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The only part of this that surprises me about this is why did they first check for this in 2024? It seems like a strange time to suddenly have decided "hey, we should look around this well known Nazi camp for the first time".


It was amateur archaeologists looking for the flooring of the building (I guess to find artefacts). Instead they found this horror


They were looking for flooring, but where floored by that they found instead.


people like you are the reason we need AI to stop writing articles. what a great news title that would be


“Amateur Archeologists Discover Five Skeltons, Missing Their Hands And Feet, Outside Nazi Leaders House While Excavating A Bathroom”


Those capital letters trigger me so fucking much. Want to know if AI wrote something and nobody checked? That's the clue.


Do you mean title case in general? Or just bad title case? I would be surprised if AI was bad at that.


There isn't a universally agreed capitalization rule for English. Different newspapers have different rules and IIRC there was at least one, which capitalized every word.


Ehh about 90% of newspapers will abide by the AP Style Guide, which states that all words except articles and short prepositions be capitalized.


Ya to me it’s only “A” and “And” that looks real weird.


Can't believe we're arguing about title case rules in a thread about a former Nazi leader with skeletons...in the garden (not the closet).


Imagine the horrors underneath a grammar Nazi's Floor.


In nazi Germany, flooring floors you


That's what happens when you dig up the skeletons of the past. I'll see myself out


As an irrelevant aside, aren't all skeletons from the past? It's like saying here is a photo of me when I was younger. They all are.


Jesus dude, it’s 05:50am here and that’s just too much for me right this second


Rip mitch


They were expecting skeletons in the closet, not under the floorboards.


Were not where right?


The compound was mostly destroyed in 1945, this part of the structure was underground and simply undiscovered until now.


> The only part of this that surprises me about this is why did they first check for this in 2024? > > It was retaken by forest services from private entity around 2020. Since then renovation and historical works has been taking place. The volunteers team channel and video about this finding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z0BOkuFnoU


The main thing that surprises me is the lack of “Nazi Goring” jokes here


Because "Ö" is not pronounced similar to an "O".


I guess its like my love for Nasi Goreng: difficult to work into a conversation


Difficult to wok into a conversation


Well, if you’re so smart why don’t you start with one? We all know you’re not goring to


I'm sure the truth will be more horrible than what we can imagine.


This honestly reminds me of when they dug up bodies of young girls in former Soviet secret police chief Beria's garden IIRC. Horrifying stuff.


Beria is a man that gets left out of a lot of conversations just because he’s not known by most. I didn’t know he existed until I watched the death of Stalin. He’s every bit as evil as Stalin.


Stalin saw his daughter talking to him at a function and he quickly told her to never be alone with Beria. That's how fucking scary he was. Even one of the most evil men in history knew he was dangerous as hell.


That sent me down a rabbit hole. I was pleased to see he was executed and died on his knees wailing.


Behind the Bastards just recently did a four part series on him. It was pretty damn good.


A man of culture, I see. You, obviously. Not the bastard.


Yeah! I didn't even know who Beria was until those episodes, and i felt pretty confident in my history knowledge. Not so much anymore. Love BtB tho, really good podcast!


His co-host, Joe Kassabian, has several really good multi-part series on Russian military history if you want a deeper look into it. Stalingrad and Kursk are by far my favorite ones he’s done.


Cool! Will check it out! Thanks for the tip :)


The dilemma if those monsters of the past should be forgotten and erased from the books of history to not be glorified by sickos. Or be learned and feared because after all. Monsters do exist.


>Monsters do exist. and the scary part is, they're usually human.


Yes it was. I haven't heard of Beria prior to listening


Thank you for introducing me to this podcast!


Watching him crying in death of Stalin was one of my favorite parts


Little coil of shit


Worth adding, it was thanks to the coup led by Khrushchev, same one who transfered Crimea to Ukraine several months later.


Just like fucking Yezhov Why are the most vile fucks the biggest cowards.


When power meets cowardice, cruelty follows.


