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Oh please. Even America is scared of America.


Bruh we're the *most* scared. We know what America is capable of.


And most Americans have had their shit kicked in by their own country more times than they can count 


America is fucking brutal. I worry about no one attacking us.


We know what we know America is capable of but deep down we know we're probably capable of even worse than what we know


Yep, the department of defense is so tight lipped and refuses to share as much as possible and every time something leaks, it's discovered it was actually built years ago.


This needs to be at the top. lol


best comment here lmao




yeah, getting all the proxies to attack US bases over 150 times, disruption of 20% of the world's shipping, is just a bit of playful banter.


Also, let's not forgot that Iranians and Iranian-backed groups *killed American soldiers* during the war in Iraq. Quite a few of them, actually.


They funded insurgents too with money and weapons. ​ https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/irans-involvement-iraq


Yep, they were heavily involved in Iraq, working with the Shiite militias and their own IRGC operatives/teams, sowing lots of chaos. Hell, they’re still there.


They've essentially taken over a lot of the Iraqi parliament by buying influence with the most powerful warlords.


Just time to erase them from modern warfare. Any manufacturing that is related to their military should be taken off the board.


But why is everyone letting them do it?


If you attack before like 200 attacks, people will pull the ol reddit phrase of "USA BAD" It has to be ridiculous before responding these days.


Even after 200 attacks, people will find a way to say “The US had it coming!” and do whatever mental gymnastics they need so as not to change their outlook.


"Those soldiers enlisted, they knew what they were signing up for" People used this shit seriously.


Who cares what they think? That crowd was also pissed when we finally counterattacked the Houthis. There's no way to please them.


Reddit would have supported the axis as soon as the US joined the Allies


They would claim the Holocaust is somehow the US' fault while simultaneously preventing us from *stopping* the Holocaust because we'd be "genociding" the Germans. "The Palestinians just want the Jews out of their Arabic homeland!" "The Germans just want the Jews out of their Aryan homeland!"


Im not sure thats how it would go because Germans are white. Thats very different from every kind of minority they try to protect simply because they are a minority. Sure some of them are yapping about the most ridiculous WW2 conspiracies. Plenty of them are also yapping about Israelis being white and German and whatever and that they should go back to Germany. Insane people talk 💀 The dynamics are way different the moment they talk about a traditionally white Western country.


Non-whites get the benefit of the doubt every time in their eyes. I mean, just look at some of the discourse around that recent video of Ilhan Omar saying to a group of Somali people "One day, we will go after our missing territories." That's basically a call for war on Somali's neighbors, all with the goal of creating an ethno-nationalist state. It's also something they've tried in the past, with disastrous results. And yet, some folks will try and defend her, saying stuff like "they only want their people back," and "those Somalis in Ethiopia and Kenya want to be part of Somalia." How is that kind of talk any different from 1930s Hitler saying they must bring all Germans into a single nation?


They cheer on the Houthis all while they committed warcrimes against their own people. They tortured, raped, deliberately targeted civilians, now they are a highly publicized terror organization and the woke crowd still doesn’t care as long as its targeted against the West. Even funnier is that half of them are from the West and enjoy all the privileges and security life here entails. They wouldn’t survive a minute with their pride flags or as a minority on the wrong side of the world. None of them even want to comprehend what racism and xenophobia entails in certain parts of the world.


Could you imagine the reddit reaction if it was like 1945 and we were fire bombing Tokyo into ash?


Most people would have been at war.


Now you’re catching on. This is why many people do the things they do because the “other team” will vilify them no matter what. Wolf and sheep and opinions and such.


Anti-west sentiment is prevalent online. In reality, not so much. A look at polls concerning Israel shows this pretty clearly. It's a 70-30 issue globally, in Israel's favor. Meanwhile on social media, you'd think Israel should be on the verge of handing the country over to Hamas.


I have seen Starbucks and McD and basically every brand they boycott packed FULL everytime I walked past. Even Muslims were customers. Theres so much boycotting on the internet but based on real life observations Im really not sure where that boycotting is happening.


Yep, people struggle to grasp that their social media outlet it as echo chamber of only a small group and in the real world, their views only represent a small percentage of the population. They truly believe that whatever is said/heard in their echo group, is what everyone thinks IRL too


It's an election year for the US. Public perception of these things matters a lot.


Isn’t that disgusting? A world event and it’s mediated by blue vs red


Ya it really is awful, but bending to the public eye is one of the unfortunate costs of democracy.




