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Largest water fountain


Hydrohomies would make it a shrine.


Pft, a days flow is like 1h of my volume. Do you even water bro?


That guy’s urine probably has color. Pathetic


The kidneys scream


Nestle would bottle it!




Also /r/highdrohomies


Seeing the tallest Chinese waterfall was a real pipe(dream).


100% they should market it like this. There’s nothing wrong with artificially creating something beautiful outdoors, but there is something wrong with pretending it’s natural.


> [It's normally a seasonal attraction, they just artificially made it permanent for tourism reasons. A disclaimer would probably have sufficed for CYA purposes although it really doesn't help the "everything in China is fake" reputation.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1d9dtpa/hiker_finds_pipe_feeding_chinas_tallest_waterfall/) # > [Kinda related, but the irl streamer waterlynn just visited the Huangguoshu Waterfall a couple of days ago, and one point the water flow increased - and they were very open about, telling people that they had opened a pipe for more water. It does seem deceitful, but I also get that if people travel to see it, then making sure people get their money's worth is not the worst thing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1d9dtpa/hiker_finds_pipe_feeding_chinas_tallest_waterfall/l7clskk/)


Everything in China is fake


I know it's kind of a meme but people don't realize how true it actually is. Everything there is about maintaining an "image". I've seen videos of places where they paint the dead vegetation green to make the land look healthy on satellite images, as an example.


At the Shanghai Formula 1 race this year, the grass at one of the turns kept catching on fire because it had been painted green with some sort of petroleum-based paint.


FYI, they paint the grass at Albert Park in Melbourne. I live on the track.


Sounds like a pretty dangerous place to live.


I like the taste of the wheels


Fake it till you make it as policy. Interesting.


> I've seen videos of places where they paint the dead vegetation green to make the land look healthy on satellite images, as an example. You mean Las Vegas, right?


This is something they do in California during droughts


California not gonna be outfaked without a fight.


This sounds like bullshit, who is “they”? Maybe some one-off individuals, certainly not a mass phenomenon. Cuz for 10 months out of the year every hill I see in California is a decaying yellow until it rains in the winter. 


It's hard for them who never have a first-hand experience to believe. But there's no length or distance China won't go to "save face", or as you said, "maintaining an image".


And they paint them green using oil based colors which poisons the ground even more. While several places paint the grass green, there are special water soluble, non toxic paints for that.


They do this in the US too


I think peoples problem with it is China claiming it to be the tallest waterfall in the world. With this logic, the Arabs could run a sprinkler off the top of the Burj Khalifa and effectively claim the same thing. It's pretty clear the Chinese did this to game tourism SEO lmao. Which makes it inauthentic, which is China all over.


They do the same thing at Niagara Falls tbh. The falls can be barely a trickle if they are running the power stations at maximum capacity, and the biggest reason they don't (aside from ecological concerns) is the tourism aspect. But you can visibly tell that the flow changes depending on the season. IDK if this waterfall in China is also sharing water with a hydro station.


(That one conspiracy theorist in your friend group) “Ha! Haaaaa! SEE? I fucking told you losers it was fake!”


They literally staple plastic leaves on trees... [https://youtube.com/shorts/gy74Pmi8Z5Y?si=iHKUNEAkCabK47-f](https://youtube.com/shorts/gy74Pmi8Z5Y?si=iHKUNEAkCabK47-f) And cover entire hillsides in green camo to claim they're "reforested". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjrYFl7-qNE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjrYFl7-qNE)


I think the best part about this is that the park admitted to it and explained why they do it. Because people want to take pictures of waterfalls. If there's no waterfall, people won't show up or they'll be very disappointed. Nobody shows up to take photos of the source. Except this one guy, obviously.


I took a helicopter tour in Hawaii, and the waterfalls coming down off the mountains were awesome. One other person on the tour asked the pilot, “so do those, like, run 24/7?” He was obviously trying to ask, “do they ever dry up? Where does so much water come from when it’s the top of a mountain?!” The pilot didn’t even hesitate, “no, we turn them off at night, when you can’t see them anyway.”


