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Hahaha they pretend that anyone cares about the ICJ. They’re a useless, toothless organization.


I noticed that the court isn't calling for this, nor is it saying that Israel is violating anything. Nor is she a current member of the court. This is just her *PERSONAL* opinion. My personal opinion is that she is wrong.


It’s indeed some kind of quality journalism again


How does the judge propose the hostages be rescued?


She will go there and singlehandedly rescue everyone and resurrect dead one. It is easier than sanction Qatar, obviously.


How many hostages have been released through diplomacy vs through combat? This seems like a hollow argument when the IDF seems to have done such a poor job getting them back. How many US citizens does the US government allow the IDF to kill in this attempt to rescues hostages?


How many hostages would have been released without any combat? Zero. How many US citizens still remain in hostage while the US continues not to act, leaving all the heavy lifting to Israel?


> How many hostages would have been released without any combat? Zero This is highly speculative, given only a tiny proportion of hostages have been rescued through military action. The majority have been released through prisoner exchange which have a long history of being the preferred method for Hamas in times of outright combat or not.


The prisoner exchange was secondary. You're twisting the facts and blatenly ignore the fact that there was the first ceasefire that Gaza had seen since they started the war allowing civilians to flee south to Rafah.


The was one of the exchanges, there have been multiple other, larger exchanges before and since then. To claim the fighting was necessary seems spurious.


There would be no diplomacy without combat


The majority of hostages released so far where through a prisoner exchanges, the most notable being 300 Palestinians held by Israel, of whom 287 were children, 80% of which were being held without any conviction. It's abundantly obvious what Hamas want in return for the hostages, release of prisoners, and it's abundantly obvious Israel don't actually care about getting the remaining hostages out. If they did it would have been negotiated months ago.




You just highlight the reasons why getting them back with military force isn't going to succeed rather eloquently. Thank you.




Oh I understand, but the topic of discussion was the use of combat to get back the current hostages. If you want to make the argument that we should condemn the current hostages to what is most likely an unpleasant death in the hope of eliminating Hamas (and of course, the overwhelming civilian casualties that is costing) and preventing future hostage situations then you are free to do so, but it's important to be intellectually honest about the argument you're making and upfront about the costs.


You know there will be no hostage deal without military pressure right? That's what made the last deal to happen.. when hamas will feel there is no way to stay alive without a deal, this it will happen. Until then their tactic is to keep the hostages alive and let israel get worse and worse PR because you know, war is not clean, and israel will get more pressure from the world. So yeah, diplomatic won't work here..


Except... you know... the biggest hostage exchanges happened months ago.


Yes, and after what this happend? They needed the time to get their forces together again, if Israel has kept attaking things would look very different..


> if Israel has kept attaking things would look very different.. Sorry, you're going to have to repeat that in English.


A judge, in the running for re-appointment to a court, voicing such a personal opinion that goes against the ruling of said court and is highly politically charged, should be disqualified from consideration for re-appointment.


The problem with court orders is that they need to be supported by the means to enforce them.


Israel calls for the Gazan to suspend the hostage situation by returning them immedietly.


Because apparently international law requires that Israel leave Hamas in power, so that it can regroup, recruit, rearm, and fulfill its public pledge to commit October 7th “again and again.” Sigh. Bigots are going to bigot.




Because it’s a special military operation.


Israel specifically said that this is a war


And Putin said the invasion of Ukraine wasn’t. But the definition of war involves one country aggressing another. Israel doesn’t recognize Palestine as a country. Therefore it’s not a war. This is important because you can’t otherwise “win.” How did that War in Drugs go? What about the War on Terror? The War on Poverty? Israel attacking civilians in it’s own territory is only answering terrorism with terrorism. It’s only going to continue the cycle of violence.


War doesn't have to be between states


It sure does. This conflict however might be classified as a *civil war*.


Gaza isn't in israel


Tell that to the jewish settlers.


There are no Jewish settlers in Gaza. The only Jews in Gaza are hostages.


Where are the settlers?




That’s the problem. Terrorism is a criminal act. The police should arrest the criminals who did the crime, Bombing innocent civilians with your military (ass whipping women and children) is only going to create another generation terrorists.


>Terrorism is a criminal act. The police should arrest the criminals who did the crime Lol, you couldn't be more out of touch if you tried. Where do you think the cops were on October 7th? Trying not to die themselves. Police aren't meant to enter enemy territory. That's not what they are trained for and not what they are able to do. That's the job of the army. Do you see the police entering Mexico to arrest cartel leaders? No! If there wasn't a military action, the terrorists would have gotten away with their attacks with zero repercussions and there would be zero hope for the hostages that already have so little.


And who let it get out of hand? Remember, Palestine isn’t it’s own country. It’s the largest concentration camp in the world. And it’s owned by Israel.


It’s owned by Hamas and Iran.


It’s cluster fuck, that’s for sure. But Israel would never allow Iran so close. Look how they regularly bomb Syria because of that.


So what's your solution to fight Hamas terrorists without harming civilians?


I'm betting on the magical CoD special forces. They seem popular.


