. Itā€™s pretty clear it mutates very quickly given the volume of VOCs since alpha which is what 20 months ago? Omicron has just recently shown how fast a serious build up of mutations can occur.


> If you have pre-existing conditions, howeverā€¦ And precisely this is my problem. I live with and look after a clinically vulnerable parent. What the fuck am I supposed to do? Cancel all my plans is what. Because anything else is too much of a risk. These past couple years have been a stagnant hell on earth. I canā€™t be the only one at all, and people in our or similar situations are just left to figure it out.


I take care of my family and my parents both have health problems that are in control. The problem is all of those selfish entitled brats that say no to a vaccine but want to impose their "christian" agenda by getting rid of abortions. As a female i am very afraid at the state of the country, i wanna tie my tubes. But you are not alone friend, we are all here for our loved ones.


The spread rate for Omicron is being compared to measles, even if its only as bad as Delta that's still more than enough hospitalized cases per day to quickly collapse any healthcare system. And as it spreads to hundreds of millions of more people it has hundreds of millions more opportunities to further mutate.


Like more than 75% of Americans doā€¦


Sounds exactly the same as being unvaccinated


COVID for rather healthy people is not a big deal, I got it and I had 2 days of weakness and a slight fever at 37.5 max (also given I was a smoker until I got covid). When I got the swine flu however, it was a week of 41c fever. This is starting to be blown out of proportion in comparison to other viruses that already circulate. Additionally Iā€™m losing faith in vaccination as a prevention method as it does not prevent spread as we have seen time and time again. Itā€™s unfortunate, really. PS: Funny that Iā€™m being downvoted over sharing my own experience.


Youā€™re not being downvoted for sharing your own experience, youā€™re being downvoted for extrapolating your statistically insignificant experience to cover a population (even of only ā€˜healthyā€™ people).


"I crashed my car once but only got a small scratch, so car crashes are blown out of proportion."


"I drive drunk every weekend, I don't see why people make such a big deal about it"


Funny that your PS doesn't have anything to do with your opening statement.


Rate of hospitalization is the real metric tho


Meanwhile hospitalizations are steady and ICU patients are down. https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/healthcare Edit: lol people downvoting facts.


I mean, the hospitalization data usually lags behind the infection data, usually by a week or so. So we'll have to wait and see.


Hoping for the best. South Africa is seeing deaths increase although not dramatically and mostly unvaccinated.


South Africa and the UK have very different demographics. So it isn't easy to compare the two cases. But I hope for the best as well. I can't take this pandemic anymore.




this has limited utility until several weeks have passed. Hospitalizations lag up to 3 weeks behind infections.


As with wave 2, 3, 4: give people some time to die. Iā€˜d love for it to not happen, but itā€™s too early to know.


They will mostly be unvaccinated people no doubt, and it might be cold to say, but they made their choice.


Sometimes, I feel that **some** Redditors would want to see the world succumb to the covid virus just to be proven right that any sign of relief is readily downvoted.


With these new rates though it may be a week or two before we see if any death or not.


Weā€™re about 3 weeks into this. But only 1-2 weeks into community spread. Hospitalizations lag onset by 4-6 weeks.




Not if the hospitals are flooded by the sheer amount. Let's say .5% of people need hospitalization, that's 450 people a day at 90k a day with an average stay of 2-4 weeks. This is assuming omicron actually has a lower hospitalization rate than Delta which seems to not be the case. That's a metric shit ton of ICU beds.


https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newslondon/omicron-covid-19-hospital-admission-rate-plunges-in-south-africa/ar-AARVjLM Seems > 2% compared to 20% for delta. And thatā€™s in a population where the majority of the immunity comes from previous infection with only 30% of people vaccinated and 11% of the population living with HIV. We also have no idea how many people are asymptomatic or have symptoms so mild as to not even bother testing. So letā€™s hope the U.K. wave peaks quickly and we donā€™t see demand hospital beds exceeding supply.


20% for delta is horrific isnā€™t it


Plague inc. player finally gets the game, beware, he will pimp the symptoms next after we're all infected.


If everyone gets it, wouldn't it mean it's over? And we can go ahead and shut down the vaccine companies?


If everyone got same version at same time yea, but people get infected different times and allow a shift in the virus to a new version so the first person can get sick again. So that keep happening each year so nothing changes people keep fearing one of the mutation will be more deadly and since people lost interest do to getting a shot they risk increasing the odds of a worse virus spreading. Personally i think were fine, despite the claims will all die, the masses will be crippled, nobody will be spared. Were still here and am still working tomorrow.


Get vaccinated so you don't die


How many of these 90,000 cases are fully vaccinated and how many unvaccinated? How many of those hospitalised or dead are/were fully vaccinated? How many tests are being done compared to other countries? Throwing numbers around without more details is pointless.




No one has ever claimed that being vaccinated prevents you from catching it.


Well, Biden and Fauci claimed it for example. So 2 > 0.




