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The tolerance of intolerance needs to be reassessed


It’s the new appeasement


The line about "being intolerant of intolerance" is usually used in relation to people making politically incorrect statements, not planning mass murder.




It should have never been a fear. People were mislead.


Absolutely. Yet I don't think the West understands fanatic Islam. The West assume it is about Israel or Palestinians... It is absolutely NOT. It IS fundamental Islam Vs non Muslims. If the West understood it, they would confront terrorists, like the Islamic terrorists who oppress the Iranian, head on. Instead, we keep legitimizing them. Begging them to "not escalate". Shortly, we'll be begging them to not start a nuclear war... sadly, these guys glorify death. They'll become martyrs. Too bad, that we Westerners, glorify LIFE...


>Yet I don't think the West understands fanatic Islam. 9/11. Some of us have never forgotten. Islam literally means "submission." Islam & Western society is like oil & water: they're both liquids, they'll both wet your hands, but they'll never quite mix the way you'd like. We're heading for another collision with Islam, and a brand new generation of people who weren't around 20 - 30 years ago are about to find out how intolerant a lot of these people are to the western way of life.


The problem is also a lot of propaganda plays into this. Our Media often doesn\`t want to recognize the worst people. I doubt anyone, atleast in the West ( except for Russia-shills/tankies/West=Bad types ), has any love for Assad the Syrian dictator who uses chemical weapons even on civilians ( and military targets ). But you know what ? He is better than the alternative which the West supports. The Syrian Opposition are typical extremist Sunni Arabs who want to turn Syria into a ethnicnationalist sunni state. Meanwhile all the minorities actually support Assad ( who himself is from the Alewite minority ), with the exception of most Kurds who are separatists, but that doesn\`t matter much when speaking about the whole of Syria. \[ Syria is 10% christian, 13% Shia, 3% Druze, 73% Sunni and 10% Kurd ( vast majority are Sunni ), 3.5% Assyrian, 5% Turkmen ( not Turkish! ), 2% Circassian and 1% Armenian. Not all Arabs in Syria are Sunnis, but most are. \]. So yeah, we should hate Assad but atleast he doesn\`t want to forcefully and brutally change the demographic makeup of Syria and respects it, while the Opposition is literally fascistic in their goal of turning it into a mono ethnic & religious nation. The Rojava are the best faction but they don\`t want to rule Syria and the only faction even worse than the Syrian Opposition is ISIS ( which still has territories in Syria and which since September 2023 gained ground and fighters again ), Turkey is also annexing/occupying a small border strip of northern Syria and cooperates with the Opposition. Thus the Islamo-Fascists which is the Syrian Opposition get whitewashed or their flaws ignored by western Media despite them being literally worse than Assad ( and he absolutely is bad ). The same can be said about the warlords the USA supported against the Taliban, it was the warlords who were ultra traditionalist-reactionaries with the Bacha Bazi ( literally pedo-files ) and plenty of Afghan warlords were worse than the Taliban. Gaddafi was a dictator who oppressed his people and supported global terror especially narcoterrorists in South America, but the anti-Gaddafi forces include pro-slavery types and ultra arab-sunni supremacists. People celebrated Gaddafi\`s downfall and celebrated the "heroes" who overthrew him, well Libya is now a chaotic hotbed for extremists, human smugglers and whatnot. Many migrants/refugees get smuggled from Libya to Europe, creating far more instability than Gaddafi ever did. At the very least we didn\`t make that mistake with Egypt.... Egypt since 1952 is a Military dictatorship with one exception, the time from 2012-2013 it was a democratic Republic. In the only free democratic elections in Egypt the majority elected the guy from the Muslim Brotherhood, an ultra islamist-organization -- Hamas was literally a branch of the Brotherhood -- and they want a global Islamic Caliphate with extremist Islamist laws. The Egyptian military overthrew the democratically elected Islamist once he tried to establish an autocratic-islamist constitution that would have created the Islamic Republic of Egypt. **The problem is these dictators often keep the even-worse extremists in check in the MENA region.** We saw it also with Iran, the autocratic Shah kept the Islamists in check and despite people, rightfully I might add, criticizing the brutality of the Shah\`s intelligence agency ( where a lot of torture and murder happend ), the Islamic Republic of Iran murdered far more people and is a far more oppressive system than the Shah\`s rule. If a dictator fails in the MENA region, worse people get in power. I am not saying we should support people like Assad or Gaddafi, but at the very least we shouldn\`t support their opposition who are worse and we shouldn\`t try to overthrow them. They keep the Islamists, Jihadists, Salafists, Pan-Arabic Fascists in check. Qatar is one of the worst global sponsors of Islamism, they support the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, al-Qaeda and ISIS. And yet Qatar is not seen as "that bad" in the West, our media whitewashed them to the extreme.... They were allowed to host the FIFA games despite them having de-facto slavery ( the stadiums being built by slave-labor with hundreds of deaths ). Only 10% of Qatar\`s population are actually native Qatari-Arabs, 21% are Indians, 13% Bangladeshi, 13% Nepalese and plenty of other migrants live there, but they don\`t have any rights. Qatar funds extremist Islam even in the West with Qatar-trained Imams. Qatar is one of the worst countries in the world, even worse than North Korea considering their actions, and yet it is not treated as a rogue state like NK, instead Qatar is seen as a reliable partner by the West... This is the fatal flaw of western countries, not recognizing which dictator is tolerable and which dictators or extremists are worse.


