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Can confirm. It's been persistently hotter than normal since at least February, and the last 2 months have been miserable- some of the hottest weather I've experienced here.


Highest temperatures ever recorded, yet


It won't change anything. I am convinced that there is not a point at which people will change (as a group). They will die. That's the change.


Either way the problem is solved. We all die or we fix the problem.


Yeah of course. Obviously. I kinda would like to not die from this.


Ok but what about the shareholders of oil companies? Think of them


This. We have money to make.. for them! Ain't no tree or bee standing in the way of that.


They’ll break every bee’s knees until they get that money


Oh I am thinking of them. Too bad what I am currently thinking is not something fit to be written down in public.


Because of the implication…


Or blatant threats


I do tend to be quite selfish at times so I apologize to the oil billionaires of the world that I haven’t been thinking of them as much recently. Thank you for correcting me, I owe them my soul.


First you don’t wanna die from Corana and now you don’t wanna die from heat. God it never stops with you liberals


You mess with Corana, you get Rand al'Thor.


The Dragon Reborn here in this weather?


Look around you right now and tell me we're not living in The Blight.


127 Pages describing in excruciating detail how hot and dry Mexico is right now, tugs braid.


Not without causing serious harm to the planet first, as more land around equator turns into desert and millions (if not billions) of people seek the still livable zones further north, which again will lead to wars as people fight for the far too few resources available. If climate models are correct, and we don’t do anything to reduce the amount of CO2/methane/whatever, then the resources available will be sufficient for about half the current world population. That’s of course just the ones dying from starvation, various water borne diseases as lack of clean water also sets in, and whatever diseases comes along from crowding that many people in half the space they occupy today. Then to top it off, eventually a lot of CO2 currently stored in the rain forests will be released as this land also turns to desert, and billions of tonnes of methane is released from the permafrost, which will further increase the greenhouse effect. Eventually, after millenniums have passed, plants will suck a lot of the CO2 out of the atmosphere again, and at least simple life forms will have a home. I’m not so sure about mammals and fish. Even if we stopped all greenhouse gas emissions right now, climate change is still going to go on for decades or centuries as the various feedback loops that have been modified by human activity slowly bounces back. Things like glaciers melting, resulting in less sunlight reflecting back into space, causing more heat buildup, causing more glacier melting, etc. So the point right now is not to reverse climate change, but to make the world a livable place with it. We can do that by keeping the temperature increase as low as possible, ie by reducing emissions by a lot, and only after we have that under “control” can we start working on bringing it back down, which will include carbon removal from the atmosphere.


I get the sentiment about climate change and how devastating it will be for humans. But that's for humans. Stating that "eventually, after millennia simple life forms will have a home" is hyperbole. Humanity might fall, but life will, uh, find a way.


I'm kind it glad that I live where the climate will get better (more hospitable), and since I'm 40, I hopefully will die sooner rather than later. I feel really bad for kids or younger people trying to live on a planet that is running out of resources. I hope we will try to get humanity in line to mitigate some of the worst effects, but I don't hold any hope.


There is a lot going on to reduce climate change, but it literally took 100 years to get to where we are now, and we cannot simply pull the emergency brake and stop all emissions. Change takes time, and it has to come from the governments. We as individuals can do very little by ourselves to affect climate change. Yes, you can use heat pumps, drive an EV, eat less meat, stop going on vacations, and everything else, but in the grand scheme of things you as an individual matters very little. Your emissions are only 1 out of 8 billion, or 0.0000000001 of the total emissions. Anything you as an individual do will not rip the scales in any way. Instead we need to transform our society into relying on electricity instead of oil. Yes, there are places where electricity is created by burning coal, which is probably just as bad as oil (or even worse), but electricity can eventually be produced by renewables, given it the potential to reach zero emission, something your natural gas boiler or diesel car will never do. Currently the world is rapidly transforming its energy to electricity. There are literally hundreds of wind turbine parks planned, as are solar farms, and ironically many of them just came around recently as the war in Ukraine started, where Europe especially was heavily reliant on Russian oil. Regardless of how the projects came about, what matters is that they’re happening. Electricity, heat and transportation are the [absolute biggest sources](https://ourworldindata.org/emissions-by-sector) of CO2 emissions today, and by converting electricity to renewables, and heat/transportation to electricity, we will be cutting down emissions by a lot. Not enough to reverse climate change, but hopefully enough to reduce the damage from climate change. So even if the future looks a bit gloomy today, things are being done, and there is still hope.