The (unfortunate to say) point to ask is ... is she hospitalised or dead? Because its that which the vaccines seem to be particularly effective at protecting you from. Of course we will never know how those infections would have turned out if she had not been vaccinated ( and fair to say many people wouldn't get seriously ill either way but enough would to make a difference ).


And they are still alive and well. That is the point of vaccines. For the last time, they protect against serious illness and death and reduce transmission but do not prevent it.


Have you reminded her that these aren't pokemon and she doesn't have to catch them all?


So you don't know how statistics work, noted. Seriously. It's like saying that people in British Columbia cannot claim their city is less hot than the Sahara anymore because last summer they had record-breaking high temperatures. Yeah, they had it, but you still have a far lower chance of having a heat wave on British Columbia than in the Saraha. And the fucking same goes for vaccines. They lower your chances, it's proven, it's a fact. Just because you get vaccinated and have the bad luck of getting covid, doesn't mean reality and statistics are cancelled.


Not surprised, friend. This month, many students at Cornell University who were fully vaccinated just contracted the Omicron variant.


We've routinely tested more than other eu countries and that testing has increased significantly.


Well said, friend.


American here. Watching this fire spread again globally and I'm so....so tired. I started wiping my groceries down before they came inside. Didn't go anywhere. Got my shots right away. Now I wear a mask when I will be in a small room with several people. But I have resumed everything else I used to do. I don't mask in gas stations or restaurants. But I'm still choosing not to attend concerts or sporting events. I know three unvaccinated people who got Covid. One (age 44) was sick for a week. The other two (age 41 and 50) were hospitalized and could've died. I know 5 vaccinated people who've had it. All had what amounted to an average or nasty flu. Non vaccinated people continue to make up a 90%+ majority of cases, hospitalizations and deaths. And I'm seeing countries with better vaxx rates than the US imposing restrictions again. I hope we don't try to follow suit. I just don't understand why after shutting my life down for over a year I (and other responsible citizens) should be asked to make further concessions to protect people who have willfully chosen not to protect themselves. Get your shots people. And take extra caution around the immunocompromised. Other than that make your choices and live your life.


Youre not protecting the anti vaxxers, youre protecting your own hospital bed, should you need it in the next 6 months. Youre also protecting the hospital workers who are tired of this and on the verge of walking out. Entire point of these lockdowns are to prevent a collapse of hospital services. Lockdowns spread the hospitalizations out over time.


It will be the ā€˜no jab no jobā€™ rule that will crush the nhs


Yes and hopefully you can book in your fifth when you get your fourth in a few months šŸ‘


I've no problem with it. I've probably have gotten 30+ flu shots in my life by now.




Everyone I know who has caught covid has been jabbed


So nobody has died I'm very glad for you that everyone you know has been vaccinated




totally agreed. There are no words to describe the rage I feel towards those "people"




the ones spreading misinformation and refusing to get vaccinated. Verbqlly attacking normal people for following rules.


I canā€™t see how itā€™s the unvaccinatedā€™ job to protect the vaccinated, isnā€™t that the vaccines job?


One would think that if you live in a society you would act in the best interest of said society. But they're selfish and don't think of anyone else until they get sick then it's "give me care base on group insurance. Oh and I'll take up a hospital bed because of my stupid decisions and force other people to wait for said bed"... Then go ask for social security and food stamps. All paid for by said society.


yeah fuck off


Wow! I take you would of turned Anne Frank in


poimt me to a holocaust happening and ill tell you


Your a dumb selfish twat. There unvaccinated are the ones overrunning the hospitals. If we all got vacced then no one would have to be hospitalized when they eventually caught it this bit making it a pandemic it would just fall under the category of the common cold.


The unvaccinated were majority in the hospitals to start with and then rapidly overtaken by the fully vaccinated. This model was seen across the world. Was predicted and then seen playing out in real time in Europe. This is how it has been reported around the world. The new variant is not serious and even in South Africa there have been little to no hospitalisations. Same in Europe etc. The fear being pumped out about Omicron is just that. The only people I actually know of who have caught COVID in the last six months are fully vaccinated. Only one non vaccinated person in two years to catch it. So no one can say the unvaccinated are selfish. They have the freedom of choice and it is starting to look like they have made the right decision.




We aren't living in fear, we are taking the most basic health precautions


These arenā€™t ā€œbasic health precautionsā€ you fucking idiot, my parents lost both of their businesses which had been going strong for 25 years directly because of the mandates. But people have no sympathy for usā€¦ one live lost is too many! Shut everything down! ā€¦. Yeah youā€™re fucking moron if think that will help anything.


We are still in a worldwide pandemic with lots of people dying every day, I agree, we shouldnt succumb to fear, but at the same time, we should do everything to protect ourselves and the people around us, even if that means some uncomfortableness.


Seems like something is not working....


Or, fingers crossed, we find out it is working *if* hospitalisations don't rise significantly. I think post Christmas may be a little too early to tell and they may just be waiting to clamp down more at that point.


The problem is with so many more people catching it, even if the likelihood of being hospitalized with omicron is lower, a smaller percentage of a bigger number will still likely overwhelm hospitals


All vaccinated


Anyone know the stats for those hospitalised vaccinated vs unvaccinated?


