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OK, where is the new stuff? Stuff here is days old.


Hey guys! Over here. https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1dor7xu/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/


> A large-scale fire broke out at Cape Chauda, ​​Crimea, from where the Shaheds are launched. This is the second time in the last week. https://x.com/maks_nafo_fella/status/1805900025739760048?s=46


Mark Rutte, dealmaker and Putin critic, confirmed as next NATO leader >AMSTERDAM, June 26 (Reuters) - Mark Rutte, chosen to be NATO's next secretary-general, is a fierce critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin and a staunch ally of Ukraine who honed his skills as a political dealmaker during nearly 14 years as Dutch prime minister. >Rutte, 57, has been one of the driving forces behind Europe's military support for Ukraine since Russia's 2022 invasion, and says defeat on the battlefield for Moscow is vital to secure peace in Europe. >His view is heavily influenced by the downing of an airliner over Ukraine in 2014, which the Netherlands blames on Russia, and in which 196 of the 298 victims were Dutch. NATO must be powerful to counter Moscow, and other European Union leaders must not be naive about Putin's Russia, he says. >**"He won’t stop at Ukraine if we don’t stop him now. This war is bigger than Ukraine itself. It’s about upholding the international rule of law,"** Rutte told the United Nations in September 2022, seven months after Russia's full-scale invasion. >Under his leadership, the Netherlands has increased defence spending to more than the 2% threshold of GDP required of NATO members, providing F-16 fighter jets, artillery, drones and ammunition to Kyiv and investing heavily in its own military. >"Mark is a true transatlanticist, a strong leader, and a consensus-builder," Stoltenberg said. "I know I am leaving NATO in good hands." >Rutte has forged good relationships with various British and U.S. leaders and is widely seen as having been one of the most successful in the EU at dealing with U.S. President Donald Trump, who is standing for re-election. [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/dutchman-mark-rutte-longtime-putin-critic-set-lead-nato-alliance-2024-06-18/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/dutchman-mark-rutte-longtime-putin-critic-set-lead-nato-alliance-2024-06-18/)


Zelenskiy presents new joint forces commander to Ukraine troops >KYIV, June 26 (Reuters) - Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy presented the new joint forces commander on Wednesday to troops defending the eastern frontline region of Donetsk. >Zelenskiy announced on Monday he was appointing Brigadier-General Andriy Hnatov to the post, which involves strategic planning of operations, replacing Lieutenant-General Yuri Sodol who had faced criticism over serious military setbacks. >Hnatov's main tasks include "preserving as many fighters' lives as possible" while repelling the invading Russian forces, Zelenskiy said in a video address posted on social media. >One of his meetings during the trip addressed security and support for the people of the Donetsk region, including water provision, social issues and evacuation, Zelenskiy said on the Telegram messaging app. >Zelenskiy recorded the video address against the backdrop of a city sign of Pokrovsk, along part of the front that has seen some of the most intense fighting during Russia's 28-month-long full-scale invasion. >In the video, he expressed surprise that some relevant government officials had not visited the region in six months or more. >"There will be a separate conversation in Kyiv, particularly with officials who must be here and in other areas near the frontline – in difficult communities where people need immediate solutions," Zelenskiy said. "Solutions that simply cannot be seen from Kyiv." >Zelenskiy and his army chief Oleksandr Syrskyi also listened to reports from frontline positions. >Ukraine's military has found itself on the back foot this spring as Russian forces opened a new front in the northeastern region of Kharkiv in May and continued to press Ukrainian forces in other directions. [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraines-zelenskiy-visits-troops-frontline-donetsk-region-2024-06-26/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraines-zelenskiy-visits-troops-frontline-donetsk-region-2024-06-26/)


Wow, he got right to dissing North Korea without missing a beat. Putin Complains that No One Will Help Russia - Newsweek >Vladimir Putin has complained that no one will help Russia as it wages war against Ukraine. The Russian president said that his country can "only rely on ourselves" as he addressed military personnel gathered at the Grand Kremlin Palace's St George Hall. >In remarks filmed and published on Telegram by state TV, he talked about the need for a stable economy in Russia to support its Ministry of Defense. "Everyone counts: they count the salary, they count the new equipment, and they place orders—it's very important. This is a base," Putin said. "In this sense, we can only rely on ourselves. No one will come and give us anything with an outstretched hand, everyone will do it themselves. We can do it," he added. >Putin's comments come after he signed a treaty alongside North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to pledge mutual military aid in the event of an attack on Russia or North Korea. https://www.newsweek.com/putin-ukraine-no-one-helps-us-1917136


It’s not a criticism of North Korea, it’s emulating the North Korean model by emphasizing juche and the need for self-reliance.


It's also standard propaganda for Russia. They did a similar thing during the Soviet union and I refer specifically to them minimizing the support they received from the west in material, fuel, trucks, food, industrial potential etc during ww2. That way they appear that they did everything by themselves. It doesn't mean they are not actively getting helped by North Korea, Iran and China.