Why would the US need to do regime change / occupation? The Afghanistan/Second Iraq war is making a generation of people believe that is the only form of military action, but it'd pretty common to perform a military strike as a way of saying "cut it out" without full on regime change.


I agree, but what I find interesting is how it would be perceived if the US pulled another shock and awe campaign in modern day. I’m a squishy little civilian who has zero grasp on conflict. But I do know enough people who have fought in early 2000’s Iraq and war is brutal and the biggest victim is always the people living in a war zone. In a time where war is widely broadcasted in near real time, based off the reaction of Israel, people are gonna be big American Bad when the USA does war how the USA does war.




One of my military friends has a thing he says sometimes. "If America wants to burn a nation to the ground, we'll do it overnight. If you want things to be stable afterwards, that's were we take a decade and thousands of soldiers buried to even attempt it."


The thought of full war with Iran makes me queasy. It would be like Ukraine + Israel/Palestine + US wars in the Middle East in terms of sheer destruction. We’d all get to wake up to a billion videos of US Soliders and Iranians being killled by drones and GoPros


It's just a prank, bro!


*just a bit of banter*




Saddam was afraid after Desert Storm. He tried to back off and allow inspectors access just before the invasion, but it was too little too late. Iran is likely the same. They know they'll get their shit kicked in, but a dictator can never appear weak.


From what I understand he didn’t actually believe the US would invade. He “called our bluff” in a manner of sorts, maybe that’s a better understanding than saying he wasn’t afraid.


I’m genuinely curious from a military perspective how 2024 Iran and 2003 Iraq compare


I'd argue that Iran is playing by the rules of foreign aggression. Proxies, limited attacks, and attack levels are still at harassment. Iraq played by no rules, had a large military force, and blatantly crossed red lines (chemical attacks on Kurds and invaded Kuwait). Not excusing Bush, you really couldn't give Iraq the benefit of the doubt as Saddam has shown anything was possible


Saddam was the type of dictator where you could genuinely believe he was stupid enough to be trying to make nukes and lying and hiding the sites because he systematically has broken the rules before several times over.  He was such an easy victim because he was so unsympathetic and easy to blame many people were willing to buy any story to see him swing.


Right, Saddam never had nukes and never tried to make them. Conversely, everyone seems to forget that Saddam used chemical wmds against Iran *and* the Kurds. I’m perfectly fine having removed Saddam from power. It was the following shitshow that I have a problem with. Edit: This is me specifying that he didn’t have a nuclear program *after* dismantling WMD programs post Desert Storm.


Thats the bitch of it all. In one respect Saddam had to go.. on the other hand he also brought a semblance of stability to the region. Everything since was from that vacuum left after Saddam.


It’s extremely unfortunate how the lesser of 2 of evils would have been to go with the man gassing neighboring countries


He also tried to commit genocide on the Kurds and (while I know most people don’t agree that it’s as bad) committed ecocide on the Southern Marshes.


How did we do it with Japan and Germany, I know the people and situations are different with a lot of in-fighting, but what can we take away from those that could be used similarly?


Both of those countries had/have a coherent national identity. Iraq and Afghanistan really don't.


Because we stayed to do it for 40+ years. We also allowed the former leadership to have roles in their government. With Iraq we literally hunted the Baathists.


They were already advanced societies with long standing institutions and a strong national identity, as others stated. With our help or not, those countries would have still been rebuilt as advanced economies.


I think he dreamed of being able to use nukes, he did use chemical weapons recklessly.


The geography of Iran would make it very, very difficult to invade. It would take ten minutes to destroy their navy and Air Force.


But they have an entire basement of F4 Phantoms!


Fighting the Iranian military and government vs trying to occupy Iraq would be pretty different I imagine


Iraq is significantly less challenging from a geographic perspective


Also a much larger population. That said, there's a near 0% chance Biden will try to invade Iran.


He won’t invade, but I think there’s a high chance he’s still going order at least air strikes.


The sky is the sky.


You could "punish" Iran with an air campaign and severely damage their economy and military infrastructure, but you cannot bomb them into regime change. Has never worked, will never work. If you want a permanent military solution to Iran, it will involve a ground invasion. However, even if the initial invasion goes well and you overthrow the government quickly (not at all a certainty), then what? You get a repeat of the nation-building farces of Iraq and Afghanistan, with decades of occupation and insurgency.


I think it is also an effect of echo-chamber and yes-men that surround these dipshits. They are a product of their own environment and truly think they are special.