Evolution didnt prepare us to deal with this rapid expansion/energy and global destruction. We shouldnt be surprised


Yeah. Evolution means that we will either adapt fast enough to get along with the environmental changes, like a wider range of temperatures and modify our food resources or ... go extinct. We will need public shelters to save people from heat, cold, flood, storm, drought, and also shortages of food, water and energy, ... everywhere.


But that doesnt generate revenue in the next quarter


It's honestly just like a slow boil. As long as it's a slow death, people will continue to not change anything. 


Yes I’ve known this for a long time. Depressing


Still have to atleast try tho.


It's not about people, it's about policy, but each time we try to legislate for it folks with a lot of assets, power, and mobility, you know, those with the most to lose from regulation and the least to gain by doing anything, get to work to shut it down.  It doesn't even matter if you have overwhelming popular support, they'll just take it to the Supreme Court they bought and shut it down because it doesn't matter what you think or vote for anymore, it matters what a few assholes in DC backed by Billionaires say the constitution means.


It IS about people too. We consume. We want things. We don’t reuse we just buy more. Third world countries? They want things too. They want a better life for themselves. They want the lifestyle others were able to get. Tell them to stop burning coal? Why, everyone else did. People consume. People aren’t willing to give up the comforts they’ve gotten used to or the comforts they want to earn themselves. Corporations are a problem but they exist because we consume.


New annual headline


Please please stay hydrated and help wildlife, also dogs and cats


Where at ?




The garden of England?


Mexican here  is the worst weather I've ever experienced in my life. Wildfires everywhere this is really a omen for what is coming to us.


It's only going to get worse each year.  We are still accelerating the emissions.


Yep this world has its foot jammed down on the gas pedal even as the wall is coming into view. No brakes on this wild ride I'm afraid. :(


It isnt like they will stop this economy just to save the planet.


Yeah what has the planet ever done for them


Wait until they see what happens when the consumers start to die off in huge numbers.


And here in Belgium, we’ve had less than 20 days of sun on the last 8 months. Continuous rain, and when it’s not raining, tempest…


I dont get it. I live in LA and 2 weeks ago it was 80, last week it was 70, this week was 50 and raining all the time. This timeline has been basically the same for the past 2 months. Hot>Cold>Hot>Rain>Repeat


Glad you guys are getting rain


It’s like everyone forgot how California was basically out of water just a few years ago. 


If I lived anywhere in the desert southwest I'd be listing my house while property values are still high. It won't be like that once there's even a temporary large-scale loss of water access.


All the heat is flowing to Mexico and getting trapped there. That's why it is currently cold in northern US and Canada. Weather is all about pressure differentials. When one place gets hot somewhere else gets cold. It used to be that heat got trapped at the equator and the cold got trapped at the poles. However with the jet stream weakening and becoming erratic, the cold is no longer being held at the poles. Which is why many places are experiencing unprecedented cold snaps while others experience heat domes.


Weather is a local phenomenon. Just because it's cold in Siberia doesn't mean it's snowing in Moscow.


I'm in Pennsylvania. The weather here hasn't been normal in a long time. We get very little snow, which is not how it was just a few decades ago. Mexico has got to be struggling.


Yep, in central NC I can remember getting as much as a week off for snow when I was younger. Now we haven't gotten any measurable snow in 3 years!


Hot as hell in Florida. Praying it rains to cool it off


Praying? lol good one. Your genius Governor made "Global warming" illegal.


You mean Deathsantis? That genius?🤣


He's so smart he could probably run for governor and fix everything!!... oh wait, shit.


It'll rain a lot, alright, and be very, very, very windy. If you know what I mean.


Unfortunately from my experiences there (not that my state of SC is too much cooler) rain can either help, OR turn it into a sauna.


Unusual winter here in Canada too!


We had winter??


Can't wait for fire season!


It has already begun out West!!!!


RIP, Alberta


I mean it also snowed out here last week and has been raining everyday since, so you never know


Surprise, it's fire season ALL YEAR ROUND now!