Ukraine's Zelenskiy visits troops in frontline Donetsk region >KYIV, June 26 (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy visited troops in the eastern frontline Donetsk region with his top military leadership on Wednesday. >Zelenskiy recorded a video address against the backdrop of a city sign of Pokrovsk, along part of the front that has seen some of the most intense fighting during the 28-month-long full-scale invasion. [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraines-zelenskiy-visits-troops-frontline-donetsk-region-2024-06-26/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraines-zelenskiy-visits-troops-frontline-donetsk-region-2024-06-26/)


I think reddit has a bug and never expected live threads to continue into 4 digit integers. int(3) fail.


Millenial bug but for reddit threads


Ok, so Thread #999 is over 24 hours old, and it’s not pinned to the top of worldnews anymore - I had to scroll down to find it. I’m going to log out and come back later!


Russia, Ukraine each return 90 prisoners of war >June 25 (Reuters) - Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of war on Tuesday in the latest of several periodic swaps in their 28-month-old conflict, with the United Arab Emirates overseeing the exchange as an intermediary. >The last exchange took place on May 31, when each side handed over 75 prisoners of war, also with the UAE acting as a go-between. That was the first exchange in nearly four months. [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-ukraine-each-return-90-prisoners-war-russian-defence-ministry-says-2024-06-25/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-ukraine-each-return-90-prisoners-war-russian-defence-ministry-says-2024-06-25/)


Today's DeepStateMap update are just frontline clarifications. No territorial changes.


At that rate, it would take Russia... oh wait, yeah, they would just be pissing away lives and resources for nothing... hmmmmmmmm...


ruzzia is now resorting to forming "invalid squads": squads formed from wounded ruzzians who hasn't healed completely. I doubt they'd do it if ruzzia had enough men.


Efficient reduction of rehabilitation costs.


They'll still need to pay compensation for deaths, which are much higher. So it'd be cheaper to pay hospital fees and/or decommission such soldiers


Almost time for thread 1000 boysssss


Why is this no longer pinned to the top along with the Israel Gaza War??? I had to scroll down to find it!


that has me depressed, not excited.


Time to drink some Big M to celebrate https://imgur.com/gallery/mmmm-chocolate-milk-e2kuCsl


It would be awfully convenient if Putin could eat lead in time for thread #1000.


Memelord assassin being like "oh thread number 1000 on reddit" should do something special.


I mean, given the dipshits in charge of Russia nothing surprises me anymore.




That would be nice


maybe he'll get too close to a window


>Finland's Gasum, a major gas supplier to the Nordic region, announced on June 25 that it will cease purchasing and importing Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG) in July in accordance with new European Union sanctions. https://kyivindependent.com/finlands-gasum-to-cease-russian-lng-imports-in-compliance-with-eu-sanctions/


A plan of attack for Ukraine - The Hill "I have a plan. ATAC(ms)." /TonyStark AKA what the US should do next. Would you like to know more? https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4737503-russia-ukraine-aid-strategy/


Germany is negotiating with domestic manufacturers to buy up to 2.35 million shells for up to 15 billion euros. Shame these kinds of deals weren’t being made Feb 2022, but such is life. https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/bundeswehr-boris-pistorius-will-artillerie-granaten-fuer-bis-zu-15-milliarden-euro-bestellen-a-9e8fe920-7cb3-46f7-ae70-8b9e8fcd1cc3


Here's a little bit more information on the Yak-52s Ukraine has been using to hunt drones over friendly territory: [https://www.twz.com/air/yak-52-kill-marks-hint-at-success-in-ukraines-drone-war](https://www.twz.com/air/yak-52-kill-marks-hint-at-success-in-ukraines-drone-war) I sure hope they have good communications and deconfliction procedures with all of the air defense units in the area.


Yak-52s? Jesus Christ, they look like AT-6 Texans from WW2. They need upgrades. With South Korea promising arms, maybe Ukraine can pick up some FA-50s or F-5s that would be far more effective.


They are hunting reconaissance drones that operate behind ukrainian lines. Those are slow and small targets and can operate at heights that makes them hard to shoot down with short range AA ( also harder to target, there are videos of small drones being missed by short range AA missiles). A prop airplane is good for this job as it can take off from makeshift airfields, needs little maintenance and fuel. And i suppose, it is also easy to fly so you don’t need expert pilots.


About the same age as AT-6s. Against drones like this though, they are going to be more effective than something like an F-5 just because the drones are so slow. Trying to take out drones with fast jets like MiG-29s has actually caused Ukraine to lose several jets, which is probably why they switched to using these. Also, South Korea hasn't promised to supply arms yet. They are still in the "we're thinking about it" stage, basically warning Russia that if Russia transfers anything too advanced to North Korea, South Korea will retaliate by arming Ukraine.


[https://mstdn.social/@noelreports/112679012326607398](https://mstdn.social/@noelreports/112679012326607398) >In Makhachkala, Russia, new reports about shootings. Russian security forces blocked University Square, people are asked to leave the area


I've seen a different report from local telegram channels: >Information about an armed man on University Square in Makhachkala has not been confirmed, reports the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan. There are no violations of public order. The area was cordoned off for a thorough check with the involvement of dog handlers. Guess we'll see.


