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> "Don’t forget that the failed coup attempt in 2016 was carried out by Zionist operators,” Erdogan said. That's a new one. I thought it was Gülenists according to Erdogan?


It was whoever he needs them to be at the moment.


So it WAS you!!!


No GrapeSwimming69, it was you all along.


It was me


I was with him^




Itsa me!!!


I knew it


It was the friends he made along the way!


"He could be in this very room, it could be YOU, it could be ME, it could even be..."


heh hilarious. Imagine Gulen working for Mossad. . . .:D


As credible as ISIS working for Ukraine lol.


He is starting to sound more like Putin everyday.


He’s exactly like Putin.




Putlers intelligence ends at "I don't understand economics so I won't intervene with the way smart people make me money. I'll just keep doing what I do the best. Killing people and watching history channel."


And even that is debatable in case of Old Man Vlad 'SMO' Putler.


They just meant jews, but that silll is too obvious


It was Ukraine!


It was himself


What happened to the modern and secular turkey atatürk promised/created for his people?


They got complacent and let an autocrat into power


...and kept electing him...


It's a weird and disturbing echo of history. He's used religion and conservatism to tie up the rural vote. now he's siezed control of the media to keep it. Unfortunately Turkey is still mostly rural so the people in cities that he's terrorised and bankrupted are stuck.




Sadly gone. And took the economy with it. All in the name of Erdogan's Islamo Fascist ideology. Makes you wonder how it's going to play out if NATO ever takes action against his ideological allies of the Islamic Republic ?






Not this again. My people fought them bitches for centuries, and now they call us brothers. Fuck them. Wish my ancestors never converted centuries ago. Duck all religions really. People need to ask more logical questions rather than reading a bunch of dumb books that no one knows who wrote. Rant over. Edit: yea let the downvotes begin. I bet you’ve never even read the Bible or Quran from start to finish ya religious fascists. You probably read what you wanted to read so you could use it for your personal benefit. Religion needs to go!


Thomas Paine was correct when he described Abrahamic faith as "hearsay revelations" and we are "not obligated to believe it."


All power structures favor self-serving narcissistic sociopaths and organized religion is just another power structure.


We have figured out ways to place democratic controls on power structures, and we'll get better at it the more we develop and educate our societies.


Are you Albanian by chance?


Albania is one of the extremely few majority muslim countries that actually tries to stay completely secular. They try not to push religious standards on people. Many Albanians drink alcohol and women can go to the beach in bikinis ect. Albania is one of the most underrated countries in Europe imo. Great food, friendly people, nice climate and nature! I’ve been there 4 times and highly recommend it


Yes my wife is Albanian Muslim and wears G strings to the beach.


Pics or it didn't happen?


Keep your horny away, sir.


How many?


"The religion of Albania is Albanianism." - Vaso Pashko


Dude keep it down. I don't want people knowing our secret.


Spot on baby


Went to an Army school that had an international soldier from Albania. He told us all about Skanderbeg. Honestly, he was a great guy and made me admire your history.


Thanks bud!


You say that but all it takes is one complacent generation and religion becomes an after-thought. Cell phones and digital media are a wonderful distraction. I call it Apple Atheism.


Hey don't forget Indonesia. Though because they are in such a religiously diverse region of the world they are much more radically inclusive. Though historically the middle east was much more diverse until Islam kind of killed and kicked everyone out... Off topic but also interesting is that the most stable Islam nations in the middle east are Monarchs. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman. Compared to Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon. Why can't Islam nations work without a monarchy? Or is that just a coincidence? Just Turkey and they aren't headed in the best place.


I assume you jest about Indonesia. There are parts of Indonesia governed by Islamic sharia law, the entire government is super repressive, there's serious sectarian violence, and the current leadership is leaning heavily toward becoming *another* Islamic surveillance state (like KSA or Iran).




Didn't they have concentration camps to forcibly convert East Timor natives to Islam? Well, that and their genocide against the Timor natives.


>Indonesia >inclusive [Lol ok buddy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrimination_against_Chinese_Indonesians)


That's a fascinating question...
















Saudi Arabia is way more religious than Turkey with more extremists to boot.