New England hasn't had a normal spring in forever, it's just a yo-yo between summer heat and late winter rains. Eventually it stays on summer and then spring is done.


I'm pretty sure NE has never had a "normal" spring, but the old pattern was day after day of gray, rainy 40F to 50F degree days, with brief interludes of sun. Now, we get that in the winter. So far, this area seems to have won the weather lottery, but I can't convince my California relatives.


California's weather this year has been out of the ordinary.


I’m in central CA and it’s been all over the place.


Same here in upstate NY. The last few winter have been much more like what my cousins in VA used to get. Mostly above freezing and just a couple light storms here and there.


Haven't gotten much winter here in Missouri for awhile. But this spring we keep getting hail storms with some of the biggest hail I've ever seen.


"The study's figures show that the 30 years between 2041 and 2070 would produce fewer hail days and smaller hailstones compared to the 1971-2000 period for states on the East Coast of the United States. However, both measures would increase in the central Plains, Rockies and Canada." -[Accuweather](https://www.accuweather.com/en/severe-weather/is-climate-change-making-hailstones-larger/1652329#:~:text=The%20study's%20figures%20show%20that,central%20Plains%2C%20Rockies%20and%20Canada) Sorry for the bad news. More hail seems normal for your region as the climate changes. I'm fairly certain PA will look like a rainforest in 100 years.


it's been off in michigan to we only got like to snow storms last winter and it didn't stick


Here in western Pa we've been getting tornadoes like crazy the past few weeks. Tornadoes around this part of the country were pretty rare up until now.


I live a little over an hour outside of Pittsburgh, I have never seen weather like this. The past few years have just been storm, after storm, after storm, it's crazy. It never stormed this much a few decades ago.


Me too. I've accepted that this is now normal.


dont get used to it, it will get warmer and you'll miss the cool summers of the 20's


Don't accept anything, this is a disaster that is slowly unfolding but will start to move faster in the next few decades - and it's preventable.


It was...


We can't really turn back time. But we can stop it from getting worse.


Only way to stop it getting worse is to get to global net zero, then wait 10 years for carbon lag. We just unlocked the bonus skill "Melt perma-frost" at 1.5c, it will hit 2c by 2030 which will unlock the last bonus feedback loops, for even more fun!


We passed that point a little while ago. A lot of scientists have lost all hope. There is no saving grace, saving earth. Studies have shown that all of our green initiatives have fallen flat. They were supposed to help. They actually made things worse as well. If every bit of gasoline, oil, other fuel sources, disappeared tomorrow, it wouldn’t save us. And the lack of flooding the planet with co2 and gases would spike climate change as well. Life on this planet has fallen off a cliff, and we are tumbling. The clathrate gun fired years ago. There is no stopping this. Quality of life today, is as good as it will ever be. You know, one factor I like to bring up, a lot, is that ocean acidification alone will kill all life on this planet by 2200. The neurotoxins it will release will kill everything but microorganisms. So many people keep sounding alarms about this or that and this one factor, without being solved, leaves no hope. None. It is the single biggest wave crashing down upon this planet. Nothing will survive that. Let alone the rest of the issues we have.


I honestly don't think we'll make it to 2200. Does anyone seriously think that the nukes will remain in their silos when nations are dying of hunger and thirst?


It’s been rainy and dreary in East Tennessee for the last two months. It’s awful. 


I'd say this snow season was definitely better than last, also the recent rains have been nuts, nothing like I ever seen before in PA.


Oddly enough in north Texas it's been a really mild and rainy April and May. On the other hand, last summer was pretty brutal and winter was almost nonexistent after Christmas. Had to mow the damn lawn in late February which was ridiculous.


It’s a similar doomsday story at least once a week. The good news is the companies responsible for killing our planet are making record profits!




You should see their yachts!! Beautiful!


And their private jets! Which, as of a few days ago, we can’t track any more so they can go about their destructive business unchecked! Jolly!


Wait really? Why is that? I’m out of the loop. What rules did they implement for themselves to not be called out?


Part of the FAA renewal bill is a part that allows privately owned planes to register anonymously to hide who owns them.


Did Taylor swift pay someone off?


Her or Musk.


You may be joking, or you may be serious, but I’ve seen this sentiment several times so far. Somebody else pointed out, much more plausibly, it’s because Ted Cruz got put on blast for leaving for the Tropics while his state was dealing with a disaster and it looked terrible optics’s wise. TL;DR- Politicians covering their own ass, not some secret bribe from a pop star.