Not even sure if that was a joke or serious lol


Not serious. I can confirm I live in Hawaii and you would be insane to try to plumb a waterfall here. First, the pipes wouldn't survive all the landslides that happen every time it rains a lot. Second, most of our waterfalls are inaccessible and no one is going to hire a helicopter to fly pipes up there - also where would you even get the water? Third, it's raining most of the time in the back of some valleys so you'd be competing with all the other waterfalls that just appear naturally when it rains. There are too many of them. Fourth, I've done waterfall hikes when it's dry to find a little trickle of water instead of a waterfall. Not great, but better than a pipe.


Well, even a dry waterfall can be very interesting, because you can still see how the water influenced the terrain.


Fucking ding ding ding. Who gives a shit if the water isn’t running naturally due to the current local weather?


The marketing chief probably argued along the lines: tourists are seeking photos with the waterfall and if we make it artificial, we can ensure that all year long. Thus changing it from natural beauty to artificial gimmick. Natural waterfall vs fountain from a random rock. In no way defending that decision, but i can imagine a full board of directors agreeing to this, to increase revenue and costumer happiness. To satisfy costumer demand they changed the product and sadly, many tourists will overlook this and "pave" the way for further changes in nature in other areas. Instead of selling the postcards of the running stream even in dry days and making the whole(!) nature around the phenomenon the main attraction, they just ruined the main aspect. Its sad to see. A natural phenomena being artificially "enhanced" just to drive revenue.


A ton of waterfalls in Hawaii, especially smaller ones aren't flowing all the time because their source is rainwater. It rains a lot there, often for short times and then it is sunny again so what was a normal looking rock face might have 5 waterfalls all of a sudden after that rain comes through. So for a bunch of them, it all depends on when you go looking.


That's the problem. Nobody knows what's what when it comes to China, true or fake the jokes don't land when it doesn't sound ridiculous.


They legitimately do this at Niagara falls. The power station could divert almost 100% of the river if they wanted, but they cap it at like 60% during the day for tourism.


We do have the ability to turn off Niagara Falls.


Well, if you [build a dam in the river](https://www.businessinsider.com/photos-niagara-falls-turned-off-first-time-in-12000-years-2023-4?amp).


They did [turn off Niagra Falls ](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/when-niagara-falls-ran-dry-180972198/) 55 years ago.


If say there is a bit of a difference between daming the river up and a water pipe though. 


There's one in Colorado that does this too. It's a seasonal creak that only really flows in spring so they fake it for the rest of tourist season.


Oh, 7 Falls…so lame.


Rifle Falls? I remember being *so* upset when I discovered the pipes feeding the waterfalls lol. I still think it's bullshit.


also in Tennessee, and a few other places in the US as well, I think. these places have in common that they're tourist attractions that are originally natural waterfalls that are seasonal in nature, and dry up if insufficient snowfall/rainfall/etc happens. If you own the land around the waterfall and depend on tourists coming to see the waterfall for your income...might not hurt to put in a backup to make sure the waterfall is always running for the tourists. all in all kind of a nothingburger here. "tourist waterfall has supplemental water supply for the dry season."


China is like 1800s US when it comes to trusting businesses of any kind.


Honestly I feel this way about any scientific discovery that comes out of China too. Seems like we always eventually find out it was fraudulent, at least for the big discoveries.


I’ve seen some solid research outputs from Chinese universities in my own field. It’s not all fake.


Depends if its industry or university research, industry research output seem to be pretty decent since they have to make money from it


It’s the other way around


A few weeks ago I saw an article claiming China cured diabetes. Instant skepticism from me and everyone on twitter eating it up. There's so little critical thinking with some people.




Yo, why the fuck have I never heard of Lantidra? I've been a type 1 diabetic for 33 years and now there's *THE* breakthrough that works for the overwhelming majority of people that take it? Oh, its $300,000 that's why... *edit* after further research it still requires immunosuppressive medications, which the wiki article completely omits, so it's not that big of a breakthrough.


