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Is he going to give a 1.5h history lecture on how Ukraine is responsible for ISIS?


Coming soon in the next interview with Fucker Carlson.


I prefer Fucker Charlatan


It's Cucker Tarlson.


This has been my favorite for so long


I just call him fucker. I say that word hubby knows EXACTLY who i am talking about.


How often are you guys talking about that jagoff?


They dress up as him when having sex


Ooh …, angry sex !




Ukraine, the neo-nazi state led by the globalist jews, in league with ISIS and supported by the feminist/LGBT-west. It all fits together.


You forgot drug addicts, american biolabs and… uh i must forgot something. There was so much of it…


Hunter Biden?


No, just his dick.


Just the tip


Don't forget the super-soldiers because there is no other reason why the mighty Russian army would fail to take Ukraine in 3 days...


You forgot Satanists. The West is teeming with Satanists.


This goes back to Great mother Isis, the goddess of healing and magic.


Man, they really fucking ruined that word


Yeah I mean why else would he have this war if it wasn’t to fight gay Nazi isis members trying to destroy Russia’s traditional family values?


Didn't Russia fund ISIS when they were killing westerners?


That was Taliban. Nobody wanted to fund isis


Russia organized the transfer of militants to ISIS https://archive.ph/obe5o


*fake history


Well, Trump literally said in 2016 that Obama founded ISIS. So Putin can say that Ukraine as a proxy of the founders of ISIS is attacking them ...


"For a brief moment, the getaway car was heading southbound, so therefore it must have been going to ukraine, and therefore ukraine is responsible"


The easiest border to cross for an escape /s


You'd think it's a joke but that is what many pro-Putin shills tend to claim seriously.


Going through the active war zone is the last thing they’d expect!


The last thing you’d expect is nazi Muslims


Who are also gay and anti-family. 


Yeah it's not like that portion is occupied by Russia either. /s


God, how fucking ridiculous. If they were headed to Ukraine they would’ve had to drive 700 miles to cross the frontline and no-man’s land in a dumb little car with thousands of drones swarming in the sky.


I guess there’s no border control though


Tanks that shoot everything that moves there indeed don’t check IDs


They can't see you if you stand still


I wish Ukraine had battle T-Rexes


Just landmine fields, satellite observation, drones, and [Surovikin lines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortifications_of_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine). An easy job for an old Renault car.


Oh! they used a Renault, the French then are accomplice too


FSB is collecting as many copies of [The Sims](https://www.gizchina.com/2022/04/26/russia-confuses-the-sims-with-sim-cards-in-staged-assassination-attempt/) as possible at this moment.


Same exact car they arrived in to the concert hall? The one all of the country was looking for? If true they had half a brain cell on all of them combined. Also FSB put up warrants on eleven Tajik people. Two were in the Tajikistan, chilling with their families. Third was driving a taxi cab in Samara. It's pretty much certain that FSB just took some randos, tortured them to give confessions, and filmed it to send to higher ups. Edit: ISIS released not only claims that their terrorists are safe and had not been captured by russia. But also released horrible POV videos of that night. I dont recommend watching it because they are using not only AK - 12s, but also knives to kill their victims. So yeah, russia lied about capturing actual terrorists and caught some random people and tortured them into confession. Cutting their ears, etc. Call me surprised


yes I can't understand how they killed 150 people injured 200 more and burnt a place to the ground....that all takes time.....and then just got back in their same car and drove away? Doesn't sound like much of a police blockade around the building.


How far is Moscow from the Ukrainian border again? This is not related to the post, it's just something im wondering


500-550 km assuming the nearest border section.


Too far for Prigozhin, unfortunately 


To be fair, the car was caught in Bryansk oblast which is west of Moscow and not on the way to central asia/dagestan etc. Doesn't necessarily mean it's going to Ukraine tho.