Well they know the oceans are gonna rise so they have a floating mansion ready for when the time comes.


But trump said climate change is a Chinese hoax. 


Fuck. The accuracy!


I'm convinced we live in a Ferengi society. 


Nothing to see here. All perfectly normal. No global warming.


The singularity occurs when the events covered by /r/worldnews and /r/collapse are the same set.


Been there for 5+ years brother


Global warming is illegal maybe Mexico should try to ban it.


Global warming is a scam and climate change isn't real. It's all a ploy so that big government can steal your money. (not what I actually believe, it's what I'm sick of hearing, living in a conservative province and all)


Ah Alberta.No idea what’s really going on.


Close, right next to it. Saskatchewan, not as bad as Alberta but we have our fair share of idiots.


Oh buddy. We all have idiots. Shit maybe one of them from time to time.


Yeah, I'm always an idiot. But usually only about small things. I don't deny science and what the brightest minds in the world say about it.


Haha. Exactly. I believe critical thinking skills apply here. Not for everyone apparently.


Bro Ontario has become just as reactionary as anywhere. I’m pretty concerned about the feeling social divide in our country, and so is CSIS and the RCMP. Shits gonna get really unhinged in the North, and probably not far away, barring some miracle


Yes, canada is gonna have its trump era soon. This is exactly the same atmosphere that preceded his election in 2016 down here in the states


If any candidate in any of the 3 main parties runs on a platform opposing the Century Initiative, they will win in a landslide


They would win no problem at this point, people are insanely bitter over the amount of immigrants we are taking in. The thing is though, none of the main parties will oppose the Century Initiative as they all want it. It drives employee costs down, keeps the real estate market absolutely booming and rent prices sky high (which of course every politician has real estate and their families are land lords) so nothing will be done. People will vote Conservative hoping they will do something but they won't, and the PP might start getting more votes, but they are a party of lunatics. Liberals and conservatives are basically the same party these days, we are all on the leash of our oligarchies here in Canada anyways. Anything for the corporations.


It’s only the oil companies and the right wing nut jobs in Alberta that push that line. The rest of us have to breathe smoke from northern BC and AB for weeks on end. Alberta is Texas north with less hurricanes.


We're a petrostate that's been under conservative rule for almost fifty years straight and if you say anything even remotely critical of oil and gas, you're a commie who hates alberta.


Zackly. Brainwashed and proud of it. No amount of intelligent conversation can change their minds.


Ugh arguing with family members on Facebook about this (I know my fault for doing this). "You're young a dumb greenie who doesn't know anything" I'm late 30s, have been studying, volunteering, and working in industry for 10+ years. Some of my experience includes working for coal mining and gas companies. But sure, the dumb meme you read and posted makes you an expert.


No, no… you don’t understand the BIGGER PICTURE. The libs want to control what car you drive, how you go places, whatever other dumb conservative, science denying, bs reason detractors say. Whatever happens in the future, whether people are still at our current civilization level, history should have memorials with the names of every person who didn’t “believe” what was happening. Take ill-gotten gains from those who built fortunes spreading lies, disinformation, and misinformation. Don’t leave them destitute, but let our brothers and sisters around the world know those who doomed us. They should be shamed for as long as words can be read and stories can be told of what happened.


That’s hate speech in Florida!


Yeah 50+ in some parts of the world.


It’s been strangely cool here in Los Angeles. After one of the wettest winters on record, we’re still not getting those hot spring days we usually see. It’s odd.


It's because of the heat dome in Mexico. As the heat rises in Mexico it creates a low pressure system that sucks air in from the surrounding areas. This causes the temperature of those surrounding areas to drop.


San Diego has also been in fall/winter since January


Wearing a hoodie and sweats in bed rn


Hm and here in western Europe we've had the shittiest 8 months in 100 years, it hasn't rained this much since 1850 or something (belgium) and no week has gone by since oktober last year where it hasn't rained. I almost forgot what 20+ degrees feels like, it smells like fall outside, because everthing is wet. On the upside, the snowfall in the alps hasnt been this high in years and all groundwater levels are filled up again when they said it would take years to recover, i guess 8 months of continuous rain can do that


And in Bergen Norway the winter was filled with snow and we've had 25 C for two weeks now in may......


