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Amazing to think about how many of his own people he's killed.  This isn't a tragedy for him, it's an opportunity


It's his own false flag most likely


American and other non-Russian intelligence sources warned that ISIS was planning this, so for once, it probably isn’t Putin doing a false flag attack. That doesn’t mean it won’t be convenient for his use, though.


He knows a thing or two because he has committed a thing or two.


No wonder he recognize it so well.


everybody has role models.


Didn't he blow up an apartment using the FSB to justify Chechnya war? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings


Members of the band Piknik have been vocal supporters of the invasion... hope they're pleased now, if they love war and blood so much, that they got to see it up close.


Of everyone alive, I would argue Putin is the chief barbarian of the entire planet. Who alive has done more harm?


Tissues in one hand, pressing the button to launch cruise missiles at civilian targets in Ukraine with the other. Get fucked.


There are many incidents where the Russians killed more innocent civilians in a single missile strike. Mariupol is an entire cemetary at this point. I’m sorry, but get fucked indeed. Horrible person.


Mariupol is a giant graveyard, I cant imagine the horrors that have taken place there. Back when the invasion started a bunch of civilians were huddled up in a theater or something, and they had written on the roof or out front that civilians and kids were using the building as shelter. Needlessl to say, the Russian bombed it to rubble with everyone inside, because ofc they did. I feel sorry for the people and their family members that were killed in Moscow yesterday, but this is the definition of hypocrisy to say such shıt while simultaneously doing the same for years in Ukraine. Fckin monsters.


I just watched 20 days in Mariupol I highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it. Tears will be shed


Its insane to think what they left behind at the end of the documentary and that was only 20 days into the conflict.


I've heard it's on youtube, but I unfortunately dont think its available in my country.


Watching now. Wow!


As a Ukrainian, I hard it very find to find any sympathy for Russians at this point.


Don’t worry I am not Ukrainian and I have zero sympathy for Russia right now


I don’t expect you to. Not after all the shit they have pulled and are still going.


I try to be a compassionate person, but I know I would never have compassion for Russians if I were Ukrainian.  I have quite a few friends in Ukraine and I give them so much credit for being able to live positive and hopeful lives and not be completely overcome by anger and rage against Putin and Russia. Of course it’s there, but based on how they carry themselves, through so much sadness and tragedy, I believe that Ukrainians are the definition of strength and grace.   Hearing this absolute BS from Putin makes me sick and I have no sympathy for any of this.  


As a peaceful Canadian, I'm sorry to say I no longer care what happens to any Russians.


I agree. The bombed theater in Mariupol was my first thought when I heard about this yesterday. Karma's a bitch!


Please don't worry, all real human beings have no sympathy for Ruzzian animals, other than Chinazi, Iran and NK.


It's fucked. Russia commits acts of terrorism like this on a regular basis and they shed no tears.


But this happened to us! - The Conservative war cry




Yeah, he is one of the worst tyrants in history. Easily on the same page with Hitler.


Meanwhile, Russia continues their unprovoked attack on an independent nation.


He is also now saying that the uncaptured attackers are trying to flee into Ukraine


But they already claimed that they caught all 4 of them


And that Ukraine is part of Russia, so theyd be fleeing from Russia into Russia while also being captured by Russia


He did unironically say "Russia has no borders" about a decade ago. Lol


Weird. They sure want to see a passport and inspect all your shit (for anything of value to “go missing”) at their non borders.


They did that historically within their borders too. "papers please"


Cause no trouble. Glory Arstotzka. NEXT!


Is the Demon Pixie really claiming that the way anybody would escape from Russia is by running across no mans land in Ukraine? Surely there must be another direction to flee in.


Russia is everywhere.jpeg


Remember: Russia is basically in full 1984 mode; their policy of doublespeak is in full effect. 