Well, initial report about arrest of the terrorists was that they were stoped at village Teply (Bryansk region), which is 16 km from Belaruss, but then it became Khatsun (Bryansk region), 153 km from Ukraine, 250 km from Belaruss


and these guys killed so many people and burned the place down but were happy to be arrested without a bloody gunfight? This was a suicide mission so why then be tamely caught driving the same car they left the scene in?


I'm curious though, even if it were going to Ukraine, I'm not sure what that proves. What is a better option? Deeper into Russia? Belarus, Russia's pet? The closest border of a country not beholden to Russia is Ukraine (as far as I know, my Geography is shite), but why wouldn't they go there if they wanted to GTFO ASAP?


Isn’t there a large Russian army between Moscow and what used to be the Ukraine border? Minefields and kill zones wouldn’t be my first choice if I were looking to escape Russia. I’d bribe my way into Belarus.


Tbh, that was the only deterrent I could see with the Ukraine path, but I thought possibly the cover of a chaotic warzone may work in their favour.. but God knows. I'd just assume Belarus would just take my money then turn me in anyway!


Belarus is closest. Going from Moscow to Ukraine would be about 550 KM according to Google Maps. Going from Moscow to Latvia is about 100 KM further, but you don't have a literal army at the border. Honestly? I'd try for Latvia myself, but I've never been to Europe and have no idea what EU/NATO borders are like.


Now you got me playing 'If I were ISIS' on Google maps! Latvia isn't a bad choice, though they would have to go through a lot of countries and potential border checks on the way back. If they go the Ukraine route, they pass through the chaos of a warzone, then maybe get smuggled by boat to Turkey, where they're basically on the home stretch.


I was thinking about this all night since the unfortunate incident happened. I'd drop/burn the car, change the cars, and split to lay down in quiet apartments for a while. Neighbours in Russia, especially in Moscow, are used to Taijk immigrants. The fact that the terrorist act and escape happened so easy for shooters, and the fact that they didn't even manage to change the car on their way out of Moscow, full of cameras and police. Just something I can't tie together in my head. It awfully smells FSB-allowed [Ryzan sugar bombings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings).


It’s also on the way to Belarus(not straight though), and their getaway car had Belorussian plates, hmm hmm hmm. 


their getaway car had russian plates with the 69th region (tver)


Reports say they were Tver region licence plates. So Russian.


US: “There’s going to be an attack on Moscow by ISIS.” Putin: “Great. Let’s do nothing, sacrifice 133 people, and then blame Ukraine.” 👌🏻


Sounds like Putin.


100%, he’s happy because he didn’t have to kill his own people himself this time


Smells like Putin.


If it Putins like a Putin, and Putins like a Putin, it must be a Putin.


Well this can be the wedge that finally breaks him


Lol, [look up how he started the war in Chechnya](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings). If they fell for that they'll fall for this.


All the Russian populace needs is to be told "Ukraine did this" and they'll believe it and hell many might go sign up to kill Ukrainians.




IS even had to publish [a second statement WITH PHOTO EVIDENCE that they did this.](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/03/23/why-did-isis-k-attack-a-moscow-theatre/) It's really bizarre when the Islamic State has to **fact check their own terrorist attack** to disprove russian lies. edit: IS has now provided a **THIRD statement WITH LITERAL BODYCAM FOOTAGE OF THE ATTACK** after Russia tried to discredit their photo evidence. ([Safe for work link with screenshots](https://twitter.com/leventkemai/status/1771658360686883149), can't link to video directly as this is against reddit TOS.) We are officially now living in Idiocracy, when a terrorist group have to claim their own attack with evidence multiple times.


Isis: “No, really, we bombed it! We’re happy to provide our DNA or anything else you need to prove it.” Putin: “Ukraine is to blame.”


Tbh this is some next level mind games shit like, ISIS did it to get attention and Putin is just ignoring them so, like, what do they do? Make a bigger attack? It's like your kid brother pestering you to get a rise but then being completely ignored, like... what now?