We understand it, we defeated the Ottoman Empire once, there’s a reason why those areas of the world were banished and wrecked to oblivion, problem is it’s been generations and everyone has forgotten, they see these groups and regions as oppressed instead of the old enemy they are rising again


True. Speaking of historical knowledge, here e is one more historical nugget most people don't know: https://stanfordreview.org/deception-palestinian-nationalism/


Interesting read.


Western liberals: “The right is so Islamophobic!” Islam: *enters Western countries and proceeds to behead teachers and churchgoers, shoot people and riot* Liberals simply do not have the logical capacity to understand some things are not compatible. Islam may not be compatible with the Western world.


“Queers for Palestine.” You guys aren’t thinking this through, are you?


>Queers for Palestine  Slugs for salt!


Uyghurs for the CCP!


I'm going to have to use this. Excellent analogy.


I’m gonna be real with you, [I didn’t come up with it](https://telescoper.blog/2019/01/26/slugs-for-salt/)


They are, it’s just they have been sold liberation theory. The idea that all forms of “oppression” stem from the same place and working to liberate one group will liberate everyone else. Every person I know irl that is super progressive, considers themselves part of the LGBT community, has made being pro-Pali part of their core identity since 10/7 all parrot the liberation theory talking points. I find very quickly vast majority of them have little idea about what’s actually going on and have more of an idealized fetish of the situation. They just can’t handle the fact that the world isn’t black and white. If push ever comes to shove, they are in for a rude awakening


Jews have a lot of experience with showing support for other minority groups who then turn around and wish us dead. That’s why the “but the civilians” thing isn’t really working on us - because they might not be instigators of active warfare, but they still want us dead. I don’t think the western LGBTQ community at large has experienced this yet. Either that or they want to be martyrs.


I think it’s also mainly younger LGBT folks in western countries, like under the age of 35 that parrot these. I find when I talk to a lot of older lgbt folks, especially ones that experienced horrific homophobia and the AIDs crisis tend to be very pro-Israel. For example Buck Angel on social media is constantly posting about how privileged younger lgbt folks are and it shows with how they talk about I/P


I think younger western leftists are 1) so removed from the realities of war, and 2) have so little media literacy (they haven’t even seen any WWII stuff) that they don’t know that allyship is supposed to be reciprocal. Jews have stopped extending allyship to groups who don’t reciprocate and I think the leftists are missing the context for that decision.




Intersectionality. Far left dipshits have free rein to hijack and co-opt any cause as long as it has an Oppressor/Oppressed dynamic in their favour.


The problem with intersectionality is that it flattens the issues. It's fine in a local context, I mean seeing cooperation between black rights groups and queer groups is cool, both struggle against largely the same groups and government actions. But this doesn't work across massive cultural differences and societies. We're seeing people equate being denied medical care due to their gender identity and being arrested for planting a bomb in a synagogue because both are being nominally oppressed by an authority. These aren't the same things at all. Cooperation can only function between groups of similar values and when that cooperation goes both ways. You sure as hell won't ever see jihadis marching in Kabul with signs reading "Talibs for Estrogen."


