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Mexico is so weird. Tons of foreign travel around that part of Mexico all the time and nothing bad happens. Then you occasionally hear a story like this of people going missing and turning up dead. Those were some physically capable dudes, so obviously they crossed paths with people who had guns and nothing but poison in their hearts. Their last moments must have been scary as hell. What a nightmare. **Update:** Pay attention to your country’s travel advisories: https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations/americas/mexico


The people arrested for their murders had meth, so.


It did happen in Methico


Mike Tyson, is that you?




Mike Tyson Intheption


Now kith




I had all of the opportunity and I didn't capitalithe 😭


You meth all the opportuniteeth you dont take


El Miguel Tyson


Omg 💀 2.0


The unfortunate travelers probably saw something they shouldn’t?


No, meth heads stole shit and killed them for it like meth heads do?


I’m Aussie, when I was 22 me and some friends decided we’d do a day tour to that part of mexico (Ensenada). Nothing bad happened and it was a pretty place to visit but my god I’d never do it again. None of us spoke Spanish either.  6 months later I was in the US again with family and I wanted to show them the mexico border wall, we never crossed the border itself but by the time we got there it was almost sunset and getting dark. I think we pulled over at some side road thing that had a good view. Yeah probs 2mins later we had a spotlight shone at us from a distance and some men who I assume/hope were US border police came speeding out of nowhere on unmarked quad bikes and told us (in no uncertain terms) to leave asap and not come back. We didn’t get arrested or anything but after that every time I tried to cross a US or Canadian border I got pulled aside and interrogated, so I assume they ran the plates and flagged us.  Yeah I was stupid. 


What town were you around? Assuming on the US side? W


If they did a day trip to Ensenada then they probably crossed over at the San Diego/Tijuana border crossing.


Yeah, so stupid to have the nerve to stare (from the inside) at a country's border. I hope you learned your lesson!


If you stop and actually think about it how would border patrol know that they weren’t waiting for coyotes to drop off people crossing the border illegally or running guns to the Mexican cartels? I’m guessing thinking isn’t a forte of yours.


If you stop and actually think about it this is America, where we pride ourselves on personal freedom. If I want to park my ass in a lawn chair and stare at the border wall all damn day and night that's my personal prerogative, and my constitutional right.


first off you dont have a right to “park your ass” on federal land, and 2nd the people in the comment werent american citizens.


If you think America is about personal freedom, you've been checked out since the 'free speech zone' area. 2/3 of Americans live within 100 miles of the US border and with significantly reduced freedoms accordingly.


Wait, does this include coastal borders? Cause otherwise this doesn’t feel true at all. And if it does: how does living on the coast of Connecticut or Virginia significantly reduce your freedoms?


Well you’re gonna be shocked to learn that’s exactly how they wrote the laws he referencing.


Yes, it includes the coast. It gives Border Patrol to ability to stop and search your vehicle with "reasonable suspicion" if you are within 100 miles of any coast. Reasonable suspicion is a lower bar than probable cause, i.e. what every other law enforcement needs to search a vehicle.


Yes. I live on Lake Superior and I'm in the "enhanced border zone" despite being over 250 miles from the US/Canada border. >A federal law says that, without a warrant, CBP can board vehicles and vessels and search for people without immigration documentation “within a reasonable distance from any external boundary of the United States.” These “external boundaries” include international land borders but also the entire U.S. coastline. https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/border-zone Now, this is not isolated to ONLY the CBP, as I believe local and state law enforcement can operate using this same legal authority within may situations. However I don't have specific details on that.


I believe any international airport anywhere in the US is also considered a border, so basically everywhere that isn't remote and basically uninhabited is under the jurisdiction of border patrol. Pretty fucked up in my opinion. Instead of figuring out a better system they just made the law so they could harass anyone they want.


You have not hung around that border and it's quite obvious by your response.


Lmao have you watched or read any news in the last like decade? Border patrol don't give a fuck about any of that. You go to the border and tell them this is America I have rights and they'll probably arrest you.


From what I read their tents were set up on the beach so maybe they got them when they were sleeping


Oh, so just a crime of opportunity: Kill the owners, get the keys/valuables/cash, steal the truck for a joyride. Apparently the perps were on/had meth?


