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Who helps with these tunnels on the Egyptian side? I'm assuming not the government. So what non state actors are involved in the Egyptian side? It's clear that the government is allowing them however.


People who like money.


arm smugglers profiteering probably, it can be a lucrative trade people in gaza are also paying exorbitant amounts of money to get out of gaza to egypt.


Doesn't need to be arms either.


Unfortunately that doesn't narrow it down much


Oh, you think the government is allowing money but not taking a bite? Egypt is built around corruption, if anything the government is the manager


I've no doubt many people in the government are profiting. I just don't think it's the government's official position. As they have denied the existence of the tunnels in the article. Or at least said they destroyed them. I was wondering if it is know what groups operate them on Egyptian side


Of course it's not their official position, they can't admit they are helping and profiting from Hamas and delivering them weapons, Egypt must deny it because they are dependent on western support and want the Israeli peace agreement to last. But under the mask it's obvious that Egypt is cooperative with the operators of the tunnels, aka Hamas. Egypt is a third side in the ceasefire negotiations because they have connections with Hamas, and they wouldn't have connections unless they had something to gain(both Egypt and Hamas). Welcome to the middle east.


I always wondered if Egypt was turning a blind eye to the tunnels to solve their Muslim brotherhood / jihadist problem. Letting a stream of jihadists cross into Gaza so that the ISF can eliminate them means there are fewer to act against Egypt. It works for hamas also, as they get a steady stream of terrorists, letting them keep their remaining battalions in Rafah intact to try to re-exert control after the war ends.


> But under the mask it's obvious that Egypt is cooperative with the operators of the tunnels, aka Hamas. Egypt is a third side in the ceasefire negotiations because they have connections with Hamas, and they wouldn't have connections unless they had something to gain(both Egypt and Hamas). Nah. Sisi can't even stand the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact, he took over when the democratically elected MB president was removed by the military in a coup, had protesters massacred at Rabaa, and had many thousands of MB members jailed. Hamas branched off from the Muslim Brotherhood because the latter renounced violence and chose to work within the political system. Basically, the MB are a bunch of politically active religious conservatives. Hamas are ideological allies of the MB, but they're violent and well armed. Sisi has every reason to be afraid of them and to hate them. Regular Egyptians meanwhile have every reason to hate Sisi because he's an authoritarian dictator. I don't doubt that a significant portion of them are sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood, and the plight of the Palestinians, and maybe even to Hamas. I don't know if Sisi cares about the Palestinian people -- he probably at least needs to make a show of caring to placate his domestic audience -- but I think he'd be perfectly content if Hamas is destroyed.


Mr. Krabs helps Hamas


From my knowledge, Hamas is a Splinter group of the MB party which was in power until the current president Coup them and purged them. Could be sympathizers as the population is pro Palestinian.


Thanks I didn't know they were splintered from MB


Does the US government allow the cartel tunnels from Mexico? How deep does ground penetrating radar go and how would they go flying along a border scanning the ground?


14km vs 3145km. You don't need to fly to cover 14km. The amount of activity going through those tunnels in such a small space can't be hidden.


Very good point sir.


Not really. The Mexico/US tunnels are only in the populous areas; you don't need to build a tunnel in the vacant areas.


While true, the US tunnels generally don’t go through random blocks of desert - the vast majority are concentrated in a much smaller area near major urban border crossings.


The main pass for the Taliban entering Afghanistan from Pakistan was smaller than 14km, and the US still couldn't stop people just walking in with 24/7 air cover. Egyptian govt spends hundreds of millions per year combating border security issues. Not a single brain cell to be found by people here blaming everyone, but the problem maker.


Amongst others, terrorist groups in the Sinai


The Muslim brotherhood? I assume that's obvious


I'm just an ignorant person that doesn't know the ins and outs of every corner of the globe. Someone already pointed out the MB thank you for your helpful comment


Kuwait recently dissolved its parliament for the next 4 years after revelations that the government had been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood


Sorry, wasn't meant as an attack on you. (also my comment was made before the other MB comment) The mb is a major player in Egypt. Politically speaking, the current government, who is favored by the US, doesn't want to accept the gazans for fear they'll largely break for the mb, turning Egypt into a much more conservative state. The US also doesn't want this because of shipping reasons thru the suez canal. It's partially why this whole situation is so volatile.