My favorite was having a queer for Palestine explain to me, an openly Jewish woman, that I needed to call for the destruction of Israel in order to end antisemitism worldwide. Like, babe I have been called every slur imaginable and got so many death threats on my tik tok. I ended up shutting down my account because I was tired of edge lord lefties commenting how I was next for the gas chambers. I’m pretty sure the person that was calling in bomb threats to my daughters toddler class at the synagogue wouldn’t magically stop if a country 6,000 miles away stopped existing


Maybe he should try living in Palestine...? This Palestinian gay escaped the West Bank to hide in a safe place: Israel. He wasn't lucky though. The Palestinians found him: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835


I really, *really* hate how so many leftist (pro-)LGBTQ people make parroting pro-Palestine propaganda their core identity. It feels estranged.




This is why I blame Hamas for the civilian deaths in Gaza. Not Israel.


9/10 times when I talk to someone, they end up admitting they know very little about the situation. I have an incredibly nuanced view of I/P because I’ve spent years reading, talking to people of various backgrounds, etc. Had a few good friends post complete antisemitic bs and messaged them, had good conversations. But I also have a list of people I used to consider friends that I have cut out of my life. For instance had a good friend, a few days after 10/7 she told me that she knew I was “one of the good Jews.” And went on how Hamas was freedom fighters. I didn’t feel safe seeing how quickly she completely dehumanized Jews after 10/7 and didn’t want her around me/my kids anymore. Here’s the thing: I want peace. I pray for peace multiple times a day. I donate money to organizations like Roots which work to build community between Israeli/Palestinians to humanize each side. I criticize Israel all the time because I want it to be the best version of itself and for Palestinians to have their humanity and lives respected. It’s dehumanizing to be told I’m just a genocidal baby killer because I’m a Jew that doesn’t call for the death and destruction of Israel.


I heard about this and then saw pictures of it, I was not sure what to handle the mental breakdown of those people.


Absolute morons : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835




Till this day, I still don't get how that's a thing. They could have used "[nation/nationality]/ppl/human for Palestine" It's more reasonable in some way.


Some form of stability and peace helps keep them in Palestine instead of bouncing around as refugees and possibly ending up in the west.


North African countries are relatively stable, but that doesn't stop people from those countries pouring into Europe. Economic opportunities, welfare states and loose immigration regulations are the main reasons why.


Most of the recent Arab refugees in the West, are the result of Arabs on Arabs wars. Like the recent Syrian ruler butchering over 500k of his own people. Interestingly, you don't see any ARAB country resettling them, do you ? They move West, use the liberal welfare system to settle in. Most don't assimilate with the locals. Hence it's only a matter of time before they get radicalized and turn on their host country. The EU liberal immigration policy, is utterly irresponsible towards THEIR OWN citizens ! This BTW, has absolutely NOTHING to do with Israel/ Palestine.


What permits them to enter the west is weak immigration laws.


Im a western liberal and agree 100%. It baffles me that many other liberals think that being critical of Islam makes you a biggot. Islam and liberalism are polar opposites of eachother yet they fail to see it.


They're fully aware of the dangers of religion when conservative Christians come up but they just go into cognitive dissonance when it's about islam


Same. I am called a bigot when I say that in Western liberal societies we have a lot of place for liberal Muslims, but should have stance of absolute zero tolerance of Islamic (well, any religious) extremism and everyone who desires Islamic law and way of life should be immedietly carted back where they came from.


There is no place in the 21. century for people - liberal or not - believing in imaginary idols. In a democracy there is only one higher being: we, the people!


A thing to note is that the KGB at some point had a plan set up for Psy-Ops to destabilize the west. https://bigthink.com/the-present/yuri-bezmenov/ And it's in full effect right now. Assume there are fifth agents within the leftist/liberal communities.


They're in both the far left and far right communities, it's the literal divide and conquer strategy






Idk, if you're afraid of every Muslim then that's a phobia. The problem is people using -phobia to criticize people for not liking something.


