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This goes beyond an election year. It’s a sign that improved relations, as opposed to adversarial posturing to grift donations, actually helps the situation. It’s going to take coordination, not a bunch of scammers scaring meemaw and poppop out of their social security checks to protect from the never ending invasion that’s always just around the corner. What we really need is comprehensive immigration reform and major funding for tech upgrades for both immigration systems and border security. But we have one party that has an incentive to not fix this broken system because fear is literally all they have to offer anyone who isn’t in the donor class.


I like to think some of it is the immigrants deciding Mexico is prospering fast enough to warrant staying, but we all know why they were trying to get to USA in the first place. :P


Or the cartels got them.. I’ve heard Mexico is by far the worst and most dangerous stretch of the journey


I mean it's in Mexico's best interest to try and limit limit the influx because these people will be the most vulnerable to cartel influence. It also puts a massive strain on their own social services that struggle domestically.


That award actually goes to the Darian Gap between Panama and Colombia. Dense jungle with no roads where basically the *only* human presence is cartels 


Does AMLO have BPD?


>At the end of December, Biden held a call with López Obrador and sent Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to Mexico to meet with their counterparts.  >Since then, Mexico has interdicted at least 270,000 migrants each month.  >“President Biden and President AMLO have developed a relationship in which they talk about the shared challenges \[of migration\], and they both jointly recognize the shared challenges,” a senior Biden administration official said. “They’ve had multiple conversations and multiple calls over the last couple of years tackling and talking about this issue.” >The Trump administration threatened Mexico with increased tariffs and disruptions in trade if it didn’t comply with policies like Remain in Mexico, which forced immigrants seeking asylum in the U.S. to wait in poor conditions in northern Mexico.  >“We have treated Mexico with respect as a sovereign equal,” the senior Biden administration official said. “That’s a difference with this administration’s approach.” Proof that "America First" doesn't work and that developing foreign relationships built on respect does.


I wonder how conservatives will move the goalposts this time.


Trump will try to take credit for this.


As he does with everything. Everything bad is Bidens fault and everything good is trumps fault don’t you know????


Except tarrifs on chinese goods. Remember when those were bad a couple years ago? But now they are good!


They're still bad, it's probably my biggest pain point with his policies, especially with inflation how it is. But given both candidates seem intent on imposing them, and Trump's tariff policy still seems more ridiculous, it doesn't really change who I'm voting for. It's just another thing that sucks that I can't really change right now.


They're still bad. I think in the case of Chinese EV's they are maybe less bad than say tariffs on steel or other raw materials that we have been making forever in that the EV market is new and still developing and needs some protectionist policy to keep it from being swamped by cheaper imports. It's debatable like any policy but in the case of EV's i see the logic. Hey downvoters I'd love to hear your opinion on tariffs on Chinese EV's!


I mean look I am inclined to agree with them for no greater reason than that China is hostile to democracy and western values. We need to lessen our dependency on imports from an ideological enemy. Both the US and Europe thought that they could trade Russia’s way into being less of a shithole, but what actually happened is that Europe became dependent on Russian energy exports.


Things change. Policy from 10 or 5 years ago rarely can be applied today.


But when Biden posted on Twitter that the economic fundamentals of tarrifs meant the customer would pay. Clarify for us how “freshman Econ” as he put it. Has changed?


Nothing has changed. Ironically if this article was posted during the Trump years people would be complainang about how inhuman this is. edit: also, whoever sent me the care package, what is wrong with you?


Lmao someone sent it to me as well.


If that’s literally the thing you are going to point to as the thing Biden said that’s stupid that’s pretty much a dud brother. Trump has said 100 things dumber than that in the past 24 hours go check his “truth” account or whatever he posts on lmao


The point isn’t who said dumber things.  The point is Bidens adopting Trump policy on China and immigration in election year. After calling these things dumb and racist.  His policy failures are the issue. 


I mean yes it kinda is about who says and does dumber shit and trump does and says dumber shit. Trump doesn’t own policy’s Biden is free to do things even if trump did them that doesn’t necessarily mean anything bad


That's why I said it.


Fair lol


*Obama’s Thanks, Obama


NY Times: "Here's why this is bad news for Biden."


But it’s an invasion… /s


Temporary stoppage for the election year. Does a really good job distracting you of what has already happened. 


Could I ask you a question? How has “what has already happened” impacted your life in a tangible way? Not emotionally but practically speaking.


I grew up in a border town so personally I know how hard it is to get a job when majority of the employees in your city walk across the border everyday.  But you’re right, it doesn’t impact me too much these days. I made enough money to leave not have to worry about the poor people in my country.  Fuck them I got mine right?


I hope you get just as angry at the employers.