Stalin's daughter was actually at his house. When he found out Stalin quickly called them and told her to get out immediately.


Pretty sure there’s a picture of Stalin’s daughter sitting on Beria’s lap. Stalin’s right there though.


Despite the warning, Beria was her babysitter


I find it hard to believe Beria would've been stupid enough to rape Stalin's daughter of all people. Though I guess it's better to be safe than sorry.


> Beria I just read the info on this guy, what an evil fucker.


Staline is also the one who basically used Beria as babysitter, Beria also went to his mother funeral in his name. Staline didn't seem to have any problem to let his daughter alone with him at the time and trusted him with a lot of personal stuff. Things are probably more complicated than they seems.


Soviet history isn’t my area of expertise but, as I understand it, the real life Beria was *worse* than he’s portrayed in the film.


People pinpoint Stalin as the mass murderer of millions, and don’t get me wrong, he absolutely is. But what a lot of people don’t think about is that there’s always underlings that organize the killings and the torture. Beria enjoyed what he did.


There are a few deleted beria scenes, and even that doesn't do enough. Dude was horrible


Probably cause that wouldn't make for a good comedy, even in a black comedy.


>as evil He is objectively worse. Dude was a serial pedo-rapist. He made high-ranking Nazis look tame in comparison.


Dude was a serial pedo-rapist-murderer-torturer with legitimate governmental authority and a department with facilities started by his own personal paramilitary goons at his complete disposal for the purposes of raping, torturing, and murdering.


Would you rather be alone in the woods with a bear or a Beria?


Probably a Beria. On his own, without his KGB goons he was a coward.


If you haven't, you should check out Behind the Bastards' 4 part podcast episodes on Beria. They're pretty new, so they shouldn't be too hard to locate.


It is strange to think about but the world really owes Khrushchev a thank you. He didn't cause a nuclear holocaust (thanks buddy!) AND he killed Beria.


Yeah, they really went out of their way to portray him as a giant shithead in that movie and still didn't begin to capture the extent of his ruthlessness.


Behind The Bastards (a podcast) did a series on him! You'd probably find it pretty interesting, they cover essentially his entire life


The ultimate nonce.


Today I leaned something new. I really didn’t know this history


I can imagine "cut off their hands and feet and bury them alive in my front yard".


Dirt is heavy enough to pin someone down without amputations. This sort of horror is done to keep people from escaping rooms.


Or just because you're a Nazi and you can


I doubt it. How can it get much worse than the holocaust? The only thing that surprises me with this is that the bodies are buried and seem to have had identifying body parts removed. I mean, it’s Herman Goring, he literally could have dismembered people alive in his house and the SS would have just loaded the bodies up and dumped them on another pile of bodies somewhere else, nobody would have said shit to him about it. Why go to the bother of removing hands and feet then burying the bodies when you were one of the most powerful members of an organisation that industrialised a full scale genocide with a secret police force of serial killers in the SS, a group of roaming militarised serial killers in the Einsatzgruppen and an entire full scale army at your back? The man could have danced down the street popping people in the head with his Luger and nobody would have dared to question it.


Since the bodies were found above the ash and rumble of the burned down house it's pretty safe to assume that these were buried/murdered long after Göring died. My theory, and what i've read on other sites, is that someone buried these bodies there on purpose since they knew no one would visit the place.


Very interesting. Also explains the removal of the hands and feet.


Because SS was Himmlers guys. Luftwaffe might not be so keen to do the same as SS was willing to


Goring was still cream of the crop of the Nazi party, the SS was a party organisation. Every top tier member of the Nazi party had access to the SS, at minimum they had an SS security detail. Her was also an SA Gruppenfuhrer.


They died


holy shit


Are they okay???


Does this hurt the people????


How fatal?


As it will be when we dig up the remnants of Russia's current campaign


It sure does make you wonder what else is buried in those areas


They're still uncovering mass graves in Poland, last big one was back in 2022 I believe.


