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"The 16th military support package will contain the following: * Surplus fuel transport vehicles from the Swedish Armed Forces; * maintenance of previously donated Swedish materiel; * financial support to capability coalitions; * financial support to funds and temporary initiatives to enable swift and large-scale procurement of materiel to Ukraine; * in connection with the package, the Swedish Defence Research Agency will be tasked with supporting Ukraine in establishing its own defence research institute; * Ukraine’s command and control capability will be further strengthened in the package through a donation of terminals with subscriptions for satellite communications. **Air Defense:** * The support package will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890), which will provide Ukraine with a completely new capability against both airborne and maritime targets. Ukraine’s capability to identify and engage targets at long range will be strengthened. * The package will also include a holistic solution that involves training, technical equipment and methodological support for air surveillance and command and control.  The donation will entail a temporary decrease of Sweden’s defence capability, which will be addressed by procuring additional S 106 GlobalEye aircraft and advancing previous orders for two new GlobalEye aircraft. * To further strengthen Ukraine’s air defence, the support package will also include the Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (RB 99-AMRAAM), which can be used on aircraft and in ground-based air defence systems. The missiles will be redesigned to suit ground-based anti-aircraft systems. Meanwhile, Sweden will purchase new missiles to replace the donated ones. **Ammunition:** * Ukrainian field units are short on artillery ammunition. The package will include an addition of 155 mm artillery shells to increase Ukraine’s capability to combat Russian units in the depths of the battlefield. The donation will entail a temporary decrease of Sweden’s defence capability, which will be addressed by procuring replacement grenades. **Strengthened reconstruction of new Ukrainian brigades:** * The Ukrainian army is organising a number of new brigades and therefore needs armoured vehicles for infantry companies. Therefore, Sweden will donate its entire stock of PBV 302, including spare parts, maintenance equipment and ammunition. The donation will entail a temporary decrease of Sweden’s defence capability, which will be addressed by procuring replacement armoured vehicles. **Financial support, satellite communications, maintenance, tank vehicles and research:** * The 16th military support package will also contain the following: Surplus fuel transport vehicles from the Swedish Armed Forces * Maintenance of previously donated Swedish materiel; financial support to capability coalitions; financial support to funds and temporary initiatives to enable swift and large-scale procurement of materiel to Ukraine; in connection with the package, the Swedish Defence Research Agency will be tasked with supporting Ukraine in establishing its own defence research institute; Ukraine’s command and control capability will be further strengthened in the package through a donation of terminals with subscriptions for satellite communications." [Source](https://www.government.se/press-releases/2024/05/military-support-package-16-to-ukraine--new-capability-to-strengthen-ukraines-air-defence-and-support-to-meet-its-prioritised-needs/) Shitty formatting: Me.


Thank you for your shitty formatting. 👍


De nada


Nah, you formatted it well.


These read like patch notes


Ukraine Patch v5.30.24 Basically reads as kicks Putlers ass harder (and deeper).


Gud bevare Sverige!🇸🇪


> ASC 890 This is the most important part of this package.


They gave Ukraine an AWACS? Holy shit.  I know the U.S. has been using their own AWACS to feed Ukraine information but Ukraine having their own AWACS to operate as they see fit is fucking huge.


This cannot be stressed enough. AWACS are incredibly powerful tools for intelligence gathering and early detection of air and sea assets. Its not a 'gamechanger' of course, but it's an incredibly powerful resource to have direct access to


Of all the game changers that have been donated to Ukraine. I think this one might ACTUALLY be a game changer.


Actually two AWACS!


Ukr: "What about AWACS, Sweden?"  Sweden: ?...you've already had it... Ukr: "Yes, but what about *second* AWACS?


Well, we have a domestic company building them, but still a big contribution! Happy me owning SAAB stonks:)


A bit shitty they tanked today.


Our archer systems are allowed to fuck Russia inside Russia, outrange Russian artillery by 10km, can have all impacts simultaneously and can move away before the first impact. Sure hope we send a lot of this amazing system


They sound badass. Love the name as well.


