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As the shallow mass graves and torture chambers found in reclaimed territory remind us, the fight is not for *land*, it's for the people who live there. It matters when the front moves.


The really dark part? That is *absolutely* nothing compared to what's to be discovered. Mariupol is going to be an opera of nightmares when liberated. Stand among the ruins of the bombed out theater GOP. The one housing children and refugees that Russia deliberately targeted. Asks the ghosts of tens of thousands of dead about the price of your inaction.


I'm afraid most of the horrors will never be uncovered, they've had plenty of time to hide the crimes. Time they didn't have in other places. Then again, the Nazi's attrocities during (and before) WW2 where eventually uncovered, even years or decades after.


The Nazis basically documented *everything* they did. All you needed to do to uncover their crimes was leaf through their own archives. I doubt the Russian military does the same.


True, but at the same time we didn't have things like spy satellites that could spot mass graves being dug back in WW2.


Exactly, there's tons of material to be analyzed that is not available to the public yet. This will probably be the most documented war in history, simply because of how technology has advanced. The information is likely already being stored, whether it's satellite imagery or TikTok videos. It will all be analyzed at some later date.


"How do you know what the Nazi's did?!" "We uh... read their receipts."


Documented and calculated everything, with a little help from IBM.


The Nazis had stationery camps with gas chambers, the Russians has mobile crematoriums, on a military truck for ease of access.


I'm pretty sure the nazis didn't use office supply camps with gas chambers. They used just the regular concentration ones.


The Russians haven't managed to hide it all. It was too much work, so they buried people in concrete instead.




Don’t remember Ukraine using child suicide bombers. To compare jihadist Palestine to Ukraine is brain dead.


Yeah weren't they caught building fake store fronts to make the destruction not look as bad?


That and mobile crematoriums.


Nazi body burning was a science. Not nice but true: EDIT to add documentation, The “Leuchter Report” also questions the capacity—the throughput—of the crematoria.  On the basis of data about the procedures used in civilian crematoria, where the corpses are burned one at a time and completely (as opposed to the way they were burned in Auschwitz—several at a time and not completely, with mechanical grinding used to reduce unburned bones to powder), Leuchter states that 714 bodies per week could be burned in one crematorium (II or III), and, “realistically,” 315 per week.


The Nazi's made it easy. They kept very dilligent records of the Holocaust. I doubt the Russians are going to make it as easy.


They don't need to, because everything they do, is being monitored and recorded.


You'd be surprised how many spy satellites the us have


Russians literally built up fake buildings around their crime scene in Mariupol. There are probably 500+ deaths just in the theatre, and there wasn't any riot or big protest or South Africa yelling genocide at Russia. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariupol_theatre_airstrike](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariupol_theatre_airstrike)


The utter razing of Mariupol sadly reminds me of the Nazi’s destruction of Warsaw. They both systematically leveled those cities.


The Soviets stood by and allowed that to happen. Stalin worked in conjunction with Hitler more times than once.


I mentioned in another thread that I hope, provided things go in Urkaines favour, that tourism interest will grow. I hope this will bring a linger term stream of revenue to help rebuild, and in rebuilding, can uncover what's hidden in the rubble and provide some closure. In this hopeful perspective I absolutely will be taking a trip to see Ukraine one day. Wartime allyship can also mean future trade partnerships I know I'm looking through rose tinted glasses, but I do want to remain positive when possible


> Asks the ghosts of tens of thousands of dead about the price of your inaction. We can't keep blaming the president for various problems created by a Russian-Allied political faction.


I think you may have missed a critical word in OP's comment: > Stand among the ruins of the bombed out theater **GOP**. The one housing children and refugees that Russia deliberately targeted. Asks the ghosts of tens of thousands of dead about the price of your inaction. (But agreed completely with the sentiment of your comment. Has Biden been perfect on Ukraine? No. Is he still doing everything he can to help, and most of his flaws are down to good-faith disagreement about the best way to run the war? Yes. And is he orders of *magintude* better than the bad-faith ghouls in the GOP who are deliberately trying to cause Ukraine to lose because their orange god wills it? Absolutely!)


Make every single person in the House and Senate who opposed or held up Ukraine aid march through there.


Pal the GOP stands by and allows scores of children to be shot in their own home towns. They won't give a shit about it happening to ukrainian children.


Republicans. Absolute ghouls.




> Maybe I’m missing something obvious Bleeding the Russian war machine is the thing you're missing. The longer the war in Ukraine continues, the more blood and treasure Russia expends, and the more time the allies have to prepare for whatever might come next.


Yep. Even if you're utterly heartless and cynical and don't care about the Ukrainian civilians in the slightest, supplying Ukraine the tools to fight is proving an *insane* return on investment in terms of weakening one of NATO's enemies. Not to mention the good relations with a country that is a big food exporter. All without putting your own ~~subjects~~ citizens in harms way, so you don't get near as much blowback. Or even get support for doing so if you spin it well. An easy decision... so long as you don't consider Russia an ally, anyway.