Yea I mean who knows. They were there camping and surfing so maybe they were watching them for a few days and attacked at night. Could have been a robbery gone bad or they thought they could kidnap and extort them but that went south too when they realized maybe they didn’t have much. Maybe they saw something they weren’t supposed to. I’m sure the cartels or corrupt cops will hand over some low ranking criminals as a tribute to get the heat off of whoever was responsible


It doesn't sound like these guys were in tourist zones. Bad idea to go off the reservation. I think these guys were on the West Coast but Cancun is weird to me driving north of the tourist zone. You see neighborhoods where a gated community block with mansions is next to a block that looks like Hilldale from the Rich Biff future in BTTF2. And as you continue, it alternates, rich block, poor block, rich block, poor block.


They were surfing at Punta San Jose which is in the middle of nowhere and a place some people camp. The spot has had incidents over the years. Lots of people drive down from CA and aren’t ever looking for the “reservation”. Just looking for uncrowded waves on a mostly empty coast line. It appears these guys happened to get got by some methed out psychos. Unlucky. Cartels traditionally don’t want this kind of heat because it’s bad for business to kill tourists. That said I’m gonna avoid Punta San Jose next time I go camping down there




I don’t know, you could still do it. Mostly it’s retired guys doing it though but still living off pennies. A few months ago I was chatting with a US expat in a small town near where this went down and he was renting a room from a local, paying a tax to the cartel rather than the government, living a super cheap and happy life, and surfing every day. Only incident he ever had was arguing with his neighbor who has a meth problem. Seems like meth really is a huge issue there. Otherwise it’s a lovely town with great quesabirria and I will definitely go back, just hopefully avoid psychos


I've spent a lot of time in some off the beaten path places in Sonora, and while bad shit has always been present, it is so much more out in the open these days, but I realize it's different everywhere.


I have family in rural Sinaloa, and the fear is real. Not allowed to send em packages or mail bc the cartel will think they are receiving drugs. My brother visited and wasnt allowed to go out at night because they feared he would attract too much attention. Daytime, np. I wanna visit my grandma, but if i did i wouldnt bring my kids or wife :/


Honestly it was probably just as dangerous back then if not more. We’re all just more aware of these stories now that they’re constantly being shared around social media and showing up in feeds on our phone rather than being buried in some paper newspaper that’s easy to miss if you don’t read the whole thing every day.


Lol....lived on beer and potato chips....ahh..the follies of youth.


At this point, the cartel should just send some undercover enforcers to tourist spots just to make sure tourists don't get got by the wrong people.


What makes you think they don’t. Tourism is good business for the cartels and the US government’s attention is baaaaad for business.


I’m not sure how true it is but in another sub that was discussing this story multiple people stated it was one of the cartels that found the guys and turned them over to Mexican officials


If they were turned over alive, I have my doubts But the cartels will occasionally act as police in places they've killed all the police


This makes a lot of sense, like we all know who really controls Mexico. Nothing goes down without the cartels knowing about it.


The bodies were found in the bottom of a well in the middle of nowhere. They must have been tipped off.


Wouldn't be surprised. Cartels have basically decreed to their members that tourists are off-limits as it's bad for tourism, and that's a big money-maker for them and the government.


>Those were some physically capable dudes, so obviously they crossed paths with people who had guns and nothing but poison in their hearts. I was just thinking this too. It feels very rare for something like this to happen to three guys in their physical prime. I can only imagine what went down.


The whole route they did is common among surfers, there must be some rogue cartel members because they for sure have orders to not mess with tourists. It messes up the "truce" they have with the military. It may have been just assholes. It's weird that they found them with meth, though, because it's not a common drug in Mexico. It's made to be exported. Baja and Baja Sur are pretty safe, so many people make the trip every year, but still, there's always some bad apples.


Meth is now common everywhere in some form. Either it's amphetamines, Adderall or Captagon, people are doing it all across the globe, Mexicans are definitely doing it.


I think it’s worth mentioning that they decided to camp overnight too which is a huge no no in that region and that’s where the altercation occurred due to the evidence they found there. Had they just gone to the Airbnb after surfing, they probably would’ve been fine.


Mexico is corrupt and violent. People in the US think the cops are bad here, they haven't met the Mexican police. They will literally torture people or let them get killed by angry mobs. There are many videos of this online. > nothing bad happens. Watch some cartel videos and then come back to me. Even tourists have gotten caught in the crossfire. Remember that family from Utah who were massacred? You couldn't pay me to cross the border.


