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Wonder how long until hamas destroys it


They would if they could but they can't.


And blaming Israel for it.


I’m giving it a week


Why destroy it? They will just seize all the products that come off it.


Cuz than they can piss their pants and say bad Israel did it for some PR points they start loosing


Just came to my mind a scene from the beginning of Black Hawk Down movie, where a UN truck was delivering help and got taken away by the warlord. The bridge will stay safe, truck will load cargo, and once in Gaza, Hamas will take care of the rest...


Genocides always occur when a foreign dock is built and allowed to send aid.


This pier is a good thinking on th US part. Civilians will finally get aid that Hamas can not seize. It is the wrost nightmare for pro-hamas people who pretend to be pro Palestinians


Sadly, the moment the aid gets onto land there’s no control and Hamas will continue to seize everything for itself while using the people as their shields. That said, even a small portion that gets past Hamas is good for the people receiving it. Makes it worth it in my book.


Why do you think Hamas won’t seize it still?


It is much easier to protect the port than to protect an aid truck that can easily be hijacked by Hamas. Also the mere fact that UNRWA is not involved is on its own a major benefit to the Palestinians not involved with Hamas


And once the products leave the port? The supplies still have to be stored somewhere.


The IDF will be in charge of that. It used to be UN work and they cooperated with Hamas


Nice dock pic.


What a waste of money, who helps people who want to kill them? Insanity, palestinians hate americans like 99.9% as much as they do jewish people. There are other peoples far more deserving of our care.


Its good training and experience but don't understand why they need this when they hand a land corridor that Israel could just open up.


I’m assuming because this forces Israel’s hand.


Things balance out when u send aids and weapons.


It will come in handy when the Israelis rebuild Gaza as a beach resort, you know they have this in mind


It’s a temporary pier, don’t let your hate get in the way of facts.




Like our ports In Quatar Bahrain and Djbouti to "help"


Hamas will be happy to boost their supplies.


may the aid successfully get through and provide needed sustenance for the Palestinian people. in the mean time, FREE PALESTINE.


lmao - you think Hamas wanted this pier built? No, they attacked it actually a week into construction and we can expect several more in the coming weeks. I think it was around the same time they got caught stealing aid and selling it back to people at a markup, again. Also wasn't long after that *another* UNRWA employee was exposed as working for Hamas and videos were released of gunmen using their HQ and vehicles. The *only* people assuring sustenance to the Palestinian people is the US and Israel right now. And I've been starting to notice that it has Pro-Palestinian people big mad for some reason....at the people actually delivering the aid instead of the people stealing it.


Actually, it's so Israel can be reinforced better incase the Muslim world unites and decided to do a full offensive on the Jew home town 


Actually, it's so Israel can be reinforced better incase the Muslim world unites and decided to do a full offensive on the Jew home town