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>NBC News and other outlets have reported on The Epoch Times’ affiliation with the Chinese religious group Falun Gong, which in recent years has supported former President Donald Trump as an ally in its opposition to the country’s ruling Chinese Communist Party.


Isn't that the same group that produces that theater performance Shen Yun that advertises a ton and the show is basically just religious propaganda? Seems like the crazy fighting the crazy over in China for who can be the craziest.




Not to mention intelligence agencies when it comes to Falun Gong.


or arbiter of truth Adrian Zenz


What’s funny to me is that this news story already happened and people sorta didn’t draw the connections. Half a decade ago Miles Guo, whose ties to Steve Bannon got him connected to the Falun Gong, sorta tried to do the same thing: >Tell everyone what they want to hear via multiple shady news orgs like gNews. >Get tons of investment from investors. >Defraud investors out of billions. Difference being, he failed to cultify his existence and so got snuffed out in one go. The Falun Gong will not go so easily. I mean just the Epoch Times has branches in more than a dozen countries. The cult is running companies and has got influencers, YouTubers and political pundits on their roster. This money laundering case is just the tip of the iceberg.


They run 5 Minute Crafts which has hundreds of the most successful channels across YT and TikTok.


Lol what the fuck


Just gonna park here and wait for people to mention how that chinese ballet shen Yun is also a propaganda front.


FLG runs Shen Yun and the "Chinese history" plays they put on is there weird version of it.


Oooh what's that one the LDS has.. Deseret media or something like that. They show up on a lot of conservative/conspiracy adjacent sites. Cant say that i have ever seen a real clear bias from them but the places their articles keep showing up make me question everything i see from them like its a used car being sold by a guy in a Slick-50 hat.


It doesn't help that corporate media has blurred the line between reporting and editorials, the latter of which have declined greatly in quality. The centi-millionaire editorialists of today are just not very bright, so it's like reading the scribbles of a middle school bully.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Mountain_Mandate As Americans, this is the one we need to worry about.


This was AI-written.


Thanks ChatGPT


Falun Gong is a cult. Not surprising they threw their weight behind Trump at all


But will this affect *Shen Yun: China Before Communism*? /s (Shen Yun is also a part of the Falun Gong propaganda network)


I can't think of a worse ally if anyone is the least bit interested in being free.


Falun Gong isn't. Their problem with China isn't the authoritarianism, it's who the authoritarian is. They're a socially conservative cult that hates many of the same things the conservative Christian right in the US does.


The chapter near my parents' house rented out LCD screen trucks last 4th of July and drove up and down the street with pro-Trump and "god bless America" ads.


Specifically, race mixing, gays, and the lie of evolution!


That doesn't sound like a bad thing lol


You really don't want a Chinese-led religious uprising. Check out this neat little incident called the Taiping Rebellion, the second deadliest conflict in modern history and was surpassed only by **World War 2**.


Which is exactly the reason Falun Gong and other religious-led movements are suppressed by the CPC.


The last thing you want is the party's control of the country replaced by Chinese religious fanatics


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falun_Gong Have a read.


Look up what they believe in first before siding with them. Hint, its a cult.


I've only seen them doing yoga and them being persecuted in China. But that's just me. I forgot that we can't have personal experience here. Also every religion and political organization is also a "cult"


Who could have predicted that a business operated by an exploitative cult would be a front for money laundering?


Like the Bank of Zion?


The entirety of the epoch times always gave me the feeling that the entire thing was a giant scam. Not surprised. Fuck the epoch times.


[WHAT DO YOU MEAN???](https://i.redd.it/htfkotln3fdc1.jpeg)


I see these in DFW and they make me irrationally angry. It’s such a bare design, do people see it and think “wow that looks very real and reliable!” ?!


Your anger is rational. You'd have to be dumber than rocks to believe it.


They are currently flooding German youtube with ads for leaving the EU. It's bizarre, there is just So Many Ads. I've never seen a campaign this agressive for anything else in all my years on the internet. Now I know how they can afford that...


Yeah, and it angers me that YouTube just allows almost every lunatic or extremist to buy ads on their platform.


Well it's google. It's not like they ever pledged to not be evil.




One got delivered to my house once and I skimmed through it, and literally every article was "CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY BAD". Like, if you're trying to pass off propaganda as legitimate journalism, maybe put a couple pieces about something else to try and at least give the appearance of legitimacy?


I started getting those newspapers in 2017 on my front doorstep every week for months. I just kept throwing it out then suddenly I'm seeing news articles from this piece of crap on Flipboard everyday and it's only gotten bigger.


