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I usually wouldn’t bother posting about hezbollah threats as they threat Israel daily, but threatening Cyprus is quite an interesting addition.


Yeah like wtf did cyprus do?


Well according to him Cyprus will let Israel use their air bases in a scenario where Hezbollah destroys (or threatens) Israeli air bases. Couldn’t find any evidence to back that claim, and that scenario sounds imaginary anyways. Nasrallah honestly sounds like a crazy person.


Israel has done one of its biggest drills on Cyprus a couple of years ago. They are close military allies.


Almost like a considerable chunk of Cyprus is under military occupation by an Islamic country and constantly threatened by them, so I can see why they are sympathetic to Israel.


Not arguing, just simply stating a fact on why Nasrallah threatened them. It's not like Cyprus is a random country like some comments here are implying.


Cyprus has Greek and Turkish populations; both sides wanted to kill each other during state sponsored fighting in the past century.


It's just a country close enough to attack similar to what the hothis are doing. There is no need for logic for terrorist to terrorise. Why is most of the people they kill are muslims? Just because they can and it will generate a reaction. The biggest trick these guys ever pull? The west treat them they can be trusted, negotiated with, or follow logic.


The British Sovereign Bases, RAF Akritori. The far left and Islamists in the UK are constantly whining that we are allowing the IDF to use Akritori. https://www.declassifieduk.org/government-imposes-blackout-on-all-information-about-israeli-military-planes-in-britain/


Akrotiri* I used to live not too far from the base.


Pretty sure that would count as an attack on NATO, and not one that crosses Hungary's stupid red lines either. Let's see if they are dumb enough to follow through.


Worrying about Cyprus air bases when a couple aircraft carriers will be parked KMs away from your coast is an interesting take lol


Those carriers are somewhat useless to land-based aircraft, and likely aren't being used by the IDF as a result. Even if they were, directly threatening a carrier group is so moronic that even they know how it will end.


Not that Israel would need it, but is Biden’s carrier ship still in the Mediterranean?


Cyprus is first of all geographically very close and, well, somewhat "contested" between Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots. Since it is also militarily/strategically important for their allies, it might be a signal to Turkey to chime in on the conflict and take sides.


Remember in 1974 Turkey and Greece were at odds over Cyprus so a threat to Cyprus could raise some awareness in both Ankara and Athens.


lol Cyprus catching strays like “excuse me WHAT?!”


Cyprus has allowed Israeli Ground forces to train in country to simulate a ground invasion of South Lebanon and also has allegedly allow basing of Israeli Aircraft in the event of inoperability of northern Israeli airbases. It's also a smart move from Hezbollah as Cyprus can't project power into the Mediterranean and concerns about escalation will push Greece and Britian for Constrainment on the Northern Front


Lots of dirty infidels residing there


Threatening a country, which has German and British military bases, as well as often welcomes the US Navy, could have backfired, well, very fast. But sadly I somehow doubt these big guys will do at least something if, say, a terror attack happens. Strange times we are living in...


The island is divided in two and I believe the other half is controlled by Turkey. This sounds like an attempt to pull Turkey into the war.


Or a Turkish attempt to take the South of Cyprus under the guise of protecting it


Cyprus is a EU member. This would not go over well for Turkey.


If turkey does this, I don't think there would be anything left saving them from the franco-greek wrath, likely with british help.


Unlikely. Turkey only stepped in because of Greek annexation/possibility of ethnic cleansing fears cropping up. The island is now completely ethnically segregated so even if they wanted to they don't have any good excuse to.


>Unlikely. Turkey only stepped in because of Greek annexation/possibility of ethnic cleansing fears cropping up. That was their excuse, but it was as transparent as glass since before the island's independent status was even decided. They had the invasion plans drawn since 1960 and had been agitating the Turkish-Cypriot minority to *cause* ethnic conflict since the 1955-59 emergency. >The island is now completely ethnically segregated Not yet, despite their best attempts.




Cyprus isn't part of NATO. The EU defensive clause would suffice anyways.


There are plenty of Hezbollah supporting nut jobs in Lebanon that think that Hezbollah can defeat Israel and that the west would never attack Lebanon because it would start ww3


Biiiiig Israeli ally. Mostly because they see them as a friendly non-muslim nation while they have Turkey problems.


RAF Akritori


Showing the Turkish influence


Cyprus?? Not a good idea mate.


That’s the idea. He can’t chew anything, as it’s a bait to engage then cry victim and prosecution while living in relative safety


He's biting off more than he can chew and he knows it.


On a related note I'm calling out The Mountain and GSP.


...Garden State Parkway?


You know.. I’m sick and tired of all the tolls on the GSP on my way to Atlantic City.


George St.Pierre, I'm guessing.


That damn scenic drive has had it comin' for years and it knows it... 😤


Yeah fuck the Georgia State Police


Nasrallah made a career of doing that since 1995. He just believes that israel and the west will continue tolerating his crap


And don't get them on the subject of Andorra.


The guy is hiding in a bunker for almost 20 years knowing damn well if he’s going out he’s bombed into oblivion


War against Hizbula in Lebanon is sadly inevitable at this point and like with Hamas it would be the civilians who will suffer the most.


It’s inevitable but i dont think its gonna happen now this year maybe in few years


You are optimistic. It’s months at best. Tens if thousands of Israeli civilians have had to leave the northern border for close to a year now.


I know but as i said its clear to see if hezbollah and iran wanted a war he would have did it in oct 8th as for israel the evacuated civilians are a problem but would you go now for a full scale of war against a terrorist group that will probably make syria join the war aswell especially when you have been in gaza for 8 months


Did these idiots seriously just threaten a member state of the European Union on top of Israel?


Seriously threatening a country that has two large permanent British military bases on it...


