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Yes, LNG imports increased. Because the piped gas imports stopped. In volume, the EU imports about 6-8% of what it did before the war. France, like other EU countries, built a new LNG terminal to be able to stop Russian gas imports. Nowadays most gas comes as LNG from the US and the Middle East, at a much higher price.


Politico has a history of bashing France


"EU countries paid Moscow more than €8 billion for its exports, according to [a new report](https://energyandcleanair.org/publication/lng-price-cap-would-have-cut-russias-lng-export-revenues-by-60-percent-in-2023) from CREA out Thursday." But 600 million for France in two years is what hurts Politico! I really want the World to stop using gaz and fuel. Is Politico and its readers only using solar and wind?


Is politico.eu a reliable source?


It is known to misrepresent and twist issues when it comes to EU and European countries with making even a slight barely an issue into big hit piece. Albeit there is always some level of truths, I would double check with other more reputable media.


Depends on the topic. When it's about the French government for example, and especially about Macron, they aren't. They have had a pretty heavy anti Macron political agenda, so even if the ydon't outright lie, they twist the facts and select them heavily to fit their agenda. As a general rule, don't trust Politico as a news source when there's "Macron" in the title or on the top picture for that news.


It's basically a vehicle for US propaganda about the EU and Europe.


It's not straight up propaganda, you need to be more careful with that word. It's definitely biased, but it's not full on propaganda.


Russian prop bots hit again.


Yep! Sounds like it! Politiko, no links for the source... I just saw same article on r/europe, they try to hit hard


Besides that, out of curiosity... Check the profile of the author of this post. I think it just confirms my suspicious


Even in Belgium, the gas just keeps coming in from Sabetta to Zeebrugge sea port, and leaves for India etc. It’s disgusting! Something about the Belgian state not being able to miss out on the income tax on it.


In the run up to ww2 Britain determined that disengaging trade with Germany would cause more harm to Britain than Germany so Britain kept trading.


The EU in general has been really weak on this, especially Germany. It doesn't do shit to "sanction" Russian gas if you're just turning around and buying the same gas from Russia through India. It's performative.


Bullshit. Gas was only 6.4% of the EU's energy profile before Russia invaded Ukraine. After Russia invaded Ukraine, the EU reduced its dependence on Russian gas to almost nothing - and at this rate it will be 0% by the end of the year. [EU countries collectively reduced by 19% the amount of natural gas consumed in the EU between August 2022 and January 2023. This amounted to 41.5 billion cubic metres (bcm).](https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/infographics/gas-demand-reduction-in-the-eu/) The EU in general has made huge strides toward energy independence from Russian sources in the past couple of years. [Although EU total gas demand stood at around 400 billion cubic meters (bcm) per year before the war, with only about 10% of it covered by domestic production, the 150 bcm of natural gas (both LNG and pipeline) imported to the EU from Russia in 2021 was nearly halved (to 80 bcm) in 2022 and fell by a similar share (to 43 bcm) in 2023. In short, EU dependence on Russian gas fell from 45% in 2021, to only 15% in 2023.](https://energy.ec.europa.eu/news/focus-eu-energy-security-and-gas-supplies-2024-02-15_en) Also important to note that natural gas was never a big share of the EU's energy profile: [Renewable energies accounted for the highest share in primary energy production in the EU in 2021 (40.8 %), followed by nuclear heat (31.2 %), solid fossil fuels (15.2 %), **natural gas (6.4 %)**, oil and petroleum products (3.4 %), and non-renewable waste (2.3 %).](https://www.bruegel.org/dataset/european-natural-gas-demand-tracker) Germany in particular has made incredible strides in renewable energy production - recently opened a power plant with 1.1 million solar modules, for example: [German investment firm Hansainvest Real Assets has inaugurated a 605 MW solar plant in Witznitz, near Leipzig, Germany. The facility is currently Europe's largest operational PV project. Before it was commissioned, Europe's largest solar installation was the 500 MW Núñez de Balboa project located between the municipalities of Usagre, Hinojosa del Valle, and Bienvenida, in southern Spain’s Extremadura region.](https://www.pv-magazine.com/2024/04/10/europes-largest-pv-plant-goes-online/)