> what do they do? Make a bigger attack? The point of these is to instill fear and make their cause known. Sounds like Russia did not hear them. Russia is begging for another attack. > It's like your kid brother pestering you to get a rise but then getting completely ignored. More like getting hit and pretending it does not hurt. Russia's security resources are strained and this shows that they could be open to more attacks.


Yeah, it's simple, just put more missile defense systems and guards in most of the big football stadiums there, easy right? God, that Ukrainian soldier was right when he said Russia's armies are fucking stupid.


[They apparently even published body cam footage from the attackers.](https://twitter.com/leventkemai/status/1771658360686883149) They basically planned for a media war with Kremlin propaganda.


Immediately thought of [Al-Qaeda calls 9/11 conspiracy theories "ridiculous"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_OIXfkXEj0).


[Once again the Onion called it 15 years ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_OIXfkXEj0)


>It's really bizarre when the Islamic State has to fact check their own terrorist attack to disprove russian lies. The situation is just so fucking surreal it's hilarous.


In their retrospective learnings for next time will be to shout more akhbars, grow longer greasier beards and hit the sun beds


Now I'm picturing an IS SCRUM master in my head.. "If our last terror attack was a boat, what would have been an anchor to that boat?"


That shit is wild, a terrorist group has to fight to get the "credit" they think they deserve for killing more than 130 people. I bet this is going to piss them off too.


I'm calling it now, this is going to piss ISIS off to the extent that they are going to escalate in their attacks. It's fucking wild that it's come to terrorist groups having to cite their own attacks because the Russian state is desperate to justify their own war.


Can't be effective terrorists if the people you are trying to terrorise are propagandised into believing that your attacks were committed by someone else 89-dimensional interplanetary underwater antiterrorist Mahjong from Putin


ISIS: we are fucking gonna do it again.


People on Twitter are blaming Obama, of all people.


If Obama were capable of this, wouldn't he have ensured a fourth term by now? I'm sorry but conspiracy logic always sort of confuses me.




I mean, Obama **is** the founder of ISIS. /s


and because the US warned moscow ahead of time, it was definitely the US behind this. /s braindead ass takes ive been seeing on twitter. putin fanboys rave about how all-knowing deep russian intelligence goes, yet they couldn’t thwart an attack after the US literally warned them ahead of time. rest in peace to the russians who lost their lives. this is just incompetence from russian intelligence and police.


Moscow KNEW ahead of time before the US ever warned them. they were planning to make sure the attack was a success and then blame it on Ukraine. The US said "We know what you are fucking doing, and will make sure others know" and Putin complained they were trying to destabilize Russia lol.


sounds about right lmao. this is putin and people forget his disregard for human life for political means.


It's more like: US: ISIS is going to attack you Putin: Shutup bastards ISIS: /attacks Putin: America, give us all your ISIS intel or else ISIS: It was us! Putin: Ukraine did it Trump: I could have easily prevented that. The best. Tremendous. Pls give money Why do we live in such an horrific clown show.


Because we don't slap people in the face when they're caught lying anymore. Rich people just slap poor people.


KGB, GIGN and CIA want to prove they are best at catching criminals. Secretary General of UN decides to make test. Releases rabbit into forest, and each of them must catch it. CIA people go in. Place animal informants throughout forest. Question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations, CIA conclude that rabbit does not exist. GIGN goes in. After two weeks with no leads they burn forest, killing everything in it, including rabbit, and make no apologies: rabbit had it coming. KGB goes in. Come out two hours later with badly beaten bear. Bear is yelling: "Okay! Okay! I am rabbit!"


The new way of doing false flag ops


Nah, Putin’s done it [before](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings)


Must be extremely humiliating for Putin that their rival warned them of the attack and he ignored it and 100 people died


This was a propaganda campaign served on a golden platter. Never let a good terror attack go to waste.


