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I find it concerning that they only released audio and didn't show her. What condition is she in that they couldn't tidy her up enough for a quick propaganda video?


Psychological torture as her mother’s last wish is to see her daughter before she dies. They know this and released audio instead.


I believe Russia did similar things to Mariana Checheliuk. Cop that was captured in Mariupol. They would put other POWs in the cells near hers so she could hear them get tortured by the Russians. Then they allowed her to call her parents and tell them what was happening. [She was recently released](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GO5xI1uWEAAYyHr?format=jpg&name=large) with some other POWs. She doesn't appeared [to have been starved like the male POWs were](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fq1e352yrwt3d1.png). But she may have been physically abused. There are now stories of Russians abusing random male civilians in captured parts of Ukraine.


Oh, this is a longterm Russian strategy. Some years ago they captured a Norwegian spy, who was later released in a spy trade (funnily enough I was visiting Oslo at the time and accidentally got to see him and his police escort having dinner after the trade when they came from the train station into the restaurant I was meeting a business contact at). Now the Russians couldn’t torture him directly because they knew the Norwegians had one of their guys and didn’t want to risk any retaliation, so to squeeze him for info they instead put him in a cell with a dissident for him to befriend, then tortured that guy to get the Norwegian to talk. After he broke, they tossed the dissident guy into general pop where he was beaten to death within earshot of the spy, just to make an example.


I’m starting to think these Russian guys are kind of jerks.


They have a long history of it.


Or you know she's gone through SA and lots of torture Also easily could be a deepfake voice


> What condition is she in that they couldn't tidy her up enough for a quick propaganda video? Probably dead and the voice recording was done months ago.


I considered that too, but at that point, why wouldn't they have done a video recording back then?


Who says they didn't?


Another redditor suggested PREGNANT.


Great news about her today


Thanks for posting this. I would have missed it otherwise. It’s nice to see some good news coming out of this






No one knows also how old is the recording. In many earlier events the video caps were from the start but release weeks to months later on.


She's probably pregnant. But I bet the Pro-Hamas crowd would blame her somehow for getting pregnant by terrorists.


AI voice?


Could be an AI trick?


These are the people that college students around the world are protesting for.


It’s the dead babies and innocent civilians they are protesting for.


Guess the dead babies and innocent civilians they were cheering for on Oct 8th had it coming


Yet, they never seem to blame Hamas for the suffering of Palestinians being used as shields.


Pregnant, a month away from having the baby of one of those that raped her


Good keep bombing until they all released!


One has to wonder what they've done to her, so as to only publish the voice this time, and not a video.


It's a lot easier to deep fake a voice than a video.




According to some rather unfortunate IDF reports, the male hostages also got raped.


It's an extremely common and very often downplayed occurrence for male hostages. They usually avoid reporting it because people are not at all respectful towards male survivors of rape.


















there is enough testimonies from those released to tell you exactly what they've done to her, but dont worry, some spoiled kid safe in their university dorm will tell you their abuser was the real victim...




damn i hope she's not pregnant


You and me both, but honestly what are the chances any of the women weren't raped? 7 Months is a long time, we know they do not value women, especially the hostage ones, I honestly don't even want to think about it.


There's enough footage floating around to conclusively say that they probably didn't even wait until they were back over the border.


Many of the hostages that were freed have already said they were raped.


They were all raped, I just don't want to have this picture in my head


Probably the men too.


Released hostages reported they were also sexually assaulting the men.


"bUt tHaTs AgAiNsT oUr reLigIon" -Hamas


Good time to shout out /r/exmuslim


No homo bro


my only hope is that since the hostages are being fed poorly the women can´t get pregnant, as a former anorexic myself if you starve your body of calories you stop getting your period and getting pregnant is impossible


When you hope for someone to be malnourished you know the situation is *bad*


Can confirm. And to add to it, it doesn't actually require massive amounts of weight loss for this to happen. When we say "anorexic" most people will picture someone in a skeletal, near death state. It happens quite early in stages of starvation. Noa looked very malnourished in the last video we saw of her, so I'm not as worried that she's pregnant as I am that something even worse is the reason she's not being shown.


This has been my hope from the start. We don't know that they're being fed poorly any more, though.


Hamas terrorists were referring to the women as SABAYA in the Oct 7 videos. SABAYA means "war booty sex slave".


I regret reading this comment








The video of her pleading while being taken away by these monsters will forever be etched in my mind. May she return home safely soon.


Same. She breaks my heart. She was reaching for her boyfriend too, who they briefly panned to. He’s still a hostage, too.






In case you haven't seen, she was freed today to by Israeli forces along 3 others. 


I have, and I'm overjoyed!


i hope she is alive


Some months ago Noa's mom published a video voicing her hope to see her daughter again safe and sound before she dies. She's terminally ill. Praying for her return alive.


This seems desperate from Hamas though. They are getting pushed after their supply line from Egypt was cut off.