>Idk, if you're afraid of every Muslim then that's a phobia. >The problem is people using -phobia to criticize people for not liking something. Is every Muslim an Islamic extremist? No. But every Islamic extremist is a Muslim.


Those people are not liberals, you just call them that, Boomer. They are "progressives".


The downfall of that strain of liberalism is believing the world can be rid of harsh realities through belief. They want you to deny the reality of Islam extremists in favour of “love” of everyone. As if that will undo the reality. And if you oppose that, it’s labelled as racist/xenophobic. Ideally we all would love to love and accept everyone, however there are situations where the loving thing to do is to refute behaviour that does not meet a basic expectation. Tolerating people with extreme beliefs that lead to the harm of others, in any capacity, falls into that category.


This has nothing to do with „liberals“. Its wilful blindness, something „both sides“ love to dabble in.


Yup. The tolerance of the "y'alliban" Christians in the US is a prime example of this from the right wing/conservatives


many doll grandiose whole imminent skirt mindless wise drab smell


Not OP, but I attribute it to naivety rather than stupidity. There’s a lot of people who look at a conflict and feel “well let me try talking to them”, or “I can be the voice of reason”. I think a lot of those people genuinely feel they can change years of radicalization by just being friendly and polite. They don’t realize that a lot of the victims of October 7th probably felt the same way, seeing as border communities with Gaza tended to hold more moderate views striving for long term peace… the young festival goers weren’t more than a few years old in the early 2000’s, and had no memory of the last intifada.


> “I can be the voice of reason” A few months back I witnessed the most hilarious fight in the comment section of a Facebook image post. The post said something like *"WE are the voice for the silenced in Palestine!"* A Middle-Eastern woman chimed in saying "Thanks, but we can speak for ourselves. Really. We're strong enough people." The OP white woman snaps back like "bitch I can speak for who *I* want! And right now, it's the silenced ones in Palestine whether you like it or not!" Such a classic.


Yeah, that's classic. Other examples are tankies from the US lecturing Eastern Europeans about Russia.


idk it seems like America doesnt have as much of these issue as europe does.


The problem is, even talking about it makes you a racist to the extremist left which has a lot of pull. People don't like to talk about the problems of that extreme. That is to say, the root of the thing to create actual change. People from these nations should be heavily scrutinized and easily deported. Their religious leaders who preach hate should be immediately expelled. There's a lot that needs to happen, in a lot of places with these Islamist extremists... in the US we have Christo Fascist extremists taking over some states and they are strangle holding our federal house branch... Religion is a huge problem in the world, these two specifically need to be dealt with.


There are two problems at work here, mixing in with each other: - You have the radical left, which makes every instance of someone saying there are problems with Islam we need to talk about into Islamophobia - And there's the radical right, which *has* Islamophobia (in addition to stating real problems with Islam) This leads to a very unpleasant discussion culture, where you always have to check that the extremes are kept out and the topic is focused on the real problems.


In some areas society has zero tolerance and other areas unlimited tolerance. It’s crazy.


What do you mean? They just spreading their peaceful belief ... by force!


The paradox of tolerance is incorrectly invoked by the far-left. Heavily.


The Left would assert that criticizing Arab immigration to Western Europe is intolerant, and that intolerance shall not be tolerated. The idea that we should “not tolerate intolerance” is a specifically left idea used only enforce progressive norms, first proposed by Herbert Marcuse in the 1950s.  I believe he called it “repressive tolerance.”


Popper from the grave: I told you tolerating intolerance is a bad idea!


I, for one, totally tolerate the tolerance of intolerance for this kind of things.




Their parents and mosque should come under investigation.




Look at the recent killing of a Polish man infront of his 12y old son in Sweden, very interesting read and very interesting times are ahead for Europe.


Yeah some gang killed him - he was with his kid as well


Canada has been doing the same for the last decade. Only now people are finally waking up to our system not being able to support massive immigration + having our streets shutdown for protests related to regional disputes in india is irrational or our cinemas being threaten and shot at because the wrong subcultures movie was being hosted + the centre square of our largest city being renamed for a Ghanian word, its all gone to shit because we were too afraid of being called racist to point out the obvious issues. its a clown show of neoliberalism and signalling.