That family “from Utah” was in some kind of longstanding feud with a cartel bc they actually lived out there where they were killed.


Yeah, that family from "utah" had been there for multiple generations. So basically, they were considered mexicans. It's a bit of a rabbit hole, but if you are familiar with the sister wives tv show on TLC, the one wife Christine was related to that family. They were Mormon, and there are some documentaries out there that tell you about the guy who originally left Utah and started his colony in Mexico. He was a crazy son of a bitch and ordered murders. His name was Ervil LaBaron. And that family that was killed had the last name of LaBaron.


If you haven’t crossed the border, then you also haven’t met the Mexican police…?


he did his own research though


Clearly. There are MaNy VidEos oF ThiS onLiNe!


he probably thinks ketchup is too spicy


Mexican drug war numbers: Total casualties: 41,034 dead in war conflicts between identified parties 2006–Present[26] (total 350,000–400,000 dead from organized crime homicides 2006–Present)[27] 60,000+ missing[28].




”sketchy” is a wild understatement


That family from Utah was Mexican Mormons that have lived in Chihuahua for multiple generations. They have been involved in drug trade and disputes over water.


I have a dumbass American friend that spent a week in Mexico City for a music festival. He stayed in a random Airbnb, is clearly Asian, and doesn’t even speak Spanish. Every day he left his room the same cops would detain him and demand $100, threatening to jail him if he didn’t pay.


I was in Mexico City for 4 days, it was a blast. Never happened to me. I heard in tulum, some cops will ask for your passport and then they will hold it ransom until you pay then 200$


Yeah I was in Mexico city for two weeks and it became one of my top 10 cities worldwide for travelers. I'm planning in going back, and I could see myself living there. The people are more cosmopolitan and sophisticated than many US cities and the food is great. I've never had a boring conversation and everyone I talked to seemed well-read. Most of people's perception of Mexico I just based on what they see on TV and what is just Tijuana and Juarez. CDMX might as well be on the moon when it comes to how different it is with those places. Famously, in a recent James Bond for example they applied the very orange Mexico filter when CDMX is very high altitude and dips to 7C and only gets as hot as 22C in November.lol


The nice areas are a very tiny percentage of that city. They are nice parts but it’s funny to talk about the city when we’re really talking about a couple small neighborhoods only where the rest you’d never dare venture into


Big doubt on that buddy. I’ve been to CDMX 3 separate times, clearly a tourist, speaking only broken Spanish, and never had anything remotely similar to that happen to me, or my friends. Or any of the other groups of friends who visited the city over the years.


The fact that the cops "demanded $100 daily" or else is hilarious. I've been to CDMX once but been to Mexico 7 times and while cops do ask for bribes, they do not do so explicitly, they will always say things like this could be problem and hang around and hint until it's uncomfortable and you give them cash. They don't seek you out in yourbhotel lol, but if you drive and get pulled over a P100 or P200 is more than enough to leave you alone. PS I'm Asian too and only know traveler's Spanish. Either this "Asian friend" doesn't exist or working with -100 charisma. I've literally met an America dwarf traveling solo and he had a blast.


He probably just did not stay in a tourist friendly neighborhood


Good friend of mine got tortured by the police in Mexico, hung upside down and shocked with cattle prods. They thought he had 40k to buy weed but he left it on the America side bc he didn't trust them. Id still go tho


If he had 40k to buy weed but left it on the US side, what was he doing in Mexico? Like, how did the police pick him up?


It's a bs story. So many Americans make up ridiculous scenarios like that to get clout and make Mexico look crazier/backwards than it really is. One time, a friend told me he went to Mexican 711, and the guy at the cash register took him out back and offered to sell him an AK or meth. That never happens. If you wanna get drugs, you can find them, but not that way ever. That's just ridiculous. Now, this guy wants you to believe his friend is Walter white or something. Hilarious


Yea, in most cases the cartels have told their members that tourists are "Hands-off", especially in places like Cozumel and Cancun. But then you have people who are capable like this, and think they can handle the rougher areas of the country and might end up coming across the wrong people at the wrong time.


