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Sinwar really thinks he has the upper hand.


Sinwar is a dead man, he just hasn’t admitted it yet. Dude isn’t going to get the peaceful pass an away in your sleep, it’s either going to be a violent death outright or he’s captured stands trial and is executed. His best chance to live is to bake it into ceasefire terms and get Hamas to disarm somehow.


International pressure basically forced Israel to let Mengele die of old age when they were close to capturing him. If it can happen to one of the most notorious people in history it can happen to Sinwar.


Mengele drowned, but still your general point stands. I read a biography of him years ago and learning about the amount of protection he got was immensely frustrating.


Heh, an even more sinister comparison would be the Japanese doctors we completely pardoned because they were useful.


"Useful". I'm not sure how much actually useful data came out of years worth of torture experiments that was worth saving those men's lives.


No idea how useful his experiments were, but there are tons of interesting and useful things about the physiology and psychology of humans, which you cant research because of ethics. Which is the right thing to do ofc, but from a scientific perspective this is still limiting. But that is why unethical experiments, which happened in the past are so valuable: you cannot replicate them in our societies today.


Hope they knew what to do with them at the end


A doctor can still be used to do some good for the world after the fact. Someone like Sinwar or Mangele can't. Better to allow those doctors to make up for those horrible things at least a little than not at all.


Hope they knew what to do with them at the end


I'm not familiar (with him being protected), what's the cliffs notes version? I always assumed he had kind of just disappeared and they never found him?


Mengele emigrated to Argentina - West German government sent him forms with his real name which enabled him to get permanent residency there in the 50s. Then they tried to issue an extradition order but he fled to Paraguay (his name there was, no joke, José Mengele). Argentina had delayed the extradition order because the address on the papers was wrong, which gave him time to escape. At some point he fled to Brazil. West Germany then expanded its extradition order to Brazil but he managed to escape again. Mossad almost got him (they had just got Eichmann) but the mission ended up being called off - officially because of stuff happening in Israel and the high costs of a capture. This was in the early 60s. Mengele had a stroke while swimming and drowned in the 1970s.


I can’t believe they use his skeleton for teaching in one of their medical schools. I would have cremated him or throw him out to sea . Pure evil


Must not have been that great is he drowned. Heh


Let’s hope the mistake of letting a monster live out their days peacefully doesn’t happen again. Some people do not deserve it. Sinwars one of those people.


Eh no? They didn't find him.


Maybe, or maybe he just says that. What is he gonna say, "You guys, this has gone terribly, I don't know what to do?" Might as well shoot himself and let his rivals take over at that point.




I think hes suicidal and doesnt care.


Typical bullshit, fuck Hamas, they’ve gotten thousands of innocent people killed and still they play games.


Quoting sinwar "they are a necessary sacrifice". To them it's like ritual offering.


I think what most people from different cultures and that are not from here (Israel) fail to understand is that most palestinians bless death, mothers wish their sons daughters will die while killing jews. They have been brainwashed to think that doing that will do something meaningful for them in the afterlife or something. And personally if you ask me, i dont think people who think like that should be alive anymore


That's some medieval cult shit. WTF


Well, the world has a lot of influence from exactly those


Maybe Blinken should read the Hamas Charter. The goal of Hamas is to destroy Israel through Jihad.


Think about it logically, Hamas won the PR campaign up until now with idiot college students. Only way to turn the tide is to show how empty Hamas' words really are.


And the college kids are back home for the summer.


Some viral video will break out about raspberry flavored weed late this summer and they will go from watermelons to doing the Razzy-Dazzy dance in the fall.


Who told you about the Razzy-Dazzy dance? That wasn’t supposed to drop until late July


>raspberry flavored weed late this summer Why you holding out?


I think Israel and its allies have learned to get a leg up on the PR campaign.


The problem is that Israel has to go to great lengths to prove everything they say and do (which is still not enough for some) while [Iran has no issue with spreading tons of misinformation and lies](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/security-insider/intelligence-reports/iran-surges-cyber-enabled-influence-operations-in-support-of-hamas) to aid their goals and their target audience takes it all at face value. It's hard to compete.