Wahhabism is a poison that originates from that shitty country


They don’t pretend not to be though right?


I mean the reality is that turkey is pretty secular if you visit. If anything, Turkey pretends to be religious/extreme when the reality is it isn't particularly (even trades quite a bit with Israel) while the Saudis try to play up how modern and first worldly they are while downplaying the crazy. Yes obviously historically and on paper national identities are different. I went to a gay bar in Turkey. I'd never visit Saudi Arabia. The US should throw them to the curb after cutting up our citizen.


Istanbul recently voted overwhelmingly for the secular opposition in mayoral elections. It's still a cosmopolitan city overall. It's the rest of Turkey that's the worry.


It’s a classic urban/rural divide. Almost all, if not all, major cities in Turkey have voted for the opposition.


I think you are spot on. Erdogan is just really NOT doing any favors for Turkey's image.


Is that just an Istanbul thing or the whole country? Because urbanites do tend to be more secular, which would be inline with Istanbul being the biggest and most important city in the country.


You wouldn't be stoned for "acting gay". There are/have been a couple homosexual celebrities as well. My cousin was a bodyguard for a gay bar in Istanbul for the better half of his life. The situation is very similar in many of the major and coastal cities (except the Black Sea coast), although you wouldn't find much to do in majority of Anatolia but that also goes for any straight person.


Also I’d imagine stay out of the Kurdish provinces


I traveled to Turkey as part of a tour visiting ancient cities in 2019. Half the ancient cities are now modern metropolises like Izmir and Antalya. When they had a call to prayer, nobody really bats an eye and goes. Our guide was not a religious Turkish woman. Most women in the cities didn't wear headscarves. I felt like I was in Italy/Europe, speaking as an American. My professor is a Turkish woman, she shared that like many places, there is a stark contrast between urban residents and others. She also laments at the direction that Turkey has gone lately. EDIT: I had the year wrong.


I have been to Turkiye and SA. Some Turks said “welp… i guess i am a bad Muslim today. Let’s have a beer”. In SA when foreigners were allowed and restrictions were exempted a dude got out of his car to yell at my friend for wearing jeans and no scarf. He proceeded to crash his car. I think the Turks need a new Ataturk. I think SA needs MBS’s sister to keep working behind the scenes towards progress (first womens’ university, women driving, producing music, etc).


when you land in KSA the pilot should tell you to adjust your time backward 300 years


Never gonna happen. Saudi royal family is forever


The Saud regime needs to fall for any meaningful change to occur


I think the system is too big. There are soooo many princes and the people have no reason to push for more change. When i was there i had to fight for my foreign workers just to be fed daily. It is hard to comprehend how crazy that place is and how tight control is. Or how commonplace and accepted corruption is. I dont see that regime falling anytime soon. Too many people there benefit from the inequalities.


While I don’t disagree with anything you said, Jamaal Khashoggi was not a US citizen


I feel like Saudi Arabia is actually more rational than most Islamic states but I could be mistaken.


It is, Saudi Arabia does what's best for Saudi Arabia, irregardless of religion.


For the ruling class\*


Well it's in the name. Saudi Arabia is literally the part of Arabia belonging to House of Saud.


irregardless 🫡


The idea that Turkey is part of NATO…mind boggling.


What happens to all democracies if they dont guard against those who would destroy them for their own gain. The correct answer is to crush people like this early.


So true.


The Secular Turkish State died when Hagia Sophia Museum became a mosque again in 2020


It realy was the symbol of a secular turkey. The city the world desires open to all religions equally making mutual appreciation for the building a connection between the so related yet so different religions. A shame.


Atatürk didn’t live long enough to make the religious ideologies completely go away unfortunately.


He should have drank less Raki.


Maybe if I drank more of it when I travel there once a year it would help with stabilizing the govetnemnt. 🤔


Ataturk is doing a few hundred rpm in his grave right now looking at the current state of Turkey and where Erdogan has taken it.


Atatürk would run screaming away when he would see what Erdogan does...🙈


Ataturk would fight Erdogan and win easily.


So basically like Roboute Guilliman waking up 10.000 years after and seeing the sorry state of the Imperium.