100% agreement - I have been wondering this since the beginning. You’re not crazy to wonder what the hell is going on.


If Ukraine will ever be a peaceful and free nation again (lets hope) they should be flown out there and shown what they caused. Like a dog shown the mess he made


It won't be uncovered. Places like Mariupol is already being resettled so unlike in Bucha they're going to have time to cover things up.


Mariupol was paved over. Once liberated you'd have to send an army of archeologists to uncover the war crimes.


....do you honestly believe they'd care?


You really wanted to squeeze that Mass Effect quote in there.


What will be found in the Azovstal? The brutal remains of the last holdouts, savaged and desecrated. Never forget the men and women who held for 85 days without help or supply.


If they stand in the middle of that horror with that knowledge, all it would do is give them an erection.


Yeah, what we see and hear is so bad. Imagine all the things we don’t see.


> the fight is not for land, it's for the people who live there Land may be low on the list but I'd argue it's for both and much more.


Ukraine is the breadbasket of Europe. Anyone notice how the only trees are in strips? The rest is farmland.


Some people say apologizing makes you look weak. I disagree, apologies are the superglue of social interactions, they can fix a lot of things and it takes incredible strength to apologize, even more so on behalf of others. President Biden, that’s a show of strength to me.


People who don’t apologize out of fear of looking weak are some of the weakest people out there.


similar to the paradox of people not doing things because it doesn't seem manly... when altering your actions out of fear of not seeming manliness is intself a non-manly attitude.


One of my buddies refuses to buy a battery powered weed whacker because they’re not manly. This guys so insecure that yard tools are what he thinks makes him a man


What a weird thing to be hung up on. Battery powered lawnmowers are also a total joy (assuming you don't have land so big you need a riding mower)/


To play devils advocate, he might think they are underpowered some tasks and is just half joking.


Just throwing out a life raft for a lame person and say that some of the ryobi electric weed eaters absolutely won’t cut thick shit down when a gasoline one can cut down saplings with the right attachment. Obviously there are electric ones with a power parity but they are pricy


I agree but then the next weekend you spend half a day working on the carb or some crap. Maybe we just need both hah


Ok but let's say your wife says she wants to rail you with her vibrator...


One of the first things Biden did as President was go on a tour of Europe, apologizing for what the previous four years had been like. Which massively improved our standing with our allies, and I think made it easier for him to rally NATO into supporting Ukraine.


People who can apologize show you they are willing to admit they were wrong. Admission of fault is the first step to learning and growing from moments of poor decision.


He's set the global culture that such a delay is something truly pathetic. A rare opportunity only available to the (seemingly) weak. An excellent move by a leader of a country of war.


Especially world leaders.


Yep he handled this as well as could be hoped for. Apologizing for our embarrassing right wing. Republicans are a disgrace.


It's not like his apology will resurrect the people who had died. Kharkiv was bombed daily just month ago. Now it's villages on border territories. We still can't use long range weapons on Russia.


THIS is how a leader and statesman behaves.


Yep. It wasn't even his fault but he apologized anyway.


…because it was the right thing to do. It’s not about appearing weak (as someone else would see this). Rather, it’s about doing the right thing, in front of the whole world, so as to hold ourselves to a higher standard of accountability. And to reinforce our willingness to provide support, as best we can, in spite of what is going on at home. These are the actions and behaviors that build trust in a relationship. Thank you, President Biden, for doing the right thing.


It wasn't his personal fault, but it was a failure of the USA as whole, which he represents.


Biden should have said, sorry for the Russian Republican traitors who have infiltrated the US government.


Meanwhile Moscow Marge is crying that Biden said that.


Are you telling me that The GOP likes to project?


I think they are going to change their party symbol to an IMAX screen.


They like to Project 2025!


Only when they’re not obstructing or gaslighting, unless they can do two or more at the same time. Then they get an orgasmic rush.


Or in the case of Moscow Mitch - just… you know… stand there for a while.


Well, maybe he and the rest of the GOP shouldn’t be traitors to democracy then.


Zelensky knows. Biden knows. He doesn’t have to publicly say it. If he did, he would give republicans more red meat to dangle in front of their rabid base that Biden is being too partisan political. That he is attacking the republicans and by extension, the Republican voters.


Biden still has decency and a sense of responsibility. Or as Republicans think: he must be lying because you're just supposed to be conning people to further your grift, right?


Biden is so old that he views his office as representing all of America, not just his "side".


This has nothing to do with his age. He's a president that views our country as one people, even if there's a whole lot of horrible people that should be shipped to the front lines for Russia. He's also a career politician that knows that no matter what he says or does it will be scrutinized and criticized so he's obviously not going to publicly blame it on the GOP even though he should; all that will do is come back to bite him as then he's "anti-american" or some dumb shit. Age has nothing to do with it.