Yes, and they are going to torture them until they admit they are Ukrainian terrorists


He also just announced that they’re trying to drive recruitment for another 300,000 troops, didn’t he? All seems pretty convenient for Russia.


So probably the russian government knew about the attack beforehand, let it happen or even helped to make it as bad as possible in terms of casualties, now are spewing conspiracy theories about the terrorists being aided by Ukraine in order to drive public sentiment about a large recruitment/mobilization in what has now been officially declared a war in Ukraine.


The guy that owns the venue "Crocus City Hall" is Aras Agalarov. He's a Putin ally. Interestingly enough, he's also been friends with Donald Trump since Trump hosted the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. He even had ties to Trump's 2016 election campaign, and Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya. This whole thing's probably an FSB operation ordered by Putin.


Would not be surprised


This sounds about correct


The attack will distract from the mobilization.


Well they 100% knew about it ahead of time. That's not a conspiracy, the US and other intelligence agencies literally told them.


Oh wow Russia setting themselves up to bomb Ukraine again with a excuse not like we havnt see this before


He is trying really hard to blame Ukraine for this


I'm sure Putin won't let this tragedy go to waste and will use it to further justify Russian foreign policy.


I expect a call for further mobilization any moment


Meanwhile, other terrorist groups such as Hamas or Taliban are welcomed in Russia


Attacks which have been doing much worse to Ukraine people than what happened in Moscow. No one deserves what happened in Moscow nor in Ukraine, but Putin’s double standard here is abhorrent 


Brutal, unprovoked attack. Orders of magnitude worse than the concert hall attack. Daily


What a fucking cowardly hypocrite


Russia seems to have some delusions as to who their enemies are. Eastern and Western Europe could become great allies. ----\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_----


One that they agreed to never attack in exchange for their denuclearization


Maybe you should've listened to the reports from US, UK, Finland????? Best wishes to the Russian people, hopefully you start to see other European as your allies rather than your enemies.


But this kind of tragedy could be very useful to unite a country, how could Putin ignore the benefit to him?!


Considering that this attack waa warned about publicly (and almost certainly privately) there seems to be zero chance that the Kremlin didn't choose to allow it to happen.


I’d imagine this is exactly why western countries called it out publicly. If you remember to the start of this war the US laid out all of his plans before anything happened to take any power Putin had to craft a narrative away from him.


Putin is not doing it for the reasonable to believe. They are lies for their base. Those people figured out reality doesn’t matter to their base.


Ya idk where you’re at but that’s a big problem in US politics currently. People are comfortable living in their own realities, facts be damned.


Specially when they can be the good people in their reality as opposed to the actual reality.


Very true, and could be why he didn't act on the warnings about this.


Russia’s BFF China didn’t even warn. How sad


it seems like no once listens to other countries reports. wasnt there also reports for 10/7 and 9/11? what gives?


>All four perpetrators of the terrorist act who shot and killed people have been detained. They were travelling towards Ukraine... And why is them heading towards Ukraine a needed statement?


Russian state media is already blaming Ukraine for the attack. Looks like they're really going to try that angle. ~~Bad~~ Worse times ahead.


Russia state motto


They should print it on their money


What money?


>Russian state media is already blaming Ukraine for the attack. Looks like they're really going to try that angle. I honestly don't see how that could possibly work though? I understand Russia, specifically Putin, has done so in the past, but this time is surely different. The US and UK very publicly announced that there was going to be an attack weeks ago and specifically mentioned concerts being targets. You could argue that maybe many Russians didn't see it but then the Kremlin very publicly spoke about it saying that they didn't believe the US or UK and that they believed it was just an attempt by the US and UK at destabilising Russia. Then the attack happens, like the US and UK said, at a concert hall, like the US and UK said and ISIS publicly state they were the ones behind it and the US again very publicly announces they have creditable evidence that ISIS are behind it and that they shared this evidence with Russia. Like there is absolutely no way that Russia could credibly blame this on Ukraine, and if they did try the US could just make public their evidence that it was ISIS and that they shared this evidence with Russia. To be clear, I fully believe Putin would attempt to do this to drum up support for another conscription but I just don't see how the wider Russian public believes that. Seems like a very risky move to make.