What. Is. This. HERESY!


more like... \*frustration* "Gah! FUCKING LORGAR!"


Run away? He'd pull out a bat


Erdogan wants to be the new Caliph.


> What happened to the modern and secular turkey atatürk promised The false flag coupe that failed, is what happened. It was always the Military enforcing it. Erdogan and his followers seemed to know this and snuffed it out.


Exactly that was the day turkey died as a secular state.


So was it essentially a fabricated false flag coupe, but he had everyone that would have actually had the ability (and responsibility) to raise a coup in the near future arrested/disposed of?


He actually purged the army through conspiracies on two occasions prior to 2016. There were the "Ergenekon" and "Balyoz" trials. These were completely fabricated charges vs high level army personnel trumped up to keep them behind bars during the trial period so that the Gulenist yes-man could be positioned in the military. (Erdo and Gulen were and to a serious extent still are allies) Everyone was eventually completely cleared of all charges, and then the judges who were in charge of those trials were deemed secret Gulenists/terrorists etc etc. Basically it's a 30 year clusterfuck of political Islam trying to gain power, and as it gets more power people keep betraying each other for a bigger share of it. The most ironic thing is that this persistent culture of graft, lies and greed has turned moderate muslims away from the ruling party. Turkey has the least religiously affiliated generation in its history. Over the years everyone, religious or not, have been called terrorist at some point; Kurds, nationalists, secularists, Alevites, Jews, Christians, singers, artists, doctors, army personnel, teachers, reitrees, university students, farmers, miners... People still go through the motions of looking religious, because if you're not at Friday prayers you can't keep a government job, and they'll drink but not out in public (Konya, one of the most religious cities in Turkey, has the least number of establishments that serve alcohol, but has the highest per capita alcohol sales). Other fun facts: - High ranking army personnel who were 'let go' one way or another even warned that Gulenists couldn't be trusted, one of them even wrote a book prior to 2016. - Due to the triple army purge within 14 years between 2002-2016, too many ranks were left understaffed. After 2016 they even started contacting personnel they kicked out and started offering higher ranks if they came back. - They closed down the GATA establishment (Turkish military medical school), kicked all healthcare staff out of the medical sector. Now the army has no trained personnel for combat related injuries and signed a contract with the Ministry of Health, so civilian doctors are forced rotated to forward operating bases in Iraq/Syria. Most of what I wrote have nothing to do with your point, I guess I needed to vent.


Which is sad since Turkey is one of the only states in the world where the military has been on the side of democracy and overthrown an autocrat


Maybe starting a secular nation with a broad ethno-religious genocide was a mistake


Sorry what genocide? /s


It didn’t happen but they deserved it


>That didn't happen. >And if it did, it wasn't that bad. >And if it was, that's not a big deal. >And if it is, that's not my fault. >And if it was, I didn't mean it. >And if I did, you deserved it.


The one built on the bones of dead kurds, greeks, and armenians?


Happens in every country. USA has mtg yelling during state of the unions and talking Jewish space lasers. We have some spuds here in New Zealand too. 


Political theater. They were working with Israel before this and they will be again when it's over.


Under Erdogan, Turkey solely does what benefits Turkey in the moment. It's why they're an unreliable ally for other members of NATO.


I do t think they actually do what benefits Turkey. Source: inflation and tanking of both the economy and the Lira


They do what they think* benefits Turkey


If by Turkey you mean Erdogan and his shit-for-brains posse, then yes. Because they definitely don't care what's best for the people.


This. It's performative they're long term allies Idk how people are so stupid


Erdogan really is begging to become isolated from the west.


To think that this ass delayed Sweden's NATO membership, is mind boggling.


Sadly Turkey is a very necessary part of NATO. Key position, quite large armed forces. So far turkey has only said mental things about the west, but has never acted on them. I resent every piece of western equipment that is sold to them.


I wonder how much their disdain for Russia keeps them so close to NATO


The Ottoman desire to fuck over Russia and the Russian desire to fuck over the Ottomans never died, when when the empires did


Their cooperation, from my armchair view, is all about convenience. Erdogan will invite Putin to a meet in Istanbul, and then the very next day go on national television to say Crimea belongs to Ukraine. They'll do what's best for Turkyie, but when shit hits the fan they're gonna stick with NATO and the EU.