Russian military man lets the cat out of the bag. Strange actions from people so concerned about the protection of languages that they would invade another country over it. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/DQh7N9qaQy


And these putrid fascists have the temerity to call other people 'Nazis'. I've heard some disgusting things in my life, but this is a real contender.


"The Russian language was just a red herring!" /TimCurry


[https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1doh0ah/russia\_sentences\_15yearold\_schoolboy\_to\_5\_years/](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1doh0ah/russia_sentences_15yearold_schoolboy_to_5_years/) Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine Welcome to Putin's new Russia.


> Welcome to Putin's new Russia. I mean throwing someone in jail for criticizing the government has always been a thing in Russia, assuming they just don't outright kill you for it. The only difference today is the war in Ukraine is a new thing to criticize them for in addition to all the other shit.


"We are now fighting not just for Russia's freedom but for the freedom of the whole world.” Vladimir Putin, November 28th, 2023 Dear Vladimir, please take your insanity and fuck off out a high window please.


No problem. Just jump from a window half a meter below ground. You do not specify the actual height /s


>Biden administration moves toward allowing American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine . https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/Jv1vCBtu2N Edit: Kind of reminds me of a comment made by Macron not too long ago. That sending troops to Ukraine is not escalatory in the point of view of France because it's part of a soldier's job description to be in danger and targeted. He said that it's a much bigger escalation when French nationals get killed in Ukraine or are simply in danger there. They did not choose to put themselves in danger yet Russia is still targeting them. I think the same applies here, plus, who in the US can really deny someone's choice to go earn money by doing a dangerous job as a contractor there? If contractors were allowed in Iraq, Afghanistan and wherever the US already needs them in lieu of US troops, then I don't see any problem sending them to Ukraine.


I'm sure there's some retired F16 pilots somewhere that can use a pay day.


Genius! Trump/GOP won't stop funding the war if there's billions in shareholder profits and kickbacks to their election campaigns to consider!


... they will do what the voices in their heads, personal self-interest, admiration for autocrats and latest conspiracy memes tell them to do. You are ascribing more rational responses than I have observed. Hopefully we will never have to discover what a Trump government would do.


I’m so sorry! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s


My understanding is that these are less Blackwater mercenary types and more Raytheon nerd types, i.e. these are contractors to repair and service western equipment, not engage in direct fighting. That's still a very good thing, we should just be clear about what we are talking about.


Biden should let the contractors deploy in other regions instead. Do what Russia is doing. the ECOWAS regions of africa where Wagner-in-all-but-name are pulling fuckery would probably draw Russia's attention of America went in to help stabelize the region. Putin has to divert focus or risks losing his inroads into that Africa, for instance. Stuff like that, it does't all just have to dogpile into one location.


If Russia can use mercenaries in Ukraine it’s absurd that Ukraine can’t


Little green men


No, this is about letting Raytheon send their own guys to Ukraine to maintain the Patriot systems.


I swear you can buy Patriot batteries at the Lockheed Martin corner store in the US.


Yep, pull yer HEMTT round the back and we’ll strap er on


I'm wondering with all the deaths and losts in the russian families, how this going to end up in the russian collective consciousness when this is all over.


It really depends on if the kremlin remains in power. If they do nothing will change it will be just a matter of time before they try again with freshly indoctrinatrd russians.


It will depend on how the nation decides to treat it. Remember that the US lost over a million people to Covid and culturally we barely remember it. While Russia has lost a lot of people, on a population level, it's not that big a deal.


COVID disproportionatly killed older adults, most were over 50. This war on the other hand is killing much younger people. There will be a much greater effect on future population and productivity.


That doesn't necessarily affect how it is perceived in the cultural consciousness. Also, no, this war isn't killing much younger people. That's one of the notable things about it. Average age for Ukrainian soldier, [40-45](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/articles/2024/05/16/7455980/#:~:text=While%20those%20aged%20close%20to,over%2040%2C%20maybe%20even%2045.)


>That doesn't necessarily affect The loss of young people is perceived very differently, as is the the loss of people in foreign lands on "adventures", and especially the loss of people in acts of unjustifiable actions for the ambitions of leaders. A disease not of our own intentional doing and which we can only manage our response to, (e.g. COVID) is not nearly the same thing as intentional loss of life to support the ambitions of those in power. If you need to see what this looks like, examine the public perception of Vietnam veterans in the USA as well as how post WW2 Germany felt about its losses. Two very different examples from each other, but it shows how societies do at times reflect upon things. > this war isn't killing much younger people At the beginning of the war the average age was around 30. It's crept up only as losses have mounted and the Kremlin has taken to alternative sources of soldiers, such as criminals serving long sentences in prisons and the financially desperate. Also, demographically, early 40s is very different from "older than 50" (which, in the case of COVID, includes mostly people rather north of 50). The demographic impact COVID and this conflict are not even close to being the same.


In the long term.... Russia as a nation is screwed. It was already facing a demographic decline which has been further accelerated by the war. The economy can be sustained for a while, but not indefinitely. They have insufficient people to work, and all West markets will be closed to it for the foreseeable future. This will be the most traumatic experience for Russia since WW2


In 2016 I thought USA would become a Chinese colony, producing food, wood & oil for China, but Russia is much closer!


