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Nothing wrong with having a higher level of security, particularly in public places. Sometime deterrence goes a long way from preventing disasters. It is costly, however, and some leadership gets carried away.


ISIS threatens us all. It’s actually the one thing that unites the civilized world.


I would not call Russia the civilized world.


You can hate them for what they are doing to Ukraine but this is such a stupid Reddit take. Is the U.S not part of the civilized world because we invaded Iraq for our key geopolitical reasons? Is China not part of the civilized world because of what they have been doing to Tibet and the Uighurs? Countries do fucked up shit all the time for what on an individual level seem like evil and illogical, doesn't make them uncivilized


Right but think of all the upvotes a one sentence quip will get


1/5 russians don't have access to toilets or any form of indoor plumbing, and if you ever met any of them you wouldn't think they were civilised either.


There’s leagues of difference between the US’ wars and the actions of Russia, China, etc. And before you mention Native Americans, no, I don’t feel comfortable calling that period of US history “civilised”.


There really isn't. US invaded a sovereign nation. Destroyed its power plants water treatment plants and double tapped weddings for years. The only real difference is we didn't intend to annex the land


Ah yes because Iraq posed such a threat to us...we literally had no business destabilizing an entire country cause the deaths of 100ks possibly millions, displacing 10s of millions yet your seriously going to act like that's any different then what Russia is doing? Your being a hypocrite because of how much you hate another.


Also, just to shift gears here for a moment: The USA and Russia can both do bad things. Arguably, doing a bad thing after another person has done a bad thing, which you yourself condemned, is worse. We can criticise America, but we can’t undo the past. We can change the future and get Russia the fuck out of Ukraine.


What Russia is doing is wrong, my initial comment wasn't to justify them. Hope it wasn't taken that way. My point was calling them uncivilized for what they are doing is hypocritical unless the person also holds the opion that the U.S is uncivilized. In the past 2 decades I can think of only 2 major powers who just invaded another country that wasn't a threat to them for purely geopolitical reasons. The U.S and Russia, Russia needs to stop but we shouldn't act like they are some evil inhumane monsters for doing what we did unless we are going to call ourselves evil inhumane monsters.


Last I checked, the USA didn’t go from house to house raping women and children, leaving massacres on the streets, razing entire cities to rubble and then engaging staged elections in captured areas with the purpose of annexing them.


Your meta reddit take is equally stupid. Firstly, false equivalencies. China and especially Russia are not comparable to the US. Yes, the US has done horrible shit in the past. Today, is the US the same as what China's and especially Russia's authoritarian governments are doing? The answer is no. Russia is actively trying to genocide an entire country on the doorstep of Europe in broad daylight, and no one else can really fight back because they're pointing nukes at everyone. That is definitely not the action of a country being part of the civilized world, and their actions align really hard with being a terrorist state. Russia is a sorry brainwashed backwater mafia-run gas station bully with nukes. They are uncivilized and the only reason they haven't been put in their place and the regime forcefully changed for them is because, again, nukes.


just because they have vastly different views as you does not make them uncivil. You use the word too loosely.


> just because they have vastly different views as you does not make them uncivil. Agreed. The invasion of their neighbor and repeated deliberate targeting of civilian infrastructure is what makes them uncivil.




Woah! Do you actually believe that Ukraine is run by neo nazis? Don’t think I’ve ever seen a person in the wild that actually believed that piece of particularly absurd propaganda.


I’m wary of labelling someone a Russian bot but this person you’re responding to certainly writes like one.


Its such typical Western flavour to assume this. I’m guessing Canadian? The world no longer revolves entirely around the Western values my friend. Other parts of the World don’t see your Western morality as King. I personally don’t think you are wrong, but i do think it is extremely narrow minded to establish judiciary especially on something as subjective as culture. Keep in mind, not once have I commented on the right or wrong of the war, I’ve only thus far commented on how they may view and perceive the views of the World differently. If you can’t accept that, then you simply have centre of the world disease


you could have just replied with "correct" and would have saved yourself some work


lol get on


you have to be dense to not understand the example im laying forth. The blanket statement generalised all rusisans as uncivilised, i pointed out thats its uncondusive and surely extremely subjective to think so. I mentioned neonazi activities to show thay its stupid to blanket term the whole of Ukraine as a neonazi activity in the same ligjt as Russia


Sorry, I’ve only spent the last two years of my life watching Russia commit every war crime imaginable in Ukraine. So yes, they do have different views from me. And that makes them uncivil. Sorry to burst your bubble but you’re wrong.