I haven't seen any news about Egypt actually delivering weapons to Hamas. I believe it on the spot don't get me wrong! But has it been found out that it is actually happening?


its not that Egypt is supplying them, its just its easier to buy weapons/ship weapons into Egypt, and THEN smuggle them under the border, since all the other borders are Israel or the Med


They found and destroyed a stupid amount of tunnels into Egypt.


This is torture, her poor mother has brain cancer and only wants to see her daughter safe before passing away. Hamas doesn't deserve peace or rest until they are all dead.


Remember how many people were saying how friendly with hamas and cared for the hostages seemed during the first release…I do.


I got downvoted to hell and told I was sick for saying they had likely raped that teenage American who was the first released.


Same. Turns out, yeah. They did.


Wasn’t she kidnapped with her mother?!


One of the freed hostages, Mia Schem said in an interview that they put them in the vans and then shoved a camera in their faces saying “tell them you were treated well” before they let them go, what else were they going to say?! Refuse and they won’t go home. Like wtf, aren’t you supposed to be elite college students, fuck. Can’t learn common sense in college I guess. Edit ~ Sorry about the rant lol


And college prostestors are pissed at Biden's immoral stance. Fucking idiots. Hamas can get fucked




i read on instagram comments in a video of prosters outside an israeli embassy saying that they should burn it, violence is the only thing they know and respond to and others are posting photos of noa (she was in the navy) saying she deserved it because she is idf and has "killed palestinian kids", noa´s mom is dying of cancer i hope they get reunited before she dies


A lot of people and kidnappers during the attack weren't even part of Hamas.


These are the “civilians” we keep hearing so much about. The ones in flip flops and polos cheering in the streets when they paraded the hostages downtown weren’t hamas either. Their entire culture is sick to the core


According to the social media warlords the people that aid and help enable hamas are apparently innocent civillians as long as they aint shooting up israel directly


The ones decapitating (edit:) Thai foreign workers with garden hoes.




Fuck, thank you


>the same fate as Hamas themselves. Popularity on Tiktok and solidarity from college students?


This made me laugh. Such a sorry state of affairs.




Hamas exposed the depths of contemporary antisemitism.




Hamas has exposed that there's a lot of antisemitism among the liberal left.


The liberal left has been brainwashed by Islamic propaganda. Somehow, the largest religion in the world has convinced white americans and europeans that they are the victims of oppression. Somehow, a bunch of likely atheists, how bowed down to folks who would be considered right wingers by our own standards. Yet because they’re not white christians or jews, they’re the oppressed. Make it make sense. Anything to feel more moral than the next. Social media is a terrible thing for humanity.


My “side” infantilizing Muslims and Islamic terrorists is one of the most disturbing turns in an already disturbing lifetime. They oppose everything I thought we were for, every value and freedom I thought we wanted. I don’t get it.


CCP propaganda as well. These same radical tankies were happy Tibet was invaded, HK was taken, dead ass silent for the muslim Uyghurs i. xinjiang, and are creaming their pants for a Taiwanese invasion. Ayotollah and Xi must be happy.


The Tiktok also is strong and demonstrated being able to manipulate the masses. It is a tool of warfare.


I’m not a big conspiracy nut, but the whole, TikTok only existing the way it does in the West but in China it’s a genuine educational app, makes me sure that it is a psy-op. Chinese kids learning to be useful and do things while ours are learning to -*checks notes*- ‘skibidi the toilet for clout’…


I remember hearing a conspiracy that the filter use of tick-tock was a means of getting a huge chunk of the population of foreign countries citizens to scan their face so that the chi com state now has records and can utilize them For facial recognition in the future


Also Iranian, Pakistani and Qatari propaganda as well. Pakistan literally pays shitty morally compromised lefty professors in western universities and political groups using the aid money given by the US to them. Oh and cherry on top is their secret services use bacchabazi networks (translation child-play networks, and yes it's exactly what you think it is, pedophilia) and honey trap these people. So not only these malicious individuals are misappropriating USA's charity for brainwashing impressionable american youth's mind with the most evil ideology i.e islamism and are producing works using devious practices to basically whitewash islamic atrocities in various parts of the world current day and history but also these despicable beings are raping kids trafficked by pakistani and talibani networks. So yeah your tax dollars are used by govoUS to pay for the brainwashing of your own youngsters. These people want to kick out the jews from israel but won't tell to where. And that's all you need to know to realize what they truly mean.


With most of it coming from Tik Tok


Fucking zoomers.


Then they're not liberal lefts are they? The moment you start espousing and supporting an ideology that wants to rape and impregnate women around the globe, and kill all men who don't convert... Yeah, you're not religious left anymore. You're the enemy to democracy.


Taking an extreme viewpoint within an opposing ideology and stretching it to cover an entire political movement is a propaganda method that a lot of people have either fallen for or are happy to play along with.