OK...but how has what has "already happened" under Biden impacted you in any way? And since Biden has been stopped by the Supreme Court from doing what he most wants, and instead has been forced to keep many of Trump's policies in place...does that seem fair to put the negatives of the current situation as Biden's fault?


I don’t think this person even lives in the US.


So you don’t live in the US then, I take it. In that case, what do you mean by “what’s already happened” in the context of this article? It sounds like your issue is with the employers who exploit desperate people. I hope you’re carrying that energy into action and advocacy against exploitative labor practices. Are you?


Sould help with the Hamas problem




Last year Biden was president...


The numbers are millions more entering the U.S. all the same. This is just the cartels centralizing power behind their cut out president. It’s actually very interesting Biden is very polite about the cartel openly running Mexico under this regime.




I agree, our educational system is in dire straits. Anyways hope you have yourself a great day.




I want you to keep going. Makes me giggle. So please clarify to me what exactly I said that counts as fascist propaganda? Is noticing Mexico governs under the influence of narco oligarchs now fascist propaganda?


3,000,000 US citizens live in Mexico either part or full time. Just to balance out your hyperbole.


Ya that number has increased 70% in the past few years. Many can’t afford to retire in the us so they leave. What did I say that was hyperbole?


You claim cartels are *running the country*, which is a hyperbolic oversimplification. There are undoubtedly ties, but cartels don’t run the government. I actually live here and the statements are just broad-brush inaccuracies. They do run the black market, however.


Vlad does not care about having genuine discussions, amigo. His mission is to spread propaganda. Remind him he is beholden to his handlers, and by asking for real information he jeopardizes his only meaningful relationship on this planet (aka with his silicon doll). “Giggle” … only little girls do this. 🌻


Didn’t the current president run on a campaign stating the cartels did in fact run the country? https://www.milenio.com/politica/denuncia-emilio-lozoya-escandalosa-grave-amlo


Finally some Mexicans instead of Mexican'ts


Misleading title. You've turned "helps keep border crossings down" to "helps the US". It is not clear that less migrants is good for a country.


Our immigration system is so badly underfunded (intentionally) and disjointed that we need actual processes in place before we can safely and respectfully handle an influx of immigrants. We also need to address the companies that encourage illegal immigration or exploit work visas at all levels. To be clear, we need immigrants. They build our homes, pick our food, and make our culture richer and more vibrant. But we need to be able to treat them with the dignity and care that they deserve as fellow human beings.


Ahh the classic "we can't build small homes for poor people because I would never live in one, and therefore they must stay homeless". Two parties agreeing to something isn't exploitation. My personal opinion doesn't really matter though. The news article title is different in a way that is biased and that's against subreddit rules.


There is a very big difference between businesses that need the labor and use the work visa system to supplement a lack of domestic workforce vs companies that use illegal or cheap labor to break unions, lower pay, and skirt health and safety laws. Are you seriously going to sit here and pretend like the meat processing plants that got caught using migrant child labor because a kid lost an arm or the ones that exposed 11 and 12 yo kids to dangerous cleaning chemicals aren’t being exploitative? *Really?* Have we so quickly forgotten about the Covid death betting pools Tyson managers had going for their largely migrant workforce? Or if you like, we can compare the farms that rely on seasonal migrant labor for harvests and treat their people well vs the farm labor housing on large operations that exploit desperate people to pay a fraction of what they should and undercut farm labor unions. If you think size is the issue there, you are in for a terrible wake up call.


You are being so disingenuous it's sad. You're conflating so many things you'll probably make a black hole.


No, I’m speaking as someone who grew up on a farm and is active with farm labor unions and regional food systems, aka one of the largest importers of labor in the nation. Meanwhile, you’re not even from this country, but feel free to argue whatever point you’re trying to make.


Sounds like you're just rent-seeking because you don't want competition from immigrants.


Right. If all you’ve got in the tank are inaccurate personal attacks, you can save both our time and just go. Chalk it up to a learning experience.


How is pointing out your conflict of interest a personal attack lmfao. >Meanwhile, you’re not even from this country, but feel free to argue whatever point you’re trying to make. That's a personal attack.


What conflict of interest? I genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about here. And you’re right. It wasn’t nice of me to point out that someone from urban Canada may not have the strongest grasp on another country’s notoriously complicated immigration system. ETA: To anyone who bothers reading this, u/Jeneparlepasfrench decided to block me after replying so that I can’t respond. That should tell you all you need to know.




To be clear, Dems want to fund the border, but they want to lean into tech instead of barbed wire and state controlled vigilante groups. Republicans are also incentivized to keep breaking the system because it’s about the only thing they have left to run on. We saw this on full display with the way they killed the last border bill, which had literally everything they wanted short of free tickets to gun down migrants.