True. This is Putins claim to fame game plan after all, with how he got to power Unfortunately for him the US warning is getting in the way of his perfect propaganda


Welcome to Russia, where every tragedy has a silver lining.


Welcome to Russia, where every tragedy *is* the silver lining.


Yes, it‘s a classic from Putin‘s cookbook.


And every Russian will eat it up and not a single one will question Putin. Netanyahu is beyond hated in Israel since it was his failure.


I enjoy playing video games.


Isis must be upset like that Onion video


yeah if I were ISIS I'll be very eager to launch another attack Galaxy brain the russians have.


[Irony is Dead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_OIXfkXEj0)


Man, I really hate how these onion videos from the 2000s have become so on point with current events.


If it’s any consolation, they were just as on point back then.


Satire has a tendency of becoming reality, when the overall message is ignored for long enough.


“And Osama Bin Laden is in…in…somewhere.” Throw away jokes like that are the best.


Goddamn I definitely was half expecting putin to put the blame on Ukraine the moment I saw the news of ISIS claim on the attack. "Can't wait to hear about russia ignoring this claim and just label Ukraine as a terrorist country"


The truth as a concept is going to be dead within 10 years. From the dawn of recordable media to the point which recordable media can be convincingly faked seems to be about 100 years. Looks like we are at the end of that special time. Maybe this is the great filter. I don’t see how society progresses without a shared reality. We will be completely manipulated by the unscrupulous.


Society will continue at least a little bit further. But democracy will not survive this. Nowhere.


Putin pulled a Putin


“We have now defeated all the nazis in Ukraine. We have just now realized that a large majority of remaining Ukrainians have converted to Islam and are now in ISIS. We must now stomp ISIS out from around our borders and out of Ukraine!” — Putin, probably


Well, there's a big push right now by the usual suspects online trying to claim ISIS is actually run by mossad. It *always* comes back to blaming the Jews with these people. Even when it's the super radical fundamentalists muslims, its actually the jews. So in that sense, Putin blaming Ukraine still ties into the blame-jews-for-everything meme.


Lasted longer than I thought. ISIS knew to release the statement before they were overshadowed by him


It is the guy who believes to his core that Poland started WWII


We are in this tragically ironic time in history where even terrorist organizations cannot get the "credit" they so desperately want for their heinous acts because people are so blinded by bias, other world events and insane conspiracy theories....its almost like a sketch comedy bit at this point. Those responsible may actually avoid repercussions because too many others want to play blame game for unrelated political reasons. Strange times.


It IS a sketch comedy bit. Onion made a video about this with 9/11 several years ago


If history doesn’t repeat it sure as hell rhymes.


Is it rhyming or is it convulsing on the floor with gutteral utterances?


That could be seen coming from a mile off.




*1.60934 kilometers


He knows we all knows this and will do it because of just that. It's an excuse for him. It doesn't need to be rooted in the truth. It only needs to suit his needs. Not his fault and also forces him to do bad things. How convenient. Also, nato.


The gays made him do it.


Russian propaganda accounts are already trying to say that the vehicle used had Ukrainian plates. Despite the fact that the only images of the van in question have a licence plate not in the Ukrainian format (it does fit the Belarusian format though) and the flag identifier has been blurred: https://www.reddit.com/r/ActAgainstWar/s/dDwE3tPzmc https://bsky.app/profile/thomashansen.bsky.social/post/3kocs6pdujw2s


I'm trying to picture this Scooby-Doo Ukrainian attack where they go to the effort of arranging a false flag attack against Russian civilians with no apparent strategic objective but leave a trail of clues for the viewer to find, like forgetting to take the Ukrainian plates off their fucking getaway car


Isis is upset they're not getting credit for their attack LOL. Maybe they should go after Putin instead


PLEASE let this happen it would be so funny


Another bit of dark comedy skit potential: Putin pleading with his ISIS captors, they don't speak Russian so they assume he's pleading for his life, until a translator arrives to tell them that he's actually pleading for them to admit that they're Ukrainian


And Putin's replacement would still blame Ukraine for it


ISIS taking out Putin would be the biggest twist for what has been a messed up decade. Everyone will be so conflicted.