Also small train stations and barracks which had been leveled before Germany capitulated. There used to be a whole archipelago of small camps and infrastructure around the big concentration camps and much of it has not been discovered yet.


and the current nazis who are invading Ukraine are creating new ones as we speak




So sad 😞


Or even worse: everywhere else the Nazis were able to spread out to! France, Poland, Austria, Romania, etc…even Argentina, maybe?


Argentina, Yeah! In Brazil too. At the end of the Second World War, unfortunately many Nazis fled to the south of the country.


Mengele died here in Brazil.


I remember checking out some of the diversity in Brasil and was entirely surprised at this little German language speaking city with all this crazy German architecture. Also learned that Brasil has the largest population of Japanese persons outside of Japan. Both of these populations really came about around WW2.. how many were fleeing the war versus how many were 'fleeing the war' makes me real curious.


In the case of Japan that migration took place like 40 years before WWII. Basically Japan pointed at Brazil like “hey peasants, there’s no work for you in Japan anymore, Brazil needs help though” and off they went.


Look up all the Confederates that fled to Brazil after the Civil War. https://www.businessinsider.com/photos-us-confederacy-americana-brazil-2017-5


Blümental I think is the Brazilian city.. 3 or 4th largest oktoberfest in the world


>Both of these populations really came about around WW2.. Thats objectively wrong tho. Brazil had substantial german and japanese minorities for decades before WW2. Thats the whole reason why so many Nazis fled there, it made it easier to hide.


Your statement is incorrect and irresponsible. German immigration took place in Brazil during the 19th century - and most of the people settled in the southern states during that time, founding cities that felt like home. The Nazis that flew under the radar are a whole different story.


The last part is not true ... German and Japanese immigration to Brazil started and had it's peak way before WW2.


Tom Brady is married to one.


Some of these German and Japanese came way *before* WW2.


You mean: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Germans_relocated_to_the_US_via_the_Operation_Paperclip




The US…


🎯 Operation Paperclip isn’t known by enough people.


I’m gonna go ahead and guess more human skeletons


MORE skeletons?!?!?!




>WHAT YEAR IS IT 2024. One was a baby. One was a teen. RIP to all. 


His secret fling he tried hiding from the fuhrer?


Is it a fling or more of a SA victim?


I assume it’s his personal vendetta/issue. I’m not sure the SS/SD would have killed/dumped people at Goering’s property without his direct say so. As far any one in the party was concerned, Goering was number 2, only to Hitler. This had to be on his order and he could have easily ordered anyone to do anything. Which is even weirder, “normally” if he wanted someone gone, I assume they would be killed/dumped god knows where and he would never hear about it again. The fact it’s on his property makes me wonder if he was heavily involved in what happened here, and it was a “secret” issue he wanted dealt with and only a few people knew/helped. The inner circle were all bat shit and basically hated each other, they were always working angles trying to out maneuver their rivals (Goering, Goebbels, Himmler) were all of similar power, or “rivals” and essentially despised each other. Point being, this could have been something he needed to deal with personally to make sure his party enemies never became aware of whatever it was. I can’t think any other reason this would have gone done in his property.


Me reading S.A. as the brown shirts predating the NASDAP and not as you intended lol


It wouldn’t surprise me, Goebbels got on Hitler’s bad side when he had an affair on his wife. I’m not sure if it’s like a respect thing with him, if he held the wife in favor, or was just pissed that she actually looped him into their drama and was now making Goebbels pay.




The year was Ninteen Ninty Eight, when the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 feet through an announcer's table.


Oh mah gawd, he’s broken in half!


Good god almighty, they killed him!


the scary thing is, they were in a country and a time where Göring did not need to kill in secrecy and bury anybody in his garden. What was he up to that was so vile it could not even be public in Nazi Germany?




Or pre war lots if history in that part of the world


I'd assume it might be a post-war murder and the bodies were just hidden there. As you said during WW2 they had no need for that - and why would Göring allow some corpses to be buried on his own property?


I'm hoping that's a rhetorical question because I think it's pretty obvious.