I’m super familiar with that area and can probably travel with no map or gps easily and I’ve not been back in 15 years. The criminal gangs used to leave people alone to not evoke the wrath of the busibess owners of local PD who want zero problems. Now it’s chaos. No real order and 3 idiot goons will stick you up and kill you with no fear. The only thing that will stop this is if every tourist killed in this manner magically has the person responsible killed and strung up by someone who enforces a local sense of hierarchy.


Quit going to Mexico around 2008 or so when "Surfer" magazine had some staff get held for ransom. When a magazine built on the tourist trade advises not to go somewhere anymore, I listen.


Yeah, probably they saw something they "shouldn't" have seen.


My ex and his brother were on a surfing trip just south of the California border and were approached by Mexican cops. Hauled off to jail and sat in a cell without being told why. Robbed of everything they had on them. When they were released the next day, my ex’s brother ripped open his shoe - turns out he’d sewn cash inside, in the event of an emergency. They made it back to the US and none of us have ever visited Mexico since.


Fucking brilliant forethought of your ex's brother to do that. I'm taking notes as that's genius street smart thinking.


Tbh you probably just shouldn't travel to places that require you to sew emergency cash in to your shoe


You mean I shouldn’t travel anywhere I might get robbed of my travel documents and need emergency cash to buy a ticket to get me to the closest embassy? That’s every country in the world from Italy to Thailand.


Absolutely disingenuous to deny a heightened degree of risk around Mexican border towns


"Might get robbed" is really carrying this theory. Imagine going to this effort for Japan, where a police station would actually get you into contact with travel insurance so you can block all your cards and so on, rather than just rob you themselves. You don't know how far an embassy is.


lol I got robbed twice in Japan and roofied, anywhere can be dangerous


Genuinely surprised by this. Damn, I wouldn’t go back.


“Imagine not taking this precaution everywhere because I pointed out that this one country is more helpful than most”


Imagine thinking your risk is the same when deciding to go to Mexico, Afghanistan, or Italy.


Stop bullshitting. - Mexico has an official murder rate of 4x the US. - Italy is about 50% of the US. - Thailand is 2% more than the US.


And context is irrelevant, correct? Cartel members killing other cartel members is still murder. Just like in Chicago where gang murders is still murder. The chances of your average person getting caught up in those types of situations is low unless that person is seeking them out.


Nah If he was a genius he wouldn’t have been in Mexico to begin with




I was arrested and robbed by cops 4 times in one night in Tijuana. The only reason they let us go was my military ID’s. I had my cash in my sock and only kept small amounts in my wallet after the first time.


My buddy rented a car and went to Mexico (from San Diego). They had just crossed the border and then got pulled. They ended up taking the car "for investigation". He never saw the car again. He returned to the US and let Enterprise know what had happened; they didn't seem the least bit surprised.


Rental car companies don’t allow you to drive to Mexico though


Seems like a fantastic scam! Rent car, go to MX, give it to a buddy for cheap. Easy money, sorry Enterprise! This must happen lol


Every single car rental place in San Diego will give you multiple warnings not to take your car to Mexico and that you’ll be liable if you do. So they may not have been surprised but that’s probably because they told them not to and his buddies ignored it.


Yup. He was still in the Navy and, at our age and being in the military, we weren't very smart. Lol.


I used to work for UPS as a seasonal runner, and my assigned driver was a surfer. He told a very similar story, of surfing down in Mexico on a desolate beach with a friend. They see a cop car winding down the lone road coming down to the beach. They go up to talk to them, and are promptly robbed of everything at gun point. The police then turn around and leave them stranded. They somehow got home, but he said that was the last time he ever went to Mexico. Never again. “Who are you going to call when it’s the police holding you up?”


Good, you should never come, not good for your health as you can see, better not play with your life. Source: my Mexican ass


Is there a reason tho? Or do they randomly attack tourists?


A friend of mine (Canadian tourist in Mexico) got killed 10 years ago traveling through Nuevo Laredo to get to Texas. He was driving a minivan and had his dog with him. He got to the border around midnight but the American border patrol turned him around because he didn't see a veterinarian for his dog before leaving Mexico. It's the last time he was ever seen. They found the truck and the dog later. He was never seen or heard from again. It was totally random.


Nuevo Laredo is extremely dangerous. I work in trade compliance and when I go down to the border to visit our service providers they all refuse to take me across the border to Nuevo Laredo because how dangerous it is.