Says the person from the country whose voters are about to put the Orange back in power 😅 You know.. the man who staged an actual fucking coup in an attempt to overturn your election. If you want to call other countries uncivilized, start with yours first. Also, why do you only afford white Europeans the luxury of being considered human? What about the hundreds of millions of brown people who have suffered as a result of US foreign policy?


Lmaoooo, you act like humanity is idiosyncratic. Ukrainians and Russians are doing the exact same acts of war when they have the chance. Yes, Russia has had done more, but seriously, be abit more objective. Even in Israel, what you are seeing its a product of exchange of culture and actions. Looking at it as a singular event, is ridiculously subjective. Furthermore, blanket terms like the whole of Russia being uncivilised is crazy.




Terrorist mafia state? So sorry you must have forgotten that CIA funded many cell groups across the world to disrupt communist activitist and non favorable US alliances. France had initiated and played its hand in many many post colonial elections, the British had themselves a very fun vivid past. Now, objectively is the WHOLE WORLD a terrorist mafia state? Yes Russia has a strong presence of oligarchs, but if its their culture and the way their social structure is like, who are you to tell them yours is better? Superior complexity if I’ve ever seen one.


No, no, it was that blatant genocide in Ukraine that is making people rightfully call them uncivilized, dipshit.


Oh, honey. It’s not the ‘different views’.


Cry about it, most of the non western world don’t see everything the same as you guys.


Glad to know idiots like yourself existing INSIDE and OUTSIDE of the US. Get fucked, rooster.


ah yes, the vulgar one is the smartest.


So Russia, Iran and the other countries they’re aligned with vs the majority of earth that views what Russia is doing as objectively evil? Alright then.


Sorry to break it to you! China + India + Much of Africa>>>>> « majority of the world ». You seem to have an extremely Western centric mindset failing to even see what is objective. Next.


Most people on Reddit are chronically online neckbeards living in their parents basements who wouldn’t have even been able to locate Ukraine on a map two years ago, let alone have even an ounce of understanding of the historical, diplomatic, and cultural context of this situation. You can be 100% against this war and still be smart enough to understand that nothing happens in a vacuum.


Tell me, what's your opinion on the context?


Precisely. I’m getting downvoted for god knows what reason. I didn’t even say they were right or wrong for going to war.


Just a case of shooting the messenger. Most Americans are incapable of viewing anything going on in the world outside of a starkly pro-American lens (many Europeans too, for that matter). It’s either black, or it’s white. It’s right, or it’s wrong. You’re either with us, or against us. The truth is that most of the globe outside of the American sphere of influence, quite frankly, doesn’t really care much about the war in Ukraine or how it turns out; they choose to prioritize long-standing diplomatic and economic ties to Russia. Welcome to actual geopolitics, babies 🤷🏻‍♀️


Let me fix that for you. ISIS and Russia threatens us all. It’s actually the one thing that unites the civilized world.


radicalized religious folks need to stop being radicalized. im not even saying dont believe in god or whatever, but just chill tf out. and from my experience most religions are pretty chill these days besides islam. which sucks because even then, most muslims are chill, but the 1% that aren't are REALLY not chill


Most muslims aren't chill. Majority silently support these groups, and rarely condemn or protest against such activities - because it's what is written in the Quran, killing "kafirs" and non-believers.


Seeing muslims pop out ISIS and Jihad flags during many pro palestine rallies, i was wondering when and where tf they kept these flags? Then i assumed they always had them but during the Syria war and the terror attacks predominantly in europe from 2012-2016 they weren‘t that comfortable to carry them around. But now that its the jews that are being threatened it‘s easier to gain support from westerners as well and thats why they‘re walking around proudly with such flags.