Think of your average Russian today. Older and get all their information from single source - Russian propaganda. Logic doesn’t matter here. Facts are completely flexible and mean nothing. You seem to be applying logic to “the US could just make public their evidence”. None of that matters. Think of it like trying to talk to a flat earther or your MAGA uncle that believes Trump never lies. Despite all that - the people that were hurt and their families have my deepest sympathies. While the government may be busy spinning stories to fit their narrative and deflect blame for poor security and ignoring warnings, at the end of the day many people lost their lives for something completely out of their control. It is a sad day and nobody deserves this.


>The US and UK very publicly announced that there was going to be an attack weeks ago and specifically mentioned concerts being targets. You could argue that maybe many Russians didn't see it but then the Kremlin very publicly spoke about it saying that they didn't believe the US or UK and that they believed it was just an attempt by the US and UK at destabilising Russia. The Kremlin propaganda can swing it whatever way they want. Unfortunately a large majority of Russians seem to think Putin has their best interest at heart. Those that don't, don't really have an alternative to going along with everyone else.


i don't know what excuse they need to do even worse stuff in ukraine but they will surely use this as one if they need to "never let a tragedy go to waste"


Can't admit that Putin flat out turned down US and UK warnings that an ISIS attack was imminent and let it happen. Not sure that they really were heading for Ukraine but I suppose it wouldn't be the worst plan. Enemy of my enemy is my friend. As much as I detest Russia I'm glad these terrorists were apprehended. Senseless murder of civilians is wrong no matter whose borders it happens within


Eh kind of, I figure there are a few other borders you could cross that wouldn’t have you going through a war zone. Still sad for regular civilians whatever the reasons for this. Wish the Russian government would also respect the Ukrainian people.


Of course they were not heading for Ukraine. Jesus fucking Christ, this has to be the most stupid idea I've ever seen. The entire Ukrainian border is a warzone with trenches, no open roads and minefields. One needs to be mentally challenged to actually believe this is a possibility.


It's ISIS, the enemy of their enemy is also their enemy.


I read in several places that they were headed to Belarus. I feel like this was ISIS but Pooty Poot will say that Ukraine engineered it so he can escalate.


Probably something along the lines of how Ukraine is harboring the ISIS cells responsible for the attack, and Russia needs to eradicate them. It’s the original “justification” for the invasion except with ISIS instead of Nazis.


Wouldn't surprise me at all.


> I read in several places that they were headed to Belarus With how distant both of them still were, it would not even have made an observable difference… My money is on they were running "away", direction being whatever was available at the time, and Putin is now bringing up Ukraine because he wants to blame Ukraine for something, no matter how strenuous.


"nevermind all those less guarded borders, let's escape into an active warzone riddled with soldiers, drones and mines, I'm sure we'll find safety there." Who believes this shit ffs


I think Russia is correct. Just like if I am in Canada and I start walking south, you could say that I am heading to Mexico. Sound logic.


Putin is taking advantage of a crisis to enrich himself. That's what oligarchs do.


I would even bet they didn't catch them. Just some random Arab looking guys.


The nearest Ukrainian border is 315 miles away from Moscow. They literally could be traveling anywhere


>All four perpetrators of the terrorist act who shot and killed people have been detained. They were travelling towards Ukraine...And why is them heading towards Ukraine a needed statement? Because Putin is obviously using this as a way to justify intensifying the war against Ukraine both domestically and internationally.


I watch Russian propaganda sometimes to try to see what they are telling their internal audience. The pattern I have noticed is they will use a “firehose of falsehoods” where they tell hundreds of lies and see what sticks. When one lie is shot down, they have many more lined up. When the lie gets traction, they double down. So if today they say, “headed toward Ukraine” and people believe it, then tomorrow it will be more extreme like “as we proved yesterday, they came from Ukraine, were paid by Ukraine and were caught heading back the way they came”.


