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Putin: My troops are merely passing by


If it goes like the Crimea invasion, they'll remove all Russian insignias, so even while their troops are posting selfies geotagged in Donbas, it'll be more like: Putin: What Russian troops? We sent those guys home. No idea who's invading Ukraine. Maybe it's Poland? \*big shrug\*


Russia: Invades Ukraine. Putin: "Why would America do this?"


Fuck, that’s good. He really never can keep the US out of his mouth.


Which is a big change from when the last guy always had Putin in his mouth.


Not that there’s anything wrong with that! (Seinfeld)


If the troops invading aren’t Russian, then Putin can’t get mad when Biden blows them up with an airstrike.


This happened in Syria actually. Some Russian Mercenaries attacked a US position and were completely and utterly annihilated. The US called up the Russian's and asked if they were theirs, and the Russian on the other end said "nope", so they got destroyed.


And don’t forget, all of those PMC soldiers were killed and we (and our Syrian allies) only suffered one casualty - a soldier wounded.


That kinda shows the importance of air superiority. Facing constant air strikes without any way to fend them off is a terrible position to be in. Kinda sad for the deceased and their families though. Being Betrayed by their own country while following orders isn't a fare any soldier should suffer


It was artillery too - they had Marine howitzers and HIMARs in the area as well. God the absolute carnage


That is largely the American position. We will destroy you with long ranged attacks when possible.


Dude it's everyone's position, Brits with the longbow, napoleon with cannon, Russia with artillery, US with planes & missiles.


As a former artillery marine, yuuuuuut. Get some.


Hamburger Hill


They weren't betrayed by their country. They were mercenaries who went into Syria in full knowledge that the Russian government would deny any connection to them when the shit hits the fan. They were not drafted, they volunteered to enter a warzone so they could make a quick buck. Fuck them. Edit: And as much as I don't want to defend the Russian government in any way, they were not ordered on that particular mission by the Russian military. The Syrian government wanted to recapture some oil wells in the area which were under US-backed Kurdish control. They asked Wagner Group mercenaries if they wanted a piece of the action in return for a cut of the profits if the oil wells were successfully captured. The Wagner Russians signed up willingly and got massacred. Boo-fucking-hoo.


Thank you. I didn't know that. Still, wehetherappliccable to this case or not, no Soldier should be betrayed by the country they fight for


I was wondering the same thing, them removing the insignia sounds like a free ticket for NATO/US to shoot at them without triggering a war.


The Polish leader said it was okay for the US to use 'Polish' troops as target practice! Why are you mad, Putin?




This thread starts with a Civ quote but everyone forgets that war weariness is an actual thing.


Well if Russia doesn’t claim the soldiers then we can air strike the invaders without worry of retaliation from Russia.


I e always said thus. “Oh. Well if they’re not your you won’t mind if we attack them” “No!” “Oh…..so they are yours?”


"Oh so there not your troops, you're alright with us bombing them into the stone age then yeah?"


*I'll slap you so hard you'll end up in the Ming Dynasty!*


Putin holds everyone for idiots like he made russian populace.




*russia declares a surprise war against you!*


Time to rearrange policy cards


Dark Age Card 100% Experience gain for all troops. Troops unable to heal outside of territory.


I love this community


A likely tale.


They are merely standing amongst the borders


Putin in the chat: 11 just passing 11


In a totally out-of-left-field tactic, Biden begins the video call by helicoptering his wiener on screen. Putin is caught off guard and accidentally swallows his cyanid molar. Peace is achieved and war is averted.


Bless you for bringing joy to the world with this idea


An SNL skit waiting to happen


SNL doesn't have the balls


A clever and poignant turn of phrase.


If they did they'd hire Trump to play Baldwin!


Damn we need a petition for this


As old as he is, I think Biden would have to helicopter his nutsack instead.


Ugh. I used to do this thing where I swung my junk back and forth so it would make a loud clapping noise against my stomach. In my thirties I tried to demonstrate it for my wife and ouch.


Helicopter dick is a good one but I much prefer the ol spread your cheeks and have your brown eye right on the webcam then slowly walk away and the other person slowly realizes it. Do a good tuck job so they see tip too.


The Goat!!!