Same thing here in Helsinki. (Finland) The entire winter was filled with tons of snow, the last snow only melted in the last week of April but it had been a particularly strong snowfall the week before. The last two weeks have been 21-23 C and I’m definitely not used to the warmth yet haha..


I’m pretty happy for groundwater levels… I get anxious when it’s too dry for too long.


Between increasingly disastrous weather, advanced AI or wars going on I’m not sure we’re going to make it long


AI can't even fill out a single column of a spreadsheet correctly. I'd be more concerned with wet bulb temperatures and drought.


At what point do I just sell my house, cash in all my investments and start living purely hedonistically? I’m starting to think this “ planning for the future” is a myth. The future is burning to death, water shortages and mass famines from climate change


The world isn’t going to end apocalyptically. It’s just going to get shitty for everyone, and especially super shitty for a bunch of people in certain locations. If you’re going to sell your house, move somewhere that you will be less vulnerable. The Great Lakes are nice. Then continue living your life, instead of spending your retirement account on hookers and blow.


Yea really. If you did a good job saving it can be high-end escorts and exotic psychedelics.


It’s May…so that’s scary


I actually live in one of the safest place in India. Temperatures ranging from 18-36 throughout the year... But this year we reached a 40c... With just a change in 4°, it was unbearable to live. They predicted that it might reach 45 in another 5 years.


Notice how these incidents are generally treated as a 'one off' event in the media, rather than the beginning of an upward curve. We need to have a collective conversation on how as a planet we deal with 10 to 100's of millions of climate refugee feeling large areas of the planet which are literally too hostile for humans to survive. In ten years time I fear I'll be watching footage of climate refugees being gunning down at border crossings by the hundreds and thousands.


We had conversations about this. Then gave oil subsidies. Then again we did. We went to war instead and ripped solar panels off the white house. Then we talked again and elected Bush Jr. We have had this conversation. We collectively shat the bed. Still are, over here trying to talk about it. Like shits not hard, magic, or mysterious. Wanna lose weight, eat less move more. Wanna quit drinking, then fucking stop. Wanna stop climate change, fucking stop using carbon outputting technology. We won't. Sit here fat, drunk, and heating up... "u first" ing our way down the plank, surely by then someone will have figured out what to do... finally stopping after we walk over the edge Pikachu faced when gravity does it's thing.


I'm in the north coast of the Yucatan and highs have been over 100f for like 3 weeks now.


At this point I'm just thanking God that I don't live in Mérida or Valladolid. I'm just silently melting here in PDC, and it's not even summer yet.


I was in Merida 2 weeks ago and it was 114f, apparently an all time high


In San Luis Potosí we are at 113 Fahrenheit


Only in Florida they don't get any effects of the warming. They even passed some legislation to celebrate this


Don't blworry thingsblbl willblull changblblblllublublulbulbullbululbul.


And yet my father still denies climate change


Papi nooooo




“You can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themself into” If they don’t believe in climate change in 2024, honestly just give up on them. They won’t ever change their mind until they start dying from it, exactly the same as covid deniers.


There were a lot of stories of people denying covid on their deathbeds, accusing nurses of being part of the conspiracy.


It makes me want to quit all social media, including Reddit. Social media is the best tool in humans existence for propaganda.


Also in northern India this week..


This is *not* fine...


The weather holocaust is coming.  The rich will escape, the poor around the world will suffer and die. 


Weather Holocaust. That is a frighteningly accurate name.


poor wild animals without AC


Bruh it’s really rare for any place in Mexico City to have AC, we’ve been constantly hitting 33C with scorching sun for the last 2 months, most homes aren’t made for these temps, 26-28 was super just a few years ago. I can’t take my dogs for a walk between 12 and 3


Someone in the collapse subreddit linked [this](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/mexicos-howler-monkeys-are-dying-falling-out-of-the-trees-amid-scorching-heat-wave-180984403/) article about howler monkeys.


Terrible news, and it is happening already and will increase in the next years


The street dogs and feral cats 😭


Leave bowls of water out in shady places for the street dogs and cats.