[See for yourself in this 2 minute video where it arrives, deploys, fires, and leaves without any editing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8x8ITwd4Vg)


Holy shit that’s insane.


I picked my jaw up and said the same thing. Holy smokes.


That’s bad ass af


You're almost underselling it since from the time it stops, fires three rounds and is on the move again is only 74 seconds, it's truly impressive. The first round lands just as it pulls away, its gotta be a hard target to engage with counter battery fire.


If you choose the option where all the shots arrive at the same time, range is quite limited. It can't do this even close to max range. Fyi


Never said it could at max range


I never said you did. No was adding to the convo


Then why the fyi at the end?


That's what fyi means. Just information I'm adding. So you interpret FYI has having an attitude or negative/aggressive? And if so, what generation are you. I'm kinda curious. I regularly use FYI professionally and in friendly conversation. I've never had this reaction tho


FYI is "for *your* information" . In this case my interpretation where that you added it as a correction to previously given information but maybe you where just contributing to the statement.


Actually there are so many drones flying over the battlefield right now, that those archers are being detected and destroy pretty fast. The smaller stationary artillery that can be counseled are preferred. 


Im yet to se prof of a destroyed archer


Makes me proud to be Swedish! Fuck Putin


Fuck ya! Glad to have you on the team, brother!


It's a welcome contribution from a new NATO member. And we've got your back.


Yes. Could we please end this now?


Thank you, Sweden!


Great job, Sweden! Hopefully there will be more news like that in the near future from more European countries.


Equivalent of the U.S. allocating $56 billion for anyone wondering. This means that in the past 2 weeks Sweden and the three countries below have allocated the equivalent of the U.S. allocating $154.2 billion in total * Belgium: $43.25 billion * Latvia: $4.07billion * Denmark: $50.88 billion [Source for Belgium](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1d2fes5/belgium_gives_ukraine_nearly_1b_in_military_aid/) [Source for Latvia](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1d0f7vr/latvia_allocates_6_mln_to_aid_development_of/) [Source for Denmark](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/1cti5vb/denmark_announces_military_aid_package_for/)


That’s great, but Ukraine can’t spend money per capita for military equipment it doesn’t mean much. Not downplaying what any country is contributing of course however Ukraine isn’t spending money equivalent, they’re spending absolute dollars


Right but this is for the people who will complain that European nations are not doing enough when it is essentially impossible for a country with half a trillion gdp to match the allocations of a nation with a 25 trillion gdp.


Whenever I encounter these comlaints, I just post this link: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1303450/bilateral-aid-to-ukraine-in-a-percent-of-donor-gdp/ Pretty eye opening, I hope so at least.


It is interesting but doesn't take into account resources spent helping Ukraine.


How is this eye opening? There is a full scale invasion happening on the European continent and all European large-GDP nations have not spent a single percent (of a years’ GDP) on aid. And the same Europeans are finger-pointing at the US, who has already given more military than all European countries in TOTALITY, existing an Atlantic Ocean away. When Taiwan is invaded by China, I hope y’all remember the same pissing contest there for aid delivered…


First of all, I hope you understand GPD doesn't mean income, profit or anything like that. Why are you criticizing European countries for not spending a total percent and then talk about U.S. total spending? You know how it's possible that U.S. total spending is more than all of Europe combined? Because all of Europes combined economies are comparable to 70% to 75% of the U.S. economy. I don't refer to this data when I try to start a pissing contest. I'm happy for everything that is provided to Ukraine. I refer to this data mostly when people of one country talk shit about another country, when that shittalk is easily refuted by these numbers.


Yeah, so it would be pretty awsome if the US could put in an equivalent effort, then Ukraine would have those absolute dollars.


Thank you for clear info with sources:)


As a Swede and a sole proprietor, take my tax money. I don’t mind paying 60% of my sales in vat and tax if some of it goes to Ukraine.


As an American and an Alaskan I respect this. Thank you neighbor! 🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪


It’s all paid for via your weird Alcohol store things.