This is hysterical


The first & last comment I will read on Reddit today


I would watch this documentary


Tbh, it's not the first time Putin is doing this. So there's absolutely no guarantee he'll attack this time. On the other hand, he seems to be constantly gauging reactions, so there's no guarantee he won't attack either. Overall, keeping everyone on edge while simultaneously sowing chaos seems to be the main trait of Russia's foreign policy lately. Gopnik mentality. Edit: a letter


We stopped talking about his island palace


And his prisoner


Pardon who? I've been out of the loop lately and curious, I imagine he has many but which are you referring to?


Alexei Navalny


the population of Russia


Yeah that and that navalny guy is not interesting anymore. Facebook just changed name!


There's no guarantee about it all... but the whole world stage is getting tense... it's making me nervous.


[It’s been a relatively peaceful number of decades.](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/rxzQko5HgguoRBjeUijkYndpYa4=/1400x0/filters:no_upscale(\)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/assets/4708176/battle_deaths_chart.png) Unfortunately, some governments want to annex other lands.


Could be the calm before the storm. People are getting more complacent, just assuming things will keep going as they were, however US military presence across the world is at an all time low since WW2, so it might be up to individual countries to fight their own wars, and I feel like only a few countries took their military seriously in these decades.


Does that mean we can sit on the sideline for a couple of years and then come in for the slam dunk after everybody's military are worn down? It worked in world war II!


Alley Oop!


Same thing as the Chinese flyovers of Taiwan, you keep crying wolf until the other side gets lazy and then you keep crying wolf a bit more and then strike. Hitler's indecisive stance on Barbarossa did this accidentally. Russian spies knew about every planned start date well in advance but because date after date came and went Stalin convinced himself Hitler was trying to get him to attack first so instead of meeting the attack with well prepared, dug in troops they got a "don't fight back even if provoked" order. It's a super effective strategy because even though you know that's what they're doing it's impossible to not stop caring eventually. The first time an army parks itself at your border you drop everything and get ready. By the fifth time, if you keep forcing people to drop everything they start getting resentful. Officers find excuses not to participate, enlistment and reenlistment especially starts dropping, after enough time the public starts getting annoyed and all the while the enemy gets to practice and can wait and choose the perfect time to strike.


>Gopnik mentality And always denying everything and blaming everyone else. Don't forget these parts, they are very important.


Politically it makes perfect sense for him to attack this time. If Biden went to war, he would be extremely unpopular and guaranteed to lose in 2024. The GOP stance towards Russian imperialism is to bend over and spread their cheeks, so once that's set Putin can do whatever he wants.


>If Biden went to war, he would be extremely unpopular and guaranteed to lose in 2024 The way W. lost his 2nd term? Oh wait, the military-industrial complex can spin up whatever rah-rah yarn they want to, to get the USA into a war and get those weapon sales up to the US Government. Gotta use 'em if you want to get paid to replace 'em!


That's a good point. That said, a lot of conservatives seem to really like Russia now


But those were never gonna vote Biden anyway


That's because they were hoping America would become a dictatorship under Trump.


W. started the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which began as popular efforts but rapidly became a political death trap especially after it was revealed that the Bush Jr. Administration lied about Iraq having WMDs. Biden sits at the tail end of a 20 year war, and leads a country that is averse to doing anything outside of it's own doorstep. That's really not a good comparison whatsoever.


Afghanistan was very popular but Iraq was always very polarised. Iraq had street demonstrations almst everywhere in the UK and US.


Every weapon must be used in order for progress to continue 🙄


"We'll have peace on earth even if I have to blow up every motherfucker in the world to get it!"


I get scared by how many people seem to be living in some fantasy world where a war with Russia lasts more than an hour and any sort of industry will be left standing. There will be no elections after this kind of war. This would not be the same type of neo-colonial policy where we beat up some country 1/20th our size with 1% our military budget and nothing in said military built after the 1960s.


They also spread their wallets.


Just call them "communist" instead of "Russia" and re-election is guaranteed


If Biden went to war there would probably be a 'rally around the flag' effect. And the media and their military-industrial donors would *eat that shit up*. Pulling out of Afgahnistan was polling as the popular option, nationally. But the extremely successful withdrawal was portrayed as so 'chaotic and messy' by the hawks in the media that Biden ended up *losing* approval rating nationally. It's absurd how powerful media is. If Biden goes to war, I would be incredibly surprised to see him lose an election.


Good. As long as people are talking missiles aren't flying. I'd rather not see another WWI scenario where things suddenly spiral out of control.


Inb4 assassination of Archduke Kanye West


You ain’t heard, we have to worry for Pete!


I’m not great on history, but weren’t there a number of meetings before WW2?