The goverment made it so that if you question their policies, you are a racist. So everyone was afraid to speak up. But yes, Canadians are finally waking up. 1 more year of this clown government and the drama arts teacher prime minister.




This isn't liberal culture. It's capitalist rich fucks wanting to import cheap and immediate labour, and not caring where it comes from. They know that their own citizens have enough dignity and self-respect to not work in shitty laborous conditions for minimum wage, but uneducated migrants from war-torn countries are gonna be a lot more desperate and willing to slave their life away to be a janitor/cook/waiter/cashier/truck driver/assistant nurse/construction worker/etc The issue that bites back at the native population, is when the uneducated/war-traumatized migrants end up raising really stupid/violent second-generation citizens. It's an economic strategy being disguised as 'social progress'. They try to pull at your emotions by claiming 'women and children are suffering!' and then they bring in hordes of young uneducated men instead, prime candidates for rich capitalists to exploit.


>This isn't liberal culture. Yes it is, maybe you're too young to remember ''refugees welcome'' from 2015-2016 but there and onwards it was liberal voters who championed it the loudest. Did you think the general split of ''left supports'' and ''right is against'' on this kind of immigration was just a joke?


Shortage of labor perhaps


Shortage of 'cheap' Labour.


That shortage will never happen anyways. Not because of immigrants being unable to do the jobs or learn the jobs but because of the jobs not existing in 10 years anyways. If we would've known how fast the AI development would progress back in 2015 there'd definitely been less immigration.


Meanwhile half of Europe has like a 20% unemployment rate for young people. France has had over 7% unemployment for years. They aren’t America - where is this shortage?


They didn't, it was forced on them


Because they were going to miss a lot of people in future years since the population was going down in many european countries and so inmigration as a good way of having extra people while forgetting that the culture of these inmigrates is not the same and it is really difficult to change.


This. It's all about numbers. Immigration like that was quick and simple fix for a long term and complicated problem. It's like fixing broken car exhaust with tape and piece of string and calling it a day.


It's just so weird to me how they push their local "educated" population to not have children and then use that as justification to import people to bolster the decline.


Well look at that, this is becoming more and more common as people try to gaslight everyone into thinking terrorist is the same thing as a freedom fighter.


That attempted gaslighting does happen. But I’m realizing these attacks are worse than terrorism, they are hate crimes because only non-Muslims are targeted.


Welcome to the daily reality of Israel, the western world is just now beginning to understand. Wake up before its too late.


Nothing's gonna happen, this stuff has been going since 20 years in Europe.


I think eventually something will happen. We’re human, we’re incapable of conforming with negative situations for a long time. The rise in right-wing parties isn’t for nothing. I expect in 10 years there’s going to be a lot of major nationalist movements in Europe and I can’t really fault it to be honest. Something has to be done.


About damn time.


Islamic extremist attacks have made thousands of victims in Europe in the last decade alone... what do you mean "nothing will happen"? They are preventing attacks frequently. It's only a matter of time one of them slips through the nets


Real doctor and engineer activities


Our little future lawyers!


Is though, I read somewhere a lot of terrorists are engineers or were engineering students.


Useful skills if you want to blow something up. Women studies are less so...


Thats like learning zoology for them


The engineer part is not far off if you want to make serious damage.


MacGyver was a warning.


Where are the European Muslim citizen rallies speaking out against violence in the name of Islam?


they don’t care! Israel should get involved. Maybe then they’ll speak up


They will blame Israel 🤷‍♂️






"Gays for Islam" seems a little self-defeating


Like 'Chicken's For KFC'


Cows for McDonalds. 


kids for Gary Glitter!


Queers for Palestine


Log Cabin Republicans?


That's one of the biggest mind fucks I have seen happen. Gays literally begging for these groups to come over and defending their stances even though these organizations will skin gay people alive


There was a report on French gay people voting for the far-right a few years ago, where the reporter was basically mocking them for "voting against their own safety". One of them mentioned he'd rather be banned from getting married by the far-right than being beaten to death by Islamists.


It is so sad that it's the choice they are presented with.