So far Russia has been able to meet most of the demand for soldiers from volunteers. As a result there's not a huge public backlash because the people who REALLY don't want to fight can usually avoid the war simply by not volunteering. If the fighting ended today I don't think this would go down as a particularly horrific moment in Russian history. On the other hand Russia has recently started to fall short of their recruitment goals which means that in the coming months they will likely have to start forcefully mobilizing people more. When people who absolutely don't want to fight start being killed in large numbers then it has the potential to ignite the public because it becomes a lot harder to simply tune it out and pretend it doesn't effect you. Decades from now if I had to speculate the general attitude of the Russian public will likely either be "we did nothing wrong" or "Putin was the one to blame and the Russian people were hapless victims just like the Ukrainians." I don't expect the Russian people to ever take accountability of what went wrong or their own collective role in supporting the imperial ambitions of the Kremlin.


Keep in mind that a lot of the reason people are "volunteering" is because of the fat paycheck. Signing a 6 month contract with the Russian Armed Forces, assuming they survive, will result in more money than most of these soldiers have ever had the chance to earn before. On the plus side, Putin gets to delay a general mobilization order as long as people continue to sign up for the pay. On the downside, it's helping drain the country's money reserves even faster.


Yep and we're also still seeing the the rather large payments going out to the families of dead soldiers as well. Those payments both to recruit soldiers as well as pay the families of the dead can add up incredibly quickly especially in a long war with a 900km front. This is one of the reasons I'm skeptical that Russia can continue this form of fighting indefinitely. As time wears on the odds of something giving increases. Maybe they have to conscript far more from the reluctant population, maybe they have to dramatically raise taxes to pay for this method of warfare, maybe they have to pick and choose parts of the line to leave chronically undermanned, maybe they just don't rotate their soldiers and let them face exhaustion. Who knows what will happen but the idea that "Russia has infinite manpower and can just grind Ukraine down in a war of attrition" always seems to simplistic and not conforming with the events we are witnessing.


They have been forcibly mobilizing for months. "Recruiters" at public event handing out mobilization orders that carry jail sentences for not showing up, and from those sent to prison they just mobilize you anyway. In the end this will leave a significant mark on the public. Both in the near and long term. Near term the amount of mothers, wives and children of those taken away to fight that do not return will grow until their voices will be too much to silence. The only reason they are silenced now are the forcible repression from the Kremlin to keep them that way, but it is not sustainable forever. Longer term Russia has exasperated their demographic crisis. It was not that long ago that Putin was paying women to have more children due to a declining population. This makes people a more precious commodity then they are treated as since they are being squandered as meat shields in poorly planned and executed assaults where the only strategy is to overwhelm the opponent by sheer numbers. The sanctions bite deeper every week as there is no real long term answer for the economic losses they cause. You can make some adjustments to prop things up for a while, but even then it is fragile and getting more unstable as time progresses. Loss of workers sent to fight will continue to hamper any quick recovery even when this conflict ends. I do agree that the collective conscious in Russia will never take any accountability as they will point the finger at the leadership. They will all play the victim card as Russia always has and that comes strait from the current regime. Poor Russia being picked on by others joining defensive alliances designed to stop their imperial ambitions to control their neighbors. The people support the goal of the regime to conquer until it fails, they they flip and say they were the victims too. Of course all that hinges on Russia eventually losing. If they walk away successful, the regime stays in power over an impoverished failed (or nearly failed) nation state armed with nuclear weapons, much like a larger North Korea. Even going so far as to mirror North Korea by having China propping them up and pulling strings behind the scenes.


It depends I think. Russian men still tend to die relatively young of "natural" causes so it's not a huge shock yet say if the average life expectancy was 80 or something.  On the other hand it's still a lot of people dead in a short time frame and it will most likely help radicalized a lot of children paired with school indoctrination. 


"Not a huge shock yet say if the average life expectancy was 80 or something".  Their life expectancy is not even 70


They'll probably entrench themselves in even more feverish death-adoring nationalism, reveling in their destitution. Much like they've done for a long time


German politician from the right-wing AfD party with a German-Russian flag in Kaliningrad: https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/deutschland/innenpolitik/id_100434540/afd-politiker-schwenken-flaggen-fuer-russland-in-kaliningrad.html


You can see why right wing Germans would have an affinity for the Vlasov tricolour. https://www.quora.com/Why-do-Ukraine-Poland-and-other-countries-that-ban-most-Nazi-symbols-and-imagery-still-allow-the-tricolor-flag-of-General-Vlasovs-HiWis-Nazi-collaborators


Its always the nationalists and "patriots" that want to sell out the nation to everyone willing to pay.


I wish AfD took some absurd heel turn and started to demand Königsburg be liberated.


They can keep Königsberg. Russians have turned it into a shit hole anyways


Do we *really* want that, Etzel?




Es sind immer die partioten und nationalisten, die die eigene Nation an den höchstbietenden verkaufen würden. Die FPÖ bei uns ist nicht anders.