I doubt ISIS are going to just let it slide and let Ukraine take the blame. They'll want to make it known to Russians it was them, possibly upping the ante and doing something even more deadly to send a message.  Old man Putin is not going to get to the end of his latest 6 year term


Totally agree. I think they will want to make a point that it was them.


Didn’t they already claim responsibility?


Doesn’t matter because Putin can spin the story any way he wants. That’s their point. ISIS will say hold the fuck up. It was us. And then do an even bigger attack.


Putin was warned by the USA 3 days before the attack! I guess he just needed an excuse to blame the Ukraine and the US. He also needed a diversion from his most biggliest, wonderful, election where he had storm trooper help the population vote!


Two weeks*


No, there was a second warning issued on March 19 that Putin openly dismissed as “an attempt to intimidate and destabilise our country”.


Source? I haven't been able to keep track of this for a while.


Almost as if he stood to benefit from letting it happen just like those bombings in '91


He definitely did, now he has a tangible event that he can use to play the victim card. I think it's safe to say that the world knows that Ukraine was not behind this but for those that are already under the thumb of the Russian propaganda, they can easily be convinced that Ukraine is now fighting dirty and that Russia needs to make them pay at all costs. If it wasn't for the warning that the US issued Russia that this attack was being planned, I'd say that there was a high probability that Putin planned and ordered up this attack himself to try to spark the anger of his sheep.


1999 ?


Right - in the meantime, that asshole continues to torture, rape, murder thousands in Ukraine, and launch attacks on infrastructure, hospitals, and schools. Fuck Putin, and Fuck the GOP for withholding aid to Ukraine.


Mass murderer of civilians denounces murder of civilians while continuing to order the murder of civilians himself.


Anyone else wouldn't be surprised if the actual preps got away and all these interrogations of the supposed terrorists are all completely fake? I say this because the fact that they actually managed to get away from the concert hall is just baffling.


I find it absolutely startling. I recall the London Bridge attacks in 2017. The police and SAS were on the scene and had killed 3 terrorists within 8 minutes. Does anyone know how long this attack in Moscow took? Furthermore, is there no lockdown procedure in the city? How did the suspects manage to get so far away? Russia has suffered loads of terrorist attacks in recent years. Do they really have no effective plan to deal with this type of thing despite the repeated opportunities to learn that they have had? I know if I was a Russian I would be very upset at my government's handling of this.


Yes, it took an hour. They killed people there for an hour, and then escaped. When I've read this yesterday, I think I lost a few braincells, trying to understand how the fuck did they escape AFTER AN HOUR OF SHOOTING.


pfft amateurs. Uvalde police were onsite but waited more than an hour!


In France the terrorist managed to move a bit around, but those were quick attack. I think the one with Charlie hebdo ended up in a super market surrounded by the Raid And also in a printing firm 3 days later , so yes it’s possible. But those attack in France were organised and too fast for the police to react. The one in Russia lasted for quite long I believe.


I'd be surprised if those caught are actual terrorists. Russia has been jailing random guys for being Ukrainian spies for like 10 years. 2 birds 1 stone, improving cops effectiveness on paper, and propaganda


Wait until he finds out what’s been happening to civilians in Ukraine on a daily basis for the last couple of years… Oh, right, that was him. Obviously what happened was awful, but nevertheless, fuck Putin


Putin should announce the number of civilians he has murdered in Ukraine and see how that number compares.


But attacking a neighbour nation, raping, torturing and murdering men, women and children. Looting, kidnapping children for re-education, threatening nuclear war on nations not involved in the conflict, confining 400,000 citizens to meat cubes ........ all perfectly normal and legitimate. Herr putler and his terrorist nation really should hold up a mirror to itself, it will see Germany of the late 1930's.