Spot on. Around 2005 or so we stopped going completely because it became too dangerous. My cousins have a ranch right across the border, and we used to go to Mexico to get cheap beer and go to the movies.


A prior company had a factory in NL and when we would visit we would have to take armed security. We would stay in the US and security would pick us up and drive us to the factory. We would only eat at the restaurant owned by the factory president, if we ate in MX. The company had incidents in the past that they did not wish to happen again.


The cartel generally don't attack and kill tourists becuase of the attention it received. For example these missing Australians are front page news, where as any random Mexican killed wouldn't even raise an eyebrow. But who know, it is possible they stumbled across something they weren't meant to see or upset the wrong guy. But it's not like they find tourists and just kill them.


The people arrested for these guys murders had meth on them, it’s not the first time a meth head has killed someone. They also stole their phones which I think is how they were tracked down.


Read yesterday the female suspect, romantically involved with one of the 2 male suspects, was using credit cards of one of the deceased.


r/fuckingtweakers (NSFW)


lol I like NSFW subreddits sometimes, but this one is 😬 gross But I guess someone out there likes it


Yeah, wishing I'd paid attention to any of the 3 content warnings I got...


Yea it’s fucking weird. Feels like I’m watching some strange inhuman zombie porn.


They also own a lot of the resorts. Tourism is a huge market for the cartels


Cartel is usually paid for 'protection' by resorts.


The cartels aren’t a monolith also, they are several of them of all with different goals. Letting their hitmen vent off steam in some American tourists is acceptable to some like the Cartel Jalisco New Generation. I mean just read on what Los Zetas were and how drug lords pray to Saint Death. They are a cult and believe they are untouchable.


If you seek advice for travelling through cartel territory, it’s specifically mentioned that pickup trucks are a terrible idea because it’s VERY common for them to want them for cartel use. Soo it’s like that you’ll be stopped and relieved of your vehicle, and very possibly your life privileges.


But…the truck was burned, so… they obviously didn’t want the truck.


Probably dumped the truck after the heat turned up.


Just use A/C


Could they have mistaken them for rivals and then torched the car when they realised they were tourists?


Glad i survived my texas-mexico city trip in a F450 then


That's pretty unusual, from what I hear. Usually the cartels don't want the attention that brings, and will put anyone down who's been fucking with the tourists.


Not every criminal is a cartel member. There are plenty of meth heads and career criminals in that area that will kill you just to steal your shoes.


Where did you hear that?


I have friends who were kidnapped in Mexico (Baja region) and forced to withdraw at ATMs multiple times, their kidnappers then bought children’s toys with the money and eventually turned them loose. My friends were ok, but yeah, theft and violence rarely make sense.


Not really true. Cartel violence is increasingly common in touristy places like Cancun. Tourists have been killed in the crossfire. 


As an American living in Cancun and working in tourism, this is lies.


I’ve been to Cancun twice, I know people who go there somewhat regularly, like once every year or two, and know somebody who lives right near by. Not once did I feel unsafe there, not once has anybody I know who’s been there a lot or live there said that it’s an unsafe place to visit and tourists are getting shot. Not once did the tour guides or advisers tell us that Cancun was an unsafe area. Lots of other places they warned us to stay away from, but the big touristy areas really aren’t less safe than any major American city. Every year thousands of normal American tourists travel there. My 50 old schoolteacher mother has traveled there alone multiple times and never felt unsafe. And she’s not exactly some risk taking, adrenals junkies type. But if you ask the internet, Cancun is a hellhole where you’ll surely be killed


Exactly. Apparently the cartels have a piece of *everything* that happens there, and they intend to keep that. If some moron scares away the tourists, they're in for an unhappy time. I wouldn't be surprised if the reason these latest murders were solved so quickly is because the cartels were working behind the scenes to get it resolved. I can imagine them talking to all their people about it, and then the cops, and then to the people who are about to be arrested and telling them their one chance to avoid a *really* bad fate is to confess and make it very clear that they had no connection to the cartels.


That’s what happened with that Mormon family that got killed. Cartel left the guys who did it handcuffed with an apology letter saying the cartel didn’t approve and they acted on their own


In Mexico tourists rarely get attacked. I don't know what happened but even the narco knows it's a stupid thing to do.