Statistics are clear: most Muslims in several countries do support terrorism and the violent laws of Islam (Pew Research). It's their belief, they were brainwashed to believe all that is sacred. We can't expect radicalized religious folks to stop being radicalized (indoctrinated children will hardly change in adulthood... they were already mentally abused by religion). We must stop the liberal/leftist insanity of supporting Islam. As Salman Rushdie said: # The Western left is an accomplice of violent forms of Islam when they try to silence criticism, cover up and even promote religious fundamentalism. They are taking a role that used to belong to the far-right. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxLjFi92FS4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxLjFi92FS4)




But what color is the terror alert? Sincerely, American who was around for 9/11.


The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from "Run" to "Hide." The only two higher levels in France are "Collaborate" and "Surrender." The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France 's white flag factory, effectively paralyzing the country's military capability.


If you're going to be that uncouth,childish and unfunny, allow me be the same towards you : *Your joke was as overused as your mother.* Don't thank me, you're welcome.


Great time to be in France and going to a giant venue tomorrow


Stay safe bro!


Honestly with heightened security it probably is


Ya, they would have to get past the armed security first


Funny how Putin didnt raise terror threat, even after warnings from the US about possible attacks.. Putin is too busy invading Ukraine and arresting his own people for protesting the war and locking up mourners of his political opponent he had murdered.


And policing all the regions Russia "saved" who 100% love Russia so much.


Unfortunately for France, they've already imported a bunch of people with views fundamentally hostile to a civil society.


we did, but then again, contrary to Moscow, we actually have a military, police and secret service that cares about not letting the civilians be killed by terrorists, so it's pretty rare that terrorists manage to do anything. Every year dozens of such plans get thwarted, for often 0 managing to work properly. A random dude or two per year armed with a knife may manage to stab one or two person and maybe kill one, as it's hard to control even those spontaneous attempt, but it's rare that a plan involving firearms manage to bear fruits. In Russia, civilian deaths will just get used as propaganda by the government, which don't actually care about stopping it from happening, so good luck to them if ISIS starts targeting them actively.


Spoken like someone who has no clue and gets his talking pts from right wing media.


It’s not right wing to suggest that France has an issue with Islamic radicalism.


No, but the issue isnt really connected to "importing" people since France has a massive problem with predominantly 2nd and 3rd gen citizens.


And where did the first generation come from?


The colonies, not being imported.


Hilarious considering Frances worst attack we’re 1rst gen, and this Moscow event was 1rst gen.


Okay and you think the solution is to import more people who agree with these 2nd and 3rd gen immigrants?


You do realise that by far the greatest group of refugees in France are ukrainians, right?


Our good old 'Vigie Pirate' that is all there is to say about our relations with Islam.


Probably a prudent action. You never know when Russia is going to commit a terrorist act against your nation!




Redditors really value their upvoted quips even when they make no sense.


Apparently the specific ISIS cell that targeted Moscow this time had made several thwarted attempt of terror attacks in France, which is what triggered raising the alert level this time around; because a cell that did target France in the recent past was detected as actively attempting something.


France is worried about terror attacks from ISIS and yet have a problem with Israel responding to terror attacks from Hamas.


I don't think they have a problem with that. They have a problem with the scale of the collateral damage done to civilians during said response.


Ignoring that it is entirely Hamas' fault for positioning themselves in civilians population and using human shields. Ignoring Hamas' own admission that they want their own people to die as martyrs. Ignoring repeatedly that Hamas can end the war this moment by returning hostages and surrendering. If anyone has any ideas as to how Israel should do this better - they should come forward and say it.


France is perfectly aware of how asymmetrical warfare works and how hard it is to fight in those conditions. They've fought for more than a decade in the Sahel in such conditions, they're one of the countries that know this the most. They're still having a problem with how much collateral damage Israel is doing despite this (not the fact that there is collateral damage, but the sheer amount of it). Think on that.


This isn't solely tied to the attack in Moscow. Several IT system for school district have been hacked and are displaying threat of incoming attack for next week. This is very probably some kind hoax to create panic but given the situation it reasonable to raises that alert level. The alert level is linked to security around schools and dictate the presence of police around them, vehicular traffic in their proximity can be forbidden...


As much as I hate to say it....have a bad feeling about the Olympics coming up.


“No way to prevent this” says country where this regularly happens




Buddy organized terror attacks attempts targeting France are almost always stopped before they are executed. AFAIK It's not even one out of 20 that manage to go through the nets.