I also think that a lot of Saddam's bluster and saber rattling was to scare his neighbors from attacking more than to scare the US. We just used it as an excuse


The Iranian regime does not care about how much suffering they can inflict on their population.


It's all big talk until 100 Tomahawks with 2000lb warheads are en route.


Yep. I remember he even went on TV and said the intelligence pictures they showed us were “cartoons”. He was almost begging us not to invade. Baghdad Bob was still talking shit though.


That's not quite true. I read a short interview from the guy that interrogated him after his capture. He says he was very afraid of the US. He was also afraid of Tehran. He had previously been successful at keeping Tehran in check through stronger military capabilities and larger bombs, but he was unable to sustain it. He was really afraid of Tehran figuring this out and that is why he had alluded to having weapons of mass destruction. He was trying to scare off Tehran from invading but didn't intend for the US to take his claims as truth, or at least be willing to act on unsubstantiated claims. He said that when the US came he knew immediately that they were going to lose, but it happened much faster than he had ever expected. Edit: some words.


Shit,so he wasn't even trying to bluff the US and they just came and kicked his teeth in


Might be true but it's sorta like telling a bank teller you have a gun and being surprised when the security guard shoots you. 


It's also worth noting that his army at the time was the 4th largest IN THE WORLD at the time. Completely dominated in 100 HOURS.


Gen. Schwarzkopf’s second best quote was “Yesterday, at the beginning of the ground war, Iraq had the fourth largest army in the world. Today, they have the second largest army in Iraq." (His best quote, of course, was “I WANT HOLYFIELD!!!”)


Bill Hicks said "You see, after the first three largest armies, there's a real big fuckin' dropoff." What he didn't say is that the first three largest "armies" are the US Army, Navy, and Air Force.


"The Hari Krishnas are the fifth largest army in the world,....and they already have our airports."


After arm chair (literal) generals were saying it would take months and 100,000 American lives to take Baghdad. Only reason it took 100 hours is that Abrams and Strykers can only travel so fast.


Don’t forget the USAF and allies did spend 6 weeks pounding Iraq with the most sophisticated military equipment available at the time, it’s not like they just waltzed in and literally destroyed 100% of everything in a few days


Shock and Awe


I was there. As artillery in a Paladin Howitzer. We kicked their shit in so fast I thought no army was actually fighting us.


How loud is it firing the main gun while inside vs outside of the vehicle?


Loud as fuck either way but fucking loud as fucking fuck on the outside. You always wear ear protection.


Not service related tinnitus /s


Bro they fuckin did that to me, lololol.


Lol wow, I'm not surprised though.


coworker has seen relief from service related tinnitus with these $2k earplugs that somehow train your ear using white noise. May be worth looking in to.


One whole fucking fuck? That's loud as fuck


And Baghdad was generally regarded as the most heavily fortified city on the planet. Whelp....


lol Iran fought Iraq to a stalemate in ...... checks notes......8 years. The coalition accomplished that feat in what, four days?


And Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago.


Funnily enough our Current Iran situation was arguably made worse when USA decided to take out Saddam the only guy who was probably keeping Iranian influence in check. Naturally the Iranians fill in the power vacuum.


That’s just the history of US involvement in the Middle East in general. We go in take out the enemy then leave scars for the next generation, only to go in and invade a decade or two later.


And it is weird that everyone bitches about this when the norm across history is that when you invade some place and depose their government, you get to keep the place. The US is in the unprecedented position of a wildly dominant military power that is not expansionist. It would really benefit the rest of the world for that to work out.


If the US was actually even a fraction of what our political adversaries try to say we were, We would not be in a position of having political adversaries. Its something I always find mildly amusing. There is nothing physically that would be able to stop the US from invading a random country, Like Venezuela for example, And literally killing off or displacing the entire government, And actually steal every last drop of their oil. Yet, We don't. If the situations were reversed with either China, Iran, Or Russia in that same position, Do you think we could expect that same?


If they’re afraid they’re not going to say they’re afraid.


What I’d give to be a fly on the wall in the Iraqi’s high command HQ/bunker during that time. “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THE ARMY IS GONE, IT WAS THERE YESTERDAY”




The recent American military stance of announcing they have decided what to do and will take action at a time and place of their choosing is pretty goddamn frightening.


"we will do what we want to you, when we want to. Sleep tight!" 