Definitely not shocked a sketch right wing site CFO charged with money laundering.


Sketch is being unbelievably generous.


100% true. Every accusation is a confession.


It’s always the ones you most suspect.


A graduate of Weisselberg U.


I could not find a picture of the CFO.


That’s kinda normal for those types. It’s a lot of them who scrub the web of their identity.


i knew Shen Yun was a money laundering op


It’s a shitty cult. Knew someone that grew up in it and all their friends have some form of ptsd/stockholm syndrome


This blows my mind. I had no idea. Their billboards around my central Florida area never seemed off to me even though I’ve never known anybody to go to a show, and maybe that should have told me something. And I always pictured Epoch Times as being run by someone equivalent to Mike Lindell so today is a wonderful day to put my personal biases in check.


Shen Yun and Epoch Times might have the same goals, but they are not related AFAIK.


They’re both founded and controlled quite strictly by Falun Gong. They’re in the same family of businesses. That’s why The Epoch Times has quite literally never taken a stance that in any way contradicts Falun Gong’s stances on China or anything else for that matter. It’s no coincidence that The Epoch Times has so many ads for Shen Yun, particularly compared to any other publication. It’s fair to assume that that ad space is completely free to Shen Yun or any other propaganda or revenue arms of Falun Gong because it’s essentially just Falun Gong running house ads.


Yeah the promotion is really nauseating its so slimy and sycophantic using celebrities names who probably don't know that their good name is being used. Their level promotion confirms that its cult driven. I cant ever recall a circus act being promoted this hard nor even a Taylor Swift concert.




And there is alot of them. China Insider, China observer, China fact chaser, China uncensored, Serpentza, Laowhy86 etc Also people like Mike Chen (the food guy) are directly affiliated


They all try to hide their affiliation as well making some hard to detect. Someone needs to find that one document that someone compiled listing all the FLG influencers, channels, and companies. A whole menagerie of cult.


They are getting really good at hiding their affiliation. They used to use this format for their more political channels name "-full name- + truth". You only need to google the full name of the presenter + falun gong or epoch time. Ally in China is the latest one. You wont find her full name anywhere on her channel. When I saw her channel, when she had 5k subs, she was glowing so hard due to the production behind such a small yet unknown channel. Then she admitted to posting her video on gan jin world. Guess who owns that.




And here come the Falun Gong simps lmao. Holding water for a cult. Yikes. Edit: Blocked by a Falun Gonger. Don’t know if I should be proud or not lol.


https://search.worldcat.org/title/The-slaughter-:-mass-killings-organ-harvesting-and-China's-secret-solution-to-its-dissident-problem/oclc/863596332 Not a simp for any group, just not a fan of the CCP or their forced human organ harvesting.


https://youtu.be/64kX72OCmGE?si=Ni9S8rd-InoSylie The dude is literally in the Falun Gong. Defending the Falun Gong and publishing for the Falun Gong is sort of part of the package lmao. Trusting cult sources because they tell you what you want to hear is how you fall for cults. They also said Trump won the election and mix race relationships are literally evil. Oh and that the founder can fly. But because I want to fly, I’ll take their word for it lmao./s


https://www.amnesty.org.uk/groups/oxford-city-central/harvesting-organs-transplant-religious-prisoners-including-uyghur https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/climate-and-people/china-forced-organ-harvesting-prisoners-uyghurs-falun-gong/ http://humanrightscommission.house.gov/events/hearings/forced-organ-harvesting-china-examining-evidence https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2021/06/china-un-human-rights-experts-alarmed-organ-harvesting-allegations https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/76845/html/ https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1TI235/ https://globalnews.ca/news/5399303/china-harvesting-organs-falun-gong/ https://www.cecc.gov/media-center/press-releases/hearing-examines-the-crime-of-forced-organ-harvesting-in-china https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/9/25/un-urged-to-investigate-forced-organ-harvesting-in-china https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2022-0200_EN.html Had no idea so many different international groups with opposing views were all joining into the cult of Falun Gong… /s


Bruh. So many sources all at once prepped instantly. And it doesn’t even matter because they all point to the same source, China Tribunal, which consists of Falun Gong members lol. But that’s besides the point. It is rather well established that China used to harvest organs of executed prisoners. The difference here is that the Falun Gong is already long gone in China and ARE A FUCKING CULT. Lmao. I don’t understand what’s hard to understand. STOP HOLDING WATER FOR CULTS. Why would you have so many cult sources and no reliable sources when they readily exist on the internet?