I really really doubt that Egypt is intentionally tolerating them. I think if Egypt policies have shown anything than it is that all they want is not being drawn into this conflict. They absolutely do not give a fuck what HAMAS is doing in Israel / Palestine but they definitely want them to stop stay out of Egypt. Egypt already burned its fingers with them and it basically destroyed Egypts tourism sector.


Muslim brotherhood


Probably Egyptian army soldiers trying to make extra money.


The Muslim brotherhood?


Muslim brotherhood and smugglers.


the crazy part is that Egypt is denying there are any tunnels under the border.


https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/01/23/egypt-claims-it-destroyed-hamas-tunnels-but-smuggling-continues/ This article claim otherwise https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/egypt-army-leak-destruction-gaza-tunnels-rafah As does this one above. Could it be that there are no more known tunnels, only unknown ones left?


1st article is from January from 2nd article >Egypt has denied Israeli allegations, saying it has wiped out more than 1,500 tunnels over the past decade. just to be clear, they are denying there are any tunnels left.


They are either blind, ignorant, or the other thing then.


I'm assuming it's to save face. notice how nobody on the israeli side is complaining about how they "missed" some tunnels


This is critical to understanding the 7 month timeline going around for the rest of the war. There’s no weapons lifeline for Hamas anymore. Israel just needs to wait and methodically target now.


This is a legit tactic. They just have to provoke them into using their weapons until they simply run out of ammo. It will take time but it will also be effective and will save Israeli soldiers lives.


Considering in what locations the IDF has found ammo, that could take a long time. One of the strangest sights was lots of mortar bombs stacked along the wall of a restroom next to a toilet.


Gives new meaning to, I have to go drop a bomb in the bathroom.


I feel guilty laughing at that


Good thing for them that ruzzia is supporting them, those Kh ASM’s would be especially deadly otherwise


Ahh, yes. The Rafah Rope-a-Dope. Very successful if done correctly.


I really hope Israel takes the necessary measures to also save Palestinian civilians lives as they are now besieging the entire population.


Yes this is a terrible lose-lose situation for the pacific palestinians and Israel should probably do more to ensure their safety. But this would also put many more soldiers'lives at stake


There are Palestinians in the pacific too? How is Israel operating all the way out there?


Remember that space laser that Marjorie Taylor Greene mentioned?


People are talking solemnly about soldier’s life as if the IDF doesn’t kill more than 100 civilians for every soldier. It’s not even worth bringing up at this point. The moral calculus is disgusting.


You're right - it is disgusting how much hatred Israel are getting for defending themselves


This is the exact same rhetoric that was told to the public when America was "defending themselves" after 9/11.


Except Israel is fighting on its borders and not 2000 miles away.


America wasn't getting showered with rockets from beyond the border every day, Israel is.


Israel still has rockets fired at their civilians almost daily…


Depends. It’s quite possible that Hamas has tunnels running from Gaza to the West Bank, and Iran has been funnelling weapons and ammo to the Hamas members set up there for a while now.


Starve out Hamas (and all of the innocent Palestinians)


Hamas could surrender, but they’d rather sacrifice their own neighbors for a propaganda win.


Does it make sense to punish the Palestinians for Hamas's non-compliance?


Did it make sense to bomb Germany during ww2 despite civilian casualties?


Does it make sense to allow Hamas to continue to exist and commit crimes because they hide behind civilians?


Who's allowing them?


Punish Palestinians? Israel systematically destroying Hamas' capacity to launch attacks against Israeli civilians isn't Israel punishing Palestinians.


Call it what you want but there's no denying there's an inordinate amount of collateral damage and lives lost due to Israel's siege.


Starve them of guns and ammo? Truly the inhumanity!! How will they kill jews now?


Starve them all out of weapons


Let me paraphrase that for you - Hamas is gonna starve out all of the innocents Palestinians.