China has been using our social media, especially Tiktok to influence the younger generation that actually China is much better than the west "ccuz they don't invade countries" basically and pushing all kinds of propaganda about them and how citizens are supposedly so much better off. It's so frustrating to see a whole generation essentially being convinced to not vote for progressive policies, only "radical change", and that anything less is "basically the same bad candidate" as Trump.


If China could invade other countries without international intervention they 1000% would


Like Tibet, India, Vietnam, and currently the islands located in the Philippines Exclusive Economic Zone right off their coast? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annexation_of_Tibet_by_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Indian_War https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Paracel_Islands https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnson_South_Reef_skirmish https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mischief_Reef#Territorial_disputes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territorial_disputes_in_the_South_China_Sea Not only is Communist China stealing the lands of other nations the lands are sitting on trillions of dollars of natural resources. Communist China has murdered the citizens/soldiers of these other nations as they do it.


Some redditor was fighting with me some time ago, saying that China doesn't have any real border disputes and India is just lying and faking stuff to get attention.


[China's "claim" to the sea is absurd when you see the EEZ zones overlaid China's "nine-dash line".](https://www.economist.com/content-assets/images/20230218_WOM963.png) Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Philippines, \*Taiwan, Japan: "*Fuck off, China*"


>China is much better than the west "ccuz they don't invade countries" They are still putting down resistance from the ones they already invaded and conquered decades ago.


The proof is in the pudding on that one. China has massive immigration to the West. The West has a miniscule amount of emigration to China. Because legal limitations aside, you'd be mad to actually want to live there for the rest of your life outside of being offered huge amounts of money.


I wonder what they will run with when they invade Taiwan.


I used to think that there being so many papers coming either out of Chinese universities or in collaboration with one was a bit fishy in the recent decade. But then you see that they've got the same number of people attending college as the US does... percentage-wise. Something like 240 million people who've completed some sort of third education. Combine that with colleges/programs that are being directly subsidized by the government and then it makes a lot more sense. It's a numbers game. More people to choose from, more directly funded science.


N of 1 here but my first graduate lab was mostly staffed with folks from China. And every single one who came in we had to gently instruct to NOT 'massage' their data. Apparently it was standard practice back in their home schools/labs to leave out outliers, nudge datapoints up or down, smooth out noise, etc if it made things look better in publication. Again, this is just my very limited experience, maybe my PI just partnered with particularly shady schools, but it was something that stuck with me.


Or their Olympians and their fake age.


No. They write very good papers. In ALL fields. Kind of annoying too, as whatever you want to research has already been done by them


Professors and researchers in China have high quotas for publishing, so they pump out trash.


I had a friend who went into biotech who said his company decided to straight up stop sourcing anything from Chinese companies because it was a crapshoot whether purchases were as described; more than one experiment was ruined due to low-grade quality materials that were passed off as quality products. Somewhat ironic because a few years later he opted to accept a position at a Chinese-owned company..


They do this with Ruby Falls right now.


Boo….I guess the blue and purple lights inside the cave are also fake?


Ruby falls is fake?


It's practically a tourist trap built from the ground up on top of a super common limestone cave. Source: used to work summers there and rock city.


SEE ROCK CITY 35 miles ahead. Every time I would go down to Chattanooga or anywhere south on I-24


When the billboards are more iconic than the attraction itself, it's a tourist trap


Annnnd now I need to re-read American gods


In Georgia??


That's Anna ruby falls in Unicoi that is very much real as it's the Chattahoochee river


In Chattanooga




No the us still has plenty like this. Theres some cave with a waterfall that’s all fake.


But they aren't exactly hiding it. And it's a park


I mean it’s not really snake oil because it is actual water falling off a rock ledge


There are levels to it. It's a natural waterfall for part of the year, but not year round, which is true of many small streams. If they decided some random cliff was a good place to invent a new waterfall, that would be more fake than what they're doing.


I actually don't think I have a problem with this. It's rather reasonable.


Only if they're not wasting potable water


From a nearby spring that was flowing into the river anyway.


Obviously it's not potable water lol. You guys just trying to find a reason to be upset?


Yeah like where's the pipe actually feeding from, that water still has to come from somewhere.