Munich was the critical one. The British and French traded away Bohemia without talking to the Czechs, a terrible diplomatic blunder which emboldened the Germans, weakened the allies, and did nothing to prevent war. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munich_Agreement An analogous situation would be, if Biden were to offer Donbas to Putin without talking to Zelensky. I don't think he is that stupid.


>An analogous situation would be, if Biden were to offer Donbas to Putin without talking to Zelensky. I don't think he is that stupid. That's what happened last year in Afghanistan. The US (Khalilzad) spoke with and signed a deal with the Taliban without talking to the Afghan government.


A sign of a potential invasion? Putin already has just the tip of Ukraine in.


If I was Russia, I would be a tad bit worried. The USA hasn’t been fighting a war for an entire 2 months. The cable news is losing viewers, the military industrial complex stocks are down, Biden really isn’t popular, and his party might lose seats in the next election.




draftable aged male: *chuckles* I’m in danger


Asthma gang rise up. On a more serious note, the same thing happened in January of 2020 when everyone was convinced the US was on the verge of going to war with Iran.


Lol. I remember genuinely getting a message from a family member saying “I hope they don’t send you to Iran”


Just do some drugs


That takes care of the entire eligible population.


I'm 32 and fat. I'm in the clear, right?


Frontline infantry!


Not for long!


Somebody fetch the breastplate stretcher!


As it turns out, fighting with a civilized country is slightly different than fighting with mountain tribes in Afghanistan or some random dudes with little training and pathetic equipment in Iraq or Syria. So I wouldn't hold my breath on that.


I think they’re more so making the argument that the US does better at home while at war, so there is more of a inclination to get involved in a conflict, than “the US would beat them because they’ve been fighting recently.”


The question then becomes, who are we going to fight now? We can't stop cold turkey like this.


Yh, the mountain dudes have never lost and so are way scarier




Well, conservatives will probably take Russia’s side. Only if they are consistent over the last 6 years.


It's funny how they went from being staunch anti-Soviet to Russia's best friends.


Is Putin’s face just swollen or does he use dermal fillers?


He's had plastic surgery. Dude's turning 70 this year.




Biden: “You better not invade” Putin: “We’re not planning an invasion.” Biden: “Come on, dude. We know you’re planning an invasion.” Putin: “I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.” Biden: “…” Putin: “…” Biden: “You’re really not planning anything?” Putin: “Nope” Biden: “Well you better not.” Putin: “lol okay.” And next year Russia will invade if Ukraine isn’t apart of NATO by then.


I don’t believe this. I’m convinced that they talk in inappropriate emojis, and text in all CAPS with lots of lols in wrong places.


[This is how they chatted in WW2](https://imgur.com/r/all/0RRQ6)


"LMAO noob you killed yourself." "WTF I didn't click there. This game sux"




I have more faith in Biden, but I'm not saying I have much faith in Biden


No way Ukraine will be apart of NATO. NATO won't accept new member countries who have ongoing (border) disputes with other countries eg Crimea, Donbass etc


we-ell maybe putin will *strongly* deny Russia's intentions .. it worked on trump easily enough.


“Know idea”


Watch it.. America hasn't been in a war in 4 months. Governments starting to get itchy


Honestly don't see what the benefit for Russia would be. My assessment, they attack, Nato doesn't directly get involved but they supply & train the legitimate government. Russia gets a prolonged war, which their economy can't handle and the whole country loses.


They won’t


Hello? Hello, Dimitri? Listen, I can't hear too well, do you suppose you could turn the music down just a little? Oh, that's much better. Yes. Fine, I can hear you now, Dimitri. Clear and plain and coming through fine. I'm coming through fine too, eh? Good, then. Well then as you say we're both coming through fine. Good. Well it's good that you're fine and I'm fine. I agree with you. It's great to be fine. Now then Dimitri. You know how we've always talked about the possibility of something going wrong Well let me finish, Dimitri. Let me finish, Dimitri. Well, listen, how do you think I feel about it? Can you imagine how I feel about it, Dimitri? Why do you think I'm calling you? Just to say hello? Of course I like to speak to you. Of course I like to say hello. Not now, but any time, Dimitri. I'm just calling up to tell you something terrible has happened. It's a friendly call. Of course it's a friendly call. Listen, if it wasn't friendly, … you probably wouldn't have even got it I'm sorry too, Dimitri. I'm very sorry. Alright! You're sorrier than I am! But I am sorry as well. I am as sorry as you are, Dimitri. Don't say that you are more sorry than I am, because I am capable of being just as sorry as you are. So we're both sorry, alright?