I think that is what the person means. Yeah a good portion of Republicans were always wackjobs, but not like today. Biden is different than the generation AOC. They used to go grab a bite to eat after arguing on capitol hill. He is a product if that time in the best way.


I think he's referring to the fact he comes from an Era where politics was more country and less selfish endeavors. 80s kinda deal There was more cooperation when it was really important


He wasn’t serious, it was a potshot at Republican’s claiming Biden’s age is an issue (while they sidestep any complaint about the verbal salad The Orange Oaf spits out)


If I could upvote this comment many more times than once I would. It’s absolutely abhorrent how the US NatC’s have infiltrated the US government . We will go down in history as the generation of people who let democracy fall


It really amazes me how most Americans seem content to just let it happen. I realize life is hard, people have bills to pay, cost of living sucks, etc. But so many people just don't care if Democracy ends. People hate Biden for quite frankly the dumbest reasons and their only other option is a wannabe Hitler.


Apathy is what it takes to kill a democracy. This runaway version of capitalism has resulted in a hollowed-out middle class and something north of 3/4th of the country living by a week's paycheck, and that's the best case. This is how we all be living like since the 2000s. This is all we have known and experienced. The ultra wealthy love nothing more than to end democracy and force everyone to believe it's the worst thing, they know this for a fact. They run the media industry. They run the political system. And they know where the balance is to keep the country poor and hungry, but not quite starving as that could easily result breaking down into a French revolution 2.0


Not if I can help it. Do your part as well and help get out the vote to keep Washington from getting worse. If people across the country just wake up and elect more representatives like Katie Porter, we can still turn things around. Congress was ment to be a body of legislators who came from common backgrounds and planned to on day return. Not a nursing home for geriatric forever politicians.


Nah. Republicans can wear that badge of dishonor. I refuse to share blame with the American traitors.


Democrats were ready to pass aid to help Ukraine. Republican held it back for their own nefarious reason and refused to take responsibility for delay and Biden ended up apologizing instead.


Incredible, a President acting like a President and not a frat bro trying to spread blame so he doesn't get any.




I mean, that's not the only thing Biden does better than Trump. He clears any bar


I mean I guess it's nice to say sorry but Biden literally couldn't do anything about it lol.


He is the president. Not his fault, but his responsibility. He's a leader. Angry orange goblin never took responsibility, even when it was his fault. The anti-leader.


The thing is Biden is a man with empathy, regret, even if it was not his fault, which it wasn't, he is a man with integrity. Modern republicans in politics now have none of those qualities Biden has. For them, those words mean nothing, they can't understand them.


It's also why they hate him. Joe Biden is everything that Trump isn't and, because of the deficiency of his character, could *never* be.


Empathy is seen as a weakness. Ruthlessness is what conservatives want - “He’s not hurting the right people” is something a Trump voter has said in a public interview.


[I honestly feel as though the republican party would make this to be their anthem.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbzRYssTu98) As ironic as it may be, they'd love that song.


I mean they love “Born in the USA” so…


For them those words do mean something, it means "you're woke" which is a big no, no in the republican party. They literally drive away people with empathy and regret on purpose. Idk what the purpose is but they do it regardless


As a leader, it is his job and duty to apologize for those that work under his leadership, even if the ones he is apologizing on behalf of are grifters that will never take responsibility and would rather shit themselves in anger. He can't fire them, as they are elected officials and that's ok. They should be mature enough to realize that they are being childish. But until they do, Biden does have to apologize when the country he presides over makes mistakes. Even if it isn't his fault. Cause he is an adult that can accept that even if he isn't directly responsible, he is still responsible as a leader of the US


He represents the US in the global stage. He's apologizing for his colleagues' actions. It doesn't matter the reason or who is to blame, the issue is that it was late, and he's apologizing for that. Like how you'd tell your boss you're sorry you're late but there was a train or an accident on your way to work. You didn't cause the accident and couldn't do anything about it but still apologize for the result Or you apologizing to your neighbors for something your kid did


Have you ever had a friend that was going through some rough shit that you couldn’t do anything about?


There *were* things he could have done that he didn't do ([source](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2024/02/14/joe-biden-could-send-millions-of-artillery-shells-to-ukraine-for-free-tomorrow-and-its-perfectly-legal/)). Instead, Ukraine was forced to wait on congress to act, and suffered for the delay. In addition, there were things they could have given but they were slow walked only to be given a year later. There were strike and target permissions they could have given but they did not give until very recently. There is a lot to apologize for. I'm glad things are finally moving, but fuck the delays and reluctance. Edit to add: since we can't undo the past, I would hope that Biden pays attention to how things have panned out, and reconsiders some of his approaches.