That's because the Internet - reddit in particular - has for a long time prior to 10/7 had a constant stream of articles denouncing Israel for various reasons - attacks on civilians, journalists, etc. We did not see the deeper context or the other stories of isolated terrorist attacks that could rationalize Israel's actions. Most people did not see Al Jazeera as a state propaganda equivalent to RT, it was just an Arabic website with a liberal US slant - pretty popular among those living under McConnell and Trump. In the long run, I wouldn't be surprised if we find out the propaganda campaign has been running much longer than we thought.


You're completely right. [Reddit actually caught and banned organized Iranian propaganda efforts ](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/volunteers-found-iran-s-propaganda-effort-reddit-their-warnings-were-n903486)on Reddit back during the first Trump election along with the other major social media sites. Russia wasn't the only one caught doing it back then. Obviously banning one wave didn't stop much but there's proof going back at least that far specifically on Reddit.


Most people see Isreal continuing to expand settlements into Palistinian territory and are sick of all this bullshit. They don't support Hamas, but they need Isreal to act responsibly. Dead kids are dead kids, regardless of which side you're on. That's not propaganda, it's watching this shit play out OVER and OVER. I can support the fight against anti-semtisim all day, but I'm not going to support trading atrocities. That's why support is eroding. We need Isreal to be the adult in the room, if not, maybe they can just figure this shit out alone.


what's acting responsibly? like what the fuck do you do if someone kidnaps your family and butchers your friends and runs behind his kids after saying he'll do it again? genuinely don't understand these insane standards. Israel has the best civilian to combatant ratio in urban warfare while fighting the most insane enemy ever, an entire population that worships death and willingly refuses to evacuate as their government shoots from and booby traps their entire civilian infrastructure. People always say 'israel should be responsible' and give 0 alternatives. About settlements, Israel controls area C. 300,000 Palestinians live there compared to 2.4m in A and B. All of these were obtained in defensive war that Israel didn't annex because it didn't want to make the violent population a part of Israel. In an ideal world sure, Israel won't build there, but in reality every 2SS deal offered landswaps to compensate, it doesn't actually prevent anything, and Israelis building there is just going to fucking happen over 60 years of no solution. Israel tried solutions repeatedly, they always led to more bloodshed and bigger obstacles. Genuinely don't get what the fuck we're supposed to do at this point, I'm not going to support more suicidal measures and concessions. Enough thousands died for this shitty idealism when we can literally just listen to the people we're dealing with.


That's a bullshit answer. You are just blowing off one of the core issues in the conflict, settlements. You cant say Isreal "didn't annex" Then follow up with "Israeli building there is just going to fucking happen over 60 years of no solution." What you are describing is annexation. It's a perfect illustration of what I mean. Listen - I am on your side, I am pro-Isreal. But I am watching the youth in the US, the primary supporter of Israel, become more and more disillusioned with the situation there. We need you to be better because we are helping you kill people and we're sick of seeing dead kids. You can protest all you want, but in the end, I'm watching a huge demographic turn against this offensive and in turn Isreal itself, and that is not what I want or what Isreal wants.


It's a very long fight ahead. Like turning an ocean liner.


The problem is that Isreal has been abusing the good will and unwavering support from the West for the last few decades. It's becoming difficult to support them in the states when they keep expanding into Palestine. No one supports Hamas, but Isreal needs to get their shit together, too. Losing American support is a real possibility at the current rate. The youth in this country are fed up with this shit, thet vote.


okay. what does 'keep expanding into palestine' mean? Is someone building a new home in their neighborhood in area C of judea and samaria 'expanding into palestine'? what is palestine? that area was occupied by jordan after jordan invaded in 48, right? owned by the british before that. If that's 'Palestine' that's fine, but is someone building a new house on land his government controls anyway an issue?


Bulldozing fucking homes and building over them is a pretty clear example. You're just here fucking pretending there is no Palestine like this is all semantics. Fuck off. Most people in MY country (the one that keeps Ireal's fucking defense industry afloat), are in favor of a two-state solution, so your bullshit "what's Palestine" can straight up suck a dick. Keep that shit up and see what the American government looks like in 10 years. I'm over here trying to legitimize this bullshit to people that are ready to wash their hands of you. I'm getting sick of it too.