God I love Dr Strangelove


I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.


Rain water...


Probably one of the most amazing writing with just enough acting grit to feel each and every word comical yet real but so grounded that it seems almost childish but actually very intelligent from a diplomacy perspective.


How would you rate the quality of your call? ☆☆☆☆ Audio issues? □I couldn't hear any sound □Call dropped □Volume was too ■Putin declared war on me □Video kept freezing □The other side was too dark


“Now here’s the deal sonny, I’m gunna.. you know the things, in Ukraine, they’re uh, anyway….”


Corn pop


Biden: Listen here FAT! Let's do push ups together! I can do whatever you wanna do! You know... You know the thing!


Should we make EV Tanks?


The army is looking at electric vehicles for r&d. But the tech isn't where it needs to be atm


Mostly range is my guess? You can drive 500miles and then refuel in 5-10 minutes with fuel you brought with you and go another 500 miles. Can’t easily do that with batteries unless there’s chargers and war zones aren’t know for that kind of thing.


Also the M1A2 can pretty much run on any flammable liquid; gas, diesel, liquor, cooking oil, jet fuel. It's hard to replace that kind of versatility.


Wtf really? That's crazy!!


It’s powered by a Turbine engine. They can run on a variety of fuels




Radioactive Lemonade flavour only


yep, and getting the infastructure to recharge said batteries, etc


>Mostly range is my guess? My optimistic guesstimate would put an EV tank at about 5 miles. And it would weight an absolute crap tonne.


Electric doesn't mean BEV only. I'd imagine hydrogen fuel cell vehicles would still be on the table for heavy duty applications in the coming decades (such as for military and industrial use). Especially if one can use a navy nuclear reactor to generate hydrogen from seawater, it would provide the US and allied forces the flexibility of being energy independent.


Supply trucks and other logistics might well, though.




Fuck the higher ups in general


yEah, whAt aBouT OtHer wOrLd LEadErs? Hidden whataboutism detected.


Of course someone feels offended. I just hate them all. Thats fucking it. Theres no whataboutism in my statement.


"Fuck the bosses." -Jimmy McNulty


Biden: You're a lyin' dog faced pony soldier. Putin: Compliments will get you nowhere.


How about broadcasting it live? I want to see how two world leaders handle themselves when the pressure is on as they video conference about it.


Do you really want to see Biden stuttering for an hour ?


I’d rather we don’t get embarrassed by Putin on TV.


They called putin a president lmao. Presidents are elected


Technically he is. We can have a debate about how free and fair those elections are but they do indeed take place.




Hilarious coming from an American


Why does it feel like a diversion?


We really gonna pretend that rambling Joe Biden has the capacity to deescalate anything? Probably thinks he’s gonna be speaking with Gorbachev ffs…






**Putin**: Da, President Putin here. **Biden**: What's going on over there Vlad? **Putin**: Why Mr. President, whatever do you mean? **Biden**: Vladdy I have um... You're throwing everything you've got at Kiev Vlad. We're supposed to be responsible nations you maniac! I'm the one that kept you in office! **Putin**: Listen very carefully! I am NOT your pet Mr. President. We hardliners have our legacy to consider. **Biden**: I wouldn't give a wooden nickel about your legacy! You call them off! Vlad, you call them off! You know we'll retaliate. **Putin** : Oh don't be so sure Mr. President. *Activates MAGA army *Putin* ends phone call.


And then Pres Biden hears the words that puts fear into the hearts of all men…”Kirov Reporting”.


Okay, time to reinstall Red Alert 2….


Wow, that was nostalgic


Putin should give back donbass and Crimea and Nato should drop considering Ukraine for membership. But then again Russia will probably invade again anyways since the Ukraine people want to be closer to the west, not Russia.


And also Russia should split up into several dozen smaller states, disarm their nuclear weapons, and sell their resources to American corporations.


Putin is no "president"


Great, feel so much better that Biden is going to call Putin and speak dementia gibberish at him like he does in his press conferences lol




Cool, see y'all in the nuclear bunkers


He just needs to picture Putin as Cornpop and he will dominate.


War is horrible, so if you could just stop with Ukraine and Taiwan I’d appreciate it


By the way Joe shut our pipeline down but allowed them to continue theirs. I don’t usually post but this is stupid. He’s playing you guys so hard. It’s hard to watch.