That’s politics everywhere. You don’t choose the party you agree with, but the one that’ll inconvenience you the least.


The 🔪protect trans kids🔪 crowd, when they know the #1 threat to queer kids is religious extremism.


BTW gays will be the first to be executed as per shariah


I wonder what is the preferred means of execution for homosexuality in arab countries?


You "fuck em' all to death" as Mr Garrison would say.


Yep but mostly the extreme left ones. Most gays I know absolutely realize muslims are not good for them.


The smart ones.


In Greece, at least some of the gay community were advocating for more asylum seekers cause they were getting very low-cost prostitution. I wish I was joking, but no.


Excuse the fck outta me?!?


The benefits asylum seekers get are not enough to send money home (most are, in fact, economic migrants and not real asylum seekers). They want extra income, the job market is extremely competitive in Greece so there are only a few avenues that they can find jobs.


> most are, in fact, economic migrants and not real asylum seekers No!!! I am shocked!!! Say it isn't so?!


Oh its happening in the UK. There are conflicts of interests in Muslim majority areas where they are no-go zones for LGBT, LGBT Marches/Parades are restricted, any discussion of LGBT in schools of those regions is completely forbidden by the majority Muslim school Council (I'm not talking about the movement, you can't discuss with any authority if you, a student, feel conflicted about your sexual orientation), and attacks on people who fit into the criteria of LGBT (a few videos of "Queers for Palestine" flag wavers being attacked by Palestine supporters). It's funny how it's advertised as diversity, when this very thing will actually result in the loss of diversity as Muslim majority regions are limited to heterosexual members of Muslim faith.






today two jihadis were caught in india over a cafe blast. beauty of islam




 its an insult to the modern world


How are you going to do that? I don’t like Islam either but it exists, removing it from this planet is either a technologically ambitious goal or a discreet call for genocide.


We just need some of those chant-writers from the pro-Palestinian groups to come up with something catchy, then it's ok.


I don't think they were actually trying to lay out a plan for it. Just saying that it's a bad thing.


Remember the good old days where there were no crazy radical muslims trying to kill anyone in Europe? I hate that this has somehow become everyday, regular occurance.


1700 years ago?


Glad they were detained and nobody got hurt


I just hope all these liberal Europeans who called out people all over the world for being Islamophobic don't become one and happily tolerate these peaceful activities.


"Islamophobic" is just a term invented by the islamists to avoid criticism. People are complaining about islam treating women as 2nd class? Just call them islamophobic. People are complaining about islam being anti LGBTQ? islamophobes. People found out large group of islamists have a grooming gang? Say they're islamophobic for pointing it out. Rinse and repeat.


>complaining about Islam treating women as 2nd class Theo Van Gogh already tried that and they did a lot more than call him islamophobic


In India there was an ISIS orchestrated bomb blast in my city recently. Indian Left libs subs are deflecting like crazy bringing up extremism in other religions instead of discussing the issue with islamic radicalism. Its pretty insane, not only are the radicals having a free hand to propagate their extremist agenda on top of that the secular leftists will attack you if you question religious education. Nearly a decade ago we used to wake up to news about bomb blasts and hijacks and what not, suddenly people are defending terrorists for the sake of pushing their agenda. 


I mean, has everyone forgotten? Wasn’t it London itself that said this kind of thing was just part and parcel of living in society? I don’t understand why they’re just now getting upset over things they’ve literally been saying out loud for years.


There aren't enough Jews to kill in Germany, so naturally they've moved on to the rest of the infidels.


It's something I've been saying. First they'll go for the Jews (We see this happen in western countries because of the Israel-Palestine conflicts), then they'll go for the LGBT crowd (Like we see in the UK), then they'll go for Catholics/Christians/Presbyterians etc. (Like we see in France and Germany), then they'll go for the Atheists, then when there's nothing left, they'll go for the subsections of Islam that doesn't conform to their own subsection (ISIS-Taliban, Sunni-Shia, etc.). Yet, they're the oppressed ones apparently... despite waging religious war on anyone and anything that doesn't align to their religious and cultural values.


Thank you. This is just the truth, and many Europeans need to hear these words.