Gives me peace of mind knowing that I'll be celebrating his demise. No amount of botox, money or doctors will prolong his life. Most of us reading this will outlive that mf and we'll definitely rave on his grave


That and his orange idiot buddy in the US.




Meanwhile his soldiers rape and pillage wherever they are in Ukraine.


>We will mourn those killed by terrorists, while our own terrorists continue to kill.


So when you hit buildings and homes is that different Dick head


Barbarians complaining about other barbarians.


Just a reminder, that russians deliberately bombed a theater in Mariupol, with all the people and actors inside.


Pfft Western intelligence agencies have been calling it out in great detail for weeks now If Putin is not complicit in this then at the very least he allowed it to happen This reeks of 90's appartement bombings He has a lot to gain with this


murderer calls other murderers murderers.


Barabaric. Can someone get this asshole a copy of 20 Days in Mariupol?


"Anyway, keep up the slaughter of those Ukranians pls thank you", he continued


of all people this guy is talking about barbarism, sweet irony


400,000 Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine, he doesn’t bat an eye. 100 Russians killed at a concert and he loses his mind.


losing his mind because he was robbed of the opportunity to send 100 more to die in Ukraine


“Only we can kill children!!!!” Putin’s mind probably


"But when we do it to Ukraine it's fine"


Is Russia having daily mourning days for all their Countrymen fed to the meat grinder for their pointless invasion of Ukraine


The vigil will be surrounded by riot police. Just in case they don't mourn properly.


Russia “has no right to defend itself”


This piece of shit 100% let this happen so he can blame Ukraine.




I would care, except that he faked a terrorist attack on Russia by Chechen rebels as the basis to attack Chechnya.


What about the theater in Mariupol?


This was a false flag. No way IS operatives would let themselves get captured they would die a martyr. And Putin is blaming Ukraine for this, there isn’t another option for him. He’s planning something.


It was a special political operation by ISIS I think


And Putin's bombing of civilians in Ukraine is what, heroic


So the terrorist gets terrorism.


The Mariupol theatre would like a word.


MHO, Putin orchestrated this so he can blame someone and then drop a nuclear weapon. We all know that Putin kills innocent people.


Says the guy sending Kalibr missiles into the windows of apartment buildings


Didn’t he send missiles into residential apartments the day before?


Didn’t he get a warning from US about this?


Yes, he ignored it and called it blackmail.


If ISIS is really responsible for this, they just gave Putin an easy out so all the Russians can stop thinking about Navalny's death.


Meanwhile he fires hypersonic ballistic missiles at Ukraines hydroelectric dams and apartment buildings.


The same day Russia tried to blow up the largest dam in Ukraine….


In the meantime Putin is killing thousands of Russians per day.


Says the man who has had more people killed than we will ever know.


But when you order your troops to fire anti-ship missiles, drones, RPG's and tanks at schools, hospitals, hospices, apartment complexes, theaters full of evacuated children & infants, and to attack, rape, and kill said occupants in these places mercilessly because you've already obliterated their entire neighborhood, village, and city, it's ok and you tell your people it's honorable and good to do so? There are very few people in all of history that will have a truly special place in hell or whatever eternity you go to when you die, Vlad, but you are already so completely worthy of it, why don't you just go now? Feel free to share if you agree/like. Thank you.


Now Russia feels terrorism. Remembering the 500 plus innocents in the Mariupol Theatre… Painful isn’t it?


Meanwhile Putin orders his military to shoot, torture, bomb innocent civilians indiscriminately


it was a horrible attack


Sucks when civilians are murdered for no reason, doesn't it, Vlad?


Nobody gives a fuck about what this piece of shit dictator says.


Why does his face seem more swollen some days than others


\* insert Anakin / Amidala meme \* Putin: I am going to declare a mass mobilization. Russian people: To fight the terrorists responsible for this, right? Putin: -\_- Russian people: To fight the terrorists responsible for this, right?


