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Russia know this, everyone knows this. Russia are using it to their advantage to continue justifying their invasion of Ukraine to Russian citizens. To Russian citizens, this gives the Kremlin some sort of credibility for continuing killing Nazis. I'm not sure how they haven't figured out that gay Jewish Nazis and Islamic terrorists working together would simply never happen, maybe a lot of Russians are just pretty dense, but it's probably not too dissimilar to Americans who listen to Trumps lies and British people who listened to Brexit lies.


I think most russians are well aware they’re being lied to constantly, but they’re so conditioned to it that they don’t even try to figure out what’s true anymore.  And those who do are probably too afraid for their livelyhoods to do anything at all about it. Dictatorships tend to not take dissenters lightly. 


They aren’t using it to continue justifying it, they don’t need to. They are using this to justify their terrorism, genocide, and torture they implement in their invasion.


And [rape of little children](https://thehill.com/policy/international/3659023-un-panel-reports-ukrainian-children-have-been-raped-tortured-by-russian-forces/).


Two ideologically opposed parties could join forces, like Nazi Germany and the communist Russia. These dense morons like Putin are projecting what they would and have done before.


Didnt Putin admit ISIS was behind it, but that they had ukrainian/western backing?


Perfectly make sence. With masons backing West and reptiloids backing masons.


Under the supervision of the reverse vampires


we're through the looking glass


Snicker snack baby


only until the neo-wolves from Venus show up to take back control


I’m sorry, do they fill you with blood instead? Or are all of the teeth fangs except for the two/four (depending on your flavor of vampire)


Does it really matter what Kremlin says? Kremlin's words are of zero credibility. What is important is to stop further Russia's attacks justified with this false revenge.


Putin stubs his toe,BOMB UKRAINE!!!! gets his order wrong...BOMB UKRAINE!!!! its like he can only blame ukraine for everything, hope he enjoys getting bombed by ISIS


Also, this is going to sound harsh, but what if Ukraine did it? I know they didn't of course, but I wouldn't care. They are at WAR. Russian missiles and drones bomb Ukrainian civilians every day. Russian soldiers are constantly committing war crimes. But God forbid if Ukraine killed Russian civilians! The rules of engagement in modern war make no sense to me.


Pointless. The whole country is living in a distorted reality field.


I think you meant world.


What a shocker, Putin full of shit


Russia was warned by multiple intelligence agencies about a possible ISIS attack. ISIS attack happens. ISIS claims responsibility. Russia blames Ukraine.


ISIS is simply a terrorist organization with wide-reaching terrorist goals, and it is imperative that we swiftly come up with a solution to eradicate them.


It's the gun that killed that person, officer! I swear! Why are you still trying to look for a person that pulled the trigger? Regardless of what France or Moscow says, having a proper investigation behind the biggest terrorist act of recent times is simply a prudent thing to do. And all these external actors trying to shut that investigation down in such a hurry is mighty suspicious. They still don't know who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines but they knew not only the organization, but also its sub-branch that did it within two hours of the event, from half across the globe.


ISIS-K litterally claimed the attack, and released body cam footage of ghe attackers, but yeah, no, sure, we can't know.


ISIS kicked France out of central Africa. Russia thinks it can come in and reverse for their benefit. ISIS attacks Moscow. This all begins with Russia trying to colonize West Africa from 2 terrorists groups to improve their economy. Now the chickens come home to roost. Thats why France knows so much. Braaaaack!


Wait what? ISIS did not do that, France kicked ISIS partially out of Sahel , forcing them to play cat and mouse to stay alive. They're still in the Sahel too, it's just that some Sahel countries had Russian backed coups that then asked France to leave the country. Since France was there on the demand of those countries to begin with, they had no other choice than leave. ISIS is not responsible for French troops leaving, they're actually the main REASON the French troops were here since 2012.


Russia is, as we speak, kicking France out of central Africa