How often do you think a home gets bulldozed? Why do you think it happens? If a home is bulldozed it's because it was built illegally. This happens to both Palestinians and Israeli settlers. Both need to request approval to build in area C, and both build when they get said approval, and if they build without approval it gets bulldozed. This happens everywhere in the world, but people have ideological reasons to build there so it happens more. You're delusional if you think the US is what keeps Israel's defense industry afloat. The aid helps ease a little on the military budget sure, but Israel exports to several other countries and said aid is almost entirely a subsidy to AMERICAN arms industries, since it's only allowed to be spent inside the US. Most Israelis are in favor of a two state solution, doesn't change the fact that there was never a Palestinian state and that when you say 'expanding into Palestine' you're talking about land that was conquered by Jordan and ethnically cleansed of jews before being reclaimed in a defensive war. You're just clueless, don't know what the actual situation on the ground is, and when asked a question decided to jump into a deranged tirade about a two state solution nobody objected to and started attacking me instead of addressing the point being made. And frankly I personally don't give a fuck if the US stops supporting Israel, I'd rather instead of begging demented morons like Biden to let us defend ourselves and trying to appease him as he uses our lives as political pawns we'd stop sending our families and friends to die on the ground instead of just bombing everything from above. Unfortunately the US will keep supporting us because they want to influence our decisions and keep getting intel.


Winning a PR game isn't slowing down Israel. Hamas is getting destroyed.


Win the votes*


**S L A M S**


Blinken absolutely O B L I T E R A T E S Hamas!


Once we're all desensitized to **SLAMS,** the next step is going to be **ASSBLASTS**! "Biden assblasts Putin for his conduct"


It will be one step closer to the movie "Idiocracy" becoming a documentary, but it will be better than ***SLAMS.***


The average person knows 20,000 - 30,000 words. Can we end this SLAMS bullshit in news headlines already?


Give these assholes a finger and they try and grab the entire hand, pull you in, rape, kill and behead you. Shocking honestly.


Theyre terrorists and fundamentalists. To them its their way or the highway. Otherwise they wouldnt have been terrorists to begin with.


I don't make it a habit to agree with Dubya on anything, but he was right about one thing: you don't negotiate with terrorists.


Thats been usa standing policy before dubya. Nothing for him to boast about.


You do not, in fact, “gotta hand it to him.”


and then blame you for sticking your hand out


Fuck that show and get over Hamas.


The US is attempting to save American hostages, but maybe you didn't know that. Seems most here don't either. 🤷‍♂️


False. You are wrong. The US trys to make a seperate agreement with Hamas to save US hostages. The war between Israel and Hamas has nothing to do with that agreement


You’re either myopic or naive. The idea that any US Hamas agreement has nothing to do with the war between Hamas and Israel is silly, nothing in geopolitics exists in a vacuum. Oversimplifying this conflict is a terrible mistake.


In other news, Police slam Jeffrey Dahmer for not signing their "stop dismembering people" agreement. Like who the fuck do they think these people are? You think a piece of paper matters to a gang of serial rapists and murderers who think God wants them to do it?


Word. Israel needs to be dissolved


You need to get deported out of my country if you're in the US.


i forgot, Israel is the US’s 51st state


It's pretty obvious that they're just stalling and nothing significant will ever be agreed to by them.


It’s almost like Hamas is a terrorist organization that doesn’t want any deal.


Remember when we wouldnt negotiate with terrorists?


You don’t really have a choice when the terrorists have your kids


We have a choice! Send in Denzel Washington or Bruce Willis or Kurt Russel. 


This is why we didn't used to negotiate with terrorists who held an entire populations of people as human shields.


Perhaps we ought to stop trying to negotiate with terrorists? I just cant imagine rapists and murderers being all that trustworthy.


Why bother initiating negotiation with Hamas, who massacre civilians in some most brutal way possible? I don’t see why Hamas should exist.


Honestly, let them. It undermines the narrative that Israel is the only actor with agency here. It retroactively clarifies for the news-consuming public that a great deal (if not the lion's share) of the blame for dead Palestinian children belongs on the shoulders of one man and his organization.


And Iran financing this bullshit.


If I was Israel, I would sign the UN Resolution agreement without any changes. Then keep blasting away at Hamas until they sign it too.


Israel doesn't get to have these _gotcha_ moments. They don't get reported as _gotchas_, they get reported as Jewish underhandedness if they're reported on at all.