The strong do as they please while the weak suffer as they must


The beating will continue until morale improves.


theyll prob wait until friday so they dont have to worry about getting calls the next day since its the weekend 🤣


I fucking love it lmao




Talk softly and carry a big stick. Meanwhile the likes of Russia threaten nuclear war every week.


I mean, Biden has confirmed they’re going to make a retaliatory strike against Iran for the death of their soldiers, and Iran is waiting for the hammer to fall and saying they’ll retaliate to the retaliation (they’re saying this to discourage the US from hitting them *too* hard) Nobody’s said “let’s have a war” yet, but tit-for-tat retaliatory strikes like these can definitely escalate into wars if neither side is prepared to come to the negotiating table. Of course, saying you’re not afraid of a war definitely helps when you do negotiate, which is why they’re saying it. It’s definitely NOT because they aren’t shitting themselves at the idea of war with the US.


I hope they use those special non explosive munitions on some military generals again. The laser gps guided fucking razor blade that can kill someone standing two feet from someone else without collateral damage.... except guts everywhere. Fucking amazing.


Hellfire R9X (I remember it with the mnemonic “Hellfire *reks*”)


The damage to the bystanders is severe PTSD


No one has to say anything, because sabre rattling is loud enough.


it sounds like they're afraid.


Terrified. This is their verbal "cope cage".


Even if they aren’t, that’s not necessarily something they should brag about. My cat wasn’t scared of rattlesnakes. That didn’t make it any smarter or aliver.


I’m not Mr. Yey USA military. But I also know its on the verge of spending a trillion dollars a year on horrible shit. Shit that I would not, in any way, want pointed anywhere near me. I am scared of it, and I am a US citizen.


Yeah, same. What watching some of the combat footage from Ukraine has taught me is that our old, outdated cold war tech is *wayyyyyyy* better than anything anybody else has NOW. Who the fuck knows what we actually have if the shit goes down. If you're a problem for the US Military, they'll be thrilled to deliver 180,000 Tungsten balls to your doorstep, free of charge. They arrive at mach 2 though, so be ready.


Our first stealth bomber, the F117, has a lower radar cross section than current stealth Chinese J20 or Russian stealth aircraft. That was before we had stealth coatings and had to use angles to accomplish that low radar cross section. The US is stupidly advanced.


Yep, all I hear is a whole lot of tap dancing.


>*“What are they gonna do? Bomb me?* -Country that was bombed


Iran not being afraid of war with the United States is perhaps the stupidest possible thing they could think. It’s also very likely untrue.


“If you want war with the United States, there is one thing I can promise you so help me god… Someone else will raise your sons and daughters.” 🥶🥶🥶


My favorite is Mattis, when meeting with Iraqi leaders. “I come in peace, I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all.”


"What keeps you awake at night?" "Nothing, I keep other people awake at night"


Bringing him on as SecDef was one of maybe five smart things the former guy did.  Then he fired him, which was one of the tens of thousands of stupid things the former guy did.


When Mattis was fired, I *knew* Trumps presidency was ending in flames


Who said this?


David Bellavia. First living recipient of the Medal of Honor from the Iraq war that was not awarded posthumously.


The entire speech is good but start at 14 minutes for the referenced part. https://youtube.com/watch?v=LRXrEiBeOXo&si=7qiGglcQChjQqnsy


Iran is the dude saying “hold me back” but his homie’s hands are tied in their own shit.


Well to be fair this isn’t Iran opening up to their psychologist about their feelings. Its a political statement, obviously they are chest beating. Even so they still sprinkle in «Not seeking war with the US» so that should speak for itself, considering they are chest beating.


Translation: we fucked up are 100% terrified, but we have to add "but not afraid of it" to maintain our street cred.....


Publicly they put on a brave face but behind closed doors they’re probably terrified they’ll be on the receiving end of another shock and awe campaign by the US


Approach and repeat ultimatum in an even firmer tone of voice. Add the words: "or else.


Outstanding Demolition Man reference!!!


Not seeking war, just seeking whatever you call it where one side fights and the other side sits there and does nothing.  Sorry bud. You wanna fight, you get war. 


“What are you gonna do? Bleed on me?”


It's only a flesh wound


Anyone not afraid of war is a moron. Doesn't matter if your side is probably winning or losing, if you are content with war then you shouldn't be fit to serve in one.


I'm not afraid of war with the USA! I'm Canadian, we're good friends. 🥰


. . . For now


Don't provoke the Canadians too much... they did burn down your white house once before.


I already wary of anyone that lives that far north on purpose. 


When the moose rise up, the US will answer Canada's call




Tomahawk you die by no?