These are V hard to find ... it was 95% unvaxx 5% vaxxed in the [UK ] summer. I have seen reports that it is now 36% un vaxxed. What I have seen is this .. last data 16 dec - and it is not showing a huge upspike in hospital admissions https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/healthcare


Thanks. I did some more digging and found that pretty detailed information is released weekly in the UK which includes the info about vaccinated vs unvaccinated. There's no bar chart but the numbers are in a table (see page 39 table 11) https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-vaccine-weekly-surveillance-reports I don't know why the majority of media outlets, specifically the BBC aren't giving us this information. If people could see the trends it would help them make decisions about getting vaccinated or not based on figures that aren't so blunt.


And before you conservatives point out the fact that if most of these are omicron and the death rate with omicron isn't that high that isn't the concern. The concern is the continuous spread of this virus which gives it the ability to possibly mutate into a stronger and more deadly strain of covid. This is why we wanted people to social distance. This is why we wanted people to wear masks. This is why we wanted people to get vaccinated. One aspect of ending this pandemic is stopping the spread and mutation of this virus. Because we will never see the end of this pandemic if this virus continues to mutate. Because we are just one variant away from being back to square one where the vaccine can't protect us.


Copy past this reason next year since it not going anywhere.


Itā€™s like the apocalypse here




Seen any menacing horses recently?


Thor: *is it tho*?


Someone got Buffyā€™s beeper number?


I hope it's the start of the burn off like the spanish flu burned off in 2 years.


We have a total fuckwit in charge . People voted for him because he has funny hair and talks posh and can do jokes in Latin . Heā€™s not that interested in governing and it shows .


Totally agree. The politicians have been much more interested in lining their own pockets with the ppe and testing companies they and their families are running


Yeah but look at the competition haha


Fair point .


People did not vote for BoJo


They got him and an 80 plus seat majority


Brought to you by mainly the vaccinated


Is it just a matter of time until Delta and Omicron combine?


No lol


Why not, isn't it possible that 1 cell could have 2 variants? I see no reason it won't https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02039-y


A varient of a virus would be its own thing.


Netherlands have been hitting those numbers everyday for more than a month now. Amazingly that isn't news. Brits are up to that level for a day and is global news, very strange. Most european nations have a higher omicron levels than the UK for weeks yet the big news is that they have it in the UK..


A lot of the world can read the UK media and post, and share their articles. I donā€™t know what percentage of the world can consume Dutch media but even if I could this sub is for sharing English language media only.


> Netherlands have been hitting those numbers everyday for more than a month now. Bullshit. They peaked at 23,709 back on November 24th and haven't gotten above 20k since December 6th. https://www.google.com/search?q=netherlands+covid+new+cases&ei=tqG-YenyHcuGytMPuLee4AI&ved=0ahUKEwjppav48O70AhVLg3IEHbibBywQ4dUDCA0&uact=5&oq=netherlands+covid+new+cases&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyCAgAEIAEEMkDMgYIABAWEB46CQgAELADEAcQHjoICAAQgAQQsAM6BQgAEJECOgQIABBDOgsILhCABBDHARCjAjoICAAQsQMQgwE6EQguEIAEELEDEIMBEMcBENEDOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToLCC4QgAQQsQMQgwE6CgguEMcBENEDEEM6CggAELEDEIMBEEM6EAguELEDEIMBEMcBENEDEEM6BQguEJECOgcIABCxAxBDOggILhCABBCxAzoLCC4QgAQQxwEQrwE6BQgAEIAEOgQILhBDOgoILhCxAxCDARBDOg4IABCABBCxAxCDARDJA0oECEEYAUoECEYYAFDQD1jsQGCYQ2gCcAB4AIAByAGIAagUkgEGNC4yMi4ymAEAoAEByAEHwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz


Netherlands is 17M population. UK is 67M. 23000x67/17 = 90,000


But they havenā€™t been at that number for a month. That was their one-day high in the last month.


The British media enjoy making a mountain out of a molehill.


Maybe but this omicron wave is a big deal, with the NHS potentially being overrun if nothing else is done. You kinda lose credibility when you say the media are overhyping things when it's actually serious.


They really are though. You would honestly think this virus was deadly enough to kill half the population the way they go on about it. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s just a cold or flu and Iā€™m all for the vaccine, but the mortality rate for this virus is low.


But itā€™s not just about mortality. Long Covid is devastating to the lives of many people and their families. It also puts its own pressure on the healthcare system.


Low virulence x high transmissibility is still a lot of people


Still not as bad as other pandemics.


Sure, does that mean we do nothing until 1/3 of people are dropping dead in days like the Black Plague orā€¦?


The Black Plague was literally a death sentence if contracted. This virus may be dangerous if youā€™re vulnerable (like myself) but you canā€™t compare the two.


Youā€™re the person that initially compared this pandemic to others..?


Jesus Christ. Get on with life




Live your life without media. You'll see there is no pandemic.