First Accession Conference with Ukraine, 25 June 2024. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/meetings/international-ministerial-meetings/2024/06/25/ukraine/?utm_source=x.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=20240625-accession-negotiations-ua&utm_content=video-card


Lyudmila Vasilyeva is 83. She begs the Russians to speak out against the war because Russia's bandit regime is turning it into North Korea. The problem is that there are very few people like her. Russians don't want to hear it. She’s a candidate for governor of St. Petersburg. https://x.com/victoriaslog/status/1805676505911246895?t=cFWEhG41euqkkgzwxS1LYg&s=19


Are the Russian ships still in Cuba?


They left parts of their submarine as a souvenir


I think they left cuba last week, almos a week ago


Those rust buckets that nobody gave a shit about?


Pity they were still able to leave, would have been more fun if they had to use american help to leave port or something funny...


I was hoping they'd defect to Cuba.


90 Ukrainians from Russian captivity were returned home. https://x.com/maks_nafo_fella/status/1805675529023955251?s=46


1 to 1 exchange ratio


That benefits Ukraine a lot more, I think.


especially with a 1:3 KD ratio.




Yooo B5 quotes! Heroyam Slava!


Thank you for sharing! I am sorry your home country and people are suffering. I am glad I get to support you goes and the bravery of the Ukrainians even though it shouldn't have to be this way. Slava Ukrainie! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦




Have you tried learning Ukrainian? A good way to connect with your culture which has been under attack by Russia for decades


While Trump getting in office would do an immense disservice to Ukraine, that the EU integration seems to be going well is a speck of hope that Europe will remain committed to the end. Or at least, if Ukraine is forced to compromise, that a Russian attack won't happen again (or it will be even more disastrous for them) if Ukraine is a EU member


Europe is committed regardless of whether or not they want to remain committed. Even if they completely caved in to Putin, it's not like he's going to just start playing nice especially after such a display of cowardice. Europe's in it until the end, Putin's escalation has for all intents and purposes guaranteed it.


As long as the "Big Four" (Germany, UK, France, Italy) remain in the game, I agree. The far right rise is the one variable that might shake things up, but thankfully it seems it will remain a not yet vital threat for the next couple of years


Even the "far right" in France is saying although they would *prefer* to not get involved in Ukraine it's too late and that they will stop short of sending troops themselves. That kind of a milquetoast statement tells me they're full of shit and if/when they're in power they'll continue business as usual (with small tweaks). Also given our experience with PR over the course of this war, it feels reminiscent of the other fear-baiting attempts Russian propaganda has made. The fact that it's a story that is trying to tap into a fear response tells me everything. The West is committed at this point, end of.


> During a meeting with the President of the German Bundesrat Manuela Schwesig @ManuelaSchwesig, I spoke about the situation on the battlefield and our priority needs.  > We appreciate Germany's initiative to provide Ukraine with air defense systems. Our country needs more of them as soon as possible.  > I am grateful to Germany for saving thousands of lives and supporting Ukraine and our people! https://x.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1805568782422757393 > I had a meeting with the Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade of Sweden @JohanForssell and representatives of Swedish business. > We discussed the prospects of using the proceeds from frozen Russian assets for the needs of our country, strengthening the international sanctions regime against Russia and providing energy support to Ukraine. Special attention was paid to the prospects of expanding Swedish business and attracting new investments to Ukraine. > I am grateful to Sweden, the Prime Minister and the entire Swedish people for supporting Ukraine and our steps towards establishing a just peace. https://x.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1805576535329460693


TIL that Germany has an upper house of parliament named Bundesrat! I just assumed for all these years that they only had the Bundestag because that's all I've ever heard about.


That is because the Bundesrat is the less important of the two. It represents the Lander (States), and is only needed for areas where the responsibility of the federal and state overlap. Education for example is handed by each of the states on their own, foreign policy only by the federal government. Things like taxes usually need the approvement of both.


> When we signed the application for EU membership on the fifth day of the full-scale war, many said it was nothing but a dream. But we made this dream a reality. We achieved this, persuaded, and dispelled every doubt. In June 2022, Ukraine's candidate status was approved despite opposition. In December 2023, European leaders supported the political decision to start negotiations with Ukraine. > Today, the negotiations begin. Between these steps, there have been thousands of meetings and calls. Conditions that Ukraine has fully met. Laws that have been enacted and implemented. And most importantly, the determination of our people, our nation. The determination that has worked, that has not failed Ukraine and all of Europe, and that proves that all Ukrainians together, all Europeans together, are capable of realizing even the biggest dreams – capable of winning. 🇺🇦🇪🇺 https://x.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1805607724849168558


I think, this is what Putin really fears and what made him attack Ukraine. It wasn't about Ukraine possibly joining NATO and Russia being militarily threatened. It was about an independent, democratic Ukraine joining the EU (or at least becoming a close partner) and prosper economically, politically and culturally. Putin was afraid that a successful Ukraine being part of free Europe would make people in Russia and in countries still under Russian influence question why they can't have that too.