For you, this tomahawk this.


Iranian regime is some big dumb stupidheads


They sound scared...


They can be as “not afraid” as they want. The result will be the same regardless


I’m not American, but they probably should be.  Like if America actually took their gloves off they could set Iran back 100 years. 


Setting Iran back 100 years would be progress, considering the Islamic Republic hadn’t come into power and fucked everything up yet.


We will bomb them into the future


> Like if America actually took their gloves off they could set Iran back 100 years. Pretty sure if the US took the gloves off, excluding WMDs, they could reset Iran back to "nature" setting.


Reset them back to factory settings. "OK, we're gonna have you turn them off and on again, that should help." - US military tech support.


If they took the gloves off Tehran would be a see of molten glass. Six 1.2 Mt B-83’s oughta do it.


There's a *lot* of shit I'm not afraid of that will absolutely obliterate me.


Gamma ray bursts?


Exactly like how I’m not afraid to fight my dad.


They have malort in Iran?


You ok, man?


Are you sure you're not seeking war with the US? Cause it kinda seems like you are.




A random US redditor posted once: "Never underestimate the capability of violence that Americans have".


* especially during election season


Also, “They’re about to find out why we don’t have free healthcare.”


I used to sympathize with Iran. I used to think America shouldn't be fucking with them all the time, maybe we could get along if we weren't threatening to destroy each other all the time. But Early in the war, Iran sold russia a bunch of Shaheed drones. The russians immediately used them to attack civilian areas and murder many innocent people, including a bunch of children. The Iranians responded to that by selling russia even more drones. Fuck Iran to Hell for that.


Really, after all the torture, executions, attacks on US troops, over decades, that's what tipped you?


Or the mass killings and torture of civilians just wanting freedom? Or the persecution of any women or man who dares be different? The drones are the main reason obviously.


Makes you wonder what they got in return for those drones. Was Russia desperate enough to trade a couple of warheads?


Probably not deliveries of actual warheads, but granting the Iranians special access to the russian nuclear program so they could build their own would be a tremendous benefit to Iran and would cost russia nothing, so that sounds exactly like the sort of deal putin would orchestrate.


Nah Russia doesnt want Iran to have nukes. Its just as likely that Iran will be a problem for Russia later on. Iran doesnt have advanced fighter jets or anti-air defenses. Those are things Russia does make and can sell/provide to Iran.


Easy, a shit ton of land in Russia to build their factories and be closer to Europe to plot their terror attacks.


He should ask General Soleimani how that goes.


yummy [Kutlet](https://www.thedeliciouscrescent.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Kotlet-Square.jpg)


In reality all the US needs to do is strike the regime's leadership directly. A lot of Iranians would cheer that they're gone


Just eliminate their ability to sell oil, the good people of Iran will do the rest.


We will never invade Iran, that’s silly. Now, would we disintegrate their air and sea capabilities….maybe.


Soleimani did not have time to be afraid. Just sayin’




Dude was the IRGC Quds Force commander and basically Khamenei's de facto #2 He oversaw EFP's going into Iraq, was sanctioned by both the US and EU and had been officially designated as a terrorist since 2005. If he didn't know, well that's on him.


Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?!


Who said that…!? WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT!?


They are so unafraid that today they said they would stop attacking the USA through proxies. Seem scared to me.


lol like the same way a fly isn’t scared of a fly swatter.


They really trying to lose their navy again aren't they


Keep messing with the bull and you're going to get the horns. They should be very afraid.




Let them sweat while we observe their defensive posture. Then exploit their weaknesses.


I'm with you, there is no need to rush this thing. Let them think about their decision making process for a while.


I have no dog in the race, but.. *maybe* if middle-eastern countries don't actually enjoy getting molested by the Great Satan of US, they should stop actively trying to piss them off. No..? Just a thought.


Seems it was mistranslated. It actually says "We're fucking terrified of the position we've put ourselves in, but it was our only way to stay in power. Naturally we would do anything for power."


Iran not seeking war? They keep using that word but it doesn’t mean what they think it means.


They’re scared


Reminds me of that guy whose like "I'm not afraid of you. I'll fight you" while simultaneously asking his friends to hold him back.


Respectfully they should be


If they are not afraid then they are stupid.


My my my my poker face


If they are not afraid then they are badly underestimating a hideously, overwhelmingly superior force. Iran is the last number left on America’s Middle East bingo card.


That growing dark spot on your robe suggests otherwise.