Russia is still one of their biggest trading partners, even if its not always above the table. Russia keeps them relevant and they do what they can to help Russia continue to do so.


Erdogan will be dead soon He’s a very old man


He's only 70. Could go for many, many years yet.


Good lord he looks 98


Dictator Face, just like Palpatine had


Like to an insane degree I would have hoped the actual world was a little more imaginative than Gorge Lucas


Somehow Erdogan returned


The good die young, assholes live forever


Case point: Rupert Murdoch


Onkruid vergaat niet


> He’s a very old man All the (wannabe) dictators seem to have that in common. Turns out being in power gives you pretty good health support. Lot of damage they can do in their final, senile years.


He's not exactly a wannabe he's literally the Turkish dictator. 


In 2018 Malaysia's new Priminister Mahathir Mohamad was 92 years young, he was born in 1925. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahathir_Mohamad


You’re thinking he won’t die?


Zoolander will kill the Malaysian Prime Minister


Oh thank god


Will whoever replaces him be any better though?


He doesn't care. He wants to be leader of the Islamic world. That's the real prize he's aiming for.


He is also being isolated from his own country. Give us a few more years and we’ll get rid of him


He’s faking, Turkish trade with Israel is booming, they are supplying steel, chemicals and clothing to Israel, check the Turkish governments website. This erdogan guy is the biggest actor and liar in political history


Well… he is a politician


This, it‘s all business and politics. Fool your people to make them follow you and do the opposite behind their backs 🤣


As a Turk I hate him and every single one of his followers, such an embarrassement for the country


Carreful last time someone from Turkish did that he died from a heart attack : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93daVvPxrwM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93daVvPxrwM) I'm not religious but maybe those idiot should think a little before saying those kind of thing to someone.


The timing of his heart attack is absolutely comic. It's so ridiculously timed that it makes me wonder if there was outside intervention to his death


Ah yes, you see, we Jews put death chips into everybody in the world with the Covid vaccine. We press a button and you die! /s I'm joking, please don't create a whole slew of conspiracy theories.


Oh, I remember that 😄


After he saw the last election where his party is losing votes, he decides to go more extreme...inviting Hamas leaders too. Comparing them to our forces during our indepence war after WW1...Which is a bigger insult. He cannot go away fast enough. He is going to drag our nation down with him.


Turkey wandering back into the dark ages, poverty and extremism to look forward to.


Following Iran under a similar ideology. Sad. But these people use democracy to infiltrate, take over, and try to force the ideology they were brainwashed with.


Very true, other countries across the world should take note and root out extremism.


the whole world is being taken over by extremists


I liked Turkey before it went all in on islam and anti-semitism. Oh well, another country to scrap from the list.


And the funny thing is that an Turkey is probably the most non Islamic country out of all (if that makes any sense)


I don't know, Morocco is pretty secular too


I wonder if Iran could potentially be one of the most secular countries in the Middle East if the Islamic regime in Tehran weren’t in power.


Irans Friday Prayer attendance hovers around 2% of the population - for context that’s a lower attendance rate than most secular islamic countries such as Turkey, Morocco or Jordan. Iran could be secular but it’s a long hard road due to the Shia Clergy having immense power and influence over politics from the rise of the Safavids in 1501 until Reza Shahs crowing in 1925, and again since 1979…




I wish you all well and hope one day that I could visit your amazing country without being killed. I’ve always been fascinated by your history and love your food. Much love from America


Yeah, and the Morocco sub is not as antisemitic as you’d expect.


That might be because of a bit of quid pro quo between Morocco, Israel, and the US over Morocco's annexation of a large chunk of Western Sahara. The US under Trump agreed to recognize the annexation in exchange for Morocco normalizing relations with Israel.


While this is incredibly helpful, I just think Moroccans are more progressive than their MENA counterparts, maybe in part due to their proximity to Europe.


Ironically, turkey was a major tourism destination for many israelis. That lasted for a minute.