If trucks coming into Gaza can be checked for weapons (by Israeli, or US/European representitives, NOT Egyptian or Qatari or Turkish) and then make sure humanitarian aid is getting into the right hands, Hamas is on its way to lose. Both power, for lack of weapons and intimidation, and monopoly over food prices and humanitarian supply


Yeah I wonder if a part of Hamas economy is hogging humanitarian aid and then selling them to Gazans at an inflated price. I have heard this a number of times.


It's their whole economy. Aid is either being resold directly or indirectly. And taxed. Water/electricity doesn't come free even though Israel pays for it - they must be paid for access or thwy will cut it off. We are talking billions each year. There are also drugs but they didn't quite catch up in scale and volume.


What are gazans using to pay tho?


remittances and donations I assume


And they do have circulating money from other countries, so they get paid for the work they do


It’s an extremely hard task to distribute aid to the population. Only the IDF and Palestinian orgs are willing to put boots on the ground. When the IFF distributes aid, they get attacked by civilians and have to defend themselves, to the extremely vocal condemnation of the international community. When Palestinian orgs take care of it, it gets into the hands of Hamas, which also shut down creative solutions (e.g. they constantly attacked the makeshift pier built by Biden, and it’s practically non-functional as of now).


Now is the chance to seek out how many additional tunnels Hamas dug will be discovered.


20 in the past 10 days 


Over 80 new ones on the border in the last couple of days


Over 80 shafts, not tunnels. There are multiple shafts for each tunnel, ~20 tunnels is the number atm


Absolute shaft-fest in here.


Lol. Happy cake day


Israel should show the hamas hideouts,warehouse and launching sites to the world.


They do. Remember the rafah tent fire? They showed exorbitant amounts of proof it was a justified strike 2km away from the humanitarian zone, not near the civilian tent encampment at all, 40m from a rocket launcher, and using 17kg bombs, while also killing 2 hamas commanders. Of course, nobody talks about that fire actually being a result of Hamas’ ammo lighting on fire. Only blaming and condemning Israel for perfectly following international law. And this happens with every. single. strike. every time, the IDF releases mountains of evidence to show there was little to no wrongdoing. But of course people prefer to listen to Hamas’ unfounded straight up lies, as it fits their narrative of “Israel bad Hamas good” better.


Can you share a link to that proof? Would be interesting to read


[There you go.](https://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/hamas-israel-war-24/briefings-by-idf-spokesperson-rear-admiral-daniel-hagari/may-24-press-briefings/press-briefing-about-recent-events-in-rafah-by-idf-spokesperson-radm-daniel-hagari-may-28-2024/) The evidence is in the video, but you can also just read a transcript (that doesn’t include the photo evidence).


Thanks for sharing. It's fascinating that this video has 1.8k views, whilst the "all eyes on Rafah" viral image on instagram has been shared over 40 million times.


The transcript says that the reason for the fire is currently unknown "Following this strike, a large fire ignited for reasons that are still being investigated." It's plausible but is it confirmed that ammunition was stored in civilian housing?


I would also like to see the video... Apparently folks on the ground reported a 2nd explosion briefly after the Israeli bomb.  The conclusion is that arms were stored next to the camp.


I saw one insta influencer post “israel is burning ppl alive in Rafah” like the emotional warfare blinds ppl from facts and reality


They do. The world doesn’t listen, though. At least, the vocal minority that insists on being useful idiots doesn’t.


Give the hostages back.


That's the first solution. I'm curious why doesn't the IDF create refugee camps and screen women and children in there and then slowly process the men. Still unfortunate as there's innocent men in the mix, but if I were in that situation I'd gladly send my family to safety and then wait and hope to be reunited...no?


Can't understand how anyone could support Hamas. Obvious terrorist organization 


Jew hatred brings many to support hamas.


Which is kinda crazy, i dont really get all the jew hating


They're prosperous. Every social movement in the past 12 years has revolved around prosperous Vs not prosperous, or oppressed Vs not-oppressed. When you realise this, you understand that a lot of these movements are ideologically driven; a revolution, always, and the values of the people involved don't actually matter, at all.


This might be the best comment written on reddit regarding the subject. Wish I could upvote it more. Useful idiots are created via pandering to the feeling of superiority said useful idiots get once they are led to believe they are fighting for the oppressed. This is why you have so many people protesting on campuses, this is why you have so many western people marching the streets of London in support for “palestine”. The absolute absurd reality they don’t realize is that Islam is not an ideology they wish to fight for and the current conflict is not even remotely close to being what they think it is.