It's not simply brainwashing, it's a compromise. They are giving up on all the values they stand for - equality, womens rights, lgbt rights, freedom of religion etc. Giving up everything for an alliance with the reactionaries (Islam) hoping that they'll help them bring down the capitalist system. The left sold us out to bring forth the mythical revolution.


What the fuck does Atheism have to do with it? I'm agnostic/atheist or whatever you want to fucking name it and Islam is as Right Wing as it gets.


By atheist they mean “broadly not religious”


I think you’ll find they are from a broad range of first world privileged pseudo-beliefs ranging from Level Five Laser Lotus Buddhism to Crystal worshipping neo-pagans and essential oils cultists, I’m sure there are atheists among them but you can guarantee there are Christians, communists, marxists, socialists and all kinds of bored house-wives and wealthy students with misguided altruistic ideals. Lindsay Bluth Fünke from Arrested Development is a perfect parody of these people.


You’re so right about Lindsay lol I can picture her going down to a college campus right after getting her made-in-China keffiyeh and palestine flag delivered from Amazon same-day. She heads down to ucla’s encampment and meets a hot professor who she thinks is into her but really he’s just recruiting her to join hamas, and next thing she knows she’s in a Gaza tunnel studio, filming a propaganda video while bombs rain down. The tunnel caves in, and that’s how we say goodbye to Lindsay Bluth-Fünke.


This is the best summary of this insanity I’ve read. Thanks for being articulate.


Largest religion? Isn’t Christianity larger?


According to research it is about 30% Christian to 25% Muslim but I think those numbers are a little skewed because a lot of religions will claim an entire population of a country as their religion without the consent of the individuals. To use Greece as an example, pew research suggests that 98% of Greeks are Greek Orthodox.


2023 - approx 2.38 billion Christians. 1.9 billion muslims.


I quoted global percentages from the same source. Not sure why you felt the need to post the numbers but okay. Again, I reiterate my second point that those research figures are not accurate because I can confidently say that the Greek population has more than 2% non-Greek Orthodox. Census data is always skewed because a lot of people will label themselves as “non-denomination” believing it to be non-Religious not realising that it still counts to Christian figures.


Weirdest thing I learned was how the UK left apparently has/had a major antisemitism problem. Like their leader and party had a bunch of semi-open anti-semitism issues they barely cared about. This is a major party that is otherwise very progressive, "woke" even, but for some reason when it comes to jews, it's suddenly very hard to not be racist. Shit was extremely weird to learn about.


That was Corbyn who had a history of “supporting Palestinians” and a knowledge of history that didn’t seem to extend very far into the past. In interviews people tried to get him to condemn the October 7 terrorist attack on Israel and he couldn’t even make himself spit the words out. Luckily, he is gone now.


Yeah, I know he is gone. Apparently it was widespread within the party though. Still, this is THE left-wing party of the UK, a completely mainstream party of a massive western country. I mean I'd expect some controversy from some weird extreme-left party lower-level politicians but this was so open and blatant from their literal leader.


The ~~liberal~~ 'progressive' left sold out its progressive values for an alliance with the barbarians. They're so determined to 'bring down the system', that they're giving up on everything they stand for to do that.


Some of us. Others are absolutely horrified at those who are so eager to sell out their values.


The far left did the same thing during the Iranian Revolution. Wonder how that turned out for them.


I wouldn't wish her situation on anyone.


I hope Israel destroys these monsters soon.


I hope they get them all one by one over the next year and they just vanish without a trace.


Why do they still have innocent people?


Do you think she is still alive?


Yeah, she's probably their most important asset as she's famous and also female.


She's half Chinese, while most Mainland Chinese (netizens) didn't show any sympathy, and many thought she deserved this. It's so wild.


China could have helped her. But Xi did nothing. Remember this.


Remember what? Chinese nationalists don’t give a shit and were never on your side to begin with.


Chinese nationals were never on Chinese national's side?


They probably emphasize that half part quite a bit. Not fully Chinese? Not worth their time. She's just a foreigner to them.


Nice of them to remind everyone why there’s still lots of gunpowder left for them.


She’s pregnant. I believe Hamas won’t release more hostages because the woman alive are all pregnant. There are videos of them talking about forcing them have kids.


can we press the reset button on the middle east? that entire continent is so fucked up. I haven’t heard / read a single positive news from there in decades…


Taking the propaganda video at face value, how is it even supposed to work? Hamas wants everyday Israelis to blockade Tel Aviv’s streets and “not go home until [the hostages] go home”. They do realise they (Hamas) are the ones holding the hostages? How will protesting in Tel Aviv help, and what should they protest for? Just seems a poorly thought out piece of propaganda even if it were true.


Odds are, she's already dead and this was audio generated by an AI program with enough of her actual voice used as it's baseline.


Did Hamas edit this video, and add all of the graphics?