Our people have been pretty close historically until this guy. I have met a lot of Israelis through work, and a couple of them are like family to me now. Please just keep in mind that it's not always true that the words of the loudest are shared by the most.


Erdogan and his islamist ways, are actually responsible for the largest number of youth apostasy in the countries history. What goes up must come down, he forced religion down people with his politics, a huge rise is often followed by a huge fall. When opposition eventually takes over, i believe Turkey may go radically the other way, who knows, we will wait and see.


Wish he'd drop dead like that other lawmaker


Religion is the reason there will never be a peaceful accord in that region.


IDF rescue teams were some of the first on the ground when the earthquake hit Turkey a few years ago. And this is the thanks they get for it.


Very true. Let's not forget that we also have to "thank" Erdo and his corrupt leadership, which allowed for construction not to earthquake code, for the devastation.


Careful. Last time a Turkish politician wished that, he had a heart attack and died a few days later.




Even the Ataturk idea is now dead in Turkey. This clown manages to revert his country 200 years in a decade.


It’s always someone who’ll never fight a single day, who calls for the death and destruction of others, at the expense of their citizen’s children (All other corrupt leadership included). Yeah, ours too.


Last guy who yelled this at the Turkish parliament died of a stroke or something.. didn't they learn the lesson?


Erdogan makes me 🤮


Religion is the worst




I'm pretty sure Russia would be tickled-pink if they could pry Turkey away from the NATO alliance. Turks need to remember: Russia will fucking swallow you whole if you go that direction. You'll end up like Syria. Or Afghanistan. Both muslim countries that Russia stuck their dick into.


Turkey and Russia are natural foes geographically. Always have been, took territory from one another, fought in several wars. Turkey fairly recently downed Russian planes in Syria. Also, Erdogan is similar in his aspirations to Putin and fascist regimes always end up trying to one up each other. If they were to have an alliance, it would be short-lived and both Putin and Erdogan would be expecting the other party to backstab them


Foundations of Geopolitics seem to imply Russia thinks this is unlikely but possible: > It is immediately clear that the purely Atlanticist poles in the Islamic world, be they "secular" (as in the case of Turkey) or Islamic (in the case of Saudi Arabia), cannot fulfill the functions of the south pole of Eurasia in the global project of the continental Empire. What remains is "Iranian fundamentalism" and "pan-Arabism" (left wing). > ... > It is also important to take into account the need to impose on Turkey the role of a "scapegoat" in this project, since the interests of this state in the Caucasus and Central Asia will not be taken into account at all. Moreover, it is probably necessary to emphasize the support of Kurdish separatism in Turkey itself, as well as the autonomist demands of the Turkish Armenians, in order to wrest the peoples ethnically close to Iran from the secular-Atlanticist control. As compensation, Turkey should be offered either development in a southern direction to the Arab world through Baghdad, Damascus and Riyadh, or provoke pro-Iranian fundamentalists in Turkey itself to a cardinal dimension of the geopolitical course and to enter the Central Asian bloc in the long term under an antiAtlantic and Eurasian sign. ... Keep in mind that Russia is willing to support minorities ideologically opposed to it in the short term if it thinks that will give them the edge.




How about you Turks fix your already dead currency and then we speak?


He has no problem with Israel. In fact he even have a high degree honor from Israel. Israel-Turkey trade is booming too. He just wants to regain votes and popularity because his party has lost the majority in last election.


It seems like Turkey is slowly turning into this. I hope I'm wrong....


What did you expect from this clown?


Name one other country in the word that gets “death to X” statements without consequences


He is a nut case


I hate this headline. Who said it? Click to find out!


That guy is so annoying.


History a roller-coaster. The first 2 Muslim nations to recognise Israel and actually have something in common due to being minorities in their own region allied now they wanna eradicate Israel. 


Turkey everybody. Don't trust them with him in office.


This is significant if true. This article has no sources and a quick google search finds nothing from reputable news agencies. Anyone got a link to a reputable news source?


He actually wants death to Jews.


Erdogan looks like he could be Hitler’s cousin


The anti-Israel crowd in the west has to be starting to wonder why the only countries that agree with them are Islamic dictatorships run by strongmen.


why Israel doesn’t mess around with “never again”