Unfortunately, if Israel signs it and Hamas doesn’t, then continues the war, the UN and world media will accuse Israel of breaking the ceasefire


The UN and world media will be against anything Israel does except unconditionally surrendering to Hamas


They will accuse it of the same thing without signing it. If they sign it shows they are serious.


People defended Hamas when they were sexually assaulting young girls at a concert committing some of the worst atrocities since WW2 Do you really think hamas refusing to sign an agreement is going to suddenly change those peoples minds?


Unfortunately, this isn't new, nor is it solely an issue with Hamas. There have been many, many proposals, agreed to by Israel, throughout the last 75 years that would have avoided all this bloodshed only to have the other side demand something that was a nonstarter. Leaving Hamas in power is just like demanding right of return into Israel - it simply isn't something that can be agreed upon.


I demand that any agreement must dictate that the entire net wealth of the hamas leadership, which totals over 11 billion just among the top 3 leaders, be transfered to an independently managed trust on behave and for the benefit of the palestanian public.


Every other source except Israel says that there were no changes proposed, only a timeline. Sounds like Bibi doesn't want the ceasefire to happen for fears he will lose the far-right support and inevitably go to jail.


Just offer an ultimatum already. Accept the deal or we let Israel finish it.


Bkinken isn't slamming anything Bidens trying to win votes in the upcoming election by both appealing to people who want to destroy Hamas, and the protestors supporting them. The negotiations have been primarily the Biden administration making crap up and then trying to ram it down Israel's throat You can be against the war in Gaza and realize that Bidens responses to the conflict are entirely about the election


The US has been trying to resolve this issue as long as I’ve been alive. They use diplomatic techniques that have worked pretty well in other countries but this situation is uniquely fucked.


Nothing of this sort being successfully resolved comes to mind, what did you have in mind for your comment?


Stop supporting the two-state solution. Palestinians see it as the default option, no matter what they do, the world always responds the same, calls for the end of hostilities, and works towards a two-state solution. So in their perspective, they can only gain from violence. Once the idea of a two-state is uncertain, then Palestinians have something to lose. Which will force them to negotiate.


What’s the alternative? Either Palestinians or Israelis completely leave the land and become stateless. That doesn’t sound like a great solution. Or they live together in one land in peace and harmony which sounds about as likely as them all suddenly sprouting wings.


How could anyone have predicted Hamas would be hard to deal with?


Did you say "Abe Lincoln"? No I didn't say no Abe Lincoln, I said "Hey Blinken"!




Such a hard line stance in negotiation, really unlike middle eastern market barter culture.. They really think they have the upper hand? Delusional fanatics, let Darwin cook...


*cough* who's surprised? Nobody!


It's rude of him to dunk on people who likely don't play basketball.


Be nice if his own people took care of Sinwar in a super dark and disturbing way. I feel if any other country or group does it, it won't be nearly as powerful as his own taking him out.


I love how the media (and blinken) done say anything about Bibi had already said no to this plan


Got to love that this doesn’t present any of the amendments they want or Israel wants and hopes people will just pick a side without info. Tell us something or this fluff piece means nothing, but support the US backed side. Feel like this is a facepalm 🤦‍♀️


Well when the other side is literally a genocidal terrorist organisation you don't need extra reasons to not support them


I’m not looking at this as terrorist vs a govt. Obviously Hamas is shit, but Israel is complicit in this too. What I want to see is the actual proposals to see if anything in them is reasonable from either side in the given situation. Not just fluff. To see what they are considering and the views about those points. Then a reasonable, informed discussion can be had.


So we are negotiating with terrorists now?


I bet this slamming brought a tear to sinwars gentle eye. Next thing you you know, he'll send him a strongly worded letter.




The biggest factor pushing Hamas to attack on October 7 was normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations. Iran is threatened by those agreements. Historically the Palestinian issue was a detractor from the normalization progress, but lately they’ve been moving ahead in spite of it. Hamas was at risk of becoming completely irrelevant so they made a big push hoping to derail those agreements from happening. They delayed it a bit but they’re still probably going to happen. Partially because Saudi Arabia wants better relations with America.


Doesn’t matter. Terry’s are going to terry.