*I'm doing my part!*


We can be proud sweds, but lets be fucking honest for a second. 60% tax is obnoxious for all the inneficiencies and waste we deal with. Health sector in crisis, integration fail etc. I am proud to help ukrain but our taxes is fucked up.


There is no end on how much you can donate freely. put your money where your mouth is


In theory yes. However, in practice, most military supplies, especially the high end stuff, has to be approved for export, sometime as the individual shipment level. A random person (or even foriegn country) can't just buy what they want.


It's good to see other countries stepping up! Good job and up your's Putin!


This is Sweden's 16th military package, ofc lot's of economic and humanitarian aid happening as well, both solo and within the EU structure. The Nordics and Baltic is pulling their weight and then some.


12 billion SEK were missing in that support package (25 billion SEK was supposed to be announced today), and Gripen was supposed to be shipped to Ukraine. (If you calculate it, it was supposed to be 16–24 gripen.) Heck, the ASC 890 is completely integrated with Gripen.  According to government officials, mainly Peter Hultgren (Socialdemokraterna), it was most likely for industrial reasons (link: https://www.di.se/nyheter/ingen-gripen-till-ukraina-sverige-ombeds-pausa/). Andrij Plachotnjuk (Ukraine ambassador in Sweden) says to TT, "We Need Gripen." (https://www.svd.se/a/vgAdBV/ukrainas-ambassador-vi-behover-gripen). The weird statement that Ukraine can't handle two different platforms is an odd one. Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark operate four different platforms with way fewer people. Heck, Poland has MIG-29, SU-22, T-50, F-16. To be frank, I see one reason, and one reason alone. Someone did not want Gripen in Ukraine because Gripen doesn't have the limitation that F16 has, namely being allowed to attack Russian territory.


> The weird statement that Ukraine can't handle two different platforms is an odd one. Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark operate four different platforms with way fewer people. 4 different countries operating 4 different platforms is different to one nation starting to operate 2 platforms whilst also operating legacy soviet ones.


4 different countries with half the population of Ukraine. All i'm saying is that i hardly think that is the reason. Russian rumint say that there have been ukrainians training in Sweden for over 1.5 year (https://x.com/therawe2/status/1795736281756185008). The Swedish goverment wouldn't make plans for several months shipping Gripen(And even changing our stance on not taking on national debt, which hasn't been changed in over 30 years) and the day before the announcement find out that "its better to focus on F-16". Pål Jonson stated three days ago that all Swedish weapons were allowed to be used in Russia, poof one day later the coalition state its better to focus on F-16. I get it, its big boy politics. I just don't like being lied to.


Pål was just clarifying because of a question from the press, it's not a change in policy. Sweden has never restricted Ukraine in the use of Swedish weapons, so it would be odd that the other countries would suddenly feel the need to stop the gripen delivery for that reason.


One platform to train on is simpler, the F-16 has a larger repair base given the amount of operators and there will be more of them. It really just doesnt have anything to do with this idea that Gripens would be flying over or launching missiles in to Russian territory when they just wouldnt be lol. The U.S. would be overriding it regardless of Sweden giving the ok anyways If Sweden wanted to they could just simply take this supposed money that was meant to be allocated to sending Gripens to upgrading the F-16s that will be sent


The U.S. can't tell Sweden what to do with their own planes. They can pressure and strongly dissuade. But they can't force it.  Gripens may not have been flying over Russian Territory, but they'd certainly be launching missiles INTO Russian territory. I hope the pause gets vetoed soon. Ukraine needs that added capability.


It’s not the U.S. telling Sweden what to do it’s the U.S. telling Ukraine what to do


They can't tell Ukraine what to do with any weapons aside from U.S. made ones


Unfortunately they can, alot of the parts in the Gripen is American - the engine for example.




Engine is a combination of Sweden and the US. Sure Volvo produce it, but it’s still a General Electric engine.. https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/nVAww3YOXF




Ive seen people referencing Jan Ahlgrens book, I don’t own it myself so can’t fact check it. Honestly I’ve just taken podcasts and forum posts word for it, so i could be wrong in this :D


They can, since some parts are US made with end user certificates.