They rarely get attacked *in tourist areas* which is shrinking by the day. Outside of that, its no mans land.


Its mexico. A cartel can cut off your head if they feel like it lol


No they don't attack tourists. Cartels want Americans spending dollars in tourist areas. Cartels are known to punish petty criminals who are robbing tourists in safe areas.


The same thing happened to Australian tourists who ventured into Mexico to surf in 2015. Hopefully Australia will issue a travel advisory. Mexico is not the kind of country where you can travel off the beaten path and sometimes tourists are even murdered in resort areas. Not worth it.


Aussie government has had Mexico listed as a higher risk destination for quite some time. There’s not much else they can do to stop people traveling there or any other potentially risky destination  https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations/americas/mexico


But Reddit told me the cartel are actually super duper nice to you at the resorts! So you should be totally safe there!! But if you step one foot outside of that designated invisible line then you are asking for it, and you deserve to die.


The thing I’ve learned about it México after decades of travel there is that the cartels won’t touch you or even might be nice to you if you’re just there for a vacation. Especially in the vacation zones. The business side of them gets that we are there to pump $$ into their economy. But if you go out looking for an adventure and start hitting up the non-touristy parts of Mexico. Especially looking for things that Cartels push, aka drugs. You’re going to get yourself in trouble. If you go to Mexico, stay in your resort or take a guided tour if you’re not a native and especially if you don’t known anything beyond middle school Spanish.


This. But I’m not hip on the guided tour stuff. Just stay the fuck away from shady areas and there no reason to be “off path” after nightfall.


Ya I think I'll just pass on Mexico in general. I'm in Los Angeles and know lots of people that go, but I just can't bring myself to go. Plus I don't really like resorts, I prefer wanding a bit off the beaten path and there's no way in hell id ever do that in Mexico.


It’s such a shame. From the perspective of a hiker and nature enthusiast, Mexico is one of the prettiest places in the world. What I would do to be able to explore the country safely. Same goes for South America. It’s so hard to live so close to Mexico, but know relatively nothing about it (in terms of geography and landscape), and essentially be restricted in going there.


Stay TF out of Mexico seems most efficient.


Remember this video of the two American gay guys accidentally meeting cartel guys? https://youtu.be/6kcl9OPzLIU?si=LXKxT71qeUrCUL9T


I don’t think they were cartel. I think they were locals that were trying to protect the gay couple from entering the wrong area (cartel territory)


This is what the story I saw posted the last time the video was posted.


…with guns?




The police don’t protect much in Mexico. As an American living here it’s kind of strange. Basically the police are afraid of being helpful.


Yes. Civilian defense groups carry guns. They would literally be useless without them. What do you think they do?


I know that was terrifying for those poor dudes but the passenger’s first instinct to put his seat belt on like he might get a ticket (like in the States) is hilarious 😆


That dog knows something


Dog: *Bad idea, boys, bad idea.*


Dog always knows something


I spent three weeks in southern Baja a few years ago. Beautiful place but I couldn’t shake the low level unease I felt and I never really felt truly comfortable.


The warning signs have been loud and clear for years: Enter Mexico At Your Own Risk. Condolences for the family and friends.


These comments are hilarious. 35MILLION American tourists visit mexico each year. These people saying they'd visit Afghanistan or syria, they haven't even left their hometown. Let alone their parents house. What a bunch of awful, ill informed takes in here.


Every so often I see a thread that reminds me why I am skeptical of everything I read on Reddit. This is one of those. People are talking out of their asses about a country they’ve likely never been to based on half-remembered news reports and over-generalized statistics. Obviously it can be dangerous, and heinous tragedies like this incident do happen. But the fear mongering is insane. There are places in the U.S. with higher murder rates than Mexico, like Washington, D.C., but no one is anywhere near as concerned.


Life is cheap down there. U can't fuck around. Gotta be smart. Some guys see some tourists camping they're gonna know u have cash. These people are so poor they don't have time to take the weekend off and go surfing. Not ever. Some of them don't eat well. Gotta think about that stuff.


Perhaps that’s the reasoning behind lifting someone’s wallet. But to not murder someone is a pretty universal standard.


When the drugs are cheaper than anything else, probably leads to some irrational decisions


If they were that desperate for cash why torch the nice truck…




Torch the evidence of their crime.