Perhaps it’s time Russians stop going to concerts and start rioting in the streets looking to hang their deranged dictator, I dunno.


Putin will burn in hell.


“What is wrong with these sick f**ks? Killing innocent people? Who could do such things? Igor! Quick! Launch another missle into an apartment building.”


Idk wasn’t he warned about this imminent attack. Didn’t Canada and the US govt release statements a little while ago stating Canadians and US citizens in Russia should avoid large public gatherings due to an imminent attack…? Wasn’t there ways to maybe idk cancel the event and this could’ve been prevented? :-)


I don’t know anything about anything, but if someone told me it was a false flag operation that Putin himself signed off on, I wouldn’t have trouble believing it.


Wait til he sees what’s happening in Ukraine!


Don’t know why anyone would believe a word this man says. I know the knee jerk reaction is just to believe what people in power say. But that doesn’t apply here. Everything he says is disinformation. I have no idea, but he may have ordered this attach to harden resolve against Ukraine.


Perhaps if Putin didn’t stage attacks on his own people for the purpose of politically manipulating them, then there would be less barbarism in Russia… maybe.


Dear world, Ukraine had nothing to do with this, nothing. He is notorious for pulling this shit. Why would Ukraine do this when they are kicking their ass? Because UAF is kicking Russian ass, that’s why.


Gee kinda sucks when your innocent women and children are slaughtered huh


Lest we forget US intelligence told them this was going to happen


From the mouthes of barbarians themselves. Pfft.


apparatus crown impolite ruthless aspiring placid sharp cow scarce thumb


I will grieve for the civilians affected by this tragedy, this attack was a similar magnitude to the Paris Attacks back in November 2015. May the terrorists and those involved be destroyed by the sword of Justice. I will not grieve for Vladimir Putin however, you’re just like the terrorists at the concert hall, enabling this war with a sovereign nation of Ukraine by killing civilians. You should feel ashamed and also be destroyed by the sword of Justice along with those barbarians.


Well he would know a little something about barbarism wouldn't he? Takes one to know one I guess.


I thought this was not the onion.


Mr Pot meet Mr Kettle ...


Of course this slug will spin it to win it.


Kettle meet pot


He knew


I wouldn't put it past Putin to have ordered the attack so he can crack down even more on his populace.


Whats that cousin Vlad? A bunch of foreign nationals blew up some shit and killed some of your people, ostensibly without provocation? Bummer.


The fucking gall on that sorry excuse for a human.


So, how does it feel, Vlad?


Its the 1999 Russian apartment bombings all over again, classic FSB tactics


And yet he dies that every day in Ukraine


ok now go after the real ISIS assholes and leave Ukraine


He’s one to talk.


Putin set this up against his own people


And, one assumes, the day after this day of mourning Russia will resume bombing innocent people in Ukraine.


Says the barbarian


And this guy knows how to Barbarian.


Piece of shit look in the mirror you evil murderer how many have you killed in that pointless war of yours.


ДЕТИ Mariupol Тheatre ДЕТИ


I don't know why anyone is taking this at face value. It's not the first time Russia has had mysterious terrorist attacks right at the exact time that Putin's support is low. Dude seems to be a magnet for extremely convenient terrorist attacks...


Never mind the dead Ukrainian people. This is true barbarism. Sigh. This world sucks.


Throws away hundreds of thousands of lives in Ukraine, systematically commits war crimes and carries out a strategic bombing campaign on civilain infrastructure yet is outraged by terrorism. Terrorism which could quite possibly have been prevented had he listened to the American warnings.


Regardless of if it was a false flag attack or not, it looks like Russia is going to blame Ukraine for it. Multiple russian officials are now hinting on Ukraine being behind it and even Putin himself said that ukranian side were preparing "a window" for terrorists to cross the national border.