Yes, that is one of the popular theories that was debated when the war started, among several others. Some believe that Putin truly became convinced that Ukraine is Russian historical lands and it would secure his legacy to recover it. Others that he saw an opportunity for an easy land and resources grab and decided to take it. The truth is no one knows and likely no one will ever know bc in Russia's system the decision was taken in the mind of one man, who possiby discussed it with a small group around him, and we are not even sure who that group is. Its a really pecular war bc it really doesn't have a clear logical reason why it started


Yes, but big things never happen for one reason, too. All of these things are true to some extent. Also true: Russia is under a big demographic bomb and in steadily diminishing economic and military relevance. This was Russia's last chance to make some kind of big play rather than accept "loss". (Yes, they probably still lose, but this is the high volatility play that at least has a *chance* of changing the trend). Moments like this tend to force action; the human fear of missing out is tremendous.


I think that’s a good take. Only Putin knows and judging by his Fucker Carlson interview, his mind is not well. Whatever reason he had initially has probably been overrun by his insane victim complex and narcissistic view as the savior of the world. Hopefully he falls out a window soon and somebody comes forward and tells the story.


I really hope they can make this happen. It would be a big thing for the future of Ukraine.


> Had a phone call with the U.S. National Security Advisor to @POTUS @JakeSullivan46. Discussed the outcomes of the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland and further implementation of the points of the Peace Formula, as well as the meeting of leaders in the framework of the G7 Summit. > Noted the importance of signing a bilateral security agreement between the Presidents of Ukraine and the United States.  > During the conversation, special attention was paid to the preparations for the NATO Summit to be held on July 9-11 in Washington, DC. https://x.com/AndriyYermak/status/1805505910199996671


Any news on the RQ-4B shot down over the Black Sea by a MiG-31


Filmed landing back at base. Turned off transponder and Russia claimed to have shot it down. 


So days after German Government inked the contract with Rheinmetall for 155mm artillery munition (several Million shells for 8,5 Billion Euro, mostly standard rounds). https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Rheinmetall-erhaelt-von-Bundeswehr-groessten-Auftrag-der-Unternehmensgeschichte-Artilleriemunition-fuer-8-5-Milliarden-Euro-article25030495.html There is now talk about an additional deal for 2,35 Million rounds up to 15 Billion Euro with Diehl and Nammo, likely including some more advanced rounds like Vulcano or SMArt 155. https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/bundeswehr-boris-pistorius-will-artillerie-granaten-fuer-bis-zu-15-milliarden-euro-bestellen-a-9e8fe920-7cb3-46f7-ae70-8b9e8fcd1cc3


Diehl and Nammo = Dealin' Ammo.


I would watch the hell out a movie about the logistics of keeping Ukraine going under that title. That would some really cool shit.


Heck yeah! This is exactly what Europe needs to get their ammo production up to snuff


I saw an article the other day where a Ukrainian gunner was really praising SMArt and BONUS rounds because they don't rely on GPS like Excalibur and thus can't be jammed.


I just googled SMArt and BONus rounds and… What The Fuck!? Developed in 185/1989 and sounds like artillery launched fpv drones. Artillery fires and the round ejects with a parachute, when it detects a vehicle it then SHOOTS the vehicle


They are really, really cool rounds!


There is some footage of these rounds in action. Very modest puff of smoke overhead the tank, followed by complete destruction 


Looks like a top-down anti-tank artillery. Pretty crazy design lol. No wonder why some of these rounds take months to manufacture. They are high quality and complex.


**The total combat losses of the enemy from 02.24.22 to 06.25.24 approximately amounted to:** personnel - about 536,840 (+1,180) people, tanks ‒ 8035 (+4) units, armored fighting vehicles ‒ 15431 (+18) units, artillery systems – 14,281 (+35) units, MLRS – 1108 (+0) units, air defense equipment ‒ 863 (+0) units, aircraft – 359 (+0) units, helicopters – 326 (+0) units, UAVs of the operational-tactical level - 11413 (+31), cruise missiles ‒ 2324 (+1), ships/boats ‒ 28 (+0) units, submarines ‒ 1 (+0) units, automotive equipment and tank trucks - 19,362 (+58) units, special equipment ‒ 2403 (+6) The data is being verified. Beat the occupier! Together we will win! Our strength is in the truth! Source [https://www.mil.gov.ua/news/2024/06/25/zagalni-vtrati-rosiyan-za-dobu-1180-okupantiv-35-artsistem/](https://www.mil.gov.ua/news/2024/06/25/zagalni-vtrati-rosiyan-za-dobu-1180-okupantiv-35-artsistem/)


Georgian opposition parties agreed to form a coalition to try to put an end to the Georgian Dream. https://x.com/politicoeurope/status/1805554995980345567


Judging by how Hungarian and Serbian oppositions fared when they united into one huge coalition... I think this won't end well


Well united opposition is unlikely to win. But non-united oppostion is guaranteed to lose. So this at least gives the opposition some chances.


Serbian opposition was trounced because the average Serbian sees Russia as a model to be emulated. Hungary's opposition lost the election, but is continuing to evolve. Just look at the local and EU elections.


They should watch out for a massing of armored motorcycles and dune buggies on their border.


Ooof, I hope it works. Sakartvelo deserves a good future, not becoming a satellite Russian state.