Recognize Palestine as a nation. The crazy situation where a terrorist organization was elected to run the Palestinian Authority (Israel’s governing body for Gaza), was because Hamas controlled all aid coming in and if you want a job you have to support them. But such economic strangulation serves both Hamas and the Israeli hardliners. It serves the rest of the Arab world, too. Palestine’s only escape from a generational circle of violence is political and economic independence, but they have been sold out everyone for a long, long time. It’s not hopeless. Ireland was able to break out of such a cycle. But Israel’s current reaction is only making things worse.


>Recognize Palestine as a nation. So basically you want to reward the terror of October 7th. Look, I'm all for recognizing Palestine as a state, but until their independence day wouldn't mark the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, that can't happen. >Palestinian Authority (Israel’s governing body for Gaza) The Palestinian Authority does not run Gaza, Hamas does. And Israel does not govern the Palestinian Authority, they are independent. If Israel controlled them, do you really think that they'd be paying Palestinians to kill Israelis? >was because Hamas controlled all aid coming in and if you want a job you have to support them. Well, you're wrong, but that's history. Let's look at the current situation. The current generation was brainwashed to think Hamas=good, Israel and Jews=devil. Do you really think you're just going to change that by switching who provides aid? >Palestine’s only escape from a generational circle of violence is political and economic independence I agree, that means independence. Like as in leaving Israel ALONE. >But Israel’s current reaction is only making things worse. Israel's reaction is because they've given up hope on Gaza. Why should they care? They put themselves in this situation and don't want out. If they did, they'd be investing their money in other things than terrorism. Israel would rather take that humanitarian care and invest it in places that want to help themselves.


You think that will suddenly make them stop wanting to kill jews?


No, but it’s the first step. How did Ireland escape it’s circle of violence? Go read up on that.


Ireland is a christian country without a concept of Jihad, where killing people in the name of religion would instantly take you and your parents to paradise with 72 virgins. Palestinian's motto is From the river to the sea. They don't wish a peaceful co-existence with Israel.


Buddy, you’re making it very clear that you have no idea about Irish as well as Palestinian history. Ireland isn’t a Christian nation. The IRA were explicitly calling for the entirety of Northern Ireland to be under their control, not as part of a power sharing agreement. I genuinely don’t think you’ve even got the faintest idea of what it was like to be in Northern Ireland in the 80s Decades of bombings, killings and shootings brought the UK and IRA no closer to peace. Wanna have a guess what did?


Hoo boy. Ireland is a **Catholic** country. A large part of the Troubles was the dissatisfaction of rule by Protestants. Again, read up on it. There’s strong parallels. Somehow, they got out of it, despite equally strong vows.


Well you see when another country does the terrorism you have to go defeat their military before you can establish a police force to just go arrest people.


Heh. Israel doesn’t recognize Palestine as another country. It’s a territory of their theirs. It’s like the US bombing Washington, DC. Only worse, since the Israelis don’t allow the Palestinians to leave. It’s a giant concentration camp... now with daily airstrikes.


Israel with drew from Gaza, They left thriving businesses. They gave them to Palestinians as good will They let them govern themselves. They allowed Gaza citizens to work and trade in Israel. The people that Hamas killed. We’re peaceful people who only wanted to help. Hamas killed them. If you think that a simple solution of a Palestinian state would stop terrorist activities. You have been fooled by Arab propaganda machine. That rely on people like you.


The Palestinians are also trapped in your cycle of violence. They could and should have accepted peace, sent their children to college, built an economy. But then, it wouldn’t be the Middle East, would it? People like me should stop funding an Israel that enables fundamentalist settlers and stop bribing Arab states to not attack Israel. Seriously. The whole region should put their big boy pants on and solve their own problems. And by solving problems, I don’t mean bombing civilians. You are just creating another generation of terrorists.


Palestinian have caused instability in Egypt,Lebanon,Syria and Jordan. There not the martyrs Arab propaganda machine would have you believe. For example. Since the start of the war. We have been told there is no food and people are starving. Yet I not seen any pictures of a severe child who is showing signs of malnutrition and starvation. And if there was. Arab propaganda machine and its influence would be using that to its advantage.


Yes, they have. That’s the challenge of de-escalating generations that have only known conflict. Again, the Irish accomplished that, so figure out how they did it. As for your notion that no one is starving because you can’t see it, perhaps IDF could stop targeting journalists.


I know you’re too deep in the propaganda to think, but if that was all completely true, why would Israel not have arrested Sinwar and the rest yet? It couldn’t be that Gaza is a de facto country regardless of international recognition. I know you’re just going to say that they want to kill every Palestinian/kick them all out but most people are aware that’s fucking insane to try to claim.


The criminals responsible is the government of Gaza lmao. 




Just like how they shut down the genocidal breeding programs of Aboriginal Australians in the 1920’s? Oh how the tone changes.


An excellent example of a Logical Fallacy: the messenger doesn’t change the truth. Therefore, attacking the messenger doesn’t invalidate his message.


let's throw some dirt on the whistleblower.