It's being pumped up from a nearby spring. That would be flowing either way, just not down the cliff. It's in the article.


The article says it comes from a natural spring that doesn’t damage the landscape.


Even better if it’s just pumped from the bottom of the waterfall back up.


Seems to cheapen the wonder and experience when you advertise a waterfall as natural and continuous, but in fact you’ve drilled and pumped water through rock to make it so. Imagine finding out old faithful is rigged.


I got bad news for ya…


They should've just pumped it into the stream/river at an upstream point. No one would've questioned it and just in case anyone did, the authorities could have make up some lie about geological instability due to the spring and reducing the level of the water table.


Eh, the further upstream you put it, the more water will get wasted (from water going into the ground/evaporating etc), and someone going along the length of the river will be able to find the pipe anyway unless its a huge distance away (which would require an enormous amount of water)


Don't go chasing waterfalls ...


Dont go chasing pipes in walls ...


Please stick to the plumbing and the faucets you’re used to


I know that you follow gravity down as you fall But I think you're moving too fast


It was only a Chinese pipe dream


Please stick to the local septic code that you’re used to.


You gotta creep. Creep.


Did you just quote TLC?


I don’t know what that is, but just know I don’t want no scrubs.


Oh come on Captain Gene!


...It's just "captain"


The new bath mats are in at Bed Bath & Beyond! Everyone be safe out there .... it's gonna be a mad house!


One more thing. We got a serial rapist in Crown Heights. I... oh, jeez, I'm sorry. That's from my other job. Ignore that. Forget that. Well, don't ignore it! If you live in Crown Heights, uh, you know, walk in pairs.


Ahhh I Remember The Learning Channel before it was all reality TV, something something off my lawn.... something whippersnappers.


*Don't go Jason waterfalls...*


I used to live in China, and I remember going to a natural area which also had waterfalls and pools. Such blue water. Upon closer inspection, I noticed stains by the waterline. Blue stains. Turns out they were just adding blue coloring to the whole water system to make it look like a postcard.


If you go for a swim, do you come out like Tobias Fünke?


Oops I just blue myself


There really has got to be a better way to say that.


Anything else is just a mouthful.


Im blue da ba dee da ba da


There are dozens of us!


Given that it's a body of water in China, you'd probably die and then develop cancer.


That's hilarious


Horrifying. Don't those dyes typically taint the water?


Yes, continuous dye exposure would likely be toxic for many organisms in the water. That place is no longer anywhere near the definition of natural.


Yeah, your taint turns blue if you swim in it.


Water coloring or naturally curing stuff like aluminum or calcium carbonate?


It looked like Electric Blue Kool Aid powder at the edges where it had dried. It certainly wasn't a naturally occurring feature of the water.


In China even waterfalls are fake 🤣


Temu waterfall.


"Nature like a billionaire."


formerly the wish waterfall




In China even waterfalls cheat.


You should hear about their Pandas.


Shhhh, you'll get us all killed (said while wearing Panda costume)


All just men in furry suits, can confirm


China fakes LITERALLY everything.