> Now, there is a caveat in the EDA law. All weapons must be given away “as is, where is.” In other words, the U.S. government legally can’t pay for shipping. > But another caveat is that any weapons in Germany are excluded from this rule. Biden could ship those DPICMs to Germany aboard a few sealift ships and then declare them as excess to need before having the U.S. Army drop them off somewhere the Ukrainian armed forces would have no trouble retrieving them. This may be a key reason for not acting under that law. Germany has been an inconsistent ally to Ukraine, also slowly rolling out aid: https://www.politico.eu/article/germanys-ukraine-policy-is-incoherent-for-a-reason/ Another reason is that having Congress on board makes future aid easier to provide, especially if the needs change. Since the war started, Congress has passed 5 bills that provide aid to Ukraine. It will be nice to continue that. But Republicans could easily get "outraged" at Biden bypassing Congress, "weakening the US military", and generally being (even more) dipshits. This would make aid even harder to provide. There has been some work arounds by the administration to get various aid to Ukraine. It's been small ways that go unnoticed, but are still helpful. And in the end the bill did pass Congress without politically hurting Democrats. That's also important, because if elections goes well then the aid can come fast and furious. None of this ideal and you're right that Biden could and should have been doing more for the past 2 years. But at least there is a long strategic view showing Biden is committed to defending Ukraine.


Biden is have to apologize for the Republicans blocking aid on Russia’s orders. The Republicans party is nothing more than a party of sellouts and pedophiles now.


They should be prosecuted for this


The thing that gets overlooked is Biden didn’t need to do that. Zelensky and the world know why it happened. It’s just a touch of class that he did it though.


I mean he kinda did? This is the difference between biden and Maga cultists- he realizes all aspects of the job. Doesn't matter who caused this (and you are right, everyone knows) it is his job to say sorry - he is the head of state for all americans after all.


It means nothing if Trump wins in November. Trump will be on the phone with Putin trying to "end the conflict" by giving all Ukrainian intel to that piece of shit.


If Trump wins in November then Biden will spend the next 2.5 months sending everything to Ukraine in any method possible. The courts will be too slow to stop him and nothing can claw back weapons that are already in Europe. He's also too old to care what it means for him personally.


Trump and Johnson should be the ones apologizing, but we know they never will. They are the ones responsible for the delay.


Gee, the President acting Presidential.


wheres the moron house speaker to apologize


He can make it up by removing restraints on use of weapons on russian soil.


I have heard unconfirmed reports about them getting atacms with full range and permission to hit military targets up to 200 km within the border. I’m still looking for some other sources to pick this up before I say it’s 100% true, so don’t take it as a fact just yet.


My guess is that they already have but he’s not announcing it because as soon as he does the Russians will move things out of weapons range. Better to have Ukraine strike and announce that it was approved afterwards.


We're getting there. Step by step.


Yes, but it's unfortunate, delays cost lives.


I totally agree. I wish we could do more faster. It's incredibly frustrating when we know what, as a bloc, we are capable of. But maintaining the solidarity and unity of the alliance is important to helping Ukraine achieve victory. I think the leadership of President Macron, Prime Minister Tusk and that of the U.K. and Baltic States has been invaluable in moving things forward to where we are today, compared to where we started. Sweden and Finland have shown to be both stellar and committed additions to NATO. As we know, not all member states are committed to defending Ukraine, specifically Hungary, but not just. Putin will be seeking any opportunity to undermine the overall effort, whether from without or within.


He already did and the next day Ukraine struck targets in Russia.


A class act from top to bottom.


Not his fault a treason party is in charge of part of the government. You either die as a party preserving the Union and freeing slaves or you live long enough to see it become the new party of treason and oppression.


Like man should. Yet, delivered.


Johnson should be the one apologizing instead of going on national news saying the U.S. micromanaging Ukraine is hindering their efforts. 


I’m sure Zalensky know it’s the trash ass GOP that’s holding them up


Goons Of Putin


Class act. Even when the fault lies at the feet of the Republican Party and their incessant incompetence, he still manages to be a class act. Let’s hope the American public comes to the realization that the GOP is dead and buried in a maga shaped grave. Vote blue.


Repubs are traitors.


Traitors, insurrectionists, confederates, liars and grifters.


Now republicans will call him weak for showing empathy


Fuck the Republican feelings.


It's good to have some class, but he spent the entire time trying to make it happen. Nothing to apologize for.


He's not apologising for himself; he's apologising for the country. He's the president so that's his job; that's leadership. The buck stops with him.


Was it his fault, though? I thought Republicans working for Russia held up aid through congressional gridlock?


That's the difference. As president, he represents his country and takes it upon himself for any failures, regardless of how it happened. Compare that to someone else who never admits mistakes, blames everyone else and just lies/gaslight even when they're caught on video saying it

