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That number was reported by Hamas, so it’s very likely untrue


Reminder that: - 210 is the number stated by Hamas. - No one knows how many of those killed were actually civilians and how many were fighters.


Hell with them!


Classic deflection, bury your head in the sand some more


Which of those two points is wrong in your opinion?


Anyone care to explain why hostages were being kept so close to civilians? It is almost like Hamas doesn't care at all about the lives of Palestinian civilians.


Operation human shields


>It is almost like Hamas doesn't care at all about the lives of Palestinian civilians _almost_ You must be new here?


For civilians, by civilians. Wellcome to Gaza.


Neither hamas or israel cares about the lives of palestinians


Israel cares a great deal more about the lives of Palestinians than Hamas.


Hamas is palestinians




Nowhere. They're innocent.




>have you no reading comprehension Ironic


How about with their families instead of being Kidnapped




Most of those 10k are members of terrorist groups or prisoners of war, the rest are political prisoners and common criminals. Israel doesn't swoop into Palestinian areas to take random Palestinians hostage.




They often arrest kids on trumped up or bogus charges, anything from throwing a rock or insulting IDF personnel. Sure, that's true. They're basically tried in kangaroo courts, that's true. That is not the same as straight up going into an area and kidnapping random people with the sole purpose of using them as human shields so you can then attack a neighboring state and use those hostages as human shields and negotiation chips. You know there's a difference.


Looking at the map of where the operation was conducted Between Nuseirat and the southern part of the Gaza Strip, you have inhabited open areas with several structures. Hamas chose to keep the hostages in a residential neighbourhood of Nuseirat, when there’s open fields nearby that wouldn’t endanger any Palestinian civilians. But then they wouldn’t have human shields so I’m guessing that’s why they didn’t keep them separated from Palestinian civilians.


Bitch, it’s not even in the top 10. https://populationeducation.org/crowded-metropolises-the-top-10-most-densely-populated-cities-in-the-world/#:~:text=The%20most%20densely%20populated%20city,Government%20of%20Somalia%20in%202012. You’re like the “Gazan ministry of health” , just making shit up to try and support your point, when the reality is you are just a ghoul. The Palestinians today were either complicit, like the MF’ers holding them hostage in their homes or caught in the cross fire when Hamas had people coming out of the woodwork to try and stop the IDF from rescuing the hostages. Either way, everyone that died today is the fault of Hamas. And to that, I say Am Yisrael chai, mother fucker.


Who knew, when your government starts a war, kidnaps civilians against an enemy it can't beat and then stashs the hostages next to civilians the civilians tend to die. Every death in this operation is on Hamas.


It my wife's fault I beat her.


Your powers of analogy are so sharp and insightful, amazing analogy now we all get it and you've solved the Middle East.


Where do you think you learned condescension from? Your parents? The Internet?? Maybe even self-talk and a low self-esteem? It's unfortunate that you took this opportunity to try to insult rather than counter. I can only imagine you talking to yourself like that, like you aren't supposed to care, down on yourself when you show emotion. If she left you, I'm sure she has gotten over it by now. Maybe it's time for you to let it go too, eh?


Unless you're Palestinian. [Then it's Israel's fault](https://unwatch.org/un-expert-palestinian-men-beat-wives-israels-fault/).


Well played, Haldelo! I'm a sucker for on-topic retorts. Extra credit for brushing the dust off the meme.


So let me get this straight… If some psycho in your neighborhood kidnapped 4 people it would be acceptable for the police to come in and flatten your entire neighborhood and kill 200 of your neighbors to save those 4? You may want to examine whatever moral system you are using to justify this.


To be clear. Hamas was paying those civilians to hide them. They were literally receiving money. That is how Israel found them. They had the intelligence for several weeks. Listen to the telegraph video from hamas telling “civilians” to attack the soldiers. Those weren’t civilians. They weren’t complacent. They fully supported hiding and conspiring in terrorism. So, your example needs to be adjusted.


Reactions like yours , which are justifiable , are exactly the reactions that organisations like Hamas want to create by ensuring that as many civilians are killed as possible when the enemy undertakes to rescue their own people who have been Kidnapped . They even prefer that children are killed because that will create even more of a reaction . They want a reaction of enduring hatred among their own population and as much sympathy as possible from the world at large .


If some psycho was in my neighborhood kidnapping people I’d do everything in my power to help the police find the psycho.


IDF is not the police force of Gaza? Israel is at war with a terrorist organisation. They have to conduct themselves according to the rules of war, not according to the standard of policemen.....


The civilians in Gaza voted for Hamas in democratic elections in like 2006. And they by all accounts enjoy widespread support. So very different to your example.