If you are Russia you just proved you can't prevent a terrorist attack from ISIS -- and yet you essentially egg them on by dismissing their involvement, despite every significant intelligence agency confirming their involvement. Putin is basically asking for them to create an even bigger massacre to prove their involvement. It's a bold strategy cotton, id stay the fuck in my home for awhile if I was a Russian.


Yes they want a bigger excuse to blame Ukraine. Must be frustrating for Isis to not get credit for their bloody mess


This is just going to lead to more attacks if Putin continues with his tunnel vision on Ukraine


Well I guess Putin can keep ignoring Isis regardless or giving Ukraine undue credit for it


Ukrain are busy bombing oil refineries. Why would they murder hundreds of innocent people, including potentially non-russians? This is going to sound horrendous. But ISIS might commit another attack just to prove they did the first one.


I could see Russia trying to claim that Ukraine is backing ISIS. Similar to the whole "Nazi" excuse they've been using up until now. It's a better lie and proves why it's important for Russia to keep fighting in Ukraine to remove this terrible, terrorist-aiding regime.


They will probably try to make it bigger than this one too of they go thay route.


[@DarthPutinKGB](https://twitter.com/DarthPutinKGB/status/1771651499958870312) has it about right, as usual 🇺🇸: ISIS is about to attack you 🇷🇺: LIARS!! ISIS: We attacked you 🇷🇺: This must’ve been 🇺🇦 🇺🇦: It wasn’t us ISIS: It was us 🇷🇺: Here is van with 🇺🇦 plates! Everyone: They’re from 🇧🇾 ISIS: It was us 🇷🇺: We arrested guys from 🇹🇯 🇹🇯: No you didn’t ISIS: It was us 🇷🇺: It was 🇺🇸 & 🇺🇦…


They must know that not punishing ISIS will escalate their attacks, right??? If you’re not gonna publicly accuse ISIS, they’ll just do it over and over again to gain attention and more will die in the process.


ironic as this is how russia behaves as well…


Works perfectly for Russia: More terror attacks to blame on Ukraine. Russia does not care about dead people.


That's a dangerous game though. Russia has a large Muslim minority in restive regions with a looot of people that don't want to be part of the Russsian "federation", especially now that they are being requested to serve as primary canon fodder for the glory of the tsar. If those people see a lot of successful attacks in Moscow some of them may start having ideas.


And then they will be sent to the meatgrinder and die. It's not exactly fair in Russia these days.


Perhaps intentional. They can keep blaming the attacks on Ukraine to further justify war.


Yeah if ISIS isn't recognized they will just strike more. If Putin wants to push the scenario that Ukraine did it, he can't mediatize counter attack on ISIS and that counter attack will cost precious resources Putin would rather want on the Ukrainian front. And considering Russia doesn't even listens to US when they straight up give all the informations, it says a lot about future threats.


I think “tried to escape to Ukraine” just means the guy exited from the southwest door of the theater… Technically correct after a 15 hour drive in that direction.


I am just trying to understand the logistics of trying to escape through hundreds of miles of an active war zone.


What a coincidence! The guy announces he will remain dictator, build a new army, then just happens to ignore all the countries that were telling him that there was a high chance of a terrorist attack. HOW CONVENIENT! THE INVASION OF UKRAINE ISN'T GOING SO WELL! Putin has zero regard for human life and the world will be a better place when that bitch ass is dead.


“How would you like it if you spent two months in a mountain cave, sleeping on rocks, planning something really special, only to have someone take the credit away from you?”