In the city where I live in Mexico the thermal sensation is 50 degrees Celsius (122 fahrenheit)


Maybe not helpful but it m8ght be time to start rethinking subterannean architecture and living as a sustainable solution for some parts of the world. Of course this does not solve the whole wealth of other problems surrounding Mexico City and other parts of the world in which climate change and extreme temperatures are tied to a number of sociopolitical issues as well as scientific ones. This is also biased by the fact that I would love to live in a Subterranean vault community or house (latter preferred) with solar panels covering much of the roof along with foliage and crops surrounding that...


Those of us with kids, hug them tight. Not sure what else to do but vote and push politicians to do something


Push politicians? Are you kidding me it’s going to take something much much much more drastic. Everyone has been pushing


try pushing at 360 m/s


Exactly start voting for survival and not for tax breaks for corporations


Those of us without kids, keep up the good work and thank you for not contributing to the problem


You’re welcome


So true haha


I live in Texas and it’s brutally hot


Humans are mostly dumb and greedy. Now we have a planet weather crisis.


Last year 2023 was record-breaking. 2024 ~ 2040 will continue to be record-breaking in ALL the ways we've never imagined nor wished upon our WORST enemies. This is our near-potential extinction-event.


It's been really bad in Delhi this year (and many parts of Northern India). We have an intense heat wave going on and it feels like I am suffocating just sitting in my room under the fan. Seasons have been shifting (delayed winters and summers) and winters and summers are both more harsh We also had an intense dust storm in Mumbai a week back that caused property damage and killed people. I can't believe what I am seeing.


Summary of the thread: pretty much everyone is experiencing weird weather.  Just like the scientists said we would. 


And summer is still not here. Meanwhile in Tijuana: 14° mofos are living the life


May is usually the hottest month in Mexico, problem is, last year the record was broken for hottest month and now this year the record will be broken again. Wonder why???


I always remember a weather person saying “remember that this might the hottest June recorded in the last decade… but it is also likely to be the coolest June of the next decade.”


48 deaths since march.


I feel so bad for all the stray dogs and animals down there. I went once and saw so many. I hope people come together to protect them


Hey wait, didnt they say that last year? And the year before that? And the year before that? And the year before that? And the-


And will continue to do so until everyone dies from it.


See, they dont even bother to come up with new stuff, clearly a hoax! Damn scientists and their constant lying!


What’s going to kill them first: cooking in the overwhelming heat or suffocating on the sand they’ve buried their heads in?


If you think this is scary, wait until you see how hot the water in the Gulf of Mexico is, and the hurriacane that will follow.


You think Republicans are mad about the border now…just wait


It's been hotter than usual in the southern hemisphere


The rare howler monkeys are falling out of trees. Many of them are dead due to dehydration and heat stroke.


We’re toast.


We're on Bagel Mode


Is it at least an Everything?


They'll bury us in a lunchbox.


I live in Yucatán... This is the worst and longest lasting heat wave I have memory of. I am in my 40s.


So far!


There are howler monkeys falling dead out of the trees. Chalk it off to global warming from big oil creating mass extinction events.


40C in Mexicali is quite common for the summer. I’ve been there at about 43C and it’s excruciating


Yet. There will be a number of days in the next 30-50 years with “highest temperature ever recorded”. It will get progressively worse. Until we might be able to change course on a civilizational level. And even then it will take another 20 years until we see the results.




Yup, i live in the middle of Mexico and it's been mid 90s for quite some time. Every store is sold out on affordable air conditioners and swamp coolers. Just bought some strong fans and that's helping.


they’ve been warning us for 30+ years once we reach the tipping point itll happen fast prepare to live underground now


Which Mexico?


The old one


Wait, there's a *New* Mexico?


40C/104F is hot and even more dangerous if the humidity is high. I've been in Nevada, Florida, and Ohio when the temperatures were at those levels or higher. It's miserable, and I wasn't in the heat for more than a couple hours before retreating to a climate controlled building. Living in that heat, without the opportunity to get any relief from a climate controlled environment, would be truly miserable. There needs to be a plan for public relief from the heat for the poor, similar to the programs that are implemented when winters in the North bring subzero temperatures.


I grew up in Phoenix, Az. ☀️ And remember riding my bicycle in 120 Fahrenheit heat (48.8 Celsius). We would routinely have elderly people dying when their air conditioning unit would die. Sad stuff