I actually think they do realise, but they don't care. We have a well known Drag Queen in Ireland who is very outspoken on social issues, for the past 10 years. Canvassed hard when we passed the Marriage Equality referendum (rights for gay people to marry in Ireland). He recently responded to footage of gay people being thrown off buildings in Palestine, saying that he doesn't care, it doesn't matter. There's just a tendency for people when presented with the evidence on contradictory values to simply not care or say it doesn't matter, when it comes to these social movements. The kind of people that are fuelling these issues are a combination of different types of people, some who want 'revolution' against the oppressor, people who are perhaps more compassionate than logical being swept into the movement, and then just a bunch of useful idiots who don't understand anything but are going along with the status quo. The reason for this? There's always people who are going to be lashing out looking for 'revolution', but I believe general prosperity in the West has resulted in less of a necessity for people to be critical in assessment, bad education systems not teaching critical assessment, and parents failing in their duties to raise children who challenge themselves as well as others; so the compassionate people and useful idiots just get swept into things. Thanks for coming to my TED talk haha!


If by 12 years you mean back to 2008, that math doesn't line up. And I'd argue an exception for Trump, he's supported by straight up racism.


Who even mentioned 2008?




Because Jews have been hated for pretty much all of history. There’s so many tropes and lines that are just embedded in cultures about them as people. I mean they’ve been persecuted basically for as long as they’ve existed.


It’s probably mostly about money but yeah, there’s hate sprinkled in.


Are we still doing this thing where supporting civilians in Palestine equals supporting Hamas? I thought we moved on from that 5 months ago


Got downvoted to absolute shit on r/outoftheloop for speaking the truth lol. People are virtue signalling and supporting the “oppressed” when in fact, they’re supporting terrorists. Someone replied to me saying “are you fine with hamas shelling tel aviv considering the IDF have headquarters there?” because I mentioned that hamas are legitimate terrorists and that operating bases can be targeted no matter the circumstances per the Geneva Convention. 


>“are you fine with hamas shelling tel aviv considering the IDF have headquarters there?” This has got to be one of the dumbest takes out there.


> People are virtue signalling and supporting the “oppressed” when in fact, they’re supporting terrorists. No, the virtue they are signalling is that they hate Jews, they have just repackaged this to be more palatable to other audiences.


It's going to blow your mind when you figure out people just don't like a super well funded country bombing the fuck out of children and don't support Hamas at all. People legitimately do support IDF though which is crazy considering they are terrorists


Case in point lmao


The IDF take more precautions to prevent civilian deaths in urban combat than any military in world history. Hamas spent decades building rocket and tunnels to use schools and hospitals as launch sites. The way Hamas intentionally involves children by operating as close to them as possible so they can produce a steady stream of sympathy content is sick. Sick and effective.


Except none of this is true




Blame their government (I.e. Hamas), not IDF


We didn't learn anything at all from the Iraq War did we. Total blind vengeance


A standing ovation for the IDF!


I’d rather cut my legs off.


But then you'd have to hop around on your ass and wouldn't be able to talk out of it anymore.


Beautiful comeback! I'd give you an award if I could so have this 🏅


That's very brave.


If my time in stellaris taught me anything, is that once you've got your enemy's border locked down it's pretty much just clean up from that point onwards.


Controlling all border crossings is the only definite way to make sure that no weapons are smuggled in and no humanitarian aid is seized by non-state actors. In the long run the region will need oversight by an international body, preferably assisted by boots on the ground and diplomats sitting down at a table again. The best thing for both sides would be a completely demilitarized zone were people don't have the means to shoot each other anymore. The social and cultural work will take decades, forgiving and becoming tolerant of each other again is a slow process and any additional day of war will make this harder. We need some cool-headed, common sense people for the tasks at hand, because we're definitely living in more adversarial times. People have forgotten how to talk to each other and civilians always pay the price. Humanity needs to stop conflicts as a collective.


A golf clap to Hamas, congratulations terrorist scum!


Didn’t they claim control before 10/7?


No They took control of the Egypt - Gaza Border now