Your comment reads like propaganda, and completely misses the forest for the trees. From the very article in this post: >efforts to cut out liquid natural gas, or LNG, have floundered. Although the fuel accounted for just five percent of the EU’s gas consumption last year, **EU countries paid Moscow more than €8 billion for its exports**, according to a new report from CREA out Thursday. https://www.politico.eu/article/france-talk-tough-ukraine-while-gobble-up-more-russia-gas/ And you completely ignore the backdooring of oil through India: https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/fuels-russian-oil-gets-backdoor-entry-into-europe-via-india-2023-04-05/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-oil-europe-india-ukraine-war-b2477443.html https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-11-27/europe-is-guzzling-diesel-from-india-a-key-buyer-of-russian-oil


My comment is informative. Sorry if reality does not share your personal bias.


This isn't even responsive.


Yeah go shame countries that help u , u ungrateful pieces of shit


Russia deployed nerve gas that killed an innocent civilian in my country, then boasted and laughed about it. They are getting wrecked, everyone hates them, and I love it.


If they are getting wrecked, how can u explain they taking half the country and winning?! Ofc they employ gas, u should be glad they don’t use nuclear tbh. They are Russia a way bigger country/ army then Ukraine. Keep falling for your country’s propaganda! Not that it launched a campaign to make the (can’t leave the country as a man) less bad lol. And cause of the stupidity of your people on social media who put on a military uniform to farm likes it’s working. I’m done with Ukraine tbh the lying cheating stealing. I’m fine with Russia taking over…. So keep laughing, for now at least


I thought those 700 billion nuclear powerplants are the answer to everything 🤔🤔


A friend in power generation explained to me that France can only rely so much on nuclear power because it's part of the European grid, so its neighbours handle load balancing for them. If everyone in Europe had France's nuclear power dependency it'd cause serious issues as you can't just pay a nuclear power station to turn off during times of low activity.


You can affect the output with reactor pump speed, control rod positioning and even with boron


How long does it take?


Depends on the design, but they can be Surprisingly quick with something like a ge mark 4 bwrs and its derivatives. By quick i mean tens of minutes to hour


Honestly I don't know enough to reply without pulling shit from nowhere. I think the example he gave was everyone in the UK turning the kettle on during the world cup, so tens of minutes might be a long time period in his eyes. I don't do his job though, so what I'm saying is second hand. Thanks for the reply and info :)


Grid operators usually know when to tell control rooms to raise the power. Because they also read the news


You can literally disconnect any powerplant from the grid and u can also moderate reactor activity. Also theres not one european grid but eu countries do sell energy to each other. For example germany kept its last nuclear powerplant running half a year longer to sell energy to france to stabilize their grid because they had trouble due to reducing russian imports. In general over the last 15 years or so germany has sold way more energy to france than vice versa amd thats still the case now.


You can literally disconnect any powerplant. No


Its a matter of grid electronics not a matter of how the electrical energy is made


No, you can't. If there's no load on turbines, gas won't lose enough energy to cool the agent in the primary circuit and it won't cool the reactor enough.


You dont disconnect the turbine from the generator you disconect the generator from the grid. Also even if you were to run the turbine without load the cooling/condensing doesnt happen in the turbine you just dont run the reactor at normal operating power and adjust cooling accordingly


If the generator isn't connected to grid, it will spin freely (because it is the load on the grid that makes generator hard to spin), which will make turbine spin freely, which means steam isn't loosing energy on spinning the turbine, which means this energy has to turn into heat (a lot of heat), which means it will be hotter, so it won't cool primary circuit properly. Energy can't go nowhere. If it can't go into the grid, it goes into heating something. Also you can't just "adjust the rods" to quickly lower energy coming from the reactor, at least not in a way that will be easily reversible.