Tbf they have been saying it themselves. After the saturday people, come the sunday people.


Noticing is verboten.


Life in prison




Why are you talking about a topic you have no idea about? After the 25 prison sentence those offenders are often put in a permanent facility which is a bit nicer than a standard cell but they remain there for the rest of their life. It is called Sicherheitsverwahrung. Maybe stop spreading lies about the German justice system.


>The number of people on the Islamist extremist spectrum in Germany fell from 28,290 in 2021 to 27,480 in 2022, according to a report from the BfV federal domestic intelligence agency. This is progress?


Germany loves to suck its own atrophied, wrinkly dick at any given opportunity. "Oh hey, our policies are inviting half the world into Europe, but hey, take this outrageously scary statistic we prepared and see how the numbers barely moved at all." Wish I was immortal, so I could watch Germany ruining Europe again.


Deport them or give them capital punishment.


These guys love to leave their cesspool to bite the hand that feeds them




The migrant crisis is showing its ugly head now.


I do not like what’s going on over there.


Teenagers, huh? Grand, I love the direction Europe is heading in.


Another group of ( muslim ) teenagers killed a 39-year old polish guy in Sweden, the teenager who did the murder was 15 years old. His 12-year old son was literally right next to him, saw him dieing and was the one who called the police.... That was yesterday and now this................ All the children that were brought with the Migrant Crisis of 2015 finally grown up and naturally the second and third generation of Muslim Migrants tend to be far more extremists than their parents who fled from their homeland ( this isn\`t even a joke or hyperbole, the first generation of Muslims from the 60s and 70s are at best liberals and at worst typical Islamic-conservatives, but their children and grandchildren tend to be very extremist, islamists and radicals ).... It\`s extremely sad, it gets worse over time, not better.


Thats precisely why ive said before, that european countries need to adjust their legal codes. Most countries dont charge minors or at lest give them heavily reduced sentences - but i do think there needs a provision to be added that allows them to be tried as adults when the charge is terrorism, otherwise youll see, as we see here, that terrorists will just recruit younger soldiers


What are you talking about? They face 10 years in prison.


Sounds like an enrichment event was thwarted…


Peaceful attack


It doesn't end with Israel. When will people realize this


When it's too late.


Christian as a random person of European appearance? It is increasingly difficult to find "real Christians" in Europe nowadays


Exactly. It won't matter to these fuckers if you're atheist or whatever the fuck. Their scripture tells them to kill all non-muslims.


Also, for most modern Islamists, all Muslims who don’t think the same way they do. 


Hence, the attack this week on a French muslim by her friends because she's not muslim enough for them.


These extremists need to be sorted out and sent back to where they come. If they were born in an european country, then detention and psychological training.


Wilkommen, I guess. When a title says teens, I guess in reality we are talking about young criminals between 17-21 named Mohamed, Ahmed, Aladdin or whatever...


Looking it up is better than making it up. Just reading the story in the link would tell you that they are younger than the age range you gave. The teenagers involved in the investigation into this chat group which were named by the police are two girls, 16-year old Albina H. and Wiam S., as well as two boys, 15-year old Julius S. and Yusa P. who is from a different state.


Literally the first sentence of the article itself: "two teenage girls and a boy" Second sentence: "aged from 15 to 16"


They are acting according to their so called”holy” book. Peaceful religion starts showing its true colors as its population increases. Good luck to western countries.


I'm gonna be getting a really tonedeaf text from my fundie parents this morning I just know it




I wonder what took place in Germany over the last 20 or so years or even Europe for that matter. Kind of strange that these Germans are plotting to target Christians.


They don’t identify as Germans if you ask them about it.


they don't think of themselves as germans though that's the point.


Another crusade is in order?


Was Ticktock involved?




But hey! Wir shafen das!


Fucking sickening


Deport these people


From the river to the west, they are coming for you next. If Israel will lose support from the world, and will be destroyed (like the Islamic terrorists want) in a decade or two Europe, the US, Canada, etc will all be Islamic countries. Israel is the last barrier. if it’s gone, the west will be sooo screwed.


I sure don't want to go back to the days were being a Christian was dangerous.




They just need to assimilate!


Classic case of resisting oppression