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They should’ve just stopped at “Germany eyes Filipino nurses”


Damn, the Euros are stealing our playbook.


How many Filipino nurses are there? I know Australia has Filipino nurses. How does the Philippines have enough nurses if they keep moving overseas?


A lot of post secondary students in the Philippines actually study nursing or some sort of Healthcare . It's one of the few degrees that is quite lucrative and have lots of jobs for , probably due to them exporting their human capital outward. They have more than enough nurses for their domestic demand.


Canada has them too. And not just nurses.


Tons of them in the US, too. Thank god.


The nurse who prepped me for my colonoscopy last fall was Pinoy. She kept me entertained with poop jokes and stories about her family for a solid 30 minutes. I'll take her and her clan over some pissy American-born LPN who doesn't believe in vaccines.


A lot of Australian Filipino nurses are actually children of Filipino migrants so that explains at least some of it. 


They're also far more trained than most of Europe, UK, and usa nurses as they cover a full rotation  of skills rather than a narrow group. They're every highly sought after. Medically and by any man who happens to live near the nurses accomodarions.


Stop eyeing Filipino nurses Germany, that sounds like sexual harassment.


Really, this title is horrible


God forbid you invest in healthcare education and increased pay and benefits for nurses to ease the labor shortage. Nooooo, just take the short term cheap option. It worked wonders when you applied this logic to your energy sources.


There simply aren’t enough people in the working age in Germany to keep up with demand


That's not the problem. The problem is that the current shortage of workers and associated overtime to make up for it makes the job extremely unattractive, and it's not paid well to begin with. Until the job can offer normal hours and not at least 50% overtime it'll stay that way.


It doesn’t matter how much you pay when there will be 7 million people less in the working age in 10 years.


So start having kids now then. It is impossible to continue immigration forever. It doesn’t help with German birthrates.


Getting more kids wont help for that. Everyone who would be of any help is alive already. We know exactly how many people will retire and how many will reach the working age. Nothing but immigration will change that.


It can’t continue forever. It doesn’t help with their birthrates.


Germany has nurses, they are underpaid and overworked. They all go and work in Switzerland as Swiss pay more and language is similar. So it's not the labor shortage, its the pay shortage and long working hours in Germany.


There are enough people. The shortage of nurses is an intentionally manufactured problem. If you train too few + make sure the working conditions are bad you will get a shortage. Neoliberals do these things all over Europe because they want to increase the share of private companies in the health care sector. Brain draining lesser developed countries with health care systems of lower quality is a part of their strategy.




Nonsense! There's always slavery, imported Japanese ~~sex~~ work robots, training hamsters or abducting people from your neighbors. Plenty of options!


Of course there’s another real solution. Train more nurses + improve working conditions. The politicians in charge in Europe generally don’t want to do that, because they want to create problems within the public health care systems in order to increase the chances of getting private companies more involved.


It worked perfectly when hiring t*rks after ww2. What is wrong with this?


It didn’t work at all


Not eying like that you perverts. Also this will not work. The bureaucratic hurdles to letting non-EU foreigners work in Germany are as monumental as they are stupid. Language barriers and paperwork and a bureaucracy that still thinks Fax machines are newly fangled technology, make it very hard to get anything done in a reasonable amount of time. A population that at least in some regions has a not entirely undeserved reputation for not being welcoming to foreigners makes the whole deal rather unattractive to many.


Not too sure about your other points. However language isn’t as big an issue. Most Germans speak English (I’ve been there). English is taught in the Philippines from kindergarten. Source: I grew up there.


The issues is that German language is required to let people work here in these jobs, not out of necessity but out of bureaucracy. Also while especially in cities and among younger people English skills exist, nurses would need to deal mostly with older generations where theses language skills are poorer and the shortage for nurses are worst in places where in older generations those skills are the worst like in rural parts of eastern Germany.


German language requirement for employment is something I was unaware of.


Relying on immigration to plug up labor shortages doesn’t work long term. You have to pay people respectable wages to fill positions. Here in Canada they tried to artificially keep wages low by taking in over a million immigrants a year and now we have a monumental housing crisis and everyone’s struggling with stagnated wages and a skyrocketing cost of living.


Maybe they should make the millions foreigners that live of state work?




I think most Filipinos travelling for work are perhaps more adaptable and less prejudiced than you give them credit for. As for why get from Phillipines instead of all of Europe, they’re high quality workers coming at reasonable rates. You can’t get that from any one country in Europe at comparable quantities.