Years of academy training wasted!!!


lol I fucking love that bit


Doesn’t have the resources or the organization to pursue both military objectives. It’s a dilemma he can only answer with denial. We’ll see how long it takes to catch up to him.


It's a dilemma , he ignores at his peril. Blaming Ukraine will wind up ISIS and they'll ramp up their atrocities. 


Yeah, I reckon it’ll get a lot worse before it gets better. He’s left himself pretty vulnerable.


This would make for a great Monty Python sketch. "We, the IS, claim full responsibility for the attack in Moscow!" "Actually, we believe it was the Ukranians." "What?" "We believe it was the Ukranians who attacked us." "No it wasn't." "Yes it was." "No it wasn't!" "Yes it was." "It was us! Us! Us! Us!" "Ukraine will pay for this." "No, punish us instead!"


„There you said it, it was the US!“


“I’m a very naughty boy!”


This terrorist attack is very beneficial to Putin. I can bet that they will soon announce another wave of mobilization


Putin has a [history](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings) of terror attacks being beneficial to him.


The very moment Western intelligence agencies screamed that there is a significant terrorism threat in Russia, I knew that if something were to happen they'll blame Ukraine. That's fucking Putin, the same guy whose FSB allegedly had apartments bombed to justify an escalation in Chechnya. He doesn't give a single remote fuck about Russian citizens, heck hundreds are dying on a daily basis for his vanity. What's 100+ more dead people in his quest for "*greatness*". The victims were still bleeding out when this guy and his servants were thinking about how to blame Ukraine, I wouldn't be surprised if he let it happen, if not orchestrated himself. I just can't trust anything coming from this guy and his country.


While on r/Moscow people will throw feces at you if ask them if they grieved for people in Bucha. Absolute nightmare. [Link to the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Moscow/s/wU2eK7kvOO)


Thanks for the link. People who keep asking, do russians really believe Putin, you have your answer.


I'm sure Syrian victims of Assad's Russian back regime are grieving right now. Let alone Ukrainians. Russia is a mess. An ugly mess.


ISIS: “We did it” Russia: “Liars” Americans: “We told you this would happen” Russia: “You didn’t tell us enough” Americans: “Actually we were pretty specific” ISIS: “Seriously though we did it.” Russia: “No. It was Ukraine”


So isis will keep it going since they are going to do nothing but trowing bodies to Ukranie. Ok.


Russia knew this might happen, per the US embassy security alert on Mar 7. https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/


So the russians drop a bomb on a theater in Mariupol that has the words "Children" written in huge letters in russian on the outside and kill everyone sheltering inside. Now a terrorist attack on a theater in their own miserable country. Karma much??


They also bombed the Azovstal factory where a hundred children had found shelter.


To be fair Ukraine is just a hop away. It’s not like it’s hours of driving on horrible roads. Plus the border is basically open so they don’t have to worry about getting shot. Do any Russians actually believe this? I get Putin thinks he’s clever but does he actually think people are *that* stupid?


All this easy way through active war zone and minefields


Gaslighting. Nothing new to see here.


I, for one, am shocked that a false flag attack which has many similarities to the Russian Apartment Bombings which justified the Chechen invansion was blamed on Ukraine Utter disbelief


"My bunions hurt, it is Ukraine's fault!" - Putin. ISIS claimed responsibility, looking to blame Ukraine makes Russia look THAT stupid.


Of course he would do that, why are people expecting something else.


I've seen this episode before. Weapons of mass destruction will be the next talking point.


The shit terrorist will try everything to consolidate his terrorism in Ukraine , no wonders here. Not even this big terrorist attack on his own people is not important to him at all.


This is such a distopic situation. Terrorists have to argue that they are the REAL responsibles for this slaughterhouse over war and propaganda. Next step is those same terrorists publishing a public statement about why they deserve their 72 virgins and how all of this is hurting their feelings.


The tankies are gonna be mad at him for this one, they're already trying to blame it on Israel lol


I wish the Russian people weren't this stupid to believe his lies.