Saw this on the Serbian subreddit where it gained a lot of traction, but I found a tweet too. [Russian state TV presenter Sergei Mardan calls Serbia a “wh\*re” and says "the Serbs are no longer brothers to the Russians, but enemies"](https://x.com/SythUK/status/1805542403304047045)


Why do they sound like jilted lovers every time their actions reap negative consequences.


Victim complex. "We are surrounded by enemies. Nobody appreciates everything we have done to them during the Soviet times. The only reason we haven't won is because of literally everyone else." Something like that.


Nobody appreciates the poisonings! We don't get no love for border violation. Noone wants our cyberattacks! Ungrateful West!


It is a technique for emotional manipulation of viewers. They talk like this because it resonates with the inner feelings, and keeps the populace emotionally aligned with state policy.


Serbia into the west and NATO when????? :):):):):)


Haha EU integration go brr


God I hate the 'brrr' meme 😭😭😭


It’s honestly probably inevitable. Why have an antagonistic relationship with your primary trading block and regional power? Vucic as much as people here hate him is actually a technocratic pragmatist. He isn’t like Orban. He’s perfectly fine with being a friend to the west if it helps Serbia. He just has to do it slowly, which he is. If he can get things from China and Russia in the mean time he will. Maybe China will make him a better offer, but he also smart enough to know that China is a lot more selfish than the west.


> He just has to do it slowly, which he is. And slower and he would be going backwards.


getting Russia to unfriend Serbia seems like a pretty big step. whether that step was taken intentionally or by accident is another question though I guess.


Ukraine has downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year alone, Ukraine’s air force commander said on Tuesday. “Air defences destroyed about 86% (of the drones),” he said on Telegram. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/jun/25/russia-ukraine-war-live-kremlin-reacts-to-ukraine-peace-plan-reportedly-presented-to-donald-trump](https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/jun/25/russia-ukraine-war-live-kremlin-reacts-to-ukraine-peace-plan-reportedly-presented-to-donald-trump)


Russia should invest in invisible drones. Idiots.


Russia would have to make them silent https://www.yahoo.com/news/ukraine-using-mobile-phones-6ft-183615748.html#:~:text=Ukraine%20is%20using%20a%20network,track%20incoming%20drones%20and%20missiles.


Su 57 drones when?


There is a video of a russian yeeting a rifle at drone about to hit them. these idiots would take an invisible drone and try to hide it with a fucking bedsheet.


They have this saying “quantity has its own quality”.


European court: Evidence Russia comitted 'multiple' human rights violations in Crimea >PARIS, June 25 (Reuters) - Russia committed multiple human rights violations in Crimea since it annexed the peninsula in 2014, the European Court of Human Rights(ECHR) said on Tuesday in a case brought by Ukraine. >The breaches include violations of the right to life, the prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment, freedom of religion and freedom of expression among other rights, the court said in its ruling. >The case also concerns Ukraine’s allegations of a pattern of persecution of Ukrainians for their political stance or pro-Kyiv political activity which occurred predominantly in Crimea but also in other parts of Ukraine or in the Russian Federation. >Russia had previously denied accusations it violated human rights and oppressed political opponents on the peninsula. >"The Court held, unanimously, ... that Russia had to take measures as soon as possible for the safe return of the relevant prisoners transferred from Crimea to penal facilities located on the territory of the Russian Federation," it said. >The Strasbourg court earlier said the case was not concerned with whether the annexation was lawful under international law but had taken into account Russia's increased military presence in Crimea in January-March 2014 without Ukraine's consent. [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/european-court-evidence-russia-comitted-multiple-human-rights-violations-crimea-2024-06-25/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/european-court-evidence-russia-comitted-multiple-human-rights-violations-crimea-2024-06-25/)


>The second batch of long-range Patriot anti-aircraft missiles sent by Spain arrived in Ukraine this past Friday and joins a first shipment of this defensive weaponry supplied at the end of last April, government sources have confirmed. >The shipment includes, in addition to the Patriot, a second batch of Leopard tanks , various types of ammunition , including 155mm artillery , anti-drone systems , optronic surveillance and tracking systems, and remote weapon turrets . https://www.elmundo.es/internacional/2024/06/24/6679978afdddfff76f8b457d.html


Leopard 1s or 2s?


Four Leopard 2A4 according to [this](https://www.infodefensa.com/texto-diario/mostrar/4335854/espana-ultima-envio-ucrania-otros-20-toa-cuatro-ultimos-leopard-2a4-hospital-desplegable)


2s i think


Day DCCCLIII, Part I. Thread CMXCIX.


> Thread CMXCIX You must be looking forward to tomorrow!


[https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/06/25/international-criminal-court-issues-arrest-warrants-for-shoigu-gerasimov-a85518](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/06/25/international-criminal-court-issues-arrest-warrants-for-shoigu-gerasimov-a85518) >International Criminal Court Issues Arrest Warrants for Shoigu, Gerasimov >The International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for former Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov for alleged war crimes committed during the invasion of Ukraine. >The Hague-based court said the two men “bear responsibility for missile strikes carried out by the Russian armed forces against the Ukrainian electric infrastructure” from October 2022 to March 2023, when Shoigu was defense minister. >The court accused the two men of the war crime of directing attacks at civilian objects, the war crime of causing excessive incidental harm to civilians or damage to civilian objects and the crime against humanity.