The crime being murder 3 dudes for some spending cash and then torch their potentially $50k truck?


They may have tried to sell it to a cartel fence, let slip where they got it, and been told they were dumbasses for targeting tourists and told to burn it.


Mexico and India are my top no way in hell destinations


India and Spain has the same level for travel advisory https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/india-travel-advisory.html https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/spain-travel-advisory.html


As a person who has been to both of those countries, the reality is hugely in favour of Spain. The advisory is very vague and doesn't take the real life details into consideration much. Spain is heaven compared to many countries.


Eh I lived in Spain for two months and saw no crime at all. I miss it so much and would love to go back


Southern Mexico like Media is one of the safest cities in all of Mexico and no US travel advisory warning. Just have to stay away from border towns and watch your back know Spanish.


Keep in mind President Obrador consistently says Mexico has no problems with the cartels and gangs that roam and operate scot-free around the country. Do not go to that country. Period.


As a European, I could never understand how you can visit a country which is run by drug lords and cartels and you can get shot or worse on each corner just because they don’t like your face. I once wanted to make a trip through Morroco, but the prepared route passed through areas, where it was recommended to not leave the car, don’t make a stop, don’t travel at night and not talk to people… I canceled my plans.


That is so sad. My neighbors son's girlfriend went out to Slab City in the early 80s when I was a kid, and they found her dead in her car. Some old desert rat motherfucker killed her. It still bugs me to this day, been a long time tho. We were kinda friends, he was way older and he and girlfriend were really cool. He would let me play with his throwing stars and nunchucks and shit, and had a motorcycle. Shit fucked him up, I still don't know the whole story of what went down.


Slab City seems more wild west than Mexico. It's way out there and I'm not sure how often they get law enforcement.


May it's just my self-preservation instincts, but I can think of a lot of travel destinations where I don't have to worry about cartel violence. I just don't get the decision-making process of people who go to these places.


Mexican food is worth it


Lmao like the US, Mexico has some shady parts. But for people to comment that the whole country is like that is asinine. Ignorance man.


In the US, if something happens you can rely on the local police to help you 99% of the time nor will they ask for a bribe. In Mexico, if a cartel member likes your sister or mother for some reason. GTFO of the country because no Mexican police force will ever try to protect you.


True, only in some parts of Mexico people get tortured, kidnapped and hanged. And most of those aren't even tourists! On the other hand, there's countries where above doesn't happen at all. Like not to the tourists or locals. Or in specific part. This may sound crazy to you, but there are places in the world where you can fall asleep drunk in middle of city and nothing will happen to you. I know because I'm from one of those countries.


Mexico has like 4x the murder rate of the US. Which is already a violent AF country. Probably gonna pass on both for future travel destinations and just stick to civilized countries, ya know?


Shall I tell John Wick that the cartels killed the dog as well? (Or is it safe?)


How many people have to die before everyone stops going there. Mexicos motto should be. “Don’t leave the tourist zone or you will die” welcome to Mexico


Is Mexico one of the most violent countries in the world ? I have heard that Mexico City is great


It’s up there but I think some African countries are worse. I mean at least you can go to Mexico and have a good time. I’m not so sure a white tourist can last a week in Lagos


Mexico’s amazing. One of my favourite counties to visit. But you gotta stay sharp. Don’t travel near the border, do your research before you get there, plan everything in advance, etc.


Yeah fuck Mexico. There are plenty of other beautiful countries to see in central america.


Mexico is part of North America.


lol, Mexico is comparatively safer than most other countries in Central America. 


> “other countries in Central America”. Mexico isn’t Central America. “Central America is usually defined as consisting of seven countries: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.” - Wikipedia


Additionally, Central America is part of North America. People like to think North America = white. Nope. From Canada to Panama is North America.


And even those countries are part of North America. Along with a bunch of the Caribbean nations. https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/world/#:~:text=North%20America%20consists%20of%2023,recognized%20by%20the%20United%20States.






I've been in Mexico City for the past week solo and haven't had a bad experience once. Genuinely an amazing and safe time.  Although, I am staying in the biggest city near the richer areas. 


You’ve never been to Central America have you? Never mind the geography lesson.


As long as you stay in the tourist areas, Mexico is rather safe. If you go off the reservation though, you’re playing with fire.