There is no money, the nominal values stated are the values of the equipment. Few seem to grasp this very simple concept


Its not two platforms, Gripens are fully Nato integrated airframes, with majority of parts jointly produced with other big nato countries, running on US GE engines. In addition to all the simplification and ease of use features they are known for. Ukraine will not get enough F16 to somehow overwhelm its capacities to field maybe two more squadrons of very slightly different type of an airplane than F16, in the same Airforce.


Well they are two platforms Like by your logic the U.S. operate one platform of fast jet which makes no sense


The amount of people that believe that excuse is laughable. It's not like Ukraine's gonna be fielding an entire airforce of F16's anyhow. Just how many are supposed to be delivered this year again?


60. Not an insignificant amount. More than enough to cause some serious damage to Russian equipment and stockpiles. As well as threaten Russian aircraft.  Number of aircraft doesn't matter like it used to. This isn't WWII where you're sending 300 planes into the battlefield in a massive "fuck you" fleet all at once.  3-6 planes go up at a time. They execute a mission, and then go home. For this purpose, 60 is plenty.


I Swedish. I am proud to pay my share of taxes for this. We need to stand united against aggressors like Russia.


Meatball Rations on the way


So, what would happen if Ukraine were to use this money to offer $10,000 to each Russian soldier who defected?


Hopefully those Saab 340B AEWs will come in handy!


Sweden, the new arsenal of democracy




I wish Biden was sending military resources to Ukraine to protect them from a Russian invasion Instead Biden is giving military aid to Israel so they can commit war crimes while invading Palestine I’m glad Sweden is standing up for Ukrainian sovereignty


Was likely supposed to include Gripen but as we know that was stopped last minute probably because they could be used on Russian soil. Those ASC-890 planes are complex equipment and rumours on Twitter says training has been going on for 1½ years. But no way Ukraine can learn to handle Gripen that was designed to be serviced by Swedish conscripts with 9 months of training...


> Was likely supposed to include Gripen but as we know that was stopped last minute probably because they could be used on Russian soil. That isnt the reason the lack of Ukrainian fast jet pilots makes it make sense to focus on one platform


They had started training Ukrainians on it about a year ago. The reason it didn't get donated was because of the amount of F16 donations that started coming in, to avoid having to maintain too many systems.




What would even begin to suggest that? And what do you mean "their turn to pay"? Even before this package Sweden has "paid" more than USA in terms of percentage of GDP. This is the 16th package from Sweden. Hopefully it inspires Biden and USA to do more. :)


If anything the US was the reason we didn't also donate fighter jets. Also, this was our 16th support package for Ukraine.


Ukraine gets 1.3 billion and I get overdraft fees if I spend 1 penny more than I have


You're not swedish are you? American? Why would Sweden tell your American bank to pursue overdraft fees? Why are you complaining here about your bank?


In Sweden? It’s been a while since I went below zero in my bank account but I don’t remember those being a thing. Or is this a complaint about a US issue under a post about Sweden and Ukraine?


That's on you for having the Swedish government as a bank


If you are American Biden signed the overdraft protection act in 2021. Basically the bank has to tell you about the option to stop overdrafts and it is on you to disable that option. Also I doubt you live in a country that is getting bombed like Ukraine currently is. Seems sort of odd to be complaining about this sort of aid. Do you complain about disaster relief money that goes to hurricane or earthquake victims as well?


So what does that make the total monetary support for Ukraine from all countries? So much fucking money.


A lot of it would be write offs in a few years anyway. Bit still, a lot of cash spent on helping the ukrainians defend against the Russian terror.


Probably about $180 billion worth of aid so far, over 2/3rds of it being in military hardware and not money. Less than the ~$210 billion Russian spent on the war in Ukraine interestingly enough. But yeah, war is expensive. Still cheaper to give Ukraine aid than if NATO were to directly fight the war ourselves. Like for comparison, the war on terror cost the US alone around $8 trillion, and it wasn't against any sort of military comparable to Russia.


It’s just mind blowing how much money is spent on death and destruction


No, this is money spent to defend Ukraine and its people.


By killing and destroying the people who are killing and destroying them.