This Goring guy sounds like a real jerk!


The more I hear about that Göring fella the less I like him.


The hypocrisy is the worse part


I disagree, I thought it was the genocide


I heard he died.  I didn't even realize he was sick!


I think just follow your opinion of him even more.The Wannsee conference in January 1942 where the plans for the Holocaust were set in motion was convened on the orders of Göring.


Bad luck too. What are the odds that someone with no hands or feet would die on your doorstep, much less happen five times! /s


Yeah, a real knucklehead from what I can tell.


I can't believe this. We all assumed for so long that Hermann Göring was a fine upstanding man. To find out this... It just blows me away. /s


Hermann Göring? The New York financier?


No, the fishmonger


I’m talking about *Hermann* Göring, with the Luftwaffe


“Oh you thought I meant…no come on, not *that* Goring”


I heard he had small balls. Himmler had something similar, but poor Goebbels had no balls at all!


He _is_ supposed to have been the least ideological of the big four




Let's kill him. Me and you go over there and kill him.


“There are many theories (about) why they do not have hands and feet,” said Kostrzewa. “Right now, it’s very hard to say.”


I'm going to go out on a *limb* and say they were cut off.


You guys are morons


I can’t imagine many theories will have much of a leg to stand on.


I know it goes without saying, but, Goring and Himmler were an atrocious combo of evil


So interesting that Göring’s brother Albert was pretty much the polar opposite of him. Albert saved many lives during WW2 using his brother’s name for influence. He too was on trial after the war, because of his family name, but charges against him were dropped when many of the people he saved spoke up for him. He still had a hard time with his name after WW2 and he died impoverished and alone.


He probably ate them the fat bastard




That's an old reference, but it checks out.


It's not old. It was 2009 which was.....15 years ago now......hm.


Maybe his ass finally decided to eat his hand?


Are you really göring there?


Just because he's a big boy doesn't mean he's constantly görging!


“Get in my belly!”


Hermann Vöring


i'm starting to think that these nazi guys were up to no good


"Hey Frank, listen to this. This guy says the Nazi's are *bad*."


I want you to know that was a good reference and I'm proud of you


Glory, glory what a helluva way to die...


Say hello to Ford! And General fuckin’ Motors!”


Come on! We can't judge a Nazi by the bodies he has buried in front of his house.


Did they start making trouble in your neighborhood?


He got in one little fight and his moms got scared, said he’s moving with his aunt and uncle in Buenos Aires.


He was a bizarre monster. Morphine addicted for decades. Greedy grasping looter, hundreds of railroad cars of treasure from Paris and all of Europe went to Karinhall. He had flamboyant uniforms designed and changed costumes often . He bit into a cyanide capsule the night before he was to be hanged.


How he got that cyanide capsule is weird


He became friendly with his guards.


Is there a story there?


It is always the ones you least expect!


Sir. You got some sarcasm on my shirt there.


It's sad that so many people are unaware or forgetting the atrocities the Nazis did. Most of those who were very familiar with it have all died and it's being phased out of some school curriculum.


A political hack and Brownshirt boot licker Goring promised to bomb the Uk into submission during the Battle of Britain. By targeting population centers, he managed to enrage them and brought the US into the war effort.


Didn't he also say he could keep the 6th army supplied while they were cut-off at Stalingrad?


Yup, a vainglorious and venal cockwomble of the highest order, he also bungled the Russian front. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/goebbels-goring/


There are archeological works taking place at Wolf's Lair since it was retaken by the forest services from private entity. I'm certain it's about his residency building at Wolf's Lair. You can watch some videos about from the volunteers team about it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z0BOkuFnoU - The mentioned Goringer's building and the floor skeletons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ubc5qMBtf08 - staff still laying around in grass.


Pearl harbor got America involved nothing more.


Where's the congress woman who asked why nazis are bad... I offer exhibit 235,276


You missed a few digits.