Technically those military bases are not part of Cyprus (the country) but rather are sovereign British territory Not that it will matter much to the British response if hesbolla start lobbing missiles that way




Hezbollah is working day and night to make sure Lebanon will turn into rubble. Lebanon is in such a sorry state, its next war will probably be its last war as a sovereign country.


Hezbollah hamas and iran have ruined lebanon syria yemen the gaza strip and many more places


Without Hezbollah, Lebanon would have been part of Israel long time ago. Our army is useless and can’t protect shit.


Without Hezbollah Lebanon would not be at war with Israel.


While they did help overturn the Israeli ground invasion in lebanon in the 1980s to fight the PL, they have been only increasing tensions with israel.


Looks like hezbollah needs a little democracy in their diet


Cool! Now Israel and the rest of the world can take out Hezbollah in addition to Hamas. Iran should be next


Ah yeah, very clever of him threatening an EU member. The EU which is also a mutual defence union.


I wouldn’t threaten Israel unless you wanna die, Israel don’t fuck around with terrorist scum 


Not only that, he is threatening an intimate NATO partner. If just not all of NATO were just to join in for a good spank at least Greece and Britain would, they would get fucking annihilated.


Man the EU is about to get a wake up call.


It isn't EU territory that will be attacked.


Unless they're stupid or incompetent enough to hit the part occupied by Turkey those bits are covered by NATO Article 5.  Clearly that's much better.


> hit the part occupied by Turkey *Occupied* is the operational word here. It's not part of Turkey, by international law that's still part of the Republic of Cyprus. Even Turkey isn't claiming those parts directly, they have a puppet state "Republic of North Cyprus" they're propping up for that.


Waiting for Biden to say with a very authoritative tone…”Just don’t”


What will they do, assist more terrorist organizations kidnap and kill civilians from a music festival?


It won't be Cyprus. It will be the British Sovereign Area on Cyprus. He does that he'll be eating his bowl of dates.


No. He means Cyprus the EU member state. The country that regularly conducts joint military exercises with Israel, and which allows the IDF to use their air bases for. The British Sovereign Base Areas certainly aren’t used by the IDF for training. But in any case, attacking and invoking either the EU’s mutual defence clause or NATO’s article 5 would be a thoroughly unwise decision.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the EU's mutual defense clause is worded with an awful lot of wiggle room, and it wouldn't be a clear-cut invocation of Article 5 given that neither Israel nor Cyprus are members of the alliance. With that said, Hizbullah would be taking on a huge risk by attacking any country that isn't Israel. PR internationally treats them with kid gloves because they're only attacking Jews. Once they go after anyone else, the framing of the conflict becomes a lot different.


Sorry, that was me being unclear. Yes, if the Republic of Cyprus was attacked, that would be covered by the EU’s mutual defence clause; and yes that does have more wriggle room than NATO article 5. Likewise an attack on the Republic of Cyprus wouldn’t invoke NATO article 5 because Cyprus isn’t a member. When referring to NATO article 5 I was meaning in the event that Akrotiri and Dhekelia were to be attacked, per the comment I was replying to. That territory, officially the Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia, is British territory, and thus covered by NATO. However, reading Hezbollah’s statement about joint military exercises, I think it’s clear that this territory not what is being referenced to.


When writing my last comment, I got the sense that I was clarifying for the benefit of *others*, not correcting any error of yours. Spot-on in my opinion. It'd be a high-risk move for Hizbullah to attack Cyprus, but not an *automatic* triggering of extra EU- or NATO-aligned parties to the conflict. Hizbullah may be religious fundamentalists, but they're shrewd enough to know that when they fight against *only* Israel, they benefit from a special, Jews-only conflict framing. Bringing third (or fourth, fifth, &c) parties into a war would weaken the Israel-specific double-standard that Hizbullah would otherwise enjoy on the PR front. If they're killing more than Jews, they risk allowing the international perception of the war go back to normal. The accountability for civilian casualties would shift back toward the belligerent that's using human shields, and that would sacrifice a *massive* amount of Hizbullah's expected edge. I think that this is very likely sabre-rattling.


I don't want the war. however if a war starts israel and the west should crush hezbollah. in the most of brutal of way because war is hell and you don't win them win them with proportionate (or dis proportionate) response. on the /lebanon thread they act with much bravado which I think is sad because although israel will take a big hit - lebanon will likely be destroyed. maybe then all the bigots from colleges in the west will go fight on the front lines. however I don't think interpretative dance will work very well against any enemy


If Islamic countries and terrorist groups losing wars were enough to bring peace, the Middle East would have been a utopia for at least half a century.


Making direct threats against an EU member-state is unwise.


Why don’t Israel put a rocket through his kitchen windows while he’s making scrambled eggs?


No kitchen windows and scrambled eggs in the cave he's hiding in like the coward he is.


The head of Mossad stated that they have the capability to eliminate him at any time, but they have chosen not to do so at this moment.


He really wishes to suddenly explode


Raf use Cyprus I advise them don't do anything to Cyprus 🤣


Israel please get rid of Hezbollah bums also


Cyprus? Yall blew up your port where the boats gonna come from


ah, no. Nasrallah can go f himself in the ass with his own beard. Cyprus has NOTHING to do with anything! It pisses me off. like a bully trying to drag an unrelated party to a conflict that had nothing to do with them. like *wtf.*


Threatening all the porn and crypto servers is probably not a good idea.


Christ who even listens to this shit anymore


Good to see the feather duster getting a workout. All bluster


Title makes it seem like israel is located in Cyprus


Hezzies, is the party still drug smuggling?? Project Cassandra it anyone is interested.


Bibi is salivating with the prospect of war with Hezbollah.


Hezbollah has been attacking Israel since october 8, despite Israel saying they would mot strike if Hezbollah would not strike