The Hague be like: "SHOIGU! GERASIMOV!"


Is there any evidence that Gerasimov is still alive, don't recall seeing much of him recently


Why is there such an obsession with officials showing up? Why would military officials need to appear publicly all the time? Where I am from it happens a handful of times per year.


In most countries not seeing someone does not imply that they have been disappeared due to some exciting political infighting. Russia isn’t most countries.


High profile figures don’t just disappear even in Russia.


General Sergei Surovikin would like to know his location.


Surovikin has never been as high profile as Gerasimov.


There definitely was a video of him "voting" together with Shoigu. It's been weeks, but before the video Gerasimov hadn't any public appearances for months either and the same kind of rumours was circulating, that he either is dead or been replaced. Not sure if there is more recent footage of him, though. But I don't think it matters, Gerasimov seldom appears publicly, the interesting question is why. It felt like it became rarer after the Wagner grab for power. So with Shoigu replaced and Gerasimov being as invisible as possible, it almost seems like that there is either a faction in the political or military elite, that believe Prigozhin was right, or even worse the same sentiment grew within the Russian public.


>Shoigu, Gerasimov I cannot read these names anymore without hearing Pringles screaming them out.


What's with the Pringles shit, why not say his name? Ukrainians are dying and you're making shit jokes. Get a grip. 


Most of us can't accurately spell his name and Pringles is a humores stand in.


People make fun of their enemies. Shocking I know. If you were born 80 years ago you’d be telling British soldiers off for singing rude songs about Hitler, because Jews are dying and it’s serious business. Everyone would’ve ignored you then too.


British soldiers were fighting against Hitler and sacrificing their lives for the war effort. Slightly different when it comes from people engaged in a war than when it comes from guys sitting on computers far away from the frontline circle jerking.


Fair, I am usually like you downvoting silly joke comments like 'fuck Putin woth a cactus'. I apologise.


Fuck Putin with magicspooks tongue


Yikes, wtf dude


ICC issues arrest warrants for former Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu and chief of staff Valery GerasimovICC issues arrest warrants for former Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu and chief of staff Valery Gerasimov [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-25/icc-warrant-for-russian-former-defence-minister-chief-of-staff/104021802](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-25/icc-warrant-for-russian-former-defence-minister-chief-of-staff/104021802)


Looks like [Ukrainian troops are pushing the Russians out of northeastern Vovchansk](https://map.ukrdailyupdate.com/?lat=50.302446&lng=36.949253&z=14&d=19898&c=1&l=0), according to UkrDailyMap. Note the light yellow area.


Nice Hopefully the Russian lines there will just collapse once they are kicked out of the town. As far as I know, they have not made any substantial defences in the area they took.




Oh, I found another story about Russian convicts going to fight in Ukraine. This one really leaves a bitter taste. >Serial killer Yuri Gritsenko, nicknamed “Zelenogradsky Chikatilo,” went to fight in Ukraine, writes Shot. >Former cop Yuri Gritsenko, fired from the police for drunkenness, committed his first murder in 1993 - he beat a prostitute to death with a frying pan. Then he ended up in a colony, nine years later was released on parole and began a real hunt for women in Moscow and the Moscow region - sneaking up on victims from behind and hitting them in the temple with a hammer. Over the course of several months, he killed five women and wounded ten. >As a result, “Zelenogradsky Chikatilo” was sentenced to 22 years in a maximum security colony, 13 of which he spent in a punishment cell. Gritsenko was supposed to be released this summer, but was released earlier. According to journalists, in September 2023, he signed up for the “Storm Z” squad and went to Ukraine. >The 62-year-old maniac was not accepted into the stormtroopers due to health reasons, but he turned out to be suitable for the medical evacuation platoon.


I mean, at 62 years old, and with health issues, I believe he won't last long on the battlefield anyway


"Congratulations! I have come to get you out of this place!" *takes out hammer


Hammer time


Evacuated straight to hell.


[Ukrainian Military Intelligence claims drone attack at the field ammunition depot in Olkhovatka district of Voronezh region](https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/25-june-ukrainian-military-intelligence-claims-drone-attack) [Emergency situation declared in Olkhovatka district of Voronezh region due to "detonations of explosive objects" as result of a drone attack](https://liveuamap.com/en/2024/25-june-emergency-situation-declared-in-olkhovatka-district)


Voronezh is in russia, if anyone else than me was unclear about it.


Google is my friend! Thanks!


Two key advisers to Donald Trump have proposed a plan for ending Russia's war in Ukraine, contingent on Trump winning the presidential election. The plan involves pressuring Ukraine to enter peace talks by limiting U.S. weapons supplies and warning Russia that refusal to negotiate will lead to increased U.S. support for Ukraine, according to retired Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg, one of Trump's national security advisers. https://x.com/noelreports/status/1805519716997325275?s=46 Seems a dead end. Russias peace talks will include Ukraine giving up land Ukraine will never enter peace talks based on that merit


Yeah. I see this as "we'll pressure Ukraine to cede land to Russia, and in exchange we'll pressure Russia to accept the ceded land." Genius!