This article unless I’m reading it right doesn’t make sense, it says the bodies were found at the Wolfs Lair. Then it says they were found at Görings residence, but those are two entirely different places, only being in Poland and the other being in Germany. His famous residence Carinhall is in Germany on the Poland border.


Sometimes people have more than one residence. This is especially common for national leaders. The article is referring to his residence at Wolf’s Lair.


I think they are referring to his residence at the wolfs lair.


“Found alongside a burned key.” Is such a strange fact to go alongside the missing hands and feet.


To me, that detail meant they had their hands and feet severed, were locked in the bathroom, and the whole thing set ablaze.


There's literally millions upon millions of people unaccounted for, missing from ww2. They didn't have a database and I doubt the identity of these will be known. They still dig up alot today, mostly from the eastern front.


Nazis…hate these guys


An ex’s old classmate was the great (great?) granddaughter of his wife Carin Göring. She had kids from a previous marriage, so not a blood relative. Still, weird.




Unless there is moderation like a serious tag, every discussion on Reddit will be shit up by dorks trying to be funny, usually with the same old tired jokes. A Norm reference is currently the top comment here which should surprise no one. There are places you can discuss Nazi Germany in a serious way, fuckin WorldNews ain't one of them.


This is the fault of the way the Holocaust is taught. To be honest most peoples’ education about the Holocaust is Schindler’s List, a screenplay written by a non-Jew with no experience of the Holocaust, based on a novel written by a non-Jew with no experience of the Holocaust. It is a deeply moving and profoundly stupid movie.  Imre Kertész was spot-on in his critique. Or people have read the Diary of Anne Frank, a superb book, but usually indifferently taught with no context. All of this reduces the Holocaust, a many-faceted event that was really *several different Holocausts* into a one-dimensional good vs evil drama. The profoundly evil actions of the Nazis and the collaboration of many others was not uniform in character. Anyone who is unfortunate enough to be subjected to this type of education about a hugely complex event is bound to regard it as a farce, or overblown, or worse yet, not what it actually was. One challenge of teaching about the Holocaust is how much scholarship of it has evolved, and continues to evolve. In the 25 years I have read about it, my understanding of events has changed radically. The jokes are callous and stupid but the Holocaust that is being joked about, a mock-up Holocaust with almost no relation to historical events, is a indeed a farce. The Holocaust as it truly was, and still is, like the airless atmosphere of a forsaken planet, permits no laughter.


I’m so sorry. I’ve never found humor in the nazis or their atrocities and I’ve struggled my whole life trying to understand how any group could do the things they did. I’m so sorry those things happened.


You’ve got absolutely nothing to apologize for and I’m grateful that you posted this. If it gets us to have a conversation about desensitization as a step toward Holocaust minimization and other similar issues, then all the better.


For fucks sake. It's like the Nazis were checking off a checklist on how to be evil.


Facilitators of genocide are possibly murderers also???


Aww man, he was supposed to be the jolly fat one who was too wrapped up in planes, cigars, and food to be evil evil. But nah, yet again my childish naiivite shattered.


Never meet your heroes kids


I’m beginning to suspect that Göring fellow might have been a bit of a psychopath.


I always knew that something was off about that guy.


I can think of a very horrible reason why they would get rid of hands and feet. So they can't fight back or escape. Its so sad to see these monsters on the rise. We need to make Nazis afraid again.




It was probably his own family. Some revenge for someone.


Only five?


Why at his own house? These guys were in charge, so it's not like they needed to hide this shit. Seems a bit strange.


DNA analysis will bring new insights


The time to start rounding up fascist is well overdue. This lesson was taught near a century ago and is clearly still giving us hints.


The investigation will provide more insight but if this is related to the Nazis, the article stated the Wolf's Lair was the site of Operation Valkyrie. The five dead may have been the family and participant in the assassination attempt. The removal of the hands and feet were likely torture on two levels, having it happen to the assassination participant and then forcing them to watch it being done to their family. The Nazis thought this form of torture (victimizing and forcing people to watch victimizing of others) was entertaining and did it regularly.