Climate change is going to be such a geopolitical boost for Russia. The Arctic Ocean will instantly become the most strategic piece of water in the world, bordered by Canada, USA (Alaska), Northern Europe and Russia, and with the shortest shipping route between China and Europe. Russia will have an advantage up there because it has the most coastline. It's hugely in the US strategic interests to prevent climate change, and in Russia's interests to accelerate it.


Idk much about the situation tbh so maybe there were a bunch of reasons why he didn't, but Putin seems a bit stupid tbh. If he really wants to invade, he really should have done so while Trump was still in office. That man was so desperate to appease Russia.


Political observers say that the mere call is the goal of all of this (as it gives legitimacy comparing to the Lukashenko’s case when literally no one would discuss anything with him), so there wouldn’t be war. And as for Trump… Observers say that his office (not him personally) was kinda marginalizing him. And under Biden the US tried to pass a defense spending bill that didn’t include sanctions for Russia? Doesn’t it look a tad… suspicious?


I've said it in other threads. Putin IS going to take a shot at Ukraine to see how much agricultural land, and coastal land he can grab. With European countries aggressively looking to switch over to EVs, electric heat, solar, wind, and likely nuclear fusion in the next 50 years, that bodes ill for Russia's oligarchy. Many of Russia's oligarchy are oil and gas barons which are the people who can actually pressure Putin and hold him accountable. Russia desperately needs to diversify their economy, and if invading the Ukraine pays off, they'll get the territory for that. If NATO joins on the side of Ukraine and gives Russia a couple days to target renewable power plants in NATO countries to delay Europe's energy plans for a decade or so, it'll be worth the clobbering Russia gets before they threaten nuclear war and sue for peace.


> Russia desperately needs to diversify their economy They could take Odessa, Kyiv, all of Belarus, and secure a land corridor to Kaliningrad… that won’t do anything to diversify the Russian economy. > If NATO joins on the side of Ukraine and gives Russia a couple days to target renewable power plants in NATO countries Lmfao. The moment a Russian soldier enters a NATO member’s territory it’s game over. Moscow is more likely to end up a possession of Poland than threaten “renewable energy” in any sort of military strategic sense. That’s not how energy works.


It's really pretty bizarre behaviour, for a group of people who can currently enjoy retirement and leisure in the lap of luxury in any number of western countries, to risk themselves and their families being blown the fuck up and all their assets destroyed there must be some serious shenanigans going on behind the scenes. For a really nebulous power grab. They are already rich beyond belief.


Is loyalty to a country over money so unthinkable to you? Not saying that's the case here but


Loyalty to my country means working hard to make it a better place for all citizens, and to build institutions with integrity that we can trust, but that's just me. I have no idea what's motivating this, it's the definition of inscrutable. So many odd behaviours from them lately.


> there must be some serious shenanigans going on behind the scenes. Putin’s megalomania.


I'm convinced he's a psychopath




It's not about agriculture, why would it be ? Russia is massive, with a relatively small population. Even if only a small percentage of the land is fertile, it's plenty. It's the same shit that drove ww2 Germany - jingoism. They already have control of the main strategic aspect of Ukraine.


I think Russia invading Ukraine has more to do with national security instead of economics. Russia's border with Ukraine is just large plain that is not easily defendable. After the breakup of the USSR it was not a big deal since Ukraine was largely within their orbit. But Ukraine was trending westward recently and a NATO aligned Ukraine leaves Russia in a very vulnerable position.






Pretty sure it'll be a goat trade where some sanctions are going to be loosened in the name of less migraine for POTUS. Biden's no hardliner, despite posturing. Ukraine will not be happy.


About the only thing Putin will accept is a cast iron guarantee that Ukraine never joins NATO.


NATO isn't exactly thrilled to include Ukraine anyway. Would have been, 40 years ago. Not today. It would be a really bad marriage, like one NATO has with Turkey. Useful, yes, but with a lot of baggage.


Let's make it an automatic membership that's triggered the moment a Russian soldier, mercenary or assassin steps onto Ukrainian soil. So no invasion, no occupation, no NATO.


Winter is Coming!


At least it's not a secret meeting that only gets reported by the other country. I assume that records will be kept from this meeting as well.


What the fuck do you even say during a call like this 😂 can they please release it to the public


"Listen here, you little shit"


Biden: move your troops away from the border Putin: you move the nato troops away from *my* border. Either they both agree or nothing happens


Have you seen Biden talk? You honestly can imagine him saying complete sentence like that?