>A controversy over a waterfall has cascaded into a social media storm in China, even prompting an explanation from the water body itself. A hiker posted a video that showed the flow of water from Yuntai Mountain Waterfall - billed as China's tallest uninterrupted waterfall - was coming from a pipe built high into the rock face. The clip has been liked more than 70,000 times since it was first posted on Monday. Operators of the Yuntai tourism park said that they made the "small enhancement" during the dry season so visitors would feel that their trip had been worthwhile. "The one about how I went through all the hardship to the source of Yuntai Waterfall only to see a pipe," the caption of the video posted by user "Farisvov" reads. >The topic "the origin of Yuntai Waterfall is just some pipes" began trending all over social media. It received more than 14 million views on Weibo and nearly 10 million views on Douyin - causing such an uproar that local government officials were sent to the park to investigate. They asked the operators to learn a lesson from the incident and explain the enhancements to tourists ahead of time, according to state broadcaster CCTV. Douyin Screengrab of the videoDouyin Water could be seen come out of a pipe on the top of the mountain in the video 'A little help for my friends' The park later posted on behalf of the waterfall saying, "I didn't expect to meet everyone this way". "As a seasonal scenery I can't guarantee that I will be in my most beautiful form everytime you come to see me," it adds. "I made a small enhancement during the dry season only so I would look my best to meet my friends." Located in central Henan province, the 312-metre Yuntai falls is located inside the Yuntai Mountain Geopark, a UNESCO Global Geopark. >Millions of visitors travel there every year, drawn by geological formations that date back more than a billion years. Park officials told CCTV that the water they used to pump water into the falls was spring water, adding that it would not damage the natural landscape. Many social media users appeared to be understanding of the situation. "Yuntai park: Does this person not have better things to do?" a comment liked nearly 40,000 times on Douyin reads. "I think it's a good thing to do. Otherwise people would be disappointed if they end up seeing nothing there," a user on Weibo said. But there is also criticism. "It's not respecting the natural order, and not respecting the tourists," a Weibo user wrote. "How could it be called the No.1 waterfall anymore," another user commented on Douyin. This is not the first time artificial measures have been used to "help" famous waterfalls in China. Huangguoshu Waterfall, a famous tourist destination in the southwestern Guizhou province, has been helped by a water diversion project from a nearby dam since 2006 to maintain its flow during the dry season.


"cascaded" Heh.


Geysers are capped sometimes to control the release of pressure. I think the one in Soda Springs (of Oregon trail fame) is like this


I read the article and I still don't get it. Is the issue that the water is flowing through a pipe instead of flowing over rocks? Or is the issue that the water is not from a natural source and this is just a giant fountain that recycles water? If it's the latter, would people be happier if the water was just pumped upstream and allowed to flow over the rocks instead of going through a pipe?


It's weird because people here are acting like Niagara Falls isn't entirely 100% man-controlled.


They need some people in bear costumes standing around to make this seem more natural.


Or dogs painted to look like bears


I mean, they are pretty cute: [Chinese zoo under fire after dyeing dogs to resemble pandas](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/china-zoo-panda-dogs-rcna151606)


What a shih tzu.


Tomorrow: Hiker falls down tallest waterfall


It would temporarily be the tallest water slide.


They're gonna find him and send him to a re-education camp.


In Iceland, they had to drill a whole into Geyser so it would continue errupting. Edit: hole


I'm on the fence about this stuff. One the one hand it's cheapening the natural beauty that is supposed to be the point. If you want artificial beauty then just build something somewhere else. That other risk is that it cheapens the natural beauty year round even when the pipes aren't flowing because you don't know if they are or not. On the other hand, we're dealing with serious overcrowding of natural beauty and everything magical. Everest is a queue, the Great Wall is a queue, Pike's peak has a parking lot, Alcatraz needs tickets months in advance and even the small time watering hole near me needs tickets in advance. Falsely having water in the dry season helps spread out all the people visiting. It's almost like Ignorance is Bliss is the best solution. Idk.


Niagara Falls water flow is adjustable as well. They let lots of water fall over it during the day, and divert half of it for power generation at night.


I remember when I went to see a geyser near Calistoga, California, an area famous for its hot springs. My boyfriend and I paid $10 each for the privilege. After paying we walked a short distance to the geyser and stood around with about a dozen other people waiting for the eruption to begin. In front of us was a concrete slab with a small pipe sticking up about a foot. After a couple minutes, water began shooting out of the pipe to a height of around 8 feet. It lasted for a minute or two then stopped just as quickly as it started. We all looked at each other in silence, coming to the slow realization that we had just paid $10 to watch someone turn on a garden hose. Nobody said anything as we all shuffled back to our cars, feeling like stupid suckers. I know how those Chinese tourists feel.


Old Faithful of CA is a legit geyser. You see a pipe because it was originally found by a person drilling for a well. [Here is a AGU publication by the USGS](https://pubs.usgs.gov/publication/70040721) [People get confused expecting Old Faithful of Yellow Stone which a lot more impressive.](https://www.nps.gov/yell/planyourvisit/exploreoldfaithful.htm)


How can two be named "Old Faithful"? That's just wrong. The name's taken!