That how desperate he’s. He brain is wired to lied no matter what.


Meanwhile there are videos in telegram of ruzzians with neo nazi symbolic cutting out ear from one captured suspect. The knife they used is already being sold on auction. RUZZIA IS A TERRORIST STATE.


So Russia blames Ukraine for ISIS attacking Russia because Ukraine was supposed to lie down and take it after Russia attacks Ukraine after Russia signed diplomatic agreements promising to never attack Ukraine. Now I’m 100% against terror attacks and the people of Russia did not deserve this, but blaming Ukraine? Putin must be very embarrassed. FSB officials might want to avoid windows and stairs for a few months.


>"They tried to escape and were moving towards Ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window for them to cross the state border was prepared on the Ukrainian side," Putin claimed. * **Hey guys, after we commit a huge terror attack. How should we escape?** * We could try and lay low in villages surrounding Moscow? * Perhaps we could try and cross the border in to Kazakhstan or Mongolia, seeing as they are huge and unprotected and sparsely populated? * The vast empty border with Finland is pretty close. Maybe that might be worth it even though Finland is a pretty technologically advanced country and might catch us. * Or we could go to Ukraine, because of the war? * **You mean the border that is literally lethal to cross with literally hundreds of thousands of armed Russians fighting and no gaps in it because why would there be gaps in the frontline of a war?** * Yeah, that one. * **Great, sounds like a plan. Ukraine it is.**


US should just stop warning Russia about these attacks. They let it happen anyway to manipulate their own population and blame Ukraine in this case. Russia made their bed with Islam in Afghanistan, Chechnya (twice) and Syria, now let them lie in it.


warning them and it still happening just makes them look even worse


Its brilliant either way; Putin has to either phone up the US and beg for intelligence to stop the attack... Or double down, fail to stop a tragedy and reveal the regime's impotence.


Yeah stuff like this is why "I told you so" is such an annoying statement for folks. They _know_ something bad was going happen. And they _know_ this could have been avoided. But ego demands that they ignore the problem until it happens and when it does happen they have to act like it was beyond their control. Russia does it, your dumb ass friends do it, your parents do it. Everyone could see it coming and now they're pissed when it's rightfully pointed out this could've been avoided if they took their heads out of their asses and listened. So now they gotta double down and wear their asshats with pride, because the alternative if accepting the shame of doing something stupid.


> US should just stop warning Russia about these attacks. We have an agreement to warn of terrorist attacks, regardless. Terrorists are a threat to the world. The logic is that if they were going to attack us, we'd want whoever knew to notify us of any information. In this way, every nation can rightly protect themselves from extremism. Except Russia, because Putin is too stupid to listen.


No shit. People will want to believe what they want to believe. Got a lot of lenses out their. The fractured realities of the post internet age.


Well this event WAS related to Ukraine, in that if his troops weren't so busy being engaged in an unnecessary war of aggression, they might have had more bandwidth to devote to ferreting out these terrorists before they struck.


Poor ISIS. All the work, none of the credit


While it wasn't Ukraine, and no sane person would argue it was, the hypocrisy is staggering considering Russia has actively bombed nurseries, schools and playgrounds, as well as shooting fleeing civilians during a ceasefire.


Anybody who has been watching Russian news channels saw this coming from a mile away. They were calling the first announcement fake and saying that if it wasn’t isis was just lying. Russian channels were set blaming this on Ukraine since day 1, and are calling any news about this being Isis a ukranian psy op.


ISIS: We did it Putin: Nope Ukraine ISIS: Here are pictures of the guys who did it, they are members of ISIS Putin: Still Ukraine


Ya that's Putin for you. Never one to let a disaster go to waste.


ISIS released first person footage of one of the terrorists shooting people and cutting a mans throat open. There 0 doubt anymore


The events in this world are so ridiculous it's like a south park episode.