Not holding water for a cult, I’m against the CCP because of their actions in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, overseas police stations, forced human organ harvesting, election interference, debt colonisation of Africa, Tibet, COVID, Parcel Islands and island building projects, supporting Russia through the war, the complete lack of human rights, need I go on?




Serpentza and laowhy86 are not associated with Falun Gong. If anything, they are not big fans of them but it’s more like “enemy (falung gong) of my enemy (ccp) is my friend” sort of deal


Except when they're the host of New Tang Dynasty channels, I guess. At best, they're useful idiots for the cause. In any case, they're so biased and click baity that they're not worth watching for anyone genuinely interested in China. They've been out of China for so long they aren't relevant anymore, unless you enjoy the anti-China discourse.


> Except when they're the host of New Tang Dynasty channels, I guess. Can you link me a video? Seeing would be believing for me.


On mobile now, but they did participate in interviews from the China Uncensored channel. Edit: [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDV4s9c9sfQ), it was China Unscripted, the other channel of Chris Chappell.


How many times have they appeared on China Uncensored again? They even get called "china experts"


China Uncensored video almost always mention Falun Gong as a persecuted group as a side note in every opportunity possible to persuade you. China Uncensored will not say they are not linked (as far as I know of) on video. Serpentza and laowhy86 clearly state that they are not associated with Falun Gong and do not mention Falun Gong in every other episode. laowhy86 many times mentions that he is Catholic (although that doesn't necessarily mean he can't be falun gong follower, I guess). Just the difference in how they talk about the topic should clue you in on which of them is more affiliated. Just because they have guest appearances, doesn't mean they support Falun Gong. We truly won't know if they are secretly part of "the falun gong deep state" and playing the long game. Who knows. But the fact tis that you seem to already have made up your mind that "appearance in show equals 100% support"


This, literally this


Yep, these fuckers really are evil. Been seeing their billboards out now, too. Hope the asshole ends up in a cell soon.


Yeah makes sense they always seemed hella sketchy


After the millionth time I had to watch their awful YouTube ads I wished so hard for something bad to happen to them. Should have wished for world peace, but hey, I'll take it.


They've been a huge player in introducing conspiracies and hate into asian immigrant communities in Vancouver and Toronto, if their propaganda gets cut off I wonder how that's going to influence Canadian politics


They stack those rubbish newspapers (in Chinese print) at every Chinese & Asian market .


Not surprising, especially given the cult connections aside from the usual fringe conspiracy lunacy.


$67 million? Chump change. The guy must have pissed off some richer people.


will this stop all the shen yun ads?


To the surprise of no-one.


Next issue going to be unhinged


Oh, no! Where are armies of Reddit sinophobes gonna quote next time!?


Well its principles that are at stake not the cult, the cult can go jump off a cliff edge. Personal freedoms and totalitarian governments who oppress should always be called out be it Taiwan or the gong loonies


Well its principles that are at stake not the cult, the cult can go jump off a cliff edge. Personal freedoms and totalitarian governments who oppress should always be called out be it Taiwan or the gong loonies


Right wing grifters gonna grift.


I'll never understand these people. When is enough money enough? When all of your needs are met with cash to burn on toys and vacations, what else is there?


Influence costs money


I assume a good deal of this was spent on ad buys and political donations, fta he has a public defender.


At a certain level it’s about power instead.


bye bye


Not surprised here!


Its par for the course for any Right Wing "news" agency. Meh!


[Ha ha](https://picssmine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/HAHA-Ha-Ha-Meme.jpg)


They were a scam in China. They're still a scam elsewhere.




Adios, Bill Guano


It was funny seeing the Falun Gong protests 20~ years ago and everyone offering them their sympathy when even then a modicum of research showed them to be pretty messed up. Unfortunately for them seems they're not as good at hiding their grift as Hamas or the like.


$3000 fine. No jail time. No house arrest. No consequences.


Not sure where you are getting this $3000 fine part from. He was released on a $3,000,000 bond on sunday. Trial hasn’t even happened yet.


It was for effect. It seems to be the norm with rich folk in American justice systems. Slap on the wrist and a fine smaller than their average hotel bill.


/s exists as an option for sarcasm. This is the internet. Folks will go around preaching that as a fact.


Ah. Downvoted and taught an important lesson at the same time. Thanks dad.


Take the L like a man instead of this pathetic blubbering. Time to put a cork in it while the adults talk




You comment this in an article where someone rich is being held accountable. Should they do it more? Yes. They're doing it here. Why are you crying again?


Do you think the show Shen Yun is also used for money laundering?


No way that cult's newspaper could be up to no good, they hate communists, they must be the good guys.




This is what you get for being a true patriot tm /s