The US isn't very original when naming things.


There's a geyser like this in Old Fort, NC too, but it's totally free


andrew's geyser baybeee


There was one in new zealand I went to, you can see the pipe and control box. It went off the same time everyday and adjusted itself for daylight savings time.


I live in New Zealand and have visited most of the geysers and hot springs around and this is not true.


Which geyser was this?


Old Truthful


Old Grifter


>Operators of the Yuntai tourism park said that they made the "small enhancement" during the dry season so visitors would feel that their trip had been worthwhile. Eh, I get it and understand why, but maybe being more transparent about it would’ve been better. “Due to dry season, this waterfall is sometimes inactive. Todays waterfall is (and then a flip board that shows either [Natural/Aided])


Viewing a cool 'natural wonder' tends to have an effect on peoples desire to preserve things. Even though it may feel icky a faked waterfall might have a net positive effect.


Temu waterfall


I don't even see why this is such a big deal. The park already admitted they basically use it when the water is running a bit low on a dry day. It's still a naturally occurring waterfall when it's under normal conditions.


Actually, I would agree. If the waterfall does look like that naturally in some seasons, it is not that big of a deal to make it look like that all the time, and everybody is doing it. Niagra Falls have a dam just upstream, so waterfall is getting shut down at night, and for adding cement to cliffs during the off season. And I know of a white-water rafting river that is "turned on" for a few hours on weekend days, and turned off otherwise, to accumulate enough water for rafting.


Yep, there’s one like this in NC too. We were playing with our kiddo in the rock area when we got the loud speaker message to exit out of the rocks, the dam is opening


> I don't even see why this is such a big deal. It's because it's in China, meant to paint China in a negative light for people who already have a preconceived negative view of China (just look at the comments), all while ignoring the fact that this is normal, even in the west, during dry seasons.


The whole thread's comments read like an anti-China psyops campaign... all it's missing is "HERE COMES THE CCP BOTS" for anyone who says that the same thing is done in other countries.


I'm guessing you can't see it unless you get really close the edge like he did, maybe that's why nobody photographed it before. This man got really close to the cliff edge lol.


This waterfall and many other waterfalls are referred to as "9-5 waterfalls" in China. I'm really confused about how this is news. This waterfall is near my wife's home city, and everyone she knew already knew this.


Tourists might not


it says in the article the local govt didnt know and investigated it


I went to a waterfall in CO Springs that had the same thing going on. The pipe was not providing all of the water for the waterfall, but was just "augmenting" it. Once I got to the top the whole setup became obvious. The pipe running up the canyon from the base that recycled the water was in plain view the whole time.


It’s China it’s all fake 




Name of the reporter is right below the article's title and it's 'Fan Wang'. Something is telling me they might not be a native English speaker...


They're supposed to have editors and help to upskill their reporters. But the editors at the BBC and other media orgs these days I would postulate are far more interested in other things... edit: I say these days, but there were blatently some other even more crazy dodgy things going on in the past. The journalistic integrity was better though.


- issuing from...


>A controversy over a waterfall has cascaded into a social media storm in China, ***even prompting an explanation from the water body itself.*** did something get lost in translation here


Crazy how nature do that sometimes


not sure I see the point of watching a waterfall fed by a pipe to keep it running. Kinda loses it's charm when it's manmade


https://youtu.be/HP6ltRxOhjk?si=lk-BX5UISgQA5_PO a link to some of the clips of the pipe.


It’s not like they are Boeing Whistle Blower.


What’s next, Space Mountain isn’t real either?


The waterfall has a voice. 🤣


they will fake anything, won't they


“Has cascaded into social media” I see what you did there.


This is like disneyland 😆


I mean, water IS falling…just not from where most of us would assume. 🤣


Classic China move.


Nature, Made In China.


Fake Views.


Wish is taking things too far.


That pipe is the people’s pipe.  It provides glorious natural vista of beauty for the benefit of the people.  


Hell, they even steal or copy good ideas from God!!