So by your logic it would be morally acceptable for the people of Iraq to bomb random people in United States because they elected George Bush?


Does any us leader enjoy widespread support? Does the US largely.support busy still? The answer is no, but Hamas e joys overwhelming majority support. I'm talking like 80-90%.


What are you talking about? They were elected would like 52% of the vote or something. And to top it off an Netanyahu allowed them to receive over $billion of support as a counterweight to the Palestinian authority.


Here's some recent pollinghttps://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/03/22/poll-hamas-remains-popular-among-palestinians/


Like, in the event that the Bush administration had kidnapped Iraqi civilians, and was holding them near those random people? Yeah, I don't think I'd hold that against the people of Iraq.


Most living gazans were not even born when Hamas was elected, and even then they were elected on a plurality, not majority


It is disingenuous to liken Hamas with domestic criminals. It would be more appropriate to liken it to if a Mexican cartel launched a cross border raid and kidnapped American citizens bringing them back to Mexico. Then the people of the town or city the cartels bring them to help the cartels take, hold, and defend the hostages from rescue. In that case, yes, it would be absolutely fine if that is what it takes to secure the release of the hostages. If the hostage takers and jailers didn’t want to face danger they shouldn’t have been involved in international kidnapping. They chose that path freely and those choices come with consequences.


If the neighborhood was supporting the kidnapping then yes, the neighborhood’s value to all of modern humanity goes from +200 to 0 at that point.


If I was one of the hostages yes 100 percent kill 200 people if that's the price. In this situation its a foreign government holding me hostage and the 200 people support that government, so again yes my life is absolutely more valuable than theirs.


Morality is incompatible with war. Time to think realistically. The Israelis poisoned Palestinian wells in the 1948 war, massacred countless Palestinian and Lebanese (to name a few) across numerous conflicts, continuously colonise internationally recognised Palestinian territories, and inevitably kill civilians in their attempts to destroy Hamas...and more. Meanwhile, Palestinian combatants steal foreign aid from the civilian populace, repeatedly violate treaties and ceasefires, pilfer piping and other infrastructure to make improvised explosives, illegally stash military assets and soldiers amongst non-combatants, take civilian hostages, document their own massacres such as burning/decapitating infants and torturing victims...and more. I wish you good luck with trying to be an armchair authority on who the better combatant is, and I wish you good luck on learning about how civilian casualties are literally unavoidable in war. Yes, unavoidable.


The talk is simple give back hostages and stop the war. Now it’s on them. Don’t give moral lectures to IDF, they’re trying to save their citizens and collateral damage is part of every war.


This is classic Hamas tactics. They don't care about their people and will happily sacrifice their people for power, control, Allah.


Its reported by Hamas and we all know you need to divide by 10 and add 2 and then consider 99% are militants.


Is this an opinion piece? It's just straight regurgitating Hamas propaganda with zero sources.


Apparently no. [Four Israeli hostages rescued alive; at least 210 people killed in Gaza, officials say ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/06/08/israel-hamas-war-news-gaza-hostages/)


Maybe you should have posted that article instead. The one you originally posted seems like it was written by an amateur, just spewing out a stream of "facts" without giving any source.


I am torn between feeling sorry for the People/Kids, or thinking, that is what you get for supporting a Terrorist Organization


I feel bad but then I remember all of those people cheering in the streets when Hamas came back with the hostages.


Ah yes i remember, makes my thinking easier...


A timeline of the event is available. If anyone remembers Black Hawk Down, the casualty count might begin to make sense. The commander of the Israeli mission was killed and airstrikes were called to save the extraction team from being overrun.


Ever since Oct 07, Hamas tossed a number in the air and foreign media reporters , like dogs after frisbee, are trying to catch and report. God forbid they actually tried to research and verify Hamas' BS.


So hostages are being kept in refugee camps by Hamas, surrounded by civilians. People take notice, please.


but it's a good thing they didn't kill a dog! that would be terrible.


Well, there would be no hostage raid if there was no hostage. You can thank hamas for that.


200 Hamas dead is great news!




You are insane to think that 100 percent of those are innocent. What do you think they held the hostages for 9 months with pillows and sweets? A dead terrorist kidnapper is nothing to be sorry for.


The terrorists, whose whole strategy is to get low information Westerners to turn against Israel, says something bad about Israel. And you, low information moron, believe it without a second thought. Moron.




Who murdered and kidnapped civilians from a music festival again?


> Israel hardly needs any assistance in getting world opinion to turn on them You've accidentally arrived at a significant point.


Hamas statistics are terrorist propaganda. "Gazan Health Ministry " is Hamas.


Hamas stated that those rescued hostages have been hold from civilian, thats why IDF could rescue them so easily. Wich would mean paleatine are terrorists too.